The Straits Times, 15 June 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1831. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15, 1892. NO. 17,742.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1168 1 BTEABISHir _OOMPANIEB. I PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STF.AM NAVIGATION COMP^NT. Or.ica— <\.llye, Quay. \ViuHV«H and liorrowxn— New riarb<.ur. Tub mail fteamere may b. eip* t.-<l toai- nveontwardaand leave Kingapore homeward* on th» following date- ■mmmm BSVJ Isr. iajJiSsSc ft: y Oaakaj i. A 1|( Theab-ve date* we only BM>MBMto|«kM airivaUiand departures
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    • 991 1 BTBAMBHIF OOMPANIHS. KOMNKLIJKE PAKETVAART MAAT.SCHAPPIJ. Under contract with the Netherlanda Ultll AT SI.VWJAI'iIHK BtUn A«iKN< V i.atk .1. ItHMU A Co. Ronmiios Quay. A..i:nt» at MstAsW Mihhkh Hdttenbacr I.iicii:: A Co T1,.- Company baa a tb-et <f ■JNMM alll! Biisallaa for first riasa, ..cud r'aaa, and -le.-k |i**a«ag*f«, ami
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    • 885 1 tSTEAMHHIP COMPANIES. Siak. Bengkalia. and Edi will be railed at j tn Jiirnuo I'nrlr via Bawran and ImAm, lion taking direct cargo and |M«**ng,"« to I I'ani. 1 1' if. 1.. l.aul. l'*a*ir, and Kot. -i (tnce rrrry ris vrekt a •t.-.m. r i. ,1 to Doiiga'n. H.row, and
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    • 779 1 INStKANCES The Standard Lif. A**iiraoe» Norwich Union Fire Insurance Sorie«y. Atla* Aa.iiranc. C .mpany (Firs). Th* Equitabbi Lif < Aaaurane* Society The Ocean Marine Insurance Company. The China Mutual Steam Navigation Coy. The Tottenham Lager li«-r Company. The Maritime In*uranre Company. Limited. For particulars of tli. Companies ase the full
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    • 821 1 INSURANCES. ■I HE STKAITb IMSUKANCt COMPAN T. LIMITED Haan Orrica,— Singapore. ."'ul nt-e.l Capitol I ».i«« ,on«i. Paid up Capitol Mo.nx. Kvaerved fund ll*.ooU. The above Company are accepting Marine riska to all parta of the world at current rat.v of prsmiau. THE STRAITS KIKE INSURANCE COMPANY I.IMITKIi. Subacribed Capital.
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    • 829 1 BAWK. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL 110.000.000 RESERVE FtTCD f 6,«»,nt)0 BEBEBVK LIABILnr OF >,ioonoooo PKOPBirroßa H 0 000 000 c.u-Rr or DiaacToaa:— 8. C. Mi. ii ii ism l-.j o.iru, .ii I. I'ntsnarisK. Kag.-- Deputy Chairman T. E 1.. I ii.,, J j |an|. j M..tii.i.T.
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    • 827 1 NOTIOBB. BENSON-8 VTATCHIB. MAHtrvAOTomr, Lr/noATi Hill, Lom>oir MAKER TO H. M. THE QUIIK. I Bpectally mannfactared ami raeonsaoded or a*, ia tho East, RBHtoa-t Srcc.AL iTßiiiaTa. KIKLI)' WATOH. A Gold T syloaa Engli.h Half ChronoaMtor, ti BBNSOM'S LUDOATI WATOH. A thrm-qnart«r Plat* Engliah I»v*t fully compensated Silver. £5 Gold. £12.1
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  • 467 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SmoAroßt, 15th Juhb, IBK. Pbodjob. UamUer, SJO. do C»b» No. 1, ».00. do do No. 2, g.OO. Opraßali «5. do Pooiianak m 3.«». Puppsrßlaek B^7*. Sago Floor, Sarawak 3 2.V Psarl 9a«o, 3.T0. Colfse l«all, 88.50. Coffee Libsrian. :13.0U. Tapioca small Flake, 3.M. do do Ist
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  • 91 2 for Ptr *r. 'Amu. To-Mobbow. Hm.i. port.. n J... Trl« nu K. jral.^,,.. .1 p Hongkong *Sb.n f b.,. 7U«n. :i J.«. Honr k o>( 4 A mo., Una, 3 p. B Fbidat. g"fko*. #fc.« 7«.«. J"»'« l Nin»n|»r«. II KIme .■> !»rt.. (hllum. 3 Bub*. ri» port.
