The Straits Times, 5 September 1891

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXXI I. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1891. NO. 17,511
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 1219 1 rjTIAMBgtP ('OMPANIES. I PI Slssn.Aß AM) ORIENTAL STK\M NAVIUATION COMI'KNY. On— CkjUm tjisf. K llllsl an<i Oodowns— New Ilarl-.m Tie mail steamers may I c eipei twi MMriva oatwards and leave Singapore homewards aa thr following date |s»l. IMI. •aft, M ■•Im rvaawsi tl I 1 he above dates are
      1,219 words
    • 969 1 BTEAMBHIP COMPANIES. I DE KONINK 1.1.1 XX PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. I'nder contract with the Netherlands II ka n Or kick, lijo. Pi. ins Hi: Nil. Ik Kauk, Amhtkrdam. IIKAIi ArjKllrv. BATATIA. Singapore Aoents Si lIEKI'HAIIKNTIUR VOORHEEN J. DAENI.EI.H& CO. ■I. Robinson Quay. Fleet of the Company. I Tods. N>m«. Too..
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    • 839 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Hervice No. 7 and 7a— Twice a week. From Batavia to Samarang and Sourahaya and hack. Cherihon. Tsgal. and Pecalongan will be called by the steamers leaving Batavia on Thursday and Sotirabaya on Tuesday. I Batavia every Monday and Thursdsy. Leave Sourabaya every Saturday and TueaThe direct steamers
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    • 777 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. CANADIAN PACIFIC STEAMSHIP LINE Taking Cargo and Passengers to Japan, Canada, the t'nitol State, and Europe via tl Canadian Pacific Railway and other connecting Railway Lines and Steamers. A steamer of this line is intended to be despatched from Hongkong on or about the following dates Itnd September,
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    • 804 1 INHCRANCEB. BLN FIKK OFFICE. LONDON. Established 1710. effee'ed upon almost every description of Property at the current rates of Total Kurn insured in IM9. X-1.« do 18'.O. MX 1,6011,000. Olngapore Agents, HKI VK V \N N A Co. NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE INSURANCE COMPANT. t'-:il: I-""' T..TAI asaaas n.
      804 words
    • 865 1 INHURANCKS GUARDIAN lIKKIM. LIFK ASBUKANCE COMTANT. LONDON. Estacishid is-/ 1 Subs«ril*d Capital J5.000,000 Total Invested Funds, upwards of 1,000,000 Annual tn.-ome upwards of wfl.'s» The undersigned, agents for tne above Company, are prepared to accept fire riaks for short periods r.f ten days or longer periods a current rates to
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    • 1396 1 NOTICES. IMIMTiK Kyl'AL TOTHB BK.TT HOMEWORK <; i: i amuert&co, rHoTO.IHAI-HEas. 'rcl.anl Csid. No. |MX. HKNSiiNS WATCIIEB. MaKCVACTOBT, LfIVtATK II It 1.. 1...M...P1 MAKKR TO H. M THK gUEEN. Specially manufactured and r*«-nm mended for use in tho Kaat. MkNiilU'm SI'KCIAI. STRKIfiITII, KIKI.I) WATCH A iold Keyless Knglish Half Chronometer.
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  • 335 2 I.ATKST MAKUKT (JUOTA TH >N.s MlifiiAPOßl. 4th Srnt mii k 1801. t'BODUCE. Ommmp, KM, .1.. (nh. No. I. 8.70. d do No. 2, 7.:r7i. Oil" ML i:o ■I I I'mtianak IM PMJMM HUrk II H MM Flour, l'-«rl Sain. LMj OaBM »»li JT"" Coffw. Ulwrian J7.W. T«pi™-« amull Flaka.
