The Straits Times, 20 June 1890

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. \f»l \\\l. SINGAPORE FHIDVY, JIXE 20, 1H«,O. NO. 17,166
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 117 1 i VM-HIP i 'IMI'WU.S atoaaaa* >n Baitoar mm may aVWMMMM Zr*m m aaa i are oaly aafroaamaV the m> -tar 1 tkeaeeky I nt 'B l-y a* ~4 et rw*ifi r*t. t LoaUa. tto riaaan'af ».<■ rWwe aad rUa»rarira taaßrooaag tto aaonaMjar l .»f r- t. -.4 i.f^l< > >i.
      117 words
    • 380 1 -I v VM»llli' «»MIV\MF> ■■>M I' ad. Ini. ii..i,, r i imlatAßL Beam, ritrr rw« c... X&L bjm at g*i i»i aai i*. i m i „r» •aw v I* •■■ii a*M. w rVH> ar. n^Uaa ..ta r fy*.r am II it r-»« au. *..i~ aw l-c» a<t i-...". BBarj
      380 words
    • 466 1 -Ir XM-HII' (OMIVWIKS Ooronulo, j K-.«. <* Meaaao. Aawevaag. T*a< i >> am Pare-Pan-. MaraMar aad took to Soera- tova, ia tto awatto of March. May. lulj. V, t.-mb-r aad Xovember. Ha tto am but ia revet*, order, vii. via Macaaaar Pare. Paloe-Uai. ac aad back to ■nmatoya. -from Ma
      466 words
    • 470 1 INSrRANCK. SiN'itlNtßK l\^n\ I .\|lA\\ UMRffOJ AoTaoaiaaa Capital UuaacaiaKP Capital. i.OOf.'OO. Aaova-T »m rr WbVMDI MAKINK BISINKSS. i Mann. MM M any part of the world i pnUcie* way m*l.. BBBaMI at any of tto Company* FIRK KKPVKTMI I I Ip—bibim elects on MeretoaaW aad Baildiag* at rea*>nnll, I 1
      470 words
    • 512 1 msvaura Ml\ TK\I>KKS I N i MbTAVT, I. IMM Kl>. Cawtal Snt... rit-xl tS I Amouat Paid-up *DO,fW. J ReMTVe Fnad (WO.OOO. J Hud 0 iintttt. B«ereti«rr. W. M Iv The underei.rn.-i. Agaaai f.r th.- aboT.- paay, ar.. prepared to aoeept ■BMM ri*k» at BBBBBi BBi All eoatrflMton of
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    • 394 1 INSURANCE. BOTAL INBUR4NCI UOMPAVI Uf LIVERPOOL Capital £2,000,000. Pt'Nna lit bibebvk ixcLcmivß or Capital £.V493,tCt LIFE DEPARTMEVT —Tho CmmJmJ ha* recen< i I, if,. Prenna an.J now |MpMBBMMM) very »<lvantagWMu terra* to Aaaarera. HU ItKPARTMKNT The C .mpaay i* prepan^l to accept fir-t olam ri*k* up t.. £15,tx»i n> rurront
      394 words
    • 840 1 Ml M( IPA I. NOTICRB. AtrHICIPAL ■OltOß RK'.I 'LITIOJTO for tuaaaatlaf tto re'ration of dog* kept wVtaia tto Municipality. viotraliaa atoll naawti oa M.« day. Sao) Jaae, aad to eaaHaaed daily aatil completed. 2.— The Municipal Oiaiaiiiainiri (toll aaaBMB with the enaearrearo of taa Aetiag laaawtor-) ;-n-r,l af Police regioWriag
      840 words

  • 283 2 LsiSaMf MAKKfcTr QUOTATIONS SIK.iAFoB.I, 2»»TM JC*B, UN. Pboducb. Usinbw di. Cnbe No. 1 do. do. No. I ,-vliali C Poatiaswk ♦«>. Pa«a»r. Black IMk aZThm, .IM P«u-I Sa»n Oof*.BaJi -»2»Goffsa, LiWiau »••*>• Tam.x>a, small Flak* io. do. Ist quality do. mod. «aka ♦TV do. rnnall poarl 4.W. do. m*d.
