The Straits Times, 28 June 1892

Total Pages: 5
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISH ED mil. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1892. NO. 17,75tf.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1209 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I rr.Nlvmil.AK AND OUIKNTAI, STKAM NAVIGATION COMPANT. Orricß— Collyor (Juay. Whakvks aad OoDowm—Vew ■crlosr, TBBma.l stt»mers maybe otpe t-,I to riT e outwards and leave Hingapore homewards nn the following d-te- '"""i!"" IIo»«WASDa Bsrtl Jail II Kn'.ll., 1,,, Aujl. Jl The above dates are only approximate ih. .mval
      1,209 words
    • 1107 1 BTKAMBHIP COMPAMEH. BTBAMSHIP COMPANIES, j KONIVKLLIKK I'AKLTVAART Siak. H«- gk«li«. ard Fdi will Im' called at I MAATS< lIAiI'LI. ..iilvoiccevcrv f urw.iLs. Under cut net with tht N.thorlaiids Haw, .111 and iirabayi. India. '.V, ri in n' ererj four w. .'k' a >!• -suit r tin-. 111 this dir.c--t, RontSHoN
      1,107 words
    • 637 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP LINE Taking Cargo and Passengers to Japan, Ca- n i.U, the United SUt«« and Europe via the c .i ii n C'lcifle Knilway and other conn, ctm i: no .v Lines and Steamers A dtcmiu, of this line is intended to I* Iron, ll.ii-1.-n- on ur
      637 words
    • 798 1 INBUKANCItB The Btnndard Lif* Assurance* Norwich L'uiin fire lii-nran.-c Society. Atlas Assuranc* C impany T.rel. Th., E<|tiital,l« Lif.. As.u-anc So.:i.,ty The (tcean Marine Insnranc- Company. The China Mutual Strain Navi^alivn Coy. The Tottnnham Lager Beer Caipany. The Maritime lusmance Compai.y. Limited For particulars of I h> (.'ompauios see the full
      798 words
    • 734 1 INSURANCES THE STKAITS INHCKAMfc COS.rA.NT. LIMITED. Hbao Orrica,— B nijapore. Bul a :nt«d Capitol I l,UOi'.UX>. Paid up CapiUl SOO.uOO. Keaerrr-d Fund llo.uoo. The above Company are accepting Mann* risks tv a'l paru of the worla at current rates of premiam. TUB STRAITS FIXE INriCRANCK COMPANT LIMITKD. 5,:1.£,ri1.-1 Capital |J.m«V»«..
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    • 813 1 BANK. HONOKgNO AND SHANUHAI BANK I NO CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 110.000,000 RF.hKKVE FUND f 6.300.000 KKSKRVK LIABILITT OF UIOOOOOOO PKOPBIKTOBS $10,000,000 i 1. 1 or DiaacToaa: 8. C. Ml. HAKLstK. K.g chairman. L. l-.'i-M. ki, y.-., 1 1. put, rhainnan r y. i. i ii,.,, j j. i J
      813 words
    • 627 1 OTOMB. MA RIB BRIZARDAJTD BOOfS Bordttn. Oaraeao, whIU aad rod. Uarasrhiao. Noyao, whna and rod. Old Jamaica RoAaiaotto aad othor linoan. 801. AgnU forlh. Strait*. V. OH. T A LTBIHT It 00. KATZ BROTHERS. 1 rA VK received the following goodt C.cnt s WaUrproof Coat*, (ient Dmbrellaa. whit*, huff, aad
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  • 505 2 LA J t(R M A 111 XT QUOTATIONS. sin«.»i < i.t %Rtu Joke, IB!2 Pkodjcc. -•>m'"t I 5.874 do» N.>. I, 8.75. do m No. i, B.<H iJsjsjM Bali. 4.V5. ■lo l'onti».i»lc 3.80. I'HHMir lilark. 880. <»«o Hour, 3«0. I'nsrl SaiTß, 3.70. :off«, ball 28.50.