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  • 106 2 MA ILS CLOSE. t;r Fir Mr. Timt. To-I>AT. Muxur ri> port*, MMkaMt, S p m. P. uauir an I Pulia*. V li,.r r .m. N)urmb«7a vi* port*. Jf. .IU#'«.-. S p.m. T.'lok Aawn m iv>rt>, &ippl«,, .1 p m Jfaogkoo, NEC «pm l'b»nho« 8*ni>ru(. I u. Pimtiaosk >i» pot, >'.,
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  • 11 2 ha Kur<.|... MML on Moielay ImmOmb, Maaj i
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  • 80 2 Straits Times SATURDAY, 5th SEPT, 1891. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. (Fur SlruiU Ti»«»-j.) Tm i.»ik Pummmi m Omu 111,5, r l The re|,.'t.,l sh'."t--m-r ol ei.lV.Ki.leiit MMMMMM MM not I- .11 Mlilirni,-,! I iik I Miriii. Si uk- vm. I'hii.i. Annin.l i* MMMM] M MMM tile MB bWMMI "I -'lull. A\"lllhK UIinKKAK
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 319 2 To-hav'h t.'li-.'r.nns MMJImJ wi'l "I MM> anti-Ion -i.'ii MMMMII M OUm MM MImMmJI MMIMMg tfc» |>roli.»lil.' I hi-' ,1 .-vents Ih. r. UmMMMM of tins kiiil. lin-ttv aiin.Hl at ■MMMMMM wli lit- -lin.-l u|. popular prvju<liiv>, hail licrouio mure aud n (requeut within tin- Umi li-w
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  • 16 2 I in Criminal A»» ie. MM at II a in «,u Taaaday before the Chief Jueticv.
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  • 14 2 The MMMM of MMM] to the K.tlK-s I.ibtarv and HmmMß during the week 1.0-iti.
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  • 16 2 A wtATlir.k IMMMM 10-tlay from HOM> MMM re|»irta a MMMMM iv tin- hM I ..I |,uion.
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  • 24 2 Thk ii-ii il MM air «.-rvne it CmTMM MiMM will held on Suud.iv even ..i -5 v. by the mm. I W, M .in
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  • 27 2 I'm: Miltil il l'ii|'i .t.-.ueut S.M-1-tv will MMMM ou Mon. hit lllK'llt ,nl th. mTsMMMmJ an ii' ion ot t!i- MMM to the Itntish MMMMI
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  • 33 2 11 MS. E r ria this in U*. aud, a. we have bMml} sin- will surt.-y Sew Harbour. It M Unit MM will |'1..."cd to laajgßMMJ alniul BM MMMI llelne.
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  • 88 2 Ohm i >,,!.,< 5,„,,,!, .ih 5.,, i ;s'</. I Orderly I CRrnr nnailiuir we.-k. lion Lieut. T»ll.'>t «>nl..riy MMMMM MMJI Omm. 11. I'aradn. Dr.— |,lnn lollies. MMMjr .S|.t 7Hi I. y. in. Tth 11 M. U l.un.lrill. Wr.lin-.lay Sept Ilth p m M liffieers in i
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  • 132 2 Ir ib tiotili.d that any i'.-tni >v in the Hhl'lisli Immmmmmmmm! to tiiei»,.t, meut MMM l» mi;u."l uot only by the IVtlti. r, but by the |«-rs.,n *M»MM*J up the r.'tltioli. ahoul.l it lute MM dtMtt ii ii| l.t s»iii".ith"r|»'|s"ii 111. in lln- I'.-ti'n.U'-i CuotatCloua ,li».-.u.e
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  • 569 2 ToMi)i't:.<n.iiiin ll.iwiat. Km k year. MB, M therein. ..ri,iiu ui"inU'rs of the Chun h i>( KugUu I .immunity in IhMK aUrted in Ariiii'iiiiiu Street a ooardiug-hou*.. for mull bon i .iiiiii.liu,- ecboole in Sin.M|><ir>- who either ■MM Iron, .t ,|ist in..- or are <>r|ihitiii. l.«.
    569 words
  • 91 2 I'.r I ,1,,n,i fr.,1,, 1.m.1.iD, Auk .'I. Mr. J K«ir. Mr W.tkmIVr i:,,11,,,,.. fr.,1,, UmMM, A.i-,,.1 7.1,. Mr In. .inn- BUM, mi Mr- MMI IVr Sh.i, 1 1 "in I |II>M 5..|.1.-,,,1.. r I |>, Mi- r Mr MMW Mi Mr, MMMM, I.-, tr,.n, 1...n-i hi. EMMMM 17,
    91 words
  • 1072 2 Ritc«n or mi Wt'Dtuu. THt» morning, Mr. Ridler, Mr. D^ria.,,, anl Mr Kelsill r.-tii-n«l l.jr U r,",u tMir Mpkriac mmmmm la PWbmag, aanag aMM IMMMI MM) in.mthii ami iihiaM Am. Th.' ..i>j.'"t of the ri| 1 n.ii to ancfinl an MlMtl MOQa lull in I'.ili.uik.'
