The Straits Times, 14 June 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. UKTABLIKIIKI): 1«H1. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JUNE 14, 1892. NO. 17,741.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1217 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I'KMSSUUR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Orrics Collvsr Quay. Whutb and Gonowns— New Harbour. Tbs mail steamers may be eipo. t<-d to srnve OBtward. and leave Singapore homeward. en th« following d»te< oasMM iioa.wi.i,, I-"-- ISW. MM Jan It Jaas Ostkn J.... a. p.... .i j.,i. m j,,
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    • 1022 1 STKAMKIIIP COMPANIES. KONINKLI.IKK PAKETVAART MAATSCHAI'PIJ. Kndnr c,,,,?r,ct with thn N-theriand, AT SIS..A|..,KK SIHIK AfIUICT Utl J- DAENI.KI.N A CO. :i. Rom. sihok Quay. lot RI at PaWAaT«JtaMM IHttkniia<h Lii'.iimm A Co. Ihe Coinpnny has a m* *f M Sl-amcr., with splendid a. mniodation for fir-t class, s.ein.l c'ns- .ulI dei
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    • 871 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Siak. Bengksli., and Edi will be called at Urn weeks. tn I'™" l B»wr"" I. 1.11!?]' lion t* kin if flirtI*! cariT') and |.;i«>»«Miifi*r«. tu I rij Isimtß.rillM Uut. l' and Kot, i rr,.r,,,i, ..l,.,mcrisdisp.tcl,,,l to Dongsl./Berow, and Buloug.n also calling I B»wean. Soiirabaya, NE I' 1"'1
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    • 776 1 INSURANCES The Standard I.if Aaanrance. Norwich Union Fire Insurance Society Atlas A.surance Company Fir»). The Eouiuhle Life Assurance Society The Ocean Marine Iri-iirain- Company. The Chins Mutual Steam Navigation Coy. The Tottßnham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime Insurance Company. Limited For particulara of these Companies see I he full advertisement
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    • 719 1 INSURANCES. TUB STKAITb IKHUKANCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Bead Orrics,— Singapore. Kulacribed Capital 1 1,00(\000. I'ai.l up Capital fIOO.UOO. Uaservcd Fund 11(.u>.. The above Company are acorptibg Marine risks to all paru of th* world at currer.t ril.-i of preminm. THK BTEAITB FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. LIMITED. Subscribed CapitaJ $2,000,000. Paid up Capital
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    • 768 1 BANKS^ HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID UP CAPITAL $10,000,000 KKSKKVK FUND f MOtVXX) RKbKKVK LIABILITT OF .innnnnnn PKOPSIKTOKS j I' oooo 000 CoDar or DiaBCTOB*: s 0 Mi. k>iu». K*q < h»irman. 1.. l"isM,kiK. Ksy. Deputy Chairman T. E. i. I. j j h <■ J H..11, Aki McCwrkM,
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    • 942 1 NOTIOBfI. Ex M ALACC'A, BOMBAY, tin CANTON MRS. H. DAT. Hilllntr and DrpM lakflr. now hhowiko a laboe siLacrioa or NEW GOODS. iHCLCniBO LtxliM Kmbroidered Silk and "nhwsrl Coatume*. a large and pretty selection of new and atyliah d<siigua. White and Coloured Embroidered Gmrlasae* Nun. Veiling. Delaines. Mid Imlian UwH.
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  • 474 2 LATKBT MAKKKT QUOTATIONS. Smoiroßt. 14th Jhub, IBR Pbodoci. (»»mhi«r, f HIP do C»b« No. 1 ».00. do do No. 4 g.oo. i'»Rali 4.J.V do 4.00. Peppar Black 8.87*. Sago Hoar. Sarawak 3.55. Psarl Ba<o, 3.70. Co(f»« bali, ».50. OS** I.irwrUn, 32.110. Tapioca ssull Flaka. 3.9 ft. do do
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  • 74 2 For Ptr dr. Tim*. To-sfoBB.IW HoDfkoa* a SUofbti, .s/.,... f a> B«if<>». IMsaSS, Noon P»UW k < 'air ut la. i A yr,\ r, -J p m W.>. is via sorts, /n. 3• m. SUUn- au.l KUn.-, P/. w ,i. a P»»>>(. II V.Tfak.,,- :lp». Knrop. >.»