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  • 67 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 15th. 1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Khtabi.imhku 1831. n i. i 10 C»n. Fur Strait* Time: I'm, British Eaht Afbica Cumpart. London, I4tk Jtutf. It is reported tbat the British East Africa Company intends to abaudon Uganda as their funds are exhausted. The 7W« in a leading
    Reuter  -  67 words
  • 328 2 I'c»A\i>A, win. lj dow proTci to troubletome tu thf liritiah E ill Africa Company, ia au inland kiii^'l.iin in that lection of the Dirk Contineut which border* the ahorea of Lake Vktoria Nvan/..i im the Equator. Tin' country haa mily been recently opeued up to
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  • 331 2 WITH reference to the pWptBJBj that Ibe Munici|«l Oflcet shall be built at Ibe foot of Fort Canning (at the junction of Hill Street and River Valley Road), we understand tbat such land is absolutely the pro|»rly of tbe Colonial Government, subject (possibly) to a conceivable claim
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  • 22 2 H. M. S. Pliiver will leave Siuga|«>re tbia afternoon and will proceed to the Cbristinaa and Cocoe Islands on the annual visit.
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  • 20 2 Thk Hongkong Government invite Undert for the purchase of tbe iron «t.-aiu-tug Fame as she now lies in Hdpgkong harbour.
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  • 24 2 Tehuirs for supplying 1,200 chests Benares Opium to the Siamese Govern- I ment will be received at Bangkok up to the 10th of July.
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  • 26 2 Tub iron screw steamship Xnmlieti of 2,-i5& grots tons will be sold by public auction, in the Supreme Court Houhc, Hongkong, on the 12th of July.
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  • 31 2 Thk Hnmjkok Tin. of tbe I 111, instant notes tbat over 50,000 lbs. of |>epper wore sold tbere on the previous Thursday at Tea. 25!— almost the lowest price ever known.
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  • 34 2 IM. ik the auspices of the Chinese Christian Association the l£.-v. J. A. B. Cook will deliver a lecture in Engliah in Prinsep Street Cha|*l on Knday the 17ih mst. at 8 p. m
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  • 29 2 Cumtbactub* and builders will see from an advertisement in another column tbat tbe Telegraph Company is calling for Under* for tbe erection of a cable depot at New Harbour.
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  • 34 2 Tub New York Life losuraucell'oiupaur. of which Puttfarcken and Company are the agents here, in its report for 1891. •bows assets of nearly X26.000.000 against liabilities reaching about .£22,790,000, the surplus being over £3,000.000.
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  • 40 2 0« Weduetdar, 29th iost.. a Court of Appeal will be held in Binga[K>re -tbe Bangkok Appeals will, it is understood, be token fiirst. Monday, tbe l.'.ili August neit, baa been filed for tbe aasemblv of the Court of Appeal Penang.
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  • 57 2 The semi-final iv the Association Cup will be played .11 the Esplanade to-morrow afternoon between the S C. C. a«d the Engineers, commencing at 5 o'clock sliarp. Tbe following will represeut the Club: Ooml. Carmichael. Back*. Scoular aud Oray. Hal/batkt. F. IVuuys. <1 K. Mosluy aud Sisbod. FoncanU. A. KoU-rt-son.
