The Straits Times, 24 June 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISH HI): SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 24, 1892. NO. 17,75().
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1217 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. PKNINSITLAK AND ORIENTAL STFAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Orrin— Tollyer Quay. Wmarv.s and OoDowmi— New Harbour. T»i mail steamers may be eipo t,..l to arrive outward, and leave Singapore homewards en til. following date, ■apaaiaaaa tan. J.,,»- Wl I I ...1,,,,, y. J"lr U «»i,». iX j; J.,l^ M I
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    • 1145 1 BTBAMIBHIP COMPANIES. STEAMSHII' COMPANIES. KOMNKLUKK PAKETVAABT Bi«k. Bengkali-, and Edi will be called *J MA ATSCH APPIJ. ""Jy *nn L'nder contract with the Netherlands 1 r 1 vi Bawfsn and <V nrabaya, India (Jovernm-nt. ir > f 7'. r M 1 fr "J" tion tsking din-et cargo and |«ssenger» to
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    • 581 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP LINE Taking Cargo and Passengers to Japan, Canada, tho United n,,'c,. and Europe via the Canadian I'wutlc Lailway and other conntcting Rnilway Lines and Steamers. A vteamer of this line is int. pile. l to Is- despatched from 11.r.-V. .He on or iil-.m the M. low ;nu-
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    • 783 1 INSURANCES The Standard Life AaaarMM Norwich I'i.i n Fire In -.iran.-.- Society. Atlas A»«uranr.t Company iF.rn The Equitable Life A»-.uranee Society The Ocean Marine Insurance Company. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy. The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company. Limit. -I For particulars of th, si Companies ace
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    • 836 1 INSURANCES. THKSTKAiyS INSUBASCE COMPANY. UMRSD. Hiad Ot ri «.—.•< r. -.ip Bul -ril«sd Capital f 1,000,000. Paid up Capital 000,000. Rnerved Fund Ilk Mai. The above Company are accepting Marine riak* to all parts of the world at current rate* of irvuiiun.. THE STKAII'S I'lliK INSI'RAN'i K COMPANT. LIMITED. Subscribed
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    • 879 1 BANK. HON'OKONO AUD SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID CPOAriTAL $10,000,000 KESKRVF, FTTND f 6,1100,000 RESKKVK LIABILITT OF PROPKIETORB J 10 000 000 QNBI or DiaacToa*: s. c Mi. HArL.ix. Esq.— Chairman. I l'..»!fi< am, Kihi Deputy Chairman. T E. IMIa. j j E^wlok. < J ll.'lli.lx. i:m. Atn McOnnu-bi., Em. II
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    • 623 1 HTOBE6. BKNBOITB WATCHM. M»nnrAcro»T, Lcikjatb Hltt, Lowbow MAKSR TO H. U. THE QCMK. .Specially aiannfact-red and rimaianßtid or a*, in Ui. Ea*t, Biihoi'i Bpbcial wnmnorn, mLD" WATCH. A nold K.ylM. Kngli.h Half Chronometer, «2 BKNSDN'B LHD(.ATB WATCH, A three-quarter Plato KnglUh Urn rally compenaated Silver, £5.&... GoM,*. Special *i*M
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  • 507 2 I. IKd 1 SIAIiKKT yUOTATH >NH. MMNH £4th Jomk, h: j Pkodjci. .iaml.i«r. I 5.87*. do Cuto No. I, 8.75. do do No. 2. 8.00. ','oj.ra Bali 4.V.V .1-. l\mti»nak, IJ.XO. r-M.,-1- Blark B>o. •i»K" W""'. «-r»»»- I-"' Pearl Satco 3.H0. Cffee bail. MLM.«e UkadM. :«."(>. Tapi.x-a ■mall
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  • 93 2 For Ptr tir. To-MmioK. P.n'mu.k. ;.»t»fi. Hatu Palis', Aing Ar,,. ImmM, t i, P.Uo »U port.. I'aUn. M.l-icr. *d.1 Linfui. C. r. tail!, P» i»nir. o/ Jf.i-.r.., Ho; irooi Kmoy. ft H,, Tfnj, S;ur«Uri. Kuhv—. M» .<•. .ii.l Kl«or, ftappfco *>ur»b«y« I Bali. Cntlina, c,,iv,.»,; StL-.n. T.ia M
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  • 6 2 l;r..m K|iro,_. MooJaj.
