The Straits Times, 7 June 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times i:st\blisiii:i): i»n. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 1892. NO. 17,7:{r,.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1161 1 HTKAMHHIP COMPANIES. I I'r.NINM-I.M: AMI OKIKNIAI. .STKAM NAVIUATION COMPANY. Qiiai ryiiwUMj. WiiAnvr- aad Codowks— nv« Baraan Tbb mail steamers may be ctp» t. .1 rite outward, and leate Singapore homewards •n Ihe following date. I— S '""Hn"" 1 H..l>. Ihealx.te date, aro only appr.,,i, n arrital. and departure; may he
      1,161 words
    • 1064 1 BTBAMBHIP COiMPAMEB. KONINKLIJKK PA K F.TV A ART M -'.TSI -HAPPIJ l'ii.!-r wil'i, laa N-therlatid. India i;,,v.n,meiit A.. I .VI- .1, I I.XiAI- i.ati. J. DABYMTLa A Co. H'mins....' yt'Av Aoaan ai PBWAJia Kmbm HTmrtim LcantM I 0a 11,- C MM hn. a 11-i ,f Steamer.. with -pi. v.l.d
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    • 696 1 STEAMHFUI' OOMPAMIBB. B«Wn>HV nd K.I, will he .V.1e.1 at rrati loaf we»ka. t; 11,;,,,,. via Baw, an and v uraUva. lion Hiking dirrcl csrp.i and MMMMn I" h.i.j-iin ...:>,. Paaln Urn. |-„.-,r. and Kot.-i itnrr aaartj *.V irrrlc* a .learner i. di. patch. -.1 1.. Dong.!:,. B-row. and BBBBaMB a1...
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    • 790 1 IJWUKANC'KS The Standard l-if< Aaanranre. Norwich I'ni-ii Fire Irnuniiice S'iriety Atlaa Aeaurenc C, mpany FirThe E>|uitahl. Ufa A..urane* Society The Oceaa Marim- In.uranc Company. The chma Banal ßaaM IhthjMni Coy. Th» Tottenham Lager Beer Company The Karitim- IaaMMM OaaaMB/, Uaand For particulars of th.-... Compauie. see the full adrr.rti.cmmt of
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    • 721 1 IN6UBANCKB IIiKnIKAIiS INBVKA.NCC, COMPANY, UMfTBP. Übad Orvica, Singapore. MnanaalCaMiaal u.00r.000. Fai4 up Capital «OQ,OUO. Beeerred Fund lle.coj. The aix-te Company arc accepttng Marine riaka to all parts ul the world at current rate* of premium. THK BTRAITB RKE INSORASCK COMPANT. LIMITKD. Subscribsd Capital |j.,« Paid up Capital t «00.000. Kesrrte
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    • 400 1 NUTICBB. ROBINSON&CO. NEW GOODS. Dr,-.. MaUriala in drea. lengths with laleat i'an.ian novaltie. in 'mnm ng Katameiit Swge. delaine., aad lu.tnnes Famy S|h.l I)re.a Material. Crepon Mripc Black Fa.ll- Grue-Oraia an.l Mmr. silk 1 Button Kid lilovea. tau and hlark. I adies' l.ruwu calf Oxford Shoe.. Loui* ha- Is IbbW
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    • 948 1 WOTlOlg. Ei MALACCA. BOMB AT. AMD CANTO*. MRS. H. DAT. lillin. r and tore** Maker. I* BOW HOWIM < M>,II I.ILH.TIIK Of NEW OOODB. Iv. WMM bMbW Kmhn.idered Silk and CaahwMT* Costume*, a large and pr> ty aalrrlion al now and atyli.h dci»i,. While and Coloured Einhmtdered C.^tnra— Nun Veiling.