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  • 91 2 For Ptr itr. Tun. Mbw*, ijiblMll S.;I:.i:.Uu %Mli4 8 a. :il on Mtlmtm IH i; iii/^.i,,i ,u i«.rt.-., £S i I r<in ii.',. i-. .Siii.iJiii, 2 l> p™.u_. ,u i jit. Fffniii. j f Lwub^j Mnp.rt..., 3 pa L» rm.ti.naV m i|-..p, 3 p I. Auv.ii Tin
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  • 18 2 I On tiwffth iin'..«t th.. HotalsM'lairae, I Alick, tli« iufaut saa uf I. mtm, «x«l I Ida,,.
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  • 174 2 THE STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, JUNE 28TH.1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. brAauana i i*-j|. n— io o— s. §kmm Itaaa. ihi Mission io Mouucco. LomLti, i;'th Jun- It ;ij.|*-«rs that the Sultau of Morocco has now yielded to the I in. v. .l* made by tlic Hritishtioverument. Mb. ilin. i -m Inuisposlii At
    Reuter  -  174 words
  • 392 2 At tba data of Istt mail ad (3rd June i. s|»m ulation Wat rife at to tba result of the mitsioo of Sir Cbarlta Euan Smitb, British Envoy Eitraordin»ry and Minister PleDipotontiarr ia Morocco to tbe Sultan of tbat State. Sir C. Euan Smith and
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  • 1016 2 IMiu the above 111 If Mr* Kosm pro>iiiiialiiy tbe niiinf lad/ tbat recently gave to the world a sprightly and interesting volume of literary and other reminiscence* contributes to one of ibe June Reviews au unpiet. uilnik.' little |>aper founded on a work l>y an Italian writer, and
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  • 21 2 Mb. R..1..1KH baa gone lo Lipul I I'uli.iug) to oofer with Col. Walker who bus [.'one from Kaub tv meet him
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  • 18 2 Mr. Wise goet with n%n%M AU and IM men tv search fur Si Itakmau iv Ibe Bentung district.
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  • 9 2 Ctpt. Byrne (Royal Matin. 1. aven for Kaub to-day.
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  • 12 2 Ihi homeward mail fH Ctithiiy BMBMi at ti p. bj tu- morrow.
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  • 14 2 Thb Muui. ipililv advertise for for sup|.l_ving 5,0«W pairs of jiun. kba lamps
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  • 15 2 li M. Bt i/y«ci«/A left ut aatf-aaal 8 uVlocL tbla moruiu); to Jirucectl to Huugkoug.
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  • 17 2 Tbb NetberlauJt u.ilifies the ■ajalM of tbe aJve.tisetl -il.- of .'.•rt.iiu sago Uii. ln at Liugga.
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  • 28 2 A HKniKu of the creditors of Ilie tW«J Oneutal Hauk Co.iiurati.u, Liinitcl, w, ill held at lh« office of the luuk. K.I" S,| ii.ii. t.iui.inow at lla. in.
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  • 30 2 H. M. S. Wmmm% hatanj InMtaa Haaa> kwKsWSaaaaaaasjtj tbe l/tb mm* had a tiial trii, afur her leit-ul overhaul, and did 17J kn-.ta evervtbiug was salt! tu Imfouud aaliald. tuj;
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  • 26 2 Mk A. J. Lmi-Ii liaa Ir'.mi upu.iiit.d Avt-iux Att..rue\-(}eu. of Masajbatjg during tin- .ibaeii.-e uf Mr. Goodiuau, tho Attorucv-Creoeral, from lUectdouv or uulil further Dotice.
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  • 38 2 Thb Baapßaaß Maj J'«« lath Ihat aiuei- the infixliietiuu ul elee'rl.: li-lit iuto fur li^litiug Ih.- stn.-U, it m-i-iiis to bave found favour witb tin- |,e-i|'l t.u accouut uf its brightness as well its cbeapuess in cust.
