The Straits Times, 18 August 1890

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXXI. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, AUGUST I*l, 1890, NO. 17,20,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 165 1 LMBHIP OOMPANIBa PUNT. 1 1 depart 108. 1 I.y to. ith I n Is 1 im and™'. < Kl\ iJ I M U 1 igariai Maritime. ■ABB. To Lnvr line fr-'in I !uail. 17. Madras aad tat I 1 >ian Uare. Siagpany's steamer ij-.vry 1. i few hours
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    • 245 1 BTEAMBBIP OOMPAHI] I v 11 INDISCHI MTI.I. In i 1U IAB«. ■aaa A«Wot, Hatavia. ri.irr or faaj Conn I c m 1 -1 5 a^A^SrTOkifiLa Kat. I I j II id 8 I H WTK.a.I. dirart MMBW SB w??*. l^* t Jif rtaiiMr IW i. do Tit UtUTia u>
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    • 415 1 LMHIIF 1 OMPAKIRB ti. and Timor Ko.-pann. nol bacV via Tiiaor n«. Larent—kn, Maoemerie »i,.l ■I Til ■111 l UrtanKoepanff. and l.». k ri 1 X>**^K. Hetti. Hero*. Naa*am~>i. and Hun. Hal 'ti-amera attoail their vi y»ire» to Timor Deli. J.ut not under .ontra. t ilirut. asmMßßj rii Aml.nna. Ban.
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    • 482 1 iNsniANcr. l\Mi;\\. l. OMPAKT, I IM! AI'TH ft m»D (Arir»i K. Akouwt 1 aid or ■UOJOOO. MAW vl pvamvt Ito lava* PoUciea oa Maria* riaka to aa -rid: pnllalii in ,v m*l- i«ytoU at aay of the ompaay Agsaul.s. Lint of Ageacies oa apflliatloa. Trtment. Kikk loi'in-n effe«t»-l »n Mereaaadiae
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    • 462 1 INMtJRAHOI. II VSY. I. IMI I r Ii I'AriTAi.* rilied f1.000.0n0. mount IVid-np ■«eer»* Fund ftuCMMO. ■eeretary, W. H Kat. E*a The andenicaVl. A<eaU lr the ah paay, are prepared to accept asaria* risk, at AU eaatrihutors of I.u.ib-m whether .bareholders er aot raearre a retara oa the premia
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    • 428 1 NOTICI I I UMMIfH 0 I'll. ■!••<. ICAPHEKN, aal R.«d Taagliß. .1. >l I. YON N 00, lr nf 'in |m| I Ituil-l. r. and Coatraetor*. Marhiae Shop aad ahip-kaildißK yard. Albtoa Eaciae Works. Bea. h Road. OaWaad Sale-rooam. •I-p-.ii.- th.-<;- n.r*l Nai »ma» »at«. wl ImkMi. w 1 Bams
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    • 912 1 NOTICES. BANEEGC X(.E FIRE CLAY AND I'OTTKRY WORKS. HA Y I N < I, BfamJaAaJ Sol* Affent. for ■v. Fibb Clat and 1 ky VVi.kkr, we an prepared to aator .ntrn/'t- for the iindermnntionod. t»;lazed, -I' in eware pipes all »ixe- from J" to |A* disr. LMafr U..-I tliroiiirhout India,
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  • 240 2 I. I KST MARKET yl/oTATIONB. SIKMAPOkC, IHT« AUUVST, IWO. Prodccb. (JamSier. SO. .1. C.iU No I. 1"1" .1 Ii No. H». C..i.ra Bali. 4-«7». I, Contianak. 4». |Vpt»r Blark. H'"' Bag. I Ball r.,fT^. |.il».rian. Taniora •mall Flake 4 IS .1 .1 Nt .iiialitr 4 '.7* .1. m-l
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  • 6 2 To-Buaaow <• IT r. a
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  • 50 2 *r T M aa '•«m. a at M««1«a«. •> ...i.» II a P-a.» r*a«B«l. gaaawi. X«a« u>f ria »»r». 1 p m t»a> :-*t«. a at taw. Ha*>> k.U >ia partt. ar... aj i, P aaa«»ia».rw l*J I sa. w. Haataraaa- 'ia »«t- l^.^ I a> Fa.L■aWaWj I
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  • 8 2 Fr*a Karap*. t I W»lMMtf
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  • 68 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. MONDAY,18TH AUGUST, 1890. IllMniK Si I 1 S*lwbur> iv i I QBMfc hfel r I ...I I. 4 1!.w. I th. AwM-rioM rUtai for aoW jurtadh tiou in tbr Br4rta«'a Baa. awal baa propoard arbitrav ttraiKK m A. -i mi n TWfa) ia ft irrtMtttl atnke awaajg
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  • 34 2 f./.y. i... MJMMMaJ toaMfeaj. /Mr* J«^a«r -TW follow iagar» I'aWg I ta> U M.mi..i.lK.-M. Ltd Tl* jirkfwa ia Bimfapon ia JulU^t May k >"aaa« at»»r. ia (a« aaaw «tkla«a.
