The Straits Times, 17 June 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1881. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, JUNE 17, IHO2. NO. 17.74k
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 558 1 STORKS. "joiin Little Co. NEW GOODS. HANI) SNAPSHOT" CAMERAS. laraaewMh "baaaaaaaaaa" or lUi.i.l I'lates. T very|hand,. K si| y worked, and l^-.sliiCT v. rj effoctire |MatML QOLT. ■MbNB, Kr.Mli.., (BaBBB, fee from l»»l Scot,-., makers, alnay, on 1,.,,, l' "BBvarbMra mid aUipai Hall». CRoyIET In S.ta .0mp1.1,,. Bulag Obwaa,
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    • 710 1 IPANIEB. STEAMBHIP OMPANIBB- I.TVAART Rial. I -..l bi calle.l al ■'■rland. f '.'"I??'- >.r ween m rm.r inaa m tin- dir.c- <<"*< ,«!..,m.ri.di-| l lo Doagah, Bemr, aad Baloagaa aboralttag .-.i;v< ii rJawean, Boaraaeya, BaajefaaMMia. Pale Lent and Kotei, end tah ria the aaa* yarta 1., lin- ace direct to
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    • 565 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC bTKAMSIIII' LINK Taki- in, CaI an i v;. -i y ..Ih.T i ■I. I patchod fn m llongloo n or kl«.ui HaU [mr n« lit IBtk .1 Jah :n tl, Ii apaij t" BOD 1 BAD < kfjaala, i.XI i I- il I. I'. ATION i 80. TO
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    • 556 1 Thi RUadtH I I Norwich L'ni ii Fire i -unuic Societr. AlUs A F,n Ths F.quital.l- Lif \,-i-a!ie.. The Ocean Mnr: ,|»uv. The <;hina Hal n .■.*<■, c,,y TbeTetl The iriariluir.. In-u an". I |,snv. Limit. -A. For lafataatan .-f Ihai < ■yaalaa »cc the full adrerti—ni.-nt of THK '.:<
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    • 472 1 3 I i .'6.lX>>. IT.'- ir paay are ai»»tinjr Marine rikitnaipa.- ratea tl ni: TIIE VI N. r. OM. Keacrt. Kui.d .j'. Ml The ab"T<- Coapasy til pn „_r»J ut accept aud coat. iat I urt.ut ratea ol naa AH C n! nl<T>. baaaa whvtu.-r Shareh. OBAf •> HONCK
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    • 655 1 BAWL aOHOK SO M) MIANiiHAI BANKINi; OOBPOBATJOat P CAPITAL 110/JOO.noo t ti.uoo.noo RESKU lif OK K, onnonon0 nnonon rRoI'KIKIORS 110.000.000 Coaai liiRX-roaa:— C. Ml I Ba« <'l.airra»n. I. Paaam I a, Deaaai ihairnian. it... j j. Bavaß*, J ,1 "lU'. ..j Urn M.1'.».,k»,tr l 'I ■eaj j. ii i;.,. n.
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    • 751 1 KTORKB. Bwnoan waivrk. awrrACTonr. Lpikiatti Hit i., U.nnoa iVI'KKN. ■I -'..I recoismended ur om> in i." baal Hr!fno^'» RraotAa aramoTH, FIKLD' WAT l( hraaoaeter.a BENSON'H "LI'DOATB" WATCH, A threA-qnarter PUtn Ep«li«h I^ter fmlly compensated Silver, IfoM. el'J )2». Special aitea and make f,,r (.'hinem to order. A stock of all
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  • 495 2 LAIKSIMAKKCTgUOTATIONS. tfiHfiAi-om. 17th Jriir, 18W. PaoDjci. li«mt.i»r MM, dn Cube No. J p.iio. .lo rlo No. 2, B.W. OtfM K«li. 4.X5. do P-mti»o»k, 3.R0. P*|.|Mr Blwk i 9.00. MM y\"«r. Sarawak 3 40. IWI Saeo 3.80. Coffee h»li 2«.50. (\,Bnn 1.i1.-riai.. MOT. T.uioe. •n.all Flak*. :!•«>. do do lul
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  • 95 2 For Per $tr. Tim,. To-Moiiaow lUvre »i. 1 H«mljur< Kntmkilil M Maw, 3 n m »i» porti. /'ji.i,,. |p B Malacca >n.l Li,i|rri, I C >.-..,'/,. 2 SlalacrM and hlauir, Httppitn m Trio»fa n u. Sr. rr,» wu i... > t.» porti N,.,,,,. M .r via
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  • 13 2 From Kur«,»-. V,./,.1, o-i T»«4»y. Krom tu.i.. .Sv.i,.-ij. imi Tur»i«T
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  • 14 2 At T»njon« Raton*, Tl,ur».iay. 16th T W\i.tkr KnwiKi, infant in of H-nry AMMMOmm.
