The Straits Times, 22 July 1889

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 13 1 The Straits Times N <)l, XXX- SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 22, 1889. NO. 16,879
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 313 1 sr gAMBHIP OOMPANIBB. [PANT. t*»d t-> sr[ homewards ■saanraaaaiam ii,|, Tueedaj M...1. l»ih .J^aW** 1 r Ainl *oA a, ">*" %i t£' JuM -h Jasa ■_>.., d *Xh lib ':-hTasadar a*J js-h l.t 8 SI ipn \un it- 1 th« ;irSUM. .:..-.!..i i-:' F..r parti- line .-t p :.i'hert n
      313 words
    • 881 1 BTEAMSHIP COMPANIES. Hi: NEDKWLANDB3H [HDISCHI VAARF MAATBOB \> 111. I n.i-r Contract with the X- therland. ■'"Ver-lni.iit. llk-i- 0r» i a-. IS ArwTiN Friarh, Lowdon, E 0 Bl IB Aoimct. Hatavia. I 1 Or THB 'OMPAST T.-.S. CO 1« <i,«a/r«a flyhadl I.SIS I>i9 ««»«i« m U a-"» v Ul 77;
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    • 970 1 BTBAMSHIF COMPANIES. i V. Bokxio's Wbst Coast. Krom Batavia via Rilliton and Pontiarak or Sinnkawang and ba. k on the rth of every in.inth. VI. li..i;Nt..i\ -->itii 4 East Coast. Vr-.m ■oarabnya vi* Rawe«n, ISanjermaninn, K'olUlwroe (I'ouloe Lant) for Koet. i and via tho same pi km back, on the
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    • 728 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. i SCOTTISH ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. REGULAR Line Betwekn Ban-jkok AND H.iN.iKiiN... The s.s. Mnmjki'i. MM tout ngMafi Capt. Andorson. The M. X,,,,,, H.,,,,, st\-l tons register. ('.nit. JoneM. The h.b. Taichimr. Bt>2 tons register, Capt. M-irris. The M 1'1,,;, Ch, Kh,,,. 1,012 tons register. Csjit. Watton The
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    • 1423 1 Imported line- JP«F jj/^' *~'^K. V ia^Bl < lnn.-e provision None freiiiiine €^^Bj^H| QBaBB^BBHB^^^&aaA I L^ll I lalh-1, H-Ki-t-n-d >v aw^^^ Diun MbtbbACo. hi Ruirland nml V^Lkaß^aa %wL^£%r tiermnny INSURANCE. 801 XL I B0B»N T. OMPANT <>y I .IVKF' Cai-iiai &JKOJNX Fl BOS IN KK<IKVK BX Mil W. K. MB
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  • 236 2 LATWT MV.avKl QUOfXATIOin. ■niOXroM JJnd July. 18P0.' P«"I>UCB. ■J.mbiw l»* do. Cul« Ko. 1 IMB •do. do. N0.2 Hi"'. ■loiira, Tritnti do. Pontianak l» Pepiwr, BUck H 1 1 S»jfo Flour. -i Poarl Sngo M*. f^ff»e, Bali r«pioo*,sinallFUka 5.50. <Jo. do. Ist. quality 5.75. do. mod. flaka do. small
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  • 76 2 r Per it,: T T»- Mob now Hr.nrkunr Jap«n. l-ltm 7 Rwrnkoof »i» )«rt. .Vrm..u... 2 pm. P.k.i. i M 2 P ■> •J.icutu n. .rt- IWan. 2 pm. P. usutf tiaiwrl., Afo'.i...i. 8 p Moato: i P»!.-in».i»n,r I 4 p rii port' M. I l I la
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  • 15 2 t Kur..|»-. r;.i t>n thf ."."th Jnl> KroiuCliiDH. -.1 -.i. <>v \Vedne».lay.
