The Straits Times, 4 May 1892

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. ESTABLISHED: nwi. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY, MAY 4, 1892. NO. 17,708.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 986 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. I i tin. -...llyer Quay. an.l Oodowks— New I, Tub mail it.-ameri may I rive outward. »nd leave Singapore *ili,- date. ""V"* 1 H"asw»ai>s tan. Ti,c above date, are only I .lerartur. may Iw either earli. r „r i I 11,efareto Mar-eillea and then,.. r Kr.ii-
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    • 854 1 HTBAMBHIP OOMPANIEg. Dl KONINKLI.IKK I'AKKTVAAUT MAATSCIIAPI'I.I 1'n.1.-r aoatrad with tha Netlierlan.i. Inflia I '.Her. .-I Head Orrica, 180, Paiai Hbbdbii Kai.k. AMHTKRIIAM. 11l \VH. BIBaAFOBI 1 1 i PSAaBBfVUB V.i.ikHEEl* A Oo noaiaaoa Qvay. Ft.l 1.1 Of 1111. I „M I-ANT Too. 'ir.». I A,,,..., 4, „,,|.1,.,,. 71J17 Mo...
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    • 828 1 BTKAM SHIP COMPANIES. 1 Chorfhoa, Tagal, aud fra-aLnnran will l«--called hv the ataamera leaving lUUvia on <i»rai.d6ouraha>aoii M,,n-lav lisanniaaiaiiajflMßßiißßd H l^.ave Souralnya every Friday ami Monday. X;.H. rJv.ry four week.. From Singa| to liawean, Sourahaya, Haii.ljar- urn I'ulo Paaalr and I'i.tie and lavk by the same port* to
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    • 786 1 IN3PBAKOEB The 8t»...|*r.l l.if- A.-rtrane*. Norwich L'ni-.n Fire Insurance Boriaty. Alia. A-.lin.nee 0 .mpany ,F.r*).' The f.|in:al.l.- l.lf A..uranee tttmtj m MatOM laaaraaaa Company The China Mutual .Staam Xavigali.Mi Coy. The Tottenham Lager Baa* ('.mpany. The iiaritime taoaajara Cuapaa), Limited For particularn of th", Companies see the full Bdverti-..-m.-iit of
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    • 696 1 INSUBANCKS TIIKOIKAH-H I .MPANT. LIV: HIAD Omc«. s nvapore. Bali rlbad .'apial l»..>> Paid up Capital IWO.UUO. hVMM-ved Fund IKCIOII. The above Company are ac<«ptimr Marine hlk* t.. all part, of the world at current rate* of premium. THE STRAITS KIKK INRUIUNCK COMPANY. LlMllKi, Subscribed Caplul $1.000,n0n. Paid up Capital
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    • 897 1 BANKB. HONGKONG AND SHANUHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAin UPCArrrAL 1i0.000.n00 I KI'NI, f g.300.000 K I.IABILITT Or *****0000 PKOPEIETOKB v lOOOO 000 Oaaaf or nmacn.**- s Kmbabubb. ba chairman. M.IIH, Khi l»eputy Chairman T I Darin ii n J i baaaaa, K... ai.., II II .nil... K*i M ,.m., X*,.
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    • 910 1 NOTICBB. bbTABMBHID 1865 RILEY. UAIUiUK AVES CO. Knom (ibb, Iboh a Bbam r.>um>iaa. Hoii .iBM»«m«. Hbiihii Hrn.i.taa, SairBuiLDiaa. Übkbbal ('obtbactobb. BI NO A PORK KWALA LtJMPUB Ship nnlldine Unl. HHill claaa STKAM VKBBBI.S alwava un.Ur eonstrucuon froa 3S ft. telfiOft. length of keel, of hast daabja aad flaiah MACIHNKRT from
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  • 426 2 LATKST MARKCTQUOTATIONB. BIHOAPOBR. <4tb Mat. K«-J Pbouucb. U.inbi.r tvO7t. do Cube No. 1. nidi do do No. 2. 7.y0. 'opra Hali. 4.6t do Pontianak .IV. t'epper Black. ■iago Flour. Sarawak 2.811 I'e.rl Sauo. 375. ,'offee J.ali 29.50. Coffee Liberian 32 SO. Tapioca amal 1 Flake :t 7".. do do
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  • 126 2 For PtrMr. BobW To-Morbow. Mam HBeMaaj II a.m. i0t.0.1. |«.rl-, halari,r. 11 m BBhaaM, H..,,.,? it a.m. Hongkonit A Aaw». OL Alba, I i- m Ail.-si >.» |»rt-. I'awfV, 2|.a. Ih-inrkah-. Itau.i.. Ham T,.r, V p is KlHinr. >ia isirt-. Wi',' 1f..,,, 1p... BBBJBah, (/',,l,'d. I p.m. Friday.
