The Straits Times, 27 June 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. IXIABLLSH ED: 1831. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JUNE 27, 1892. NO. 17,752.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 999 1 STKAMSHIP^COMPANIES. PBSTUTSTJLAI LSD OEIKKrAL STaUM XAVIGATIOK OOMPAKT. ullyer Qaay. ">d floaiwßß Krw Uarboar. Ta. aaail^taa-ar. may b, a»ae.rt«d to raaaan A«ri r-~.«»i.. JJJ The abor* date* are only approximate the ks i depanur. a may be either aarliar or IaVT. TASSAGE. ir^fareto Mar-ei le. aad theao* br iiajl•aj 1- Lialnai»tU«.n*aatoLoaioaoya«a
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    • 628 1 blKAMbmr IiOMI'AMEt. KOMNKLIJKE PAKETV MAATSC HAIPIJ. Under ewatraatwial t- N- i-.rriandi India <i' -verr m-ut LATE J. DaCXDEL* A Cw. 3. R<.SIM»O.\ AoLST* AT PriIAXiiMEKSkK HviTEIIBACB LItBIET X < ha. a f!-t aaaaawaaawal f baa a—. eeer.ud a.-, m f aad f riv .'.t ii .1 tl la**--' Baaaa mrl
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    • 746 1 bTEAHSHIP COMPANIES. Bial. Bergkai:^ aad F4i will be calM at otee cv. ri f BaaaaaV ti. tWawa l' ri. ria H«w..-,ai^ (laaaaaaaaa. M>ar| i.Hir week* a at'-amer tun. in tlii. ilirtr- >! r< care-. »ih! [ii»-»iig.--. t.. haDviiuae.'!!. I aaawi'. faaaaT. aad Kot< i Owce eiH-rjr rir tre<l-# a
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    • 780 1 TW Standard Lit* Inrw*. Norwich Uai a Fir* ln-ur*a*e Sorietv. Atiaa A*earaae* Cmpan< IWa Tb* Eaaitable Life A..«-aoe» Sonetr Tb* <>ce«a Marine It-iiif Coanaae. TaaChiat Mutaal Stoaaa Ni-vigati-ja Coy. Tbe Tot'saiiaai L'ger Be. r CwajaajM, Tl laaritinie lii*a:aara Compaay. For |«rtwulan cf tbi»- Ceaapaaie. a*, tbe fall adrertiaeaent of
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    • 695 1 INSURANCES THE riaUITS IKSrKASCX OOatPAKT, LHHTawX Bull Ornri S t, apora. *s\ a Tiled C±t»uJ tMr/X*. IWiaUnUi miOfiUO. aaaaarai I i -.ii"- Tbe ahvr* Ooßßfaa* are aoorpting M»r-e riak. tc a'l aart* of ti* w. .-Ji at current rate* I «t ptaauax. THE SIRAITS FlfcK INSTJKAKCK COMrun UMi ■absent-Mi Capital.
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    • 752 1 HAWK. HONOKOXG AJfD SHANGHAI HANK IV. COBPOBATION. TAIIi UP CAPITAL fIOuOwMM RESERVE H"NI> f <tHMW KESEEVK LIABILITT OF J-mnravnoo PKOPEIETOBS '110.000/ WO Cfar or Dibbttvb* i I Miraaiuini. Caairaaaa. I. I .mnu. Eeg Defwty Chaaraaan T K Itara*. E>, Boa. 1 3 Cera*. J HolMar. tm%. Aka ahCia ill .b*
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    • 702 1 BTOMB, THE DIfIPIMBABT. 41 RAFTLBS PXAfT*. Pa. iaitT.i«4 Mamaoh A MACK AT Bt'SlNtSe BOTTRB Dairr frmn a aa to S a at Saadar. fraaall a.ay to 1 r K "EVr urgent eaaa*. where Mlitlahm ar* rwr .(Hired daring the aigbi. aa lllll« il will he foaad oa daty al th.
