The Straits Times, 13 December 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV. [NEW SEJUESj SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, 13th DECEMBER, 1883- ISSUE.] 15,182
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 503 1 *tram *htp (Somuanire. I.AR AND ORIENTAL VIG ATION CO MPAN 7 Office— Collyer Quay. wjii»— New Harbour, LUT3B. Tme late* on wn.ot mpany's Mail Steamer* may Ik- -i 'o arrive at Singapore donng *he and 1884:— »ABD. HOMKW.RP. UHh Nov Mon.lay Sr<\ I 11 h Sl»t MM Mth Jan Hth
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    • 613 1 ♦tram *htp €orvpanus. THF VK^r ••ANY. The following »re the dates on wMcb .mer* ..f th.- Mcssageriea Maritime* may K« -.ted to arrive here dnrinp the -urr.i.t year Onw*BD. TTomwAKn. Mth Nov. Monday With Vov. 10th Pec. 10th Dec. 14th Mth „'.!»M7th Jan. „1884 7th lan. 21st All the above
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    • 730 1 strain *hip Compamrs. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands Indian Governmental I'eaii Office, 13 Austin Fbiabs. London. E. O. Head AorNCT Batatia. The following hre the dates on which tbe Company** Steamers running in con-'n-ction with the mail steamers of the P. A O. 8. N. C.,y
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    • 785 1 *tratn *btp Compamrtf. N.B.— The Hleare.r does the voyago in I one month vi i Priaman, Ajerhangis. Vatal, Siboga, Baros. Sintrkel, Oo<>no<»ng-Bit.>elit Troemon. Tampattoean, Analsboe, Regaa and Patti and Sack from Ache>n via Analaboe, Ooenoefl^-Rito<>li<>, Singkel, .Bnros At., for Padanp. On another month via Priaman, A}erbangis, N^tat, Siboga. Baron. Singkel.
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    • 567 1 firturanrr. JAVA BBA AND FIRE INSURAN B COsfPANT Hbad Office, Batatia. The undersigned, Agents for the ah Company, are prepared to take riak* v- n cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary term*. 33*. o/o discount allowed on all ri*k* f ."■isting voyage*, and 15 o/o on all
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    • 608 1 fnsuranrt. THE HONGKONG FIRB INSURANCI COMPANY LIMITED Capital $8,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 604,909 Genebal Manaobb*. Messrs .Tardine Ma the*, .n A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Comra F*, .lUmmm. M.lohOT, A Co. > f E. fM***f*. HoUM*v,Wls*ac«. H NiJSlS'"' 'gjssis.riOß.Tto»,L*lJ«tt»C<>. J iv a M<U U- '••*s«sSsl*s*Co) The undersigned are the authorised
      608 words
    • 509 1 fnguranrr. LANOABHIM INBURANOJI COMPANY. Oapitai £3,000,f>» OFFTCEBOFTHE COMPANY. Manohk.stik— Kxohang* Btreet. Litbbpool— 4, Manchester Buildings. BiBMiNOHAM-Ob*TTyBtrea4. London— 14, King William Btreet, B. O. Glasoow— 133, West George Street Bristol— Corn Street Lebds— l2, Bast Parade. Newcastle— 40, Moalsy Street. Dublm-9, Ix>wer Bac&ille Street. I AIB t *J' I» MANCHBHTBB. iomw
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  • 114 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 13th DEC., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Si.i ;a»-oke, ::Ith Dicembib, 188 a Uauibier t 7.35. rllack Pepper 15 75. [iper, fair qoalit/. -»Uo Floai-, riar r '.>ffe«\ Hjnthjr:. I4J, *m.ili nake 325. tOi. Muletw.Kt ■ii lbs. Shirting* IJM 7 do do i7a\ 6 sIoT.I 1.(.7 J.
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  • 32 2 1 u'Jl Times./ Irkla\i>. London, Xl'fi -Mr. Run.-11, in rei'eivn li it in DlVii if 198,000 ttarliac, mwkvlM p^tiwiwe, and said ha ksM ev.ry mH«J the indepeml'Mice of Ireland tamable.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 553 2 We r. ur. t lo fml that ihere wa< a mis-ntat-tmnt in the account I'Tlie Ball j to the Maharajah utnl that the narnei jof several gsjatMSH Wl- re umvittiiio;lv passed over who KMtribatsd htv WmA Ito tin the cvi tiiiiL.' W, wer« misled by tin- fa-t that Mr. K.
