The Straits Times, 13 May 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: liMl. SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, MAY I. 4 1»92. XO. 17,71(J.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1038 1 fiTFAMSHIP COMPANIES. I II NINSULAB AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVI'iA I 1,-N OOMPIITT. Onaw OaHjaiQaay. Waaam ™d ilouown- Nxw PJnliaai. Tnatna.l utoamxra may naa b I „,c ontwardn and leavx Singapon, homeward, xn th» following datei l>rt 7a«°" aaanaoti IMB-J Thxatmve dat,.n arx onlj aanosjaml v i aparl maybaaitaaraul \<iK. Thx
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    • 852 1 STEAMSHIP 00MPANIEB. KiININKI.LIKK I'AKKTVAAUT M ITBOHArTO. Under eontrae, wnh the Hauariaaai 1 I-. ,1:1. SIII IM A.. I N. i Dakhufi.h A Co. S, BOHBW4M (Jt-AV. 1.111. I i Banana, with aulendid a 1it,.,,, for lir.t tmaa, c, ml rlaea, and deck |«a»-nger», and for the k-i' ,t,-r p«H |,r...,.|..l
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    • 710 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Siak. Baogkali.. an.l Edi will bx railed at oali on.-. ..v. n four wxokn. Bsavaa aad s..,raU.v«, .-v.ri f..ur w.-ekn a ntxamxr run. in lli .l,r-. Hoa l»kinjr riiriro and panWara BJ rtanjiimaaala.riiiliii Laut. Paaair, aid K.,t. rmrii mttlu a ateaaier i< dt»n«tgbxd r aaili.lliiii.iiil Balnara ahoealttag
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    • 775 1 INSURAJ is Thx Standard l.lfx Aennnnxx Harwiet Dan Kirr Inmnnn. Baciaty. Alia. An.urnnoe Company K.rx The BqaJtaMa Late Aaaanan s Tin- (Maaa Marinx laaaaaa Caanar. Thn China Mutual Sl.-am Mar%BUa Coy. ■,i a 1.i.-t Bon 0 mpany. Tli- Maritime In-urame Company. LimitM For |«rtietilara of than Compiiiiion lha full adverti-.-ment
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    • 683 1 INBUBANOEB 1i1r.7<, i iMPANT. LIMITED. ll«»i> firri, a,— s c^ I i.nrm.non. rail lip Capital «10,000. Re>erTe.> Paad II*.OCW. The above Cinr*iny arx a.'.^-p'inr Marti.*rifia to ail parts ..f UM wnld at crn-nt ral.-v .-f r>-:' THC STKAIT"? KIKF OTTJBAW I'AHY LIMITED. ribad c*piial M.otKWloo. Paid up C.piU. I n,,,»<..
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    • 823 1 BANKU HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAD (TPCAPTTAI H" I KKsKKVK LIABILITY Of PROPBIBTOBI C.I IF., I' i. C M Chnirm.n I m*n. lea* i, i: Baa i Hiir BTIBIBBB Boßglllßg t i.a 111 l Shanghai J I' PJani Saaaani I I i Him, (I isi. l.mi Tan. Sis.