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  • 491 2 I.ATKSI'MAIiKr:T QUOTATIONS. Bt— ißaaia. "tb Jc«k, I*» 2 FMMt OaMMer, IM .lo Oaha No. 1 O.M. ■1., at Ha. M* pr» BaH, *K\ aa NaaMßaa IVp *r Klaek. ~KM S«ko Kbmr, Sarawak M» P«rlS«tr. aY«. ('..ff** J»li, 28.5" Coffer. I.iberisn «-V> taaliaa ewtaß Flak* 3.W). 1.. do I.' quality
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  • 107 2 Fur Ttrrtr. Tim: i Tfl-DAT Kuroj a- MtajlMi To-ifORE,,* Molur.a. tiu poits. (1. G. t0.,./,,.. s s. m HataTM Tin port*. ,/.;<>r./. H s m. iisiu i'»ii>.. JaafJast, v«>. .ii port., UUnjruin. II a si. Kusl» /Vrn, ll.m HoDiikouu Yukok^H aMlasie. lii. M.I.C-... Hr.1,.,r.j 1
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  • 548 2 Straits Times TUSEDAY, JUNE 7TH, 1892. REUTERS TELEGRAMS. Mwaa Imm. The Oaks. taad Hl' Jnnt— The race lor lb<Uaks resulted as follows Baron de Hirs.h's l.a Unit 1 Duke of Portland's BBBM Colonel North's Ln./y Mavaaa I Ibala (rewaSrrWM iMtea— Qaater rsn „<! iii ihe Dtrln .mid, bataM that, she
    Reuter  -  548 words
  • 356 2 It will bt! seen from our telegrams that the Home Government pro|>oaee to lead i^OO.DOO sterling to the Government of Mauritius, iv order to ual le the Colonial Government to remedy, aa far as a Goverumeut can, the efferls of the KXeat hurricane of the J'Jlb of
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  • 21 2 Thk mail .steamer Mihri left Colomlio at II p. in. on Sunday In-.'.tli iuatant aud is due here ou Saturday evening.
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  • 25 2 A iki K.iKiv states that the Net her lands Trading S-x-ietv has declared a dividend lat the late of ."> per annum for the year 1891.
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  • 20 2 A ni mhku of visitora from Malacca arrived ou Sunday morning for the holiday and returned to Malacca yaaterday attcruou.
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  • 31 2 Mi Jobliatou, I v aa-tiug chief clerk nt the n.n-ral Post OaW, left ou Saturday aft.-rii .n for Malacca where he ia to a. t as Collector of l.iud Revenue. ■«>
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  • 27 2 An Assm.atiou football match will be played ou the Kiplauadc thia evening betweeu tbe S. C. C. and a s, rat, b t.-ain captained l.v Mr. M-Murray.
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  • 30 2 Thi. M. M. steamer (tiui with the I,ondon of ili. I HI, May arrived thia BMetjMg. The new Spanish Minister to Peking is a passenger from Marseilles to Shanghai.
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  • 38 2 Thl Kr.-u. Ii Mail Ih Kurop- by the MM. steamer ItBM 7'" dotes at pm. to day. The Honourable T. C. Hogaanlt, and Mr. K. IVCotta of the T'.-legraph Compauv, are passengers by the Fnwy Ttt M M.iM-illes.
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  • 44 2 Bai ii.k iv the Cevlou )'.i|»-rs desciibea Mr Sh. Itord ia C.M.G. of Siugapore) v "of the Straits Service." That waa a reasonable elerciae of discretion. Tbe .••bis were twenty to one in favour of Mr. Shelf.. 1. 1 bteag "of the Straita SerVI,-."
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  • 44 2 Thi. .Spanish mail .i.-.iui-r aaaaaaißM arrived v.Kt.-r.l.iy inoriiing from Mauila with her aaaßßsM lunLeii down which will *****8888 l her U-iug do. Iv.-d at I'alljoug Pagar. Tbe mail for Mauila by the I'rut will be coureved either ov the Mrnrlaut direct or vi.i Suigou.
