The Straits Times, 26 June 1890

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. \\\l SINGAPORE TIUKSDAY, JUNE 20, I«.M>. NO. 17,1 HI
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 103 1 a**eaiy aMraateai- aa4 tkMaa l.j RailL alia ty aaa .^4,.!. a .aj a«aat. .'■WuJ n«ay af tkatr we^'ikTr •i>r r>4< he*v .(••at aerafi I n tkaaaana. «faay «tli Mat a* maai—lMi tor %rf of 1" »at» aaifoa aad *'aa«r*t auaawar —-> Saa««a Ik*. I'Maeagaav evkar^ia I I •aaajaaWkf r-*ar'< ailiaai
      103 words
    • 174 1 BTI LMBHIP OMIWMKS M. iu.i-.r Urn m >-.s Mm Mmmm at mi ,nt*. t .i I•. U i.> ffefcii Iwa BaMrk—a: oa bajMcdMM 1.-.h Jur. srdaad I ■■<t|Mwa»t..i;, I t Ofew- A(>^U. ■vaarßtaa* at m larruti Oaaau aMMunmr. The ».11i.-ib< 4a*aa kare Uaa fltej far th. V MM h. r
      174 words
    • 272 1 NOTK I V .od U Ckeaa^ Hoa« Urn 1 laamfcaM kwaaaa far YW yaar«. area IraaakaU kaaaaa lar *W MMbj ar«a > I i- l'»s..r P.,i, i! v t -.'a-res JJaataa. I awaffapara Mkatvaaa B aVJ ya.ri Ka I :j a- I t -„uar. 1.7*4 '17' 1 '.I am poar
      272 words
    • 473 1 [NBUHANCI -IN-. \I- .Hi. l\s( ;.\s, i .iMPANT. MMI I ki.m Call lat i n < atitai J.n&.-00. Amoowt i aid vr \K l!!-l\.>s i-e-l »•> i«»oe IVJkaoii oa Marin. |M l-4k.-te» ■ut made payahlr nt ar.y f th. ■'••aipany't V■• n I t\■.-i j Kit:' I I' t i
      473 words
    • 445 1 INSURANCE. i R] CUM TRAM I Q I \mowrt PnM-up «WIV •00.000. m m KM con'rih tor* of bu«iaesn wi.. ira on the p paid, rhc »Ter». IVnus for the p.-urt MMM Mfl ul-> I"EU> A 00. M. m -ii: I l'\\> BMMM, 1 h.- Un 1. ißMfMrd
      445 words
    • 403 1 INSI :RANTK. BOTAI iNsi'MNi K UOHTAaTT OF UTaVWOOI < vi ital £2,000,000. IMM IN KKSI»TE rXCLt'KITB Or (Umu M^MVUI bin DEPARTMENT The ompauy MB Ml t 1,1 fr Premia and in bow prepared to off-r rery a.trantaMMM MMM MaMJ FIRK NPißlin 41l C..iiipan> is pii'iitred In accept first clahs risk"
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    • 869 1 Ml NIOIPAL NOTICES. MI'NIOIP' KW I.XTIONS for nawairtf tke ra ■MMHM of dofra kept wtthra tke i Municiitality. 1 K vt MH/.M Imm, and ka ceatiaued daily aatil i-.mii plot' d Th.. Municipal Coaiiaiaeioaara akall I'|MU'|,< i'h ih.. coiicurreaea the A Hum Inspector I ;-n«ral ..f Polic« r.i)pa<iirfcaf office* at
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  • 293 2 LATK«T MAKKKT qUOTATIONS HIBaAToBI. B JIFB, 1 Pboducc. v»B«b»Br 40. Uaaa No. 1 10J7*. ao. Ao. Net «>»• iJi«a, Bali A. Poßtiana* *00. P. W nr. Klaok U Saro Klo«, Mi Pwl Saam J (\.ffes Kali Uotaa. Lihanao a 0 rapiooa, small Flaks 4 H <fo do. Ist sjaaiity
    293 words
  • 69 2 I P<r »«r. Ti.-i'. T. .-Morrow Huar«"i.«" A Mi»ngi^i, Hsa 7a m. ;>o!J.r»D 7 ■aasakaßß b.: /)■>"«,•.'*«. lltvav Rar.r. aortt. 1 Ptnaur C H I*«t. 2» Mi;-.. klaW. 3f.8. Sam* r»of tv port-. 0m t 3 Rvkit Kuda »ia porU. B S p aj. SaAjalac »ia yurU fcaaaaaky,
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  • 78 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 26th JUNE,1890. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. For Sfcai'f* 7Y..K*. Paki.iamlmi i i.j'ithJuu- -TUc- SpeaLcr ruliu< that the a-cum lUtion prop >«»l M without precedent, the Government it tOQ»id-'in^ tbe advisability of withdrawiujj all tL" licensing clause*. Tbe Conservative Press couderaun the Government. Fhk Sihkk Bui XHth Jnnt.~ The House