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  • 95 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY. 22ND JULY, 1889. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. (For Strait* Time*.) En>»LANIi AND THE CoSTINI.NI Utmim, #>th July.— Sir James Fergus, son. in reply to a question in the House of Commons, said that Kii.'Wn.l is under no engagement fettering her liberty of action iv the event of war breaking
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 833 2 Tm. new "Malay IVuinsiiU i irciikr t"(ir" tip 111.- «Ml c.«:isl |g Kimla L'ltllpll. ,111.1 til. Ml.- MV.tIhII'I J'.kHII •iiul back to Siuioqxjiv In the til.- ca--l nMst ban Iki'U a good d<al talked about, but of tlie rout.' to lie traversed very few |>oople
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  • 23 2 1. ai i i n araased ta hold a (Jmikli ma iv. liti); t>u the KnivCmr n the 01-t ..I ii, v> mouth.
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  • 25 2 Tun English mail des|>atched from Biu- gapen oaj the --n.i ultimo |».r IV a <>. St. Miller llnllllll was il.'llV 1 Ml Lo|| |..ll this morning.
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  • 29 2 Wi. are givea. te aoderMaad th-u the Bpeeial (Jeeaaaieaiea appoiaiad to aaaairc nit,, the griavMMM of the iii.'inU'rs of the Police Force will it-, pre«at4Bßgl with closed doors.
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  • 31 2 Mk W, Boy.l hai reaigiMd the 9 iv>ln|. „f the Goveriimeiit Saviui^ Batik, and the vacaucv has heal tilled up liv the api»>intiient of Mr. Atkinson, assistant ma-ster. Cross Street School.
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  • 33 2 wayaace of oppoeitioo. the ratee of (Kistui^o from Peuanir to li.-li hay.- Urn r.slin-,-,1 from sIJ. rahla. t.. >:;. ami from $2.50. deck passage, to 20 cents. These rates include the supplying of food.
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  • 31 2 A l>owlim,' match i-onnn.-.l to Kur,>-|H-ans of the seafaring eaUhag agaiaal I. in. Km, -ii has Iteeh arraui.'c<l as DOOM off at I,,'wis i. Co's on M.iinl.n aight, the -'.'til iiisl.iiil.
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  • 35 2 Hal M. M "i.'aiii.-r Am 1-lt .s. u ._.,u X l M i m. to-,la\. ami is tln-r. lon <lv,- hare on Weduesday for.'noon. The Fri-ucli mail for Eur>>|«.' will prtilulilv close on \V.-<ln.'s,lay .'veiling.
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  • 42 2 A ajnumi Smith, late "i the -t.-aIIUT Ar^hlji. bM Ims-II illoWllnl ll|.P.'iiaut.' MatarfSal m Ike hania u< r. i .it n« i.~.t at a depth of |m f.-,-i. v, s d.-ath is a»cril»-.l to ahjaak N I nt, riui; the ■aaai
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  • 42 2 A ol tin- >i,l.-r- in (.'..inn il ami Government Pro, lainati-.|:s iaalted in Beiantfor froui 1H7!» lo Murch 1--.. is >ti I>-li-h"l It ii il pil i- I Btiti.'ld. Actmi; K.M.!. i.t ,-t lakafar, tad will lx' al much ajaatMl use.
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  • 37 2 W« Iciru. sa»« tlie A*, „,1/i that a ChineNe kongauo has negoaaVtad loan of UOO, per auuuiu with a firm of nMtrtaHlfi in KiiL'lan.l. Tbia v owino. no ieaht, to the great scarcity of aaaaavaMeWieje, eMaiamhai ban
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  • 40 2 Ink. Malay I',-inusiila Pruape< ting Compaaj >;i\e uotice that after Ist An uapuid culls will l»- oha |st annum. Conaiderißg thi vhliii- of them' shares, uu.l the niallueaa of the calls, it is odd that than •Watt any >ni|ui,|
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  • 16 2 A Special Me. tin- of the M,, ni CotntnisKioners will \<f held t Tuesday, at DOOB,
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  • 15 2 promaala tio .kieh ,rill i,.. »,,U!ti ■nit ye appoint -d to -!.a' with u.,..^,,
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  • 55 2 of two Chinamen >• lib. I rin,-ui; wotuuu into the col, bai, .:i o| the Court all thin U v ln ,'j ;ii the time of our gaiaaj to press w U(( Soisbed. It ii espei ted the eaee win i ...i .-lv.i..' h tw.-.'n I tad 5 o'(
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  • 129 2 Abo i.. i. tab; Pudding iv tl,. led in carrying off about .S3O w O tth of propertj. It appna that the house winch if in tlie ik -dilation of I ami his family, is (touted t'nmi tin- uiaiii r<M 1 in v small plantation. The rokhan numi.
