The Straits Times, 15 July 1889

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times. soi, xw. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, JULY 15, 1889. NO. 16,878
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 156 1 srBA MBHIP COMPANIES. ,M. ORIENTAL STEAM IPANY. -I t>> iript.r- homewards H «i» Mia 3 T imi MM l.v lon. the I their led the :his tr IH.-. mpanv's hsve Si 11. vIV! Tl Ml ii» March. A^iil. ill! tn jn Mar. Hit Ja'.'v. r<h au*. 5 in*. 5-h
      156 words
    • 469 1 V MSI lII COMPANIES. H I.NDLSCHE V\ VK! 1 MAA raCHAI I'll. N lli-rliinds H» :i LVBTOI I'KIAKS Read vvia. Fl KKT Or THE OMi ■l.l'll an -17 n i.l, th •in -ction with the i th. P. K o. I ni ...i Bi M.j -I h I'll 1. U
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    • 603 1 i STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. V. I!.. Coast. Prom BttaHa tU BflUtaa :in .i Poattasak a .1 la k on th 1 tl, f .v-iy m nth. \I. r..!:s-.:..'s in I BAM Coaht. PVotn s. -iml.ivi ,-:a Bnwean, Baaial K i mil via ou the Had month. VII. Cei.kbes. I'r in M
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    • 632 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. .SCOTTISH OKTENTAL BTE \MSHIP OOKPAXTT, LIMITED. KMULAB list: Bimn Bmnucoi ANI> HoSASOsTA, Thcß> V |om H-gistor, Capt. I The M A' tvs r.-pisi,. r Cant. Jones. Tli- m. 7'.. 881 loin Mftatar, Oapt, Morris. The M Phra Chm Cla*, I.<ill> tout rogist.r C«)it. Wilton 1 i Chafe
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    • 875 1 ImpoHod in-- V^^ provision without tl Mm lnlieN Kivi-'-r-d sdPflßr^kwla^^sO^ l-i»s.Mim*i Ciilmbacherßockßier 'f#^Wa^fTaaaaaa^a«W imm l& I Jm W W" 'j-^Lyi l yMßnaßaS*w«a\M.29aW. VaaV^Bßw aVSaaaaaaß^~ FaV^na^^b^ r 1 safSsMH VI) IMPORTBBB, BBINKMANN CO., SINGAPORE ■.us I. itt! to3l/l'2/89 INBUBANOE IMY M. I sn: i; OUP» V LIVERPOOL. i'um m. '.n n/tn.
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  • 279 2 LATKST MAItKBT QUOTATIONS. Singapore 15tr July, 18^. Pxoducb. liunbior ».00. do. Cuba No. 1 U"" •do. do. N0.2 ILOU Copra, Siautau 3.85. do. Poutuuiak 3.10. Pepper. BUck... 18.55. s*co Flour, 70. Po»rl Sago tM. Coltoe, Bali r»niooi«,im»Jl Flak* •">•">"• do. do. Ist quality do. m»«l. Bake '.i.-' do. mnaJl
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  • 83 2 TO-DAT. IW Per $tr. Time. H.»ai V.mi; >i» port- BhaaMS, 6 p.m. TprsriAT. IIoo»koof Shuxbai, 7 a. a. JW itou Pootiamk, fl If H. !1 •■>. Raaa*aM fn ru,. y II am. .v»r«w«k Haataati, 2 p.m C*l^ntU via p>rt. H'miUa. i V v. Pvaaac ria aarta, Ihssiasao, 11
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  • 160 2 !'HI UL't-l- M.N.. HIK A Ji>LL\ OOOD MLLOW." bill CV/f-Wui/, ■Off li.iwn^ uuilcrMH *'iteu»ivL'H-|.ui:K :it the New H.i boor Dock, weut yi'Htorday tn li.iv.- its trial trip round s»iugitj^,r.' [sUu.l. M. Tan Beug Wan, its uwu.T, invited a lan oMt ol vi.-. I
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  • 6 2 KniniCoiii*.— UitX-rn, Thur-<Jajr
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  • 48 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY. 15th JULY, 1889. REUTER'S TELEGRAMS. (For Strait* T>mes.) Ikelani.. LmtlvH. im July. A Tenauts' Defeiue Tjeague has beeu formed for tho purpose of providing legal adviuu n^aiint landlords. Mr. Paruell in tbe President. The movement in attributed to the breakdown of the plan of L-iiiupal|(U.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 440 2 Ihi Government of Sarawak *eeui« auxious to preveut that sptviilative n...u..--polisiug of the public laud iv large areas which has ever beeu the bam- of newly aettled eouutries. The IoMWMI OMMi MM that the land p"ln of that State in din tisl .i.'iiust ami companies
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  • 14 2 A auu,- olom '■> Lumpur is advottoMol fur sale iv our columns.