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  • 42 2 That BatHati of Hongkong by Ihe elixir ic light wj«. on tbe inylit of th.- I'tli June. left in tWkaatl fur some boll.s owing tv h.itu and couliuuous rain win, h ,i|'|.ari'iitly pr.iv.d laa iniieli for Ihe houils of the Uiupa
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  • 44 2 In tin- Cambridge Ltw Tri|xia, we notice tbat 0m Siaiiß. (Downing) Bat brack.-1.-J 4tb he.i,lui k tbr «mmil i-lau, and tbat C. M. J'billi|w, (Jana) aloud l.itli ou tin- list, alau K'' U| "K ""n.i cla.s ButU uf I b. -in are „11 K.,t!l
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  • 43 2 'amain Olifai of th- Italiau baujuu Avrelia rvpoits, at Anj.-r. Im l,,.vu u .■-.iii.iei. ,1 a whn lwiu-1 a sburt diatauoi to tbe westward uf the UUinl „f I'ri.tau a 1 Acunba iv wbicb tbt- luaiu-sail. up|<-r" ta.uaail, and jibs Weru bluwu away.
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  • 46 2 T hb Mauila Kailw*y Couipauv. Limit. l. have, it iK sai.l. brought an attifu aasiaal the Philippine (tnvcrniueiit |..r every of mercased aulntiily ni.i.h was r.--fused them owiug t.i allege 1 alleratiou of pUns of the Hue from Manila to ltagii|..iu. and have wt.u tbe ea.>e.
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  • 60 2 Tm: latest luiaforluue with which the Chutr Wjfi has Ikvm a«sociate.l t.K.k bke, ve,U.r.l.y on the voyage f r (111 Malae, a. The rqiort of Ibe msnter Htat.H one Oh*. iie».i deek.|» S senger was 1 .-i ovi-ilioaid this a. ni. sometime lietweeu :1 anl 7 .;■> He waa not
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  • 47 2 Tan French authorities iv Co.-hin-Cln^a have introduced au iiuprovemeut whnh will beuehl especUlly those .-mployed in the Saigou rice trade. I' wo aa»«*Miic buo.VH which give awbistliug l.y the action .it the waves have h,.,.,i „|i,,.,i ou liaut. aal«Maa 1'a.i,,,,,, Saigou aud off Kega Poiut.
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  • 49 2 Thi OUbM .U,i.7 bus re, e, v,,l af le -ran, from Shanghai stating that the Pool gr.rm.ut between Meaars. BaMarMd Swire, tb- China Merchants SleamN.!,, (Piliou Co and Me.»r». Janli,,... Math, v,,, Mi C. ha. bwu camvll,,!. Tl.ethne C,»«p*u i e,aretu,,-f..,i. a,-ui, «£1 with each other, at redu.vd freight.
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  • 53 2 anv Mr y equipment for .11 Oiilc. of |bM| famwu'v llow g •ray from this country t,, jj iitlu sil rators. two .«m,.1,U- M.:a.,. „|,u.t». -o I'. 1 I lr l'«rl. lo U.t for month. ui»Lfuplbe order. The r.w.l i. to U, iu.ulieU ,n Bnugkok. aud .ill U. the tint
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  • 90 2 ,K»r,b, tbc^ilou Monday f or real of „ue Jur«eua. and a. kin... lt .liould U- „,,,1,., tl> ,|..u c»|.Uiu.of (bo tir.t .ua.,,,r C.,,1 IU» K Uk. It M .uterest lM ,«h owdito" and debtors to kimw that under uo tumstsjuxt could v kbasoatW h. arrot.-J on a Cou.ular w uiriiul
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  • 17 2 Tab editor of Ihe. Sing Poh and four other Cbiunmen were deported by ti.. «;.i«V' this morning.