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  • 232 2 Ihi .1i».1,.w of Uil'irv of tk* putalo r»|> iv Inland darkens tb* outlook in tkal BBsirtaaaii cwmtry. aad justiaea K'l'X'Uiv ntiagit iug«.tl> ut iv iMffM aixl dearth will come i .'..r* wbo hate i 1.v.1. 4ul »bo Ln »,u b"« i.immmi ndiurn«. I; .mi, n.- j.
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  • 10 2 Tn»: Bangkok tramwura a'<- |>aying a half-yearly 'liridrnd <>f J\
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  • 15 2 i»wi\., to the rain on\ tin<n<krt maun t. O.C I bai to jut off.
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  • 27 2 LaUM 1 ma mill Ml a <>ar.|.*n He. ..|.ti..n at <J..».rtiment Hoiiae w.-ath»r |»rnnttiuL'. or, if wet. in th.- bouse, at 4 4-"> I- ra. oo Thursday.
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  • 25 2 CaTTaM PaMawMMXj »h« wm UIIi in- ir.^l l.» an ttakaaf m tl.. lan. arrived at Bin/a| yratrrday »ft.m ~,u. au.l waa Wiiwi to taw hospital
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  • 37 2 T«». M. M. ateaMer JtVftvatra' was to le»ve Saifow mt bom UmUj. Mad akoald arrive kere about 2 p. m on Wrdnraday. Tk* Frmck bmjl for Europe by k*r will probably be cloaed on Tkuraday 'tnuruiu K
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  • 43 2 Ir kaa tran*|»rr.l tbat tke a< •-oaMU of aaotkf owVctaJ of tke Suprvuv < u»t eurtW aa tb. y Majpl uwtcial ia «eotio*. it I hi ,11 a miv..r ow* mad aa old arrrant l-ut th. post kavs co* aid»raHi pci untary iMf
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  • 54 2 OnMi> 1 7th inatant aUt.-a -Captain I wounded by an rk-pkant eaaUrl from tke orw iron |>ier vevterday acooaapMatd by tke Colonial SilTTeoo. I- H.l. aad tke 11. Maater. Captaia Daraford. aa far aa tk* •Umbtt. Altkoajark CapOua Patefwo* ia not an far kiaaatf a^ain. still rtrry kope a ««l*ctaißjad
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  • 70 2 Tni itr.iurr t'Tf baa b«ew pwNwMWal by Meaara Kni^bt A Co. of diagapurr. for tbr it la atatrd. of tt\ '•••>. an] abr i it ut tk PakaMK run. whi< h waa fortut-rly tka> duty of tkr F-hluimii Tke ownrra of tk* P*r— kav* obtaiard a anbiu tk* OoTeraateat
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  • 69 2 The B-rur.. Jot>i«ay. Lim:!.-]. will act M agrata f.,r tk* Eqtiit*bU Life Aaaura»c*> atocirty uf tkr ÜBitod Bt»t*a aa B»»y be arm frowi our a«l»rrt'aing colaMwa. .-r»ofMr J I H I i lltablr Mll^: will U at tb* utlcM of tbr Bufwe* Co. dunng kat pwaaatt and futar* ataya iv
    69 words
  • 82 2 A »rar mi i awafwJ rin Baa. l*«l- r tbaav oo S*turd*T A kwfw nuuilarr uf pa-rawa aaaawhatd at tbr Ma*t 1' tfUliot). and ifU-r A •cluck tbr tkaav waa Wd a fdlwwiaf uf about a 4mm, aJo«f tbr Orckit* Road, tkroagb arreral of tbr well know* croaa ouutri cuta.
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  • 60 2 AT tbr liar uf tt>r •b» forajrr TraavL juat aa tk* r«w--w-i. »^l t-v-'li.- J'liii|..i U l-.^r I tW aad 4*l not a~kr b^, kawwauatUatWMtiaaraiWnratwW. Tkrow«k <kt tbrrr waa a drlai ia rr(urting > for tb* ruBK-ur tbat tbr Man 1 k»*cka J 4owboawda*vid»oWß»l...ibavld*. arrtarf at dm of tb* pofta.