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    • 888 1 NOTICES. t The Dispensary. t-l. BAlflefJi PI.ACF. l>n<.ißiicTOß.% Mil i—a A MACKAY HISINF.SS 11, Hmii fr..,., i,„to| F.r irifxnt .an*., wlwre Mxdixinxa arx n>.piirx.l dnr.-iir thx niirht. an Aamalaet will 1.. f.,u,,d on .luti at tba Hi>|»-n-.nrv from I" pin to 7km ktoanrnan apaoeatina may l"> mad. la il." lii«|»n«ar.v
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  • 428 2 LATEST MAKKET QC0TAT10N8. Hihoapobk. 1-lrH Mat, 18ft! Pbodoci. <i.mbi.r. "Ml do C»b«No. 1 > flltO. j o do No. 2. 8.10. -■ 4.00. do Pooti»ii»k. KM IVpiM.r Black *■> sJ?> Flour. Sarawak 2.S0 I'wrl S«cn. Ul (Mm i»h. g** Coffw I.iWrian. :K.S<>. r«i,i.»-. .n.4ii FUk«, :t:.-.. ,|n .lo l«t
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  • 122 2 Fur Per tlr. ht To-Hoim*. llangkoV. S, II M.iI:u".i .iii'l I >miu 0. ft .Smil/i, I |ia Yokohama »i» port», /.j./ki. I p m Muar, tinm Tumi, 2 pm. i-..»..,. »fc />„!„„. l p M««««t »l« port-. hpMM, :lp.«. Malarn «u.l Kl.uu, Aipplw, l P m Honfkond. a,r
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  • 14 2 V I K.i'o).-, H.,l,tlle, on Snnd.j Kr..ra t'liina,, on Tuf^i.T
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  • 123 2 STRAITS TIMES Established: 1831. PRICE 10 CENTS FRIDAY. MAY 13th. 1892 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. Km uii.ivHKii 1881 P«n r 10 Ckt>. (For StraiU HsBM.I ThiChakckllob or the Xx, hk^i kk «ni> thk Biiutai.i.ic IHi- t, 1 ..s /.„«*>». Jf«y.-The Right Hon'l.le <i .1. itiiH.hen, 111 replying to an important bimetallic depiitiitmu
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 302 2 1 111 id,-.i uf holding v, inbraatiuual > ■iifcivn. on the silver question, bas luug found favour iv the Uinle.l Sut.-s. where the depreciation of that meUl threateus a financial crisis. Kut nothing definite came of it until eurlv las* mouth, wheu a hill was I*
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  • 297 2 lr is to be bopnl tbat II K. theli,,reroor will consider fa»onral,ly th- Mtk tion askiDg that he will not allow a large hlwk of iMiildingn to In- erects! on the grmsa-land between the Town Hall and the nwdway tbat iwases the Crick., t Clul, |»»ilion.
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  • 26 2 H. K. BM (loveruor's MMfaaM Ma» dar was very .itt.-ud.-l Among those present were H. fc. the (Jeneral aud the HaVMa th- Acting Chief .lilsti.c
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  • 13 2 Tiih UtiunoH .limiting riu»- has .iim v I 1 1 adjourned at Houglii.iik'
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  • 15 2 The North Australian |{utcheniig 0 piiiiv have now l».g>iu to kill their nn|Kirts of cattle
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  • 24 2 A BsWM ul' the Church Work Ass.. nation will Iw held at H.-lvcl -re." on Kn day, IM M iv. at ILW a. ill.
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  • 49 2 Ihk Km. I of St ,l,.»..|,|i Inalitiitinu will I'luv thf following |>n> k 'rnmiin- nu ill" KniiUnmli- to-uiorrow ovcuing at U oVlo<:k. Quick Marrli L Kntra,,,,,*l Simon. <lT*rtura Burd, ,1- h Bmim Iti-if*' V>l» .< 7 m/..,. Wittmmin. Polk. FleHr.d'Et' Tillurd (trmi.l Waltl 1*1 Clod,,. Jt C"> nr, ,11, MiK'tl.
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  • 39 2 U refereuce to the lietheriugtou case at Yokohama, it is. says the Hongkoiuj Trlt ijrapk. exceedingly satisfactory lo learn that the Lieutenant and his wife arc now reconciled, and there seems to Im- no trou hie at all lietweenthcin
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  • 49 2 In kb k were no mea-tureinents taken at the course this morniug; but they will measure this eveuiug. T:inlnllr,n. the race h.>rse receutly ImmM, han. it in hhiil. been sold to H. H. the Sultan of .lohor.-. and will piobably ruu in H. H.s colours at the foitbcouiiug iiHH-ting.
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  • 56 2 The Hougkoug |>aperii of tin- tla hit. the following telegram WafaMPa. Jfoy— Tlie report of t1,.. Jelsliu Coiiiuany hliiiwx that s rum SHg.niM is svaiisbis fur division. Taa Dtaaataaa aaa> pose to pny adividnud of U i«r cut for the lialf-yMr to plaat *40,00u to RnarM .wl csrry forwsnl the
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  • 78 2 The European geutleuan. suv-. ill, winy (iaitttr, h I ready referre<l 10 as intruding to cuter Killi«'» lious' cage at I'euang aloug with the lady tamer, is still bent 011 the enterprise, which wax cipected to omc off 011 the 10th May. It is alliy-.| then- is 110 danger
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  • 101 2 Mk Akiiiuk Sii.i.ivan. a 1,.n.|.,n mu-sic-hall artnt. who was in large p:irt responsible for the BUt.-ess of the May.Mi Folly Conipauy. and whose reception l, v Sm^ipore audieuies was g.MKj, arnv.-.l from Java ycienUy .;i r...<(. f,,r Iwuilon. where he will select a company with a view of meetiug the
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  • 184 2 A <-outeui|>orarv buds 'hat th.-r.- aM I*. uo questu.u that the display ..I Ilia ».,rk of the world and its natural products at ChicaKO uuit year will Iw far tl,,- „,,,m oompleU and MBfMMMrt that ha* ever been seen. No eipeose seems too K rea' for exhibitions iv the .State
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  • 24 2 1 U aaafaMa. team will .hoot in tliis match 10-iuuiru* afu-ru K lueuUHUug.nT.ugli,,. The ,aoo3L will cuuiuiono ttt H <A-1,.c.