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  • 15 2 Tom i lour at Bt. Joaeph'a laatitntion «.-i .i.|»ii.-.1 tlii, BMCOjiojoj att.-r tin- Mi'lpaaiaier bolidara.
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  • 18 2 Thi return bavfiag nnlili betWCMI Boiifiaae biml ■anaaaao will t.ik.' place :.t I^'\v.- C-i's. at 8 o'c-lot-k t.«-iii>,'bt.
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  • 19 2 Mi.-. It. K. '.'i-n. fir in. i:iv v.Mrs atwDtittol i.f th.' L-Midou Hot.l, diiil'sud-d.-iilv \.M -i.l.iv aflc noon.
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  • 16 2 Tun suli- of daaaanad g<>o.U boa the Kl-'l.'t is tixt <l fur bVMCIte (Tiiesdaj, liith i
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  • 22 2 The liiudni mail of the Uo4 .I'm-. which arrived t...d;iy by Ihfl I. .v 0. •tOOjOBO* Th num. was delivered in MdaTO.
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  • 22 2 Ykctekiiat afternoon, through the OB] si/ing of a siinpan, a Cbiuainan was drowned, and his body has not yet beaa n-. overed.
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  • 32 2 Tut. 1h.r1',,.1 M-1, 1 of the 21st .InnHaw tbat Captain Henry J. Carr. of the Orimt, has beeu appointed to the Boyal 4aWaJda, aud Captain James A. T. Bruce to the Orion.
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  • 36 2 I.s order that tin- aMOtiM of tb.- ahoarf) tiou of the Town Hall into Muui.ipal UlHees aud the ueuvafary buildiu^ of oth.-r balU Khali re<vive due attention, it is eon-teMip];it.-.l to hold .1 publi. BOatiag shortly.
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  • 36 2 Ti(t new steaiin-r H,m,h S<u, th, J, owned by 3J r Q—fc Teat, has Ijeun purchi«<H] by Mr. Urn. Fia».r ou behalf of the I'akian^' Corporation Limited, who will now run her batONJOOI S>ini;apore vi.l Kwantan.
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  • 51 2 Ht the Tk,n.-,f M r. Hull-tt. I'riu. ipal of the Raffles School, arrived from V.uj--1 v.d. Mr. V. (i. Penuev return. -.1 hi. holiday at l'.-na!.-.' aud Mr H. K. Hid ley arrived from h,s hnt>niro,l tour of iojopootinOJ in the Native States. Colonel An hmoaj returned to-Jav fronj
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  • 54 2 Ik houor of the PMo Xati M. Villemi, the Cham, lii-r, in the ahoeOMM iv Kuaug of M. Raffrav. the Consul, held a Reception yesterday afternoon at the French Consulate, which was attended by alujo.t all the IjpmeOllUtirne of foreigu kfuveruiueuts resi lent iv SiU(fapor-. Xa ly all Preilfh
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  • 74 2 i'Hhidi-. asjrtthe tfonytoitg Daily l*,rn, uf estahlishir.^' HroLers 1 RfelkMMi iv iiougkuug !i;» i;.»t boon allowe.l to drop. The Commute., appoiuted at the rec-nt 111 ■■.•tiii.r of th- 1.-.uliug brokers ure biisilv Oa^foi al drafting rules for the coin In. t of the iii s t it u t 11.