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  • 61 2 .Mk. H. Holmes, a plaul.-r who waa lonHag alter au estate al Muar for Mr. Ma. liay. came luto Singa|s,re on Friday feeling rather taadjr. t'u Sunday evening I,- vomited blood be died the tj, >t luoro- j lag at half-past I o'clock, and tevea hours I later be was
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  • 60 2 Ai Hougkoug, on the 30th ulto.. before Mr. Fielding Clarke, Acting Chief Justice, i'bomat Uiimore Keaue. chief officer of the aaaßMtMa waa charged with unlawfully shooting at aud wounding two Chinese tii.-in.-u at Saudakau on April sth. Prisoner waa defended by Mr. J. J. Francis. Q.C. After a leugthy trial
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  • 13 2 Tub homeward mail per Yang T%r cloti-a at 6 p m. tbia erening.
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  • 14 2 T«« Kuaaian iroa 'lad Oimiln Ptwaeni left on Sunday *fUrnoon for Vladivoato, via Hongkong.
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  • 19 2 A numl*r of viaitora from Malarca arrivr.l on Sunday morning for the bobday and returned to Malaga yesterday afternoon.
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  • 22 2 in Perak ia eatirnatr 1 at from WO.OOO to $100 000. The total number of MawMl destroyed ia aaid to be \2i.
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  • 28 2 Tae Municipality adfertu that the registration of do K -s U-ginning wilh .lunbMaaa] mbbbbj aa tb- itei Ha; l»W. wi!l be opened ou Monday .ii.-H. MM Hal inatant.
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  • 34 2 By private aWal from laaaaaa learutbal Mr. W. K. Colli-r. MM BM puiaur judge for tbe Strait", i[u the Oaaaa i. winch •eaaaj Uawd i" leave London on the 1-i'h of May
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  • 54 2 A cati«»T match was pliyed M tbe 8. K. C. ground MBaMMty bataaia .i t. mi of 8. C. C. caaual'a and a team r. pres.iitlug the 8. K. C. The scores were (Visual* 'ii brut BMBBfBi I- >— oud baaafj The 8. K. C. only one Baaaafli m
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  • 62 2 The ateamer Mvyunr, with the iral at the. new aeasou China U>aa. arrival at SinntHjr* at I oVlokthis morning, c.wled j up. aud left again at BBBW. The Me|BBI wu MaJMlßal iv last night, but .lie m. I rvmtth weather <m tbe w.iv down frWM Hougkoug which iNBMI h-r a
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  • 51 2 Tai laaawal May lltb. aim, that Mr. J. W. BaMMr, the Ajtafaey-Oiaaral for the Straita .S.tllenieui«. bad ariv-d from aaßaajßaae m short leave The ot»N and China AVy.icM. in Ixirroivnn; that, adda (on its own hccoiiiil) that it ia doubtful that Mr. Bonser will ictiini to tbe Si i
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  • 60 2 Tmi Rowing Club propose 1,, hold I regatta alioiit the end of thia inontli The event- iv tin- piogrnnime •BBBBIBM I'inoar. Double 8. -ulla. and K.mrs 1.i.ul Coffin has pr.-aented four -ops to Im' rowed for and held on similar conditions to th.- DmUbm Cups Two erewa have already
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  • 65 2 Thiee will l«-a Pa|ior OmbM Mi S.iiurday ni-it 11th iu»t*nt m.-el al th- Ol -s Koarlt. Tangliii at Mi pm, and tlinsli at Wbit.-b.mse. I»al»ey Koad, the reai.lence of Mr. S. K. C'arr. At tins M will ha a far.-w.-ll one to an oil taarttag fneud, Mr. J. Patou Ker.
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  • 72 2 Os Friday, tbe 27th ultimo, a new 10.0- motive eiigiu.- w.ih landed at Klang for Meaat>. Murmv Camplx-ll I C... MM I motiv' waa in BMaaß, <>v 'be J'.'ili. the engiue was under strain for its trial trip and ou the Maa, it waa at work near t: i- »!.<
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  • 71 2 At a m.-eting „f BaataaaaawM ia tha Uold&el<laofSiaml'omp.iny 1,-1.1 .it MMHJ hah on the IMb Imbb, it waa Mated t lut the CoiiipaiiT's 1.-aae from ill- Si. ii Uoveruiueut eipii-.l in r'.-lir,i.irv last, l.ut had been renewed for su iiiont hs I n^-- t The Coiupauy lieiug nitbotit funds an.