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  • 494 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Hikiai-ob--. 27TM Jdkk, 1592 PItODJOB. Hainbi»r JJ.B7J. do Cub* No. I g.75. do do No. 2, 8.00. OtaM Bali. 4.»5. do Pontiansk 3.91). P»p|M>r Black 8»0. Sag-o Flour, Sarawak s.(«. Pearl Hatro, 3.70. 0olf«« l»*.i, 28.50. HoM* Uherian, :«.ni» Topioea small Flak*. 3.75. do do Ist
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  • 72 2 Ilw. TO-DAT. J«|*3 v (Oil-,., To-Mommow. "•"lok. *<•./«..■. K».IAfn«. #-li,,r,»,r.. IUUP.I... A,,*A*,x, L*bu»u a >.ii.Uk>u H:.,,,i..t. Xl.ii- >■» t. HyUong »i« |»,t-. HmMbM^ Nmurmb»y» >u port., l».«u!.,. lioi .I.! .|.> ii.i |»,i|.. .Vor,,!,!,,!),, \Vi.nxK»KA» IVUil? if l.i/iru../.,. I'mBMnlk >l. port.. Jti/.uJi,, Cti. ri. ,i.>rl. SSm
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  • 20 2 Kuii Hibu, infant daughter uf H. A H.«rd. on Friday, the 24«h ias» and 10 moi.tb. and 4 days.
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  • 96 2 THE STRAITS TIMES MONDAY. JUNE 27TH. 1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. ■HMI 1831. f,n- .Strait* Timr: Thk Ik is h Education Bill. MM Junr.— TbeHouaeof U.ids j haa paaajj the Irish Kducatiou Bill The Mission To M0n0,:,-,,. The luiaaiou of Sir C. Smith to 9m, the obj.Tt ot which haa not
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 356 2 The Ii i.l. Education Bill, which ha* I paaaed the Houae of Lordt, >v intro- I l'l.-i-.l into the Houne of Commom ou the 21 ud February, aa coinuauiou to the I. ..Ml Uovcr'.m.'iit meaaure now withdrawu. The Hill laid <lowd the I principle of compulsory atteadaoce but
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  • 242 2 To dat. Mr. \V. A. Main (wlio "•»-•< l>l<u P'uii.»te,l to be Insl>ector of tbe Cbarlertsl Bauk uf ludia, Australia ami China bauds over the »inga|K.rt- bnwi-li to Mr. F. W. Marsball.wbo was formerly tbe Uuk's manager ill Peoang, and wbo bas also bad previous SiDgaporrcjpi'/icnce. And Mr Bud.l. wbo
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  • 48 2 H. H. im Sultan or Jdrork iias |stsoDally wi it li'ii to 11. K. Major Gen. Til Sir Charles Warren thanking the General for tbe facilities that were recently iff >rded to the Jub. ir>- 1 1. aud for tbe manner iv tlittte troo|>a were 11-...1
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  • 63 2 Captain Husk K. M. I. I. of II Ms Ili/nrtnth is to be leuipoiarily attached to tba Perak Sikh Police to work iv Pahaug under Colonel Walker, wbo bas heeu sbortbanded consequent ou two or three of tbe Ina|Hi'lt,rs falling sick of ferer aud dysentery. Tbe //y.inn/A haves to-day for
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  • 12 2 Mrs Maiwull. will be "ut bouie m Tlnirs.l.iv nil. 1 11. mn
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  • 10 2 li. M. S. Hyacinth (Captaiu Cntigie) aaiU to-uiorrow fur Hougkoug.
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  • 9 2 Thb Freii.b gunboat l.ului arrived in pint ..11 Saturday
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  • 14 2 Mh. Jvmri Uoi.i.siki und Mrs (lol.lnrv anivctd Ibis luorniug from I'.-uaut; I.T the •fcßftam
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  • 18 2 As aIUUv cm Let will Is- pluve.l ou the K.|.|,ui,,,| Thursday U'tween the R. -iii.ent uu.llbeS. C.
