The Straits Times, 6 July 1889

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 12 1 The Straits Times VOL. XXX. SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, JULY 6, 1889. NO. 16,8(U>
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 496 1 SfIUMSHIP (OMPAMIAM" ■■ollyer Quay. f Ha bo r. i.-rs maybe expo tod to *ri an d Vave Singapore homeward* lß «date«:— MfaßwaaaaMß, U.b r^soay Match lj-h JSS S:! ;r Hal i:-!. T.i-aJ>7 17'h IMb Not. 1»J IW. I*l. ,i,te. are on y approximate the arer earlier or PAHAOI t Mir
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    • 1053 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, j IK NKHK' LANDS "11 IMiISCHK SIM.iM V LABT MAATSCHAIPIJ. I'nder '\.ntni-t with the N- therlands Inlia '.overdment. Hi i> Orr SB, 13 Austin Fbiar.s. ixskdom, c c Head A.iem-t, Matavia. tl IKT Or THE UMI'ANT To-s. T 0,.. 14 Una/ m« Bylanai 1,«1!> 44a* I..MH 17 .tapara
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    • 1041 1 j BTEAMBHIP COMPANIES. i V. ItoKM.-.'s West Coaht. From ISataria vis Hilliton and Pontiasak or Sin-.'kawiing and ba< k on the l'th of every month. VI. MoKNKON :i>ITH A EAST COABT. From SiMTibiyi vi« Km. "in, Riinjertiri'Kin, Kottabaroe (Poel-» Ij»nt) for Koet. i and via the same places baok, on
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    • 714 1 STEAMSHIP COMPANIES, j SCOTTISH ORIENTAL STEAMSHIP COMPANY, LIMITED. RK'.i'l. \H Line Bgtwekn Banukok A»I) HONOKON.!. The ».s. Moitykut, Ml tons refriitor, Capt. Ainlorson. The Rnmj }lmg, 862 ton* register. Capt. .loii."«. The Taichioir. 862 ton* register, Capt. Then.!. Phra Ofco* Clatt I.'MJ tons re(fi»ter. Capt. Watton. The rhm Chuh, Ckem
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    • 756 1 riLSENKU J^^ff^S^^ AlCHrX*^ \^B*Sv *\W^*^Kk BTV J HN LIITTI>: A ImiHii'ixl linen mß^BtmiM %\al taF a^B^B«***^E«************B«B^*B**W«BaSaßV It M\ t -llo|i«. None geniiinn H..w ir.. of Imi- Vkw**V^ v«^ l Vy <;O Jm^aU I A '<■ lahoU Regi-tered N^ \^r^ l!t«»MiH..r.i. in Kngland and v lm*S ta^/S^ INSURANCE. royal i m-|:w
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    • 350 1 llmkkßoi-Bi^ M S*a**K*^*>aa9^B***l EaafXmV fwflsr fa.' m^L^ m W/ m^ m j,^^^y U bbbh lßi }> lmi-~ **m M ''\Stin-™ lisa \.y^^\ ''^L Vaitw BS^BW BOLI AGENTS AND IXPOBTBBB, BRINKMANN CO., SINGAPORK Bou I.V Messes. JOBS I.ittlk i Co. to 31/12/89 INSURANCE. EOUTB BBITUH PtBI UID MA RINK INBURAKCE -i-MI'ANV
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    • 401 1 NOTICES. HA RTM ANN'S (JENCINE KAHTJENSC OPPOSITION Fok Shii-s' Bottdmh. TRADE MARK An supplie.l to ili.< Britinh aud Foreign 1 vniment aud to the P. 0. A; (il*n Lines, Alfred Holt. Lamport i. Holt. China Mutual S .V. ov. Snd all the principal Steam Ship lomp'aiiies of the World. I
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  • 293 2 I.ATKST MAKKKT QUOTATIONS Sinoapor:: tirH July, HB!> Pxonucr.. (ismhiw 8.6-V do. vJube No. 1 1146. do. do. No. a lIM. Uopra, Balmi n 3.50. do. Pontianak BJB. Pepper, Black 18.00 >*«o Klour. 2.70. Poarl Sajro 3.60. Ooffee, Bali BUO. Tapioos, small PUko .*>.sO. do. do. Ist qnalitv 5.75. do.
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  • 65 2 To-bay. IV Perstr. "IflOt. H"BKk»uc bkaa:l..<i. Hai.9t..i.y. I |..m. Jiurra viu portf. II- I p.m. ...kotu n« port*. MiNUts. Ipiu. Uiniwr ria port>. U. G. faaoloffO, 4 MoNUAT. Hon^kosf Amur. Cmm»rta, Iv DssV H'U. 2 r m. Dsti j^-rt- BaatolSß, 8 p.m. Knantan «v porl< ■oasjsi, Spa.
