The Straits Times, 20 May 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: \m\. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1892. NO. 17,722.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1032 1 IvMSHIP COMPANII IKNIS'sri.AK AND OKIKNIAI. SI I NAVKIATION COMPA.SV Orric.— <:ollyer Quay. Wiiikvi- and Ooihiwh.— New Ilarl-.ur «t*amera may he ei| nn ontwar.l and leare Hinuapore homeward. ea the following daUm— Ju ti. I July II Jnl, B Theabon- date, are only appronmat. aaddoaartaioo m.y he either Torllei m
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    • 866 1 BTRAMBHIP COMI'ANIKH. K'lNlNKl.l.lKK PAKETVAAKT MAAT.-.IIAI'IM.I. Dadtt contnici with tl,n BttlMftaaao India < iovenn,, 1 m- .i.k Bain \,.i ii 1 I. a-ii J. DABsTBI 1 I <1, o. Bjoaraaaj Quay. Pi 1 ißaMeatai 1 111 1 1 knua.-h I.ii M BT a 00. Tbe Coauaaj hat a tl t „f
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    • 752 1 STF4MBHIP COMPANIES. Kiak. Benirkalia, and Edi will be c.11e.1 at Pora via Baw'..nai.d'--'.iraUyt. enry four week, a ttaaatr run- in this dir'.clion taking? dir.el tatva I I 1 1-' ft Baajen hvPotloo Ijiut, Paaar.tad K"t.-i 1.. ..t,'*merl.di-|.at.-h.-<l to rtnawla. Berow, .ml Baloatma ttoo ralliaj at Hawean. Soiir.,t»nia. H;inj,.riiM--iti Palo I
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    • 759 1 INBDKANCKS The SUndard LMe Norwich Tni'in Fire Irwuranee S-wi.-lv Atlae Aa.uranr. Company Tkl K.|intal,:.. l.if.. A.«uVsn<-, s.«i. -i 'I I Oetaa Mtilao taaataaee Ota The China Mutual Ste.m Warigtlba Dt] Tho TiiMtakati LtfM BetrC mpany. The Maritime In-uranc OtaßJtmj, I.imit-H. For |iartieiilai- „|.«uie. see tbe I full advert,-
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    • 748 1 INSURANCES lIIESIKAITn I'- *IPANT, LIMI Hl»r> f>rri. > njapor*. -cd. f.a| itel 11.000/ WO. Paid np CapiU! (WO.tJOC. Beeerved Fund lllutM. The .hci-e t'ompany are Marine ri.k. t- all part, of the world at current rate, of nmiuu,. m BCBAin naa ibbobamb <"om. PANY. LIMITKU. Bjoaoarihad <"«pi-al H." •'.'•>' I'aid
      748 words
    • 859 1 BANKS. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID VT CAPITA] $«i RISERVK UM, S c.»X).i«<i I.UHILITT OF 10(XWOO(1 PBOPBjIBTOBI j 110.000.000 S M, ,-.s 1-m Ihairman I I 1 i., 1 g li.i.uti rhainnan ii J J gee. J li :i,i...1., a., 1.... >„ 1 1 k I»|. i uirr aUaaamj
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    • 727 1 HTOBRB MARIK HHIZARD AND ROOBR Ror.le.ut. Oarafao. whiU and rvd. Marawhinn. Noyau, white and red. Cherry Brandy. Milk Paach. Old Jimolno Ram. AaiaetU aad other lloaeara. Sola Alan far tbt rMttiU. f CH. VALTRINT A 00. ROBINSON CO. New Goods for the Season. Have ju.t im|«.-k«<i a ahipmeat of Millini-n
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  • 423 2 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SiKOAroBB, '.'nrH Mat. 1 >>!•■-• PaoDoci. U«mbi«r. I 5.97 J. do CabaNo.l, 9.85. do do No. 2, M OajM Bali 4.00. do Pontiaoak. IM. Pepper Black Mi Saitii Flour, Sarawak J.7S. Pearl Sa«:o M Coffeo i»li 28.50. Ooffe« Liborian .VI. Tapi.H-a small Fl»k«. :t 7.V do
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  • 108 2 for Per Mr. 7W. TO-IIOBBOW. L'li.riWn A S.m«r«uK. m 11.1,1 p.l,.t, MmIw, »>■>. Mi MM, SufM.itf, II a.m. ''>t I.-, ViUiHal. II a.m. Ponaug an.l Huinlwjr, /.■.mb.'r,!., II pm. I'l'yi'i", 3 p.m. lltiacci u<l KIuiii, Happlio. < p m rritn-lTMiu, S,, /,i.;r., p m s,>,ir«li«T«. Malm, 1 1>
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  • 13 2 Kr..,,, Kirn.,-.. I-../.-J,,,,,,,.. od W«d».».Ucj. rwCMam, KMtmfJU, «a Til lij.