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  • 23 2 On tbstfth Msy. stgt. ('.sir. aitar Hn-i,v.« yn*||l«i«N-l. MAKI HKNKIKI I A. tll» 1..1,,..-l wife of W. P. Townson. laxpeetor ..f Hi>i»Pahanir.
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  • 39 2 TUESDAY. JUNE 14tm. 18«!. INIM m.KOKAMS IWWm lH:-il. (■■Ill 111 I »l. |W iV/m.ri. Timr, Italy. MMi Junt. KtUr thre. day»' aniious delwU-. tbe Italian Cbamlier of IVputies bave grant.-d the Premier's dcin.nil and vot.-d a six mouths suppl«
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  • 302 2 lUlv. Tin uew Italian Mmitn win. b bad come mto office after a long |iolitical crisis continues to grouud. Tbe root of the trouble lies iv financial embarrassmeut arisiug from Italy having to keep up an army la'tfM enough to stand comparison with the forces of j,er|«rtuers iv the Triple
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  • 930 2 Bt a majority of sii to thrve. the Municipal CommiMioaeni yesterday dtcided lh»t they would acquaint tbe Governor tbat if be would give them a five or a chetp lita, to build a Office, they would build ou it and. if be would Dot give
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  • 21 2 Mk»»BS. I\.»EU. 4 Mli 01 aUvi'Ml*,' .ill auction of damaged sbjsbb from tb* stvaiuor tt***' ou Thursday ue>t tbv With nut
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  • 23 2 .»ioN,t iti.- p*ssoug«-rs IhmLcJ for departuiv by tb« T*,.». r to. morrow Mr. K. \V. Mm well, the ImWMMVWMMbI ot PollCO. (or I'cuaui;
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  • 22 2 The Austrian barque Joiip which arrived yesterday from New Tori brought 12.000 cases of American oil. consigned to Messrs Huttenbacb A Co.
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  • 31 2 The five masted auiiliary screw sUsroer Maria Rickmrrt will he in Tanjong P<[r lr Duck on Tbnrsdsy IKtb instant, and persons wuhing to inspect her, m»v dv vi „n tbat day.
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  • 35 2 M. JUI.EK UK ImMMJ Kit fIMUMBJI the liel^i hi Consul-General in the Mrmiti baa lef Euro|». but will not ar.JTe in S, n ga|K)r Mm I"'' middle of July as he a travelling via America.
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  • 37 2 A ii:» Asiatics. prol>alilv r.iuntr\ j. j.le, c.intintie.l to-day to presert Men-an tile no'. •<, I. tit "tbe run" was over. lis mildly MM*] that when the bunk logins to issue notes again it will issue rteia one*.
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  • 49 2 Am MMMI fur IJ.iHHl.lamaires was NMti. tutetl against the Hnngknk Tinf in H M. Consular Court at Haugkok on the TU June, l.v MfMC Montresor mk one A^'..a tino Ccil i. The claim is based oo a par*, graph which had .i|.|»>are.l in a recent m*m of that journal.
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  • 47 2 A in t.KMiN. r hv ih- 5..1U,.-..- I ball players To<-k.Raw will M given M tbe 8. C. C. grountl. iv front of the Msvi. lion, to-mono*. \V.-.lnesday. at %M p Tbe Micrurf|.baloui Will also lie 00. view. Ladies are invited to tbe S. C. C. Pavilion.
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  • 79 2 The MMMMf l' Works De|«rt mental report for IH'.'l notes that a turret of a mad aud the formatiou o( a 2- ft path along the approved line from ththird mile ou the I'ahanif I; n.l to l!.-n' out,', MM OMMMJ MmMMMj was let on MMtrad t. Messrs Ii cher.
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  • 75 2 The OmHmml ifiiV nf tbe Mi M.iv r. marks that ttermau trade continues to in. creaa.' in the East. The ymirlv r.-| given the total value at 13.'"" '.""< i mark.. which plates tiernmnv fourth in the list of nations MMMMJ the 1,.-v.«nt mark-ti ICngUud, nud Austria atill Mropy.