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  • 8 2 loop IOMBO, Sa.jl.alir,,. Un Wtd—uUj.
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  • 87 2 (for Siraih Times.) The Kotai. itmdm, '>lh July. -Tbe marriage of tbe Kul of Fife aud tbe Prim ess Louise of Wales will take place on the 27th iustaut. H<r Majesty baviug asked that provi. siou be made for tbe Princess, Mr. W
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 490 2 I'llt mtentiun of tbe Prince of Wales to M-tid bia sou and beir ou an ludiau tour, if viewed b\ the Aii^lo-Indiau press with approliation. It i« only right that be who will probably U- i-alled to rule over a country witb a population of
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  • 311 2 Tut: sVorriah d.feat on the Kujpttaa lioutiei proves oik e more that tbe faua-ti-al I Im ol tl." Mnbdi e.imiot ►land agaiaal di>( iplimsl valour. H Mfavat -atisaWtort this may look, it doe* not ad-vali.-e the >..|iitioii ..I tlie Soudan problem one H |,it. Tli. M.ihdi bol.U <ourt
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  • 11 2 OHsVAsV Kvaugt-ligtii Bofrleat will Uheld on the KspUnade to-iiiorro* tfaajaoj lack.
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  • 14 2 Tut Batata ..t' tlaiten t.. the Raffle* Libruiy and Museum duriug the week was
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  • 28 2 H'k ,;r.' r.-yi">ted to r.iuiiid the inetiiU'i» uf 'be gjl^ipMW Howiiii; (Mul> that the butbii4u' |>arty will leave the li"He ut t ..'.l.Mjk «barp for Taujong BialajML
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  • 46 2 With ivfeppnue to tb« murder of ooe Ni?' Tow Lip iv Hon. Litn Gn-.ii ..n rVedneoda.i uiorning last, do further itf*> I lojnu.iUta are rejsjrt. d as Li tlie "lue of the murderer or murderer*. Tbe amikN and d-tei -tiven are very retieeut on tbe »übje<t.
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  • 50 2 Wk learu that .i MM of tbe rviudutioD uuauiiuously paased by the meuilH-is of the loinl bar d.-|.re. aim;, the Ml (I the wig as (nirt of tbe Ctr costume, and aj not at all suitable for the climate, has U--n forwarde<l to all the Judges in tbe Straits Settlement*.
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  • 65 2 Wi have r.teived a photograph t.ikeu Mm Mr. (K-or^i- Michel. Hill of tbe elephant wbii h uriivid tom l{auguou en routr for IX'li. and which MM a source of curiosity to mieh a l«r^. nuiiilier. The photograph is well taken, and ue-asiires U x in. The j.ri.e mounted is
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  • 74 2 Thk Branch „f r li.- New Bauk lnrr has ree.'ivi-.l toiMOMi from their Head Office in London. .«t,itin_' that at the meetin_' ot xti inhold.i* held on the Uli iust. dividend for tbe li.ilt v.-..r eii.lin- Hist M.,r. li bat, at 1 1>.- r.i t ..1 I fm
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  • 83 2 Ah.. i i lull |.i.i |v i.', 1...!. \e.-t.-i,l.iv faflfaiasj Lauee Curpoia.l -till l'ouud a Chinaman lilcdnu' profusely tr.nn the head. He was the ..litre of attraction t..r some three or tour hundred |K-o|,le The uiau was taken t,, tin- Si.iti.iu wlioie he gave liin uuiue us Ho Ko
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  • 87 2 I>. NIN.i till' II.HW 1 .1111 stullll I Illn ■aiajag, twu lioiim-k Mnfy by n< -ksim i-oolu-s aud dealers, situitisj at S4O Victoria Street. eoossfaad, completely burying several ill tin- ft i u[>wut m uuder tile debris. Tin' police were soon oil tbe scene, aud witb MSH difficulty pultod
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  • 141 2 ■IHUrj R.II Ulundi; how familiar th.. rum. "jmi vet it ii jn«t ton r,-»-, J-'l.v. 1879 that '•■"tl.r iin.l.-r th- t,-,,,.,,,,! -n Af.i-a. Th, Wth North.,,,; l« ll Md |,,v. ■-•iilil-.... ll,.,t ,.v.,,,.,,: 1V r* -i,i,,K attenAui o f »wiu,«, ..u,,,, tlll bei»K prewnt. Of .ourse th.-re Iv.I.miI.!.. tlut mimlH-r
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  • 47 2 \'.r 11,,,, Bern OaoM from B Hooker and Mis. Black. Per i oin Loadaa, Mr-. VTateoa „v I Mr H. u.ditoii. l'.r Koraaaata tr., IM M Cadril Mr- Henderoon M, I I' PtatM from UMp, M B (Juuu Ann iioin fh—ifim. Gondriaau and M. Kinniii.
