The Straits Times, 13 June 1892

Total Pages: 4
9 12 The Straits Times
  • 14 9 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: 1881. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, .H WE 18, 1892. NO. 1 7,714
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 979 9 BTKAMBHIP COMPANIES. I LaX AND OKIKN I'AL STKAM NAVIiiA I I.IN OOaVtaTT. C ,lly,r Quay. B/BASTMBBI ()oix>wi.._New 1iar).,,,,. Thi mail steamers may be eipe, t.-.| rive ont ward, and leave Singapore homeward. nn th. following date. J..i» -r: Theabove date, are only app" arrival, and departure, may be oither
      979 words
    • 1689 9 BTEAMBHIP OOMPANIBB. KONINK'I.I.IKK PAKETVAAKT M \TS(HAi'l'i.I. I'lid-r eootraal with tl,- N.therlands India (iov-mm.nt.,,i.k Bam A.iEN.v i I. ati: J. Dak.niiki.m A 0* KnitinmiM 0,1-av. A,.i m:. AT PlfilD Xl -i Hri;iM,A<H l.v i C. 'I C.i.ipu.v h.s a 11. i of M Steamer.. with splendid a nraodati'is for Ural
      1,689 words
    • 766 9 INBJ RANCEB The Standard Life A«aura»ee. Norwich DakM Fire In.uranee Soeiely. Alia. A.-uranre (Jompany Kir« The BqaHahb Ufa A«.uf.inee Hocie'y The Oce.n Marine In.uranc Conipanv The China Mutnal Steam Navigation Coy. The Tottenham Lager Beer Company. The Maritime Inamanre Company. Limited For (.articular, of the... Compeuie. ace the full adverli.em-nt
      766 words
    • 865 9 INSFRANCKS IHEtriKAIIb ntSDKA.M b OMPAI LlHi. Baaa Uinri. .-'n k .\|>ore. toka«ribwt (V'UJ Pan i.o «.«,.,<■.. lUverved had 11l mm. The abev.- Company are a-' eptiag Marine riski toail part* of the worh: at current r*l.« of premiut... THE STBAITB KIKE INSCKAKCE COMPANY. LIMHKH. Subecribed Oapiul |!,tW>,OOO. Paid up CaplU!
      865 words
    • 654 9 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI HANKINi. CORPORATION PAH) IT CAPITAL $10,000,000 übKKvi nnro BBBBBTI i Him MY OF no oonoo PHOPBIKTOBB j Im»**WM» Cot k r or DiaacToa. I Mi, nui-iv. B«) chairman. I. hMMB, Bm Deputy hairmar. T I is, h... J 1 Iwkk. 11. B. ton, IV). Kill
      654 words
    • 856 9 OTOBBfI. J AMBB MOTION A 00. C'bbopobiteb, Watch A Cloci Himi anii (ti-ririANa, Flint Stieet Hare al way.. m handa well ~leeu>d .1™ of Jewellery. Walrhe.. lock a. IMamoad Jewel--ry. aad Nantieal nm «vit.. Hn»M <M 4. tantaal-Wh. KurtM. T+*.m.-l MuWaOMa. lailms 1 mine* IhtMOD I. iimwWHa. s.«n»l RlMtf*
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  • 494 10 LA TKBT MARKET QCOTATIONB. Sirqapoee. I3th Juke, ISM Pbodocb. ).int.i«r I 5.H0. do Coh» No. 1 900. do do N«. 8.00. •«nra Bali 4 V. do Poatiasak. 4.00 Paapaa Black. «.87*. -Ugo Flonr, Sarawak 3.2<V l'«rl Sa«o 3.70 Ooßaa i«ii. N s°' ToffM Lilxrian. :«"<l. Tai.i,wa small Fl»k» tM
    494 words
  • 74 10 Far Ptr tr. To-lfOBBOW. B»tu P.W. .li». J..., S»l- ntor via porta. B. Timer, Mmlm-i-k au.l l.iniKi. I'. I' Sinill., Mn»r. HtH.jkalu, (VrutU tiaporta, /'u.i./uu, ftaf.ii rorti. Aim Tor. P.i.... ClcatU. Kimi ti» porU J/y# lAong,«r»n|I, m. |».rl. jh i nn Soiir«ljj>« ria purU ;v C'arp*n(i«r, n»ii.