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  • 38 2 K- order thai the Bttibi b« the I' n Abbjm in. iv be Miren m .-i tini,-, (be Hoagkoi :i 1 1 u _j two ni.iriii,' sort.-rs to S mi<l the SagMMN Port 01 I
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  • 62 2 >BD£B< I. With reference to Oorßa (Mm .I, unary. l>w:>. Qbojwi BroaaWek iivisioii is granted au ext.-i.*i.<n of leave for H v.-.-k^ from the l»t instant. ■2. Mr. W Thomis liavni lieen duX «k|. •i -i BMaabai of the Corps, is p «t«il to A Sabdlriaiaßi By
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  • 149 2 The Overt* arrived from New,,,. l\:i.- With 1.830 tout of coal ai. col i .Saturday. The Hattia\ brougfal 2.-2i«l nioro tons fr.jin Canlitt The Writ mi ath arri\e<l oil Satunlav from with 4 SoOaTkoog ami 1". lor S:h.m|, .i. A |«v of h.-r cargo i in tin-
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  • 93 2 > v im, Mta laai Tub shoutioa batwoea lb Situr.luy afteruoon, and r.-sml'.J in t rietorj for the Aaaodatioa i- I I'll.- abaotiag tbrougbout w;i> audknt Mr. BriuWwoith topped tlie atOCi for tli.--i illipa aad Cm Pricker tin- lari,"->t number of pototl i-i iaaaat, .-.i. li tnakiog
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  • 201 2 TWQhmbM -i! .in: .-.lufirnnil Ordiauec Ka. VIII ol lBW\t«titW"Ai Ordin*ao« t"i dedaruag «liiit .uactuicntJ ..f tli.' UgiaUtiT* Couocil of Indi»ai«» iii,. Ooamj .iii.l br aitiain in<l pablishiag tin Mr. I* i Hi K en«fpo«B«d to be I'.iM.iast.T of the Bing»paK Voluntwi Artillery Corps, witUtli.- In
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 492 2 BTORI BOU *.OrKTB, ?^V-"> BBHH,MJITBR*Co., V.Yl^jyj '"pots. Wm Singapore, jf. Meaors. John Little A c. Measrs II >mi .Jebsen A < 'o. Handel Maat.schapp.i. bW laaßKI aaBK Messrs. Miller and Metasner RsS?| ttalavU, I I Measrs. Houghton A Co. \gg^gjoo^ CHAMPA. MOET CHANDON. Beet IMPEEIAI. 'M Vis I Ml White
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    • 651 2 HTORES. JOHN LITTLE CO. Ahiiiv \i of N'nv Gui.p-. PROVISION A WIVE DEPAHTMKNT. French Fruit- In S\rup, MaraMchino and Brandy Dried and Ol Itlallliad French FruiU of all kinds Brand A Co's famous Pitaa ofliame. Ac. Salmi of Flmsal Oreaat A other d-li.-ate pre-,-r\. of a like character Cross* and
      651 words
    • 756 2 NOTTCES. EXAMPLES OF THE COST Of A— nr.ii I a man aeetl :><l noxi birthil.iy. £1,000 STG. death, would aaai at the rate of g) 10 ."> Barqaartar (a b aNashaae an pa>--.1.1.. b, hole of life; or £10 4 0 I. If premiums are limit. -.1 to 20 years
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    • 876 2 LATBBT ADYEBTIBEMBNTB. IN THECAnSB 01 AwaMO PlaiHtif. ventu Mat Pritaa*aal rpHK uiider>igii< d lias received instructions X to sell by I'ulilic Auction, on Thursday, the 28th .Inly, at hU Sales Room, No. 20, Rallie- Phae, at J^i w ,n All the light, titl... and interest ovthealmve named Defendant on a
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 165 2 WEATHKK KKPOKT. £ohA>«» KroSow Uuintal, J MBJ 9 a.m. 3 p.m. S r 1 K«m»bbs. Bar. red. 32 Fall. ■.•97 UJUt W Temp 85.0 86 0 so o ~i c Wet Bnlb Tk«r. rtl IM 7- iZ\ Dir ofWinl UW. W-Ws W. l l M«.T»mp. insh»a« 9«.8 >.; Mm. .lf>.
