The Straits Times, 14 December 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. <>1.. XXIV. \l.\\ Sl-KIES,] 81IN(iAPOKL, FRIDAY. 14Tii DECExMBER, 1««3. ISSUE.] s No. 15,183
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 420 1 Atram j»otp (ffomramr^. D ORIENTAL lON OOMPANT LIKES. •■•d are the date* on wnieu V*ny's Mail Steameramay be eiurive at Sinirnpcre during the -*4:— abb. Hoimriin. I Monday *r* TVDec. tlst Jan. Uth Jan. is* Join Mar. Apri Aprl. May. Friday Snd MayThursday IStn •Oth 2Wh 'is* Jnno (r« i,nvnov.
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    • 644 1 A»tram &>fnp Compamrs. THI VKSSAG/RIES! MARITIMF.S COMPANY. The following are, the date* on which j the steamers of the Messagerie* Maritimes may be .■xp.vted to arrive hrre dnring the -urrent year Outward. HotnrwAitD. Monday 2fith Nov. Monday Mth Nov. loth TV.-. 10th Dec. Mat lith 1884 7th Jan. 1884 7th
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    • 721 1 strain *htp Compamro. DE NEDERLANDBCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATBOHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands Indian Governments.) Hbad Office, 13 Austin Fbiabs, London, E. C. Head agency Batatia. The following ore the dates on whioh the Comriny'* Steamer* running in connection with the mail stesroera of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy.,
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    • 792 1 *tram *!)ft> Compamr*. N.B.— The ateamer doe* the vovags in on- month ria Priaman, Ajerbangia, Natal, ftihoga. Barns, Singkel, Ooenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tsmpattoean, Analaboe. Reira* and Pa'ti and back from Acheen via Analahne, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, PUntfkel, Baros Ar.. for Padang. On another month ria Priaman. Aierbangis, Nat il, Sihoga, Baron. Singkel. Goenoeng
      792 words
    • 581 1 fnstiranrf. JAVA BBA AND FIRE INBURANO* COMPANT Hbad Officb, Batatia. The undersigned. Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the cuatomary term*. 9Si ofo discount allowed on all riaka f coasting voyage*, and 16 o/o on all risk* Europe
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    • 610 1 Insuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITBD Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 Genbbal Manaobbs. Messrs .Tardine Matheson k Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A Atidr.. E*q. (Mmot*. M*Mian, Co.) J '1 Bjpm* numn. HonMaj,wi*.»iCo. a r Maa««. nbssra.Doajla*,T*pnlk*Co. H. NlnaiM, ißmn Compuj Ltd.) J. do* Rcmadioa, a. da* BaSM&o*
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    • 534 1 fntmrantf* LANCASHIRE INSf RANCH COMPANY. Oaktai £9,00 C,000. OFFICBBOFTHB OOntPANY. Manorbstbb— Exohaag* Btreei. LrTBBFOOL— 4, Manchester Buildings. BiBMiNawAM-OhiTy Btrset. London— l 4, King Wnikm Btewst, B. G. Glasgow— 133. West George Stowrt. Bbistol— Corn Street. Lbbds— l*. Bast Parade. Nbwcastlb— 40, Mosley Btreet. LVobuh— Low* Saokrill« StnsA. CHAIBMAN IN MANORBwTBB.
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  • 116 2 aiaaAPoui, 14th DictHßta, 188 J. ■iainbier 7.35. rtlaok Popper U.7S. pper, fair qoaiity. Pearl 6*w> Coffee, Honthjnr 14:1 Tapioca, amitli Flake Tin UH. Mote twist H3. ■*i lb». Shirtings I.VJj. 7 do do im >? do T. Cloth 1.t>74 7 d,
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  • 2 2
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  • 30 2 (Vur Slriitt Timrt.) UkITBD S' London, \Mh Dec Resolutions bave been iw+roduoad in the House ol Re- prcsentalivcs to linnt the silver age, and withdraw the trade dollar.