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  • 109 2 STRAITS TIMES Establishes:1831. PRICE 10 CENTS. WEDNESDAY, MAY 4th. 1892. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. (For Straiti Time:) hill and Amebha. /,o«,/o«, BbJ Mry.h is Mtat.^l that diplomatic relations Mwwn Italy and the Tinted States li;ive Ixvn renewed. I" ti f- Redhii.i. M- i i.n The miii DaaaaJag or Williams has been found
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 883 2 Thk'lv ami iudividually attt-u--iKiti-J raul>n ..f vegetarianism Lav,- re-i-i-in-il ,iii iiil.-ri'stiu^ r.-. niit, ninl ooe of whom they may 1..- trust, -.1 to make thr vitv in,).' Tliih it no lean a peraonage tli;i.ii tin- wife of Her Maj«-»ty'» Amliaiaador at the 0 .urt of Vienna, who, in
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  • 19 2 Up to the time of our p.niK to BOMB, the Colouial Swretary hail received uu further from I'.ihau^
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  • 10 2 Tub .Li|«iiii-v ironcla.l BjaaaJaaMaaaia left ou Mouday afternoon for Vokoliimu
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  • 21 2 In the Ohaaah of St. Joseph there will l»- wrvin-everv Saturday aaaaaag at 7 iv honour uf the month of May.
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  • 18 2 Thk IC-v. (J. M Battk'l Lint lectai Sottish Church History will l»- .1. hv.-i.-.l to-uitflit at K :<n.
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  • 17 2 At 1(130 a. in. Will la. Haaatl Pow.-ll Ci>. will hoM dv Mactioa aaia „l,'se curios.
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  • 19 2 M» V. <i I'UNNKI. A, In,- K M.1.11t of Bjaaaaar, to Karaf* l.v to day'i on sick leave
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  • 21 2 Tukbil is aiiuoin,..- BaMataf of ihc Braaaajaal Clul) t..-.U^ ,it f Ul to adopt, it' so r.-aolv,-<l, aartaM n.-w rules.
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  • 21 2 Thl- Government a<lvertise iovitinK tenders for supplying boots, aud suits of liiiik tor Urn warders in the Siu^a|Hiri- I'nu.u
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  • 24 2 Kathlk aUnaaaa, aal tiaaf MMaal, y.'st.r.lav afteruoou l,v tli.- 11^ «f ou a visit of ius|*-, ti,m t.', tl,.- Portuguese misaioii iv MauMcu.
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  • 26 2 Thk Hon. K. K. laaaßßafW, A.-tiiiL- Resident Councillor of Malacca ret uruin({ to his poit as Colonial Treasurer, iseipeceted to arrive in the Sappho thin afternuou.