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  • 90 2 The Ommmmm mmlm JUm JmCmml ni strande.l on the JHth May ou the Pratas Shoal about I6>) unit's from BmmjsUWr She left Hongkong nu the 'Jfitli May. in Iwllaat, for MM. A 1.. was sent away from the ship for llnugkoog aoil Mi picket) up liv sVOmMMM (junlioat aud
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  • 82 2 Kubtrbb af.-onnts of the reaulta -it using tbe Cbarlx.uuage* (HtingaO coal an- 1.. li.ui'l. aays the. Hnrnik-nn Daily I'r.u Tbe Ind. .-China nti-amcr HJmMI reports having made MMMM NH fast run to ■Shanghai iiu.l luck, usi i K thin roal alone Tbe engineers of the ahip *|»*ak very high I.
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  • 120 2 Thk MMjM Imm uf the Bth Juue MMM tbe return tbitbor of Mr. Louis, of tbe firm of Bevlier Louis A Co., from CbaotalxMiu, wbere be bad li.-.-n mmsJ iv eiainining tbe late Mr. Kmi Ckiag'i gem ii.uomaion. There be met bis engiu»er, Mr. Trust-utt, wbo had been engaged
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  • 122 2 It is rvp<irt.-.l mm a t ir.iiUr has \**a •rut rtlllU.l I.V order of the I i iverll ,r if MMgMWJ 1" f .|.|..iitiii.'iits there. MWMMJI MMI tlint they will Im held MMaljl MMMII I'ir .itiv MM :ii nrre.l n, their several .|e|,art tneiits! the figiircs set dowu
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  • 199 2 Anon half paat six o'clock last lI— JM HoOUssMMsi were easting their net for tinh alKiutamileoffth.-.-asieru entrance to N- Harbour iv tin. .lirekion of Pulhu Itii-i when they were atlisLed hf Maliiy«. aw] oue mail was Ln.,,E-.l overlKwrtl .n;l dmwue.l. The MiLivl HW MM ml ■.1 th.- n.t mi u^in
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  • 74 2 Ok the ID April, the Kiu.- aj |M .'I" |m»utej a uew ministry which >liff>-r- I from the previous oue iv cousisliu:.- eleven luembera iustead of six. The* a* of equal ruuk aud manage respectively the MbsJMf d.-p.irtin.iit-i Jmim Aiiir., Im Nulisj. HuiM MMMM I'n.vmr^. Loral Oorefl K...,»i H»u»sh..ld.
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  • 53 2 Per Inlttta. from Loudou. May J7. "".-*•<• (^•torilX. Kill) Itf. Tfc'« P.r f,,.u> Lvua,>n. July Mr A Aulh.miM P.r st#MMt, 'r»n> London. June 10 M' 1 .a uglier IVr M M M 4 fr,.:n Mars*! 1 May M, Mr Do liuigm., Mr. lngem.M IVr >„.•.,. from Manwillas. Juu>
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 854 2 NOTICE*^ The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper -i in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and i Penang. throughout all the i J Protected States of the Malay J Peninsula, in Bmm, Borneo, the i Netherlands Indies, the Philip- pines, and French Indo-China. i
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    • 1305 2 MUlfiqiPAL NOTICEH. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. VTOTICE i* hereby given thtt ths RegulaiN lion snd Licensing of dogs within the .lunicipality of the Town of Binis|iore. for i tin year beginning 1-tJnne. IH!^, snd endiug ilat'Msy, I -S3, will commence on Mondsy. 3th in«t.. and Im intituled daily, Sundays i ■MfMßi I.
