The Straits Times, 29 June 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: Itttfi. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29, 1892. NO. 17,754.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1221 1 BTaUMBHIP COMPAJUES^ iKMSsri.AK AND ORIENTAL BTEAM NAVIfIATION COMPANY. Orrirs— Collyer Quay. Wmtmrm >ud Oodowhs— New 1iar!..,,, T«»mail steamers may l.c e,p», w\ tos,r ,re ontwsrds and leave Singapore homewards on Ibe following date* i— M 0,,.,,,,, J a I «..a.,» j nß# H •'.,!> 11 K....H, j, I, v
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    • 1093 1 lI'A.VIKS. STBAMSHIP COMPANIES. KOMNKLI.IKK PAKKTVAART Sink. Her gkali., and will -ai'-d at MAATSCH.M'I'I.I. »ajjj aaai every four weeks. Inder contract with thr, Netherlands 7 52fTff? tllllll niiiaiaajial v r >' f r t k r llir -lion tnkiug dirret rarco and i«i-.eni»er» to AO| s a HmoAPOBI M.t.s A,.»:.n,
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    • 621 1 lANAI)IAN PAf'IFIC STEAMSHIP LINE Taking Cargo and 1 assvngers to Japan, Canada, 1 1 United stiit..,. and Europe via the a.. i.;, ,n i'a-itic bailway and other connectuag KaiUay Lines und St«*mere. A hteaner of 1 1: line is intended to be des-p.'it.'h.-d from Hongkong on or about, the follow,
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    • 785 1 INSUKA.v;KB Tlm Standard Lif Aasursnce. K.rwich Union Fir. Insurance Satiety. Atlas Assurance Company Firei. Tim Bqaitabie Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine Inanrauo Company. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy. The Tottenham Lager Hi~-r < -m.vim. The Maritime laawaati Compaaj. Limited. For (.articulars of t1,.., Comp-niee see the full advertisement
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    • 754 1 INSCBANGEB 1 HK STKAITS INSCKANCfc, COMPANY, LIMITKU. Head Ornra,— S.ngapoie. But s -ritwd CapiUl I 3,(.K Paia up OaniUl 600,000. Kceerved Fund IU^IOO. The above Company are aooeptiag Marine riaks to ail parts tne worlii at current rate, of r. THE STKAITS RBI IN'StJRANCK COMPANY. LIMII-EII. .Si,l.F,rils-.| Capital $J.00n,000. Paid
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    • 863 1 BANK. HoXOKOX(i AND SHANOHAI i:\NK I Ni. CORPORATION. PAID CP CAPITAL 110.000.000 KKSEKVK FUND t 6.300,000 KKSKKVE LIABILITX OF 10 *****0 PKOPKIKTORS j 110.000,000 Ombm or DiniCTOBS: I i Mi. miv.iv. Ksv, <'hairm»n I. I. 'Basic IK. Kirn IVputy Chairman I E. ItaTtoa, Baa M J J. k. k J
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    • 992 1 NOTICES. THK DISPENSARY. Ml I! AKKI.KS PLACK. PrcpbietobA Illia) j MACKAf HfsINBSS HOURS. Daily from 9a.m.t05 p. m. Sundars from 11 a. m. to 1 p. F.r nrgent casee. where Medicines are r*. aafial during the night, sn Assistant will hr found on duty at the Dispeeearr fraaa In p.m.