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  • 88 2 The inoliilnwtioii of the pajlißßß al MM j .-oli.uv commenced on Suttirdav. wb.-u the I varioui BBBBBBaBMrhI were detailed ofl to their RMBaaMee ikxlb as they wonl'l be iii time of war. It ia iuteuded that th- initi- ajajwttj aball aaaaad over -i Bariad af tbr.lays, and poHsilily longer. The
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  • 107 2 Thk BBMaaaaj /Wy IVbm, m BMBaaaatMajaa tl aaabiiaa „t m Haa f., regular lottery mi the MBM "f tli.-'.ti-ayatemali.-allv aaodawtad in M.iinl.i. re. m»rl.« that it will pea th- Haagkoßaj tjajhai ,i fiiith-r o|,|«,ri,iuiiy to thaw their ruergy iv iirre»tin^ Maaai iaapertiag lottery tickeU. Tha //l.Vy t'ri-n nol-, that tbe
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  • 102 2 Ik th- C'alli.ilrul of tin- gwad Mawphatd on Wbitsuuday BMfBBBg Biahef 8a i. aaaiatrd he Canon MbbbbM aad Pathrrn Bore au.l K-uaril. li.-hl a -oiifirniuti.ui at-r-Tici-, tbeu aaiiK |ioutiti,.al lu^li mass .ml admiuistrred first communion to 18 l-.v, from St. Jom-|.|i'n Instil, in, ,n .in. l 17 Kirla from the
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  • 113 2 Mk. lio^' li, -in.- he Hi- Fr. n. Ii mail t0.. 1.iv. Bad badeaa not tarhripate tb*t b« will, .it tjaaaat, l»- ahaaatl lar more tbau tlin-t- MafJtkt In H it ia Baa BawhaMe thai the QoTttaor will <l>.-.iir>- to iioiuiuaU- mi anting m-nil.-r in Mr. lSo^aardt'ii pia.v U ie
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  • 103 2 Thf lllamond-4 «||isi,.i. In th.; C.nirt thai Meiaiai Manui- Court af Imjuirv whs efetied t,. eu.juir.- mt. i tbr t-ircuuiatauc. Itttndiafl tin- r»lliMi>u BanaaMta* aMaeaar Diamond offit-ml uihiilmt t;7.:i'.H, ah Xt inil<l Qmmlbl Ofti.ial nuuiU-r MMS7, which ocI eurred iv New Harbour on the often i of \V.-,ln.».|.iv
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  • 45 2 L)K1AIIII KICI BO.IKK1) I &&&3&SZ U P»r Ya,,.j T,. for Mar.-, L. B.iranrat. Mr. Jaui»« Mete Ufa Mr aiul Mr.. W H. Drrirk. Mr. J W U Snu'l. Par a. Oxu, f,,r Y..k,.liMii,, -M, K. Si.ii.r »'..r Saiguu Mra. OaroUat Slat.r. tur Huugkouy Mr. iiorfaiau.
    45 words
  • 416 2 Death of Ihr Captnln of thr ir Kirkni CUpt.h- I Pea tilth, BMatar of ih. auiili»ry «< r,.» fiv.. t ni ,,t<.,l aajjiaaj ihit «iling abja whic-li bae .1-' \i.,i..i SniKi|«irp ,|j«Ji I rather aaddenW oa ftaada,] The Maria Bataati M ..IHV.-.I bat i ThaMda* tbe 2 n^ insutit witk
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  • 484 2 Wi. i, ..i,..- (eajn tbe Hateta (.\.-./<- -fr.iin an .i.K.-rii'..iii.-iil u|.|<-ii..| il th.- ttajata Tlmmtt the Sad ultino. that reward „r SI a oflarai In "|in»,i»of Hi.- death ol Mr Praaoii CfaaHai Berfei eatire at Ribeaufilla, AMaa*, ■trrbaat. aad l.v of 1. i.