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  • 53 2 •«> Thin moruiug Iwfore the Court of two magistrates. Hassan, seraug of tbe British steamer Ruby, runniug between this and Palembaog, was charged with attempting to eiport 1 revolver, 60 cartridges, and 10} lbs. gunpowder to Paleinbaug (Netherlands India) on tbe Hth instaut. 11. was fined $200 or in default
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  • 83 2 The report of two Cbiuameu b-ing at. Ucked by Malays near Pulau Bu.u on Moudiy eveuing. in which it was aaid that one Chinaman war killed and that the other, the man who made the report, swam to Tanjong Pagar, turns out to bo a fabrication. This morning the Chinaman
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  • 120 2 At Bangkok neveral of the leadiutc meri b»ut» ate laid to have notified that a considerable discount would U- uiveu on isli |>ayineuti. The Banykuk Time; in ■■•in nim- ou thu, aftirnia that, uowticro iu the Far but. probably, ha* there beeu •ucl an eilensive M»,t,ui of credit a* in
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  • 140 2 The Plaintiff to Finn Sti i.-Kiir for Costs At tbe British Consulste. Bangkok, „n tbe9tbiu(t.,Mr.C.Tborne,joint.propri(iior and editor of the Bangkok ftrnm, attended in answer to a writ, itnu.-d at the inslanr* of Messrs. MontreaorandCelli .ncnnoe< tion with their libel action, calling on him u> ■how
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  • 173 2 In the Hattib or Tan i'hin 11.... Iw the lUukriiptcv Court before Actini; Chief Justice Wood, a motion was nu,|, by Mr. IVlay on U-lialf of one Lee OcoL. a contractor, to have an order diainixin^ I^.- (leok'a claim made in this matter by Mr. Justice Wood, set
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  • 177 2 A li.iiihl.ili.iii of a < 'linn work 1 1 nl i] I _',-n t Treatment of Foreigner* han juat appeared at ShaDgbai. Sw. nil ('ln--11.-i" 1 official* had a haud in tlm book the maiu principle of whicli may 1>« lummnl up in the ri'c.iiiiiueiiilatnnis to
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  • 221 2 Fillis's Cireus and the Distress in Mauritius. On MoikUv Hi.- proprietor of Filli.'t Circus noiiti that ont'-b.-ilf of tbo nett procoedn nf biit last nhow in Sin([a|>ore would be bande.l 1,. II K. 1!,, v- r for trauiuimai.Mi to MauntiiiM. us a donation towttrdi '.In- alleviHtiou of tbe diatreii rallied
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  • 368 2 On tin. .ulij.-i-t Mr. M.-Luavv Br.iwn writ.-, iv the K.-wloon Trad.- Kei-ort for lHyl Tim .in.- evil wlii.-li, mure than any other perhaps checks Hi.- development of ths juuk trad* with Hougltong insecurity, niention«d, arising from the danger r.f pir.i'ical attack in
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  • 60 2 For Mourabaya an.l Batar is. C.ilalm, on IM i>r .-ach iu..,,th. II and Co. For Hongkong. K on l«h J" n Wm HaknMM >i> r. iu. Ban,trm*un\. i*th Juur. W Min.del.1 nuJCo. K«>r IVuitoie »mt Bombay, JtaiyM. Ju« I'.Hh Juu... Holm .Moyer Md Co. For
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 558 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of tlie Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 981 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICES. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given tint the Regulatinn anil Licensing of dan williin the r Municipality of tlie Town <>f Hin«i»i».re. for ill., yesr ln-i-iiiiiiiiif M June, MM, tgd ending ;;|,ij|ni. l-!*l. will •iiiini'in-- on Mnn-lav. llttli ini-i and l» .mtinucd daily, Sunila} ti -.1. 1. the
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    • 1158 2 AUCTION 8ALBB. MORTGAGEE'S SALE OP LAND AND HOUSE. THE undcrnigued hss received instructions to sell l>y Public Auction at bin sale* Room No. 2D. Ksffl". Place, on Thursday, the 16th Jon<\ 1 •<!'.'. »t l.V) p. m. All that bIew of land comprised in Government Ltm No. 275. for 999yesr»,
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    • 1065 2 LATEST^bVEBTISEMENTS. SHERIFF'S SALE. In the cause of Sayle A Co.. Ltd. Plaint,/.. "■Jltllwd. Defendant THE undersigned received instructions by Pnblir Auction, at Mr. Ahrtnn* Stsl.lw., No. 84. Brass Ba»*a Road, on Saturday, the 18th June. 1892, it 1 p. a 1 Black Bane. 1 Bay do I Two-wheeled Buggy sn.l
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    • 50 2 US.* tal«a«at fir Ik. ttraiia Tmm >U«1« U SSaVM •aaupuwa/ ta<ais«r aU*. J»» tk. +*,U.H «/IK»( ,„<, »>m»m M.S.S. t, ni-Ut U.I «2|M s-tmw m. Ail ■*mln.»| Matrana mn **j—i I. Ika Mo4iha> lUI IU H.H.,n I U« Ik. linilniaxal Mtflvaar .a M r~*«/ m-tt. t-t mtt slaw Ikarn B.W
      50 words

  • 448 3 1 Strait, Law Journal) Tha Resident Councillor of Malacca haa practically sat aside tha Rule, and Regnlationa roc Prison l!,.l,na p«.*ed by R E th* C.ov.raor in onncl, .nd, in d*fianc* nf R,,1. 127, has ordered that no parmii shall U adnutted to 111. pri.on to ,i,.