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  • 60 2 Mt kind ps«aMftiaa of M „,.r Cbartot aud the Ortie. rs ot the IBtb I the Band will play on tbe IWngKn Ground from S.U to MO p.m to 1. March JkXM I Overt niw Lt DinHeme i Rele,-tion OsSsoaitsro. BotsCfioa Carmen Sel-etion I7»ia»*liaiaii. >l Aria... A
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  • 152 2 Thk atoaai IWaMonoi for Jmmt sayi Th" lar^'e st.-avier of ti Maritime*, the Autiral'un, wh' |iv' ta the stackl .it La Ciotat in 1888. wa» laun.b.Hl on itith May 1--She is Ul metres iv Uagtfc *m 4 MM paaangfra. Her triple inotire up|«tatiiis, of tJtOO BOTW-power,
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  • 54 2 *«mkht or TaAiric Eak^ M..NTM Ma Pa-s-ngcr* 3.7|y^Horses. Carriages, and Dogs Excess Fare J" Parcels H" Extra Luggage J!i:). Si-.-ial Trains Total OasOßftsf g.xhU 815.012.u0 Ufa Hao| Total Qaadi Mi-.nllnn i- S -J.+sl',s <;rand Totnl Correspouiling mouth ff Ilu< rease A. SPKWCK Mu->. Resident Kugineer's Office. Kuala
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  • 225 2 Th. QhH has Iknu pleaa-d to all"*> aud eoiutirm til" tiillowiug Or.l viz. N ot IHB, eutitl".! Aii OfdiaaiM to provide for the raeapisVi into tbe C louv ami the detention therein of luiiat:. > aud [lersium of iinso;ind mind Iroui pkuv« *JJlaoW< tli" Colony" No. IX
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 552 2 STORES. Sole Aoknts, f^."^ HEHN.MKTERAOo.,I D spots. W Sinfapon, Messrs. John Little 1 Co. Messrs. Harm. Jebeen A Co. M<^ Haaiol Mnit-chapp'. M Bangkok, Mei g, n<)r Messrs. Houghton A Co. CHAMPAGNE HOIT k CHAXDOX. Bkvt Imi-kbiai. Vi WlllTK DKY SII.I.KEY. MAYNARDACo., LTD, Ag-i.t- Jaao, IBM MMRIZARD AND ROGER. B«
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    • 727 2 STORES. JOHN LITTLE CO. Nl« (ioODS. PBOTIBION a WINE DEPARTMENT. French Fruit- in S rup. Maraschino and Brandy Dried and Crystallized French Fruits of allki: Brand A Co's famous Pits* of GojßO, &ft Salmi of Phaaaaat, < moo other d■afatrt. -ol a lite ehaiaetoj sjs^otoaa, and (tlnckwell's f.\.\ tm |jsH)ssj
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    • 727 2 NOTICES. TH B II [MPOET NT F ACTABOUT T«l STANDARD LTCOFFICE f u _WAi A MILLION STERLINC aor H being priid in Death Clairr.s yoar .'.V'year. I THE FINDS IN HAND amount to ujiwiiils „f Six and Three-quarter Million poaido RtorHng and have iucrcascd M Bff I til.- I i
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    • 1034 2 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. ORIENTAL BANK CORPORATION LIMITED. XOTKK TO ShAKKII.>I.DEBS. Ailivi.lei.d at the rate of •> per annum forth,- balf year (-tiding 31st Mar,-h, IBS 9, will bo paid tn fTloioaoliioso ol the Office of the Cortwration here on or after this date. Holders of Silver Bearer Sharo Warrant* are j
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 117 2 WEATHER REPORT. Kandmi^ Krahctr Botpilal, jt>, Jut,,, /4W!>».m. 3j..m.« p.m. RsMARKS. H»r. red 3-1 Fnl.. 2P IW tf.fhß 2> *'i Ifop. >i H g|r) s|. (i -c Wet Bulb Th»r. 78.0 7 1 0 MJ rf Dir. ofWioa S VT. 3 ■>.! W. »i Mu.Tcmp. ia>h*4e ST.*. If) Mu. in.