      165 words

    • 134 3 lj trulli i" i bord i iolonwt iKmt in i .it home. ir rapid It m- .it limn, if i'ui tin 1 sevei ity ■ii H It ii it ill.' fientai] i i from tuuitble to make r .rid, so thai L in.-* t tn chance and
      134 words
  • 37 3 Ualacca pro- -i 1 1 I mam-,- TJ in tli.'ir lubscribint; h Tli.- proiii the i1i- J Lereh, ami it i« liatrieta, --.<1 ,i brought up liefore last iciin n danich of „ribaing bad th-
    37 words
  • 555 3 and high *"WT,I filing-,, "ill perhaps n^rtok U ly ••I'r.-»t -neral iwt important IV, iMMAffMtulll ilition, ItlloriptothO !•> w),.. i« ur »i....i,v of pri- ™'U,, i of punish- ■•'ho^,, I |ty. are til ■.*kok Thmir,-li I'a'iauif. Kw ala '.i HI i I. 1 v b axi> waj i
    555 words
  • Article, Illustration
    111 3 M sj „.-w.w r- r r-.n«-~ ,-n..i Ms r.,»v tstaftf f..n.... -ffksai k,u.u Usbx r i :,i;»,i |-*-iti aaasi Ii i inalasaiali ■Hi bonl r> Mmfy^L m v '•< ,„..■..,',..«.,..,->,.,..,.■..,. ■■<•< 1 r.-,,:uin.-th. 1.;;,.. .U,.- Po n ,..m. From I'uilj.,-,, la* r.,.i.e MS ,1.,.. i;,.- 1.,,.,, „.,t,l X,,,!, I, :.«olb.
    111 words
  • 489 3 ■SXTnOOH ,'KUEUU TO AlMI' U>. Mi July. -rKMi of the al and a sijuadrou of the Mth to proci-ed ■iniii-.liKt.-ly t,, Assouan. OnaMai ffoaW- .rl-red all natives liwellnig ou 1:-.. B v :li-ir .jnar. aea. Tv Ixdian y.\ lajmtai B, WA hdm. 1 thl House of im
    489 words
  • 606 3 MarKIXD VS. SIXtiLE. 'I'hk .ricket matcli which commencisl ■m the 13th instant brtwevu the Marricil and Single members of the Singapore Cricket Club terminated on Saturday iv tho Single team fretting a decided advantage over their opponents. The attendHbM .if spectators waa eoniparatiwlv Miiall. <\\w. probably, partly to the
    606 words
  • 529 3 'Pi Hang Gaicttt, 19ih July Mr. O. if. de Oliveiro. late second clerk in tha Poet Office, and Mr. Lim Kok Cheng, «md Chinese Interpreter in the Supreme L'..iirt, have both baeascualttaiof thai preferred against them by the Governm, -m. thu former uf aegleetiac tv properly look ail.