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  • 483 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Sin.iai <i»i, i»ra Juki, 1802. P«ODJCI. (»«inbi«r f S.B7J. do Cuh» No. 1 fmo. do do No. 2. BjOO. <;oj.r» B»H 4.15. do Pontianak, 3.90 l'»pi*r Blark 8.90. S»«o Ploiir, S»T»w«k 3.<K). l>«Mrl Sairo. 3«0. Mm b«H. 2*M. Coff»B Ijihorisn. :t-».mi. T«nior« «m»ll Flake, 3.7.V do
    483 words
  • 95 2 fwr mr. linn. To-MobbOW. Ho»»koi>». lAmkarti. 7 l> MM IV n. Hum. lifi.i.oii 4 Sumii-kkf, /'m.. im/. H a.m. M. »i., |-,,i-. A'urmiiu'iu. 11 in, riinv.'Mua vu port<«, 7.i ltJ 3. 1 p.m. Homtkonir. J.i;..!,. '-'p«. '»«im[n,:[., tr.lvju, p Kto itxi. I'yiwr. :i m .,,t .rl. li. :i
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  • 97 2 THE STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, JUNE 29TH. 1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. MUMM 1" il. turn iv MMk |W MMM MMM l^i«n Sai.iihi kt'» Minrnn. i,..«<t<«. 'jHIk Jhh*. A ui.iiiif.-Kt., ii«ued by tbit Mai>|uin of Saliabury aaya that it in in for the elector* to decide whether |.!wliaineut to be devoti-d to iiit.-riial
    Reuter  -  97 words
  • 1051 2 Thi nin.-iit uuuiU-r of Ibe Sixteenth (\ntit, y MMMM a .-mi. -what r.-markalile coDtribulioii, lijMi ".1 'im Kol>iu»00," aud |.iir|>vttiu k to gne a ltutler'a view of Meu-Servi,-.-." It v reanouabK- to awuue that tin' signature \t a. paeudouvin, niinv a ■MMtMggMMI of the |ilate.vl(MH-t
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  • 7 2 Mhii M»i»|||.i,, will be "at Uoiiil-to-iuorrow aftt-ruoou.
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  • 20 2 Thi liriti.l. MMMM "ju If ur rnwi here Tmterdav with M tou. of imu powder ou boa d for China.
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  • 41 2 T«B „,llar.lH,i whi.h Unir tb, juuetiou of MMf V..IU au,| Killiu.-v K...1.U 1).,. 1,.-.-v ui.n.-.l t,, iMCTMMM North Hrid^e aud Hra,» Ha«», Bm« ll will I* ch-ared m future at 8.15 am up, fi. in. aud 3.14 m. ou week dayt
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  • 40 2 Tan Ikili-Ii of MM MMMBI M ,l,e 8,K.,,, uf C1,,., hi., .uthe'C^Mc'tHin will m .Irawn f tt M, AbnW ya.d in Norlb MMM ICoaU ou rVi,h.v eveo.iiK. at 5 I.V Im« mmmmJ iv the drawing are r,-.,u.-itt,u to be MMM
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  • 34 2 hW.BIMIIJ Mm| mm tbat Ml ..I the 1.a.1.u K Ceriuau firms v that llv ha, .btaiu-d MIMI to construct k." 105e.,,, oil tank. British mmi they jut.-v.l -tor...* MMMMI i..,,...n,,l from liatoiiii) in 1,,,!],
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  • 20 2 mirn.lav. the Ut J u v Hff, Ug^ Subp-cl l| ml „u rriei| if j N«««iu— Mr. Tan Boou Huan
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  • 17 2 Thi proposal lo reconstruct the N. 0 B. C. i« not favourably received in inercan. tile circles.
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  • 22 2 Thk homeward mail \»-r OMM| MMaj at 2 p. in. to-day instead of 'i p. m owid^ to her departure Ifing MMMOTmL
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  • 17 2 H.N.M.'a IMM Capt. Ilruch. arrived here from Acbeen to-day to dock an rp pair at Tanjoiig I'agar.
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  • 21 2 Thk IViak Administration Re|iort. >li,. clisamt; the administration of law, aduiita that "an inde|>..|ident '.'oiirt of Api^l lIKIV found 111 cess.lry
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  • 41 2 To mokrow U'iug I'.iblie H'.lidav th. postal Mon.v Order aii.l PmMI I'-.-t I! cheawill l>e closed MMI only the express will U- MMM& The Offi-e close at 4 p. m. and the. mail for J,,|,,, r at the "line MM.
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  • 40 2 P..MX MMMBI i-. UM M t" Ibe .i|,| Uiellt of .1 III "'V Municipal Secretary. t.> the MMM, duties, and aal.try ih,. miv be arrant;.-.! Tne il ,\I .■ CWaMMMMMMi have uot as a nil,. yet formed definite views.