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  • 352 2 To mi KmtOßOl nit: "STKAnsTixt:In your MMM ..I 111.- t-li in in' Hi.'.- ,i|.|..'.h..| ,i letter iii-.1.-r ili- thorn baadicg and orer tbe limtan ol 1 H m.l h, if .i lupreme indifference w «>•■ wll.-11,. i Mr M Sl mi.— .in.l i,,i|..n,.h'-..,,,v norathM wli.Hi'-r'ii' Ui.-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 681 2 NOTICKS. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspaper in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore aud Penang, throughout all the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philip- j pines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has I
      681 words
    • 765 2 TFNDKKH. MI'MCIPAL NOTICE ■LLStTBOaOUQB MARKET THK. Mm aaJOeeteaWtaßtrearaaaeaaMd IB BMtive lender- for th,. farming of Klle.ilHirough Msrk.-I. nlong wilh the |.w rsnge of Co iking snd Eating Stall, an. l Ihe new Kmil Msrket hing Ix-tween Fish S-rwt tad T*oChew Brreel The Far, ii will at for three years, cop
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    • 860 2 LATKST AUVEKTISKMKNTS. FILLIS'S GREAT CIRCUS, RKMAIKS A KKW NH-HTS LOaTOBB iK.KKAMS.i P,,lfl.AltlTT. ani. r.imrijtisi IWMMMMIII MuaUrH H»« tweeanejed Killi- to nmbbi longer ami nuk" spccisl efforts to ■■MM I I tfoMI STARTLIII.i NOVKLTIIt. I.( N )K it,. it.iiiK-iioii in Mm* Beata aar Hal r«lu,-«J to II '■< Stall Caaira >'
      860 words
    • 83 2 ih* Tta .Tune. MMLtaa Bill of J. A. Kkabdon, of n daughter. lit nlnlil ;n aWMrstli T'lULkaUlxi on* «.i# 0/ tKt yai»r o* y. U v tht **al*rl of ik*l condi. honmuv iii. .r. r«j., I.i lIUI Saksnia tatUiaaa. All s4t«rt.*inf eontr/ictr art lubjfl.-t Ia tlia .-^,..1.1.^., t w
      83 words

  • 1286 3 Mr. Mosely Attempts Suicide. Ml I I.i kiham M..sri.T, a il> 1,1 f.-ntlv pnotisiag in Sin(c«|, and who j, a bankriM". sttMspsti to ooarnit sin. id<" rot. T.lin alt. i v. bl (hooting I j-elf With H lev.iiv.r 111 In. l( h jlotel ,1- ll PWI The hull. tbtoat* li
    1,286 words
  • 18 3 from Lrudou. Ma) 13, Mr. an.l il'ar.hali. I'.-r irwutta, froa Loadoa, June 1". Mr. Lauiliar I
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  • 1060 3 I «HV. till .1, M Taikmn- -H e Bet c,,ii (;!,,,,,,,,i Biafth, .1 il ll of Jonore, ■> i II B. btaj UnarMa Warm, 1 •ivMii ii i i.i, „i b imwi 11, .-ti, Ifift Capt. Collinaun, SMth Kir' Capl I r.igie, rh. .1 II Cuthlwraton, bee