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  • 44 2 r Per $tr Timt T -M..R8..W fc»Ua«or < a |-.-t-. R llawr, n> tad Bumb«7. m'ar-lj, II m Kufkok. 3«» -V H.>n.h»ne. 3 p m Him 4 HtmV- ir t t p.m N! N.iAT. M*iru m. MM.- ipM Tf» JDAT I p.m
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  • 14 2 iroa* Mlltiinriir an Tu»'d»jr Kp. at km» It wK, wn W*.ln»»dAy
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  • 23 2 STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, 20th JUNE 1890. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. ■I K\«T AfKI. A. CmbbW Th.- Aiu'l..-<i.-rnian gßßjfjli Kiu'laii.l thf i'xclusiTfl tutflace nl Zanzibar.
    Reuter  -  23 words
  • 296 2 Thf >-t..r\ "f .u r HlatitM wUk /aii/.ilur up to tin- turu of event* uauounced iv tli.- t.-legram "I t.i-.1.n.n on.- »f jn»liti'.il vaiilUtiou au.l «h(>rtj>i^!itc<lu.-is. Until f'>ur \.-ar» .i_m. that uaii..- U-longed t.. a Snit;uiati- de|>eiii]itiK ui~>:i Ilritinh itupl^rt. Sit- 'i-tsiv'- Hriti>!i coaßuU in- »uJ iiiur.- iiiriii.-no- m.-r
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  • 317 2 \<-ar niacteatt res».-U 1 i-l v «.th petroleuia arrived here, th. i|iiantities landed being S4l.<> I', cases from N.-w V .rk. ■MM f i .iv llatouu; aud MM htm Bombay. Theae ti^'un'* mdi. Me h.«w Urxi'ly Russian oil figures amoni: our imports with every change .>t it< k.^-].nu'
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  • 7 2 Thkpi w.t- CoVßcil to-day at <i-.v-riiUi.iit H
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  • 20 2 Thk M. M Maliiwi urr;vH „v tb-- m.irninj -f Tu-»day thf ■^-Ith. and I" l^avf f..r China M I day
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  • 22 2 H K r r- tii'nfd th. nsit of the 0.-rmau Admiral on board hi •b.|' ifcfc Bjawaaa*, and was ar customary talut--.
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  • 19 2 Thk D i al I>. TurtCinb will U- M at M<.dan on the 27th and Ivik ri September uelt.
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  • 29 2 IbTJ Uaw.i... a u'reat vu v th- 1-- al Mirt« and nu« H I .n^.n waut» t-. toht a I ihare >.a»e t-. thf Pn -y C -uu- il.
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  • 25 2 fparamßAf al Mom Mr. I. A.tiUiT-O.usul t-.r Ita'.v. i.illfl ..u Rear A Vali.m, aud ou leaving man tiii;.-bip L< i^'jiy r-- ,v- -1 i
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  • 28 2 Ihi i 'hi t Juiti-f and ih" AM.iru.-T--(J.n.-ral f» t.i MtjMM to hoM I Mr. .lusti.f \V.i.«l r.-turi tl \rr'it.»,i Jtftmr the afternoon, and Mr. Jiutic- l'.-11-r.-au r.-ru.t.
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  • 37 2 T»'i Malays a-r-V -1 l'» th,- j 1 vt^u-rday on suspiciou of beiu^' ronnected with the wurder of a Cuiuaui m tbat ■■mi at Selitar nearly two years ago. The Acting-Superiutoudent is prusocuting enquiries into the case.
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  • 39 2 Arrsk aojiasT th- <'v Im4 <'lul> Sj-.rt t.i-ui.irrow. ami atter the diatribatioo ■t n/. H K. Sir PraoWi n and Lady Duksou will 1.-ay.- :u th- >• i />'•'/. trMal.i. a. v. li-p- Lily l» will stay at Taujon to Kliiiif.
