The Straits Times, 18 December 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. XXIV, N!.W BERIBB,] SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, IBtß DECEMBER, LBB3. ISSUE.] H NO. 15.186
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 489 1 j&tram *l)ip <Ronn antrs. I.AR AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION COMPANY Office— Oollyer Quay. ss— New Harbour. LINES. underaoted are the date* on wnicc pany's Mail Steamers may be ex rrive at Singapore dunng ?bf and 1884 ,iar>. HoirewAßP. Nov. Monday !»rd I>ec. Kth Slst Jim. l4 »b Jan> tftth 11th
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    • 651 1 *tfam *t)ip compantts. THF VFSSACERIES MARITIMES COMPANT. The following are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here during the current year OcrwAßn. HonwixD. sfonduy IfSth Nov. Monday With Vnv. loth Pec. 10th Dec. *4th I4th 1 7th Jan. 1884 7th Tan.
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    • 714 1 strain *htp Compantrs. DE NBDERLANDSCH-INDIBCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars. London. E. O. Head Aqp.nct Batatia. The following t>re the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. 4 O. 8. N. Coy.,
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    • 790 1 #tr<-m &t)w Ccipanus. N.B. The stesmer does the vorag* in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Ooenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tamptittoean. Analaboe, lleiras und Patti and back from Aoheen via Analaboe, Goenoentr-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baros 4c., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Aierbangis, Natxl, Sibotra, Baros, Singkel, Ooenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 561 1 fnsfwranrr. JAVA SBA AND FIRB INBURAN0 F COMPANY Head Office, Batatia. Thb undersigned, Agents for the abov Company, are prepared to take risks upoi. cargo by steamer or sailing Teasel on tb< customary terms. 33t o/o discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyage*, and 15 o/o oa all risks
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    • 616 1 fn«curanrr. THE HONGKONG FIRB INSURANOK OOMPANT LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 Gbnbbal Manaoebs. Messrs Jardine Matheson 4 Co. Hongkong. mnlting Committee. A Ac in, a*,. m<M-r.. M.10h.r., Co 1 P lawn. Hom*w,WlM *Co T. Manor. rM*ssra.Don.rkM^Laprmik*Co 1 »»1». J 1. 4o* lUmsdlM, (J. J. doa Enudlo*
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    • 544 1 Irttfaranrr. LANCASHIRE INSURANOK OOMPANT. I Oafitax aT<,OOO,OOO. OFFICBSOFTHi OOMPANT. M ANOHBSTKB—Kiehang* Street Livebpool— 4, Manchester Buildings. Hibminoham— Cherry Street London— l 4, King WiUism Btreet. M. O. Olasoow— IJB, West George Street. Bbwtol— Corn Street. Lebds— l2, Bast Parade. Nbwcastlb— 40, Mosley Btrest. Dtjblih— 9, Lowtw Sackrille Street. CHAIBKAV IN
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  • 109 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 18th DEC., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. -isivloßt, i-rH IIKIIBtI, 'iauibier 9 7.4J}. rtlack Pepper ir. .-».r J.n.". small Flake Tiu UK Muletwiat *i lbs. Shirtings 7 do do 1 .411 6 doT. Cloth i 7 4 m :.i, Ext H v >.. 1,.n,1"ii Bank i i <io
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  • 2 2
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  • 32 2 (Vvr Slriits Timet.J IN. JU 0««.— 3,000 French f.r Tonipiin ntxt track, 8,060 more in the middle Of on Bac-ninh is i to l,e made until these reiunts arrive.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 961 2 T.n M M Cot ttea— r Dftmn el, wrlh, the Letniiin mail of the 23rd November, left Colombo »t ti a in ye«terd»v. and should arrive here neit Saturday. l> M.-W of tin probability of war between Franc-e and China, and to pre:r (ailing into the hands of the cruisers,
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  • 283 2 M Ok>Ml H OWaTi, Private Secretary to His Excellency Sir Frederick Weld, took his departure from amongst u» vMteplar r>y the P. O. mail st.-amer XefMtW for Tasmania, whither he tfoes to resume his duties in the Civil Service of that Colony, his term of service as
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  • 337 2 i have received tlie following comnvinuMtion from nt, and believe the faoN upon. Com;ilaint- in M.< l.ainl anl Surrey Depart n.. Nt- so numerous that attention i~ require] to (>,• seriously direfltad to the whole n A Chinaman owning a pUntatioD required some