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  • 74 2 4i tb.- tjr>t ry -en. 111 1 BMetiag ,it tlj.- ftihaug Ei|lotation and DevelopHunt C'Hi.paiiy h. !.l at I.oudoii on the 18th •lit im -i. the chairman ataood that .11 live MaaaejOM had lieen taken to work tie' timivr and uiiues 011 the <.'oiupanv's .on. aiaaa. Ifco c'ouip.iuy Ins aJoo
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  • 150 2 Thk ordinary fintni^htlv meetiug of the Municipal Commissioners will ba held on \V'.sln.->,lay, the 1/th instant, at -2.iJi> p.m. \..»M..V 1. Tv r»ad, »ud, if appnueil, .-Dntiriii the miuuti- uf Mm Urn ■aoNaS. J. Tv I 'iN>.iiliT iini Maarloa ■ayoai nml Illtttnr M Major UeJullum'H rt Chiui»o- Burinl grounds,
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  • 29 2 rnK followini; initvmtim from lonial S i ti' Mol pnlilieatiou ou S,t A Me Board <>f Eiamtuera t tbe I. Cl I, H.nry Alfred fcotl.
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  • 45 2 A m« ti- 11 in an— trj i.>-: w.n. ,i,. ar Mm. I rrallv kaow what will 1 |«>.r nlil r-Uml. |),,t Ijnmwfy I her All ra »bo Iraov*. l 1 1 llbadowni, minute. Jl^'s braehfan Ue hi 1
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  • 62 2 Ihk la'cst veutuiv in 1.,, :l j,,, euWrpme iv Hun-ko!i^ 1, But! The hotel, whi.h h to be bail) toons, will ionium twi tit v bed idea of baiajf able t* •Hep DO tb .vi hot MimuH-r aighte agmable m, We layt t'.i.- H..1.11 thai ijntdieata
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  • 82 2 \> 1 tear, I. ut not on the In thority, tt intra.-t tut the ■ii-ni of the Bohaajof siat- I kilwi to 1 S'^or has lx-,-!i ..'iven, or iniaadcal to bo given, (a Campbell, vafl-knowii Native .-••ntrHito-. ami the BMBI Im the railvr..y loute under
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  • 135 2 Balurday, I ill, J,,1,j. r t \i>i' fioui H. H. tin- Bull this week, and the fcpMaJ «■>> ml her. in advance to take him up th.- ih bia arrival, bad tha Ctaatfat, which in ou Thursday, brought w.i 1 tin- I <! lit tile ha* Ix-.ii .1,
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  • 138 2 1 HL M. M. i till tollowii: 1 l'»»«n;iir<, depcehei Amui U pert, aarlaat aat aWiaarat.* The BJOmf*, buiug trauslat'-l and l>auded. is, Urn kNfOM »ud inaiU wlnoli wero on Kcunl tin- Aimayi, whicli i:mk in the liarbour, .iro twiUK furwtril*-d In tha Ball Tbe
    138 words
  • 122 2 aapai 'v /''"l iiuilerstauil tbat tin- VOBUU or Hi I«iu. who it in said is at th.- I. .•lie ot the Soii.-ties. and who at .1. is a n:ost ini|.ort.uit priMMMT, :tn-l 111--■ji«M v.ihial.le evi.leii..- again*) T 1 111 th« riot.-. «i innrnhtiadml tfcroiwb Urn ii.-triinn lit.