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  • 44 2 Thi. .fh.i^l iui|«.it and .»|.ort r.turu> for last war which hay.- jint se.-u th.- liktht, ir.- aajMat«a| in .i kfjsjl m, Thfir BWTHNIs ju.trt.rly publication aa noti.-.-I iv our I'olumos taUfit aw.ty tb>freshness of ih-- MonMiisja, hut th<- ralsM i.-l.Tfii.-.- r.-Tiiainit uiumi'Mi.-l
    44 words
  • 55 2 Th> -.ul.j.-.t a| ..I th.- Mu'u.i! linpio«.-ui. ut 5... i.-ty .hi Ik. KM mstaut is tn In- that thf pr> -»uT BBjajaJhHaV al .ill I 1..- m.-lili.-l Mr I T- and Mr. P. t. S-th ,ir- t-.r th^ affimiativ.-. and Mr J M Kr.-is mi Mr B M A
    55 words
  • 67 2 In h.'uour ot H^r MajtMtv's aceaasion to the throuf. li M S. P^rfivtui ami M tl> <K-nii.tu iii'-u-ot-war LS'iphir. the Kussian cruiser Djrjil, tinColonial ntfam.-rti Sri B-U- an. l II htii-.iU, aud tin- St!.uiir«r yacht in the road« were all decorate] with buutui^' to-day, and at uooa a royal salute
    67 words
  • 84 2 About 1 •'dock this morning, an. out of a <'f niue i>r t»-u, roMMH were .ii thr art ol bmUag int. i a attff at 4J Ci»t-ouut Koa-l "ff th«? .S-ran^oou Road. It iippeiirt tbat tb.' tfaui; !u..J already aTRMMi the Iruut MM "ft itn bingr*, wb'-u tb<- h
    84 words
  • 19 2 I arrived the llth in laM skip Am;< tint, with M*WS> ■ImMMI Th- >i»,t.. r M OUt. Wit. numl-
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  • 23 2 ndeKtaiid that all atteaji^ ttl I v a»kwar with tl vailiD« wiu.U of tb- *-itag it. .ii 4 1■» inUjode.l to be used
    23 words
  • 15 2 Mr. Max* i. i of Jel.-I. usHiintn would r. 1,. aud would h. ou Mi
    15 words
  • 24 2 Bt Lm. l BBfMkM and th MJ r. Baud v Urouud VMMr I. al»r.-h Tkt i Ana t. Walti A» psjaa d•
    24 words
  • 14 2 j Plautat Padau.- third Mil in- kl i I in a fortui^h*
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  • 29 2 Tai charipd with bringing' and landiu.set:; ban, has I- ma^nitrat) t.-r .-n th.-ni tliat thei r- fo« mpli v. W with a vie' thf Dutch I Jttu-
    29 words
  • 72 2 Ybstcrhay biWboosj a larxe ladies and sbjmlmml MM Ladies Teunis liruuud to m lav len. y arriv. d. and sent w. re massed ia i i wen- pr. wuted bj 1 of th-> MMliaJalw BfiMi wa* pasj in our issiif aj jajsjMMl ikon thf .Mik DM
    72 words
  • 55 2 Thy Pi it that th. A Bplt .t |k« tra-ie it ha« prosperity it has sti war a trade cai i tbat settlement, as tl.- A i.... chiff MMMI PeuaUkT. and <M l~ |l r I Ml tia: was carried ou uu iIMMMa
    55 words
  • 50 2 •i-.liv for |bb)| MM) and Ml 1.-rk» r.inaiu U-liiii i I tie with the »hi] Mja W< Jy "tie stmnt«-r ilia rath. r it I .i th h. ajaaj thf |M and ll I ■M CbJDsos by any Hmu- I. H th<- she has not < oiu.
    50 words
  • 79 2 Passenger List Arrivals. I'.r Saiiiihi frmn KUii^' Hill, .ml H»r Miss K.»k, ami Mr- Ms, Hbbsj Kaafuiniin. sud I». i.kUn >kl>. (•••r C v 11. Mr H-.l-I'.r I" v ii 1 P« T I Mr K W Bland. I'.r M M W •luiif 1. Mr f triadsor, Mr li dreel.l.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 326 2 m«»i:i WAKIK M a» BOOaW.] Ma aasl (oi. 1 TALTBimr <v. ii j |ii '-'r TOTTFN"*M EXPORT PfL* EN?::. BEER. a hsr*« lajTti' B XXII baa a-sdlytba To* ■Ut,,- Aajassl ii Haahb BbMaMsX LV I— as>4 trat aoaar af »-nt Xi TVBBOsUCE MMITKD. IM, lojfww far a^sjasjora. ■Mpaa.IMaV.IM I M!