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  • 89 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY, JUNE 17TH, 1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Bh kMMM I MSL rm a <i- IW MM |M The Ii imi Pabty Split. MM, Ml J»*t. -Tb.- Klection Ma-uif.-Hto issu.-.l by th.- I'aruellite., decla..s that 111 -ir party sought for (wace. but that thi- Mi C.iriinit.-a haviui{ refuted there
    Reuter  -  89 words
  • 259 2 If th, K.,.-l,»li-iiidiM n '.-d miue. of Ulu Ii iv.. to be cloM-d bet-aunt the Kugli.b (;.)>. -rum. Nt i. un.,1.1,- to afford |<rot.-. lion to 111.- or MM MMMI for I her MM, it will 1..- a i luau.-ut .liaircdit to la^MM admiui>tratioo. The
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  • 58 2 C..1...5LL Wai.kik has IMMmI to the StraiU Government for Euro|>ean awistance at Baub. and elsewh.-re. to take charge of sections of the Sikh Police. This need baa been occasioned consequent on tbe illness of Inspectors Symes anJ Cromptou. The European Police drill instructor bas orders to be ready to leave
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  • 22 2 Thi Colonial Secretary lias gone from Selangor to Sung.-i Ujong to confer with the Suugei Ujoug It -si, l. -lit at ImMMMM.
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  • 20 2 Tb« M. M. MMMMf Natal left Colombo at 6 p. m. yeste day aud is dn>- here on Tuesday afternoon.
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  • 18 2 T«« Police play the Recreation ChM an Association f.'.otl.ill match to-morrow afternoon on the S. R. C.
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  • 22 2 Bt the B. I. steamer Bkundara. Testerday afternoon, the Hon'ble Major HeCall u in. Mr. Johnston, and Mr. Swan. returned from P.-nang
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  • 28 2 Thi subject of the Rev J. A II Oms's lecture this evening, al 8 o'clock, al the Prinsep Street Chapel will be Jesus of Nazareth who was He
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  • 25 2 Bt last advices Stanley's O|H-r* Com|«ny had opened a short season at VwMMJ in the Town Hall, and bad played to a fairly (food house.
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  • 27 2 Kssincwr S.-Hrßim. Comptroller V.-r--meutb and some MMM chiefs MM) arri»etl in I»eli. no dnubt in MMMM with the proiioeed thippiug leguliitioii for t rad.- on the coast.
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  • 40 2 N.i T. «.i Skn.i is the name of another alleged li. adman of the Teoh Thean S.. H h s?ecret MMM/, reevntly arrested by the I'.-iiang |s,li.-e. The man was by last ad-vi.-es in jail there awaiting transfer to Singapore
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  • 58 2 M>. II A. Crane sold at MMMI v.-.ter-.l iv 555 square f.f iof land in Bea ,-h I. inc. witb brick and tile-roofed house erected thereon, for S<>ss. to an Asiatic. This land is near the town, ml in v good I.iisi. n.-ss quarter, but considering the present price lealiz.-d
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  • 76 2 Thk MMM faMMMMMBi or the Mil. June Dotes a great fall in the price of petroleiim there owing to the market being overstocked by the arrival of several |N-tro-lenm ships from America, and the bii, sting of the ling MMM. But a few days previously |).-v...-'< oil was «old nt
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  • 91 2 Yk«ti.ri>av morning Mr. ImMM waa rolibed of bia g..!d watch aud 1,.i,n. win. I, were atolen from hia house. He reported the matter to (he polio- and. on the MMI day. D.-1.-, tive MMMI IMmMM MMMmJ tl,,- chain, and this nioruiiig the sunn- in epeitoreuo-.-d.-d in getting the wat h.