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  • 64 2 I Hi. U .v.-rmir .if Hongkong d*« a|.p uned Mr. K James Ackroyd, to L. Puisne Judge of tde Supreme Court, there in succession I o His Honour Justice Fielding Clarke.. Mr. Ackioyd's firat appoiulment in tlm Otllßall S-iviee dates »s far back 18M. and In- was called 1,,
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  • 72 2 T«a law "f Baawaw now hteiade H enactment BMaed on tbr. lllh June ttjU a regnlalion t<> pr.ivi,!,- |K-naltics f,, r the iiiinpavment of cii»luni» duties in the. SUte. Persons, willulh faibn- pay cnslom* .liili.s l.> win.d they i, r liil, I.',1 BOW render lheiin.-lv.-s subj.-. t i,, a fine
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  • 65 2 Till Ovuikhan.i al llongkoug. tii-d i tin. Mtfc imtant. hat been aaatpaaed to the SMI iaataa*. awfaftobtaty falls ..f rain •> tlie l-">td aad I6tb, amounted tn from \i to 14 kacatt m twenty f.."r doiirs. Thi" heavy isiufall cnuse.l i iiiiiiilht of small Usdtlips tliiougii >vi. thtj C-ilony
    65 words
  • 66 2 Tiikbk li'ivc l«en mibinilted some men-, "f tci Malanra by Tan ll iu Uiian. -i Cliims.- ciillivatnr of tapio. rMa.i.l niiuv ..tli-r |in-diicU. TUa M.ilaivd U-a i< pep.irel after tho Chinese f,i«hi..n. iiu.l d.iH. of cur*', the tbat we lusm-iate wild Cdina tea. Il in ..f gno.l quality, and
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  • 92 2 In Termite tlie RWidcnt Im'isls a flu; .v a cimpliui.-iii to oiitg.-iiiK' skint. At ti.iW.i Km I'.i.k.t «m I.MviiiK'iheh.i.i,.,,,, n, tasBBBI ■JBpBfOTC witb tde British (U^ iit Eat uiistdea I, id.' R--.-ideu( or his re|?re.-i.nliitivo. it is amerted, liaiile.l d.iwn Ih- Putcli colours und in n.> way IllnleJ or
    92 words
  • 85 2 It is inli-n.1.-il to b.«!d at Lisbon i lie 1,. nil mi;' ..f the luternatiuunl Cm. ■wnt wl Oricataliati under ibe patroatas ..f lb.- K.iu' Portugal. Tbe pr.^r.uuaie mt In. lts a Hiitninarv of ulieutal research iv 1 rtli l attitVl Vlnlologv, arehii' .|..c\. i.iiiipu.iiiv,' relii;i.iii, atkaagiaahj, aim-.|iiiii.-s, int. iinnii-inaticn,
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  • 69 2 Thk Mbsriag pvaftaaMM of uiuni, tnll Ih' pined aa 'lie K-,|'l.iti id vii Tbursdav. (4.41 p. in during the cn.:ket luuti-b— tat Mia ft the S. 0. C. Mi.r.h IVnWBa Tt*bsUy. Overl ir« foaatttta Mrvttla* SupiS- ti, Hay m.H Lats. V Mm Waldt.uf.l fjllsilint UlicrtU Audrmi Qaltf I'o'o
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  • 93 2 MutllW Sixulk. On Thurkday lllafMaa llieOolf Clul. iulon.l kaUtag a in a. toll ..a the liuks ut lii Kiev CjursL' l« -ii li'.init ivprc'eutniK r tlii» above, I Una MIBKIED. r. SIKiiLK. J. M. TI..W Arnot R.-id t,.,U». J. M. Atlinx.n U W. Cr iirl.t J. r Ql— I
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  • 172 2 i trihmttd. I Tut marriage af Mr. OnnUiitiiif S. nll.v with Miss Twgißia Diaabelli Celestioc, naljjaaa.attt tTsfi aad Mrs, D. Svurie, nan a.i!e..inia,.l at Him C.ilh, of tlm U-.0.1 Sii.|.hir.l baCart Urn Ker. Cm.. i, ll.l.iiielt,'. Ihe 1,.1,1,-hiiiui.U »ers Mi~..|.- Cm/ ami Misa Holaibfff. ibe aritVgraaa vat