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  • 985 2 Professor Johnstone at the Tanglin Barracks. Tilt large xebool at Tanglin Barracks, kindly placed at the disposal of Professor Johiutone liy the Hon. Col. Oeddes, waa cruwdeil to wHmm that gMideman'i per- j formance last night. His clever sleight-of-h^nd tricks were much appreciated and greeted with frequent applause heartily given.
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  • 224 2 The Hon. J M (iiinral II all Bel Prmwr-Smith, editor and the li Franc Hone I 3 1. -n.1.. 1 himself and "eera.'been a verl ty of the jury of Prett pub isles the follow upon the ver.liet over the An Mutflukmum, .in.l h the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 811 2 #t\ .19. THESINGAPOHK TRAMWAY COMPANY. UMITBD. "CaWtal »500.000 in 5.000 Shares of $100 each. 95 [ay ible on application f 2O on allotment the remainder as may be required. Directun. 'Hon. James: Graham, M. L. C. (Messr*. Byme'AC« Hon. W. G. Gulland, M. L.C. (MMsra. Pa- 1 Co). Hon. Andrew
      811 words
    • 851 2 /Irto aUbrrttKcauntd. GABUIBOM THF»iTRR. FORT c VNNIN'U, S' NO PORE. Under the distinguished natron ig.- of the 808 COL A. D. OEDDE-*, R. I. F., ('ommaodant Slraita Set'lementn. Capt. .1. R 8. O.Hewitt, cimmindiug Royal Artillery, Singapore, Officers B. A The R tal Abtillebt Mirstbels. Will give their FIBST PEBFOKMAIfCE
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    • 759 2 Thk uudwrsigi lublic Anrti.n V .«t 11' c! „-k PUns ti v b ti 1 t. ined by applying Bee I j fill f i_j .j.. ±±\i\ AKp» csrtc •»J,l 1 <H i ISO SO i .kit Tlnuh,,,- i., n il *o StM i i., i I l*l« <| o
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    • 470 2 I ENT T'NKBB** an- in»it<>d fir the eonatru' I li- earthworks nonneeted with 22 I ihe above railway between the Klang and the Residency town of Kwala Lnmpor in the State of S-Ungor, c mprising a total quantity of 700,000 cubic yards in Plans and specifici'ion* may >.<■ *e.-n >.nd
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 658 3 1 Pang Yuk Lin, ITDUIIii tiie itii-r>, I alter ill for- i the Admiral •r, do ich are for many years been in treaty r that war is im- i ror clesires to inert and C nay reap the His Majesty's benevolence. iiesadr to make n■'
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  • 1655 3 The s]Kvial oon llie write* aa followi from Hanoi a > was foiidli letter, given j a I'intrv i I n I Hanoi, aud with the i-xceptnm at m bet that tln> rirer is now considerahlr lower, little change was obwrvable. During the night o» th
    1,655 words
    • 48 3 VMML'iKMO. *ND i CAJTiII.. KIOM. SiJUD COWWOT. a Rio. lOMto CardiU Oct. 17 P. BimonJi *Co t kindt. 12 VunnrtU Out tch. 149 Bote 12 Ban Whatt Soon lirit. «tr 1 1.1 Surt Won/- '.•Katil^^^M ,t,.3oooF»irthough H'kong I*c 7 RAO. Comply. lOtboin 876 JUmJI Cruue E.E.A. >.