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  • 68 2 THE STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, JUNE 24TH. 1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. For Straits Times. K-i v :i'.lsHKl> MM, Tin. MWMM PwMMMt Lomlvu. Vied J»»r.— The platform of the ||M MM pa'ty (irouiies a refieal of tb.. M. Kiuli r law, demands a reviaion of the t;inffn in the direction of free raw
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 10 2 Th» I'eraL Kic-es are fii.-d for Auifutt M aud Mk
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  • 17 2 An ••in.-i k ;.-tit mwliutf of Lod^v Zetland iv the Eait w.ll be held on Monday evening.
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  • 20 2 m IaSU Cu.'a L.,| m.l.ii.i: advertise that ull ,1.1.', MM lo the .-.,iii|..u.r must U> |,ai.l U-fore the loth July.
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  • 23 2 'J'hk Muuiiipalitv ajfertiae that the Mffb of water to the town will be cut off Imih SuiiJay uett at uoou till Moudav moruiu^.
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  • 27 2 In tli.- Muuii i|kil fMJIMI rU'bort for May. the Health Offi.-.-r nilla atteutiou to li.'- «ii»> high death ralu auiou)* hildieii at Bii>ga|H>re owiug to iutituitary nurrouudinxs.
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  • 36 2 Aluoht tue whole of the r*.nau K Muni, ci^al 0 in,- utock held by Oove.uuiuit, to tb,' value of $250,0t>1) Imi, ■fl the MmbJ Uatttte, beeu aold to pri-v..t.-K.iit!,meu, molt of whom are re»id,uu H Biu^a|>ore.
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  • 7 2 PoarAi. nilUrboiea, wbi-h will b» Kaodang Kerb»«-
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  • 44 2 Ma A S Mca.Ar. whu baa U*» »l- 1 u..,'.»c« Company. LimiUd. »ke. at tbe Head Offiv. Singapore. I rum tu-.U> Tringganu thia forenoon. re,~.rta that 00 the 21at Ililft n.m.a Cbmea, «l >» boy jumH overboard and waa drown. .1 despite atteuipta at rcacue.
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  • 44 2 T«B ,*rtne..hip of J»n>o« Malculm lAn aud Frederick Cha.lea Sl.ep,*-!--1.,..iue.l under the style of 1. U. Co.. bas Ih*u aw* I'll aa from M«v -JU The l>u«iu«. S of J- M. W~*°*-. m 2 now be carried ou aa uiual by Mr. J. ilLyon.
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  • 37 2 Thb Baud of the Nurlha'.npluii Bagmen! will |>Uv the fullowiiu^pr^™u_»t way. Bandmaster: March Northern fAght. O»ertura Sutam-Mk Sehub-rt. Val»e L nttr dm Lin ,lr.i (.ungl. Feieelion W aMMM J Dan-e Wur,,,.rvm IMB* 1 11 II
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  • 80 2 A COKUB.SPONI.INT uf the AllabaUd Mornitg I'ott furnish.* this derivation -f thetermSky Hl««Mfl 'Iv the uM daj.. wheu the luhal.ilants of .1 dislri.- 1 Mil race nieftiug. tber look ibe 'sky 1 of the locality, or. roughly »|*»king. a radum of thirtv'milea from the <-ntn'.
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  • 97 2 The length of railway's in IaMM »as MUM u, ii.-. Ii Muuli' IWI. and leu,ih uudi-r MMMMtiM »a» VjUi ioil--s. The rclurued M Mai.h. tbia fiar ate 17.37-". mil<a aBM and 2.160' uu.lei .ouatttictioii. DMMJI 'he |wat Indian fiscal year, therefor.-. -X'> MlJea 1. I- n v.
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  • 120 2 Aioiu the paaseugers whu j, lined the huni.-ward-lK>utid mail at CMaartM is Mr Fred. Wataun M his way fiuni I'.-ak. whiiv he lias lieeu engaged iv |l IBIIM. He haa I li a rear aud a half in IVrak, which bi MMnMaM •<■ tea-gruw-iog couDlry.