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  • 147 2 The Eottowng ofcoojU be read tiou with i>ni I .1.0 It really doe« look M If HMM I: ...■ing beaten nil along Mm line. 1. elements i-n> fightii g mi uiir side, nn'l lakh majdooa ef Agri-. ulture -*m i Tin- aevaottod farms which w«« ou tho
    147 words
  • 105 2 "i •ii'.»|»niilriii-" i Im tlii I'inhii tells in a c.-cut letter of the im I vi QMM Vniiin.u household To .itt.'inl t.i Hi M ip otj w.irJiobc there are Udnesseis and two wanl.'l*- aenioi dreooer, who ban be»u auvn.i witb II 1 witli I lie task
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 437 2 STORIS. 5ol» Aor.vTS. C^.— I'.KHN.MKTKIt I 00.. VI jW J7 M..«r«. Jol.u LitUe&Uo. Uenn. Jebsen A. Co. C°B Msstwhappj. WiK •aoftoK Measra.MolleraiidMeiaan»r Batavia, l^^A^ Messrs. Houghton A Co. UHUIPAOm MOET K CHANDON. Brct Imperial '84 Vintaok. White Drt Sillert. MAY N A I LI A Co., LTD. Agents. Baajraaar*, IMk
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    • 773 2 STORES. JOHN LITTLE CO. Aki:ivai. or New Goodk. PROVIBION A WINE DEPARTMENT. French Fruits in Syrup, Maraschino and Brandy Driod snd Crystallized French Fruits of all kind- Brand Cu.'s famous ftON f C.ime. \c, Salmi of Pheasant. .'r-mse OOBOt delicate praam ras at a like ehaiaotar oad BaMkwoD** Uaawd mroviakaa,
      773 words
    • 788 2 NOTICES. EXAMPLES OF THE COST Of A--ur»nci< lo a man K/ed M next blHMaj. £1,000 BTG. death, would eo-t st tho rate of I' 7 10 5 oor aaartar If premiums are w- 5 able fur whole ..t lite; am 4 0 flj It piemium- OM limited to 20 years
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    • 673 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. AUCTION SALE OP VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Tho property of W. Bui bi doe, Es<i at No. 16. Wilkie Road. SATURDAY. 20th JULY. 188». TI^HE uudersignod are instructed by W. JL Bubbidge. Esq., to sell by AUCTION, at No. IH. Wilkie Koad, on SATURDAY. ■J"ia .11 I. X at
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 163 2 WKATHER RKPOKT. tamianf Krahov Hofnlal, 131k July, 9a.m. 3 p.m. 9 p.m. Rimihks. Bar. rtd S3 Fah. 21) H7" Tis 2>.8C3 J Temr MO B.VB 80.'. J-= WVt H'ilb Twr. Ml IM J J Inr ...I W.M VlWa W. Calm. I". Mm. Temp. in»ha4«- 85.S Mm. .In. do. 73
      163 words

  • 45 3 I ■tin)? the principal J.I t,i n| the charg n ioipn mi). i sue aii' wliii- this evideoc iilure o r« -.1- of i tod th. of th< tht ny hi luikiin. h v La 1 i it. the oalj Bench that it
    45 words
  • 47 3 lay, the Mi v Plajne Mar--1 T. EL with en- th iv steamI, witb the Plymouth, j ■•uruoy but iv all woLisbon Thr.e •v-tlt tll.l for h-r j.oir- .a. obe H," firat lit tindiiig ik- ill after- .-II the .int.u:ind party to and Japan, bal
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  • 26 3 I ben irdifl lUni-tt, bontier, v lrotn B Rosen; and Ma, aUMta. i I'ut.-i from Brown ao4 Balloarat, W M. K i M i
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  • 257 3 Married rnius Binoli. itaiuewi C <i <i irr.ii.l "ii Silm.l.iv tuat'li whivh will Iv ii'irlllii,- 1 i B in ii -\t. 'I'll.- wakth tally tin-, Iml latli.r hot nt livi wm in good condition, l>ut nan of batting th.i i bowltnf. Tin' "Uiugles" winning Hi- !.is«, 1 befon tli