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  • 66 2 I'rtum.ilaia*..,.. Puat CMa» Mi-Urn b*. cwa> •wiH to v ft.-ial inua«a. TW &.*m>+ laaVf»aaVarf ia cuaaawatiac upoaj tbr I arr gbvl to Umrn tbat owing to tbr [inaj|l aavi tmigitir a. tioa tbat baa twrn ba tb» BwiJiat Coua. siawaic' tk* najliaJir of tbr P.«t OftV* »W»plo»rr» who ikramWtM-d t»
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  • 60 2 THr Tunirkti I: brother H. M |.atn.<) on Inr<»i'liiik' in .Sin.M|...r.- with in haul win. kai K.-lantan. Tl a Bilmaawft to the 8 ia h.-lv plain ti»-iir Pod l" m.-.irr.-t »»r that tk# IL d Tli- Twagl iI:. t it iostrurtioDß to call on II ■r.
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  • 100 2 .lir.-<t.,r< 1. tke annual n> rtiog ..f I; tub il ik t.. ki 1..-M ..n -Mi September v MHi.t laial I. in tun- N l-t Hi on tli<- '.ti, Allowing f..r th K l^ iww, in. l awkking for poa*il.!.- \jt ..ii tl, lelearrapk liaaa, n fail 1'.i1.1.v will
    100 words
  • 34 2 Imi M in. t f..r awaawM tin, afteraoun at J of tkr kk*t I. M of tbr OaWafaMf Satwoa f rotll 1 ui»|H.rt. a tiiniUr al be bnilt in 1 1.. If.
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  • 50 2 Thi O.tutf' wan!- I it ataada wi' t-apita inrrato-. -.-Qt ami.l ti. •UE.lir.,' Thi' j .'inul w.ull lie tb. .reromeßt to go a ■>• offer to all who arr await* my of thn Laaal-baoks akoald be circulated in Londoa, India. Awierica. and I notice of thr [.riDcipaJ
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  • 36 2 j BaUrw to Ol*b:--ia tVv Prow, i balloon in ol oa its «*<-rut it 1 .led OO UuJ aol fouad t 1... lawMp I Mr > iUU of tbe I I
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  • 46 2 VUgapOTf IS Bot (VI. tbe btgaay caaw at ■f ■sarriati<a. but tbat k* will, h will of tke Ckipawt G ■4 of tke c*» *aa*ed on Tke is. nli-Di at tkr m >.«s io Taifink; 'tut not a waa ar*r. t •L.' forthaWWßWaf MM
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  • 36 2 Mint •'iir.llk! M a bull.- k liv worktag tbr auiwaJ (iuait»Mr.<ntlir vi.l Tli.- M. aat>l tlv wf waa t»«>i a aayy ba«i ua*. and iai*cta*J a bur »f *1 with tbii uau*i alwrua-
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  • 47 2 ■>»■*» waa anvatrd »r»trrvU» iv MidUlr rUavl. and tbu monumj waa barv-^ bafatw Mr. Tboruiuo with Una* m v*. araatoo of a dMajrruwa wrttfwai. TW "wMfrrtMM waapua wbro prudtaecd ia lourt turtMd out U) U- a lamUw papa* of Mai tb* pnaoitr waa dia» barfnl.