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  • 326 3 Sik Yualerday as an ajiaalli I w,.ul to the Malacca on* Omar bin Rasip tinder lII* provisions of Pri,,,,, Rule 127. I am intruded that this man was on Satiirdny morning brought l» f,.re Mr. Kyah... Ih- silling Magiatralc. and charged with gang robbery in P C No 7K.,f
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  • 295 3 itnl February, IsHl Ml p. m. Sir,—Yesterday at Id a.m. I sent you a Intter ill the public intorast iv an urgent matter requiring immediate attention. I hare I ived no acknowledgement af or reply to that lett, The lilwrtyof my client Omar bin Rasip has, in my opinion H
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  • 437 3 fV-ruarr. 2 Mil. 1801 ToJ. Sin r Th» Oaolor of MaWa Sir,— On th« 22nd F.nrnarv a. tli« l.-gal adritrr of (in- < 'mar bin Kaaip Vim lixl l.«m »ent to the n a warrant of Krniaod cm preliminary enquiry without nllaM brins; uk.-n niraii.Kt Im.m.'I mUlcm for |*ir■Ma I.
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  • 94 3 Mitt. lilH/tll. Councillor. Office, MaaMM, Kebriiarv. Wl. Sir.—l hive the honour to .clll.tvl. dee receipt, of y. „r letter dated twaaWw««,w*w plaining that ion wem nimble It obtain access to vMirclient Omar bin Rasip iv the gaol on Sunday. t The Qi iler infoi-mml von correctly aa to the
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  • 170 3 Miac 11+0,111 BrnUral C.,inici.l..r. nice. Malacca. ||l| K.-btuarv. lhill Fir,—l have the honor to nckmwlrdgc receipt of your letter of yestenlny'. dale marked -'< Il p m. ci.inplaitiiig that you had not r. c-ived an answer t,i your previous letter 011 the subject of im order I gave tl, (iaoler
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  • 132 3 It would K.--IH ai.ording to the l',;,,jrets ilr Siiiijon, that a scandalous evasion of OnatwaM ilii.'H hiiH Ihvii lirought to light ut Hanoi. Il np|icani that for some,Till,l,, time past it h.iK lieen the practice of certain merchants to ai.l thr chin, lest in.. lan, line; niimi;gl.'d
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  • 54 3 Per I,-. from London. May i 7. Men(lab,me. and Oeorge. Per JMlaarat. from London, July Mr. .1. A. Anthoniaz. Per atranalaa, from London. Jun* 10, Mr. L»iigh«r Per M. M .learner Natal, froui Marseille-. Mar m\ Mr. D* Uiiignc, Mr. liigenohl. Per MM*, from Marseilles. June 12, Mr.