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  • 7 10 t'nim Oiiu». Rikk.,., Tuf«l«y,
    7 words
  • 152 10 ESTABLISHED 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS. MONDAY, JUNE 13TH, 1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. t';r SJrn,h Time: Thk Amkkk an I'kksii.icntmhii' laadaa, till, Ju». President Harrihou ba« baaa Maaiaatal for the Ptaaataai. ship. .11 the hrst ballot Tl.i-n,.ii.,-tl,,t Mr.,,, 1 ila.ef.-nli.' Pr.'sM|,.i,i,l,i,,; >,i 4 Mr Mar Ha— hja "gill tag tbal aVa
    Reuter  -  152 words
  • 333 10 W»: publish in another coluuiu a letter thai has b. ,n wntteti by Mr. GulUnd, a Straits merchant of hondou. A part of the argument ..t the letter is a hint that, in 1., 1. lin;: not t.. send Bagßak tr.».p« to > i'ahaug, 11. I. the Governor
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  • 443 10 Hatin.i ajajajal tkaaaaalaaa kg a Suuday'i talk mi; the Asiatic nole-hollen ma.l.--t....1av a ruu ou tbe llaaaajßjaffj Hank The notet wer. paid 111 »ilver My Of the ilvereonld U' oiml.-d md Ihe »th"r haaka al.o aaakal all Bfaraaaala aataa were preaentc I Hv 111 thertiu waa over, or waa
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  • 13 10 Tub homewanl mail aat flaaMi alam at p. in. on \V. .In. In
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  • 21 10 Ht the IV I O IMh aa Snndav Ilinr Mr. Jiihlic C.llvrr. H n wether; and Mr and Mrs. Mishall
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  • 25 10 I Tvk iiM, i.l half yearly Kale of lan. -v articles on behalf of Ika (.'lnn..,' OMa 1 School is hied for the tffh uiilaut.
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  • 38 10 Mb. JuiTlca Culltbh. the newly appointed pnune jud|{.' of the Straiia S.UK--iiieuta, arrived by tbe mail yetteiday and whei, the Supreme Court atarmhled thii luoruiiit; Mr. Collyer took bia unit on the baaol with Acting Chief Jii.ticr Wood.
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  • 46 10 The two abirHi of the German IViag BaaaaVaa, Itetagakaa f-aUf wita ttaai Admiral von I'awelt/ on 1..11.1 and tli. crillMiT I/. J, Ui, I'M |j 111 l.slrrday for ahaakaajf. 'J'he two otkarakifa of the Baaawaa, Ika 4aoaaa and Ofaa, a..--aokaaaacaai heiv till Ika end altka ataatk
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  • 57 10 To Sl.lHl'snr, 'llH|«Tf,»tiiaii,e. lin.ler the |«lrona«e of th« (Jornrnor will ba tka lant our. aud ia wt apart an a charitable Benefit, in aid of the ,|i»lr.-»s 111 Mailritnu aaaaad bf the apalaaa tkaaa Half ika a> reiptn. hat ordinary liaiaiia. will U- handed la K the (lovernor to forward
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  • 63 10 a> 1 Ki»a,.f the pirates aoaaoraad ia Ika r... r.-nt pna.y aaaa aaat Maaaa ba*a i <apture<l i,v ika rVirtagaiai iinkitrHiaa then- Th" I'ortn-n. seViv two of tbe in, 11 are well Liiown aa aaaaaag aad 4atar> mm.'.l piiataa" aad n ia aud, that aoaM of the riliailV pro,«. r
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  • 50 10 The moonlight Maia „f BatardaM wan well atteudt-d. but th.- attoafeaca n,t n.-arlv aa «r.*t as on Ika last a Thn aalkanag *aa not awaaJiaailT Eaak. lonalile A lull tuff of poll..- bad 11 aaaa t.. H«jadaa»tk»*aaaV|b%ittkatimfk waa •mailer, ami th- c.0w.1. aoiaaj laaa di«tiiigiii«he.l, wa« amenable t,, control
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  • 45 10 Tiia Ifaaaa of May lHtb has the follow111^ ■aaaapafa, WkMm -Ijui abklal BIaa» |«r». pMianir, ami Jafcara them wiirx i,,.rki>.l Tl." >.t ikoafcaiMiiliaiid w«r» :ti naraan A loligiaai baa Baaattaa alalaa tail aakTra en..h,,.ak.'.h,,r L w., f, lt tia*aUaaj baai em-t to went. —Our Cnrrr,.