    1,072 words
  • 310 2 I'll iii|«mh w*s t.iii,,' I iv |(MI hi I tin MM s-i'.ii tor inn. -Iv. inn. MH|Mlal l iv 111" |.n 11,.- .-onsli-ii, lion .in.l MffcMg "I -l MMMM It 11. s in MMH lull MM Mm, .111.1 III" liiv ..I I 'In I'lnlipi Tin- wh.l" Month
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  • 16 2 AnulViUi. I'.tk h«hH| Mr. 8iv«n it t Mi I 1 •!.< H....t. Mjj f Adn.u
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1167 2 TENDERS. BELANOOB 00VERMEENT NoTIFI lATION I rr BND H Ibe Britteh 1 K-M- iitli Kwala Lumpar, up to the September. |M|, for the following tanas for l| from lo 81.1 11-M-eml,-,. MM 'i 1 Farm of the sole right to eolleet > ,|,,ty per ball on all Opium hspertad
      1,167 words
    • 1052 2 TENDER?. NMI'I K ttTBBBLAKDI OORbVLATI <iKNKK \t.. STIi MTS SKiri.KMKST-i. 1 iN M 7ta BapMßb r u,t<. the hi r 1, mg 1 iot, riimenl tariu-,,.1 Poutianak oigdistrn-ts. Mampawa. L»n,Uk, Paien. Somsal K-.k.p aad tfoekadaaa, ma 1 1,,,,-t W,.s-,.,,, ,|,t,,n,i, ..f It t Im UN, till lei at I'outianak.
      1,052 words
    • 918 2 A I IION WALES IMPORT AX T SALE oF VALUABLE OODOWV PRol'EKrr. Mil OOMMHCIAI f<JfARr, •-TIH,, 01 TH.I I AR'SI HANH-.iMI. 81..M K HI 11. M1X,. K AT PREKEKI ooovptsa hv Tiif H'.kSKo C.iv. Li I \i\ ORNKR I.F THK IOMMMM. THIHSDAV. 17rn SKI'TEMBEH. 18MI. rpiiK MMMaajnMMm mmlmmmmmm X hebaet
      918 words
    • 744 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. rll RF. E IMPORTANT FA CTB ABOUT THK STANDARD LIFE OFFICE 1 -HALF A MILLION' STKRI.IM, paf '"-ing paid in Death Cl.ima year by year. t— THK FCXD.n I.V HAND amount to i upwards of Seven Million l'"iii,da Sterling end have increased H J-rrent inthe la.t 15 jeer..
      744 words
    • 65 2 I. ii 1., in "-l.i|>inn_- >e»s See MMJ I i',l/sd>J Jar th, Wr«,l. T..5.. .k»«M U »r,K». „J. o/ Ik. „,,v, H, lIM «.jl.. t aft lull Imk. ...y *U.i. S. rrj.cM lUI a^U olbnia I. peMls3 All cmtlisirll an ,»i,.,l Ik. r**J,t.o* lIUI bIhMMT MMy lI.J •dvriittmmt n*t
      65 words
    • 6 2 I. .1 HMJMMMMIBMI |M»M t>»*> I
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 90 2 WKATHKK KEPOKT. K.o. 1....J A>.»n..<i- Ifv>|,«l,il. X- fH.n**,, Uul 9aTa.Sp.ia. 9 p.m. Baauass. Bar. red 32 TtX laTttftllTltl ~g Imxf. 8.' 3 M.H KI.O 5 Wot Hole Thar. 77.S 78.J 77.S f liir..fWo- 1 ...WaW B, WKW Mai.Ti.n|,ia>U.|.'. BM it Mia do. do. IM Hu. in m.i, ii--T«rr. ra.l-Th.r- (»<l
      90 words

  • 1105 3 ■lent) A Railway Dirastcb I -7 Tho MM ..f tlio I'. in n, w 111, .Imvit of the tnnii that ■111. i. I. ..I Ih- li.-.i.1. ,i- .In. I liliit'llts r«.\ t|i>. m^iiiiU Won a whaa tho tail lightt ..f tow i nbed tram tren riaible, too
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  • 45 3 i. 100 ■r,oa Hh n... rU.lfmi .lv.' lOthßept. i r u»«f.dui in laptanbtr, „n .'.ili ipnlmi I I ...I Paoaßg, Maka 1'.ij. m "Ti" t"ta J0,..,,, do* on tha v..kie» and Mow*. •ad, Vtrtf. on S ht« Co ISIh S.