    Reuter  -  30 words
  • 768 2 ic Lighting. A most sapaeaafnl exhibition of the DeOB/a-Cttff »y«t. 111 ef electric liffht--19; at White House, 1 of Dr. IVnnys. AUxit a hundreil aeafle were present, chiefly gentlemen ooonected with the Telegraph Cotapaaj.aiMl several leading natives. The s-teadinesi and brilliancy of the light evoked
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  • 1044 2 It seem* not that an Indian Expedition may «hortlv be ile-jiatehexl to Egypt in eocMtqaeDefl of the d ral Hicks' smhv in the Soudan at tbe hands of the Malidi. There i« still room for doubt if the whole force was annihilated, l>ut the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 796 2 be required. tort. Hon. Ji mea Graham, M. L. 0. (Menurs Srme A Co.), Hob. W. G. Gnlland. M. L. 0. (Messrs. Paterson, Simons t C> 1, Hon Andr. 1 m puny tin < :'t-S«rtson,Kso,. (Messrs. Ronstesd A Oo5), T. H. S. hst. F- Man Puttfarcken n Blair, Esq. (Manager,
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    • 899 2 frto ajbfrtisrmfnts. i:\HKIsoN' THEATRE. FOI ■HE. l'nd>-r the diatiri;uished patronage of the HON COL. A. D. GEDDE-s. R. I. F., Command-in' 8 Capt. J R. S. O Hewitt. niminJiuu Royal Art'Uery, Sini»ap r», A Officers B. X., The R tai. Artii.i.trt MtjtsTßEi .>. Will gire their FIBST PrBPOKMANCE IN SIVOAPOBE,
      899 words
    • 737 2 ■f-) f Wj o•\\ 1 t|«f trriilf Thy tamed by npplying si Mtj v.ii I iklt Timah vt 'lo < da i 1 ,ss 1 ilo urn i«i k .1 7 xwiii 10 T.+.H m X) 10 VxtUiur Ml«l' •-;>,, *V| 11 Chanrl 12 do jn 13 PjakLMar ««l 1I
      737 words
    • 465 2 1.1 tee "t Wedneaday next, or they will not be recognised. 7 A. HIROH, Singapore, 13th Dec 1 88& IVRE .< On. 113 Hill Ptbket. H» »-«'e Pates de P.mes oristallise and Coings, D aeees surfin >s creme. Mamns < I .rfi :i. Malaga and r-e susortment of rVistillM..! Frnit.,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 574 3 ■i papert.J Loud ossmorehns Orange deI and stated .ii is announced for -ii.i.t, however, haa no in /.cd State- navT. tog Lond wavo in 1 r.-laild. LaTIIT 1^ !HMB. Calcutta, ith Drc, 50 p. w.—Tbe Kiliibition opened socoeasfaDy :r dedicator* hymn. The' Bishop of nni'l Trevor read an
    574 words
  • 738 3 We take the foilowinp itenag fiom ivak Gazelle of the Ist DecemThe Committee of Administration —Baa*. dent's Office, Thursday. 15th N .vember, 1883. Prt—tU The PrenJ... 1 In.F. R O Mixwell, Pat* Bandar. Hail Baa Hasaam, H.iji MaUiui. .-.nim. «ident mforms the Members that fiom the As- I
    738 words
    • 54 3 S Vdiu'i Kimi. A»r> CiFTAm. Bio 2 Feom. SAtLTO. IS OUnMfflM U Louina 111 14 Pearl H Mercury U HydMpe* U ricoo 14 ttjeh Brit. utr. I»37O««M« Brit au. U>H»nD«r Brit. rtr. 706 Whartnn Brit. rtr. 189 Martin P. O. itr Brit. ttr. KMOOenrge Ont. rtr. BMSnark H-knn* MaUccm
      54 words
    • 59 3 Datb. Vuni'i Hakb. DATS. Vbul'i Ham*. Fi^« Fi^o k Bio. I tai». I Inrri* D*c. 14 Loui.» in 14 J*p»n 14 Bui Wh»tt dooo 14 ChMW 14 R»neo 14 Cheribon Brit. ttr. Hum Ma Hrit. »tr. Wood* M« Brit. itr. rjckburn Hil Omm B» S»r itr. DitudaU Dut.