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  • 105 2 STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, MAY 20th 1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. kiuum ML Purt 10 Ciara. lh» MMjii Hrn Sl-KK" II M IMF. I'kimk MlMhll.K. badaa, Maf. Th.- Hmmbi al .Salisbury s|»-Hkin-al H.istnign mud thai 1,,, was eoiili. lent M to the result oftheopBfaMhaag nil elections, that in Kor.-ii;ii All, ii- there »as
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 283 2 Tin important item of this day's news ia th, I'remier's declaration for tariff retaliation: although the newa that tin- Kn-ii.h i internment hay- appliel la tht Chamloi of 11.-puties for •ilty two additional in iilions of francs to hasten the baildiag of shipa of war is also signilicaut.
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  • 20 2 A MKiCTmo of the l!.>ard of Littßtlag Justices i» for four I" k tlii«e«-niog at tin- Central IVlio Station.
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  • 20 2 KilliiTii Circui ii not aCMBtM here until Thursday next, owin^ to its having ■mm to laiaaag for a short MM
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  • 26 2 I'm. Coinpaii* BVMWMJI it the Kicliaup" Koouis are anuouiuwl for to-morrow the Sin-apor.. luMirame Co. at UJOa. t" uml the .Iclellll Milling and Tl.tdlllK'*'" at noon.
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  • 24 2 Thi; Netberlandi consul. general »d»erti,,s the IttWNj "f IhagaaiwßMj Carai m the disin, i» of TWataag Hmbi Md iv the Ulno Ai. hiplai;
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  • 31 2 At Baaghaag the Qturatt ha« a pIMiinte.l a IJ.wr.l to eu.|uire into the .jiichtion ..I bWmMJ means to slop the -\.t.-m of illicit Chinese I'ost OAota which pierails iv that colony.
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  • 33 2 Mh*b». X— m I Ombbmj af tavia .iiuiounce they do not any longer a.t for the New York l-ife Insurance S.. cielv. They are » in BawagMMy l>y Me»«rs. Ue Liu^- Cmipunv
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  • 29 2 Tn Kevd. Mr. t'reh. of the M.llio.list Kpiac..|«l Church, will condu.l II rMn, k ...rv 11l the < lin-.t1.11. In-lltllle. Middle Read on Siindav.the _*Jiid instant at ".l. r o'clock.
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  • 41 2 Tiu Chin.-.-, population of San Kraucuco ill IKHI) was 'JI.TWi; ill lrtlMl it aiiiounlad to IM7O. The MUm IhaMa that a |Bia of t,ltl iv t.-n yeara iv one city dm-s not make a i;o(m1 sliowint; for the preaent Restriction lawn.
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  • 57 2 iln ihe afternoon of W.ilueaday the J.'.lh (the (Queen's Hirthdavi Iht t V A will J..IU the narriHou |Nira.l.- arraiiK'i-l tor that afternoon Tlml is. a s-i i.-i,i. Nt „f the old aafaMM ahaa< |»radinif the troops in the mor nin^r sun The afternoon will he na',' to
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  • 61 2 Tliv f.illouniL' horaes arrived yeslenlav from PMMHj 5'nu1.1.1,,,,! S.inin'; aawMa| mid fcyaa*! tli.-y were all on thr ,0ii.,,--tins BMMMJ MB are ImUbJ very well ■n ii, Ii Utter I liuii when they rail at the last IVnatii: race BMaMMJ where A'un'/./fcafvJM the Maid. n» Ist lay. and |Wi the Johnn-Cup
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  • 81 2 It ia eai.l that it haa htM ik-culnl to ereit ma. huiert with which to BBfßijf BY r.-a.s.- ih l|.nl ..f the Clm.a Kn^ar" KelaiagOatßaaai bI iv BaagbaagtataUiahin. Nt- By UM nieiins the tatt of |.n.,|u, tion will Im- reduced, ami thn Ci>iii(»ny lie placed in a position to inert
