The Straits Times, 15 December 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. OL. XXIV. NEav skjiies,] SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. 15th DECEMBER. 1883. ISSUE.] No. 15,184
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 425 1 *tram *hfp fcomranlre. •RIKNTAL NAVIGATION COMPANY llyer Quay. lie New Harbour. I L !«(ss}#! LINEB. -ted are tbe dates on wuicd ,'s Mail Steamers mtjr be ex.\v.» at Singapore dnnng the v; inJ IBS4:--r»BD. HOMrWARP. Kov. Monday Srd TVc. i:th 31st lth Jan. Uth Jan. B«th K. 1«1 Btta \<
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    • 649 1 strain *ntp Companits. the ntmAamaxa maritime? COMPANY. The following are the date* on which the (teamen of the Meesagerie* Maritime* may be expected to arrive here during the current year Outward. Homeward. Monday 2fith Nov. Monday Mth Nov. 10th Dec. 10th Dec 14th 2*th '.884 7th Jan. 1884 7th lan.
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    • 729 1 strain Af)(p Convpanirs. DE NEDERLANDSOH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Cjutraota with the Netherlands Indian Government*.) Heati Offici, 13 Austin Fbiabs. London. E. O. Head aoenot Batatia. The following ure the datea on which the Company's Steamers running in con- Bwatiofj with the mail steamers of the P. A O. S. N.
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    • 796 1 Attain *f)fp Compamrs. N.B.— The steamer doe* the voraga in one month vii Priaman, Ajerbangi*. Natal, i Siboga, Baros, Singkel. Goonoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regaa and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Ooenoeng-Sitoelie, Pingkel, Baros Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal. Siboga. Baros. Ringkel. Goe-
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    • 566 1 fntfuranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIBB INBUBANO* COMPANT Head Officb, Batatia. I Thb underiigned, Agents for the above l Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33, o/o discount allowed on all risk* f coaating voyage*, and 15 o/o on all
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    • 624 1 Insuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANY LIMITBD Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 Genbbal Manaoebs. Messrs Jardine Matheeon A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andr., fil.^,,. M.loh«r., Co.) J P Baru* CX—n. HoDJA»,WIss Co. A T Mus»r, fM««T».DoSSSta»ral»*Co. Rl ">»"«> OttpcT Ltd.) J. J. 4o* itmtiiom, (j. j. do.
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    • 509 1 frtsturanrr. LANCASHIRE INSURANOH OOMPANY. Oawal «8.000,000. OFFI0B8OFTHJ! OOMPANY. Makchbstb*— Kxohang* Street. Litbbpool— 4, Manchester Bmildinfs. RiBi«N»»AM-Clierry Btreet. Londo»— 14, King William StreM,!. O. Glas«ow-18S. Wsrt George Street, BBierot— Corn Street r.BBDB—I2, Bast Parade. Nbwcastlb-40. Mosley Street. Dtjbu»-», Lo,^ amk^fli, Bkree*. CHAIBMAN IN BUjrOHBBTBB. Johm Todd, Esq. (Messrs. Todd A Oostoa
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  • 147 2 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 15th DEC., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SmaAfoas, 15th Dicbmbbk, 188 S. ■innbier f 7.35. rllaot Pepper 15 7S. White tVpper, 'air quality. -;»go Fl.iar, d«r Pearl .Sago 'loffee, Hooth>u- U t fnpi .ca, »oi«li Flake 3W. Tin -.'5.80. 40a. Uuletwist M. •ii lbs. Bbirtings LSsH. 7 do
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  • 2 2
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  • 32 2 fF..r Time*./ EOYPT. l.uu.lon, |4*l Dec— The Hillmen are threat, ning Suakim. IViL." take c, minand of an ImditiM ofB,oot Btj uti— troops now fitting out for the Soudan.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 169 2 Tiif to.arreturn of visitors to the Raf. ties Library and Museum drring the week ending Fri'dav, 14th D.-eember, IHHB, was 617. His Honour Actine Chief Justice Ford, accompanied by his Private Secretary, returned from Malacca yesterday by the Colonial steamer Sea B'U<" The Sea Belle also brought as pafscnirors th»