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  • 93 10 Captaii. Gio. s. Warna, aj D.inulJ. r,,,,,« y r.'|..,rt«,l at t1,,. Am.ri<aDCon«ulat«tliiii morning that, on Satnr day iuoroiu K at the MaM of tka oauall a Malay boat Mfaiaai Mw.*,, «M^l ana th,. U.-rnmn iu«u-o'-war. Cai.taui Wi1.0.1 aavatkkl he uulr ji^al, O a "»iD.o;.war launch that »a. Maaiaf. and that
    93 words
  • 68 10 A Pinnti ifolf nial.h ww plaro,) on tba f.inli" at th<- l!,ir.' Ooaraooa n«'tti r ,i,j hH«oaa tka <Mf <'lnl> nn<l the (lam.,. n win. h r.'-iilt.'il in a »-n for the Clnl, hoi.-. Tkt t. ii"> w.-r.-M.-sr«. .1. 1. llninphri.'«. .1 It Bobtftom U. A 0.11.'.pi.'. K W. Cn-iKhton.
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  • 64 10 Tm ra»il kriaaa Ika f.llowing state. men! 1 A baaaoa of Ha Boa) Ortaalal Bank ('..rim mMob bai r—A la Park, aadwC<» "f Mr I. li A.limy ■aaafV Mr .1 U Braao, Ml nrT \i r- .1 R aad Oa i»'o>i? .li-.."iiitnni..l t t aaar> aMomHoaa ata eaapii I
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  • 69 10 Nmr i'lmr-liv is tka f.-mi of Oorpni Chn-'i. bal 11 i. I' ration "f il ia p.m.. 1 lill Snn.liv. wh, n. al I a mi iii th,. Cathedral "f IboOood Shopbtrd, Itrill aiag a poatileal bigb au.l at 490 p in «ill olli.iai.' In Ika Chirrh of M J
    69 words
  • 91 10 Tm« i t.'t nial.'h U'lw.^'ii 1i... N r.i aad ni'ii of Ika Pair boa aad Ika I C C I 1.iv.'.l on th.' K«|.l m.i.l" .'ti S.itn .|,iv at. loiuooa. rranHad m -i viaj far tka fonaoi Ihu'" riiiin. i'h.' damson w.'iit in tint ami iti.l,l.- 7:> I'h. ir aaofa
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  • 103 10 DvajajM ih.-ir riail t.> laatar H*U, oa ili,' icth May. Mama Loaiai tad n,. Marqaia of LorM aaaa Natkal with i. nn.l. tio.n l.'nf gwi in KhkUihl. iin.l aNparad bi Mr Ma BaaVaar, who wa. fonn.'ilv ,i t.-.i iilaalar ta Carlos fba I'l.mts ti-oni ika l.'nf aaa akta 1
    103 words
  • 117 10 TIMI wi* v l.iri,'.' nil. ii. l. in. r tl Dattod s.-rw,,' lutitotioa M Ika loth Ma] "li.n a loag diaeaaaioa took ptaea aa ill. 1 |.n/" mmji aj Bagla td*i Ma I him' Sii|.i.'iii.i. V.»rv Baaiikoa |i',-i,1.'.1. Tlir .|ii.sli..|i whs nim.-il ill rt'llt l.u la tin 1 |.n/. raaa)
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  • 264 10 In til.. S. .'..ii. l M.i-i-lr.,!.''- i'.,url llui ■flora i ilm..' Malaya (two lumli m.m i w.'i.' ehafgod oa Ikon .ouiiu. th>> ■alt |.n- i mill astieiag tw*J ■•friad un. in, ..Mr I." priooaai Ullil tbaatini;, iiinl oti.' «ilh k',lii.i|.;i'i_- Ml I'^'iiuaij. poMcd to il.fni.l ill.-