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  • 182 2 H Mo. M.reunj arriv,-,l from lL.ugkong this iik. run,- tv reli.-ve II M. S Hyacinth »hieli is tv paMMsi tv that ]K,rt on Muii.lay where h. r Hi. .is nu.l c-i.-w will p-übablv Is- | uff iv af c months. Tbe A'ury Urn fur May deacrilx-s the
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  • 204 2 It is stated that in bia retiort fur tbe in., nth of May just received Lv tile mail, the uiuuager at Julia la\» luu.h itreai ou the serious iuterfercin-e with work at tbe milieu, caused liv tue .xis>iu^' slate of affairs iv I'-ihtn^. io oooar<|o«ncu uf which all
    204 words
  • 185 2 "■•mmji |« in iir ,ui,, i,, ".to|»a MtH N". I. ue» U-v.-l wi,t auj f.H.t wall level,., wort ii still l^in., „a r. rie-1 „n. auj v t -r.v K oo,l »t,, u< Iltll 1*.,.,, gat .luring til.- |..tKt bftMJM i.l tlii, "|«iut. Iv N... Mat,. m) of "•wmJmjUm
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  • 54 2 r»mE I 1r 0.,,, IHI Stß4l sTf>irt Sm,- -It M| niy iutmtio,, to Mk lull- the lea mg,., i< way therefore U- mo ot r ST^ the U lt,,u_,e J.-c.ou o \u" 'b 1 for „,1 TH SwM^tfSi^ I -Ui, m] S.-<-|».v.ttl
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  • 185 2 I Pinang Oautlt ttm Jun:.) Faun private sourcrt we learn that a mrt of nyiog eolumu waa recently ac, l( from B«ub into the Jelai OMintry, with 1 Tit w of intercepting the x-Orang Kara S<:mantan, who was auppofed to be m*. king that way. Tbe expedition,
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  • 97 2 mm ffmn^f l fll»Ua.l«*a f ifciLtt.-ac>A,' I he t-ie k 'iaphi.- iness.ig.s which 1. a, h theni fiuin Luii, lull with soiiietini-s iiri...iis gulls. Kor instance, the South,,, ■MMir |iiw« L'oi.lun t.-i.-gram. dit.-,l •J3rd May. htaowa Malay Rnui:;. li, -i» R.|,iil».-.1." Tlieii f.illowa:— Tie Jehu., -ho for
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  • 312 2 Effplim* (liuette, lUlh Mr. Kulin Ja<-i|iiemyii» who hat lieen a*ke.l la fill the !><■»: uf' IWineiu Oeuei at the Mix.U Triuunals. va.-ated liv the death of Mr. IX' Uiouw.-r, i> still Doable tv give any iiuswir to (lie K.-vptKii. i;,, v.iiiin.ut. Mr. Jai'i|ueinyus is
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  • 307 2 Thk MMM cuiiti frequently have to dt-al with MM! "f stokers wins MfiMj m, 1 1, i.ii.l iv the troaiea, tad Dr. A.v.'1.l Kurief, aaslslaut ia the l'atliul.-gk-al luDtitut.' at Kiel, lias made a Marial Hiu-lv of this u.i m ..I i (writ.a the: lifatwfl It.-iliu
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  • 414 2 ■Ml (Mm Thk ..ri^in I ll.e. Oriental Bank Col I ti-m Mi Hi.. Il;,nk „1 W.-.t.-rn lalia, iiiiaH ■am r,H.,.i.-i n y in IxH-nni.) 11,., Ori.'iilal Kauk U IMS I it. inhij b,,nv«en ii,..,., ,ii»* ti,. -i ■In.-ti wan rt-moted to |„',,,,|,,n wh.-r-.M- H
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 550 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest j 8 circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and t Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay j j Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the I Netherlands Indies, the Philip- j pines, and French Indo-China.