    Reuter  -  78 words
  • 54 2 THE "STRAITS TIMES" FINANCI AL TELEGRAMS. (By telt friii- rtceivtd tn.fUiy./ London. ~~>tli Juitt. The following »rv to-day closing price* Pahaajr Corporation Lt« i ..•>."< to 7o (lent n* Strait. Tin l.tH U'ri 15/ Si.m Gold Fields Ltd fl 1.. *7 TH* jrnrnt im Singapore vn Jollnr* •my {x ftntmd
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  • 134 2 T he Li censing Quest ion in En gla nd. Tut Obstructive* hay.- scored a mr.«over tlii' (Joveruuieut m tbe Ineusiu},' 'juestioii. It wilt U- remembered that Mr. Uokcheu iv his Hudget scheme of April last. coutempUted kauditiir over tv Kncli.h local authorities the yield of eitra beer aud »|>int
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  • 8 2 Pamanii Corp.. ration MM MM ttoually weal.-r Loiidou.
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  • 11 2 <^5 Situnlay, U-ing a pubti< holiday, tber.- will U- MM "t
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  • 10 2 Tar Kussiai. an Ml this aioruu.i' for Nagasaki au>] VladirustocL.
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  • 12 2 Thb auuual aMtetiug u( th« SlUkMpOre FllllKUtp* Will |.c h.'l'l ll'lt Thursday
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  • 17 2 A uiil tifcvr »ai shot by a I'hinaman iv the junj;l«- alxjut the Paaair Punjantr •liatrict yesterday
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  • 23 2 lnr P. A (A BtaMi bo at 6 p v. on Tuesday, the -JVIi iatl aod should \v ia. aWfafaai m Kaajiaf
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  • 25 2 Tmb, Freeh mail despat.-b-.xl tr..m Siu/ ■Mai M the 2Pth May (-er M M BlaMMf (Jet mirt »a» delivered m London >v the Ml May
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  • 30 2 H. L. th- A« tii.^-i} ruor .»iil La.l» I>ick«ou leave Mala. i.a ol the .«-uiut; of tbe 3rd. and should arm., h- re .m tbe mornuii; a| the 4th. July.
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  • 27 2 Thk Lew crew brought from Imm hj tbe sbVm Prim Frt'dneh tt'ilk-lm will br turned over to-morrow to tbe German da^tbip Lk^'lij and tbe cruiaer Sophie. «v
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  • 35 2 Tub debate al tbe Mutual liuj r 5...J-U on the fMßtaWwl the MaMsM tiou tii.- [.reseut law v to br i.ik-r f.-ni rrow instead of ou siatunla* uigbt. mi account of SaturJa\ beiu^ a holuiav.
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  • 34 2 i To-blokko* .it I p.m. iv Mi Alraib. yard MmMb, Powell A oa\ will offer lor »ale the racett Poor La»i< au.l four a cbild'it |«ony. and varioun otbi-r bonn .iu.| «-\.-ra! 1 larrMiT'-".
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  • 33 2 Tr« Fretn-h tio\»-ruiueut UtMaaori ftsjl L'tij with tiffi.-er^ an.i <>">■ mUbMI .ir-nvi-.l in the roa.U yenU-rd.n aftern... -n from Halou^ Bay, Touran.- au.l laajaa, and bariu^ coaled in the roadt, left rhi-aiu-ruoon for Toulou.