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  • 335 10 Haviv, nIhMM to certaiu statements in r.-gnid t» tkj Sailors' Hi.iiih, |.uh> <1 mi MM IhM "I Saliird.iv, one „l cur MMIM interviewed tt i,,,. m Ut of tha Room i >iiiinit t thin ■orniofr. Til.' < .Ullllll 1..' HI do.'Ul'cil hn i,,;i|,,. lity to HjH'.ik
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  • 95 10 Akkivai.* ■ari ./<■■ f, m.,i,, _Mr. iwi f'-t Kr Briadiai -Messrs K Collar Redei.bcrg.Torcl,.,l,.vTurch, From Uod« Mr. and Mr, M.-1.--1 llevd. A Pi Fri.ui Colombo -Mr .1 I! 11. K Un KntMlto, Mr« F v..,, dsr Ptordten, A Mr. Loiim, r'r.un Panaaa: Mllir 1' ;> Hlg rara.a c;
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 616 10 NOTICKS. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. So other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1274 10 MUNICIPAL NOTION. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. NOTICE is 1, giv.-u lint the U'gulan .n and Lie. i.-.iv- "f 'I".'- w,lhi,i lha Municipality of Ih- T.wn of BtnCBBWrS'. far ii,« vesr kailßiilaa; l-i .lone. HW. aad sadlaa] :llsl'Msv. l-li:l. will im-n" ou Moiils,. |:llh ins. and Ba .ntinn-d daily. .Sundays ci.-0pt., 1. I.
      1,274 words
    • 1136 10 AUCTION SALBB. MOUTH \GKi:s .--ALE Off LAND AND BOOM TIIK aadsnla I kaa t ■>"' i"-'"''"""" ,o -ii ki Pub,- laaHaa al his«l,., R.-,,n No i(affl Pise, on Thursdv lh |„th.lnn.. I ".>'. at U» f. All that pirc. "f land cimpris,-,! n: Gov- ..rntn.'iit I Ba, 17a, for !<!>:>
      1,136 words
    • 1086 10 LATKBT ADVERTISEMENTS. FILLIS'S GREAT CIRCUS, To-nk'lit, laMaTi Jlllll I:< ro.-nivki.Y tiik !.'sr I'ndcr the aparia BBttai .g.srd in Ihopre. ■aaa af II B. Bhr CsctL CtMUaiTl ßaura, ,1 <■ h ,i Baaaraar sad OaaaaßMalaMaChief af the Straits Settlement* snd DOBaa•■i" 11. (MaaW Sncretarv and tho must laßaaaMal aaafla in
      1,086 words
    • 24 10 The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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  • 317 11 Tin- Miniicipality in,. I aider tha Munidpal OaMaQacMioa ami Ihe following h-tt«-r Ima to-aaj Ihch bbb.l to the PiMidMl WagMari, nth J,, TO Thr I Wunuipol Committi, rven Sir. I. 1 have the hniiiir ti herewith hand I a petition addressed lo Hi* Xv llency tha
    317 words
  • 415 11 Tim Papal Chaw, wbiofa took plao* an lOttn, BB* tin- 1.,-t lililioill r been mm in Btogapore. A» wm i md ih" nm vaa ii kind of oomplimeatan farewell tendered to Mr .1 Paton K.-r win. ,s Hlnotlv Uwfing for Europe. Mr K.-r Istbabrel gentleman jockey of