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  • 28 2 Tub Itusaian trausport MMBai iirrivt.l in Singapore yesterday from Hankow with a .-.17.1 of tea for CMmM aud I. 'ft tv-day fur 1,, i .101 l nut >vii
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  • 30 2 Tun f lcbau|fu bauka will lie cloaed for buaiu«aa ou Thuraday. the :<Oth iu»t. Ou th>- aameday (beiut;CoroDati»u D*» I there will I c uo iaauu of the Stiniti TtwttM
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  • 23 2 ll.N.M.'aKUuboat ,S'i.J,,r,.. Coiumauder de Mr in in-. ami ||a d.'apatch b.»t #f.-r,«,. Commander van l>yk. arnv.l her* frou A. li«*u T*»tcrdsy fur re|«ii*.
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  • 40 2 A mampan. from the ateaiu.'r OUaaf llfkim from China, waa overhauled liy Serjfenut Colliua of the Marine Police aa it BBtahjl the river on Satin, lav inoruii>H and *5W ortbof <-out hlmihl Vhandoo was t. mn. l ou
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  • 48 2 MM <i. Tonbi and 0. Tr.. s h,l, iwo IcadiuK artiata who when- ,li k k ,1 in Koine by 11. K. H. Prior.' l>.miioii k l,i>t year with a »iew to ■nUm an A<adeiuv •if An in .iniT.-.l there liv the MrfHH on the Hlli Juui'.
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  • 38 2 Thk B,iH>ji,Ji tlmm beam that 5,;,\,,, r IVr.-iia.tbe l > ortii t {>" I«et''ouBii|.oiMieral1 «et''ou8ii|.0iMieral for Siaiii and the Stniilx B<'ttlciii,.|its, is l.i U•hurtlt malle<l. aud th,' oflin- |UhM. The nuinU'i of Porlu^uisc in Siaui hardly wmmti mmttf of K
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  • 44 2 Al'Kor.m ofthr fiuiil tie in the Football Aaaociatiou 0«t »'«'<'• i« ta I* pland „v the Ea|>lauade Ihia afternoon bstweeu the KuKioeera and the Koval Aitill.rv th, former team played a acratch team of Police on Sitinddy jul were beateu by oue goal to ml
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  • 43 2 Honokonu Weather tafcjMM ilatiil Saturday 4 p.m. reports a typhouu in the extt of I. n/. hi from Mauila we have digression noutb of I*JM direc-Uug to Chioa Sea agaiu from Hougl>oug, dated yesteiday, states xiuall dep.esaiou south weat of I. it/.,. n
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  • 56 2 Mh. QatMM Obka.;h f.M..i the Governor of Hriu.b North |i,, r ueu, was to leave LouiJod uliout the -Jut h mutant ou his return, to Borneo. Mr Oreagh, has much improved i,,. fcajßh .liiring Im stay .11 Kurope. any a tbe (A.m.i Ei, "bieb alao notes au iuiprovenieut in
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  • 57 2 Thk rumoured <ip.,oiijt-ueut of M Holiu JtU't-iieoiyii-i. tbe Belgian Jurist, to UUgal Adviser to tuu Siaiueiw MiuiMi-r of Foreign Affair.. proves, by nail adviceto be „v.1.. mm* IkIMMIWI k mwmjmm at 4:3,000 .gold) Hr m iium »nd a free house. M. Jiui-.ieiuvn. bad accepted .in appointine-it in (Vim liut Mm
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  • 17 2 A bpkcial mating of Municipal f; 0 inisftioners has l«>en c-illed for 4 p. m Z dar.