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  • 160 2 Tin: Hon. K K |;.|,|,oh lately ,lr,-w att.iitiou in the Haafhaaj Laßikbtife Council to the aim. -I nni.-slii, 1.-.I Kale of Manila lott.-iv ti, k.-is in ■aagkaag iii .onliav.iilionof the iamliluii;,. there. Tin. iiMilt was an as.-inanre niven IIV His Kxr.-11.-n, V the (iovertlor that 111Htnntioiin BWali hi i-sii.-,|
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  • 84 2 I in. followiuf; iii tin- liat of engagement! tor K Hi w.i-k, as it at |.r.-s.-nt BBUkii Batukhav, May illht "Our tint," Town Hi m I | U..NHAV. bUVMb* "Our Kl.i," aanad aarl am Ti-kki.av. Mm J|rn ■aaat Ko-i Da] Wl I.\l -I,V>. \1 M I'llllll. Hnh.l,. i/«-«i-
    84 words
  • 237 2 l.«si atghl tli- ham -.t Mr. V. n. i;^. lor wan roliU-,1 un.|. r IIBM»hi |...iil,aiiin uuiHt.ini-i-it Mr. l\nl,.r'» hnaJM is at No. 4 1; ...i.|. iiM,| Ins furniturewas to i»- sol.i i.v lattian tn bmww, ariat 1., ins iapattan boat iht „,i,,i i^ sl ii,
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  • 48 2 Tin: Committee bare decided that I,ink» will b« entirely cloard during I witli. Mi-uiberi wishing to play od the „n .lay can >h> a... lull th.- bar will laa all tin- tablet Ac, will hiir,- t.. cleared out of tbe Rooini which tht :i occupy.
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  • 97 2 THiat^ain.T Ti'rnnijtim «,ia aif un BaVfaj for Mai I.v piilili. 1 auitioiiat Hoiiifkom. Hi.- ItthMat. uuiliT i.r.|i. r of the Co|o n j,| Court of A.liniraltr. Tht all t.K.k plan th.- BapTi Court and wa^ well mt,n.|,.,| Th.- baMhag atartad at tht .«J.',n.», whl.ll Inul ban
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  • 95 2 (OKI'S (iKDr.BK S,;. V 'l»>". SHII Ml), /s, I. Dulios Orderly Offio-r f,.--bmj aaahi Oaal Dbmbbb. Onl.-rly BtTgMBl for lh« rusuilijt gargi Morri-on. II Paradt Tht Gam will ptnde M.«.l yunrl.-r-. Fort Kn l l.-rt,,u. aa Wtdaea lat, tin- -J.".th iiml.. at p. m a* taaa Bart
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  • 202 2 io oki. l no Is Ml I'oulini.y Maflmr, inn,, ,sy. M, Nmmi 1- rarj nln »ho»i ■m warn Mmiii; aaahiaa btaaMvw .m.Ui.i .-an Iw BTljaiM inlo s|ui.-.. at any (fivmi m.^i. with II," mil of an altaMl motor an.l moli intr fan- for ul.nil hfl\ ruilr-,
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  • 203 2 I 111 > .Ili-lii In, male. iii|,an\ i «sl, ■„i n. {•jaaajaaaw, CVuilißi Lofl, Ims ratvraad la Bbajgnajg nit, ran abaMct of Marl; »n itli* Sh. li.n 1 11 nUUHDR be tw.-.ii Sm^ji>|..>i>. 'iiinl It.-riimii N.-wUwiii.i 1111.1.l rlmrtir to a ( limii I; ..111 ..-i- 1. -|.i.
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  • 371 2 Tut I'.-ium-i. ii.-ii,-ral of Hongkong, in Ins naorl i-ii 1891, that urg<-» tba umol ihi-.-li-rlrir light 111 till- |.ost.ll dop.illln.ui A la ge percentage of -irl him- BMtßg Hiiml.H.r stall is trs.-cLI,, la th.- •■toll hi coo .litiiin ii.,|.t whirl, th.- working aftlwßalh ■ad
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  • 317 2 'fV CWf*n mdmU.) fcTaait KU, MM Mm MM At'l..m |hu .in MitfcwMki ma ihi-tiiii th- fell night I MaraUad that laa I ■I Hi- ooUtetoratt hmM witk even on ill. iii. hi ilmi Hi,, apUTOwi all le« in. in tl,. n nmbmj ftmem m Iht b»ti 'l'"-in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 545 2 The' Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspap;r in Asia. British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout all the Proi-ected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a circulation.