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  • 77 2 At the ii-u-il monthly MMtiag Of tot Maste-s an, l Males AsßOiiatiiui „l' Sli.uis S 'llleuieiits last niuht, an niter, ut ion ..I nil. '.-i was made iacrtaahlg 'h, number of the CsJMMMM to lifte. sle.i.l of .level, aul HMMB. Moan, Carroll Witfinoie and Kills M duly ejected lo bil
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  • 65 2 Thk following proiirainine of uiu.i,- w |i| be played on the Ksplaua.le lo Morni (4.V> p. »>.) din inir the cricket Match tM 58tb r. the 8. 0. 0. Mar.-h T,,RaR,t TsaMn, OIMMM MmsWl»» ftVIsMIW... Slil.i.. MMMM Mf 1 Ut/ Valse H.aJN.I Waldir,,f,| S.|,-ti.,-i Ohrrttt Ali.lni, MMM Martin.
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  • 94 2 A MUM tiiil iilioiit the Ctiiupsv use of tm, wliirli is tolil on tin- suit liority ol a OhIMM cllirii. im tliiit it 18 ciupluvi'il ir pMMrviag tli>* Ihmlics uf the dead. A i iii !'*>• phi 1 iii tin- rcutrt' of a box of
    94 words
  • 149 2 I'm. MsMgkM Mimai| ..f tmm 17th M*S Tl>.' p.».l aMaaMMMMj winch lull Ihvu iv UMM IM MMI China New V. ,ii U'twn'ii tin- liul.i-C'hiua BbstJMtiM .iii,| tl,.' (,'li.n.i M'-nliiiils' MMMIjtN r. to s.iv. t.iiluv, ciiine I.i an aad, nil tli.' tin"- Mi iv.l
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  • 242 2 0a t>iii..liv tMMMj List a Imhm -itll.-.l il bMM! ut M li.-n. ....leu Im <i. eupi.-d aj .in Mtcfcaat, .m,| t. -n.1. -i. -1 a .|ii.iutiiv ol' meat aud i-urrv si nil. MJMg tlicy w,-r.' s.-nt B) j rcktivi'. 111.- Amili wan iucliui-.l to
    242 words
  • 273 2 An Ihsi-kc tor Shot Am.rr bali.|«st n'cloik fMtenlt; afl.iuo.iu, Alfr.-.l EL Hiaioot, an iniliectur mmm UwOraar r<w mbmmuou ol Kabws WM acci'lcutallv shot hi the breast bl bil Malay assistant, h'.irtuimti'lv, bowr'iT, lli<- injuries MM Ml .if Ki-rioiin n.i'.ire an. l, nit. r Ih-ilj; at
    273 words
  • 62 2 HmVM, /./I/, J .-On n IBM' "1 |r«l .mm now uit«tlaM| H«rclo,i«. i'" '"«>' baa I norekml In Mil* of nth Jmm -All »,M kn,,.,, in BarMoua I»" Ml Ml M• f MTal Ktlikr. Some .l^ti" 1 ■MMMnkkn uid ».-vt,r»l p*w»M b»*a l».-n mm) Ml AHM. MM h»» U*u
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 582 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper il Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in siam. Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1161 2 AUOTJON SAy?S DTTRJ \X O-ROVE." HIKIT TIMAH ROAD. AI iTIoN SALE VAI.I '.WILE KREKHoi.I) PROPERTY KKOWH AN Durinn Orovo," Bukit Tiranh Road, PIUDAT, Ir JILY. MM. riMf K i,i,.l.rsii.'uf.l ar. Instructed M Mil hy 1 n. th.'ir Silcroon. ou FlU DAY. l-t .lI'I.V. !»:<.>. Nt J M\ p. in The
      1,161 words
    • 1208 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. MlNirll'AL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby «iv.n tint tl.e Bml» ti ,n and Licen.iuif ol A"*' »'<l"" the Munici]ialit/ of the Town of Singapore for the ve*r lß'jriuniiiK l.t.luno. LSBti aad aadhg "lat'Mav I-*!, will <• immeui" .11 Monday. l:tlh in«i. and bj aMMMM daily. Sundaya MMMMd, between the
      1,208 words
    • 1024 2 I LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. riIHK public r herchv warned I hat from i I A Ist July «an found out ..f dvors. not hsvinif the re(fistrstion hadce for I I the year iMajsM. aitache.l to th. eollsr I (althonirli •n.-l, do,?, m »v be nmnled will 1-. liable M