      59 words
    • 374 3 5a P Uinaa»4 A^UofTa^arar«Q»ee«»d tooommUß»U-U-»l.— 0. H|«tt« *ny error or oatsaion m the above HUppiM lt h r ur V W »L» N*«. «-ArT».». I V^n I A.MIT.D F.OM. Conwnw. Rio. rM*li^° f W r Br«ton H.M.rtr M"Not 11 PorUnouth Senior NaTal Ofloar. ?if,t mar B-n^
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 131 3 fiotirrs. TO BE LET. That 0 Biatodi u« family resideu 7 in Wilkie Hiad. having a beautifully, laid out garden, and bouse w.itei For particular* apply on the pro, M.FINKELSTEiy, .re, Ut D c, 1883. (to3lst iu«t.) H BAKER. Ice i'orfkc ioreb, Victoria Street, No. 22. next to the French
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    • 786 3 A siv m, by Chris- j 1, almost new and ia spleadid condition. Apply to F. 0. DANENBEHG, Pianoforte and Muaic Waraboaae. Singapore, 3rd December, lH&t. (v. c. FOR I DRTS, I BTDNET, MEL ()UaN3 AND APELAIDB. T^«F. A. Go's. B. "MENMUIB," the 19th inst has room for cargo and
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    • 972 3 ROU> OH lIKTH E^TATF mdersigned bave reoeited instrnr. >»v Pnhlir An.' O«* Place, on Thursday. 20tb D. .eai'er, IBft3. at 2 p. M. fnnlens previously disposed of by private bargai/ 1 the following v ilnaMe Freehold properties aituated on Mount Elizabe'h Fat*te, nnmely *O. I,— Mounprea'tit leased to J. Hnrkinshaw,
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    • 348 3 Coitl«l«ciN« with tbe Vbroha. leaving i this oa or about the 3rd December, the j China London ateamera will proceed via I Bombay withont transhipment of cargo. The connecting ateamer at Colombo pr.K-e.cN to Aden, Mnrsaillea, and 1 London, m 'king fast, time, and rnrming j r oor.neetions. berths
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    • 326 3 AT»AT Tin uudafaigned base rnv-i instmoteu in sell by 1' Thursday the 27th DecemSer, 1883. (.1 2.3") P. M. at •heir Sal'- Thatvalnablo Freehold S*\n Batata au tnateat Bnddoh, comprised in Ooveri QrantVo. 104 General No. 3^34,' eatimated to contain an area of 135 acrea. Thia valnahle property is» sitnated
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 690 4 itfisrtllanroug. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARIB WATER, Tbb Natural Soda Watbr. The qneen of table waters." British Mepicai. Joubna' i APOIiITKARTP WATER. BatT Supplies continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THI PRINCE G* WALES during tke last five year*. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL BOD/\ WATER. 'Far superior to manufactured aerated waters.
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    • 677 4 4*>torrs ana jtotttb&vtottt. JOHN LITTLE A CO. RAFFLES PLACE, SINOAPOBB. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Importers op Provisions, Groceries, Oilman Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamp*. Saddlery and Harness, Orookery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Arms and Ammunition, Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters, Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and
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    • 1016 4 'VXJK OOM- The >■ rk* f .pi.ny aresituated at Tsnjnag Pagar, within me mile of the town i prise the folI .wing estaMi.hmenr*. »ii Whabf.— Affording berth age for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water Is for veisttln of the heaviest draught, and protected by a breakwater f
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    • 914 4 Sort. rrWisßßß'snd.' >alingof steamers, also Shear* I complete f n r taking out masts. Boiler Jlc Farther information may be had at the 1 Of*** ot Messrs. Paterson, Simons AOo General A.gente. who forward Telegram. 1 to »hs Dook free. OHARLES WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. 0.)
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    • 786 4 FOR SALE. A FFW WfFKS WITH TH» MALAYB. In pamplet form. Price 50 oenU per copy. Straits Timea" Office, Singapore 2fith April, IRW. NOW RBADT. NOTES OF A JOf'IVPT acboss the i»th«iuB of kba. madb with thb fbbnfh goyebnmbwt Pubyby Expedition. January april. IHB3. With explanatory Map and Sections. afjaj
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    • 855 4 •Hottfrt. noßi LLYKB Qr\Y, Drar 'C»ni. Haber rla.hers, Glover*, ar,l r,p r er»l Outfitters. GB-«TLFMBN> OtTFIT -l»d DWPAHTMBICT. Every description of clotbi-'g made on tbe shortest notice lt> an experienced Cnt. ter, flt guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsted*, serge*, broadcloths for selection. Calf walking ahoea. Shooting boots and
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    • 559 4 fiotitt. i II OT I MAR-EU ANlenstrum- prising Bracetets, Ladies' gold M Brooobes, Earrings, Silver watches, lAmerican clocks Ladies' rings. Carriage docks Signet rings. Marble clock*, Wedding rings. Chronometers, Ke-per* Thermometer... Albert chains. Barometers, Onard chains, Bextants, Studs, Sleeve But- Salinooetera, tons and Links, Compasses, Gold penc'ls, Binocular glasee* buttons.
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