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    • 1164 2 AUCTION SAI.KS lALE Of HOUSEHOLD FURNITIRE, »:t.' Phk IV.i'MMv ..k J. I.K.MKRCIEK, K-j. sATiun.-.r. j.-.:h .iini: IMiV. untie, signed ate instrue'e I l.y J. Lemerrler. Bag, to -II hy Auction, at ISI Hill Str.-t oppoMte Ih" Armenian •l,,irel,.,nS.\Tri:l)\), I'-'. Mawaeiag at VOOV. The ValiMhl) ll.msehold Furniliire. lie., •i.iisisting of Ql
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    • 1180 2 HllNlCll'Ali NOTICEg. 1 MINICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE i- B«ah« given Ihtt Ih,. Ilrgua- J t i.m ...,1 Li.-usiug of .log, Wltlnuthe J Manieipality of the Town of .Singapore for n ,'l,e v,..r beginning lal June. IMS. and e n din K c :ll t'M-iv. 1 will dmmm ca M«n-lay, l:itli i.i-'t
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    • 809 2 .ATKST ADVEItTISBMKNTH. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. \T"'II :E ia herehr given lhat the sun,') Ll of waatf to the town will be cut off at I oon on S inlay, the 26th ins', to pirmit of I rtaiiii alt-rttois MaW carri«d oat to the •11 t.'y mail. The water will he tamed
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    • 79 2 j OiiihaSJnl iu»t.. the wife of A. J. Ross. The Straits Times has the largest j circulation of any newspaper 1 in Asia. British India excepted. No oilier Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation. 1 «ta.W lfc*a«r«i>. rnv,,k.,ui<, n ii,, •r. ..i. 01 IU ,*y.r a«ly. S« IU MfUrl
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  • 1500 3 Tea Boutt*ad Itmlitutc For Seamen, a U j ilruclun newly areotad <•!„«. t o ihe dock* ol Siauapoft at Tunjuug I'agar. will lie n«ni|'l. I". I in the courm- „f t),,. v,,-ck an-l on the god July t1,,. I,,. mute Hill l»- foinially ,,t,',] 1V
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  • 1384 3 (frvai a rtllMjinadwat) .San lakan, Jim..- Inl. 1«:»2. Tvs QniaT*! BtBTHDAT, Tiik l-stiMli-rt in honour of MM .-»cnt coiiiinenieil th.H raw- <.i, tl,,- l'.'},,| wjib th" Maal 1 '..i1l nt (iov.-iiiineiit II, The boapilalßj of Ilin Kxi-ell-ni-T the Acting OoToroor ami Hi*. Beaaferl i. proTcrbial, tad tin.-
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  • 113 3 I. >ii.-. pa HoBJIB, u.ll.l.u.iHii in < 1. >ti Mia, anil tbo StMita aa~aa owaar of race-boroM anivad in Oaloaiaa !h<? ..ill.', .lav l.y Hi.aiiiii from I bonaa i--r UaieaUa. Tat Baroa n nid hM porohaard aoMO Bogliah raeanj* K'ngUnd, aod bM ardmed then f
    113 words
  • 138 3 Tnroat rtridaa waicb Britioa Oamaa ia —Mag aa v m>H [wwlaiilaj m— Uj Imm in. l urine] tin- ull-tili.Mi Ilirv ili'-ti-ive. 'J'lin i x .ii t fi.iuioH ii. il nlilaiii- I- |,,,iH to tin- jrear H-<| l.ut Man tii.i, th. pro loctinn baa I n m
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  • 178 3 In .i upon „ii Hi,. UmM of J.iva dariag IWi, too aatiag Brilioa OoammJ, Mr. 8. 8 rinkuliii. utoiiiagli Dm Im iinlii-liy of tha isUli.l, OMBIioM Hi'i. -.1 crotj laal yoar mjaVrad, in tymplki will, all OtMn, f i triii Ih. .i r..u 'lit
    178 words
  • 374 3 MIF-IIM .I.ISH'II TKAVF.BH AND ROM. I I.iuit.l, rail iliealloa to rfce ailallou'lmi of prafO*. Th"> s«y -IM MBMHaM ,|*i-i iti-» ol 'gi. .iind white p.'pj. rnre I. ing at pfs nt exUaaiv*!) coloortd «ii!i tana ric, iv onlcr la ti>.> th. 'in i*la«j haa. Aor tan
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  • 430 3 SoMatkreeyaonnirn, Mr. U.S. Bofo,«fc-iaf I|l l','>ilS.'nic.. F.»i.:,-dhiiil-.|f..f »i| {.riuoity I. visit. a country that, 1 ,tl,h|,s men than inn otlmr, i. ri.-h bj oaJMI f..,'.ti,c Aulo-ladiu. In .oariMof j,,.t „rlM,clh. ho.frina cinct aketraol ti «.i-y mid it« oomdmintkm wit. r. f.. t like p-ml