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  • 244 2 Thk Him c.iz-u, 4mm. the mm* ness of th. Sultiit, of rHfekMj i, against the r.d«'ls there, and I,h.W forw, r In tin- St nuts (lov.-rninent intervening »,t|, a aafOMJ Inn. l It a»T« IMH The aaaMMf mml bo |m. itin.l n oth»r. Slid Ihe murders tlml
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  • 36 2 Th, r..n,,l will |d,iv tin- Ufewiag ajmaMM hi IWagMoa tMaiaf iaa ciugitt Ii a in March Kan Wi11,,,,,. Orartan Bmrbtr <f B»mU I. Val«. AVr.- .\V.i1,|i.,,(..| Sel.K-ti in I '11. Man >'".. U Mtm M
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  • 120 2 A I i. ■no, in engineer has paved v 1.r, v with ludi.i riil,U-r. nnd tin- mall ha> beoa so sKtisfi. t.,rv thai it is m bo tppKad na bojtl .ilc It is fouud to Ik- m0re, 1n,.,. ble tl,. 11l UHpluilt nnd not »li||»-rv Hecti.ui ..f
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  • 122 2 bUraaa ln,|ian.-.,iitcin|,.>mrv -Then.-wH of thi-lm-akiiigdowiinr the Duke of \V..,t llllllHlel'-H ho, He On»>- will cause, ollHide,.,l,| r .lisiii.iv to liis many Or™, rtood MaVatMi lie for ta» two bjajHMl taceaol the Vein. Ml the Two TllollHlUld Ullllo-.1. uiidthe D.-rl.v I'll I, l m ].li< l
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  • 147 2 Thk 1t,,. u1,;, v TiOMaoji <',»upittiv an said N have laat HIM h,, r >,-H inuii mm stH.k- H-si, l-, the lepea aad spine pad which the hursvs ajajal to |.r.,1.-.t them fi.iui the hud's rays, i I wit, r iv 1. 1., vi, led
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  • 124 2 Thk pr.Kluctioii of the TVilnaamiinill (South Africa) aaMM aawWad iiuoili.-i noteworthy ni.r.-iih.- in F.-lnnarv, the out|.ut haWag l»-.-ii 88.84S mm againal 9iJMommmtm ia hmmrj. Thwa —ran to banaad araaßacta, iauiaafroaa la* iv MM mouth l.v month during the past th.- bapaa eatftaJßed inJohan 1,, -si, in- of
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  • 146 2 A iMfaM |„ip.-r hints thiil MaMaCort hlioiili! I-- mad.- with the object of mum,. la'iiig the |»-troleinn iu.|i:Htry of the pro vine-. After giving a few aaatistH I A" M Mai lliiHsian sii|,|.li.-s .111,1 itur BM ini|..iiis. our eoaiti porart r .ulthat 111 l,.,wer liurnm there
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  • 149 2 IVr v,. f,,,,,, BiHgtm 111 taMM iiiilimii.i Per IV I rtaaasßjfTlilolal troa L April 11. M..«,r, Lsvia, Douglas, sn.l Bvsr ton Wood. Per I from I nail, toil >' r «n.| Mi- Martin. I'-r An-,,,1,,,. from 1 MJ, JbBS Uuglinr I'.-r r,.,,,, MgHSJIhI H«J Mr. V«n Br«la K..11T,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 605 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspap3r in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and I'enang, throughout all the i Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in Siain, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread
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    • 1295 2 NOTICES. 11l the l,o.»l- I JAME3 Powkr IT—JOT Iftirrasist 1>l'l(-JI'ANTi,. S.-, ■•ien Hof --Tne Conveysneing and Un of IVaßattf OHaTaMoa is h.rehy given that all graanara aad all atbat atfaoai hsvinp any I laitn« or BSOsaala u|K>n or against the estate .f .l.m.'- Power Everard. who formerly re-«id.-d at
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    • 781 2 AICTION HALKS BALI Of HOUMHOLD FCRNITrKK. «TC. Thk Pbopfbtv of Cait UTljn, SATI'RDAV. Uth MAY THK under.ijrned are iu.triirted hy Gas* Myle>. to aell by Auction, st a 14, Soplii. Road, on SATURDAY. Uth MAY. I^'J. »t If m. Valtuhle Hoii«-hol4 Furniture. \o Ma> prising Drawing-room Couch,-, and Ka-y Chair..