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  • 65 2 From Acbeeu, news comes of a comb*, the other day. at a place railed C|,,,j, Chirm. in which two Dutch officer* w..' ru wounded with sword cuts, while vate was killed and five wounded. TV corpses of eight Achinea.) wen- left ,j'," field and aeveial MBft carried hwiv L'imb.i>uc. in
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  • 76 2 Ykmtk.oav afteiiio.ui, a 'rickslu H) ItKik a fare from ■aajMwt to Tahh Blangub. On arrival the „5,1,.. Wl attai -ked bf the fan' and two other who riibl-cd |-'p|«T in bia eves, k U I him down aud .lil.Ud him of |,i» j,,,,^. The cries of tbe ciM.lin broiitrht p.
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  • 66 2 A C«»EKMP(INI)1!«T lllld.T I of "Dr..,, „f i1,.. Untmt" to tlio, A \,;il, /;,r».. seriously ii-^iii-h Bi;aiii»t Ikt itaiin^t mud.- by Ikt ftmib fwMttkal 11.. i,,,., are Mftliqiiaki-8 un.l.T tb.- British 11... l)r«>|M.f the Crutur nay* tliultli jjjj an i-artli<|iiiike at ('oix'li Mir, In.i;, ni 18»i5, another in (Jowliatty
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  • 77 2 Thk completion of the I'.iLn.uu raj] way, says lia Tmm ol th.. |n,h Juiip ia'uow within bmmhMi diataaw, Recently, through the recent iiiius. or^ bus Uvu consideralily delayed in ordVr lo give the embankment time to Mttk, ahoM 1 miles uf raili have b>*en lv.l. Bnd Ibi onlr obstacle to
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  • 80 2 Mkshrs. IVw.'ll and Cniipanv iasusj liili..'.:i,i|,li.-.l plan nml full datwriptioa of the f.eehuld pnfattt uf 1 1,.,,,.. which is tv In- sold on Friday. Ii i1,,. aMWjallt< Ktileuf il.lieitisin-'whi,!, i,,,» U-gins tv prevail in Biugapoie, M.nn Powell's liriuliii- in lieuded Calm I rftirr, and seek the sylvan shade." In
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  • 124 2 A mn. .puiid. 'lit c.illt the atleuliuu of th. atafM flam la the ill-tr, ui m. i.t „1 rat. tic whilst U'iugput nu boiii.l IkaKßaapon Iknilo. lie lin.l-. Unit tile iv KB Ich Ikt territicl Im'usls ate bullied and puslicd dowi uarrow, cra.-ked, und bli|.|htv |ilaiik»,cati hiug tbeir legs in
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  • 155 2 F. (i. S., wuitin.i lo Ika LoitJuu a,,d CIIIIIII r.U/.i. <.«. mi.»s lie left, l'.uaug luw.iriN tli.' I-,-.' uf luat, iin.l tbut on uiiimii. at l'urt B«id a i.pii.siiil.itiv.. uf Hawa. HeiKV S. King hii.l Ci>. buurdrd tile »t.iiner. Bad mvitnl *****1 tv l.'t that runi|.;uir forward his BMBBaffB
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  • 200 2 Sik Baajajaaj HtKHKm, in •aeaeh v the baui|ti.'t at ifea Fi.iinas.nis' i'.niTU was XlvK lv has Ik-.-ii. k.ivs a home |..i|«r. the artual rill. -r and KftMMUtITC "I Iti.wiiiii^.stioi fur I w.-nr v-. ,ii<- jroua He won all the ilislin.l ioiih liil.inl had to 1..-kl,,u i fi,.' If .-i
