The Straits Times, 11 December 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. XXIV. WBW si;i;|ES,] SINGAPORE, TTHSDAV, 11th DECEMBER. 188 a ISSUE.] 1 No. 15,180
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 463 1 strain A»hip (Ponu-antr?. AR AND ORIENTAL VIGATION COMPANT OfTtcra— Cottyw Quay. Oupowiis— New Harbour. LIKES. undemoted arc thcJaw-s on wuicd ..pany"* Mail SUamen may be eiarrive at Singapore dnnng the i »mr>. TTowrwAßn. aTonday Sr.l TVc. »th Jan- 14th Jan. llfh Feb. BtA XiV Mar. t4th r rl. 21st
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    • 620 1 »tMm *htp Cntnpantrs. ooafPAjrr. The following «r* the dates on which utters of the Mentftgerien Maritimea may be expected to arrive here during the ■urrert yeir Otrm HomiriKD. Monday Jfith Nnv. Monday »Wh Nnv. )(Hh Pec. 10th Dec. »4th Mth ..'.884 7th Jan. 18R4 7th T .n. Zlst All the
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    • 723 1 strain *htp Compantre. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDIPCHE STOOMVAART M AATSCHAPPIJ. I Under Contract* with the Netherlands Indian <Joverr.mrats.) Hbad Officf, 13 Austin Fiuars. London. I Hkad ..orwev Batavia. The following the dates on which v aaan rnnninn in connection with >he mail staamen of the P. A O. S. N. Coy.,
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    • 775 1 *tfam *t)fi> comnamrs N.B. The *t.>ame' do*« the vovne" >n one month via rV*imn, Ajerbinifin. Kntel, Riboga. Baio*. Singkel. Ooenoentf-Sitoelie Troemon. Tampattoean. Annlabo*. Regas nnd Pstt.i nnd back from A«h*en vis Analhl.oe, (i.wnoens-Sitoelie. "Hngßwl 'i^ani*. On another month via Priaman, A)er. bangia. N»t»l. Sihoea, Raroa, SinijM. Goenoerg Sitnelie. Analaboe and
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    • 568 1 fnsuranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INBURANO B OOMPANT" Hbad Ofpipb, Batavia. Tub undersigned, Agente for the above ''ompany, are prepared to take risk* upon y vsaaaMt or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 3!ty o/n discount allowed on all risks -oasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all risk. 1 America.
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    • 588 1 fnsiiranrr. THB HONGKONG FIRE INBURANOB OOMPANT LIMITED Capital 12,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 BMWI Managers. Messrs .Tardine Mitheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. 1 i "J.™ 1 *sa«rs. M.lohMn, k Co. J j™ (If Mm. BoUldav.WlM kCo A T.Man^r, m«af».no..Tlaa,Xaßralk*ro. The ondenigned are the authorised Agents for the above
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    • 526 1 fnaturanrr. t LANOABHIBI VSURANCK OAFITAt «,000,000. OFFIOBB OF rai OOMFANT. MANCHEBTBR— Uxohaag. Btrr*t. Liverpool— 4, Manchester Buildings BiBiiiNOMAM-^JherrT Street. Lonpon-U. King #iHUm Street,-!. 0. GLAsaow-183, v/J«t Georg. Btrert. Baisroi-Oon, attaat^ Lbbds-12, E Mt Parade. Nbwcastlb— 40 Mo«ley Strwt. DwßUif-*, Low^ a»«kviU. Btreet. CHAIBMAJT IV MANOHBSTBR. John Todd, (Messrs.Todd A Ooiton
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  • 128 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 11th DEC., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. .Al-UKE. IiTH DICCMBtB, 1883. •iauibier Black Pepper WuiM I', pper, fair qoality. •^,'.> Fh.ur, -iar 9M. Pearl dag. .nthyn-' Tapioca, small Flake tt)» Mule t ..-ist VS. "1 lbs. Skirtings \A*k. 7 do ia 1.42,. doT. 1.074. 7 do do I.GO.
