The Straits Times, 29 December 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 18 1 The Straits Times. ()L. XXIV. M w BBRTBB,] SINGAPOJ^E, SATURDAY. 29th DECEMBER, 1883 [daily issue.] No. 15.1 or,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 363 1 *tram jfrftip eomyantrs. AR AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION GOMPANT Owe Colly er Quay. Oodowib— New Harbour. I, IJNEB. m. tod are the date* on wniCß I ny*i Mail Steamers may be er- I rire at Singapore during the I I 1«84:--isd. Honwiiu. Vnday Slut Dec. UN 14th Jan. 2Sth V a
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    • 624 1 ♦tram *!)fp Comnanirs. THF MKPSAGERIES MARITIME* COMPANY. :h. T "c f ml™ Wi l ar £r the <Utei on whicl > ma» bT!!!!!.. 0 1 Me »«*«frie. Maritime! *o rrent jw^ here dnr >nir th* «L^S" Mond »7 Mth Dk. .'pd. 1884 7th Tan. *i*t All the above Steamers Outward*
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    • 714 1 strain *t)ip Compantrs. DB NEDERLANDSCH-INDIBCHE STOoMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contract* with the Netherlands Indian Government*.) Head Orrici, 13 Avntx Fbiabs. London, E. 0. R«ad „ori»cr Batavia. "•following are the date* on which the Company* Steamera running in connection with the mail steamer* of the P. 0. 8. N. Coy., may be
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    • 790 1 ♦tram 4M)tp Compamrg. N.B.— The steamer doe* the royage in one month Tin Priaman, Ajerbangin. Natal, Siboea, Biros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Bitoelie Troemon. Tampattoean, Analaboe, Rejrat snd Patti and hack from Aoh««>n Tia Anal»ho<>, O .enoenij-Bitwli«, Singkel, Baroa Ac for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangi*. NaUl, Biboga, Baroa. Singkel. Goenoeng
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    • 549 1 fnextratm. JAVA SKA AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANT Hbad Office, Batayia. I Thb undersigned, Annta for the above I ompiny, are prepared to take riiki npon car(fo by steamer or sailing vessel on the cuitomary terms. 334 0/0 discount allowed on all riiki f. roasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all
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    • 531 1 Insurance. THE HONGKONG FIRE rNSTJRANOE COMPANY LIMITED Capital 12,000,000 P«id-up 400,000 Reserre Fund 5*4,202 OIKIEAL MaKAOBBS. ■«>•«• Jardine Matheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. J PfcL 'stairs, atalahst., Ooi> A T ITSn, HoUMs^Wlss* Co. The undersigned are the authorised Agents for the above Company at this Pf>rt, and they are
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    • 485 1 InsKiranrr. LANCASHIRE INBURAKOM OOMPANT. Capital £8,000,000. OFFroworTHi oompant. ■iWBMni-fcoi,^ Street. Litbepool— < Manchester Bnildin*.. BIEM IWOHAM-OheiTT BtTN*. of r^.""" 1 4 Kin wiiium street q. at^ Boow--133.8 oow--I33. Wert (feorge Street. Li«ds— l2, Ba*t Parade. D^r, C l t* T Q I r 4 1 *<"»«7 Street. Dcbum-9, Lower Saokville
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  • 154 2 STRAITS TIMES. SATURDAY, 29TH DEC, 1883 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SlUOAPOBS, £*TH DlCIMBEB. (iunbf^r 7.374. rtlack Pepper 17. Wh'it<> I'ep^er, f»'r qo» l; .y. >f nom. ,ir, Sur ■-'.»>" c- .ri rf»j,i Cofft*. Hon.bjro 14.3'. T»pi.*». ■mail Flt\t 340. Tin MM. UnlrKiit J«. •4 lb«. 8l.irtiD B i I..VJJ. 7 do
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  • 57 2 MAILS CLOSE. TO-MOBROW. Far V Bcagfc— g. Moray, (iaUTia, chfiil>'ii aud /'n BentfkkUs .-'i.ik und Deli, S-il. HOHDAT. 3ourabaja*H'j«riua*sinK, film. [jihuan. San<Ukan and Kudat, I' Sourabaya, Bally, Ainpanau and Macaaaar, Ann. L'hßribf^n SauumuiK, Jtornwiidy, Sajnarang. Sour^baya, aud Maciuar Sumtaun. at 1 p.m. J p. en*' 3 p.m. 1 p.m. 3
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  • 80 2 (Fkt Strii/t Times.) hlM ASU CHI&A. Lon.h,,,, VUi /M.— The Paris paper* publish a statement that the French Bdmaat intrin!.-. to boM China responsible tor th.' expenses incurred l.v tlir war in Toncjuit*. It is furtlu-r rumoured that orders have been st nt out to seize the island
    Reuter  -  80 words
  • 16 2 The German gunboat Yanfiiut, now at the Cape, has been ordered to proceed to Chinese waters.
