The Straits Times, 8 December 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV Ni:\\ si;i;u;s. -LM.APOKL, SATUKDAY, Bth DECEMIJKK, 1883 ISSUE.] \o. 15,178
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 403 1 mmm jfrhtp (Ronuanlrs. \K AND ORIENTAL ICATION COMPANY llyer Quay. Ooi."WN* New Harbour. LINES. 8 On WHICH ipany's Mail Steamers may arrive at Singapore during the Howxwasp. ,Uy «■> ndar Srn IVc. 11 Mtt 18<14 th Jan- nth Jan- •Sth lltb Feb. j 2'th S4tb 71 b Apr!|M May. FrHay
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    • 628 1 *tr?m *hip Gompanus. COMPANY. The followin are the dates on which rhe ste ""FRagvricH Maritimes may b<> eipeirte) ko arrive her« dnrinir the -,ar 01-TWAKD. ITO*«WAI»I>. Mondiiy lAth Nov. Monday Mtb Nov. 'Oth Dec. 10th Dec. *411. Z4th 1684 7th Jan. 1884 7th lan. list All the nl'ove Steamers Outwards
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    • 707 1 *tram Compamra. DE NtDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE STCK^MVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands_ T ndian Governments.) Hbad Office, 13 Aubtir Fbiabs, Lordor, E. c. Bead aoenct Batavia. The following ure the dates on which unert running in i onwith the mail steamers of the P. O. S. K Coy., may be eEpected
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    • 791 1 *tfam »bfp Compantrd. N.B. The steamer does the voTaga in nth vi« Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, "ilioga, Baros, Singkel, O.wn.^ng-Sitoelie Tr(*m'in. Tampattoean,>>*, Regaa and Patti and bank from Acbe^n via Ana- -lie, Singkel, Bnro* Padanp. On anofner month via I'ri-tman. Ajerhangit. Natal, Sil.o^a, Raros, Singkel, GoeAnalaboe and Hack from Vi
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    • 548 1 fnstnranrr. JAVA BEA AND FIRE INBURATTO> COMPANY Head Officb, Batatia. The undersigned, AgenU for the above Company, are prepared to take riiks upon •BTg-o by steamer or sailing vetfcel on the .uttomary terms. discount allowed on all risks f -tasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risk* Europe and America.
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    • 616 1 Insuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital 82,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 Gkrbbal Marahees. Keaara Jardine Matheaoa A Co. Hongkong. C nnnlting Committee. A.Ar..1,,. K«|. (ilMrs. BI«lgk«n. Co.) J. P. Bum h m—n. RoIUda;,WIM A Co. A T., fM«>»wt.Do<i,T»M,Lapralk*ro. U. NlosJm, (Bormxo Coaifaav Lid.) J. J. torn
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    • 521 1 fnsftiranrr. LAN( nil ,XV* OOMPAKT. Capital 553,000,000. OFnOWOFTM COMPANY. MARORBSTBB—SEohaag* Street. Litebpool— 4, ManchesUr Buildings Bibbhrobam— Cherry Street. Lohdor— 14, King WitlmmTHreet, J. 0. Olaboo w— l33, West George Struct. Bbibtol— Com Btreet. Lbbdb—l2, SMt Parade. Nbwcabtle— 40, Moaley Street. Dubu*— Low** Saokriile Street CHAIkMAH I* MARCWBHTBB. Johr Todd, Esq.
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  • 167 2 LATKST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Sinoaporb, Sth Decembeb, Gambier t 7.35. rtlack Pepper 15 30. White I'epper, fair quality. >{ Sago Flour, S«r 2.«5 Pearl Sago 2!*5. Coffee, Bonthyn. U.3 Tap .ica, small Flake 3.15. Tin 40a. Muletwiat H3. •Ik lbs. Shining. |JH 7 do -o 1.421 8
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  • 37 2 To-Hoaaow. Tor V Billiton A Pontiajia.k, Pmtiamak, 1 a.m. Pennng anl F^nHon. BiVemphon, 1 p.m. Hongkong and A oy Jtddah pn> HOMDAV. Dali, Py* P*kM. 1 p.m. Malacca. KUng, Perak and Penang, Spaniel 2 p.m.
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  • 20 2 fKor Striilt Time*.) K<iYPT. London Ilk Nor.— The Mahadi i« not advancinif- Tbe panic at Kh»rtoum it BuUidin^'.