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  • 141 2 Thk f pal Board and especial!/ ofiu aevtj in a climate when of temperature presmi?, and foal air ias in a cold climate -v'v ence in temperature- bet and outside of houses still th. apore where houseeai, >e^'lHkptw sites whita built upon such a Boil i .Hill
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 768 2 «HrU' aibrrttSfmrnts. I N THE St STRAITS SBTTLtXKN I^OKI. '"Bo PdbBua»t to the Indian 1566, intituled The Trustee*' ac gageee' 'Powers Act. 186« notice it her. 'by^iventbat all creditors and pertors I having toy claimt or demtndt npon i.r againat tbe Estate of Khoo Boon Semi. late of No. 2C
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    • 734 2 p.tto aiibfrtixJfmfntft. ARMY CONTRA Thk SrßAirs £ettlkmenis Ti smta will be received at this Office, until noon on Thursday, the 3rd January, 1884, from pertont willing to mtraet for such 6UPPUBB AM) SERVI as may be required from time to time for the ate of Her Majesty's Tr,>op« ttal
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    • 678 2 ?.^bfrtfsnntntfi. •-TATE. The natruction* tos. 11 by Pnblic Au-ti-n. Sale Knoms No. i 5 Raffles Place, on ThurZ M. (nn- private bar. 'Id pro. Elizabeth Estate, namely Lot No I,— Mounl 1 use, at prea-i t lease,) to .T. Bnrkinahaw, r month. TheHonM is briok built with tiled-mot, and is
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    • 290 2 '\mfd-j. »n eurlv as p they wish to pay their »«l>.rip'i r the ensuing „1 t.,t| .n, which are as follows LOCAL DtI.IVtRV. In Advance. Daily Edition I Vfi > klv Kdith.n. Per Annum I Minnro %l^ Six Monthi. IU Six Montha H Three Months. H I Three Monthi IN
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 662 3 us] corre«j)ond. dare say your I here had beer arch n your >• from inter- .t a* they are Chinese ponies. triot r.iund been placed iaj law by the military authorities and I hope that order and a sense ot" security will soon be quite
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  • 103 3 ISB3. Au 8 31 T. Hamburg <**• »1 Su.lzoufeli London. 1 Henperta Hamburg S Dnch«nf«U Penartb. 6 Prim Fried. Carl Cnr.liff. IW.edi Antwerp 7 E«t«lla lVnarth 8 Lord of the I*l«t I 'Juang Lr* OUho*. 9 Ctmeo C»rdi*. 12 Anchiw* I.irnpool. It Enron* luth. IS lirarilU Cudiff. 13
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  • 144 3 July 31 Oio Batta Cardiff. Seringapatam do lug. 3 do 21 OUfTrygraaon do 23 Shannon d<> 24 Pem)>rok*V. Maria Raff 31 Areola Sept. 1 do 6 Maria Accam* do 9 Anna do 1") So«riran«r do 1 1 Rossini 14 Willy Rickmes* do 14 Alice Rickiaert I I
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  • 98 3 1883. Jon* 10 Taurida "-port. 26 Armonia -Ail! July 21 India X»» Aug. Mohican do 5 Aniello Oalatola f. Maria Tarew D^iiUria do U Niioto Margu«nU. do 16 Ma'anit* II Corjphen* 22 11 *t»nley Vm 28 (■■■imeE. B«pt. 1 I. nnie Parker do 6 Lex.. I
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  • Correspondence.
    • 58 3 A {■patent to t»v one who ha« had I niore about the .tunlitj- and deacrij.tion than the **IW, A well-titnrd ition for manslaughter against a builder or rucallT owner would do tno*> good than any legislative enact. i goou deal too major on our Statute Book.
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    • 109 3 To tkr Editor of the Strait* Tim** Would it not suit our "power* that Ij the ma!! closing-signals longer on Sundays to suit 4he conven all sorts and fondition-men-worshipper*? few the high mass, but many, inoludine your moat oUe<iient and humlile journalantic servantI^rs. At present m.-i Bg
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    • 37 3 Vnhit'i Kaxi. and Ctniu. FKOH. S 41 LID .in Brit itr. SW> Anii-rs. -v 17 Si»k 17 Xtnn r 7M)TV)Buu 18 KubT Brit. utr. U9Partrid(fe h.-f..0 Not. U 17 a S.. irabujra JJ, Malx-n K"■l«mh«ng P-
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    • 47 3 DATS. Twu't Name. Kio. <JLTTI\X. Dee. 17 17 18 18 IS IS Ami-tiqu* Hillitoa Pontianak Rainbow Atjeh V. de U Guardia Fch. itr. Brit. bq. Brit. »tr. Brit. itr. Brit. itr. Dut. itr. li«J. bq. JuUT* 1 urn bull Cowan Jone* Eoielli Swank RiuJdo u«
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    • 153 3 SH IPPING IN THE HARBOUR. «w r*Ku4in« (•Li.. VwHML't NIKI. iPTIW. i!CD A«»ITU> FBOM. UB»«I Rio D-anoH M«U^ f WBr Burton HMm S4oNot. 11 Porumouth Senior NanU ■Haßaßi SGODtc. llMnWc Col. rit.«r. l»J«- X Prina Alex»n l^r Hut. ttr. July 6 B»UTi» """^^H Re.ident K»tt« Butler Out. rtr n; k