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    • 1183 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. HIHG4PIKK INiuBlN K C3MPAKT LIMITKD NOTICE is h.rehy BrrM that the Ei(r(itti, Ordinsry (iener.l Me-tieir sdjourned of lhesl»,v« tMMaa* will a* held in Ihe Kiehsntr- R-K-m. Singapore on Ssturdaj, 21. t M.y. I*:'J. at 11 .ft. n m pr.ris»ly. By order of the Director.. F. BALF 'IK LEKS.
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    • 69 2 U.S.S. „I»U In Ik* Str.,l. T.m- .ko.M U < ■>«,,,l,>rit. ,^,.r 0.|,. (k, u, |«l ,j (UJ m i v '"7iTV ss mifk> t m ti-n,.,..t omlrarl. I. Ik. SBSJMSI I-...1 tit. ¥awv« ».:v\*\rr th* n,t™,t.,*,»r,.t »ul«/tlWMwr o/ «1 m.,11.,. but »r1.,,.r Ilka 1,,, i.,. The Straits Times has the
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    • 6 2 For General Shlpuluv Metis HM HaJI
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  • 143 3 Finnic haa I»-<mi tranaimtlnl It K r ■> rarj mMmmtUHy «n;npil l-titioii. in wWah Ikt |w-t it loner* CbrinK merahaatt, haahtra, l»wy.-ra. an. l athtr f r (1,,. Ml to •ml M i|«l aJbti „n t1,.. |,|.,t miWiaaj thr T.iwn Ball, tb. past appatiai il..' Orithal
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  • 549 3 I Mi: l'RHtl>:jrt „t IiH.HIIIAI.ISM Ooboam Vaajr, hi lha fcmaaJrai tfowias, <lr»w«, hoin bia numkutai is I'li'i' the following pi. tur« ..t lha itualioa lhart Dutwoaa ti..- .leli.i mi. l ika fn.nti.r ..f OHaa Him i- »n ii.un.'ii... t.rrii., rl aboat tn or ii tirnm thr axtaal ..f
    549 words
  • 485 3 KiMM ae.»a bad a goad deal to Bftf klk.iil I>;ili..i.i.'V ud till' Kivii. Ii 1 1 f ritfa that country wlii. li have lii.' I'.u ik .<ri.K|..ii 1' nl ..I 111. Vumm thus toexplaia how Mttttnataadtiwiai I hate «lriM|.|y inantiou-xl m r-f-r-n— to > foram difficulty with Dahomey bow
    485 words
  • 183 3 Milk la Bath a aalTerael nni.-l*. af food tl.«t my pnM which will t.-,il la mmn Ita i f 1 purity is certain la i re papeur «|.|.r.,v»l. That mill. U .K.I alway. pure lull •nh.l „,,,I.' al.undaii'lv dear l.y diemreriaa ol tmbfil wrtlioritlw apoa lubncnlar diaeas-s aad
    183 words
  • 447 3 Th. Now /.-aland -i,.n. a^ tnf..rinati..n -.tic m mr th- ena- |.ro.|--ts of th- Ma... i ra— It haa appaared I- ih. oVerat of fate that a I--,,,- whi.h ha. fought I.rav-U win., intriid-r in tho d. 1.-rnnt.'i, I afav lam .t. Ic .ld
    447 words
  • 1041 3 Ai a,i liug of lha Colonial li,»n tut-. 1... 1 April I.', ni ih.. Whit, hall BooaM ..r il- 11. .1-1 M..i,..p01e, Mr I a M ii. l r» ,nl h l>nt»T'.ii Mt»li<ni*i|itii>t ;mm| iis [).-\i. lopineni Mr W. Maynanl Farmer ..-cin.i.d n bait The l-iur-r.