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  • 97 2 Thl run on the OmMNmI Mt-r.-.inlil.-Bank y.-sterday »..< not of r.-rv MMi proportions, for the total emu of ..isli panl iv of all the notes mmlmml amoubt.-d to only aU.ut 9140.1MM1 while IhBank, we iin.l.-r.lttii.l. waa MMMaI t.. meet even an times that amount. \V, untold the panic
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  • 119 2 Thi J'imiim^ MHMMj iv ootiDg that tin forme a Lading MMMJ tt MMMM ia Perak, MMMfpMI that, MMM tin is |.l.ivwl uut, MMMMM will have re.v.-l 1,.'-r head aa there m plenty of m. I, land t|,,. .State fiom MMi (jrosa MMMMMMM i MMMMMMN laud MMMM umv M OMmI to
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  • 122 2 Tm tive in .ist,. l auxiliary s. r.-w ve»«.-| Haria Utekmer, wa» t,,..Uv MMMa out of the AllM-rt Dock at Tanjoug J.,^,,,,. IIM |.|...--.-.1. 1 iiu.J.-r »t. an, fur Sngou where »he will load a full .-argoof n i.;,i»o,i t IM oil her own.. r s a,-, OmMJ MT MM
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  • 162 2 Jlr 1t.., hfort hu l«, u .-u K l( »a .tak,,,MtMtpMMJMi l-WHrSSIMkJ 1,vr1, .ud thi. he ha. dom- a. far a, S cbauu Bubu. .i MMMI of about „,,7,, mile.. Tbi» nei-liou. runuioif from I- Kuli... and th.-mv to 8.-U,,,,, w v |l |.U-t.-d hr.t. Anoth.-r mmmL
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  • 128 2 MmM. Rkchcb, 1,..i-i«,i.iv P bare hem ad vised I hat of %n]<\ for the past month from tbfc JJalis mine, Punjotn. amounts to 27 ounces. This contrasts most seriously with the return of 300 ounces for tin- pr.-vioiis month, the falling off ia, how. ever, in do way
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  • 198 2 A c<il:llKsl-,.NDEXT..f tfct HMfvMw, wli has I n visit ing the piovincc of Traug in MMMM t.-rntorv IW tnil.-s north of I'm. in.'. I'm. ls th it Traug has not been MM to make its.-lf known in the MMMMtMI w... 1.1, owing to its not having
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  • 461 2 Below ia u ri>]>v of a Htatemeut whiHi Captain WiUou' liaa made lx>f.>re tli<> Ucrm.iu CVimul MMnh| t MMMM whicli occurred t<> the HMHtl of ,1 M ulav boat during till- squall. MU t li.KMf a Uirniau man-of-war. MtiM of < whuli appcari- 1
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  • 547 2 ■mkmmm i-,,. m s. C <■. Tn« mUmI i i- >n tii" K »>ti>all Am* Maiion Oaf mm fUfil m lha ImmmAi la^t ••niinit; Ih'Iwc.ii MMM NMMMtiag III.- Kiinm-em au.l the iSiii^h )•>>••< (,'iiek-t Cllll), anl r.Mllllwl In favour 1 1).' |.,rni. r by two goal* to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 722 2 NOTICKB. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspapar in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected .States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, thfl Netherlands Indies, tho I'hilip- pines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has j so
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    • 1176 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICBB. MUNICIPM, NOTICS. NOTKK i- h"r-by given IM ReguUti.usn.l Uern«)a( of .!..'< within th»'i'/ tii- T-.«ru of MMMM, for 11,.. nsr l».ginning Ist .Inn-. I-'.'J. a;id ending lllst'Mny. I !i:l. will MSMMMM M Mondar. 13th in'i nnd In .-.ntinuel daily. MMJI exee,.tc.l. I. (wMMtMaMfI "f I" s.