      48 words
    • 71 3 Date. »c«. 12 is IS 13 1» 13 13 IS IS IS Vwl'i Nam*. NkM Kom May Flower Qanymede Phri Chom Klao S»lT»dor» Orion s. Nta f*DMCoU Flu A Rig. Brit. «tr. Hrit. utr. Spa. ttr. 4tu. «tr. Col. itr. C. S. fri. CATTAOT. l)«3TI»ATIOir. Smith P»kan via port*
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    • 123 3 issi< n id th. above Bhippteg in the tatttm. Vwrnn-n Nam.. Cai-tai*. ako" 5 Vhbitbd F«om. Cob»«im. tr*Ti»i« ?p*Hn° f War Brenton H.M. rtr. **0 Not. 1) Portsmouth Senior N»»al Offloer. It.'Hraon. i UJut i, K I..J,,hn.ton*<». JX^T"" 1 Brit.* »f r,e/«oL^ H«*-iii Dot S? 1
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 780 3 KREKHOT.D OPERTIKS. On Mount f i.i/.abktu Ertati. Tke unflereigned h»Te r. r.ived instructi'irta tnaetl by Puhli.- Anction, at thier Palo R.x.m. \.i ■_>:, Raffles Place, nThur-. day, 2f»th IV™ l r IHM3. M t '2 P. If. funlea* previously disposed of by priv ue bar. gin- tbe fallowing valuable Freehold
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    • 287 3 flOttffS. TAT. BTBA NAVIO^TTONr MPANY NOTirv. I' with the Vhh.iha. learinvr »hi« m or an- it the :ir<l December, th''Kiri'i London *'c. f iiner« will proceed via Bombay withont tr»n«hipmi"Ot oforeo. The ronn.cinir -temier at Polomh i .tueilles. and ir>«Vi"i» f^«t ti, »^A r odentiy ul ill other connect! in*.
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    • 232 3 fiOUtt*. ARKTPOV Thb &mAm« ?KTrwt*jrT9. SIALKD TBKPtBa wilier. this Office, unt 3rd .Tanaary, l"<t. from pervon r snch the nse of Her SINOAPORF durin/ th > r.-ar from -A, to 31st V The f..rm« of f conI fall particolara wf th" Bopplies md Services to be reqolrad can be
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 693 4 fHtertnatifOtts. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARTR" WATER, Thb Natural Boda Watwr. The qneen of table waters." British Mrdioal Journal APOLLINARIS WATER. CaT Supplied continuously to the Table of H. B. H. THE PRINCB OF WALES duringvthe last five year*. APOLLINARIB, THF, NATURAL BOTJA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Mbdical Times
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    • 688 4 *torr* anD ißmbarrtnsr. .TOHN LTTTLE CO RAFFLBB PLACE, Singapore. WIKE AND SPIRIT MBRCH ANTS, Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigar*, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware, Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Good*. Arm* and AmmnaittOß, Ladies and Gentlemen'a outfitter*. Watch and Clock maker*. Japanese and
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    • 1007 4 TRW T' vt IVGPAOAR POCK COM. i Thi works of the Company are ■itua.ted at Tanjoni; I'igar, withia one mile of the town of Smear -"T>ri»e the following est'iM.iihment*. yii Wharf.— Affording berthage for twenty vessels at mr time with »ufScient water tl>ng*iio for vessels of the heaviest dntnght, and
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    • 928 4 Dcrfc. fitting and co-Oingot steamers, also Shears comolete for tnking outmaets. Boiler* tc Farther information may be had at the Office of Messrs. Pater*on, Simons k Oo n^ner»l Agents, who forward Telegramto 'lip Dook free. OHARLEB WIBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) flotfrt*. LiOCiL DFLIYIBY. In Advance. Daily
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    • 811 4 fiotwrs. FOR S*T F frvr Wfrii with th« Malays. In jwmplet form. Price 50 oenU per copy. Bt raits Tiroes" Office. Si- gspore 26th April. IP*». NOW BEADY. NOTES OF A JOnHlfsTT Across thb Isthmus of Kba. MADE WITH THE FbENCH OOYBBNMBHT PUBYEY EXPFDITION. .IANUAkY— APRIU 1"83. With explanatory Map
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    • 852 4 flotitrt. ROBT\srx x "I.I.TITR QUAY, P»NO»POR«. fopposice the rinl. Draper*. Milliner*. Silk Mercers. Haherdaaher*. Glover*. «nd Oeneml Outfitter*. Gr'tlvmun's Outfit'" two Dfpaitmknt. Every deocripiion of dothi'-g mideon the »hortest notice by an experienced Cnt. ter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsted*, aergeo, broadcloth* for •election. Calf walking .hoe*.
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    • 539 4 J. U< ■aces, as nlw-.'.yo on hand aw.'». If Jewellery, Watche*. r.ntrument*. Ac, c-nij Bfi itMtt Ladies' gold wat^--. Brdochea, Gents' ditto., Earringa, Silver watches, Locket*, American cl<K-k Ladies' ring*. Carriage clock i, Signet rintr*, Marble clockn, W-. Ming lings, Chr.norr' Keepers Albert chains. Barometers, Guard chains, Sextants, Studs, Sleeve
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