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  • 640 11 Till "CaMKI.'IT lIKI.II Til Hl.aMt. T»ik Minn.- Court „i Bnquirj cooatituicil i.i enquire into tin- cirounnUi attending ilu' collision between tbe ateeman PnaiiM and Dianumd which occurred ia New Harbour oa Wednesday Mi... n tin Ist instant, .1.-livi-iv.| its lading tail aftaroooa an CoUowa The ltriti-h steamer
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  • 115 11 The Pahang Rising as Reported in the "Times." Stefaaorc, {M Hoy -The Baltm nl Tahang, wilh I.ikni the Orjng la Hparted la hive I. .n k,:,.d whUa Bgktii f Ke Bai a110w.,1 to g,, with ih- Ballin'a EUohdletriri isniatarbed.elibnna-hß'r i- n-d bj tHkha 'I, inMrat* .f In* X„,, laa dial
    115 words
  • 506 11 ■To the Editor of Ike h.n a il I.X.'i.a. htaMM ■■f our f,,. ..I. iv th, Strait, bad rather lod tl" ir h.a.l- „v.-r I 1- may have 1i..-:, a i withdra hft rr the lir. i ontbreak, and nod. fniure ac Iderahle force will
    506 words
  • 131 11 The Registration of Import and Exports at Hongkong. Tn 11,ii.;1..,i,- (1.,v.-r nl hMM briniiing forward measure tor the rcgi.iti.iti r i in .ii- .in.i eiporta than which 11.. CliumUr of C.mui.-roo at Iliat port object! i" mi iha gimmd that aa aaaetme nt of tin- nature |.r.i|.0»0,l would be a
    131 words
  • 130 11 MtUmnnt,Ara)96iM. Williams. Deem, ing, tli- U in.l-.ii murderer, wa* hanged on Monde] hurl ll,' walked Bnal) and rslnlt i.i the emffold, an.l .lud witboul making ai,v tpen I. Asth. can wa. beta drawn nv.'.f liis head In- WM heard I" miiiniiii I I. receive mv
    130 words
  • 207 11 P C. M.u.-tN. European attaoked la tin- Loom Police Station in Shanghai, ni Maanlted under ppcaliai. circanMtuioei m tin- -Jiitl. M.n. .\Lids.u Uattached to Iha lioearing drpartmeat, it 1,, rag hia duly ta BM tlial the hark bsTTOWI ■1 1 in the ■treat* are
    207 words
  • 271 11 Tin: ConauUr reporl on Ike Imda oi M.n- ill.- r,.i LB9l -i.i'.■j'l,,. i remarkable feature al tka >•,,'- -import* has 1,.-.- i the large exleaeh fth article, Ihe liroductioa of »hieh ia th* Strut-Se.tlem.-nt-. Uauila. .nd -lav.,. h»s anaioed ret; rapid.! velopn t A- si r ik
    271 words
  • 133 11 I tit rmort f,,r tm „f the 1,,. i „chin« s N Co. for May .lal.H. tint the year ba,. l«-n a partieakrlr nfaeoarmbla ioiib] tbml tin- gMMmal daorMMN kM mm Ij l"ll l.v tho aliipping int..,, ..1, m I Ihi, i. wher.. mi MMfethioa liaa
    133 words
  • 1481 11 Tv faUowmg 1. Hi- tii'l t.-u oi i1,.,i pi'l of L, d 5,:,.1,,,r,\ MMBrh (Ol I^'h May; win, Ii wil Ii MMM tmi tisial poßq At s|.,-.|i b«I 111 hv.-i.-.l al Iluatinga Tut: Waii or Tlllm. .i.ot'.r n..ilt,r nhi.-l iipics our 1 tad in irhlell, I