      1,024 words
    • 81 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation. Jf .8.8. i -.I- I. I /«r lk> JHri.l. r.«». >U«U la »r •>. 0. fln. ll.*, „-#< •>,%. Jl tkt hcyl**! I .-..h4tt.m. i M
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 68 2 Arranji- iiii-iil". Hmmi i.lviii- Nik) OmiMii hi DM and ii nulidm. Cii.-L.-i :>*th Krtrini.-i.t t. 8.0. C. Mr* Mill lift •»t Ihiiiio «t I*.', p n. Mnxi iMm E^plmiaile at 4tf )>. in. (•olf M „.,..I t. Kiuiln. X: is,u.- .fill,. JMJI IVm. Kridat (Jiil; Int.) ThiikHu Cnh l)aii<r>. Sah
      68 words

  • 624 3 A IMTIX "t IMMMII of tlie New I Oriental Bnnk Coipoimlton, Limit, -.1. was s the oMea of the Hank, mmm >„,,,... io,l.i>: in IM MTCMML Th" Manager "I 'I"' Bml siate.l i| la t he had pad I t"!"nrani from tiMdot to •1,,..",,. I
    624 words
  • 301 3 Thk llvii'jk'iii-i Tmtftmph andentaoda il.ut th^n. bj under niiiiliieiailinj a scheme for the cstalilishnient of 11 volunti-cr MfM to ..i|mt.",|" the eIMtuMJ Ho"L'l."iik' Volunteer Artillery, which latter 1.0.1 v the Tlif ill ilnt imili nas dwindled to rorj mMgnMMHtl proportions. Tliut journal says The grounds upon which
    301 words
  • 408 3 Hanoi, hi Jin,, At Xlia.nam a lr.msp.ri „f proriaiuna h«s been lalwa ftom Iha iratea. The .-con tne nhowtag BgM foriemeti list Una iHMiiinsnit in iMwooda. the trk' nflaangsw i-. rerj nnichtrouliled by Chiii. s,. pir.iles. BMUng the ili.tnct mi-;.!-" all over Two pirat.- dii.-fs and ten
    408 words
  • 28 3 P.AO ►t"am«r Wihtt". tfCm London, Ifaaar* Osborai f& Qeotge, i'-r Areadu fro- Uwdoa, Jnm I", htr. Uu&m, M--r. Bain, wd Kels... Ca|.(ain 1'- 11 Ho.. I
    28 words
  • 1425 3 1 duml report, l.v tl,,- Actiag I'.i-iti.h Resident of I' f,,r the rear IWI, is |„,i,i;.,i,.-,i. KINiMIAt. Th" tevenue MIsMM] daring 1801 amounted to 12.8U.000, Mag 1147,600 mm than lb« actual Wtpl •lltll." i.l th" v.-Mr .In ..,1,1,. lo ordinary revenue, IiM.OOO Im than tbe ivv.iiu" r
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  • 1161 3 At (he lillli land MMI uie,tin«of Lbe Manila KuU-.,-. CooipMr lield at Comdon ou !he :Jl»t May, tho Chi'irmau slid We hay.- f i n I- -Mli -i, -lit for our purpo-e. and our riilwav i. Tapidlv a|,|.r se'io^ completion We are op.Mi I'.ir'traffieloTilrlae. till. cii.l of
    1,161 words
  • 85 3 I-... atajra .in.l iiataviu, sWasta, M -ut ol i, 1., m1i. :>. Bcaadi tad < r. r Haaafcoag. Up**, dn. Mth J— a. IsiMai i il i-.. i W, Ai:..i.ui.i. n.i/.i./.ii, am ntk June, W. HaunU an I Co. Kor P*aia|taa (al.iittji. 1...j1,1,,.« «Mk Jim.-. Mirkicaau.l
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  • 1052 3 C irt "i (JkjflMtlMMM W«*d, OMMMf Collar. I Thb ImM T»AM«*r Co., Ap)*ll,,nt. Teo Ah Pea*.- Kctjiondmt. Tni« «aa an MfMl a^ainat a IhWmj <if the BaDKkok OMmlm* Court. The MMM wa» broiiiilit by Tco Ah Pt'an« I .i/.iiii-l tin- Ih flint I unw.iy I' .hhj.i.h fur
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  • 203 3 Imwpmw ..i-i.i. a.. MmJmmJ I'ln- Dial ti.t OMmT, I'lii I (Mr. K. ft, l.iwdfi), r.'iMirtu On hUt}r. Hie Urn, I M-iled SyedJahyah'a MffH PH«Im at 10 iui|.>. (liens Rua.l. He li.k now miiiik 7.1KH1 vine., a.l appticutly in Kikml .■..million, and Im. :,1..ul ;!.no i ,!.-.1.p. .uttici,.|illy