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    • 1186 2 AUCTION SALBS^ MORTGAGEES SALE OF LAND AND HOUBB. THE iinder.igne.l has received to sell hv Public Auction st hia ssles Room No. M Kaffl-« Plsee, on Thursday, the loth June. IKM2. at i.-V) p. m. All that pie >f land comprised in Government L<ia«e Xo. 275. for MW resri,
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    • 851 2 LATEST ADVEBTISEM ENTB. m IN THB COLON. U, COURT OF ADMIBALTY OF HONGKONO. Huit Ko. II or 1892THE NEW ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION. LlMlTED.— Plaintf,. THE STEAMSHIP ZAMBESI. I^FIE nntlersigswi will ipanoant InaCommioaion for Sale isnnod (herein) SELL by PUBLI AOCTION. on TDE9DAY, th» 12th dsy o' TULT. 1892. at 3
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    • 72 2 S..s. nm^4 ft <W WraOa Tymm ssssM U m r«. i. tUfr^ •>!,. Ik, s^U. I♦/ Iktt raM^ t.o. a.>| Jf.H.S. r,,,ti,i tut alfU M»<rmn 1. Jll Um.««| oo«lr««. BBJM to laa ~.i.t^s lUI tk, atasafn b» |lv ilmlannt t k, ww, ii. wttm. k.t (rtawr lUs Hf Saya The
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    • 6 2 or (■•Krai !»alUßlar Jews S«* I'M*
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  • 4039 3 M'vsdat. 13th Juki. The Town Hall Question A imm MMM of the Municipal CoMMNM was held m the Town Hall ...terdav afternoon ul 2 :,o. Wltb u :.|,j.ct of discussing the pl an f or the pro- Mutn.i|wl Offie.a, and ueinl I. ring any object ions umde I
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  • 114 3 tm* s ll.h. from IMi -Mr V H. A *****111-Ml I'era. Kaiwaa from Saigon -Mi Schuoinker Per. s r«o-ii« fiom Hongkong -Dx- It i S. Siimlit. nLI'AUIIKgs V.».IKI> Par a, a. IwaMM for list.. VV Qariaad, Mr- Qarhuii, Mr It W Maxwell, IW London -Me»ar. .1 I'
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  • 564 3 To i hi iDiToa or thi 'Srtim Tim*.'! Bi»,— l have aeen an article O n guttal*irha in your istue of Friday but, and matt aat. ibat I 6nd ia it so ouch MS. tradition that I cannot quiu- understand wbat tbe real of the writer can
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  • 1244 3 I'iikhi i« newly isaued from Waahiu^tou a series of cousular re|K>rta on indiarulilier. to which are attached retorts ou gutta-perrba. Consul Wildman, of Sing*p.uv, re|K>rts as followa: In your India Rublwr Circular" of Septeuabsr Lit, ]S!H|, you couKne your im t uirir4 to one bniui-h or diviaioa
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  • 742 3 To thk Editob or the Btbaiti Tiuia." Sin, Tlir w»ruin X' Dole, raiaed br tbe H..u'lil.. tli.- Colonial Bec.iota.ry, aa to tbe (carcitj of i-ni|.l..yiiirn! iv Singapore baa liy uu meana come too early. A plain ••iit.'i.n-iit of my caae will aajaj aa a further warning
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  • 453 3 The Sflniujn, 11..,:, GatHlr conUiiiHtbe repoit of kWawaawl Public Worka lVpartmeut hi Ih!H l.y Mr. C. K. S|«oii. t, the State Kugiuivr, wh.i thus criticiaea the contract svaU-u prevail ut th All work, road i laint.nance were out on ha.
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  • 265 3 Application, for apace in the Etpoaition bnildinga now aggregate mom than 4.000,(V«l Tiar« fact. a little over one 'Mrd baiag from foreign appliranta. tirrat Britain hi. added tTO.OOO to it. World. Fair appropriation, making it now £rj».000 or appmiimatelv «■!"">"■" Victoria, Aaatralia. ba. asada a World'a Fair
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 271 3 BAYLE CO., LTD. IN LIQUIDATION. Auction Sale of the Balance of St<X'k Will Ix* continued To-morrow, Tuesday, the 14th inst., and on following days*. For particulars, please ■cc Circulars. P9WSLL (V, All.tloll.s is KAT/ imOTHKKS. lIAVE jii.l MpaW c. different steamers American Kruit. Assorted Pinsud Porte Vein,, S.-n' pipe,
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    • 972 3 SHIPPING. FOB 8A1.1.T AND MAOAMAR. THBO 8. B. Go's sUamer BANJtMMAHSl\ Captain BntherUad. will ha de. patehad for the above porta oa tha ISth iaat al-,. takinc cargo for Mnlneeoa parta. For freight or pa aaa re. apply to W MANBflfcl.bACo. HP Airaata O 8. 8 Cn. INDO CHINA STKAM
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 100 3 e> WKATHKK KKI'OKI l«*m| Croame Hoiaxtal, I3tk |Mat a. m. tf.a. Rsataaas. bar. raa.nrak. if 903 Hl* K.S7 -f K n Ua 7*o 3*l W. t llulb Taer. 73 5 7»* 77 5 J In. at Wiad. .m W SSW C'alai. Mai. Tarns iaahU. -.a Mil. da .io. 71
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    • 202 4 I n.l«r thin li.-vlinir th« fiillowinir al.brcviatirma ar« nvA «tr— ntnamcr- »h. nhip; hq. iiar.|n». Brit Hritiah; U.S.— Dnitml Stai«« Fr- Fn.nrh .li.-r. liormau Dut Diitrh Juli JohorM Ac, (if. 'imi'-ral i-arif" ;<1 P il«"k. iui.-u-iiir.-r-. l'nwrUin jT-P-W— Tanj.mK Pi»rar Wharf; T. P. D.— Tanj-mK P»K»r Dock
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    • 923 4 AkBITALs s inc Noon or Vnritim Sli-auirr- J.l-S.-.1 tllMUL'll V'Httia, an.l Patho.l V<xia, Dut. »,hr. H6 tons, NV-odah. 13th Jun... From Pont mn.ik. 1 tth <I. and t d p. Han frag k Co. I IM- <:■■'! iM" ,■>. Brit »tr. i.-.c.iH t..Ti,. ,|.t w.i i d.-n.