    1,060 words
  • 325 3 The diatinguiahiug t.-atn .of the daj'l ,i, n were 1.n.:-ii.i ful ancque backaor WattMU bow*. Some 1,v.1i white druaaaa, and in my bright i.,..,ii..l DOre produced charoiiog effect. Hat- were of all ibjipei ud tarns of th. m »erj pictureaque; the bouneti were tiai and moatly
    325 words
  • 82 3 Muder among the sikh Police in Selangor. At Ku iv IcaajfM aa tb- M mst two Pathaoi ■< i i .r tl," lin,|.|-r of Iwo S.Lii. Til-, i «rciua t" hay, ipnintl from a .|iiarr-l OMJ* I tin of milk, aad the S,kh, were >h..t with ntleii iron, bafaiad. A
    82 words
  • 1262 3 8»ppl >■!',■< UHU itnj 1t. MM Kaa -Th« Tiaaaavi ).ur.'ha-,,l oai al atrnr ai |fiee, ranging Iron, HSoO t w 65 U i mice. New York M,,,, -The daaMga 4aaa bj ih. II ode el S.i, it l.oiii. and ailjac-nt ,oim'in borderiag on the .M, »i"ipp, «,u ,unta
    1,262 words
  • 732 3 T he Philharmonic Society. Ki«it rwwueO**tMm\mmt MM r^at night lha Bin«aßßfa Pbilharm.,,,,, -S<Miet\ Data their li p*JMh i I the ►eaj.,,11 hi the fowa Hall. th. ...ii. •••■rt 1.-in- parlies li ••Jl It, rrgardod ffOaji dii aiu.iteur'a tau.l|»,nit wo a mi.'. mt, 'nd MM f.w „f tin- it.-m, Kl> U\
    732 words
  • 434 3 fflnaa mt Pinamj Oautte. I on the »ch.'iot- for iMßaVag I M.lonvot r,tir,-d Aukjlo-ludiaus :uS,ull, Aii.truh;.. or Hither a s.hi me fur ut tract. lagrattriag Anglo-l>diaai thither, whica l. gorapriag ittaatlaa M bbbji 1, n lii.liuuu.l in inatraliav tha B*nMh«| Qmmm writea: Kvervthinn i»
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  • 34 3 ,m ,lli-,m Sable* oa llal ..t oaeh ath. D, lt an.l 1.. rVaaagaad. aleatta, raaaa,oaßth Jaaw, i nl l'..r Jay. i or) 11. oa 1 Ih Jim,. W. ItaaaßaU
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  • 132 3 We learu fmin tb.- CMbbJb] i;.>t.tiimi- tit t1,..t tli,- r ini.'iir, from Raul, r.--lui-i 1,, ih" nil, r ataf baraad »ut. ae waa BBBBBBaI, <|inU- BjaJaßßjaW ami to hare l>-.'ii bjbbbb] Lv r-jKirta ..f tliI nioTeuKMiU of tb>- BaJtan'i uieu wbicb were Dot UDdr-ratoo.l. Mf l'-ti BBJ
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  • 921 3 Times Telegrams Kaaai -Tin. Pahane laMi ar,, giialfg l-.1.1'-r Srrrral CUaaaa bar* haai killed by th.n,. a.-ikh attbaahaaa attack,) >„1 U ,I',. tin- .l.^.rlinjf th.In Sin(tai..r.. mUm afWaa ii trowing"troiiif airain.t th, (Johtiht. w1... r.-f, employ military or naval lam I. Oil I OamafjajWbai Si.. ;n r ;r. Tli- Siilian.