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 20 3 JiOtUfS. FOB MA!. Tb S S ALBANY." ipt. B'lskfield, has i; I ne. mmodation for paaavn^-era. Apply to MARTIN Agents-
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    • 634 3 ■*4$ ilotirrs. RRNMENT •-■d f ,r the construo. >,»-,. rk» connected wi>h 22 mileaof (be »b.,ve r.ilw.v l.etw«en the r~Tt of K'.npand the R< sidency townof Kwala Ltimpor in the State of Sel«n».>r, c mpri»;nit a total -jUHntity of 700,000 ent'i'- yun'» more or less. Plans and apeciftoation* may be
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    • 652 3 fiortrts. i WAT ■T tub. S5 payable or ii m iy be required. lor: Hon. James Grah>:m, M. L. (1. I V Hyme A Co.). Hon. W. G. GulUnd. M. L. <". (Messn H.,n. Andrew ,'nrri". M 1 < H T. 11. Sohst. F; i (Messrs. Pnttf-irrlen Rbeinar Co.), I
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    • 285 3 flOtlffS. NOTI E Thi China V loth Darwin. Trmn«dsy '.town. I Townsville. Hri^h^ne, Sydney and Wei bourne, and will book care., foi other Queensland, Australian or New Zealand ports. For freight or'i ;msii(je. apnly to WAVKntLD t <•■ Singapore. Ist Dec, 1«8H (l»u THK ,lAI,OR iND RAMAN' <*ILTBB I.FAP AN'DTIN
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    • 253 3 D POKtB, 'tNE AND ThiE. A A IBNMrm, due bar. ha* room f ,i ".trjfo and p*Mßjengem. \,Co* ■■nts .nst.)'iiiri?, and Emmerich o/R. RATTENHER(i SCHMIDT nts 'or th.- Straits Pettier; Malay Peninsula, and Sumatra. Stocks always on band THE BANK' SCX. In thk Si-prim Coubt or hi l IS
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 663 4 iWi eirllenrou. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARIS WATER Tvi Rinmu Soda Watbb. The qneen of table water*." BRITISH MBDICAL JOVftHAI APOLLINARIS WATER. •V Supplifd oontinnonaly to the Table o H. R, H. TH^ PRINOB OF WALES during the last lire years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL BODA WATBP. 'Par superior to manufactured aeratec wat«B.
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    • 674 4 Jfctorr* anO iHmbanlnsr. JOHN LITTLE <% CO. BATTLES PLACE. Singapore. WINT? AND SPIRIT MERCTTANTS, I IMPOBTIES OF PmOTISIOHB, GROCERIES, OILMAM STORES. Cigarn. Tobaoco, Hardware, Glass warf, Lamp*, Saddlery >»d Harness, Crock, it, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Ooodi. Anni and Ammunition, Ladiea and Gentlemen's outfitten. Watch and Clock
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    • 959 4 fflorbs. THE iC OOMPANT LIMITED. Thb works of tht. < 'ouipany are situated at Tsnjong Pugar, within ono mile of the i town of Singapore, and comprise the fol- lowing establishment)), vix i, Whabp.— Affording l>erthage for twenty r, ve**els at one time with sufficient water r, tl m$ Ml*
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    • 772 4 Doiko. refitting and coaling ot (teamen, alao Shear* complete for takinir out mutl, Boiler to Further information may he had at the Offloe ot M<w»r«. Psterson, Simom A 00., General Agent*, who forward Telegrams to the Dook fr<M. OHARLEB WIBHART. M*n»ger. Singapore l«t Julj 1876. (n. c) flOUttS. MUNICIPAL NOTICE.
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    • 813 4 plotters. FOR SALE. A F»w Weeks with the Malats. Ia pnmplet form. Price 50 cents per ,-opy. "Straits Times" Office, Singapore 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. NOTES OF A JOURNEY Across tbe Isthmus op Kba. Madb with the French Govebnment Subtbt Expedition, Jancabt— April, 1883. With explanatory Map and Sections.
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    • 797 4 ROBI 00. [XTBB QUAT, PINOAPOBE. cc the Club.) Drapers. Milliner*. Bilk Mercerß. Hnb.-r--dashers, Glovers, and General Outfitters. O»*TLrMP>»'* OrTPITTINO DBPAHTMENT. Every description of elothi"g made on the shortest notice by an experienced Cnt. ter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, serges, broadcloths for selection. Calf walking shoes. SboottPg
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    • 523 4 fioixtt J. MOTION OmONOMETBB, WATCH AND Oloc, Mab-bb. ami Optioia* Flint Rtbbjh Hj»s always on hand a well select a If Jewellery. Watabe., CWk, on»trnments, *0., comprising Braoelets, Ladies' -old „,<,. Brooohes, Oents' ditt<j Earring*. SUver watche. .Locket*, American clock. Ladies nnga, Oarriage clock i Signet nn(r«. Marble EC Weddmg
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