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  • 28 2 I'hb BMtjapsjaa Iti-batiu^ aMat* ajaati on raaaiM iient BaMaaaai Dabal "Tliat Mriti»h ml.- it Ln, ti, ul to In. 1m l'ro|)oa.'r A. Stuart Opposer A A 0 ttaiUj
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  • 28 2 Monsiii-b I'avik. the n.-w f^^ Char)(c d'Affaires for Siaiu, is MMctad al ■agifMt nil tin- llth uulaut hv th.. M M. mail iteaint-r lafftaNM from ||>raailaM to liaiifkok
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  • 53 2 Tv-mobbow. Meurt. Powell a.i.l i h|| by aMxtiou Mr. W. E. Hoo^r'n house of L r V1 1 1 ml -""I in link, I Tiuwb. Mr. H. A. Crane .ill quantity of j.-woll.-r, la *»■**■> -f J B, Hm»|, I'artH-uUr. of tbea.- and other aal.-a will l w touna
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  • 115 2 The Hangkolc Time* ifives particuian of an intended re-or^anisation of the vi. inniislrttioM of jiiatne in Siasn. The t.. n .b-ii. > t.r some years past baa l)*en t fl establish a judicial system ou the Kurn pean model there, and in pureua i, |k.|i. v ii .ous.deralil.- pro|«
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  • 202 2 This iiioi niiin. Prof MOW Arelnlield. who, as bat ban afcaaJj nun a hM '.> 'lie Kir K.i-t Hi Plion...Tiipli. nave a private reliearaal will, bia instrument iv the T.,wn Hall, in the of tba MOM afaaaaaaasi morrow nu.-lit. Mr. An- hi 1.., Id will give bia first eihil.iti.,ll
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  • 159 2 11--,'. „->', 001 lnl tot a h'n, Itl.|ilil v Oi.lilmui'.- whuh Ihe /W;/ ini'i, i,', 1,.- in,, si .-Hi, a, ions in its aorkißf mid ■ktiafaetorr ia its pnatiaaj r.-snii-Itelore the Or.'lnian.e wus Baaaai in the Litter hull oi is.s. lit* tberc had In, alariiiin k 'l_v
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  • 173 2 A decision of a v.-rv important aaturs as .ifl'c, ting tin- Si ul h Wales tin .plat.indiisirv has I I arrived at l.v the "Yavi and Means <'• 1, 1 1 11 1 1 of the Aiii.i 1, ,11, H,,,,s I!, pr.M'hlatm-s They deed.-d
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  • 181 2 Tub notices of motion giv.n at the meeting af the Hongkong mCouncil on the Hth April iuillid.- Ilic following on.Tka 1)..,, it tilßtaa tl t!,e non aaarof Iba I paraoea t.. ask the following M ii...ii.,u Will the Ooven ,1 ,t ti,,. <-„ ,l 1,1, i1,,.
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  • 120 2 Under date, Amsterdam md April, Messrs. Rrusse and Oranshero;. baaaaM dealers there, the following results .f aales of new Sumatra leaf iv that itv ,i. the previous day The ni.irk.-t aM ..|-.ii.-.l very but BoH of til" Ifßtl „,,,1 I i ataoaaai ba*a baaa „-.1,1 to Americsn
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  • 239 2 Til.- snl.j-. I al C|,u,..s.' Iniriul pouwfa haa nagagaj public attwitioti n "f 1.11,- l> alaO In-.uiihih; prnrinll. Hongkong. The Kagiatmi Q tint c.1,,,,v in bit report for 1891 thui I, mlh with tht quaatioa 'l'h« '(iirMi 11,,. ,1,,,h,5,1 „f 111- 01 d«a.l i* wi,i,.|, oeaaalaa a
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  • 34 2 Akki. IVr s from Klanif -Mr-. < Pat I; f,,.,,, San.lak... Stlf, Hi«-.->C ,ii,,l K X, v.fort.M I DWWM btOoloaaa PrtmlaT Burke. For Boa.bay Mr. I'ur li.ucrsl Hlilpplnx Mews He* l'm.-« >-
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 634 2 NOTICES. The Straits Times has the largest circulation of any newspapT in Asia, British India excepted. It circulates in Singapore and Penang, throughout ajl the Protected States of the Malay Peninsula, in siam, Borneo, the Netherlands Indies, the Philippines, and French Indo-China. No other Eastern newspaper has so widespread a
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    • 1154 2 AUCTION BALBB. BALB OF v u.i'a;;i... Icell i.y AITi;TION. Bl th'ir S.le Rooms. OnTHUBSOAT, stb MAY. UM AT MO P. M. Lot I.— All thn f Fr.-hold land ailuate in the di.'rii-t of K-i-t Bukit T.mih. area :>. 1 a. -m». aaanaa]aal in <i,,>i-rnm.-nt InTh.. land is plani.-d with
      1,154 words
    • 757 2 AUCTION BALBB. SM.K OF ■iVMM AND OABBIAOU at Arbamk's Yard FRIDAY. s;th M\Y at.. I' t >• For particular- -cc alrealan POWBLLi Co, Ai AUCTION SAI.K OF JAPANESF. OiniOt THURSDAY, .th MAY. m MJI A rOCB OAfOKaf JAPAKB3B CUBIOB, 1 uaslatlat af Oaaida. Plat--s. Oarrad Fiirures. ItowU Baibresdered Oerera, Shawls.