    203 words
  • 109 3 !'«r I'nthny from Yokohama lit. Col »od Mr. Alciand-r From Hon^konif lira. Me««ra. F K. I irth. and Warren. Par MMMMNI from Madra* Mr. Fl-teher. P.r*. a. Bum-it,-- 1 from Deli -M--.r« A Kirn*;, Etelwaay. and 1.-- t- ii Per v a. Jn r n from Calcutta
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 732 3 NOTICE. rpilK MsMMM of ihn and pork 1 farms in the district of lii,, ,-hataiu. for Ihn pnri.,d from I.MIi .Inly. 1S!»2. lo MM Dnc-mlier. |S!i:i. will tikn plam nt Tanrl joii^r Piuans; Uln,, .at 10 a. m. on thn ftith mat. O. LAVINO. 29/ti H N M.'s Consul
      732 words
    • 490 3 BJOBEB. John Little Co. NEW GOODS. i HAND' SNAPSHOT "CAMERAS. for us. with liioUntaneou. or "Rapid f Plat.-. am tnry| handy, ranily worked, and pnalace M*Jf *ffnrtive piptur.-a C ■ou*. Driv.-r>. I'mtnrs. Brsaaiea. <1.-..ka. Ar from lw*t Sroi.-h maker*, alwaya on hand. "SilviHown MM Kclipae Ball«. CRtMifBT. t In
      490 words
    • 997 3 SHIPPING. FOR PBNAN(J AND CAIXTOTOJu f RBSKS A piak A Coa atsamer LIGHTML NINO. 2.l.* ton*. Cant. JO. SpMea. lavmjr 1.-ft on the 24th laetant, mar MpxTtad to arriv* ber* en tbe KHh inai m rout* for th* ahoy* portl. For freight or i»wa»*;i>. apply to Ni»« SAKK IKS
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 104 3 WKATHKK mmVUmT. CiiuUnf Ktattw llotptlal, ;'«i». jMNt 14*3. H»r. rM. ::j K.I. J.. -ii ;r.' n-'- Temp. Kj.ll 81 0 78 *«J Wet Hull, Tii«r. 7rl o T« TM hJS Dir. of Wind 8. 8. W. Calm. *5 atal.T»mp.iii«!i~l- WH -3=5 Mm. rlo. do. 7SO S":?-? KhIMM 137.0 Terr. nd.
      104 words

    • 231 4 Under thia h»«lin(C the following alihr. viatin,,, an ua«l:— «tr.— «t«am»r; ah «lii|i; I") kajaM Brit.-Briti.h; U.8.-Pi,ito.l Sta>««; Fr-Fr«ieh;G«>r. German; Dut —Dutch. J..11. Johora ic.-fl.f. General cargo ;d p. d.x-k pMwnceni; U.— Uncertain ;T.P.W Tan jong Sor Wharf T. P. D -Tanj >ng Pagar I),H-k BW.— Borneo
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    • 848 4 Abbitau since Nook or Yertebdat. Steamer* pawed through: C*-d<}a«ih\rt, Cathay. Japn*. Hydra. Brit. itr. tll« toni. Capt. Fripp. 2Slh June. From Bangkok. 24th. O. c, and 3d. p. W. M»iuH..ld A Co. For BanKkok, U.-Rdi. aUnf*ll.,r)i. Brit. itr. 1,434 tona, Capt Darke. June. From Hongkong. 23rd. <> and
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    • 189 4 .Only mmtk Mid uiubr thU h..,.l whole 'adferiiid dettination U Ihrir ptrjl fa Singapore. Other wtU fcouad fur Java, the nOlfftmm, and other AtutU port*, occasionally rail hrre outward tumiut St Ml »»•»<« ofs«eA K«t/» are <uu MMffMl (o 6« MMMJI IWtMMLI ■■Mb -P'"'. l^'e oj Sailing. KkoM
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    • 75 4 1-kii.V Nil Km. r PT >■'■■>'■ kOM Cm >!■■' Km. Juaa if* .rji(4i. hi. Cithaj H Hjurs II B» S«cuD<lra .!..).> n AU.I.m. Ssoutnt NuaYouf Hiluton £< lUimk.. i. llr.t «r .M r. 5 0 110u^..,,* 1.,,,.- LSI. *(>. Compwij. f,' 1 1 ll«l,Kk..ic lu,,m Jl W
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    • 93 4 D*T. IMkIM '"..*.K, 4 r.,. T N Bwntiwi Juu. Rul,, ~H rii ir I>VllUi 2' Chow l*h>« t win v twwi.,. r I,'ut r h *»tbiZ Bm E Du».:!r Set w^in Br Bg W J Lombaniy :J. litf i z M orr i h ii c»th., L!"*'"' U b.««Dou«i».