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  • 160 2 A I'...iiai. Niiikk hmhm t the Ut July, IBM, the jiMllrini t '<■ Pallern mi i .S,un|.|.- I'.int will l»- in. i to t'l,- Mbwiag hunts leagth, \i im 'li.-s br.'atllli, M iiiclies ilepth, lincbei From tin- mm ilain Iht |.o»t.i.,'.' tiamf in ]..i v nt „i ill,- |m
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  • 55 2 bYh W Areotdlag t.. ■att»lllgMM« fiwn P«htn(l rebel ,'lii,,f Orang Knya k swag closely p"' r.uedi.l 11,,. j,11.-l«. aii-1 Is MM I i I of hi. men 1,-.v..Mib,i,illcd Mr. 1(,,U,. r ti,., Briti.'i RnfaUat. sml Sultan aro nlKiiit to M n tln> Qmb«*~~ l:
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 88 2 The Pahang Rising. REUTER'S TELEGRAM. At 11 IVnaug MukipaJ m.-.-tmi.' Mill June a |m|ht .hi tin- aabjact !l tiaiist'i-r nf til.' iv K Ht.T for IB* loan to HfaMMKtrc, and ■•gardiPt! lransl,T I, lai.l OB lb« Altai Mmmmkm M w bbiiishl li 1 Uoverii.iient Ik- written to saving ih*
    Reuter  -  88 words
  • 36 2 Per dnmkt, from tWJML JaM I" I M«W, Horn. Uaiu. >».l K lv.k. Urn ii,.i.u IVrNj',.,, fniM Msmtllr- J»u» 1 .1 BrtlH, Mr. Iliuui'Liudt. IV, /.Vi.,,,K. from London, Jul) Mr A \niheiii./. Mr Maclif
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 636 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout .all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1162 2 AICIHiN HALEB. DI-KI \N frIIOVK." BIKIT TIMAH ROAD AUOTION SALE or iiik VALI AHLK FREKHOLD PROPERTY KNOWN A- Durian Orovo," Bukit Timah Roiid, FRIDAY. Ist JULY, 1H!»2. ■|-il K ■afalßsWll are inslrueted to sell by 1 Auction, at th'ir Bah Tanas, aa FRIDAY. 1-t .ITLV. IBR, at 'J3()p. 1,1 Th.
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    • 1134 2 MUNICII'AL NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that the Regu'ali m nud Licensing "f dogs withiu the Municipality of the Town of Sins-apor". for tho year beginning Ist Juno. ItR, and eliding :ilat'May, l-!<:t. will ommencn (.11 Mondaj. 1 |:lth mat, and b. mtiuued daily. Sundaya I eicepted. I,
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    • 1145 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. NOTICF. IN aceonlanea with th» Oon>rnmr>nt Votlfieation of 17il, ;„,(< the Eiehangs Hank < I will clos^ for l,u-in»., on Thursday, thi .Toth ■at 2»/« A BROWN P., Ny and a D-g- e %rt with h»rn«n.lsnii« > "and a ridi' g avldle Th. imny la <|i.iet. and haa
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    • 38 2 In Hill Street. ,11 the 20th iv.l., lUwifaof Mr. Fiukbk-o <;a,;.;i.>o, of a ton. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 530 3 Thi file of th- Timn rppeived by tolUy'l mail eootarM the fi>llnwiii K obituary OaaaaJHaßr) irhnaaatl ,1 Rome on the JHlh ii.atnt.l, wa. the a f laa Bar. Peter Beam Maxwell. „1 Birda- ,wu. in Ihe cotiitt ,f Daaeaal 11,. „.,1 Addi ike -i.l, a the