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  • 48 2 I.n cuiiuectioD with Mrt«r.. Katz Bro bill collector, une Kaui Kiiii Lok. who wat yesterday couvuted uud sentenced \>\ two magistrates to uiu.. moutb*' imprituuwent M a charge of omuiual breach ti trust iv respect of a sum uf |tw«\ M understau.l that Mr Khory ha* ijurii of appeal
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  • 50 2 1h» Ki^'Lt Kevd. Dr. C'.uii|/oiii v Spaninh Bisbopof Nu.-Ta Segovia, »rnw--l froui llarceloii.i yesterday luu-unif,' iv tli' hit/ ile aVsBBBBBMaj Jti 1 cmtiuu.-.l L a^< iv the ereiuu^ to Mauila. During bis ■hurt ita) hir.- he uu the truest of Cauoti Pmto, who luet him on board on hi* arrival.
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  • 75 2 Ai H a.m. a* aunday. in the Cbur.h ol £3t. Jo»epb. the Ki-bl K»vd. Dr. Medeiro*. Hishoj. af Macao, will bold a c.iutiriu.ttioi htw. alter win. h be will sioi: |>outifical Hi(fh M.ih» in .e|, I, mt i.,u .1 th<- f.-a^t ..I .St P. t. r au.J St J'aul afMtrtTl
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  • 94 2 The rifle ihaaaaaag inatib betweeu tbe Bangkok and Singapore Kifle A«s.k iatu.ii will take place on Saturday afternoon. Each bide in to be mprexeDted by a team of fire, aud the shooting will bo over tbe 2<*i v.U. .VX) yd*., and >>0<) yds. ranj{e». Mi-urn. 0. Mtaaki K
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  • 67 2 Captain H.trtl.'tt ot' th. a. bn.intii lioin LiT.T|K.H.I, n-|~iiia that on tbe Jl»t iu»t iv bub Ml N. Lou-; M M E b< MaW the t-tua»ted mlii|- Cairnichill froui l>'aun «.u. tbe Cajitaiu of wbii-h wished la Ix- iejall well. I.M A»l>.i Per Saufliv from Kl»nK. Mi-
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  • 157 2 A Kidnapping Ca se. Ai tbe .Srcond Maaiatra An i|i Lev wii to illicit iiit.r Mr. H 'iuim a|^-are.l f. -r tli. t Boon T.- 1.j«...| |tp a i i Street I am -"van' and sun tna<fr w ,J I »Har«. «ail an I rnwmiw .aat mom hnu.c Bli'l while
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  • 172 2 Cr icket. litti: with i I laillllßll Hn K» if »IIM Ohm kThi» luaUb wan tli.' QaVrii I ti m. an. l k">ii M ma wan tboUk'bt vi-rr few run« The bowling 8( J liuod, aud ao wa3 tbe bar S|.iuk«. wka nid<i>- 4" ruo«. tli- kit BMfa snj hu.l
    172 words
  • 167 2 Malac ca News. MaftM I I Or Mm .irn\.-.l I.- Ml itaaiTT >'» /<'■'» 'iii.ii i Hal H Uoiir .it II i in took I B. u.b. Tbi- Ix-in. Bunt kn M with aativai Than caleodar Smau Bin I'.u^buh. ap|>ear<Mj on liia bail <li v t tl riiaai i
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 410 2 If am »auxAR» am* mom ISBBBB. •fcSBSSa-le^ <W»7 Maaay •WwfWr ■88l #SBB»W AaMMs aai aMar haasae* •X A-MkatWMtßtaaM* fen •ALTmnrr o* >„ w ,fc»Ja. y ,lßW:. TOTTEIfHAM EXPORT PILBENER BEER. A II Mi j Tli* T— T <*aaaai L*«« Hbw Casßfaay. LM«*a -riJaO- r»or. ■->«,■ kwart iamaatliaal BaaHti Baal*W MM
      410 words
    • 378 2 ntNun I •JOHN lITIII Mil MEW U4X»D«i. M.m*re K.b« ■aad bWi af s.-!i b-4~re Pr.-f..'- Hsad Baa*. rVw«*rrafk««- Tear Baafc. >.. k- l'--. ass M. InJi 1..»e. Parer E-v-Joa*» ia Baaaa. Carif>aaVa> Card* aad a.av*l«B— In. -tat ma f>ta*«H M*aa aad Gaa-t Card. BX»-.. S Baßkßam ffaVsffaVTJMBM^T BBBamm. .•.haadCaaw
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    • 500 2 VI lION >\l BAILINC. I. TUB a<Mi~»uxfi A are in«tr*et-H f« nsT r far sale, a frit sbbbb ratUM I I alias** aew. baiit BJ Iks V IH*% nr <k C-. Bipaay. all «.»k a»1 r.,p|»e f-teaod. wna •aiia. t»ar* T».-*l- mplM and ia Mat rat- rvier. >ir-> I- ft
      500 words
    • 697 2 I Ml. -I ADVEKTISKMKNTt THE STANDARD A c cotti»h Life Office of 63 veart it Miding. and one of the wealthiest of the i rovident Institutions of the United KingdomW'HKN it i. r^**es>hemi that a Lit V--uran.-^ Coatraet may nol fall to filled f r a quarter or even half
      697 words
    • 17 2 M t tWSßtaa**' ">«» 'a» «^t#rti«»-..», --f 'H y>f MMlVpU'".' ...oft.', wl«.(t...<r IK-!« />ar Baal ■at ««»t(.