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  • 137 3 mmmUb, 3M .W.iy -Tm Be//.,,f Brnmtmf IVMiaofc. M tIOW of th« lm|.,,|i,, K r ••lection, publsh"- I'lster plan „f re.i.tai:c. t.. Horn« Ui.le A •■•iwding to tM« plan. if Horn- Rule H Ir. land, all el.clioi.. lo the Dublin T'arliament an I all jniiici.l and magi.',
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  • 596 3 hi very ancient mmMOMwel .li ImttaMMßaa Mmt ptoiQw into the bands of >he t-ailr c%me fr (Jolc n la. Ij«''r, mJaMof ttmiinmm ■Moot con fonii'l in «'.eh eonpontlToly large i|ii«iiti'i' i. Brazil thaMt I, „m e no longer prilitalile to de'v- for -ryaia l i..c I MHMMM Indian i!.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 494 3 KAII'LOVMKMS. LAW \\7-ANTKI) .1 Haaaftaa Okrl in a c o!ieiVV lur'a Bee. Sl. gape: e. N but Hiom-t],-r, we, l T r.l.i, -I aad of «.«l eharao-t-r n■ .1 a'.|.l>. AppliMlti nis iv writing with refer a, and bobU* ef -timo-.i to a* i-i n.t Ut t thaa Mh Jaw,
      494 words
    • 936 3 NOTICES. V. TABLIBHED 186*. KILEY, UARGKEAVKS GO. RaaiHEEßn. Iroh k lln'sr'nri«ii(«», l'.":i.i:na*Ki kk. I'.kii Bdildibr, Siiii--ni'ILUEBH. ÜBRKBAL CoXTBaCTOBS. BINOAPOUE KWAI.A LUMPUR. Ship Itnildini; Vunl. HMB 4MB STEAM VESSELS alway. ender conatruction. from :i* ft. tn 150 ft. Inngth of k— l. of belt d"«ign and MAfHIXKKY from lwli-g
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    • 1507 3 BTOBKB. SHIPPING. John Little Co. ~^^^^^r^r THE O. 8. S. Co aUamer KOSOBMM. will he drepalehftd for til* above porie w «o. <m tho 24th loot., alaotaiagrariro for Molae. ca* and Timor porta. For freight or paaetre. apply to W. MANSnItI.DA-Co. Ul« A«mjU O. 8. 8 Coy^ HAND SNAPSHOT" CAHBRAH.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 109 3 WJCaVTHKH llliroiiT «^...ij.. y Rmoi b tMamatj bM J-..». uyj. 11 a.m. :i|..ia.»p.m. Kiimtn F'..r. r.! I U I.ii 'J •s; I 7J t ».t*4 J 5 Ten.p. KlO MHit 8-2.'. jrS Wrt Hull, Thrr. 77 8 i» 0 7«.'t S* 11, r .fV.,,,1 S. \V S<W. SsW. t-= \'.i.Tfiu
      109 words

    • 161 4 I 1., l-r Ihia h«.li.i|{ lh» follo.ii.if a1.1.r, >,atinna am u«od »ir. itMirnr; »h. «hip; Ih|. I harqux; Brit.— Britiah; U.S.— Cnit<td St»<— Fr -French ;G«. German Dut Dutrh Joli Jolior*; Sir.. <i«i>»ral rarjfo „1 p.— <l.-K-k pu«,nr»ni; U.— Unr*rtain T.P.W.— Tan Jong Pajar Whaff T. P.
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    • 993 4 I Arrivals Sin.-k Nuon nr Ykhtkrii«v. Bri< Tnm.jfamu. llrit. »tr Ml t..n». C»,,t. Cap .11 JlrdJum-. From TrinKuinu, 2'.'n I H.<,und ill. r On* K.-w 110 4 Co. For THaWM* 2.->tli.-Rda. n^ih.i. B N. 11. »tr. 1.11 toim. r»pt. Johnaton. 2:1r,l Junf From Lal.uan. I'.'tl, U. A M
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    • 150 4 iO»/m i-ruef* ore put under thiI trhote aderrtitrd drttin,iti,,n in r rU ofmilim/ k Singapore. Oth,r t. mil 1,., a.d for Java, the Philippine; and sttsT AtislU porU, oeeaiiunallij tall here uutw,n.l the movement! of tuch vetteU are la* mm i to be conveniently recorded.) Name, Port,
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    • 52 4 PASSED SUNDA STRAITS OR AKH.VEl, KOK 0BDKM8. S I 8Hlf« N AB1 DAT. I SilLlN.i. E WHt U«8TI»iTI"N J. .SuwntoK M»r U N, w Vor ««r ll» l.,T«rpool J«n. It Sin^por* Apl. 30 K.,tt, r .i.,,, M»J 7 M» ai U JUD« I.', 11.1.,,. T)ll»tja|i ttufkai Au.lrali. KaUria In
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    • 21 4 tMBL B v Fl m *■>. A Toms. Captain M MEET HM.cru. sai bXu f bu n J«»» WOnitKwe 11.. .t.