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  • 134 3 1., .in Klitor or the "StbaitiTixih." Sik. lii connection »-ith the hem. f,,r iatroducvM Japaaen Mutate into b] Mr H. li. Ko|-r, I bag to I the honour 10 state, for the iuforinat I the .otinnuiiiti of Singapore, that ii., ■lociitii.ut ba may present to me
    134 words
  • 155 3 M..i.,u. h aaya the Dm) Oanrmd of the 16th Au-.i-t. the Baropeas linn-, with oali on.- ptiou. hue igned to .lose their ..ili'.s ou lundaya t., gift their employees t reel on tht tarasH nay K.avv imporlatioii- "I cattle fioliiSiu■mpore lo 1>• -I i are rapartad, The steamer
    155 words
  • 949 3 li. l.nolak. a distri.t in Ketheriaapja Wt il B mining tad other eoooaaaioa> .hi,- ba*abeen ratj buai of jite. Ii Baa in ill.- north wee) coraor of tho ialaad to the ■OUth of an. l tO the «<>utll Waal of Sarawak, faiadtk deritte its mum from a
    949 words
  • 503 3 i I'many UnvUr. Hnl Srpl i Na, „i<aii .Mi hi. ax. a well. known .Mi bomaadaa atatloaßßa. haa luldenlv diataajaand from tliis aiaOß, leiivm^ a good Baßß] aim, ,us in.iuin.-rs Iwbind him. Th. asaistau.e „f the Supreme Court ha-, how.v.r. boat o l. lamed to ascertain his I,'
    503 words
  • 465 3 if Vow ear Qwvaaajaaiaßj.) Mna. lr<l Baafc Mr. J. P. Owen, the Aetna OothMOSI aud Magistrate of the District, hat ptMOoitd to Kuautan. via l'ekau, by the lauueh Ellul, to relieve Mr. Mieliell, who is to take over .harp, of the Kuala Panama Colle< torate These rhengoa
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 308 3 n wmwi i in itui M.Kvuts. t h ii nil ul I .Si Ami I' ui. I.. in VI ii K.-i J. IVrli.iu. -i in l.ii.irl i, rvTM.-. II. I I', ill ...I' |> i.i. hi- ii .in I >. r If. i. J. l'i ikdin ;>u in l..r..t.
      308 words
    • 962 3 NOTiCKS. TEE PEYE KIVER DOCK. PIKANO THE thvro Dock. athnW iii I'roviuce Welle«ley. at the entran." of th" I'ne Rirer. ha. lately l»-n leugiheiied and .1,1 i. no.v.f 11.. f"l!owin|r.U>nen-lon- I^nifth on tlehlorks :»> feet Hreadth at entrance ,VJ Depth of water on .ill at onlinary »prili|f tides j
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    • 1174 3 NOTICES. LAK(iE STOCK OF ILFOKt):^ 7 DRY PLATES Sal- of Chomir.,!. andall photnirr. mat. rial, to AMATKII.S O.K. LAMBERT «c CO. I'MoTOGBAI-HEKS. Orchard Koad. UM JUST A K RIVED Ei rMMtnULAM A fill I I'M t M "I Fine vi.l l>rv Anionlillmlo Sli.-rry l-rird and l-.ttl.-l in 1.-nd in 1.,,
      1,174 words
    • 820 3 NOTICES. NEW li.uili.lo HX I. ITT i, CO. Hay« i mn i H i BOun •Xl Kathrrin^- by th« T.w..r. h, tU«ant Matron or" bf Mr« K K-murd "S.n.- Swofthmrt "t-li«rirT'« llln-tr.tKl l-,.,ph. BS in»»t." illutaasad Ma. 'SI II. I ..M's C..1... M tl I.IHKAKY dIRIEa. WalUra'a Malar
      820 words
    • 856 3 BHIPPIIfQ. 0 BAI i MMIII" nMP\N> I M- 1.M.1. \MIANAN M.\. \s-\l: BAMOA (MH.iINA. TKKRATK. HI BADO i I i: v.M W.n 'pm n s i"»mnmm DtrONHUMMT. 1 lII i i ibl 11. dn« hi>r« Hi. Ist 5.. I 1... do-ralrhml laa fir ifceva BStta on ih.. Mh hept.inlwr. For
      856 words