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  • 291 2 TllL 1;..|,.,rl ..ii 111.. (it.v.tiiiiiM -hi "UittNa.f U|.i;i:i,.i,i. ifalngnr. fur ill' year 1891, -'..1. s ihii darwa Uie jmi Alia MIMMJi km I alile.l 't.i lW »TKte!il, but 111.- otistrilctii'U DfelletllioDS i:awai v s •■imii.Uli, ari.l KoaJa Kubu has U-.-U going .>n slemlilv. Au eiteuriM i.» l'.i.]..h
    291 words
  • 38 2 Nf .1,,-.,./.,, r,-,.,, i..,,,,i,,,,. juii.. i". U K.u.|,.. r U—n U.iin. ami febo, Capt'i" IVet. 1.i..,,,. Bobbs IVr N., Mar..-illo., June I^. •<..•.>,„. tl Hi..uek.ndt IV 11.,!1,,,n,,t. tro.u Loudou, July >. Mr J A Anihuuiw. M, M»olw.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 553 2 XOTICE9. The Straits Timos has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore aud Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Bor: co, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
      553 words
    • 1201 2 AUUTIUM SAI-KS 1 DURIAN OROVE," BL'KIT TIMAH ROAD. f AI'CTION SALS i VAI.I AHI.E FKEKHOLD PHOI'ERTV <> KN.IWN AS 11 Durian Orovo," Bukit Timah Boad, J rUDaT, Im #OLT, IBM. rIMIK .llil.rsi-1,,.1 .re 10 -11 I.V 1 AueiM.n. a: Ik ir 5.1.-r .ou fHI I DAT, l-i li'LV. I-;*-:,
      1,201 words
    • 981 2 ,ATKVI Ali\ hiil -ISKMKMB. QOTIBSMnT \(i!lKlcati"\ rmURB "ill l>* r iv c "'""7' S«<-r»tan', Otli-r. ul. t. Bsta "f the thprorino, for rxi-ing th« rrf aimed land I. linrh Rnsd to I'-vcl of top of a.-a wall. Sppcinr.ti.iii may bo tatn, and all pvtirijir» obla n»d St IB* Colonial Kipiu'^ra
      981 words
    • 121 2 j Al PlaMßia. »n tin 27ih June. ISitt at tU'i Caihedral M Ilia Oatd Shephfrd." hv ih« V»ry Hay. Cainn Delou^ite. Mr. C. Scully, of Pa^anc, to Mi-~ Vibo:mi4 EliXahkth OWHIII, the tar* daughter of Mr. D. ItMßfla) of' The Btnifal Tinier mm the largest circulation of auy newspaper
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  • 120 3 Moni.ay, Jc.ii 27th. K:,j Ir. I). taMMma, A ire vi. BtMttag of ib- M,i,,i,.i, )tt C miMioneri waakaklia ibe Town ll n ...i, '.1.-iv afte BO ,n. al t SO, t,, certain •,rr,5|.,,,,.|-n, ,v.-,| 1,,,,,, r D ii Preagrate, Ibe ibaral Mnaidtiai which bad beaa ejreahvted among nmiMi
    120 words
  • 259 3 Tai repoH of bVeatar'a IWkgmm 0 |„,,iv (Limited) atatM tkal tb- n.l prolli I ,i ih- rear ending D—. :tl imonoted lo t1.:,1t. iocladiog tbe iimoiiiit broaglH forward. In accordance with tk* Brtielea ialion, t li.- v have nha'aajd ntraorimirv pipendilare for alt-ration of ana. I ll, I.S.'H,. f,,,,,1,
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  • 195 3 Tv eeneral meeting of tbe ilis,rebora- m of tbe Sue/. Canal Oo^paay took place ii tbe :ilst May, al,,,ut paraOM bang atMMt Tb- raparl having baea mad hi M. Charlemle L-HK-pn. s-v-,al »|,-akei» aadn***d tbe nMOtiag, tli- iliMiissiou liir. ning -biellv ii|,oii Hi.. .|ii..slioii of lb-uliat-iii.'.ii of
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  • 241 3 Pears' Soap. rears' Soap. i i. i.-i s.. Costs £100,0011 a Yiaii V Paara, Limit-,1, baabraa foim-J i.,t iliu purpuie of anniriag Ike bueia*M I M.». 5.». A. a' 1 F. I'.aiK (IVa I 1 Boap). The Pios|,i..tii. aiat.s that I lie liusiii.-ss liiih bean ■olaly oaadafted tot tk* paal
    241 words