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  • 183 3 (fmi C*rmpamd*U.) BaaMabsa 14th turn*. Rcporl amrt we mc Baartly ts bavta am Bewanaper, wbk-fa to I ntir.'lv nsaspafdonl of naoisl inHueiKv. I li.i|k. it may Ih'. r.itli-, doubt it. It is to I,- |„'i1,1i51,.,l mt.ntlily iindrr thr |.|,.1,r1,0n anil 1,111 of th- 11. .elo|.iii-iit
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  • 259 3 (From ssr Oomtpmdtmt.) :'Mh J,ti... 18K. IWimkn l'roin brongiil word tl thcr <Jay that a lisli of BStfOtM MBB (Om b,t,,,-k.,1,) had I istrmadad upon the shore oil lot OOaal B liltl- I" tin- in.illiwar.l of tli.' CeSBUMj riv-r; (lie -xagg.iiiti'.l deseriptioM eaeitwJ '1-al of nimsHj .ifli.i.-iit
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  • 383 3 The Mnrr-r. the lir-l of a licet ..f -Lamer. that ia b ing built for .'> m v licntc of which Hr. Alderman Samuel a the repr nlative in thia c.mntrv- f-.r the tnaaporl "f p«troleuin ill bulk thr.. ugh the Si./ Cain!. *U laaadMS M Priaa> from
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  • 272 3 The Prosecution of the Browns. .j Ah iiiinoii,.,,.,! l, v struiti Tim,., A W.',ln. .lav. J'J;, 1 .1,,,..., ,l, a t nmniiiig. I i baton PenugdeoiorlfßgMtnUf, U J. K. 1!,r.!,, oo lbeap|>li< it ion „f Mr. Wi.:..,.|. Aa-in- t .ti. t Official Assignee, mrmnti men ..r--'1 1 I" I"' i-Mlcd
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  • 140 3 Tbm j <;,,., n, i,,,t,.- tb*l Mi- Peral G,.l'cn,lll,'l|t |'„IV,' jlHt I, :l Ma tur.. in Hg.ii-uiiiiral |,oli.-v. Wnh s view i,, eoroaragisa Mi- piedsotiss of psdi in tli.. Mttc, Hi.- Part* Mtaortiiaa ■aw gruied ,i m'wa io Ur. I, m Lsßg 'li.-iil.-. ih,.
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  • 1035 3 5.,,,,,1, „,,,,i,, l ;,i,, st,-.,;:< Tim* T-i- Via c,,,1,,,, BimU, l',ll, J,,,..- \v,lh r. Lie,,',, I K..utcr'a nhoiit Lod BahaHa'a .ngveal ion t tho Waatue i '..uimiti...- (Hal ofl and „,,li,.i- ahonU in md Iml> tat ooad tin Coiumiind. rin-t li.f. fl|lin| tM wilh a rh>« I
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  • 1708 3 »Nt rrpwt rr the dirrclora a'atia The nccoanta .r ap. ri.«l of foiirtcn iimntha for 'l^iid -ii Mid lillern minlhafor S.ngapore "I the B.«id having <lef-r. mined n. a nsttef of cony i i.-nre lo earrj "■•i" up to 1),cei,,1,..r Irfl huMad of < etoWSI
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  • 867 3 i Th* following i«f" '"«tof th* conxmion balwoeuOrat Ilrliain aud the N r defining bniind«ri»> 'v Born ai/n»d at j lomdon. Juue J,'. l»'l and ih* rttilicati .in I of which Bin lllal*.a; J at Lo don. May 11, I lH9i Her Majratv the
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  • 649 3 UnlM North linrnt.. Herabl loth Jun. I 1)1 KtN.l the la.t two or three month. Fiimo bvaataa fcaa been given to the miueral indu-ty in the Darvel Bay DtaMat priuci|ially in t lat Mtataa of the ■Btaaaal lying ItMsM the Tahanac and Si' rivera ami in