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  • 123 2 Tw« n-.|U»^t »»f imr | Nt to )m«.- aaol ■r l«-u re«ra 1u.t... bo-a rrtuard by that <».... roiu.. Ma grnal d>*a|>f.MatM»eut to ua. M td,. Dtmrmm aVfaay Tk* r««a»ii r.f iiaal la not i The MralW l»«rMfr CoaiiMt, I skarehohisrs iv tbV i B»rwt. «l
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  • 192 2 N orth Borneo Tobacco. larm Mart aa tb* Srat faa»a)faifta of Borneo lalawi I* AaaalenUaa taia imn whi.h aiv k» uf iateraat to plaata**. I lewww,— Yawr reat*r<la\ fa\ our ia to baa 1. heg to inform I a '-ummuui.ation Borneo T* aavr*. I f-rae.. K«io« at .-.-ret ■tie* t*
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 597 2 STORKS. MARIE BRIZARD AND ROGER, BwrawawX. Cnraoao. white and red. Maraschino. Noyau, white and rod Chirry Brandy. Milk Punch. Old Jamaica Ruin. Anisette and other liqueur*. Sole Agent* for thn Strait*. V. CH. VALTRINT Co. JOHN LITTLE&CO. Mil I, IN IKI 1» K I■V I. OH QOOM BOW <>N vikw
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    • 716 2 LMUSaUnCHTB, Singapore Sporting Club, AI'TIMN MKKTIN Till, dale- tiled |m the Autumn M.fting. arc October -J 1 iat J:trd mid Nth, ItM Pnti i > v> TCKS|)AY..'Isi v TnitKH. 1»:hi I Vain* fl!50. -A rae* f..r Elorasa that have never won a rnce on am Courxe, |{< .n.l-i.-r tad Bulwcription
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    • 596 2 AX TION SALKS. kl UTION BALE <>k »oi SEHOLD i i HMiri. The property of R H Paiii.ay. E»., SVTIRIMT. j;lKt. LDOOtT AT I*> I 'PHE under-igne.l will ...11 kl AUOTIOM, L ai No In. Sophia R... I SATI'RDAY. Jlki. \l I PJ I P, M. The whole of Ml
      596 words
    • 467 2 I \Ti:sT ADVKIMISKMKMS EXAMPLES OF THE COST :■> neit l.irthday. £1,000 STG. death. w..nld -t at the rale of t' lo .*> pat aaartai ll ii.mimna are pajr,l.l.. f.., at I'll) 10 It pr.-iniuma are li. .1. I t* 10 v til 1» I i r.mium are limite.l to IS
      467 words
    • 24 2 r**"* 1 .^aw««/»k»««fc. TT* *M mj^*^ tVst ~«M ISW..M U JllfcliiiH MaSenSi n MtMf a> «k« swastisi IW IWlMtaf U— IU lillHHM M »4a/ia«»BMr
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 96 2 v\l- Mllr.K KKP»»KI tmmtamt Ifian B—t v. MM "•a Ifs *pm Hutu. rWr r>l ti Tmk B-I«;m»» t-mr 77 1 Ti HI 7i) ni fa! MI« <-ai. f L* I H.a aY «a It* tas. ix J Trrrti TWr :i I I. utfUliaSllMam *4 j <t law* >sl)a.lia Eaavawa* iW.
      96 words

  • 63 3 Tin in '"•I"" f .<i for '1" w la 'htaisrliu f..r r.rUin tit •n(t"»Kw. > famll. v th.. local Uovernnienl n will, as a ll.< Will 1. HOTermra will bo pi and In- mill n him an npportui I. H ai .|iiitv i kut>wM|j he will
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  • 7 3 B A Avei A 18
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  • 140 3 m i. mi t... i i dumi TVilllt. til 1.; > B i that al 10 p in. on the I2ta ioattai to the EJlenboroa ff h M.nUt p -'''1 liim. i |4thal he i I priaoner I ill, .t about midnight be dutj i i; 3
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  • 16 3 mt tins me pork in II i». H i .1 ir *> I be |*ritlt.
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  • 3 3 r»rJ.
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  • 65 3 I II I It K.I M i I > I.- the gandakau. Tl B ■■-i■■• r Mi X.l i in iba i "m ■V <lr all tli« i m BP r haa i with ral. ii. .t I md I „i^.. and gaswa nliii-li arii pear verj
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  • 80 3 Unknown |..r a t h bill mi.' If. »l fii:il>l\ keaaas. lik* Ilial I I! I t'hMMM-il'" iatktm wmm a .iir«H.-i«nTMBt»» Mfl lh*t ha I I 'I, nil t1,.. sl,|,u M hii if in mi ««-i f aaipeaaallea ii will I- |mm ■ihl* 1.. t,, a i th* Horn tint
    80 words
  • 3 3 Unknown. 1 I
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  • 146 3 The Planter' Association and the Labour Question. 1,.- abHaaed rraari R -f lli.. Penanir an I I". rUnt.r.' A. 1,. 1.1 na lh« Nth Ib«Ui t th.l tka I^'h f.irui.-.l ih- rhif annia af aWaaekai »t .riim..|il l» In laiina.ii thr Tr-a"" aad t.. limit Hip l.rm of their
    146 words
  • 60 3 „r ralatftea k -I f Mr 1- V-l. .i |».-r.. aad it i« tk* m .r» ,i*u«*it. TV Bi laiaai are a I sang tai i banaaa Hal of ea» of tbekUvai \it il S I. < -.I mi.>■• in. 1 i »h :a111 I Ih* fall
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  • 16 3 I mtk tux. .hi j t 4k*i y a#«M aa* ptp 4.)