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  • 626 3 1% In I UUaa Basiw Til l-'.t i,.-w.| fro,,, S,i, k .a|... rarreuitad :i BU ol Ibe -t«i.. ..f alt.nla Pahaajx. whi.-h i.. rtrtaialjr. ra*y awuaa .in.-.. tH.. Hin,|. hnv.-'1...... ii.'i.rl. r. aad Mm rhi.-f town Pi kaa, »a> in paiiir. Of.-oiir.n. Sir <'.-,-il Sini-h, tb, v.-rnorol
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  • 684 3 I <>n t1... north m fnnili.-r. „r Biinnah. „ri Ih m"f A.«m in ih,. r^i-i nof lh« BM l r ran i.1.1v. ami in Irniy afathai iil«.-~. „f Ira va.i Baiptra th.- fliiiiaiwl at Kriti.h 1,,, 1,. ha. ha.l tv i ntlv mi. lain Siili.n-. afaiaa,
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  • 337 3 Sim lliiiimn Ama....h. flmimtif AMB CIIAKI.f SIIIJIIT SaI.M.iSII Ihf.wlru.l I 111 I,!:! us,. CallH .li RK Wnuli Tin- mmrnkmrn Mr. fcfaaj b«nJ tb»t the 0r.9 r 111*] :ir,l turn 1899 br Ih-;ir,,-,t ..I' ,1,-f. .,1,1,11,1 1.,, i 1.- 1 m,, 1 that tbatMeadaal ba di»«haryd. Tb- |.l»in!,ff l.y
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  • 172 3 'Im, Kurj im i tli.l.'ili M.n In- ling Otbef, .n 11... 1..11-... rV« ,■pi ,i M Mid, a, fa. awt I I- iii ii,. ..I Hi t,,,.l 11,|.,rn *i>l, oi i. ba, broogkl 1,..|».. i,.- i, rmn willl .1 on. ,«f. I i !i.
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  • 133 3 IaMMH ■aj (M-Lifrir from rlataria -M*«an 8 Krrmvt*. c BaMaaar, 0 Kraaj. Tv d*r ■a I lnin,|il.r. 1.,.|^..r«.-l. IIHnWk <W an.l Y.ojm. Mr*. Mr ami Mr, Inrill IVr <;(,»Crm., from [...n.lon ti» pcrto Krawr. WalUn. All.n. IWa;nim«. an.l K«v Mr Moot*, Mr .ml Mr. l)'So«. BMai m WaiWil
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 6 3 l-'ur (.rarr.ll >hl|>uiui; iMN BM t.
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    • 774 3 AUCTION SAI.KS. \WltlMa 11 1 1,1, anil IfKANKIMV. Al CTli iN BALI M thk I wn Valiialili- Ki-n-liiilil rin|ieille,. ks,,»« AS WARINOA HILL, DEANROW, SlTtATtli IN Patorson Road, Tanßlin. THIHSUW. In .11 .VK riillK Miiiataaii an m-ini.t,.] la anil 1 l.y A net I "ii. al th,ir SaU.r.KUua, nn THURBDAT.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 84 3 vYKATHBB KKPOKT. ■aaMaai t...i«» BMaaM, M 7«..«. \m». B»r r«,l l;l,i i Faaaa, -n |tj -is W.I UulkTlwr 10.1 >v 7. In. ol Wiad. S-<W >t«. BUVT. Mai Trmp in •:.>.!« NS Mm do. do. IM Mm in Hrn 14!> 4 T»rr. ra.l. Th~r tt I KanUlhoVt hour.. Nil MliSliKdMl
      84 words

    • 1027 4 Tn-W Mi hoadinir th» followinif »M.n«vialima »n> »««l «tr— •Mmtjiw; «ti «hip. l..| b«rnii«; Brit.-Hriti.h; l\ I7ii.ii«I St.— Fr"" 1**"*; .I..1. Jnhor* tr..— (»<•— <i«nw»l e*rgo ;.l p. ll—l nMwn»«r.; I!.— l'nr»H«in ;T P W T«ni>g P«r«r Wharf T P. n Tanjinir Pa K ar
      1,027 words