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  • 555 3 wi publish tin- toUomns extrad from a latter i.1.n.'.l Jtma \7<U boa tinwif,- „f an Ewrliah Bafttkl Mtaiiim iiry in T'sinr CttOW Ku to a hulv in Bingapo N „ut the fiiiiiine. it la tii.. thatanaat many of taa «-.,r-t di-trict < ni.^n-t \-r\ fur fm
    555 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 286 3 \TE.M .»L ■erj T :ii! I ScientiHc in t! Andrew WUsou. 'The va! i Ito me Mv,-ntyf..l.!.' Dr. All,-.; Oai ar 11 1886 <>f treat ailvHiit iaoaJeulabl ild tv i r. J. IL rtaeHtjr Alii- to v -ft r inaffiaa, H i doaald, M.A. £«sily nei|iiir,sl and iug.'— Rev. 8.
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    • 636 3 AUCTION SALES. MORTIi.M.F.KS SAI.K THK nndo'sigmvl has rw<>iv»d instnicHen to sell by PabUe Am-tion. at their Paloa Ra Tharadaji tha J.'.th Jnly. 1889, at J.:ti> p. m. All tint niteaef FraohnM tend c nnpris.-.i in an Indontara dated the 28th Febm being srli .ivision of ( No. :i."»t and mnrkinl
      636 words
    • 861 3 TO BE LET. I^N'TKY en tho I familr £li holism \n. 8 Th.imi.on I^>a.l. with f«r»i. turn. Rent WO. A|pl) M CHI Dn-hard Boad. Oingnpaiii, |sth Jnlj WITH i>ntry from Ni pror. That r-omtno-dhMa raaidane i DBV< IU VILLA," in Riv.-r Valli-y Hrnil. For iiartieiilars a(,nlr to BEHR A Co.
      861 words

    • 86 4 Pa |jii, .in.l Boaakaag, >n'ii»,oi On BM in-t \v. HaaaMol t Co K.t \ Barti BkaaaWaj ooi aVMtk m<t.. HuiMta-ad LaM) Bj tTiafaoafi tin.- mi.lilli- ..r n.-n in.»ntli 11.I 1 I v].anv. K..r H..iii;k..nt; 7/. ».>•?'..... .In. ..n tli.- HH in.-t. H.lm M.v.r A
      86 words
    • 288 4 M— II TT|B Mm M (MmM t.,!i,...|0.i,,.it. 17 t.n-. '.ipt.tin Branch, Roads. H. M.. «t.-ai;. Canr.— Baals. Tbadin'o feasjaaawa, Bt*,H-r.. ViO, li.-hn M.-v. r I I :«>!. Moalaag 4O Boad*. Chtinq Ofcsw, 1.11:), Bun Hin 4 Co. for Honglinnir.—Tsnjonj (.'fcMn; atssa »'.v.., 'Ji6. Bun Hin 1 Co. Uncertain
      288 words
    • 58 4 771. Matter, Uaeertaii I A f,« y V,:l K«,d». I M. -Ui.-l-r I ■OaßSSad I IT.V York, Bonds. hW kong, B'l.ui.. I,OSO, Uiinllan Wood 4 Co. T'n-r---Boad*. 1 11-.-l, ii.uit.-ad 4 Co. for X, V RWs. -M". '.11h1!.,,, I :i IM S, ,i,...- I tun Wenur, H-ii. Bvhn
      58 words
    • 81 4 Prom Mm. '11 l>.>Mt|>t.j. ('.nlilt Jl Jos<>p!l All. it. I Jlllio. 1 Riversdale Mid.ll-lin.u.- l:i Keinn Morc-de- l.i. 1 t r'riggs |MM| VIIUV.. I. fmm April. t H-nriette < "Mrdiff H Oari Fri--.lri.-l, I' JJ Kai— r I'-mril, IS Huron Blunt} n- Canlifl May. '.'1 Hnttou Hall C'aplifl
      81 words
  • 239 4 \i,m:i.s Nmo. Julj •HI Aniifo •2» WV-tinwUli 31 Kl.n.---M s,,rtr n Mum I (Jam M M..l«cc« ■-'I »'»iun H ■Jl >1...1u... 21 11.ut.-r.. H .iw.lior 21 jtuKv 21 Mnnitkut 21 Oalur 22 K.Mii i n 22 SiD)r»p..r.M K»D Aim U 11i.1r,. n win (i th. wi|. ■21 Nua Yunit