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    • 152 4 i Oh/7 >■.«,./« orr jiu< umlir Hi< krmlit. 7 „-i/,., in Mr porli 1 of" iailing la Singapore. Other vemlt bound for Java, the Philippine,, and other Atiatir 1 port., occaiionallu call hen outward bound I Mi iMoi-ei«. ,if» ..(•««rfc ,-.<..■/« -ir.' (00 uncorfam 1 to be conveniently
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    • 28 4 9 Fl»,. 5 taHiIHM, 4 Tom. OUWM IBM I Kill. U»»II«H»»I>. sVr«fiM., «r..,.i, w. rJI 5 lrv "I 4ri 1 1 IT B|EE P-rssr Ss i' 3"3"
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    • 55 4 D»-l V«m«l.'» SkUU. fI.AU UIU I 11-TAjN Imhw luu. II,. tout" Aft g^ r*"" 1 1 H««, ,1 J,'""/ s -r .tr. 11l U UulfufM.rUbnu hlmt b j S a NmM U»n«uon S<iurabitjni lit perU U.U>v« Beu k>|u .v.l 1:..-" Si, long IN'UAUtf til ports l^iuJau, LirtrtxH.l.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 659 4 NOTICES. JUST ARRIVED. FINEST Engli.h Ham«aK>nt s to 11 liw. weight. I'rir.- :u seats pet It. Prim* English Baron in |>i<-<-«-. of fmm to 12 lbs weight Price iH conU per It, Kol* Smoked Tongucv l'ri.-» M o^nt^ wich. Kobe Corned B~f in tagl from U to IT 1t,,. J
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    • 270 4 NOT I C EH. "SIMPSON &7CO. Coach Builders. EsTABLIHHID 1840. BT APPOINTMENT TO H. R H. The PRINCE or WALES. B. a. a. c. s. i AHD H. H. The NIZAM ok the DECCAN, a. c. s. 1.. 201, MOUNT ROAD, MADRAS. CANOE LANDAU. With coach hex sea 1 either
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    • 1404 4 NOTICES. Establish eh J&'QJ 1864. SAID MAIIICAN k Co. DUBASHES. 'JKNKBAL Stork Si ITI.Ikl:-. No. 9, Rafflks Placb, SINOAPOBK. Sunda, King«in. Queen. Warraek, Union, W. Milburn. Mutual. OM, Mogul, and other line, of steamer. Men-of-war. British, German, Chartered Transports, and sailing vessels. Provisions of e*-ery description supplied on the shortest
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    • 813 4 NOTICES HONOURABLE MENTION, EXHIBITION. LONDON, 1882. Silver Medal aid ftm-Clas* Certificate Calcutta Exhibition. 1883. Gold Medal, International Forestry Exhibtion, Edinburgh, 1884. Bronx* Medal Adelaide Jubilee International Exhibition 1887. JOHOR STEAM SAW MILLS CO. Timber for Railway. Hons*. Ship-building and General purpose.. JOHOR NIAB SINOAPOEX. DATO J. MELDRDM, Manager SINDANGLAYA. Geaondheid'B
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    • 479 4 NOTICES. NOTICEB. iSANr&"GATTYS' CStsl!^"* PATENT FABT DYED Maraachino. KHAKI DBILLS. SBRGEB. AND BLUE %J£ J^J- ARMY DRILLS. Milk Pnnrh. Old Jamaica Rum. THE only Drills guaranteed lo keep their Aniaett* and other liqueur., eolonr under tho moat sever* testa. Bole Agenta for the Strait*. -The following U one of th*
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