    Reuter  -  20 words
  • 530 2 The M. M. CV'» •turner Iraouaddy left Saigon at 7 m. to-day, »nd may be ei- i pected here on Monday mor.iiog. Thi total return of visitors to the Raf- lies Library and Museum during tbe week ending Friday, 7th December, was 460. M«. Ukb** BMWB, Sii|Mrintendent at the Dindings,
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  • 645 2 Wi Like the following items from the Penang Gazette of tlie December Police— At. Kiccard, who arrived in Penang on Thursday, has taken charge of tlie l'olioe Superintendent's Office, snd Mr. Bell, the late Acting Superintendent, goes home to-day on 12 months' furlough. bind.ngt Tin. A correspondent writes
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  • 752 2 Hi» Excellency tlie Governor it ex- i pected to arrive at Malacca on the 1 ltb, ami at Singapore on the Uth instant, Having pr<jt>al>ly l*en visiting the interior of Perak and Selangore since leaving Larut. His Excellency's family is again thrown into mourning by the
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  • 2614 2 In continuation of the corrrence published in our issue of day, in the case of the widow Tv. Neo, of Malacca, we publish to-1 petition to the Secretary of Star ther correspondence on the subji the Government, and the neon tion to the Secretary of
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 796 2 jftrbi a&brrttetmrnt,. LTJAJBLB RAGO BBTATE AT BUDDOH. The undersigned hsf/s been instructed v Pnhlic Auction, on "Thursday, December, 1888, at 2.30 r m. Nt their Sale tv-om. That valuable Freehold Sago Estate si. tuftteaf/Jud/oh. comprised in Government Grant No. 104 General No. 3,334, estima- ted' to oontaln an area of
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    • 816 2 v r i arjbfrt(«rmtnt«. BBS ARMT CONTRACTS. The Stbatts Settlemkmts. Sealed Tenders will be received at this Office, until noon on Thuraday, the 3rd January, 1884, from persons willing to contract for snch SUPPLIES AND SERVICES, as may be required from time to time for the use of Her Majesty's
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    • 795 2 #tio STJbfrttertnrnt*. THEATLE ROT*L FORT CANNING. fader the Patronage, xnd by kind pei' mission ofCapr. .1. It S O. HtwiTT, R. A. Oonmanding tb Royal Artillery ON MO^DAT, IHth DEC 1863. Professor H. Johnstons Will appear on Monday night in one of hia marvellous and unrivalled entertainment* entitled ONE HOURS'
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    • 461 2 flrto 2*t ttatmentß. THESISG\PORE TRAMWAT OOMPANT. LIMITED. Caiital $500,000 in 5,000 Sharea of $100 each. $5 payable on appUcation; $20 on allotment the remainder aa may be required. Director: Hon. J*mes Graham, M. L. 0. (MeMrr.. Byrne A Co.). Hon. W. G. Gulland, M. h. C. (Messrs. Paterson, Bimons A
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 41 2 WKATHEK RErOKT. I Ka*da*g Karbow Hoipital. 7l» Deo nber. 188*. «i 3|>.m. »p m. luun. Ba». Hal JJ- fafc. ...IBWI at KIT SrSSI --f- -unitr.-lamr. *i *Wj |*r i*ll j c K. C*lb dou.i-. uif >>• a?*' ""U* 4 8 staar, s***ll
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  • Correspondence.
    • 750 3 To the Editor 0/ the Strain Time*. Si*,— 1 ni informed ye»terday that Daoudsah had received a Lejue for hi* land on paying the money demanded. Here mm hare an instance of GoTernment, without the atsiiUnee of the Ordinance of 1883, diipotMMing not merely a bona
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    • 1174 3 THE CROWN LANDS ENCROACHMENT ORDINANCE. To tke Editor of the Strain Txmrt Sir, Hiring been absent from Singapore, I have only juat seen the report* of the public meeting on the Encroachment* Ordinance and the letter of Messrs. <Jra-« ham, Gulland, and Head respecting tfee same In that letter the
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    • 112 3 Vmu'i Namb. An Cimra. Pbom. Saius. Ca— m O _^o_ 7 Kon. Oen. Re»d Dut. itr. *17 Vincent Samaranf Dec 4 Syed Moh« 70. BmtoUo Itol. l«j. 136<>lUj«ni«ni Cardiff Kug. 10 P. flimoaa 7 Plinio If 1. ah. UMCoimneKo Cu4iS July »O P. Simon. 7 Nirdoo I.nt. bq. »7»Moiriion
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    • 94 3 Dat». Vuui'i Nakb. Klaq Bio. Caitaiw. ClTTkl*. Dmthixtio.. Dm. g e'heang Hock Ki»n Brit. itr. W«bb 8 Pontianak Brit. Mr. Jonee 8 Jeddah Brit itr. Oearj 8 Belkrophon Brit. itr. Freeman 8 Tel«m»chui Brit. ttr. Jone* 8 Kajah Laut Dnt bq. Archer 8 Britaniia Brit. «h. Hamilton 8 Ptah