    239 words
  • 72 4 1»-.1lI.'i. .N AMI. 1.*.. na ATTAIN lev r»|y SO Bmwn 20 Pm.liuu 3D TeUrW.. H TaUnion ti BiMM S3 T». km X! B*B U*U tni.m U Moogkut II GwJiar 83 Huu 23 KhrtiiW. S3 DtaUnw Hrit. «tr »tr li«r. itr. Hnt -tr -Ir. -tr. »U. P.O. .tr. ow. >tr.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 953 4 SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphitcs of Lime Soda. PALATABLE AS MILK. TWSaO/fSSSSSSSaOBOt I till I.IVKII Oil. h,.l can be Ukh. L l.'lilt tilllt-. >» > limi II) Hill I»>M lI'IHIN, »m,M Mill* >< KIIH I Ol Ml "">'■ 4> mn. ku iiihiiii- nm.iM >MI TMMIHI lUHIIII>V
      953 words
    • 532 4 I V IM.KHINO. Civi Mi l»,i-lit.^. i and C ntrntors. BaglM Works, Baaah ■aad, 1 lliir, Street, m-ar «i-n-n.l Pool <">„•■ Mies. v—.ii Btesmensnd Launches. 1.,, i. Sell ■'> ,1 W IV,. r liill-r\. Hiniag and Pnmpiov p|ai t Private Wat.r Supply W.II i 'i Tnba Well Pomps. Burliah Lsathar
      532 words
    • 564 4 OTICEB. POWELL CO. tUCTWMWMMB, BINGAPOBE Fob Kali;. lo*UtaMU Jewel Hair* IM-.0..,, J,|«ims. ««w«s :i..k Ca-M I .nil.-. B>sn4s 1 Iliih.T-l M..»'»i Caid I 1 M-.r1.1i. SUL» i>r|«i 1 MmlAllH Clialia IMllcelh-k. Cb<a»l«rr Q OiWssii ru,,k»h> be«». I' stual> Safjo liruu liro-|'ri..f) Hstssa* .-..rd« Mw Klini lUllmir J»ra IMniwr V.
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    • 887 4 NOTICES. fii> *pr (al Appointment TO H.R-H. THE PRINCE OF WALES, k a. k. 0. c. s. I. SIMPSON 00. Coach Builders Kam.rsj Makers. NUDRAS. (JIMI'SON CO. lliaulfaMj invite tho sttention of their Constituents in Ponaiig, Singapore and tho Strait* Settlements, to their k*jg illection of ('arriages finished and in
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    • 701 4 NOTICES. LAMBERT BROTHERS. j SINGAPORE CARRIAGE WORKS AND HARNESS MANUFACTORY. Obcbabd Road, Singapobk. Established 1362. Manufa.turerH of all kinds of Carriages ou the newest principles and with the beat materials. Beg to call attention to their present large stock of new and fashionable carriages consisting of STANHOPE GIGS, to -nit
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    • 351 4 NOTICES. NOTICE. 1 THE following (Jovernincnt K«rm« of Hilliton for the year I«*>, will bo let st Tsndj nig Pandsn. Billiton', at In a. m. on Urn IM Septemlxir noxt vit I.— The OsmbliiiK Farm. 2.— The Spirit Farm. 3.— The Farm of thn right to olaafMo* pigs snd sell
      351 words
    • 260 4 NOT I C EH. I NOTK'K k^JAI.KS I l 1 1 Batavi, hv tho N, (.ovommont. on tho dstf delivery to he Ukon as indict, Oataaai v BLsat|*, Further particulars as •*t.«a Pip* ■ah* ObbSBBS, SiiiL-.: C..n.-.ullJenoral forth.- N Sin^-ire. o Tll i. wondk nli. COLSTOH, M-,,u. r lf •'"liege
      260 words