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    • 1183 2 NOTICPS. TOWN HALL. >IX. \I'O!!I: Ainiilrur I 1 1. il I'ciTorniaiiie' 01' R FLAT." Fakiicai. Ci.mei.v n :l A Saturday, May 21st, AN' I, Monday. May 23rd. ai i-. m 8-ats may l»- nr.-d ol and afler M,-1 Hh inst.. at M.-ssr- Joai I.itti.k A < J Enslcrii Morisa^'
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    • 1229 2 AUCTION BALES. TO HIII.DKRS AND oTHKRS Al tI.N SAI.K or LABil ytANTITT Or Wl I I. SKAiOKEDSk-RliH PLANKS B» leajmnM, MONDAY. 23rd MAY. THE under-igned are MmM t" sell by auclion. al Wee Eng We ,'s Saw Mills, Roahan, oa Monday SM May, at ?-»>!*<■. A large omnlily of well
      1,229 words
    • 762 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Ninpiporr Sport inc Club. SPRING MEETINU 1892. NO.V-M EMBKRS- Tickets ran now U procured at Measrs John Littll A Co. Single v Tick.t. admitting to tin Grandstand. *2 aach. SeasTO Tickets arailabla for 3 days. (5 G. P OWEX. it I B«*re«ar7. 8 P I NOTH I THE
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    • 74 2 MS.S. .stn.,l*! Im lluStra, l. r,«,,U.M1.,.,J>., SB SaSlMl l*»|-.,»r »«lv. H, Ik. «.,,1,,.| ,/|lui <vmJ,. Nss BMaa ms.s. an r#j#«uj iiui Mt-jht ca.rwi.* v All .<r.rl,..« f ml,ut> <ri rt |o 1 1,. «4,1,« i IU l«» Mmmmftr mo,U«., It, liwturui! o»l tl Iks jmiot o, »»t MUhw lU. BY
      74 words

  • 660 3 Thi Am* (MS and th« Orkiinai. Rkpobt OoMi-Aaii, Tla Ordinal Mai the Aniend.-l K.|..,r t tin- ami- mi' v follow* OamiHAi. Kkport I)at-.l ii.i), a,,,, I. aaj Ml reiult ol 1,,,. (V working -■1 .how. >t the:il.t baaaaakar ai» d.l balance nf »11*.M;7 Bam that date
    660 words
  • 178 3 Ink l',,,ti.,.ist.ii ion. -t.,1 of HoookoDg with tin- lubjad of poatiJ k'"'» bit rapori for 1801 Complaint- havr lieen prevalent of th* want f ad ivrne-i ia Po*ta«* Staii.p-. No l.i.m- how.-v-r. -an 1... atta.-h-.l to thi- DeplTImanl (in -.-i-er.l rreaaloaa thin matter haa nbroofbt to Ibe
    178 words
  • 2291 3 SiK OUUmm ClCllTHWAITr. t.ll. haa toini- nit «tm K mil, I.-. ,.i, i Ink miK. >. iii- Mammm W* ■afcl a law i»tra, Tht imuortaiipa ,.f 1 1,. OH«Mi i" Hum,* i. inu.h Kr>Mt«r limn Ilifi hi |.,rti,,ii watch II. t l>w in iiiiinUn t.. ilm
    2,291 words
  • 267 3 •rial tad tin- aaa at fnmmi ..pyinir t1,., 1.11...11 af IkaOtlßßM ofti.-i.l-. k fa b»B»w, ill.- iliMiM-al at tlii> .lead la Ann.v. a <|ii. -.linn fia» larmßatHM tmkiad aWtaataaritiaa, aal „i,K- from a In-nltii ,int „f vi.-» I.. it wl..<r.> to j.Urt.