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  • 732 3 P enang Harbour Improvement. Tbo i u<«< •.■iit. l n- .i detailed i.-|..n of tlie Harbotrr Trad M there on WedoeedaT laet, and of which we published .1 telegraphic oaataarY. Tlie followiu fl i>f t lie i>ii Ton should •ng ha- b>en diverted to Singapore n ''Hit i f «ii]"Ti"r
    732 words
  • 469 3 I ■■>. Kiuasi.w vinw. In djacuaaing the qneationo to ba plnoed lK'fo:e tli- Police C'lniiii--icn, Ihe Sfrotf* ,-i,in «—!>]-. i Taking ii iltngathar, tho Racapaaa Pattoa ttlemanH In a word tlwy are f»r t.n. aKpaaatre and there mu-t bo boom jaattSeatlon for the Ooverumeut
    469 words
  • 719 3 lofl l m IN InOlaOOl KxTIKTiINMINIs. Asm ana. Shao ■a :.|'l to him iU\..r WsnowM ye»tcrday. Mid :-le<l tlidt his Visit to 1 would be attended with »ull» to I'-r».;. His Majmty fur ho ntanonod th- dkapeat kipoftnaea itlwitu tbe two l Ait, -The reception ..t Mayor
    719 words
  • 220 3 law*eMfaoa>Hi/a Thf Foochow tea mark»l waa apaoad the "tli-r day at rate- 1.", and! r tli of la-t year. Th" foreign tea merchants I ,tv- anna Wl to play a waiting srame i -".id a< has txi often hap]« ned. fnaUng wildly fur the tir-t awaato aud pavinic
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  • 760 3 I': ll v The way- "ft!i Hiiie.erimt.- are devi.nis >ird crafty. Vmt for one* they have 1 aod the result will prohnWy can-- a lhir u^li al:.»ration in the present emigration iißtaar On the Mth nlt.bvthoaM -timr Snpnriatan lent I -p '..r ',i dnooj oaaart
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 838 3 M' V. Loisettk'm -ybtem of Memory Training. 'Phy-iologieal and Scientific in the highest degree.'— Dr. And;ow Wilson. 'Tin value r.f the fee returned to me twenty-fold.'— Dr. Albert Carter (llth Nov., 1888 <>f great advantage to a strong memory. Incalculable aid to a weak ana.' Dr. J. M. Baoklay. Able
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    • 780 3 AUCTIbN BALEB. SHERIFF'S SALE. UT THX OATJSI OV GfLAM Mbti in A Co., PMaaVJk. Ana Irkamsaih .0. .Defnuhmt. riIHE nudersigneil I, as received inntnietinns L t 1 -ell by PuUU \ii.'ti.>n. ..11 W.-.h,"---day, tho 17th July. I-Wi. at Xo. 12, High Street, at 10JO a. in. All tho OMakfci trsilo,
      780 words
    • 888 3 POR SALE. "VTEWSAM. ARTbrßtn111 nett A Sows. liiwich. Full sine, M in. wheels. Brinlmevl'* patent adjiuting shaff. Blue cloth seats Painted blue and yellow. Silver mounted lamps. Applto BOUBTBAD eVOo. Singapore, 26th June. 18»!i cv. W.F.IM 4/7 AHongkaag built -team launch, length *>' 3\ breidth V, drawing alnmt i ft
      888 words

    • 92 4 VESSELS ADVERTISE D TO SAIL. iii-y via paatS «.i».-....r >. dii" *B tSM i..tu mst.. Beaataad <•>. f'l all'l H< .11 _'k-il.,'. .V- a»*S, On the iaat \S. \1 Pot \u-tr.ilUn ports BkumAara, oa I 1^ II _k V .In.- ..n the IMb in»t.. A c, th.- null,
      92 words
    • 213 4 Mi.vur.Wjj. i I MkOalSßaal torpedo-l^dt, 17, Captain Branch.—Roads. Barili 11. M. S _i Dougali.—station. Sea Btlle. Colonial steamer, BOU tonj. Captain C. Jl Th "ij-- it ion.—Road*. il M '«g-unb. tain Nij^K «ptain TBABaJM STtAMSHIPM. t r Java.—Tanloaj I.. i >! I i »ao Was lim I