  • 431 3 ,',rr,'sp,,,,,|eiii of tha Kertt OMa* Da*7« wriiinp from i? >b*w aayi thai onth. 2nd in.t l)r W. Il I'-irlx. Sup -rinl.--. :eilt .'f ii M. .th.. list Mi~. ion Hospital, rsadapaper ■I aerili ag Chines- doeton nn.l pal n'-, from |imM ii, following print*:—Aea1' lie i, am
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  • 743 3 I.V y,1..K11U Of AN Hoi-,,. i 7«iiag n1.,,,,1 balf.bMl 1-.i'k Ibe Sheriff and l,i. h>.il,«r iv i,,,,.,,,, 10e,,, a r ,t „f ti) ,5, c.,, r b -I'li^i.pi.nitiiy,,!^,,,,!,).., >ODgkaßK*loagUoatQiM7«ereaiirruiia ''•"II.V:ll,owlM, 1< ..r.. W .1..fC1,,1., 1,ne...l ,ne... Who vl l "'''l'" h,,.| brawh demoiietra, liom v-,,i,.,| ii,.. 5i,..,
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  • 223 3 Tin Hongkong Dailf Pren propoi iv reawd* tba opiuia m,,ii^^!iu^' evil l,etweco BngapoN aad Ckiaa ibe anal ;.u,i v tiou ol' ili.- native euatoeu with tka lmpariaJ Maritime Oa itoau ai i nl tka two li-|,iiiiin..iits wort Mi'iiMi-lv au.l ...ii]-1,. will. Fact)
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  • 198 3 ./,1».'.-11l Bffekat m.leh s.t s,,nl Laneaahlrt- tbe Utter wen i „.i. .-I-. la BuhifaUtvara V,,,1..|,ii Mi.lil!—^, Ih* bttar irare beaten bi I iir «rirk*t». mrlin mill ■>■•■ l'ri Itisinarck on Ih* r I a ill M Vienna bm received a >ri wan al K plying Us hi,
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  • 50 3 li; .i ,M... i.'. on "i»' Co ret Uongl ..7..,.,,,..!,,-^lliJu»-. .»aikie. 1 yi lildlii m IMb Jim-. W -■ui.-uit... i.i-ji.... m jou". farkiai m i i Pot Hongkong, (Tin* Ma*. M Ju'.v Bouat— d 1 Co. loi -.i P. rl I. Juli I" i:,',,-li aud I
    50 words
  • 851 3 Tllß KjlOl.^tl.ks ,rrru, HOTAL A» lII.IKBY Thk repr.-a.-iilntiv.-a i,f 11..- ulk.vo MUM ii" M tli.. BapluMla last eveuiOK lo cou- in Hi- bal lii for tlir K.iuIImII Ah.o"■'ii"ii Cup, «i,,1. terminal,,.:, af lb.' •in," •..•Ii haimiil two g,iali. a.. 1 ll: tl aUgfa a and Boml
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  • 875 3 The Punjom and Suughle Dua Samautan Mining Company, Limited. A unmai riMMkaUan in thii C>mpin »:,s Mid at tl, Coiupanv Office Cou naarai Haa a. Hoafffcaaa 0 1 th* IM 3wm 'ili.. 1 In rman»n:d:-i).-ni!-iu,u. th» of t'.ii 1,1 '.I iijt i- M'.fli.-i 'iii!v f -.rill in ihe wl
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  • 60 3 Ahk.viu. Par p tm Oiimmtgm H«uvii Mr. 1 Mr, Dr. w, Mr ■:A M l.'iiimniii*, Hr. A. (jinn rt. Mr mill tin. \V, r.r. I'.r Wafa«M f ••in T. lM!-tal FruM-r, ,l..»'iM K .rimrd. mi I Cri>mpt..n. IVr .V..««,« f-..iiiB»i|t*:-Mr «n.l Mr.. Sucl.l.r. M-.-r- Wurlnuu. Lmlwrl>-. ami Nll-HT.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 708 3 LADIES' SCHOOL. 'pil!S MMal ia to impart a thorough sound 1 Cng isl, clueation. ti. BMffcl iv Oat* la ,1 Sell,, I. iv Kilra.ubj.cts. Fr- ml, dancing. 4c. ,d» for a few Boarder.. Private lesion* in Kngli.h, Ac., given lo adult.. Fur further ;ir iculars Bpplv lo
      708 words
    • 1230 3 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE h h-r.'W Ki.-n Hal th. |mV ti in bikl Laaaaaaaf *f <lnir< within iii» I Miini.-.|.» i-. i in.' Ti-ii of mmtnm*, tm 'ii» \-r 1,-vi"" !-< .J'in.-. lise, mid Pbdinir ■Sl«t'M*> l«i.i. MMM M V..M.U-. IMM.NI Im r.iiti.i».-,l daily. Sunday. i «™|.li(l. l-lw.."n tin.