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  • 528 3 India, like 111...1 „t1,.-r Extern countri,.., BMBBBBM a gr-at tari-tt of nhr—pi..during (.lam-, many of whirl. BBS* Ix-rn auhiuitted to >\[»-riiif nt.'il manipulation with the object nf linding hiiiiik cistern capabi- if rh-aply. mi>l •>ilVi'iunll\ prwpariaa; il— fihre tor mmhU u.cin sajaab« and maviag MasMaiiry, paper ■nuking, filling,
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  • 10 3 Ai.iut U I ivr. r'i/,,,«. from -MmklM,
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  • 640 3 A painful int-rest attaehea i, ihe |..rti..n of the rej».rt on Ih- »dmii.«tration of the iMßwawaa refetriaaT tataaawariajaMa of ih. »lcat Andaman, for .1 tell- that death n -lamp.d on lli-bt.w f the awMSat ajßasf*. Tim The»e je-ople hare fallen Uj,i,r Ihe ineinrahle d— rMt which
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  • 166 3 I'er I. .learner Orienta'. from I,oinlon. April U. M-a-r- L-wi». DoiiKlas. and Kverton Wood I'-. I ,W...,.i, from Koinloii. April bw, Mr. and Mrs. Martin. M--i- Pratt Barlow. F. Payne K N an.l J. Mitch-11. Pat Arnului, from London. June 10. Mr. Uaajkar, Par II V. ataaaMr Owlaaaaba,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 322 3 2 fa* art m,,- "Straits Tim is 1,r,, Dollar, ,i month. FOP, 1802. Fall l|..i sKii..i.i>i:»s' l!\z.Mi li.-.h. Nltv AM> IMI'K.IVKII Kl.lTli.N A-ont.-ni-iitlv anasawd kaal la wh.-l. the eaok .ii i i.t-.- daily all koaasaeM *B-p-t.-.'s. mill a auaiial MMa I.t -n-h d.-.y In th- w—k. a asßsrala aajai f">-
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    • 1226 3 NOTIC BS. Singapore Sporting Club! 1 11 h -riilN'. MBaTHM Wit i us BaaaS H I i 1< it. In t am SATiai,* i Mat 24th. Wth, ami 3Hth I I.' ".I; \MMK FIR^T DAY, 2*ih MAT Fib.t Ra. -Tm MAiniM Pi.atb —Value Baa* for n.aid-n honea. Firat Clas.
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    • 451 3 BTOBEB. POWELL CO" SINOAI'ORL'. Plkasi BBM rates raw li»«. Ann siab thk m mihd Ol R FIRNITIRE FACTORY ie in Orchard Road, .nd i. the large.! and moat romplete It .upplied with .tea a, power lo drive oar Woodworking Ma ehinee. Saw.. Lathee. Ar therefore Cot. tra.-t. tail large onlera
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    • 1023 3 HHIIMMNC*. INDO-CHINA HTEAM NAY. Co. I.TP TOR PENANii AND CALOfTTA THE Company', steamer KfT HANIi. 1 IV. ton.. Captain .lackeon. haviaf left Hoairkoaic on the Uth ineUnl. may he ci peried tn arrive hare cm ta* IMa iaet. She will be deepaieheil for the eWe port, on the Jl.t in.t
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 111 3 WKATHKK KKPOKT liulaaf Krabow 1/o^.lal, BJM JBBJ, »a.m. 3p.8. Up.m Kehakih. Bar. rod. 32 »»h. V '.'I I HI MJM J 1 ll'lip. MI.H 7'i.H JJ Wet Itulb Ther. 7!" r, 75.1 l 7:. :l Z-Z DirofWinil. S-i\V BJsT.OaBa. t'-T, .M.i T.-n,|. in.t' HJ v iMm rt... .to. HJ Mai.
      111 words

    • 140 4 I'ndar Mi hradinic Ihx following n1.1.r.-v m HaM «m unnl —«tr.—itonnn'r; nli.— Hliip. 1,.| kaaaMj Hrit —Hritwli. I'.S.—Pnit™l Suit.Kr— Frnurli; (J.r. Gwajaai I)nl Diil.-h A.',—<i <•—li.nnr.l MHji dp—iaak B» »ii(f«r«; IT.—l'limrtnin T. I. W—T»nj..nK I'niW- Wh.rf, T. P. D.—TanjunK P»if«r I).K-k B. W.—BoniiH, Wlmrf J. W.-.Lrdin.. \Vl.»rf.
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    • 663 4 Akeivai.s sin.k Noon or Vi:-i kkimv SteameiT |wannl through: I >><< ly. ai«cksburg, fat v»"» aVMaaft, B«nvt"l". and ■*> ii,i»,. I).it. «tr. 1,111 t..n^, „|,t. (iri.T. 19th M.y. rr..u. Itatavia, 17th O. .nd ,l p \v HbbbMll 00. Pat .t. v,,, i -r p. W. I i..'y. lint.
      663 words
    • 106 4 i),,lii I mmdn lit I mi Mm part oftmUing it Simmon 00* i f., r Jmtm, th, rl ■aria, i,f,,i,,,,,i,i11,i .n// I; 1,, Ummm, l Daft Kll'iM I,'inlmiN. iwUn, M»y. EUlm.r.hira; Bealari*:, Apl 23; ■H; til-iifniiii. A|.l II KSOM lilVhltl-O'll. T..1.i.,i. Bril Dm H. I'roine.iheu.,. Apl I:.