      17 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 92 2 WtATHLR KKPORI )ia tpm '.'pm Bimabc*. Bar. rod 31 Fail J» M>M M 1 r-mp. -i S2I Wf t Bull. TW I*l <<•' T<* Dir. ofW.Bi LW. B W.a.W "9 Mai T'bd ib .UJ. BIS S S Mia. «o. do U ilu m San IM.! 12 r»rr. ra.l. Tb»r. M
      92 words

  • 309 3 Br if red Lan ghat Tabocco. 1 I lari af TV aaaaarf f 1 **al aaw«aa< «f tW aViitaa >«l»l IM <We I -^My ■■a»t «W •aMsaaaßA i'«aaaa 'I. Wx <«a.a'<k' 4 tW •—4 ta aatk* a t• r»- 1 1 krl barf aata— trmm mm Tk* rf. t taah
    309 words
  • 1505 3 II 'kr *tb at- I Jotk Jfiy A ,-r!V. i it. iIIIT f"T I if' Jllllf. I 1 i i 111 >|<lfa«li4lv, i 'i .t» .m.l kmr tl, i* hn n M 1 M lll_Mll^ V.l 111.' tL«--i ii 1 '1 v M I i
    1,505 words
  • 294 3 I I Ue.l--.1 ul 1. Au iiiii.irtiii .[.jh-uoI t.i 111.- P M I- tli-- S:im:i> <t .wrnui --r l s n> l> uki' iv).'». till. -I urn 1 ami mat in tb--BJaaaj H■< ll in 111 ri»vr Kan. v 1 1 I _r it H««* baMll it.
    294 words
  • 198 3 Trt.v »KAV« t. th C ,nt k'n. MM tallwwiM "'I Si iii' 1 t>l>.i.-.n hi thiliad nn Kir.|.iii nint.t<. t l if .|<i«tati.>oa UnikTiM N 'ti.-rUii piiinl-. imjiik! t" J% Eoifliah -,i. li. aod in guilder reut» Tl.e P-li OaaßMf at Anitter.lam t«la Kr»m 13-h .Inn- BM. K
    198 words
  • 43 3 t P. A •>. Jl L ■■i..i .ii. Hlf M i \>- Mr- V ivka, Mhi F..wk.'. mH i 1> r I" i I ■•I f I. •■■•l m. .lime Lmm, I J Mr K N. p M f ■.'.in. i. Maj I)
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 277 3 NOTICBB ROBERT rouTKH CO.HI Cull iff limiMl BAMTAUVI a I.X 1 1 1 r -1 1 IHAT lIIK TKAIiE MAKK I- 'in I. im 1 UIB C.MMi.r Hi I.i. 11 t0 BABff AI.E 1- tha t;n.-i T ir.- f-oiii M Bam I Co.*i naVsMtani l.r.wiiii.'- at B I- i- I
      277 words
    • 865 3 -HII'IMNO. i BRITISH IVPI v -TRAW NA\ Hit s [PAKI I.IMITr H r' I'IHK<T 'P"r: fSMPMU I I t. r.,.Ui R W,tt*t^ will |«a<* d». the >th kaaaart. al .1 pa F.t fniirht or pa<Mac* apply ta >TBAPiOa, BJiti Biataa.ri, SS*a Jane. I<WO HRITISH I\ni\STKAM N AVIU ATIoB t'OMPASY. I.IMITBD
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    • 2 4
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    • 161 4 i'ASSKD 81NLU STRAITS OK AKKIYhI) K)U (tI(I)HKS. Uara. ikd Sait'H Namb CV>mh4Ni>ik <>r Krom Wmii m Kiu. luua clull 1 1 \a<l atr M<r» B i |m 1 1 HaUv m 12! tlr Uirrrkt Sunn; >■■ Mat H.-.-i. I t<l K. H Vuu Uo.ieru Hubrrcht. Jnnr 1" HataTM l4aa