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    • 1156 2 Al CTIOX BALES. I (ALE OK HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, XT.Thk Pboi-uuy Of H. A HEARD. E»<i.. SATURDAY. ISth JUNE THE undersigned arc instrue'ed by H. A. Heard. Esq., lo sell hv Auction, at Frsnkfort Basra." (Mm Road, on SATUR- DAY, lMtli JUNE. l^C. coinmencinic at l.»i P. m. l Th.. Vmmmm
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    • 1064 2 LATEST ADVERT IBEMENTB. NOTICE JAMES MOTION' A Co.. HAVE Rcccitkii Dm PiO. Mail Telescopes, Field an d Marine. Hinoenlar ;U5.,..,( >p-r»f with handle. Travellers' ?rrk«t Compass and Snu Dial. SpecUrlre ,nd Ey* iJlsssa^ j,, prest vs'iery. Parisenpie Msr« l^ers, a greit rili-f for 'outside wear " Lens. MM iff Wmm,
      1,064 words
    • 69 2 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation. #r.#s#,,4«o/ ».*y«i*T Mly. Ay Ikt ma^U.-i a/llut ens 4. l.m. it S.S. r,,.rt.i lUI •Ufkl ,llun« I. psMMaC AU ™»lr.. I. SM to IU r-.J.1.m. llut
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  • 3848 3 Report on the First Half- Year of the Pahang Rising. i Fn.iny. June ]Ttk 18U2.) [hi fi'»t half year of thn l'ahang Kiainc haa now ended, and the ie|K>rl and acctinta win. h have to bt submit tea) f,, r that l».riod are not ao aatiafactory as the I! ernor-.lll.Mi'siia'
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  • 142 3 P-, a. a, BBaMataww from Cah'iitt.i -MMMB. T Man-ar. Me ~'r. HO. M.iudiug. B Hrown, M. EtoWaMa, A. D Warnu. J. Warren. A. S».,ii..lohnsl I. A. Champ-rone. T. Sarkiw., M. Irriajr. W. <i. Baabara, Major HsOallaai, Mi-s Laaaharc, Miss Distant. M.j ,r Yule. Mr. ud Mm. Jaaota, S\<*
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  • 140 3 |arVM Cnrrfpondnlt TMBeitP'tne »eiit-nce of tbe law waa carried out here on the morning a.f th. :,th mat. on a Chinaman who Waa found guilty of bavinK rourdereai J Chineae boy out of r»venge for IM BOa-payMBM of certain »a»{... avid to he du-' to him aLil MM
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  • 483 3 I HMbJ MMMB, 14th aUHMLI limiHT are the mi, ids that arc- atiting about Pi-nang— a hirl.our improv.-in-ut hi h.-iii, :i t,au. -I'.-niuaula railway with a t. 1 111. mis at her very (loot* and now MMM th.. MMMI "f BtMMMJtB.gIMI mercantile coaling BSaM, for
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  • 851 3 1 Punk gmmmmmt om,iir, mih j,.,^ In the State C'hineae Protectorate Aunual ll| I 1 for 1H»1. Mr. K. (1 Wataou. the MmTi aaya Two thouaaud eight hundred an! -iitv four Haaaak mbmmbi havn mm mjW r-i this yrar, aa agait-.t IjßaV in l-.i' 1 .hewintr an increa...