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    • 488 3 I '«ptaia* and A l«*»t*4 toeoHß.a»io*U wtth tan retarding »oy srror o» uaiasinri is the alwvs Shipping in tk« >«r. rnnL'i Nam. i*mii>. akd g iiurro Fbom. lomrara. R™_ I vf^rHn^^" Breoton H.M.rtr. MONot. 1 1 Portsmouth Senior N.Tal 0«0«J So. dTuVT Fohtra. 4000 Dec. TSai^n
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 320 3 HoUoimry's Ointment and PUU— Chest ..iil .stomach C.imphint*. The source and centre of i ru oat every ailment ia j impurity of the blr>od di»lodge this pois- j on, and disenne depart*. Hollowuy'* Pill* I cxerciae.thcine*timarjep .wer of thoroughly < lennain/ **cb et part of the bto d, and
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    • 1044 3 *lottrts. IMPORTANT NOTICE. FOR 8 ALB. (On aooonnt of the Managing Proprietor's ill health.) > The well known CHASSERIAU ESTATE, situated intbe district of Bnkit Timah. This Estate has a total acreage of 3,108 lore*. 3 rooda. 2 poles, oompnsed in on* lot of which 1,961 aorea, 3 rood*, 2
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    • 347 3 #o tiers. PENINSULAR AND o, BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. NOTICK. Commbwcino with the Vbkoma, leaving thi* on or sbout the Ird December, the China London steamers will proceed via Bombay without transhipment of cargo. The connecting »teamer at Colombo rroc^.d, to Aden. Mri-i. Marseille*, and I-"d..n, in lirif f.,-i r >
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    • 387 3 flattrw. B= Tehdots 1 and will b* received up to the 15th Deoember inola•ive, *t tke lease for a term of one y*ar of the Pawn and Gambling Farms in th* Gaya Papar Diatrict from. tb« Sulamar. River to the Kimani* River with th* exception of independent territoria*. a* th*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 696 4 ifiiMtllanrotis. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARTF WATER, Th» N> Tr«Ai. Soda Wa.t«b. The qneen of table waters." Bbitur Medical Jourkai. 4,POLLINARIS WATER. 9BT Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRTNHB OF WALES dnri _i{ the last fire yean. APOLLINARI3, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 'Far superior to manufactured aerate
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    • 649 4 jttorr* anfi iWrrrbanfitsr. RAFFLES PI SIWOAPOBB. WINB AND RPIRIT MEROHA I Tmpobtebs op Provision":, Groceries, OILMAM StOBES. r,gnr», Tobacco, Hardware, Olaasware. Lamp*. Saddlery and Harness, Cr<x-k.ry, Electro PUted Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Anns and Ammnnition, Ladies nnd Gentlemen's outfitten, Watc'i and Clock maker*. Japanese and Chineae curiosities, Ac.
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    • 552 4 OOMThi works of th< < mpgny are situated »t Tunjon^ Pn£nr n r r.i- mile f the prig 'he folP. ffordin* Iwithajre f r »e«aels at one tin with snfllnrnt water I the heariaat •i breakwater t from the roads and from usineM :T the r.hitr^e of an iced Wharfim.'<
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    • 512 4 Borfe. .•aiidctalinir >tste*mer«, also Shears *>kinsroatmaste. Boiler* fco er information may be had at the OOcr of Mourn. Paterson, Simom A 00., ral Agent*, who forward 'i 'lejrranu to *h« Dook fr<>e. OHARLBB WISH ART. lMf«. Bin(fapore let July 1875. (n. a) flotfrr?. Local Dili vi by. In Advance. Daily
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    • 457 4 A Trw Wini with th In pamplet form. Pric« 50 cent* per "Straits Tiraea" OflW. 9ir|fit NOW READT. NOTES OF A JOr'fWY ACBOSS THI iHTnMUB OF KRA. Mads with thr Frkn< ii OoTtkimiifT PXJETET FXPrDITIOK. Jawuaby— April, I<*B3. With explanatory M»p and Brctiona. AD Appetid'i containing R»print i f to
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    • 546 4 ROl>. CO. I.TKR QVAT, PlWOAPOB«. F.vptj description of clothing m«deon the shorte*t notice hy an experienced Cntter, fit irnarantee<l, a (food assortment of twevd*, worsted*, nerge*, broadcloths for selection. Calf walking iVoea. Shooting boots and and Kid shoes. Canvas and lawn enni* "hoe*. Silk. Linte, Merino, Paibriggan and rf-ka. rVal
      546 words
    • 349 4 ••oMtTrR, Watch H»,( alwuya on hand If Jewellery. Watch... rnstrnments, Ao., oomr,r: Brmeelett, Ladi.s*,. Brooohes, Oen' 1 Earrings, Silver I*>ckets, iwricu Ladirs' ring*. Carriage.;.. Signet nn(f», Marblf Wedding nnp, Ohron. Keeperi Therm. Albert chaina, Barotn Orard ohaina, Sextant*, Stnds, Sleeve Bat- 3&linom«tert tons »nl Links, Oompassei 1 Onld pencils. Binocular
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