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  • 404 3 Th e Law on Servant's Characters. fCnU',11., Mnil M« KA.lAlf. format Cni-f .In.ljf. ..f Inr <nl.utl» Sm.ll <;. i:,,, lr r,...,,-,,,! to h«T» r| i| la > jf rTlll ,.,|,M...| in Ki« roa«WW, h»l pan w». not to fir. him n r m wri «ini|.l. rwnarL For I hi. arrant*
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  • 669 3 I o/( si,.-, haldera mil.- thr— prtaajaaldividendpajrlag ludia.. aMaaag eeaaaaaaaa bara no ...I— f..r .1.-. i.-l .-.i.-1, .11..11. ii.,orwi>h the re■alta „f th.. List nar or wHk th aa af Urn first I lha of km Th.. M\> Coapeai II is traa slows a alfajrhl lallhag
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 193 3 LEEMANN I GATWS' I'ATKNT FAST DVKI) KHAKI DUII I.S. SKItiiKS. AND BMJI aJUn nun. i.s rpilKonU Drills iruarnnt I la k.-p their 1 clour under tlm in. -I severe tests. The follow. iii.' i« one of the many teatimomai. reaateaaV Copt. .W.i.-i... Uaee, W» BaavaaW, /v/. iitvii.mtx.-l am anek Blaaaad
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    • 1045 3 NOTICES. NOTIOB. THBahnvo-nontioned Tifliu Rooms hare now l—n lakon l.y v. Notice i. h-r-br pi»ea tliat we are n.i •[■'>:. fur any d lit ..r do v menrrod hj lha tormer prop, iotnt> I m.t. .-AKKIr-s BR()8. lt.ill|. Tiffin BawShaw. MESSRS SARKIEJ" BROS he K 1., thank the puhli- af
      1,045 words
    • 1067 3 NOTICES. TOWN MALI.. Sara lnu Aniutiiir Thralrinil IVrrormaiMf I.IH FLAT" Fa». i. ai OatMM i\ A. iSaturday. May 21st. AMI> Monday. May 23rd. I- may I- ir-l M m.i a- v Job a I.ittlbAOu Olh FILUS'S GREAT CIRCUS. LARGELY AUGMENTED. Will shortly arrivr KN ROUTE FOR AUSTRALIA. THUS BAHINHTON. m.
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    • 469 3 STORKS. MANILA CICARS STORK. N.. 1.1. RArri.«a Pi a. i HltaWOO Ot l-ir to inform I heir c n laaaaaj nnd th- BaMh in iroaeral that are laaarrfa] haaa and ianr.l >upplie. of the MaaaJ Manila Dhjan made of M |erto.l Cafayan an.l Isahella iearoa. which they offer at pr.cfsj
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    • 1005 3 BHIPPIHO. FOR PF.NANfi AND BOMBAY THK Navira/ione.ienerale ItalianaHUar KilllMWA. I I" Itaa r-v. I'aptain Hu.ini. harm* left llonfkonir on the I 111, in.t may he eipected tn arrive here aa th* 17th mat an rant* for the ahnve porta. For freight and paaaaaT*. apply lo l: I BKHN MKTBR k
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 101 3 VVKATHKK KKPOKI a law* awwae* aaaadhw, M I '.•a.m. 3pm 9p.m. Rimikhi It.r. rs.l :u faa V 1 17 I W ~Ji r.™ P ■■■>" m.* m l«l Wi.t Hull. I her o la\t o. .1 J Dir ..f Wmt. s m. s. wi m. s t M.V aa. aa.
      101 words

    • 854 4 I mlnr thin hwlinir tlio following a I Ur.,u«. Hrit iiritiah, I. S -I'nii.-.i St.i.J Fr— French; li.-r. [lut Dutrli *r.,— <J. <■— OMNI ,«r^.., .1 p— il...k <mng»n; I". (TiK-nrtaiu T. I. VV— TanjonK IV" Wharf T. P. O— Tainon* I'ntfnr 1),..k B.W.— Born*. Wharf,.