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  • 21 2 The total Return of visitors to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week ending Friday 2Sth December 19*1, was 5.U.
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  • 37 2 Kili-ab and Ci-Vaeo, the world renouned Royal Illusionists, give thei- Brat entertainmeut in the Town Hall tonight, and from their well known favourable reputation and th~ excellence of their performance should be rewarded with a crowded house.
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  • 56 2 It has been decided to erect a bronze statue at Chatham to the memory of Lieut. Waghorn, the discoverer of the overland route. If we recollect rightly there are either one or two sisters of Lieut. Waghorn still alive, old, and in poor circumstances. We trust that something will be
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  • 65 2 Ovb last advices inform us that the French have been taking very large quantities of stores from Hongkong, for the supply of their Army and Navy in Tonquin, and tbat provisions are becoming very scarce in the former port. As Singapore is well stocked with all defcni and prices much
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  • 184 2 The P. O. Co's steamship Brinditi, Csptain J. Reeves, from Bombay, Colombo and Penang with the London mail of the Mth N overaher, arrived alongside the Co's wharf this morning and will leave for Hongkong and Shanghai at 6 p.m. to-day. P«M««atas Tvr Singaport From L nd >n Mi-aari. 4.
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  • 488 2 ••?TS will Ik; seen by the advertisement ilk MioJ^.rr column, the (ioverumcnt bag at Uet recognised Um mhmH* fur arejjular mail ten MM betweaa Singapore Malacca, and Prnang, to connect with the French mail steamers arriving at Singapore. This is as it should be but it has taken the Government
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  • 283 2 Government Gazette, 28th Dec. An Order of t!ie 'jovernor in Coun--1 cil dated 2Hth February rescind*, from the 24th December, the Order in Council of st'u February last, prohibiting the expect of Opium to the Malay ala except under permit from the Colonial Secretary. An Order of the Governor in
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  • 507 2 Telegraphic Summary. (From Cej/lon and Indian yipert.) London,1 Itk Dec—The Glasgow Chamber ol Commerce [ireaented a memorial to Lord Kimberlev Te*t«r.lay, ur^inif the neces»ity of railway n I ndia to i promote the prosperity of the eo'intrv and i Uitate the exportation <>1 corn. Alexandria, 15/* Dec. Th* temporary buildings
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  • 718 2 Summary of the Week. The week has been 1 i< I political or general H ce'.leucv the G xi ,-J fined to hit bed with fe. BJ tracted in In- jungles of thi I we are happy to I BJ faatrecovtrin^. BJ to publn I I al the same time
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 1009 2 ~,U U A 35tfrrHSrmrn«. INTIW GOODS OF Ohablbs Hrnrt ITSvlTahb, Wii.Bow«, Deceased. Hamilton, Grat Ann OokPAirr. Pursuant to the Trustees and Mortgages Power* Act. 1886, Notice is hereby viven tbSt all Creditors and other persons having any claims or demands airainat the esute ot Charles Henry Haldanr Wilsonr otSalmair in
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    • 655 2 flrto afcbfrttsrmtntt. TOWN HALL. SATURDAY, 29th DECEMBER. KELLAR CUNAED, The Wobld famed BOYAL ILLUSIONISTS. Who have juat concluded a Foi K YKAB3TOUB, around the World, accompanied by Ma. FREDRICK W. OoLLINi", Tbe celebrated CORNET OI.OIST, in the most Unique and Marvellous EnUrUinuient of this c. ntury called A NIGHT IN
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    • 865 2 &tto 2 h brrt:?rirrnie. notice. Subscriukks »re r'.|n i-.l to n. nnate «s early as poasihle whether they wi«h to pay their subscript*. 1. in idvance for the ensuing year. i:rd their utter' or i ed to the terms of mibsrript.op, which are as follows LiOCAL DM.IVr BY. In Adtanck.