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  • 2 2
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  • 43 2 ("For S>ri,t* Times.) London, I Miother reinforcement of pirk.-l K,'V|ilijn trixips ha* l>eeii 1 ■uinplotely aonihilated by HillnMß I" 'kirn Orent »x»n-Bti-rnatiiin prevail- in Cairn. (tErvi.ny \nd 1 1 ILT. The Qmto Prinei m riakasg the King of Italy and th)
    Reuter  -  43 words
  • 1054 2 H. K the ti.iviMiur, we learn, is i ben i-arlv t'l-inon.. v aorninf, laudintr a>K>ut half t a-t »e\eu o'clock. TllK next I*. A <>. mail in bringing out two mori Kugineer Lieutenants B. Druitt and D. A. Mills. Till Italian iroiicli 'Aombo wms to leave Urindisi on the luth
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  • 205 2 A Criekel »n eleven of the Roy»l Artillery ami an eq«al number of the "Sinifapore Hecreation Club" wa» begun iaat Saturday aiteruoin, and will probablr lie continued to-morrow afternoon, Owimj to Saturday not being a mercantile half holiday, the S. K. C. wai unable to send in a BS«d
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  • 381 2 In 'he Police jesteidiiy, before Mr. H .u^hton, Q ian ii" »n wai fiu. .1 $I~>, with the ilterauvt nt -ne m ißth'a impns >nmen'. prisoner law,nf to ii, w-re ye*. Urrdoj P'7 fine I I ye. Suffer f u t.-ili dif k uam < i
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  • 245 2 Wink 'he latest ■is t<> the relations tx I Prance an- i being that ne?otiati wd batman M. Jul-- t ry thi' latest ueiri from Ciima is more and own and i' am )ii_' i- 11. i doabl > muting large poi ith. I'liun, the Ute-t H
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  • 349 2 and won, it becom chronicler* to supplement 1-ctation nf our readers, la If first report with t account of the final .> tliedoutflity champion* .iml ft in this lam Tournament. W« arc iod. ticulars wether, and I pended i.: t:SingU r I roumi E. C. Palmar
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 765 2 ftf M*. THESIWOAPORE TRAMWAT COKPAMY. MMTTED. 1100 each. S. r > payable on appl S'2o on allotment; the remainder an may be required. i. Director: Hon. James Graharr M. L. 0. (Messrs. Sym* A(\:). Hon. W. G. Gulland, M. L.C. (Messrs. Paterton, Simons Co.), Hon. Andrew Currie, If. L. 0.
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    • 719 2 v aubrrttscnuntd. GARRUON THR^TR 1 FORT(MNNINO, SINGAPORE. Under the dintimrnifilied patronage of the HON. COL. A. D. GEDDE-, R. I. F., 1 Commaodunt Straits SetMements. < Capt. J. R. R. O. Hewitt, onmminding R.yal Artillery, Sinirao r-. A Offi.-ers k. A j The R .yai. Artillery Minstbils, Will give their
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    • 829 2 ilrto THE BANK. DISANCK. In the Supsi mi p ..hki op the STBAITS BiTTLkM<*TB. Sbti i I BKAH ''II Xi irryi-i< on hminess is a Trader vi partn- i-hip wifi F>H >\ LBB LtE und-r the name or i h i' \ihrr Long, r Boa 1. siiiL-. >nd residing n'
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    • 447 2 .fmti'tb. Th« O. 4. B. (Jo's steamer" AIIAMEMA ilding. having left Hongkong on the 9th inst. maybe expected here „n tbe Hth inst., m route tor London via Penang. She haa room for Firat and Third Class Passengers, and also for Oargo, which an now be engaged. Apply to W
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 1508 3 (From our own Corretpondent Parit, U)th Xovr-nbrr. Voltaire observes: the destiny of France haa almost always been, that her Mater] her successes, licyniid her Iron ntier», become latal to her i season lor the small sect of politician*, wl oae raw ideas about v'.lonial extension and niani.ive involved
    1,508 words
  • Correspondence.