    • 138 4 I 11 lor 11.,. h<wilinir the following ililmviv kaaa Brit llriliali. I'.S— Pnitwl Btat»« ft.— Frrnirh Oer. <i«rman. Dut Dulrh \p.,_ «i. r l'dirral rartfo; il. p.— il.H-k .H.^r.. T IV W -Tanj..n K IVar Wharf ;T IM) T«..j....K l>a,rar I).K-k W— Rnrnn > Wharf..l.\V -.lanlin-
      138 words
    • 798 4 Al'iniM- Sl\. I Noon or hMMM ha Urn -ti :t »m I-...-. -..|.t A...-.1.- K1...11 l'.n,.n k Kl.n.'. „i..| Mm* M .1. j>. ktraiU bt«aiuaih|> Co. LM. K..r P«n«nK, Nlh— R<l>. Sam Cktnc. Brit. atr. l.lOt. tou, Ca|>t. Rr..»n. 1V..1U I' 3.1 1 udl-M p 11.-. K..n n...n
      798 words
    • 181 4 ,V......-, Pmt, «u,l 11-il- B»<Uh,j hi mtm M „.i. ,i..i,,,.,i, <„, i),,,, par* nfffna fa Olh.r J,.,-,.. 11., rUWMI,tMI -I""'- r ,,,1, „,,ill,, .all h.r hewfw 1 rA. HMMriil/wtMMbmlM M«H j o >>• «MvmMi><7y r-.;.r.h,l Klt.lM I.UNIMIN. I lukhera. .liilj. l:> IM P.* a July, :»>. I I
      181 words
    • 156 4 ■.1 N<Mt. n»» firw tmtm, a Km. < Suk I>ut -lr iH> iMBMi Hb I Humatr. ll«r ilr «U7 I'un. l>.li 4 lUj|««4alia lint .tr ISM Hill .Lull.. I'ilrutU I IVuor ,t, i-ij i;,:. Haackou I mi.- Mi.t.uic liui .tr 117 Mtan l'..m..u»k 1 lUiiUiii •tr I t-'.T Vjii
      156 words
    • 65 4 m> tmmi '■> un PMa i mm Dwiwiiini I I (Ml* ..1 Jlw.u I. ,il MB. 5 Hrh, Hril .lr i Su.k D«t. .lr I Pwtui li. it .tr t SJ-b. V.j.ruuliL. Hul .lr i rWuplu. lint .lr I Sri i Sil.t.UK M >tr. NMoa>i. Srr|M-r--l>uuli>i> S.lker. IWrluuu IViuU.u.k
      65 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 320 4 NOTICEB. Till- KI.KI-IIAM MIIANI. ,d' I'll. -I .11 Hkkk" ia aapeoiallji a.l;i|.i-d tor ooßsamp- ii,,n in .i ii,,[,i,ul dtmate. ItEIIK CO, Sol.X Imi-.,i:i lli \()TI( I.S. c AUTION TO BHIPOWKIBS AMD (M'TAINs MAtnsmm 4>n-Kon,i«. OMNOTIM. .THBB make, than our original MM t ttnmaiiwi and Ma| CMMMMi with whi.l, Ml. H
      320 words
    • 271 4 NOTICES. SIMPBON~&CO7^ Coach Builders. MMMMM* IK*). ht irrocifim TO H. R. H. ME PRINCE OF WALES, I K. a. ii. c. I. Ann K. H. THE NIZAM OF THE DECCAN, n. c. m. i Ml. MOUNT ROAD. MADRAS. *L ■MMwa^M™MW' ?T-^^-PMfJ|!BP*T'V OAVOI L4NDAC. With MM boi seat either |»iiielleil or
      271 words
    • 377 4 NOTICES. MCALISTER Co. c INVITK 11.'.. iu-pe-Uon of the Pul.lic of their Sail I>oft aliuve their pramuwa in Battery Koad It the larfreat in the Eaat, and the w,.ik tnriii-,1 out is equal to tin beat hone- wurk. lieitifr done by Sewing Hachinee the I "tirhinff of which ia more
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    • 435 4 NOTICEB. SINDANQLAYA. Oozondhcid's Establishment. n A KAMOUS HKAI.TH REHOBT. i.'-."i Feet ahovk thk Level or the Sea. >,■„,. 1,, rind and rail from I and rij-ly kauri journri) from i Will THIS MMMMMM bae I-. i, itruc tumllv ini|.n>»e<l ami <'Dl»r){ed. and offera every i-oinfort to vititora. It
      435 words
    • 392 4 NOTICES. NOTICES THE AMATKirR AND TOTRIBT r~DITMLOPIMO. PBINTIN(i. AM. PHOTor.RAI'HKRS- RKTOIOHINO DO\K Ikaih^i tim ia th« Fab Eabt i« at AMATBTTgff the hiiMM R LAMBERT CO. PHOTOGRAPHIC CO. ,_,J:r,r" H.Li. Bt«e«t. »*ARIK BRIZARD AND RCMJgR Where Dark Ro..m an.l other roinemeiic.-. _y|_ n^^, an l>e had free of charge CunKao.
      392 words