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    • 136 4 5 n»K«i.'« .\aii». 4 r,, KB c. 1 T I> iii... mm MM lUH 19 Anlrn,T Dal .tr l.,|| i; rl r If 1..,u,h« r ,1, P.O. «tr UN Coir I* 11-nkah. lint .tr AlkuJ; 1 Cd-UjJ .tr. Ml rXS l» N«iu Ki»t,i; »t r ,i ;H i
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    • 31 4 Pmi rtmm-ntum. I S.,k H, W (iluck.burg M 1.L..1, M N.m Kiu. -.'!> v|umu Aii.T.i.l. Brit «lr >tr. "■r. str. lint »ir. >tr. A.,«u. I Ckaaud Min.r I'un Id I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 184 4 NOTICES. SANTAL-MIDf ii.,l by SANTAL-MIDY i.i.i t lodiaa ;jlb«, Cubeb in al SANTAL-MI.HY 4h how SANTAL-MiDY SANTAL-WISDYnev Imitatii SANTAL-MIOV Ota ti,. __HAj±Uj. _n\ vivnrvNr, \1 \c K \> H Ill KUEPHAjrt l!l(AM. of I'll.. I .NKI! I Bm" i« i.illy adapted breoaanaip. i,,.ii in .i tropical,'. BBHB *t CO.,
      184 words
    • 310 4 NOTICES. K AT/ H MOTHERS HAVK alwav. in stock well seaaoned Siam Teak, logs and planks n. c. CRUSHED FOOD. Try it ami Vor wn.i. lit: Satihuhii. IK BBLIUOfI beg. to inform the public that kit Factory for preparing Oaabaa Poai, at M. H»lilio« 1t,*. 1. i^ asaaaC K.rst Ola..
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    • 280 4 NOTICES. SI>fPBON&CO., Coach Builders. KUTABLI.HED 1840. BY APPOINTMENT TO H.R.H.THt PRINCE OF WALES, o. a, c. i. AMI H. H. THE NIZAM OF THE OECCAN, <i. c. a. 1.. tm, MOUNT KOAD. MADRAS. I an. an a»a»* CANOE LANDAU. With coach hex s,,at either |iaunlle>l c r on light iron
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    • 1409 4 NOTICES Kbtabm.hkii SAID MARICAN CO. DTJBABHEB, Cenebal st>.k- BvmuM, No lilfM Pla> c, SINOAI-üBE. PtBVETOBa TO THE Sunda. King«in, Ureen W.rrack. Union, W Milhurn. Mutual. Hilib. Mogul, and other lines > f ateaui'-r- M»tiof-w.r. Krilish. QtraMß, Chartered T- snsporta. and aailing I Provisi.u.s of «*aj] d.-.ripli,.n sup].li,d on '•-t li.,
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    • 910 4 NOTICKH. ESTABLISHED 1865 RILEY. lIARGREAVES CO. K»>ilNI.KK*, Ui.X A BBAtl FOUNUBBS, Boilebkiaiieb.. Bbidoe Bciloebs, SHirBIILIiIKH, (JEXEBAL COXTBICTOBS. SINGAPORE KWALA LUMFUB. Ship Ituilillns Yard. daaa STEAM VESSELS alwav. under construction, from :W ft. to 150 ft. length nf keel, of bwit daaifrn and flni.h. MACHINERY from leading Briti.h Finn, with
      910 words
    • 186 4 NOTICES BENSON'S v7ATCHEB. MaiiorACTOBT, Ldihjatb Hill, Lowdou MAKER X) H.T THE (JI'KKN Specially manufactured and recom mended or u»e in tne Baat Bbhror'i Special ktrknoth, FIELD WATCH. A fhr»»q«rW Pl.te English LaWt. fully romrmuuifaxi I Silver. £5 .5. (iod. fl^Ha. Special .i»ea and make for Chineee to order. A^toek of
      186 words
    • 331 4 NOTICES. REMINGTON HTANDARD TYPEWRITER QtOa II Ml the Standard, ami i. I Mai ,-rf.c ,|..v,1,,,.,n, n t „f X» writinginaehine. embo,lTing the UW lH highest atUaratMajlt of iii\.-nti\.- an.l t,,.. ehanical -kill Ev.-rv impro\,.in..|,i study and capital MB secure is Remington MINOTON is mequlM far aw. of manipulation aimplici'v of
      331 words