      161 words
    • 1 4
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    • 40 4 Oath ViMXi'a Nirn i l>r- r;v» i ■•< 2b Nm iluinrt M HoJjroud 26 C'bruit; il j. I m fen \*«u»< A.kb ißrit. ir Bm. Mr Mwkrtu'jr Vil M.i L.. HBgM looJ*, ...> I .HTI«I I'.rt M UMirkok mi Jmtmu ■E
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 94 4 ZTT!7" 71 fijnkk'rßoflieri m a» x Jfjn. H x a\ *^v JSi HOLF ACJKXTB AND IMI»C)RTKRS, ISKINKM AW ft SINGAPORE <■••«■« j^^ rill« i«i« JOSEPH GILLOTTS STEEL PENS. f MaW.MKTIRt V Im. Harm Mml& f^wk TH. <;Lom: far Ik* Kw* Mi MM i.KKH I, H Ml' UN' bywvw far °^ri
      94 words
    • 122 4 HlfllllflK < i ''t.otcigfflmri ami I farilii ••'Wnl Ml >„.•■■ i i.- ■>'■ mill Ptotw of ni who will l«- flr>l in **«4iaff m« tk* t. %tr f tb« lather ;t th« f f H 1.1. m maay »n 1 iMUMtnm' i HgmP ivrfrri Pkrifer" Itisitlfn -Ulllt. >. -in- >
      122 words
    • 160 4 NOTICES. I IT HAKOBEAVTS I O<V Bfimmn.Bml*rm,U.-.. /r.« .*< H,i»>M<,ri Road. Stmop"" at K» .J; II.oik*.n k 1 »8E -Vi^^* MllULrf Mvl.ii.ery. I• >i MO Priac Medals. I VI.LKN f 1 i iti.vj :trLk i>Mm ..\«i i n. UtA.l 1N- t V H r V.-.r Kf) 1n,,, r-r f "1»
      160 words
    • 182 4 NOTICEB. SIMPSON \< O. Coach BuiLer* T r*BLUHBP i" BY AMPOIN f||H H.R.H. THE PRINCE OF WALES. AM" H. H THE NIZAM GF THE OECCAN, ■i <.. i.. 1 MOUNT ROAL). MADRAS -<jl VKK SHAPE LANDAU. Built ib ttirwe »u«r VICTORIA. Tm. in— |nu Built tv t Cot* or Hurw*.
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    • 1305 4 DOCKS. M PAGAE DOCK CO. LTD IV- mm<M of the Company are wtuaied at Taajooff Pafar adjoini-ii: the town Siaeapor Mean tnsa-oan rum at shorx intervals >- r jww «r. 1 g f:> i u v M I Vrtiaatioßa at low rates. TW Wharf i it— <sj to o— a»ile
      1,305 words
    • 326 4 "THE DISPENSA RY." I RB VARI r J'in^eT Be^r EDV/A T E R WORKS Sar^aparills ARf > *-J?ti" ,url D n k Hnr.Temo D '^ia»da^B>^ ArS i I 4|jllilJnl|lJ|y^. y I fin ■wtOmuuii imw Wat— facfami w w Bal Water Filtration nr«t>-ai practically Scrupulous cl-atilinmw ir. mximfartnr>- and |»rf-' irity
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