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  • 1128 2 Notice is hereby given, given, that frtn and after the" Ist day of January, I^, M I'etn.leum may be kept in any place within the Colony in quantities ex- j ceeding four cases or 32 gallons without a license. Applications for such licenses should be made
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  • 1890 2 Company. Thk Shanghai Courier of the 4th Dt.finber contain* tli following aeoosot of the lirct antiag of tl and a* it possesses soine i> in the Straits, we give it iv full, counts and all Tb« first annul g-r. v was held hi -nl ing Boad,
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  • 692 2 H» Excellency the Governor returned to Singapore on Wednesday morning, the 12th iswtrat, in the Government sU.-uu vadit sTas lielle, after a length ii>il tv I'maiis* and the Native Slates. He was received at Larut with i^reat ratnuMtajs l.y the Chinese iuiii.t*, uml In- it
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 860 2 #lrUi abbertisrmnu*. THEBINGAPOBJJ TRAMWAY TED. Capital "00* Shares ..f •100 ess**, 96 pavabU on app) 120 on allotment; the remainder as may be required. DirteUm Hon. Jamla Graham, A. L. Cl. (Messrs. Syn»e A Co.). Hon. W. G. Gnlland, M. L. C. (Messrs.* Paterson. Simons A Co.), Hon Andrew Onrrie,
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    • 915 2 ilrto 2Urtierti«rmfnts. GARKISON THEATRE. FORT CANNING, BTNGAPORE. Under tbe distinguished patronage of the HON COL. A. D. GEDDHS. R. I. F., Commandant Straits Settlements. Capt. J. R. 8. O. Hewitt, commanding Royal Artillery, Singapore, A Officer- B. A., Thk R tal Abtillkbt Minstrbls, Will give their FIBST PIBFOBMANCB IR SINOAPOBB,
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    • 865 2 fltto 2M>nt;«niirtUß. Thi undersigned Crown L»nd». sitnatMl in the Island *il! Im> sold by Publio Auction nr the Land Offi*, st 12 o'clock B, or. ii iK.' ITih D.ccmKPlans may bo seen and inf.rmition ob titined by applying at the Lund Cffi-e. Diatrirt. -j Araa. a. -J -Jji'l'i A K
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    • 528 2 *^f' M 3t' rmrnld. norTRT OF r;iE SITTLIMKNT op SIROAPOBV. In the <i.KHIs of KHOO Boom 8s»o. D. wased. Prit-CVWT to the Indian A.:t No. 2S of 1V66, intunled "The Trmitees' and Mortgagee' Powers Act. 1866." notice is hereby xiven that all creditors and persons having any claims <>r demands
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Correspondence.
    • 177 3 BJ^KmB pear that it was neither thn Queen-post r 'lie dimensions of the main that were at fault so much as tbe I, wbich appears to bar* been in kind and quality. This may n have U-en owing to the part of the builder, but to ignorance,
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  • 1047 3 Aktipicial Eoos. The Sew York Sun published the following Last April parties from Paterson rented a building on Broad-street in this city. They becan a manufacturing business, and evidently did a lively trade. Barrels and boxes were shipped daily to New Tork. They employed a score or more of
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  • 138 3 Holloway's Pills Thi* purifying and regulating Medicine should oooaaionally be bid recourse to during foggy, cold, and wet weather. These Pills are the best preventive of h >arseness, sore throat, qninsey, pleurisy, and asthma, and are ore lemejies for c inge* 4 i ,n bronchitis, and irfl mmati <n A
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    • 75 3 7^ Fla. h Vmil'i Kamb. a«> a Rio. I Cattahi. *«>«• S4ILID U Sea B«Ue 15 Meinam inby 16 Hy<- Leong 16 Roehampton 16 Canandra 16 Agamemnon 16 /.merique Col. rtr. MO Huddl» lUUcm Dws. MM. rtr W9r»Tro 8«igo« Dec. Bn rtr. miCtnu—a Bunana« Dec. Brit.rtr. W»Uow)«tt Bour.b»y» Dm.
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    • 58 3 Date. VMB'l Na*» Flao Rio. C APT AM. M v 15 II 16 It II Ift IS Hecuba HjdupM Paul Cltator Agamemnon Boehropton SLEW FnUlliDoft Brit ftp. White Brit. itr. Bcri»en«r Brit. itr. Whartoß I Brit. itr. Moore Brit. rtr. WUdin« Brit »tt. Sutowi i Oar. ftr. B*dem*k*r Dut.