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  • 545 3 Th urn hat been received a copy of tbe report on the Ceoaui of the St'aita Settle. i aWBMMMM in Ap'il UH I.v K M Mere- wether K-.| auperintenileiit of tbeC'enaua. Mr. M ».:1,. r met with diflicultiea at tbe— t from the recorda of
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  • 646 3 I" '<•'•' J 7,0Hrf...i. Ird June.— Th« Bl.m Book on I affair> in L'gabd* haa 1 1 i>aue<l rnni|.ri>ing a Irmly mad- Bin King M»-i,.- by C.pi.m Umbw in l)-.«n,l-r \-\-K w1,.r.-i.y Mwan K I pro. ised toor.-rne strict ni.pirlnlilv with regard to nii.-ionari.-i of all .r-.. 1s
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  • 366 3 At a in iiult <>f the I'-mni; MiiDn'ipa.l )V.»rd on the |i»th June, a letter from the Ailing „1 Coiiik ,llor on Ibr aul.ject of tl,.' M, mi, ii»l mrip laid on MM BaMaV The IVaidrnt aaid !h ii he bar) rereived it only a moment before.
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  • 136 3 It mar b.. rein-iiiU'reil koine few m.iutbt a|(<>, aoiiie conaiilrrablc internl MM .viii. ..1 in MMMI tM> tin- al1./..1 imp. is,., „t a Kiinuiuii youth 11, in.. 1 W.ilt.r Kdiin. V,il|,;iraiao. Tii.' atateinent MM Maw MPaMMN waa MBfawjaa „1. soin, Baaf nt|mi.hs.. ■«TMg Hie
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  • 214 3 The rule of the Road in singapore Harbour. Ti> thk Ei.ituk ■>» tiik Sikaiis Timks." Sl«. Meatret.i.iirri.lHirali- in par. tkulartkw letter «t«ii.-il S.»nmu" iv »our iasui'i.f >f*t«n]ar (with th.' eii'i-ptiun that hlhu t1... |«a blajaw MM MM from 11,.»... CK..w iViy.« t1... BBflMi aw tl»' 77mm.« at al..|.|.d I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 8 3 j tm (ifiieral iMBMBBI MM BMJ Ngt i.
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    • 298 3 MffNl Mil W HOK.V. who was pr..p-i-l ,r ..r ihaOrtaial Ratal heaa to an Mat, tli.t h- 1,., ac.p.ireal Ih. AH Hotel and w .rr, ,-.,,..,i,.|,r1,,5,,» i-rol and man- Mr II „-n.,|...1...w'5t.,iii,n..i1. th»l i .AH,,,,,, 11, i-l will Ik- imagil Meat1.,, i atattaa and ',-t .ai. 1.- I. ,1-
      298 words
    • 1145 3 SHIPPING. FOR HAL! T AND MAOAROAR. TII 1 1 1 SB. M a aUamar HASJKRMAS Sl\. i Sutherland, will ha <i~ patched for the al»,v. pnrta on tba 18th faaft.. al~.. lakmg eanrn for itonreoa pona. For freigh* nr paaaaa**. apply to W MANsriKl/li 1-. Ag«niaii H 8 Coy. UTOO
      1,145 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 76 3 Wr.AIHKK RKI'dKl Baaaeaatj aVaaaaf aaaafaM, MM 7 U ;>.<:■ .'.*..3^.«i.»|..a.. IlnsiKO. lU, I IU KMMB.MI r..ui, B/atßalaikar. It I lt.t ll. r ..I Wo. I I H". .SSW i Max. Temp, iaaha-le N'.M M.I. linn i-'l T.rr r^l. Tb-r 73.0 lUiafall>n'.'ll,..ur. Nil 91 S aWMIMNM WKATUKK TKI,KOKAM K. K. A.