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 667 4 /^bS^H]! j. ?kd!ah cigarettes ■sweet "scents!- I; 4^ i fLOXOTIS OPOPONAXJUz vTJIj; Hor>ri>enam, v; i osr, < I voice, NeriFKANGIPANNI PSIDIUM/-^ jf^ yi. nitn. Colds, with MsfWal 2 i; Wh > r m Q oncbitla Insnninia. V-?. V 'V s ti i alleetiona, sml rtilJiculty .tjf i- *Ai in Esp«'*OTaUti.
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    • 248 4 NOTICE* OtaanajM, T H K HIM)") I'11-* *^a9^a^pjM^AgH3QAaMQNßjMEaaj Srr. 1 -J. Sli.l :l. »:ill lUAOOSAI. I'OISTS •■With ol,li,|iin i«,iuta »li«y sr.> siapl) ine,tim.l.le."-Co«r,: )Wn«,/. "They aie a treaanre."—SUmdard. Saju'Lkcaeuokali.tii kinhs I/I Jy l',»t MACNIVEN CAMERON, Waverley Works. EDIKBUBQB. w. A s S OL* laTPomTEB*. &st*% OMT $mak. J Wlt.-l J..:lsH%
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    • 130 4 NOTICEB. Thr pria- „f the STRAITS Tur.» v I*o //,,Har» a al(^ .i,, Vl, .\kr*.i,/ ,«latsat<d tUk^rallywVnßßtad. -ff^^Bfi) TVr ai« lla i.-hI. .-IPWwSS^^^ in. «agac^^a*M faBBBa "L'^'C 7 I ->«^l^S^(h> .•-jftP^ELffoST-^t/3&v r-irTH3-ataTfafd'ifS^-J a.^JiA*i i »*»lr 1 "W^ Eimmel's Toilet Vinegar, Eimmel's Lavender Water, TKEBLE DISTILLED. Rimmsl's Florida Warter, Moit Cool
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    • 261 4 NQTICBB. SIMPSON CO. Coach Buildert. K^TABI.ISHKD 1840. BT APPOINTMENT T« H. R. H. The PRINCE or WALE?, i. a. a. c. i. i. AMD H H. The MZAM or the DECCAN. c. 1.. 201. MOUNT ROAD. MADRAS. J*_ CANOE LANDAU. With eo«h bei <»i *itber pan«lled or on light iron
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    • 177 4 NOTICES. TTPBWBITINO BUPPMEt» JU3T»rriv»H a rr.vt (-"mplot.- supply .11 kind- of TypawHHag ?*K£k Acr«»ori»a inMudinß R'.n.n^mi B« rl Englisl, snd Hammond Hibhm. Oilr-r.. Oil. Erasers. Pm« Copy J*»i2J riallr for T.TpewritinK work. arbon raj M< AMSTER 1 Battery Hoad. FACT 3 FOR THE PI7BLIC. j "rAPH. for duplicating typcwntinK. I
      177 words
    • 266 4 NOTICES CRUBHED FOOD. Trt it ahi> You will be S» r i-. >. JK. BBLUJOB t".(r» to inform ik „,,l,lir lUt li.i Factory for MmZ Qiutll fmi, at N, »«lilioa Roa.l, j, n^,,!!! Firxt Claaa Crushwl Food, S'i.xO W ra.' OanOats 12.80 ln.lii.ii Bran {2.20 To b« lia.l at It,
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