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    • 1339 2 LATEST^ ADVERTISEMENTS. <:OVERNI|E\T Nf>TIFICATI()N TKNDKKS will h. milnd al the Oalaaial S.-.-r,-t»ry', offiro up to the Itith May. IMS, far suppivi.,, :,< •lib helm M.. n d <U pair- „f Ih-,i.; w j,;,, elustic aidea. and for ■akleir 92 eatte af Urn cl.iih ibraid«d,. and W> .nits of whifc rt,il|
      1,339 words
    • 71 2 at MX MOSmi l«r l\t 51. ..1. T. 5.., .)u»li k. .r,ll, t« «u..J<«/ tk«|ii»r ml). l|lli,H|M^lUr«.^ Km ><■) Jl U.S. SfS rtpclt* lUI m^kl .lk--»u.. I. All U~rt...n W r-ntmrU SM ■..1..,«-l to Ik. r.,,.f,l Ik .1 rw nf y.r;,»f mmtUr, t.ul n*l otUmr IJUn ff*r i*** The Straits
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  • 1369 3 Thk number lot M»v „f t|,,. .i/,,,,,,,,,., i monthly j..,irtnl oj Metnodiel Kpiacopal Mieaion i,. M W a Bb, nractioally to opium number Under (be r A O, m .Mad rice in il v irU ;l I 1 '""I"" 1 on Uw gronnd thai there iv
    1,369 words
  • 739 3 1 i;,,.. Comm proper wm aftmi thu in,., hi,,.; .ii, ,i H,,.,,,.,),., l<n, T l.,j. Mr. I.'- anddi. R I twiw „,,,,,.1 tbe i bajf aod il,. tteoDdal thro i II- Ml icmrkablj itroi,«a D l "■<■ -<:■ d n,,/.. (||r Deunia), Golden Urn* r *»J former H
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  • 697 3 •An raUlac of M- '"> »»»»j aao, dow that vila lut< I larvelj iliaulorodbj »l« ha-. i in-, r With high sp,,-,1, i,,,. larnal .In". ,i.n roll lieavily, an angle of roll pi I" ,1^ aKhwarhariDfclMwuiMMiradoaUigo Ail:,n',.' si,., M I rojri-roft, tba wall known
    697 words
  • 376 3 To in. Bsrroaoi m "Staum flaw Bib, T1,.. 1011., xpian, t,,,,, anl, aatiafactorj Ui ■baraboUen wbobave in-.-u alarmed at the figum pabliabed in Ha Inennaoe Ooflapaa/'i laat n-|H.rt regarding gaga*, I Me, J Ur >ihm. Singapore, May HI,. Singapore, April iSod IBH To P. 11. 1..-.
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  • 427 3 Execution of two Alleged secret Society Men in shanghai. Till: V ;j of 1.. |M April say. -In i!i.> Hull huan if this nwr g two m.r' a!l.-ir.-.l in' ml. r> uf tv Kobo-hnl -..,i.i,. wh.. ha<- 1. -.mi Imp i-,,,,.,1 m liar in the Bhanghti brheieu'a vemea, «.-r.- envatea
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  • 136 3 We -am from native enurrra that tbo ■pHaej rice trope of th* 1 Kwan^nng ami I ki.u proviaen ar- likely t o t urn iii«. ut ihe heal oa reeorC b all parta of tl.--.- p,...,,,,.. th" paddy loariahiag an. l Ihefarmne lit jnhihat lejjejejejg, an.)