      326 words
    • 395 2 MORI JOHN I I! II f tsU) Hay* I mi rAii II DtrAKTSJBIIT. K.acurK... Mania** Rias: lai Baa 4 Book fWf ivir«*, Prs biiWs Hsad Book. I Mtart raarßaal Bar.* m* Cri. orKrak amsl tb. «aU.v •Ural Iris* Ls»a Par-r Kaivilsfinta Boms. <Sini| as. a i < ard. aaJ km
      395 words
    • 457 2 \T( rit)\ BALI la tae caao* of W. Hum i DrftttdtuU: IK aad-rsiiracd baa rervtved iaatrwetMsw I i i<- Asetm. at bis Saiee I. S Has* redwosdo) tba SMb Jaw. it p a .1 .-r-tsjAAt i utral •<g oa bsMtaoat in Ti» H nosr. MORI It! v n ib- Baa
      457 words
    • 570 2 LAIKBT iDVKKTISK»KXTS I £1,000 ST6. An« SS. or at deatk if arevioas ie\-n if iliat v.. n t si p. .Jarfcas; tbe irst t «.-!>«• •xmths -asar U w«rared by a pavavn. at Ml at ..II f I II S 7 I i; i «s i* I ill 4* i
      570 words
    • 16 2 v <wb •>.» ,-j»^ Hy "f il' I »r(W •»i»i. IM Ml) If Ml „H., «»«t/t».#r fl.
      16 words
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 72 2 WKATHKR KKPOKT. K- MB Bfpilal, ;>•'. J- S, /*>o oa.m. 'tr-m 'p.s'Kiiiliir Bw. red. 32 Pah 20 Mt 2< 2P 91.S rf -I ti i I :n !li: f i Terr rvl T R.I i K»:r.'»-.inJ*h<wr.. C BDSQI BN WKVTHERTELE'iRAM E E. A. k C. Ttltgrapk Cu. Banm-or M T>ir~"i-)3
      72 words

  • 4 3 MM I
    4 words
  • 5 3 I I
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  • 6 3 i »nv. I
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  • 134 3 I •«>•• Im« II '■I 1 ili- Ir '»4t* int.. u-.t ..alt a ama I i- MM 4 •!< Kihil-ili.-u tt ii' 1 i I I I ■MM Ml Lill.' i M.: >'• v I r I I I i .v Ibr i \l I Mr
    134 words
  • 173 3 .Il I !,<].. 1. I i i i s in tl*- iut.-i..r Ui\li- M li. i 11 1 < .IV.' I "II I ui|ar.» I t!i.- 1 .i. i t n." wa» t.« t.. wurk til*tli>U a* i t» .1 ll|. 11l I'.>U.JW.U. i*ul iitb .uhd-n.v lQ
    173 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 114 3 i i« alwa\« proved fa t'»ken t.i a-,V tidaa, Load) n. Tv I I >HKTE\. tain-' Lfl KXKZII 1 I ii I 1-Arti<-!i>» Li-pt k Axratsd Wat-t» mannfiM'turt^i tr arti.-i Speetarl.*- '.i M it all II I i'reparai M r'.-ai. kriit- Paaaphadyaa. I PHOTOGRAPHIC CO. i with all t...n f
      114 words
    • 254 3 NOTK i ROBKBT POBTBB A < <>.*s l.ull Lta| limnd CHAMPA<:\E MAI I Ills "KAI'E MARK I- M Uai 1 Biirti n It bottled aad. rthe M >~T IMI aad aaif'.iiii'y af aaaJttj i IBS "BULL DO Ij adapt .1 for I aMaaaaa, aa aa- led f..r 111 k. •"nin*
      254 words
    • 525 3 -IN I'mi No laaaeaaM boaaea far 9W }eara. an-a Monf Lha I I I Inl I Kr I I1 I i". ■>»! frontk.area 7s,4>«> I'i.iiay to Orabaid K«ad. are* M ,nt Kli/a--i-th r-U-- will fr,.iit*)f." t.. I. in.l 7Jt it t nataßa la Or.-har.l H.w.l |.|K.-il I' 1*1111? all the
      525 words
    • 759 3 'IIiMMNO. I\l»o. us rv\M N^ v po LTD Taki»ir r. fo, 8wa»»». A May. lonrh.> v i'hma pnrai < apt M»«, r Urtac OaleaMa aa (he 1-tt, m.t fnr tHn^para. but ha otpaatad to arrne here nn N» Mb taat MM Will hare qni.k deepatrh fnr the ahnr« pnrta. Ska
      759 words

    • 328 4 Mll-Ut>W A B I M'• it. iSir 1 "T 1 1 Si* >ptain »di. I M'» if not- ujn.-, H I M Souk., H- tuiad cruiser J lag, e.-iuan cniiser. 4 uOO tuu, MudJv nuiii <rernun Consul, R>ads />;<:)'. Buuian cniiter. 1 :CH torn. Nioonoff, Ku.-4ian Consnl. Boads.