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    • 677 3 BTOREB. Kelly Walsh Ltd. NKW HOOK--. *c. The C.oni.l T«r B.»k. far IH9-J. $4.00 lien. Hinea. an 1 Animal, la South Africa, by Lord R. Churchill, $7 .Vi The RealJapn. by H. Norman. 54.00 Hurra)'. Hand-R».k for Japan, llrd edition. MdO A J»..cial Departure, by Sara J. Duncan. »:l.i«, Nada
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    • 1015 3 SHIPPING. FOB HONOKOVO. MMM Ai.i«ir,,'.ii«. B J4fJ.V, Urn ton*, Capl A. 0. Hamilton. MMM. Urmif left CalcnlU oa Ik* 18lb uattaal, mar he eipeetad to arrir* her* oa th* ttth met., m rouU for Ih* ahor* port. For f reiirht or paaaair*. apply t* 2H/A S \KK IKS A MOHBS.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 103 3 A KM HKK KEPOK'I Imhaj Ji ao.. |l |.i r,IK Jmm, Wt I'.n, Ib.*lAbjb. Mm am*. B«r. reJ. :»2 F»i, »Jl* -< is It M Tcrop. H0 0 HIS 7-1 S is Wet Mull, Tle-r. WI.O 7!.'. 77.0 l>ir .f vVtli.l IM S W Calm. A M,,i.Tr,«|>. >!.»'l» 88 0
      103 words

    • 225 4 I 111-r M li.-a.limr the following aMin-vuv nun »n> n«J —»»r. —stwiiner; »h.—aMM Ihj harqa*: Brit— Briti.h; U.S.—United Sta>-» Fr -French ;Uxr.(ierman Dut —Dutrh; Jo'i Johort; Ar —<i.c —I i.-n-rn! mrg 1 p.—d.-rk l-a.-M-ntr-r.. I. —T'tircrtaiti T.P.W —Tanj..n(r Pa»ar Wharf: T P D —Tanj .nif Pa«ar O.K-k
      225 words
    • 819 4 I Arkihii Stncß Soon or V k Caoir Pkf. Brit. itr. S7O ton». ("apt. Canal .'7lhJun.-. Fn.m Klan.T.,i Mala.. :i. 25th. ii c. mi 1 160 d. p. Hun Uin A Co. For >! ..iiJ KlanK. 29th- K.i- fiaa H'aati Mm, Brit. rtr. 195 tou. Capt. I Tolonna.