    1,481 words
  • 2218 11 I MVMMMMMf tt MrM* Tim.. Trl,;r,,m. >v-", cbl mi «'i"j~.» /y,, Haa I onl Roherta ha. i.,u~l a circular t.- I P* -idont „f ih- I', lo A-~,.-ialion ad the MMMI of MBjIiM I', lll-. It MBMM M wi.h to interfere with any IBM mei,i. a which iiuprovr-
    2,218 words
  • 256 11 An aMaaJ l,v Mr. BaWava, an aaajMM in ti.e Kayrnl bwa h jaatpaa*! al Mr. Justi.v Daaajaa, aaataMj tlmi h<- mm bataa M MM baahi of II M .S. Pembroke vhaa ka aaaMaaJ la Maaal an aMaaMin. i.t in C'liimi haj Inch aiaaiaaM) l,y laa Ifaaaai al t
    256 words
  • 131 11 rVr I tt London, Maj JV. M 0.1, ,m.-. and lieorge. IVr ll,,ll,,;,;,l. fr.,:n Load m. July x. Mr. J. A. Aathaaha IVr inmdtm, from London. Jaaa I". Mr Laa«to. Par II M iliiai'i Wafcjf. fima MnaaillM Mai 2», Mr li.. c 1,,,.-,,.-. Mr taawaabl. IVr N../.U,. fr
    131 words
  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 95 11 K»r (Jencral Mii|iplns Vm dec Pmrr CHAMBER OF COMMKBCE XOTICK. rpiIDMAS SIIKI.r'oRH. Ks-|. 1 „f 1 re IM.-r.on Simons «C, 1.n,,, k I ,1 pron..-. .1 h] Joka Ande,-.,n, Kaq., and h- I l.v T Sol ■so for iiiualion bi ih.. iho r. as a M..mi..r „f la* I.e^islatir* Council,
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    • 768 11 \<»ll( IS VOTICK SIN'JAPORK KXCHANOE THK Annual Ommbl M~tm« of thr .-incapore Kichanire will hr held at the Ktchauire Room, on Thursday, the lillh June, U p in Br. micas Tn receive the aceounl- for the rear ending: :11.l May. I so.'. ,n,| 1.. steet a Chairman and Committee for
      768 words
    • 693 11 SHIPPING. FOB PINANO AST) CALOUTT MKSSK-i AmiJl'hi ataamer ASRA TODS AVCAR Cant J K Han..., harm*- left I' on th* 7th iaeUat. mar I- etpscUtd to arrive here oa th* IM in«t m rmli for tha shore port*. r'or freight nr pawia|r*. apply to l'l I SAKK lES I MOBEM.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 76 11 t\ KA i KKI'ORI a i Va.ia. 3|).iu !i H .ui. "TH.aai H,.r. r,-,l Kali i Ml NJ I tarn VT n 5 Wil I.. 11.., L T [111 ..t Win,. >srt UW.I 15 Mai. Te, v v 117., tb' Terr. rai. 1W :Ju K»-nfa'!ll.m- BONUKUMII VVKXTHKH TKLKCRAM Haronielet
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    • 890 12 I'n.lnr liii« hnailinir Dm f.illo»in k' al.l.rnvialinnsam iiwxl: —itr. —atMiinnr; «l. —«lii|i. ha l»n|.ie; Brit—; O.aV OaMaa Stat««; Fr -French ;(i«r. (inr.nan, I)»t DnN-li. .l"li Jol.ur*; kr ..—<i —(iennral >.«r(t<i ;i! p —.1 .k ■WißMai r.-In^rtain ;T.I'.W.-Tanj..n)( I'airar Whair. T P. I) —Tsi.j-mir l'»tf«r Dan B.