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    • 538 3 kp Ulßs and Agent, of vs-1. roqu^a __»«"> »ny «nr« omission vi ah«rs SUpfina b th* Bßtsw Sea B«lle Huddi» Col. »*r. t fsr"" l»s Wm. Maekinnon Put itr IVim Alexander Dot. itr. Martaban Brit, utr Bwiitf"* Katter Rutt«r Out. itr. f.^.-rn S»ndmann Out. ttr. Tamt-i»
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 650 3 fionrre. FOR SALE A sixteen-*t< p Harmonium, by Cbris. topbe and Etienne of Paris, almost new and iv iplendid condition. Apply to F. C DANENBIRG, Pianoforte and Music Warehouse. Orchard Road. Singapore, 3rd December, ISBS. (a. c. FOR USUAL QUEENSLAND PORTS, STDNET, MELBOURNE AND ADELAIDE. Thb E. A. Co*, s
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    • 1016 3 iloticrs. VALUABLE FREFHOLD RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES, Oh Mount Flizabcth Estate. The nndersigned have received instructions to a*ll by Pnblie Auction, at thier Rale Room* No. U Raffle* Place, on Thurs. day, 20th December, 1883. at 2 p. M. f unless previously disposed of by prirate bur. gaio 1 the following vnluable
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    • 348 3 Botlffs TH* Ohina HsvigatioTi Co"s. steamer TVmsan. leaving Hongkong on the 10th December, will call her* en rout* to Port Darwin. Thursday Island, Oooktown. I Townsville, Brisbane, Sydney and Mcl- I bourne, and will book cargo for other I Queensland, Australian or New ZeaW > port*. For freight or passage,
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    • 336 3 J&OtttW. IS AAMT CONTRAOTa Thi Srm_TM .S«ttubmbi»ts. Sbalbu Tirdbm wn.' be 'reoeired at this Offioe, until noon on Thursday. 3rd January, 1884, from penoca w.Uiag to contract for such SUPPLIBB AKD S3RYIOBB, a* may be required from time to time for the nsa of Her Majesty's Troops stationed SINGAPORE A
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 664 4 i«t«rfnantoira. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARIS W4TER, Thb Natural Soda Water. Th* qneen of table water. British M epical Joubnal. APOI4UNARIB WATER. ksT Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THB OF WALES dnring the last five yean. APOLLINARIS. THE NATTJBAL SODA WATER. Far iperior to manufactured aerated water*. Mbdical
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    • 698 4 *torr« anH ikUrrbaiUitttr. JOHN LTTTLE A CO. RAVTLES PLAOB. Sinoapore. WINB AND SPIRIT MERCHANTB, Impobtbbs of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Oigan, Tobarco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamp*, Saddlery and Hamc**, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware, Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Arms snd Ammunition, Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock maken. Japanese and
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    • 953 4 TfTF, T OOM. Thb work* of the Company are situated at Tanjong Piigar, w ihin -ne mile of the town of Sjng«p,,re, *nd -o-nprise the foll>win?e*t>tbli*hment*. vix Whabf.— Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water tl inside for yeasels of the heaviest draught, and protected by
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    • 801 4 Sork. r.flttirgandcoalingof steamer*, a'so Shears complete for taking out masts. Boil er j c tk«T information may be had at the Office o# Me«sr.. Paterson, Simon* Co Genera' Agenta, who forward Telegram* Dook fr*«. OHARLBB WIBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist Jnly 1875. (n. c.) fioutt*. ipu, voti'-R Texdfrs are invited for
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    • 771 4 flonrrs. FOR SALE. K F?W WrFM WITH TH» MALATS. In pamplet form. Price 50 oente per "Straita Times" Office, Sigspore 2«th A^ril. 1883. NOW RBADT. NOTEBOF A JO'"»N"T ACBOSS THB IftTHMCS OF KRA. MADB WITF'- THB FmRNCH GOTBRNMBNT FUBTET EXPFDITION. January— April, I«S3. With explan' l^.} Map and Bections, AWD
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    • 704 4 flOtut*. I I ROP. CO. ?3 Coi.LTFR QWAT, .'INOAPOI4E. fopposice the Club Drsper.. Milliner.. Silk Wewsers. Haber- daubers. Olovere. and General Ontfitten. Gk^tlfmrn's Outfit'- mo Department. Every description »of clothing made on the shortest notice, by an experienced Cut. ter. fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweed., wonted., serge*, broadcloth*
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    • 562 4 fiotUt. J. MOTION. ronometeb. Watch a-. Maker, am Optician. PI.UT Ha» always on hand a well selected .1 If Jewllery, Watch.., dock.! instruments, Ac., comprising Bracelets, Ladies' goid water Brooobis, Gentu' i Earrings, Bilver watches, Lockets, Ameiican clocks Ladies' rings, Carriage blocks, Signet rings, Marble clockWedding ring*. Chronometer., K -epers
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