      819 words
    • 187 4 MSM) y«l under thi* amVIJ icnosr ailrertitd drttination in Unr sorb of .ai/iny/ v Sim/apon. Other r. /or ,/aia, Philippine,, ar.d ,4k.,- AtMl port*, oecntimially call here ,»tt,r,ird kosa**; tke movement* „f ,wh retteb are be I Jo (x c.urt nicntly rtcunled. I A'aniw. i»or<. ami Date o/
      187 words
    • 59 4 i IMBL'I N 4 B K*u. c »-k.,«. SiILED >r v« Cbow Pbj4 s p\° r -1 lvii Ana Prtt.l Rub; O .w N Xiuui ''•'i o£.. ?i^ •>•« S* Bu. Hi. 00. 171 M«hu!,h.i» |«»k Ao»i J UW ii strut. Sl»» .li.i. f«'l>. 1615 Uo,bo m Sjunmnun Jun,
      59 words
    • 34 4 •«««L. A1( Mat*! .\a««. Rju < »M»1» l)MTlX4ri>'» 17 ±> 1. Jwk'Ckt 111. P>' Mr. Hnl .t r In air. I <»-it 4tr rr a bu.l.-u ckia. .Dil J.p.a Xut Moliwru «i. pi v
      34 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 373 4 NOTICES. (Rt'SHBD Ftldl). Tbt it a«i> Yof wn.i. nr. BallWlMt j IK. BELILIOS b*«l lo inform the public that Ins Padory for |ire|wring Cr.islird Food, at :U. Belilioa K.«<l. is o|ien«d. First Class Crushed F.««l. RJO V bag. cash. Clean Oat« MM Indian Bran MJI Tn N. K,,| ,i |:i.
      373 words
    • 328 4 NOTICES. THK I'ltYK RIVER DOCK. PfXA*.. THF. *'«•<.' Dock, sitnatwl in Province Welleihy. at tlie cntrniK-o nf tho Pr)e River, has lal'.-ly Imvii lnngthene<l aud deep- •11.-.I and is no* nf the following dimensions i length ou tre Hocks 330 (eet. Hr.-adtl.ali-iitran.-i- M l).-|.tl, of water on sill at 1
      328 words
    • 319 4 NOTICE* BINGAPOBE AERATED WATER FACTORY. WE can with c.nli.lcnee rfconiineml our waters to all who like a good article Our nucliinerv ii of 'he largest site and best quality ami lias all the latest improvement*. After mauy .xpritneiils. m. I *cting under the best sdvi.-\ wo can Mf with confidence
      319 words
    • 272 4 NOTICE!-. SIMPSON CO~ Coach Dnilden. K«TABLIIHriI 1840. IST APPOINTMENT T<> H K 11. Thic PRINCE or WALE. o. ii. c. I. I. IM H. H. The MZAM ot tul DECCAK, a. C. B. 1.. M, MOUNT ROAD, MADRAS. CANOE LANDAU. With c,i.ii hex seat either panelled or on light irr.n
      272 words
    • 1466 4 IJOCKB. THE TAKJONO PAOAB DOCK CO. LTD The premises of the < 'ompany are ntaatad >t Tacjong Pftgar *rljoiDin« the town f 91nfapore. rlt.-sin i ram-car, ran at short Interval* carryinsT paasemrirs and good* froej Wharf to lestinatfcras at low rates. The W harf extends to on* mile and qnarter
      1,466 words
    • 199 4 NOTICES. TYPEWRITING SUPPLIES. ciallv for Typewriting work. tarh.,n fa^r. r U< iLISTER A Co.. Battery Road KA« T.-! FOR THE Pi;BLIC n UiPH. for dnplicving ty^ -nlias;, drawings, or Mn»ic. Ac. The EDISON i*+* «g !*f* mrrJieL'Z Sty ad«,n.d by Her Msj-..*-- In-orance Conipanie- an.l Afrat" ase it f-»r
      199 words
    • 245 4 BAID M v;:I('AV k Co. DCBASHBS. ilrinni. Stork Si p R*rrLE« I'i.a. k. Binhapore. li K\ I >..l:s TO THK King-in. Qiieen. Warmck. Dais, W. Milhnrn. Mutual, (iihb. Mr«ul an<l other linee if stwamnr- Men-of-war. British Orman, CsaTrssTM TransporU, and «a li n^ vessets. I'rovi-ioiiH of every description
      245 words