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  • 104 3 A i'kxi.imixakt return of tbe Britiah Army, in anticipation of the general annual return, ha* hem publiahed. Tbe return abowa tbat the average effectir* atrengtb of the whole Army— officer* and men— during the past rear waa 209.699. the total number of officers being 7.614. The av.rai/.- total
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  • 1464 3 Thk coui|ietition for the amateur championslop of the royal and ancient pain* of .°e .Hand wa-i played lv' week in l remote corner of the Bawft >■< al Kngl.i.d. and won hy an Kngliahman. The s'ena waa the link, of the St lieorgc', OU st Sandwich:
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  • 59 3 Per s. M.,,,,,t H,l,rvn I ruin Manila Kh.15.,,, Par VnsM tn.ui Lit, rpool :-Mr. Mur- I "'Per.. Sinya^.rr from Bangkok :-M*aars. l>,,uit. S J Tru It. aud C. J. Per.. 11,,,, oaaa from M Me trs JUnrliu Mathcw.. ami II ■If Per. >. /-...1 Whill 111,,
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  • 477 3 Although tbe amount of opium imported into China id 1891 aUw* an increate of 82» pical* over tbe import of the preceding v.«r. it compare*; with that' of IHBB. being 5,197 picula leu. Tbe ralue <■( tin- trade, owing to cooatanllr .|.< Inn"-- pn.-.-.. allows
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  • 412 3 ToiiAVh Trlinraiu leti.l. intvrcat t<> tbe full. mm- mill itonu: The ».f iourn d mmmi annual meeting of the Hritiali Eaal Africa Company wa. held at Winchcatar Houa.< on Mar IHth. Sir W. Mackionon chairmani in m it ing the adoption of the report, etplained that the
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 314 3 For (ieneral Shipping Jfm Kre Pace 4. Appeal* Net lltinn for Hrurniir l>y the Court of A|i»rul Singapore. June ""^L N»mnc.f A|ii«.ll»nf» N»me of He-poiident.. Num.' o! (,au«e. A|i|»'ll«nt. Soli.-ilorn. ll.Mj|.oii.lenl. UUlM, Tmtm Ana li.«m» Arna.-li.-l- Whitm fo* .V Co. DoimMnon A T. A. R. Am»- D»w A Napier km
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    • 233 3 CHINESE lilRI-S SCHOOL. THR usual half-yearly Sale of Iseful mid Fauci Article, in aid of fund, of the aln.te School will take plsce, (iial willing, in Hi. Town Hall, on Friday the Mat instant !-ale commences at t o'clock iv the aft »r--111...U t»m NOTICE. TO MORT(iAUEES AND OTHERS 'pilE
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    • 993 3 WOTICKB. \M ABIE BRIZARD AND ROGER I Ml Bordeam. Cnracen, white and red Maraerhino. .Soyau. while and red Cherry Brandy. aUlkPaneh. Old Jamaica Hum. Anisette and other liqueur.. Sole Agaata for the Straita. V. CH. VALTRIKT A 00. NOTICE. WE nave admitted Tan Hye Bang. Tan Heong Lian. Lee Boon
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    • 592 3 NOTIOBfI. Kelly Walsh Ltd. NEW AND POPULAR BOOKS. Forty Plato* on Building Coaatraelion." hy C F. Mitchell, laige folio. i.iO Architectural Drawing, by R P. Spier,, 4.00 Haskoll's Engineer.. Mining Sur^ r*yor's, and Contra.tor'a Field Book. 15.00 Surveying and Levelling Instrument* Practically Deecrihed. by W. F. Startle v. ..J 300
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    • 1152 3 INDO-CHINA HTIAM VAV. C<X. LTD. FOR PENANn AND CALCUTTA THR Company's St«am«r CB9LTDMA. 1.574 tons. Captain R Caaa, harieg left Hongkong on the ISth inst, say be eipseted to arrive here oa tha Slat iaat She will ha deapetohed for the aWve •orta on the 2Jnd in.t For freight or
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 111 3 WUATHKR KKI'OKT a.........^/ ktal ms g«a>ital. litk ewSat -«a. m. 3 p. m. K p. m. Baa i kii. Bar. rad. N Fall. ?> 871 2U SIS X.7 JS Tsmp. «7.0 M i 71 1 -8 W.t Bulb Thaw. 7»S 7s.i 77.8 k*3 Diraf Wui.l. lIMVI'.;.. t-£ Mm. Temp imhtii..