      328 words
    • 40 4 Ma\ From Hassi* 11 Xe*tor H Diomed 1 H-.p*na K. i II Alberta 15 Maria Thtrr** It! Pak Lio»T 17 Beualder Ajax j| Brrc-u.l.i l-< .1 Pi JJ IJUalyoa I m La ild H» J Altoiiower OalUy ol
      40 words
    • 35 4 Mar M v |i P l..*t r'»r ll < .1 I>m,,t. AN.(XX K>H ORI gm 7 Veluatfwo I. Mar M i i Apt II siajaar I H Britannia I Kteelsior I. IkMsWi 1
      35 words
    • 50 4 i Vowel's Kami. C TOS». (ArTAIH. 1:' Amtoon Apc*r 19 Hel* >,n f ■A< B>b Tor lint -tr M| Some* S»l. 7d IN Btahw tint ,tr. Ml U«r> Ptr. 216 luk.t. r Dat. .tr. (7 U Vik'mu Brit, .tr >* Why m Juu. MUki a Momm ■■M JUT,- II
      50 words
    • 27 4 KußL'll > AMI. LAU Kl.. Dt.Tl HIM 21 30 10 <Vlr-ti»| Me-lu-* Mm Arr.itoou Apc^r HUIiUm Ujdr. Brit -tr -tr <tr I '.'m'.'.-j Kb>t< P. t; .-LVMm >•
      27 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 162 4 imkWoißier JC 3 sMVt v t f i*^\l r 'i >#> v SOLF \<.K\l- IXD IMPOBTBBB, |„IMNKMANN.vro, m(KK y BAuu s\ GERMAN GREEN V/ DIAMOND PurtstandLighkst ALE extant. "ifOME'S BOTTLING DACC GREEN DAOO DIAMOND. KNIGHT A i (K RIBS. Builders •"N. i(K kl'.h ill;; 1.. in mum Household Furniture Dr
      162 words
    • 251 4 NOTICES. KILKV I\t KRAVEB A sVtuum* rijllll oWi«ras*l«rs. fvva ~U M%ufmi~. JrisW •mUtn ami n<f<rr<rU». 11. Merchaat Esa4, Masjafu**. MB H..1- Le Straits lor KCBTOW i PortaU* tf^sT^a^aL ii--^ "^^tfML K-. k -iT,. I yfamlllHsssssT mW BTtBAfl Raw-Mill Marhiaory. t received 2*' Mm MeJaU. r YY. H AF.LEN f I
      251 words
    • 157 4 XOTK'KS. SIMI»S()N\(O.. Coach BniWerr I-lABII-Htl' l"»" H > APPoINTM KN I H. R.H. THE PRINCE OF (VALES. K. <». I H. H. THE NIZAM OF THE DECCAN. M" 1 \T K"\l> M \l«K\> -<^l AHK MAPI IVXDAI VICTORIA Thi I M panelled Seat to URM LANDAI I'OXY MM (ART. Built
      157 words
    • 1278 4 WOtMB, THE TA.NJ'>N<i IV\<iAl I The amaise* of tkw Cosapaay are sttoated atTß^oacPa^aradJoißiaftheto^w. Siaßapon. Mcaaa tram-car, ma at skort laterals P jiu, |ii Bad goods froa WWf to TV* Wharf extends to oae saile aad qaaitcr and in div.l -1 ).y the entrances to the liravinc Dncks int.. three parta.
      1,278 words
    • 352 4 "TIIK DISPENH V \\\r \Y.\\ \TI l> WATKR \Smii M IsASM «Sr^ #^>tRATED WATER WORK? V\\ Bar«aparilla ,v,rA P n et Pure 1.c. 47 C. N.CA.P.O f Ae^ Limelll jll^ Juice AVXv -^!M»^||^^|s|s|aM^ in T ..1,1, 1.,r/e W^^ _jjr Tmi 11-i ('..mi i Water Filtration «y*t**B arartirmllv psj ■!"U» cleanlinee*
      352 words