    • 463 3 I. '>, lUttf ifftk* Slraiti Time* It tin r. il.'M warlare waged the bonajidf cultivator or «.jn»tter lor ike l.nt lour yean i" Singapore and Malacca by the Government, is owing to the ridiculous .rotchet that the forest* iiutt I t tli.- .iitninntion of rainfall,
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    • 110 3 4 I Vimsl'i Nam». a*i> CiFTArje. Fbom. Sailed. Cowim. Bio Dec in K<a Brit. rtr. 866 Poter»-n S. ur»b«j» D*c. xL. T. Wkh Co. 10 OuTicedr jjf. Ku.t..n Iteli Dec. 8 M«nrtUld t Co. 10 CUb i All. Bnt -tr IM.< Soutar Houibiy Not. *rt M.Ali»ter 4 Co. 10
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    • 65 3 Dats. Van'i Namb. Flao Bio. Caitaik. DmTm*Ti<» Dm. 10 Onn Hani Jap. *tr- Adair 10 Baby Brit. »tr. Partridge 11 BenUn Brit »f- r >»'(f II P«&KQfc* Brit. itx. Courtanaj 1 1 Juob Brit. itr. Milhg&n II Bangkok si »tr. Hooh'mter 11 Iraouaddj f eh. atr. Paaqoalini 11 Etnirne
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    • 231 3 S HIPPING IN THE HAR BOUR .MdTuTMMIUd IO MUM— IJ w», JW tlMllllr in ths abcvs In to. hstkour. Ft* Vmhi/i N*« CtfNK Ain> >««H *•■<>»• C 0..!..... B Jl_ J Me e rUn Of War Br«ton UC Nor .ll PorUmouth Senior Xml Oft^r P»nXoU ErWn Am.fri. JOOODeo. Hongkong
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 340 3 fiourrs. TOBI LET. That c mm >li u« fmi Iv laid 'lit gird.-n.niM h u-e w.ter ►ervio.-. For particulars npplv o-i thKSLfrny, i-'ing.«, !»t D 0, l*3. lto3 M I.IN T K-TVTE FOR oa Pod* and Lil ri n Cofee CharrWs Arviv to the Manager. ina'.i H B4.KEH. Ick '.inr«<-
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    • 945 3 Jtottrrs. VALUABLE RAOn ESTATE AT BUDDOH. The n idraignei*. hive been instructed tn aell hv Public Anrtion, .>n Thursday. the 27 h December, 1883, at 2.30 P.M. at their P»le room That viln .Me Freehoia °ag i Estate si. tnateat Fnddoh, comprised in Government G.artVo. 10t General Nn. 0,334 eatima-
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    • 346 3 flOttffS PEN'lv II |,AR A1 BTEAM NA VIOATION COMPA NT NOTK'K. ComsIBNCI'O with th« VnnoalA. leaving tbia on or *bont the rird Dernmber, th. f'hina London s*eamers will pmoeed via i Bomh«y without tranahipment of cargo. The ronn.-c»ing utenmer at Colombo II t-> Arlen. Cnft, Manteilles, and i m Vi"?
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    • 294 3 fiottrr?. iftfi ARMY OONTBA' The Stbaitr SrrTskatßßTS. Sealco Terdbbd will he received at thu Offioe, nntil noon on Thursday, the 3rd January, 1884, from persona willn contract (or such 80PKL1K8 AND Rffk Vl' as may be required from titn the nae of Her Majesty* Troop* ar I SINGAPORE* PRN\NG, daring
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 676 4 jtfisrfllanrous. KATZ BKO7HERR APOLLTNARIB WATER, Thb Natural Soda Watkb. The qneen of table waters." British Medical Joubnal. APOLLINARIS WATER. •sV Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THVI PRINCE OF WALES during the last five yean. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL BODA WATER. Fur superior to manufactured aerated water*. Medical
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    • 703 4 Atoirs an& iHrrrbarrtJtar .JOHN LITTLE CO. RAFFLES PLACE, SINOAPOBE. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers o» Provisions", Grocbbibs, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobaooo, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps, Ssddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfnmery. Fanoy Goods, Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitten. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 1011 4 fDorhs. Thb works of tk* Company are situated »t Tanj mn one mile of the iown of Singapore, and comprise the following establishment r. Whibf.— Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with *n<fiei,-nt water tl irgsile 1 r veixvli of the heaviest draught, snd pr..tA-t-d by a breakwater
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    • 880 4 Bork. refi tting and coaling ot steamers, also Shears complete for taking out mast*. Boiler* to Further information may be had at the Offloe of Messrs. Paterson, Simons k Co., General Agents, who forward Telegrams to the T)ook free. CHARLES WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) flotfrf*.
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    • 778 4 FORS A Ffw WtWKO WITH TH» MALATt. In pamplet '.rm. Price 50 oents per j "Strsita Times" Office. Bi'K»pore 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. NOTES riF A JO'"' Made with th« Fbkwch Gotebbmiiit j FCBVET EXPEDITIOH. Jahuabt— Apriu IPB3. With explanatory M»p and Sections, AKD Append!* containing Reprint of Report
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    • 811 4 fiotitt*. ROBTN9OT iitfr Quay, Pin.hpobk. fnppo«ue tke I Hrspers. Milliners. Silk Mercers. Habor dashers, Glovers, and General O .flitters. Ow'TLFiirN's Outfit' inoDbpawtmbnt. Every description of clothi-g msdeon the shortest notice hy an experienced Cut. ter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment ot tweeds, worsteds, serge*, brosdcloths for j selection. Calf waking
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    • 519 4 flotut. CBBoaoMBTBR, Wat. Hakeu. a.v Flint ..hit H A.-* always in hand a well select. -a If .Tewellery. Watche,, f .k. X onafrnmenta, Ac. com r Bracelets, WAM Brooches, Barrings, Silver watches Lockets, American clocks Ladies' ringr. Carriage clock, Signet rinjrs. Marble Wedding rings, Chr.,n Keepers Thermometers' Albert chains, Baroci
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