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  • 244 3 Mb. A J. W. W.tihi, in th.- HvUn- K<>' lUilw»T retwrt for 1891, r«|«rta aa I follow* on ill.- |.r..|..i«.-.| I'abang line During the Mat I have ma!.' two joum*>a into Pah-ng with a view t-i felrding a .uit'a- hie pa., to carry th* railway nt
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  • 77 3 I'rr. It-,,,,,- from Sandakau -Captain Stuart. Cap. Slnppen. Mr and Mra ll.dir Mr. and Mr. Mer.r. Mr St.-v.-n. Per H-. O.'lh. H fr,,ui Ponliauak Mi.i Buiton. l'.r a from I), h Mr Kf.ley l>r a. a. <;.,„-,.. from London M. r J Oab ,ni». and S. (ie.r<c From
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 541 3 NOTI I V iii»..i iu< of the er. dilor. of t I.c Now I »ri< v tal Dank Corporation,'e.l. will la-h-ld at Hi- ofßre of ihe Bank. Hafll-a S.,inre. on Mh Jun". at II a.m -JMjti NOTICE Off BMW lI HUM Off PARTNERSHIP. "V" OTICK i. hereby given
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    • 917 3 NOTICES. ESTABLISHED 1866. RILEY. IIARGREAYES CO. K.«fII!IKKBM. ißOlf ItKA-a F.ll'M.lß.a. H.n i KxtKFßi. Batnoi Urn I'l h-. Shipi;i li :.i i;.. aaaTCaal Cohthk Toaa SINUAPOKt. KWAI.A. LDHFDB. Ship Hnildinß Yard. HlliH riaaa STEAM VESSILS alway. under r ru.-iLin, from .18 ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, of heat d
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    • 1078 3 SHIPPIKCr. FOB HONQIOirO. MKSSRS ArrAß iCo.'trt—m* JAPAN, Urn tona, Capt A. 0. Hamilton. BIT B. having left Calcutta on Ihe 18th iaaUat. aay be eipeeted to arrive here mi the 29th iaat.. tra rimir for lha above port. For freight or paeaag.. apply I. ■H BABKIBB A MO6BB, Ambms. fOM
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 101 3 KATUKU KKPOKT ■aaaaaj K-m-,v il»,pi<ai. mih tmm, U»2. oa.m. 3 p. ai !> p.m. tionl.•ar. lal. Sat 9Mm».V»WM» T. mp. B:. X-, m 7a o 3 W.t Aili. TWar. l-t t ?■< t 77.0 Dir of Winl I w MW. elm. -3 MM.T.n.|i. U.--..1 .To Mm An. dv Ml 5-S
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    • 225 4 Da l«r tl.i. hi«ain K lII*, folio-ill* v,ali..n. am un«d :—<»r—«t«ain<>r; »h— -ilup; '•<) harqu.; Brit.—BritUh; U.S.—[i.ite.l bu-«; Fr -Kroiwh ;G«r. German Dnt —Dutch Joh_ Jahur< 4e.. —ii.r. —General eatyo ;d |«*»»(ter.; V.—UiHwUin ;T. P. W.—Tan Jong Pt*»r Wharf; T. P. D—Tanjinif P»(rar D.K-k B W
      225 words
    • 1056 4 Akkivai.h since Soon or YKHTKBD.r. j Si...mi..p. 1. 1,^.^1 11 1■ ->11_' 1 1: «,.,,,.,.;.i. ttmm i t:,i 9 i.n, j. Carol. »v ntfai aud J."'..' MtJ—a. Brit. atr. B<H tona. Capt. WeUter. 25th June. Fruui Bangkok. 2Oth. U. c. W. M..n-H.M A C... For Bangkok, 28tl. IMWm
      1,056 words
    • 144 4 ■On/.* ore undrrfhi* .i./r'r/iW destination ii. D,.,, „f ,;,ii,,,j v fapm (Mm* »w«fa I /ur, //if PhilippiHr*, and vtkrr AtilHt port*, occasionally call here outwird Isaaw; I Me mor«mrn<« of ,uck veueh arc tm mwrttm to be conveniently recorded.) Name, Port, and Date of Sailing From Lohdoh.