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    • 544 2 JtctD atvr; -mrnts. GOVERNMENT NOTIFJU kTIOM. TENDERS will be PSCI iv.'l al the I lotsSV .1 rj'sOffico, «p to the I" tb March next, for the maintenance of a fortnightly Mail Packet Servic- betwm $ia*»\> .re and Penang, and met rtriA. calling at Malacca, f r» peri, d uf three
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 43 2 WKATBER REPORT. r.i*1mmg Harrow Boqnial, 281* Dtamitr, 1888. l>.m.lp.n.«r.n. B11..1.. B»r r»d JI F. Bn'ib Th.r. 78S 75 5 71'. u«»jaL«!^ l>ir. alWind It. B. E. H. I d^r onnuV 5S V 'Vo^' S? Mil. In Sun Iitr, red. Tlur. m-0 B»l»«UliG»t toil.
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  • Correspondene.
    • 2200 3 The Land Question. To the Editor of the Strait tber '.iv I r....v-da parcel addressed to me tring orf the l pamphlet intitule ,nd future land sytBy W E. Maxwell, Comrn:S( tita >••" iillowed by tbe Koyal Armt neatly impretsed and lattly.'an intimatim that the bro- t the Government Kangoon.
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    • 106 3 ARRIVALS. t Vmi'iKin. *in> S CiTtin. Vaou. Skiimo Comunm. Bio. H Dec 28 Glnckiburg Oer. i-r. 91«Rertel»en Kewantle Not. P. Simon. A Ck). 18 Brrootdhira Brit. »tr. IMOTtonM H'koDg Dec. t2 Boa«to«l Co. 28 Ctoforo Colombo IUl. cor. 1118 Ac<- nni Aden D«-. 7 IUlUn CojwI. S9 Pon Ann Brit.
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    • 58 3 Dati. Tmu'i Nakb. FuatlH. C AIT AW. Dbmbmbm. i>«- p«arl Brit.«tf. WWton 19 vTrfbo Chin. »tt Lnnt »0 M«rran Bnt Martin 19 Konin^enSopJu. Dut jtt- O«,»aaw S o b^ Brit.itx. Dnncn Murii Brltrtr. Brind Pri..u Bnt.^U. BuU«r Wg Hongkong Ajuunbu A Natanu Ml BaUrU BiUf.i Mu-wUIm I L'rpool Hoagkonf
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    • 735 3 Captains and Agents of vessels tos i*)UMt«d to communicate with this o«m retfardiac aay error ot o» im.ob la tit* above Shipping Ul tae Wbout. Vemilh Sam. 'irr*i«. aitd g V«mtbd Fbom. Comrana. I/atioh Ria. f- Xf^lfe War Huddle Col «tr BOODec. liMilxn Col. Gorernment Malacca
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 87 3 lli'llntoay't Pillt. Let guild digestion ,i n.l m appetite Hollow.:y't Pills are niversally acknowledged to be tbe ,, spwdieal. and I. I oumctife for iudigeation lots of appetite, acidity, flatulency, and nauaea are a few if the inconveniences which nre remedied vtjth eaae by theae punfyin.' l'illa. They strike at
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    • 847 3 C. FAVKE 00. 113 Him. Ptefft. H c newly opened for sale P P.mes cri.Ulli.e and ("Vi^... Draeeea mrfine. Chocolat it la araSM. M r l- <31,ir-.<, v.iti >atpnrfin. M«Ui?a and '".ninth KHi«ins. n 1 ir?« ansort^ent r.f I Singarore and foreign Criatallised Fruit*. 1 PtrawKerry. Raspberry, fSnosherry, Vnn-H", Ginger,
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    • 310 3 fiotirrs. THF. RITJOAPORE TRAMWAT COMPANT. LIMITED Capital 5500.000 in 5.000 Bhare> of 1100 eacb. 95 payable on application $20 on allotment tbe remainder at mny be required. Director*. Hon. James Graham, M. L. 0. (Messrs. Byrne Co.). Hon. W. G. Gnllsnd, M. L. 0 (Messrs. Pateraon, Simons A Co.), Hon