    • 126 4 r,-.,h n,. r ,,l „:,|,r 111, laa*Maf ■fern mlrrrtifnl lirttinniiim i» tkrir pnrU „i,'n,.i .5,,,.,,1,.-,,, HMh hound for /aaa, lh, «„,< „(A,r „.,r(«. ,11,, rill h.r, nnlward hound. MNHMfc •ifmirh aajafjl M lw usjeerlrtii. ur,,thi «mM .Vamc. Port, .inn* /Ai<« „f Sailing. Kkii.M IrfINIMIN. Cer.litf.nshiro, M«y H.i.lii..r.hir«, hmwi
      126 words
    • 37 4 0 t'. Nim. r,, H aht»in X«. Sailer Hlu. J m. :gngr irgßfir bs ss fa-ass.** raw "s as rsu. ;st^ fa I Sir- siSr £*£iB£ 4 S »'gr tens BrSass ssr 4^ 3:? jistsss""^
      37 words
    • 214 4 "in Vuctl/n N.m 'I*"* li Sarat« fer Run t Santo buaiiD(o kiu U> V»ii( Araioma S«a Tor I I Horuro l>«4*w Trucrr A»i,-r-l U.1fk.1,. *'»rullO« K»aat. Bu What Hrn Lj.' Son* iiu»u J 11. 1...ui.r, KwmUn I K-- i.Uot H.l r n 7 (llnfnun 7 (l«.l»T«rv
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 562 4 BBjL'] I i »v m I >kk a UFvov n -im<! K.Hli. (l^»BBbW a Ihr niii-1 iiilalil" .md srinililir at M BbU/ M So\" for tlrliral.' Skin*.. V^ \n „|eal -o.,p.|el,«l.ifull> |e,rfor,,,e.| D •■(if tbUrn kfi I 1,, In kinds, I'III.MIKIi for il,.- Million t-l. KI.HRAI. BAIaSAIfIC M..licl. (iTTO 'Toil.-'
      562 words
    • 1043 4 NOTK BS. GOLD MINIS IX I'AHANi; Tj Imillllll A*n othkkk rpHEund.rsi.-n~l PBUiaUMM 0» Ml--1 bTsM UOsTeataiOaTl ulll Ma ij Pahauir. Paaal .1 al na* in Gold, sre preiurel la aulli.ri-" applicants to carry on I'KWKiTIN.i AXh affsTiaa operation- in thoirCi s.ions. fp'» of f-y payment or royalty, oth-r than the
      1,043 words
    • 759 4 NOTICES. THK TOKYO MAKINK INSCUANCK COMPANY. LIMITED '{"HK I n-ier.i,,,,...! hiring Iwen appninte.l I Agenta for the al«iv« Company are prepared to accept inatine riakl »l enrrent rai..s THK MIT.-: I i BUSBAN KAISHA. in \tl, t.,:;i I.- s Battery I!.*!. Singapore REMINGTON STANDARD TYPEWRITER. CUI It VMM 1i... 5'.r.1.r.1.
      759 words
    • 1463 4 NOTICES JAKES MOTION k CO. Chboxomktkb, Watch A Clock M Alias i add oiti. iamk. Flirt Stbekt llarealwarsnn hand a wall Mlix-Md star of Jewcllory. Watrbaii. CI.K-ks. Diamond Jawal. an and Nautical Instruments. 111.1.1i-l UoM. Aawrteaa OoDtf. K.rnnrs DiaaaoaJ. Karl4. Clocaa. Itawlaa- la^r«aMßU. Mf Bisas INaaK»,l. <T.i Wc9d Kin*. rm
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    • 141 4 SHIPPING. FOBPEKANO. KANO.H.V.A CAtCTrPTA. JwYSTSpt- B.K.n. will for the ar^v, ,«rt, on W«l a r-*i*,. M at :Ipm For froiibl Kf paanaif*. apply lo S ?H B?)DBTBADACo..A|r«iIs. OCBAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY FOR BATAV.A. OHBBIBOK. S*MAKAX'i. AM) SOI K Ut T r THK 11. S. S (V. ,le»mer ll h< I
      141 words
    • 155 4 NOTICES. TYPEWRITING SUPPUisf^ TrsT arrival omplabt npp| rn < allkin.l. „f Ttp.wri-in,f HnnpuJ. 7 Kniflish ami Hsnimoinl i a1.,, p,t_, Oilers. Oil. Btaasra, Pr,.. Copy Books i«., ciallv fnrTv|»wr;iinif work Csrl»,n Paaar \c Ac M. ALISTER A C... Batterj Ru,rf I yen fob thk ptblic. CeaeaaaiM >ka PMhI "om»Jh
      155 words