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  • 1530 3 March, and in tlm Cl,..t■it in No at Jut'■••I hi <iim1887 up any Kufttj of T 111 III V vir.l owners of Dotorioua well mi'I iuoi|>!'" 'list it i« betthan »ir»inst own-»r« ny think that he ran .,'ki.y* ill tin- TACK »U<1 fur lii« moiiut if
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  • 552 3 O|..iilnc,,f the Fir,t lion Hrliljrc in Johorr. ■/■'h'.n\ mi, July, feateraag aftarMmi the Metdram Bridge was formally opened bj 11. H. the Sultan. Long before the appointed time, orowdi of people began to aatemble, oomplete^j blocking op every approach to the Bridge, now a party of •oldian arnved aud were
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  • 507 3 ..'■tli J mt. -A sail accident tOuL place li.r.- »ln»ut :> o'clock iv th>- after- v. ended utally. The Chinese Mr. Saperinteodeal Bfm,for tli.> purpoae "1 lulling MM things iv tho other -i-1" of the riror, in MUMJ "t tin-. the river in a ■mall
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  • 587 3 Itilt and Abtssima. /.'..mi. tOtk .lint-. lutelliic-uce received her* from Miutsowah states' that Bammbaras Kaf«»l with \iU principal have beea niled to Aaaab. Tlie leaden of the tril»s al Bagot will make their submission to the Italian Com- mandant at Keren. Thi Qeaaoaaa ba««o Oaaaaavuaaa
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  • 568 3 Books added to the Rafiles library. June. 1889. A.., Barker, Da, Bertraai Da Praaiaat USB Dagae***, Stori..». 1---Barri.'. J. M.. Whaa a Mau's Biagi*. !*■<■>. Baaaat, W. M-rr Paahav 1---Illue Kihhon. Th«. By the Author of St. OlaTes," to> Tollißs, W.. The Lng»>-f of Cain. :1 Vol« l--:>. KdwanU. Mrs
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  • 304 3 MUCKKT PRICE LIST .«ttv !>, hat in. Oo. 1 |-r MO 1 Ind int catty Ii I .mm .u -I". to. Fir. 1 Kruit -I". to. ,»r 1..! <^lt-i to. ■1 >. I> *mtf4l-ir>. to. II «oli i r. -li .1>. p l>rj tok ■n Cm
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 303 3 SOTTS BaTDLSIONof ParaOadlivar Oil with Ilypopho-pliites. i-. BMT* rolU1.1.. a- an a.-. 'lit ta the cur.' ..t <'■■„• iwjrftoa, HrvHrhitit cad Oeawral DAiUtg, than any oth-r remedy known to medical -.i.Mice. Hivni the following "I have praaeribad ■s. .ti's Fmi aad bar* alee taken it invself. and can fully
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    • 641 3 RUCTION BALEB. IX THK (ioODSOF HAMLAN DECEASED. THR undesigned are instruct, c by C E Verne. Ewi.. Administrator, to 'sell by Auction, at N,,. M, j a |an Baaar, Caanoag Kapore. on W.'dn.-dav. 10th July. 1880, at U» I— All that plat f Freehold land H.-irn.-r"" 11 Al ""> hnuso
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    • 887 3 SHIPPINC; POI fFNAN,; kKDBOMBAI F'^aa^^ J^XivJ';:;;: 1111 11 1 1 1 fFor freight and pa.ssa)fe. apply to BEHNMHVKRAr.v.ABeiiU, M July. 18! /T KI.MiSI.V LINK OF STKAMERS. POT HWHK AJTO HAMUURO -VII K 5t.,,,,,-,,,,, „,-v.v,., F '"|s.Wf,, r Rvi ||nl k n 10th mat., be apected lo arrive h,. r
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    • 451 4 r Mm vi.i porti Han »n, due on tie Bska M."jHri«o. Xt Ranaa rfnrflsrn. "ii the Hth m^t BuUn M.w, I i r i ii. i..-. .1 in- oaths 11tU m»t. >.nki."> A M Koi CalMtta PaUtena, sa ths 7th iu-t. B.mitead A i ix ran.