    136 words
  • 132 3 P-*O am rO M. frea baMhe M- IH Doagfaa, a,,,| K.-r lea Wo .1 I'er I\ ii Kilir.i, from Lon.lon Ap r i t», Mr. aad Mr. Mania. I", r liWor. fr- m Loin. April Mr Martia }'or Aren,li.i, from I/.n.|..u Jin,,. |.i. Mr Laaarhar, ■r M M
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  • 77 3 for laaaag, •naaja^aeejj r,,.».|ay. Al« k ...(i K..r Nimahajaaaa H..t,.M... •eieta eaaaal .■f *aek month. :i ii,,,,,i, Kr Heaoa aad UverpeeL f:»^;.a..1«.. „n OilalUa v 4 aad Cc K..r kfarope, />..,..,„. am i,i, kW. ftwha M- v-i and r.., biaaporle, .In.- ith May. u,.|,,, m.^.S';^,':;, 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 597 3 PI N lOM I BDNOHIB DIA BAM TW MIMVi, OOVPAJTT, LTD MR UI.A.MKV. wht h.s jus, arrived from Qahai ami 1',,,,,,,,, w ,,,,hl w'. any of the shareholder, of the iih|mh\ I'i-1 i- m i »r» o*v* Mfl TlhitmN v. in the afternoon, from 8 to MO o'el ek.
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    • 707 3 NOTICES. THE MOCNT AI'STI.N HOTEL HoXUKo.Ni; 1. 1".' FKIiT AB,IV It SBA LIVBL. I T.lp|rrapl.H- aMeaaj K,,-.|s., r H,» K k.*« THK fc-r-ai heaM r.-...rt „f ih- Kar Ka.t anl „iee.| to h* the l»-.t ap|«.ii.ted an I 1110.1 .-..mfortalile ll.rf»l out of I Tray.-.l r. fr...,, all pert! -,f
      707 words
    • 929 3 NOTK KM. in THI I* hk nun nm u< uoi ~/vr»«,j TW-OTICK h-r-hy par, ,hXI .nv.y.neing- >„ I|« „f |'r r ri, Ordlaaaee I-- H r 1 h«>,,« rlaim. or .|.-ma,,.|. „,.,n or airain.l ■elate af Frank Beef JaaeMa late ..f .s,nra|..r. .leeea^.l irnl „f "■■W Mlnhaale who d,«d rembar
      929 words
    • 961 3 I SHIPPING. I INDIA RTIAHNAVIfI COMPART. LIMITED iKI. \\\<y,. MKI.HdI-KNB AND n mi ■mpany'. Si.« m .r H A R( IRA, :.:<!>* < Marla-hl.o. .h.,j., >'a on th. 1-1 May. m», U „p*.»«rf h.r. on Dm J»lh May. Nh. will h. dmpatrl.r.l f,,r Ih. .hor- porta on Ih. |l»k May
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 90 3 WKAJiIKU BJCMMR Mandattf Kr^hon 1.1, 3r,l V » !),,.n.. Khii.kkh Uar. r.-.1 52 K.I. a* Ml ;7j -^liij j» l'«""l>. N:. 77 4 "itZi rtvt Hull. rur. 5,, 7 rii fI a I tnaa. M m ■•WOeea |I|« Mai. id Sun I. o f^V Jerr. r..1. Tu-r. IU -?»l tt-nfa::
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    • 1140 4 I „1-r ll.i. bafllg fnllowirnr aMimviationn »ro iiool «tr. «ti>aim>r; «h »liip. l»| I 11. Brit llrilinli; I'.S— I T nit.«l MB; Fr— Frem-h <"T <;..nnan. Out 1> it.-li r i; r (innxral mrg n il. |i.— il.vk ]•*•> •wiir-r. I'.— l'lirnrtain T. P. W Tal.j..n|C IV"
      1,140 words