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    • 139 4 I i-r Haa TiTiT-jt ili« faifcmiaK »M>n »ia1, aa* an aaal --tr.— strnmi.r; ah. iMp; I") aaraaa; Ml Briti-h; I'.S— i nit -.1 Bto>*a; Kr rVaaahiOav.OaraaaiiOajt ■Dataa;J<rY Jatawi .v-.-i; o i.l p— 1.-k I<a--»nir.T.; I*. l'nn>rtiiin |T.P W Ta-iiir.^ Panr Wharf; T. P. I) Tanj a« Pa«ar
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    • 881 4 AUKIVtl.H SINCE No.lN V.ST.KI.W. Ml »tr. r.Nl t .li .i-.t. k, l>-.!h Jim.-. ll.m.'k..k. lltli %i;l I I \V 1.1 I c I:.., ,:...k. I'.ith. J:rl,,. Blit str. I.::.-.' I .1... I 8 l' 'l' J Ki.,,i, ail I r. 111. M;.v I'.t- I MM <
      881 words
    • 108 4 'On?./ r,«»W« orr put uuder thit headinf trhatr ailrrrlitnt ilritin-ltion in their portl tfttOlmt >"'7"/'"-'' OfW re. M hound far J;r,,. tkt 11.ii;,,,,;,,.:. and other Aiiaiie )u,rlt, o-r.,..;.,.,,,/!,, l nutirard bound, t,,u uactrtan to be eon uimmt nanbil -V....-. 1.,,1, wmk, of Sailing. r'i:nu I.omm.n. T»lenneho., M.,v
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    • 73 4 ,|M k If AM I*' Jodlilu l< l'l,.iu.|»r» M K». M I. r. M 17 I'.tUn 17 i1.... iktlu 17 M.I, 1 7 Ma Trini f>au 17 lv..n ri_vt Ar i .tr. L'l!«( I,.'' t «r 1307 wd M..v Hdhim .tr M l Wt V| luib U PuU.n.on
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    • 36 4 >*T1 1 NAM.. i *rT»m Dkhtination 17 """to. u'ra ;t h^^^ 17 K Muu,,, I)ul Rhkw ChoatH i kins m! |-.>ntmimk BoaafeMg I Anii-v B»uiok K. w York i.n.k I'.Tt S..J 1 v. s.,mun
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 346 4 NOT I Finn Old Dry Amontillado Shprrjr. LACAVri.IV DISTILLERY s i M it. IBLAN i I l, Soon THE LAoAvti.ts Wo, trial mi* for 'n,,. it« tine «|u:il> i l -1 Siot. il Mai.t OaXT, «nd haa loaf be* favourite baverag" of >t I C«lifnruii»i Tabjt \Vim~ It contui, Jfock.
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    • 481 4 NOTICES. HOKODRABLE M "I"V. EXHIBITION. LOHI N, ttat Silrer ataal !"•-'■< OMatnaa Oalentta Ell Gold Medal, Intornaiioaal Korestry Ex il»--tion. Bdinburgh, 188*. Branzn Mflal Ad-i.M- Jabile* Int.imatii nal ■nAM l fc B7. JOHOII BI i MILLS CO. Timber for Railway. House, Ship-building and Gemirsl pur|>o»es. torn m Near obr.
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    • 881 4 NOTICES. lULKV, HAKGREAYES CO. WllllMsaMsUisj I Bra's Foc!«i>rßH. BotUßlUSsm Bbiih;:: Ui-ii.deks, Slurni'iL!>Eßg. Gkxkrai. Contractors. BINOAFOUE KWALA LUHPUH. ■a) llniliiin- Van!. rriOHaM STKAM VKPSELS alwaj. BtaWa ti-trucnon. rrf, m :Wft. tol.V>ft. length of bast ot lie-t ls**«a atid flnisli. HAJ HIXKKYfr.m badasg British Finns wit!, l:.,ird(.f Trade rertificates. This defßHawil i-
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    • 1031 4 DOCKS. T I'AUAIC MCI 00. LTD 'ompany are niusted Itaaai tram-<«r» run at sWt tatavtsj* carryin/ paiwnirers and (roods from Wharf to ie»tin»tior.s at iow ra'.oe. The W' :.rf i 'ends t« one mile and quarter and is divided I y thy en'rsnoo to the Orarias Dorks into thn c
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    • 223 4 ""NOTIOEH NOTICES. LEEMANiN k (iATTYS' TOMOBTOAOEESANOOTHKII^ .'ATKNT I v-.T DVRD Seller, of town property. At.;.ly to MOii I minnr miner the ninai wt»r* t*el«. JUMH IQABB "-TORK. The following mm» tt Met many te«MatoNo. i:». Rafkikh I'l.Ai-r. niais ratatrai. BLANCO A. C. tag t> f mi t1,.,re.,5. t,,mersslid Hie |.n1.1,,-
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