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    • 268 3 FOR MARSBILIJK 1 bTVEh'WXII/ The 8. 8: ALBANY Oapt. BatklUld, haa .od-uimoaaaadatiofi 'or passengers .Apply t, MARTI N, DTCB Co.* Agents. Binj,apore, 14th Dec 1888^ NOTIOB. i, A young gentleman with S yet»'«' experience in Government, Ranking and Mercantile Offices, desires service in Singapore. Very satisfactory papers, oopiea of which
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 697 4 htTZ apollinar;s water, Thb Natural Soda Watki*. The qneen of Üble waters." British Mbdical Joubn al. f~~ A'POVLINARIS WATER. »»#*<£i;pptV<l continuously to the Table of H. R.'t. THE PRINCE OF WALES daring the last Sve years. APOLLINARIS. THE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far superior tr manufactured aerated water*. Medical Times and
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    • 687 4 *torrs an& iHrrrtoarrtnsr JOHN LITTLE 4 CO. RAFFLEB PLACE, SINOAPORE. WINE AND BPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers op Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobaooo, Hardware, Glassware, I Lamps, Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, j Electro Plated Ware, Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery, Fanoy Goods, Arms and Ammunition, Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers.
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    • 1016 4 Sorts. TfTE TAVT ivn T>AO TV~>OrT CO*. PANT LIMITED. The works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, wi: hiu one mi f the town of Singapore, an or. nr>" Vn fol- I iwing ir.etiis. viz WHARF.— Affor ling bertbaifef..r twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water
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    • 838 4 refitting aad coaling of steamers, alsofihear 1 complete for taking out masts. Boiftr* tc Further information may be had at the Office of Messrs. Paterson, Simons A Co., Oenflrsl AgenU, who forward Telegrams to *b« Dook free. OHARLEB WISH ART. M*nag er Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) Jiotirrs. MUNICIPAL
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    • 842 4 #*otfrf*. FOR SALE. A Frw Weeks with th« Malays. In pamplet form. Price 50 cenU per copy. Straits Times" OffiVe, Bi-gapore 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. NOTES OF A JOTRSF.Y Across tbe Isthmus op Kra. Madb with the French Gotbbnmbwt Subvet Expedition, Januaby— April, IRB3. With explanatory Map and Sections,
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    • 741 4 ROBTNBOH A CO. ■.'3 Collyer Quay, Pinoapore. fopposice the Club.) Drapers. Milliners. SilV Wercera. Habei dashers, Glovers, and General Outfitters. OuwTLFXBN'i Outfitting Dfpahtmknt. Every description of clothing made on the shortest notice by an experienced Cn I- 1 ter, fit guaranteed, t* good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, «%ge«, brcadoloths for
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    • 474 4 flOtl'f. J. MOTION. Chbonometer, Wat. i Maker, and Optk k Flint Has always on hand a well If Jewellery, Watches, 01. onstruments, Ac, comprising Bracelets, Ladies Brooches, Gent' Earrings, Silver Lockets, American Ladies' rings. Carriage sj Signet rings, Marbl. Wedding rings, Chron Keepers Therm Albert chains, Baron Guard chains, Sextan*".
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