    • 118 4 n, h t Uii luadtui 1.., r i tfmilim§ it S tm,.r w fm Jam, th. PhUippina; and ollut I ■arts, mmh lily /or lh I sM 1., l,r tmim m. N,,m.-. i:.,i, ami H.,l- afStHms Vkdh I/.n...,n. Oli.»ft.y, A|.l. Kkum Livkiu'.ihi. ProtMtlwu, Nov. 7, Moray, Nov. 18
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    • 100 4 FLAd 5 V.Mll/. |ÜB, ToK CAI-TAIK. f" r Brit.itr. M H.h,k...t ■i Kirn Am r j,,, j|, rril k 3 < Diu > a m r 171 (uil> r rl t rlo 1 Uo lUI i"" 1 HolgUoo 4 Kt.i.irnt H.lrwjn tr M Msrtin t Born«) Dut. itr ltim
      100 words
    • 67 4 Dati Viuil'i Kami rL*u KiuJ IITAI* unoa M.y. I hkJte I M Hu.lj.r 1" IVkM, IMink.!,, I how l'hj. Mtrathlixn H.b. lint .tr Dut. MM 1: P.O. ,t-. Hnt Mr. >tr .tr. -tr. .tr. (ir.rt MUM H.rriMjfai Augu. Kun.tb I«,k Ow.n lUniikok SourwbHjA SMiiubrftuK vn»
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 884 4 OMIOIMKL. PRIZE HCDALLIITS. Labert pmn ®§,^|iis) FINEST SMOKING TOBACCOS. ff CABIN, MAY BLOSSOM, JESSAMINE, PRIZE MEDAL BIRD'S-EYE, GOLD FLAKE, GOLDEN VALLEY, WAVERLEY MIXTURE, VIKING NAVY CUT, NAVY CUT, GARRICK, SUN-DRIED HONEY DEW, Are now unppli'd in Patent Air-ti^l.t Self-flxin* Tins it Packets bcarins onr Name Tr- Mark, without wl nos
      884 words
    • 263 4 NOTICES. SIMPSON* CO., Coach Builders. IIUUMi IH4<). BT APPOINTMENT H. R. H. THt PRINCE OF WALES. K. Q. G. C. IH. H. THE NIZAM OF THE OECCAN, n. c. a. 1.. M, MOUNT BOAD. MADRAS. CANOE LANDAU. With co»eh boi soat either |»n- IUI or on light iron «I»y». The
      263 words
    • 1418 4 NOTICKH BAVBN3WAT k CO. MABBLt MIBrHANTK. Stouk Masoms. Moimin»nl«. Rail" oirrutsd to any If -.ign in Marl.lo, (imniti-. Ston* ami Iron. Alwuv- on litn.l a Urc.- ami B«Wt«d awortmmt of Monument*. HraHatnnoa an.l Cm*m in Marl.l.v PtshM QmsWs* sn.l Ston.- 1 Iroo Tnmli »nd nih»r Hailing* of diff.r.nt p«tt*ni» and
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    • 291 4 rTTKIR BRIZABD AKD ***** j\ Bord«*u»- Canaan. whit« »ud Mmwhino. Nny»u, white »nd rod. Clwrry Bnuidy. Milk Punch. Old .tnrnuM* Kam. Ani»««» ">d "thor liq,iK>ar«. r|lrUB well-known Co»l h» uniformity of .|i.«litj. h »H«olut«ly fr«- from impuritio.»ii<ti.u»pont«n«>or.roinl.ii»ii"nl'»»l' itt rt iKvurrnl. Therofor. hinhly nrommradrd „n,. „f tl,« mo.t wonomir.l .t«innn(t <-o»l".
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    • 323 4 NOT I (is rileyT hargreaves&co. KMiINKKKS. SHU'HriI.DKKS. A SINUAPORE. HKill CLASS STKAM VKSSEUS AND I.MNCIIKS FOB I4U ONE Ht>gaht| I tesmor or Yaehl imw lioing coinplntcl. Icngtli overall M H U-.-.HI V 'lraft of water, leak l-mii. ,n,l cinipletelv c,.p|».r [aatennd, <alocn and •ahinn on deck, capacity about 4. too..
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