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    • 140 4 OaJy MMtk nr, MMtsV ,i'1,;rt,.,,l itttJUttim in Ikiir ssWl oftmHUf S. 1)11,, r M«Mfa I for 11,, ri,,),,,i,;,,,>,,,,,,i „th*r Aiiatv itr* outward k»sa Us ,n,,,;,,,,,,h,,,\,,,h,;,,,1., t r, I 'o M .1 Kmm, r,,ri, ami Dtts sfcilhij IsMSMI. OswdiiruaUm, May. .bin; OUnfaula, Ai.l II i;i.-,, Benlarir, Apl 23
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    • 41 4 tt.«i,l» ut H.U.yn ,t r n«j M.i1,,, 3 K r" Bnt r 52S 13 I,7'lui o«r. itr 117(1 Forrk Fbom. Sw.tow Pkkua rHjm Uiua M»j I I'll.n, Mfjrr* i" M»y I" linn UwACo. M»jt |(i A,.! l»»ul< üb. rir S.-limi.i-
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    • 20 4 Vmml N*m. flli IITIIV lK^TlNiii Br,Tnn M «u .t Hilllllll I'lluUll.-01. Chopanl Pip.r Otnt Scl»cj|ior im im.o ■>!■<■ I'biuaftoJ Japan
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 483 4 NOTICES. 2 nUarswa/»V Biaun TIBM hM j /M/or« n m.mlh FAIRBANKS' SCALES, Airnits McALISTKR k (o. rililK mwsJMs bna bna mbm) 1 Ag«nt« for Dm Strait.. Selllemeiit'.. I Jam and Sumatra, for ths Mb of MfUal C..|el,rst.«l Ain.ri.'Sh S'sn.lar.l Seal.-, fctstT^^^*' and have now in »to.'k differmit MHsißtsMi i-oinp rising
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    • 268 4 NOTH SIMPSON* CO., Coach Builders. ■mmbmbmj 1-K> BT APPOINTMENT TO H. R. H. IK PRINCE OF WALES, E. a. <>. c. s. I. AND i H. H. THE NIZAM OF THE OECCAN, IJ. C. S. 1.. L'nl, MorNT ROAD. MADRAS. CANOE LANDAU. With coach bci soat either (.auellod or on
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    • 1437 4 NOTICI H RAVINBWAT A CO. MAEBI.E MItEI'HANTR. an Mahonb. Monamsnta, Batb «te. Osvatal to any d.sign in Marble, Ijranite. Stone and Iron Alwav- on hand a large and Selected twrtm.i.t of Monument*, Head-tones and Crime* in HarWe, r',,1i.1,,.,| Oraalts aad BMs>; Iron 'I'oinl. nn.l bUm RalhsJE "f diffen'nt (uitt.nis and
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    • 910 4 NOTICRH. ESTABLISHED 1865 RILEY, HAR6REAVES CO. ■MMMM.IM 4 Beass room.Eßs. Hoilkemakkes, Bbidoe Bdildebr, Sinr BI'ILDEES. UEHIBAL CORTBACTOES. SINOAI'OKE at KWALA LUMPUK. Ship llnililinc Yard. HliiHclasa STKAM VESSBI^ always under eonatruction. from ft. to 150 ft. length of keel, nf best design and finish. MACHINERY from leading British Firms with Boanl
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    • 79 4 NOTICES. nfj"EYE'SI” JThe CX Bost, f^, Safest, id Cheapest for 7\ versal Use. TF£CTANT.) IRTAINKH KVFHVWHBHK 6CTIIRIE fcCO., IIMsNM, m. m. A f. to IK". tOLt AOKNTS Sole AiiEHis, HEIIN, MKYKRAO. ;/^7 ,Sm,;,i| Dei.its MajMaMj jj Messrs. John Little .1 lo 9 'C, Jfti ■M( Handel MMMMMtJ, I Messrs. Houghton
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    • 188 4 NOTICED HONOURABLB MENTION RXHik, TION. LONDON, KW2. nIBI Silver Medal and Fir«r-Claas Csrti nr ral.u.t, ExMbi.ion. IRB3 (iold Medal, International Forestr. t- tion. Kilinburgh. 1«M lhlS 8r0,,,.. M~l.l Adelaide Jiihilm Int-.m,( Kxhtbitioo 1887. .lOHOR STEAM SAW M11.1.S QQ Timber for Railway, House. Hhi^l,,,,|,|, and IJeneral purposes. .lOHOR N'kAß SIN.IAPOEr. DATO
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