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    • 145 4 t'nd»r thi. heading tha following ahbroviaI tf»n< are nwl «tr.— «t«am<>r; nh. ship; bq. I barqn*. Brit— Britiah; I' S T'i 1 St»'~. Fr -French (i»r German Dot Dutrb J..h J JT».ic. lien^ra! -«r/ .Ip— I k pa*i«nr«r«. V— Uncertain ;T P.W Tanjong i Pa*»r Whaff T
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    • 907 4 AkKivti mm r Xoox or Vt i R- i St««meni pataed tlirouxb Bka*ik*>. C*.««. J»M«f JV»- linfi^rr, Erit. >tr. 7it ton". Capt. C-nll. 14th June From Kanirkok. '.>th U c, and Ok dp. Kirn Chin* A Co. For Bangkok. C- «vi P\ «»<m, Brit. «tr 575 ton.. Tapt.
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    • 130 4 On/y »<«'« arc put wrnier th:t X, I ukoat adwartittd deitination in tktir yjtU of tailing it Singapore. Otker re ft It 1,,, ,«i for Java, tk* Philippine: and ot\*r oeeanoiaUt/ call ktre outward oohk'l ike mortmenti of tuck kikli art too uncertain to be conveniently recor.l,,l
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    • 28 4 Km. »•">». -.iim. U T.u. Wr !siJ s£'^° Jao. 7W M 8,,1[ Co. 11 Ku B>u Uuu a,' iui ri^2? KU g J<M 13 *»iv su»i»*ip iv li>
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    • 95 4 Vl'.IL'l X*Mt. ■ftM Rio Virtu D— If ATI >■ Ium 15 i 15 15 i N.m Kim* n'u« 1 °H.bro. Kaulu (tow Pk,. H.b. TKlMM Arntcoa Apr" Brit .lr itr I' <• -tr. Bnl. .ir »tr. Jok Mr Hr.t Mi lHit .tr. Bnt .tr Mr. r 0.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 418 4 NOTICES. 2 Tk* prie* nj tk> Stbaits Tikm f«ro dottan a montk. "Thefnu; Hotel," IN>nani? Hill. EMTATIOS 2.2»W FirT THIS e*tahli«hm.-nt i* mo*t beautifully •ituated. «rT"r.l* it* ---enrant* a magnificent Tiew of the town and hurlmur of Pen*ng and other *urronnding sceneries, offer* ererr comf<irt to vi.itor*. and i« highly
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    • 392 4 NOTIUBB. TIIF, MIIKE COALS. ANNUAL OT'TPCT tKHMW) TONS. r piIIS well-known Oal has uniformity of quality, is absolutely free from iaipuritie* Mi<ln.>npontan«ou«comiiu»t ion ha* hitherto occurred. Therefore highly recommended one > f the mo«t economical uteaming coal*, by .-lui-.wner*. Captain*, and Engineer*, as per testimonial* in onr po»."«*»ioo. Steamers criming
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    • 304 4 NOTICKH. I SIMPSON CO. Coach Builders. K»TABH*HED 1840. BT APPOINTMENT TO H R H. The PRINCE or WALE?, i. a. o. c. c. i. A HO H. H. The NIZAM or the DECCAX. a. c. t. i.. M. MOUNT ROAD. MADRAS. CANOE LANDAU. With coach bex seat either panellad or
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    • 886 4 I NOTICES. KSTAULISHED 19«. RILEY. HARGREAVES CO. Ky.iM.LE-, v,, N 4 Bbas« FocHDiM. BOIUBMAKM. BKIDOE BciLOKBS, Bbi|. BCILDCU. GEXERAL COKTBACTOU. BTJrOAFO&X KWALA LCatPCR Nhi|» BaildiiKr Yard. ITIUH claas STEAM VESSELS alwaji andn conatnirtioß. from 38 ft. to 150 ft length of k~l. of beat d«*i«ra and fini*l, MACHINERY from leadiny;
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    • 1736 4 Lambert smn (§&®§o&Qfi FINEST SMOKING TOBACCOS I T^""*^_JLQ6 CABIN, MAY BLOSSOM, JESBAMINE, PRIZE MEDAL BIRO'B EYE, GOLD FLAK 80L0EN VALLEY, WAVERLEY MIXTURE, VIKINB NAVY CUT, NAVY CUT, 6ARRICK. SUN-DRIED HONEY DE\ Art bow npplied in Patent Air-tight Mf-fixijir Tiaa A PMktti bwariac our Hunt k Trav<e Mark, withotit winch none
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