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    • 51 4 1M W> L *■•»>< *Ru. <*!-,*,« Juu. J4 McAluuT Vl M BUk Bnt.rtr. Met to Billilon I>»«-«tr Sr,^ r M K.j.kßnM.k, »"».t,. oh J^ X« (k>r|<m r f J0.,-7 I.«» BtU.rtr SSSn 21 (iiuf Add ,'<"', l **>•<"> Imhmi Sour.b,,. I'tli ii> |>ort> >S>lan|ror via port* Sarawak Haniikuk IV
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 705 4 NOTICKH. HKMIXiiTON STANDARD TYPEW ITF.H. Tngm U year* (he StMi.lar.l. an.l to .la> 1 tl.e niosl perfect 11.-vclopill.-t.t of tlm writiiiK-mnchine. embodying ll.> latest and l.i(thcsl achievement* of invonliv.- and niecl.anical *kill. Rtwn iniprov-iimnt that stash and capital .an ssears i* sddrf ta Ihe REstINOTON Tl,.- REMINGTON is DBeqaalM for
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    • 419 4 NOTICES^ TYPEWRITING SUPPLIED Ji;ST arriv,«l s bmb4 cmpWc supply of all kind* of Tyiwwritinir Siippfies nnd Ac.-e*wrie* in-lmling Brmiiniton, Barlock, English and Hammond Kibrmns 1 *Iho Patent Oiler*. Oil, Erasers. Pre« Copy Books (es|>ecially for Tv|«-writiii|r work. Carbon Psimr. Ac, Ac. M< ALISTEB Co., Bsttery Hosd. FACTS FOR THE PUBLIC.
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    • 271 4 NOTICES. SIMPSON CO~ Coach Builders. Established 1840. BY APPOINTMENT TO H. H. H. Thk PRINCE or WALE?. c. a. a. c. b. 1. AMD H. H. The MZAM M the 1)K( 1 AN. a. c. 8. 1.. M, MOUNT lIOAD. MADRAS. EB CANOE LANDAU. With ooAch hex seat «itber panelled
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    • 1497 4 UOCKB. THK TANJONQ PAOAR DOCK CO. LTI Tbe premises of tbe Company are ntnste. at Tanjong r»gar adjoining the town cf Rlnga pore, rlteam tram-cars ran at short Interval i-arryinc pa«senifers and goods from Wharf t> iestination* at low rates. The Wharf eitend* to one mile and qnarta and Is
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    • 237 4 NOTICES. J AMES MOTTOH A 00. Ch«owo«ti», Watch A Oloce Makebb A»D OPTICIABS. fust STBEBT. Have always on hand a well selncurt stoc 01 Jewell. Wstche.. Obwka, Diamond J.w.lwy. snd Nanticl ln.trnin«i«*. Branch*. »!.*»«»<»*»«*. KS'.TSr 1^" 0 l jtSS££i. Albert* rob. <!Kalm. OoM. Beitant.. Rk»Ti. I.ii.k.. Stoda, ColKr PrlairotlJ Lmopaasaa.
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    • 244 4 NOTICES THE MOUNT AOBTIJf HOTeT HONOKONO. I4W KEET ABOW SEA LBTEI. Telegraphic a.ldreas Excel*or," Hon(flioni, A. B. C. I '.win. THE great health r.-»ort of wWfW|aa| and uiiivnr**llv prniionncd to JT beat appoiotmi and m.i.t comfortnble H,,u| out of Europe. Traveller* from al parts of thn worl.l w n have
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