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  • 176 3 nvrr a »..»r alajea laa Bit reraax <•' 'larkn'n railwar<i l ut in naMed I aaaaaiata katar«Batlaa tn hm.l. thfj- hara >>t aaaaa la wealatina in regard I j .t. It a|>|«nr. thai Hi- M»|--i\ n. t im|ir «yd with th.> rmlwn Nattr* rttetea, aad aa Ibey
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 80 3 \<.||( I Ti i ■aaikaare, JMk Jal] l->. TH I.* eel pramlni brine; naaary ka> >. ua tk* sen. I m W I 1 y -..r Magapure. »tk Jal; TIMBER I MB pr*pa»»l to aapply ahMM C ma say's M.n-r All -I tl win* .■r astt V■ TJII.IW Ti 1
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    • 420 3 yoncM VIKWS AM. fl I I I \MMKIM&( «> 1'||..|....K U i Orrhar.l K.*.l. Tanfrlin AI'I'I.M ATIoN harina- h**n mula t.. th* ajr aad TiaaiM l4dU k irrant- ir li-u .if Haeewi ii. 'hat th* said BharewarraaU v arirea that if within thrrn why n-w MBffßejsl BBweM •-u«d. th* sai<l
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    • 836 3 BHIITINO. BRITIHH INDIA STEAM KATIGATTOK OOMPAVT I.IMITKD FOBFBVAHO. BANfI i.'TTA. rim TTianilj'l St«am*r NEVABA. I 1 i..n. i r.|,t Bn^lan I will l«ai. Ika Tanj inir Pa^ar Wharf at It pm. on Tnoa- th- |M in«t forth" sliot* ports. For frwifrht or |«MS|rx. apply to BorSTEAD k Co.,— Ageata. Sinifapor...
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  • 393 4 ix pobt. ihaWUaiw. H X It's it.aaiw 1>» wml OnwJ.-1-rin H >' M v H M .1 n-r«l. *4- h M •»t f»r t.rro. t b«. wiuw. CmmMm. rfwatr «t >. toas Caft. i»r. •m felt.. OataaMl lia-ir. aaa toaa, c aftaia Ta r^i. tlaHaa Biiaii "karf TtiM<.. l.uixm.
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  • 41 4 AR RIVALS. t ru« Im T««^ lirtiin. kn, Mint. CoBMUIKM. gat t gs^ SL. s£S i.,,.u. Sis'- ?2 Sr*^ »u«w«r« j^, u r.tu«k« <-.. rirwk-ti*.-. 21 te SI ?C U >^»r«« W^T.alS. «HVJLwu» til t^** br- lj- J> te ~>' ta <
    41 words
  • 29 4 1.4r. tarn rLA«*ti« Qmwm !>i.riH4Tioii i Ukm Am m lUmMi IS E Hr.l .v Mr. ;.,r ,lr llr.t .lr Hvml 11.... «« llu!. M .1..--. »ul K..u;
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 446 4 NOTK I i. B.fl LAJIBBBTfkOO., vi OBBhasJ BILBI HARGRKAVEB A o. II Ba M«f\*4trt h'brMt'. >'• n nw* irr«M->»"*> T MrUp H«< HfkU. 11, Merckaal Baad, binifapore. AM> at K a jLS^/I* Horizontal r"j Ktr.fujral i|^. ''uAhh Strom NayBJJrr^sa »>«•._ J kii'.l cJaL^gi^BL^^^ Mininir F.t which they roewivod ISO
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    • 224 4 NOTK KS. SIMPSON ACOrn Coach Builders i i;-i >mi.imii i. i-t" i S 1 II A I'm NTM KNT s t H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. i i k. a. o. c. i. t AMI. H. H. THE NIZAM OF THE DECCAN. i i i»'l, MOUNT ROAI>. MA
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    • 1055 4 DOCKS. mi i ■■■*>•■ K LTD Th<> pmnisi-a of the Company ar« situated *t T»nJ<«K Ps,{»r a.ljoinin« ll»' Ha I Smfp.r». Wain trmm-car. mn at ihort latarrala n« amiiaiiii aad goods from Wharf to l«rtir.sti..rh at low rat—;. ztoada to atM ail* aad qiuntrr j fj, i.i r »i. Baao*Bj
      1,055 words
    • 561 4 "THE DISPKNS A RY." AERATED WATER W Ka< mi mi i. M Lvhki.. k.:' Saraaparilla. •c,\ M C A_PJ^ llf''^v%t r ''___»^^i^l^f^^_l 'Ml (Jinifer Cham II i,' e ,tHOUT '^m*l "II 1 I __l I aSKT- U-m W^«r.,A^ t :_Mi(jH iilli-P J I l t 6 ai 7 *~''^^x Thk
      561 words