      144 words
    • 99 4 Rio. i v»i-riiK. *»ou. If K Kul"T»o BBS* < tkok W 2..W.JU».«..-ia*i.V K..titul,,, u ff 1 J9 kbur >i»«V,w I UU l.MiuthrieAlV K H. Aver. h. 'iL- u C«ta«ko Ji.n^ !■< IWoeo Con.|>«nT I."" W Ror«,,U IW itr' iSi tBni3 i' 1 Ju« 2:1 H.N M > s aa
      99 words
    • 76 4 V« f «»i', N*m. fL4« A K 1U -■-•■■> fUi«*Kiu .irriiii 1>I«T1NATIO» 'urn. iS K«..^,. f K-.,.l..,.i H^.w» D t'tw,, Hock tf.u Crows or Kngl»«,| VUlirro .■-.IL. it? Nuitrhau 17 l.ib.U -7 Kii.ul.i LI Brit. «r. ManH, v.,-. .ui. -tr. |iu,.,,K- Mr. H.,l fJ wo>,,i «»r. K&M I' C.riuthiis
      76 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 418 4 NOTICES I THi*MmU OOAIA ANNUAL OUTPUT MC*. TONS. T HIB well-known Co.. h» un.f .rmity „f A quftlitj, U ftlwnlatoly f™ from irapuri-H*-«urtnunpont»ne<>a'> combuntinn huhitiioi to orrurrod. Thereforw highly feroimnoii'UHj on. of the mo.t economical-toamiiiK coal-, hy j Shipowner., Captain., an.l Engine „or t-Umoaial. in our potion. Steamer, coming slon,
      418 words
    • 68 4 NOTICBB. JAM KS MOTIOK A CO. W*™-*Ct llavealwavxon hand a well iwlis-tod «toe of i^^S^SSmJ^ M 1 M*^ rSSI^VuIS!! 1 \h*mo**' jflrtifOMim i^;,,,,' Kiniri Diamond. t*hmnom«t*r«. B^.. VSEST' tmXlmiSlT^PSA Om^mm. j gj» J-J^ iSgffiLZT gjg. 5*SCr» I oanfa 40. io. Oold »ikl 8«<«I fr.w«. ""ci.ronom^tcrs. Watches snd Clr*ks care- j
      68 words
    • 286 4 JJOTICES TofrENHAMiTrOKT PILSENEK BEER, A light English BBER brewed by the Tottenham Lager B«»r Company, London. Highest Award" wherever exhibited. "FLAG "CHOP THE BORNEO COMPANY, LIMITED, Sole Imt>orteni for Sing»por« A Borneo. Retail of Meura JOHN LITTLE A Co, and all dealers. 2 The price of the Straits Times it
      286 words
    • 292 4 NOTICES. SIMPSON fit CO. Coach Builders. I Kmtahlhiiki. 1840. ■1 APPOINTMENT I TO H. H. H. The PRINCE or WALE?. 1 1 c. a. o. c. 1. t 1 AND H. 11 Tse M/.AM or the' DKCCAN, j 1 a. c. 8. 1., Ml. MOUNT ROAD, MADRAS. < CANOE LANDAU.
      292 words
    • 1439 4 DOCKS. THE TAKJONO PAGAR DOCK CO. LTD The premises of the Company are itu.ud at Tanjong Pajar aajoining the town rf D< pore. rSU-am tram-car, run at short Intervals rarrvins psssen(ers and foods from Wharf to leatinationa at low rates. The Wh.rf extends to one mile and qnarter and is
      1,439 words
    • 207 4 2=2 NOTIOBS^ Rouycr, Guillet Cie. COONAC^'MHCI. PROPRIETORS orjß DISTILLERIES Th. Lar«e.t Shipper, in Bulk for Ten Tear.. STANDARDJ^fPEWRITER. IHOR 11 v«ara th» StaiMJard. sn.l to-d.y wri«in|tißa«hioe. e»bod».n K hither of invmliv. snd m^ rhanieal -kill. Rt", improvement th«t .tudy and c*™'* l Mvan dd REMINGTON. The REMINC3TON i« nneq.ialled f.-r
      207 words
    • 208 4 NOTICES m K»TAB!.ianKi» JBfoQ 1»W. SAID M RIC AX A Co. DUBABHE3. lURRKBAL STORr S'H'I.IkR.. No. Raffles Placb, Sinoapure. pubvetobs to thk SnniK Kin^'in. Qu««n. Warrsck, Union W. M.ll.urn. Mutual, (iihh, Mogul. anH other lines of ntoamori Minof-war. ilrihih. I Grrman, C'hart«rml TrannporU, and wiling I vm«el«. Provision, of every
      208 words