      890 words
    • 122 12 ■Only rriMrh art )mt bbVM htadi»ij whom ■shartfml .< r /».ri< tfrnMag i< fffaiaaon Onto mmm lawui /.,r /mb, laa I'hil, ,,l safer «MaN< ;i.»r(«, ncrniimlilllil ttU MM (aiaMnl MMMj4| BMaaßMaai afMal t—ifi an mm Hnor^tt h,1..-,. ,1r.1.\ Si P.,r/. iiu>/ Daal of Stttlinij. Ki:iim l,os!ios. (■»r.1,ir.i,,,1,ir... May.
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  • 42 12 vtwmmft Nami. fi.i,, i A fONK i',,... 11 ;'«ralinm II tuL'l.r.n 11 Vjn.r 12 M»l» 12 AiruM-mmm 11 Can 1- v um»tr» 12 StinTor 12 la-ddoi 12 ('amrlot 13 Cbow Phj. l:l K.Dgk»)i. 13 ArrttooQ Apctr S: urn Sir" !&r"-'™ 'iMirVc..
    42 words
  • 78 12 Viwil-i Naui. •i a I: i Utah Destination UDO 11 11 K»V U| J I H«ctor 11 Main is Km 1. Utjtr }S M,du» 13 C.roliu. |3 A0.h.r.1 M B»dj.r >S Aruwuo* Bnl. ,tr. I>ut .tr. P.O. «lr Mr.t »l, l>ut. .tr. Brit .tr Hut. .tr. DM.
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 558 12 NOTICES. Tiik Famook LaVOaVTOLII DISTILLERY ISLAND <>K [SLAT, IMun TIIK Lx.iAvn.iN WillßlT is faroojs for it. tin.' ajaiillj. Mag m*l» from pun> S.-OT' 11 Mai.t om.v. si.-I la« laag h«w.n thi> favourite Vmvi>ni|tii of «|K>rt«ni"n. It contains no (rrain spirit, or oth«r Wla> i.k,.-..ii" knows nothing of, ami th" most
      558 words
    • 266 12 NOTKKS. SIMPSON CO. Coach Builders. KsTA»LI»HED 1840. BT APPOINTMENT TO II II Tiik PRINCE M WALKS. E. O. O. C. I. lANI. H. 11. The MZA.M HH DE'VAN, (i. c. a. 1.. 2S)\, MOUNT ROAD, MADRi.B. CANOE LANDAU. With coach bci seat <itber panelle I or on light iron stays.
      266 words
    • 1334 12 DOCKS. TUE TAKJONH PAOAR DOCK CO. LTD The premises of the Company are n.mie] at Tanj. ng Pagar a<lj "i^ing the town of BMsrav pore. iSteara tram-rara ran at short int. rrais tarryini' paasenivrs anl goods fron Wharf to iestinations at low rate. Tbe V> harf rzUnds to on.' mile
      1,334 words
    • 356 12 NOTICES HONOURABLE MENTION. EXHIBI TION, LONDON. 1982. Silror Medal and First-Class Certificate Calcutta Eihihition. 1883. Gold Medal. International Forestry EihiWtion. Edinburgh. 1-<H4 BrooM Medal Adelaide Jubilea International Eihihition 1887. JOHOR STEAM SAW MILLS CO. Timber for Railway, House, Ship-building and General purposes. JOHOR NIAB SIKOAPOKI. DATO J. MELDRUM. Manager SINDANGLAYA.
      356 words
    • 448 12 NOTICES. RAVKNBWAV sV 00 Mabbli MmcHAKT* Ihm MA«oi>a. Mon.imsnts. Rails etc ni-cut«.l l<« »njr Jo-siK-n in Marble, Crania. Htoiw anrl Iron. Alwar. on lian.l a larp. and Bnlcct~l M»oriment of'Monuinont.. H<-a.Mon<-« ami (,n>««» in Marble Poli.hed Granile stid Blono Iron Tomh ami other Railing of diff-n-nt puttcrna and dimrnsion" Marble
      448 words