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    • 114 4 aWI Tnrir. Bnasai Darra, 90S, UilfiUnn W.»^l I kon^t.—H Marseilles.—Road*. l.uoo. (iiitillan Weed i I l..n—R.«ds. tain Wtnur, s'.L'. H-hn M. Whart. STKAMEHS EXPKi TKli Pmni 11 I'.'liiptn- Canlid 111 <'.nlitl ;i .Inseph Arbib Am-t.■"l.hii lime. 1 KiTerdale M .tiu.-ath I. Vnrk-hire 1 „IS U.-inu M.Ti-1.1.'. Urerpool 13
      114 words
    • 202 4 5 Vm«i.hNiji> 1o*». Captain. Km. >All.El. I 1 IWOB IS Albert. 11 h..nronia It Pkahnkwkin II 'il nfruiTi II Nuddea II IV niHth-ni PlfftUa II vtarir II H, l* UD g II Kui.> II Laju II Vyufr 14 K-u Bon 15 Kiau Aun IS WUIO' IfeWiap 15 llonu-o 15
      202 words
    • 29 4 UTI MHl'l ill 1.1 ATTAIN f*lj 15 Kaiww 15 Bu Yimg Seng IS Alberts 15 Futw !lnt -tr §tr. I'.iei-fu «tr. 0«r. .tr. 1'..!,..,. .M.utre.l«va will Un(K>
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 406 4 SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PTJEE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphitrs of Lime d Soda, i PALATABLE AS MILK. < III! I I\KH Oil Inns llmr. ts iiiiinn i«>" '«»•>. WHOM 111 I IN M HOI I HMOI IMIIU <■! MH II 111 Hill I ami ih.iioi miiiH^v > W i.iim. iiimih.-ii
      406 words
    • 313 4 ENGINEERING. itora. Flint Str.-«'t, near Post I Ma*, .litii-s. Sn-.,. I lien. Cjoa't Pattnl Rice hinory. ad I M. I.Y.iV A 00., ade In' hirniah Plans and Estimates for any bdasMal si ii.ii-iaii.-:it tad niv aoaaJ ssmes ou the tnmtrrn 1 workins; <.f las J M. I. vox i.... hsTS
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    • 420 4 yOTIOBS. POW CO. AY' SINGAPOR: It- ChMU v-i-t»~ J« w s«t. J.psn«»o IsMesß ISOSBS -ii m MattiM M-.. Passahs ":-W.T« I-:.,,,, pfesQ thai Bit bias Jan li' M.x T..i>- !xtti.«. -t-s \s W«rtres*s Ontinss I tlatb r Wh Bat-«ts w..i« i ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREF. 1 Xt RM MRf .\.s MY
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    • 864 4 NOTK'FS. lip ."pr 1 i BwtWmnA ro H.R.H.THE PRINCE OF WALES. K. 11. K. <i. C. 8. I. SIMPSON <fe CO. Coach Builders KanMaJ Makers. MADRAS. aTFSI >X I I < >. r,.-j...,-tfiillv inviie the attention of t'n.-ir Cnn^tituents in Pennnir. Singapore and tlio Straits Settlements, to their Inrge collection
      864 words
    • 660 4 NOTICES LAMBERT HROTHEKS. SINGAPORE CAKKIA..K WORKS ANTJHARXKSS MAM FACTORY. Orchard Road, SiNOAPosit. K.-r\i:i.i.-ni 1 Manufacturers of all kinds of Carriagos on the newe-t principles and with tho best materials. Hi-g to call attontion to their present large stock of new and fashionable carriages consisting of STANHOPE GIGS, to suit either
      660 words
    • 443 4 NOTICES. NOTICE THK undersigned has received l.y the P. A (>. Mail yi--t.-r.Uy, th« following Jeweller} and Watehi's (lold Pearl Spray Brooches. (!old Diamond Sprsy Bmochr-. QoU Pearl aud Dianinn.l Cr.-ii-iit awatawaa, Qawl Filigree Bangles, liold Curb Bangle*, liod Pearl Bangles. QeM Plain and Double Bangles, (lold Is Oaral Albert
      443 words
    • 269 4 NOTK BS THK BINOAPOBE AVERATFnI WATBB PACTOBY. I Mi .11 STKrirr. Si-i HAKIi.II ,V( ...IMiiil'l;: Bars i..,-..,v,-,| f r mmm tad al their raetory, High Btreet, Pow I Ni.v. Ma.iiiniuv, k> I Knrine, Aoralai Wster htachii I t..r-. Purifi. r-. niter* I -t rlasa, ror the Maku*'j 11. Watbbi 01
      269 words