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    • 96 4 May. 11 Heinptu* .riiiu 11 BSSS I inlitl H Shelley London SI Joseph Arbih Amsterdam June. 1 Achillc- Loml-u 1 Bengloe l.uuilun 1 Riverdale ..Middle, 1 Eleotra Hunbuif Weetmeath Sailin I MM From April. 4 Harvest yuoeu New Vurk 4 Henriette ardiff 14 Carl Friedrifh Peiiarth L",
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    • 135 4 Flau To.vb. Cattain. Riu. Fk.'M. miui. ConmiH Jalj I I'uuurtk 5 l.turtos suk A Silb ;> ihiixi I H»ii|rUii>.- ."> '<»n S*u,f (iv»« I 'iliun.y 6 H.1,.. li Cr.--idrnt (i.rh.ll H t'liow r"b>i» \ii.hir-t 6 Nuriimobv li K.Utrr Brit.tlr UM M }.r ►tr l.S7^ Pdrmn Hut >tr Mt "uihuv.
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    • 135 4 Km D»TK TE V|»8«l.'« N4MI. Vk»«|c|.'« N*»» Ki.».. .v Kiu Captain v not m I Hmyylu l> Stnthiuar, li P.liLn. < Camortu t PrWrat U.rhi-M lilfDilootr >; <;i«u>..> S.u.Ui, Flint-hirf I Paknau 6 McAluUr I TUUt ri MolUu> G. 0 tab LaMberye Si.k htart* Vl,i.r I Brit. ,tr. W
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 797 4 DOCKS. LTD I arryine paasenger. and (T n a"c.U b th.rty TSSSSts loading f.s.,. t l^^i ted with the Workshops by a trannportintr hea' ,iti n(f trids ,1,.l for aa >JS| a a t low water, no th 1 >ls ''.fn either side of it. There is sufficient water for
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    • 742 4 ENGINEERING. J. M. LYOS A CO., CM tl Knaineers, Mi Iwrights, Ironf.unders, and O ntrators. All.ion Kngine Works, Beach Road. Office and Balc-r» :-m 1 Mint Street, near General Fo*t Ofl., I ■Uta, small St.amern and LaunchKlei.hant l.und Hoilems. Lyon's PaUnt Wat Machinery. -,'lf Actinia Working Machinery. CossaJ u <-
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    • 662 4 NOTICES. powell roT AVCTIONEF™- oRNITCRE, Ac, For BAH. .*Mirahi loa Chmt. ffl.tttll fir,. I I Jewel Saias IU.I ro.,m SuiUa JoptoaM iSc-raena 11 K.k C«-e. t^mpa II ,k S,»ii.l« I. lli.lliir.l Tali'«< M.ttiD« i 'anl Table. HUM I'aipM Bu|> MaatHafaa ri.i,-. O!*,n. llaat. Chamber Cii|.t«mU Offlo. Cbajra Cat.iu.ta
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    • 893 4 NOTICES. fip *pr:inl 3ppomtmrnt TO H.RH. THE PRINCE OF WALES, K. G. K. O. C. I. I. BIMPBON «5b 00. Coach Builders Haiitcsi Makers. MADRAS. (SIMPSON A CO. respectfully invite the at- tention of their Constituent* in Penang. Singapore and the Straits Settlements., to their large collection of Carriagei finished
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    • 688 4 NOTICES. lTmbbbt broth e r s. SINGAPORE CARRIAGE WOBXB AVD HARNESS MANUFACTORT. Obchabd Road, Sinoapokk. ESTABLIIHKD 1862. Manufacturers of all kinds of Carriages on the neweet principles and with the best materials. Beg to call attention to their present Urge stock of new and fashionable carriages consisting of STANHOPE GIGS,
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    • 370 4 NOTICES. I HOTBL Dl I/EUROPE. (The oklt Hotil Faciko thb bsplanade.) THE Largest, Best sad Most Conveniently i situated Hotel in Singapore. Has Excellent Accommodation fer Resident* or Visitors. Single Rooms or Suites for Bachelors and Families. Term*. Mopeeatk. Sole Pbopbieto«, ALBERT BECKER. Mauaokr, F. FISCHER. (Late of (irand Oriental
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    • 230 4 NOTICES. THESn^APOREAERM,,, WATER FACTORY. lliuH, SiNnAroai (BARUGHACo.PROPRIKT S.»la Water. •iingerAle, l-nonade. A Jingrr Beer, Sarnaparilla. Lstßta S<|uaidi, Champagne Cider. Lithia. Tonic, Orange OlsbSw|MßS\ I'otass. Seltxer, in Codd', ,M,tent (JlulksSto,,,*™,! BoMWs tit* nnd splits n Cork,.,! Btttlss T.IK MA.-HlN'KKvis of thelal.., ..pprovisl description, aoiue of it lk liatented hy the.
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