The Straits Times, 5 December 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV NEW SERIES, SINGAPORE, WEDINESDAY. sth DECEMBER, 1883 No. 15.175
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 460 1 jfrtram *hip fconu-anira. iRIICNTAL f\TION COMPANY Office— Collyer Quay. Oodown* New Harbour. IL t ted are tt:e dau-n on wuiCß ..pany's Mail Steamen may be ex- i arriTe at Singapore during the i and 1884 IABD. Ho«W»«I>. «nh Nov. Mi .llay Sr.l TVe. th Dec. "|1 WtV J in- Mtb
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    • 655 1 *tram *tiip Companus. THf MARITIMEB COMPANY. The followinir are the date* on which .mere of the Meisagerie* Maritime* may be expected to arrive here during the 'nrrent year™ Outward. Hojucwmn. Monday 2fith Nov. Monday Mth Nov. 10th Dec. 10th Dec. S4th Mth ..1884 7th Jan. „1884 7th Tan. list All
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    • 713 1 *>tram *h«p Compantrs. DE NEDERLANDBOH-INDIBCHE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts witb the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Fbiabs, London. B. 0. Head aof.nct Batavia. The following are the date* on which the Company* Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. k O. 8. N. Coy
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    • 783 1 *tram *hfp Compantrtt. N.B.^The steamer does the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Biboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon. Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Ooenoeng-flitoclie, SinfM, Baros Ac., for Pndang. On another month vn Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Sibogs, Baros, Singkel. Ooe. noeng Sitoelie,
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    • 572 1 inetiranrr. JAVA BBA AND FIRB INSURANCE COMPANT Head Office, Batatia. Thb undersigned, Agenta for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer <>r sailing ve**el on the cuitomary term*. 33i o/o discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risk* Europe
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    • 628 1 br y T^/E HONGE A^G FIRE INBURANOI OOMPANY LIMITED Ca pit al $2,000,000 Paid-np 400.000 Reserve Fund 564,202 Genbbal Manaoebh. Me**n Jardine Matheson k Co. Hongkong. ''■•nsulting Comm E.- fMsssf*. Hollldav.Wl*s Co. I h X,«r n<W JJ«-*™-»o«Jiss,W«lk*Co. I I I 1 m IDoiuoCoaputlU.) 1 iv K n r u <^
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    • 513 1 t Insuranrr. I LA NO ASH XUK OOMPANY. -ed k Capital £3,000.000. OOMTANY. "Awt.HBSTBB— Bxohange BtFest. Litebpoot— 4. MMich«st«r Bttilding*. **^»Doir-14, King WiUJam Street. E. 0 Olasoow-133. We*t George Street BBi*roL-Ooni Street Leeds-12, East Parade. Newcastle— 40. Mosley Street Dubu*-. 9, Lower Sarkvill* Stre«t I OH*IBMA» IN MANCHBHTBB. JoH T
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  • 136 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. WEDNESDAY, 5TH DEC., 1883. LATMT MAKKET QDOCsVUOO, Singapore, sth Dicmßka. 18S3. (iainbier 9 7.30. rilack Pepper l&Sti. Wbit« Pepper, fair quality. .".({O Flour. Sar Pearl Sago..^ Coffee, Honthju. 14.3-I. Tapioca, small Flake 3.15. Tin -7.124. 40s. Muletwist Ibe. Shirtings L9M, 7 do do laSL 6 do T.
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  • 50 2 TO-DAT. »V p*r <* Mtrtury. 3 p.m. ng i Shanghai, Utmavon, 3 p.m. i Bangkok. MrAlisUr. 4 p.m. Bourub«yu, Iti'ly. Ampan>D anil Mica aar, PoX Ann, 6 p.m. Palemb»Dg, Muntok and Jumbie, Polotak. 6 p.m. TO-MORHOW H^lafna. I'.n-mK, Burir.ih and Cal B*oAad, Ip.m. Penang, .te., JTeaaatefcy, 3
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  • 32 2 Units 'l.mci.l .ii < 'il Lun.l'.n, L I llussian, French, an 1 Cititi- J Sta.c 'Jo.-em incuts bave Bgf—J I' ,:id and (i-rin my tor tbe protection ol Neutral* in Cbioa.
    Reuter  -  32 words
  • 691 2 A i'orbespondkst wants to know if il. Jekyll, «K who is coming out by the P imi. r .lue il.ont the en. l .tit., in the BagisMW Officer wlio is to superintend tie building of our Forts. OwiMi. swi the Ma Iras Mail of the 15th November, to a steady
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  • 905 2 been a' and bag not n or formally declaring war sMsVp France, and lias no real vanw to d over the Tunquin liiisine-in, there seem* to b« great danger that tli. may be, a* it w»re forcibly drifted into war by sheer heat of con prolonged exchan^'
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  • 489 2 Tiik QmmuU Ur of tbe 3rd Normbar, in its mouthly summary for Europe, has the following regarding the annexation of NtW Guinea N'nl in order, we think, come tb and Immigration question! first we are daily growing m.. re in earnest about, and, as tlie < cool and
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  • 664 2 Wl take I 'mm tli the Calcutta Asian, t 1 l>a|>iT upon the (.■illation of atiim.i tion i ieh appear* uf the i'.i\\\ lie worthy of ti. p" with that lie, and Ike thoritiea 1 >< 1. 1 1 here and in Java. It is a matter
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 914 2 lOn aocoant nf the Muaging Proprietor's^ ill-health.) well known OHABSERIAU ESTATE, situated in the district of Bukit Timah. This Estate h« a total acreage of 3,108 polee, comprised ip one 96 1 acres, 3 roods, 2 poles, u-e Leasehold for 999 years free of quit rent, and 1,147 sores are
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    • 812 2 Iff' 3»»bfrt|«emen 1 *4 KSTATE AT iOH. TOBi? u rB nf^ n Te >een instructed t° •Ii:. nv Puhl n Thursday, tben>o,h Decemher, 1883, at 2.30 p. M at theiy s a l e ro om. TlS^t valnnblo Fret-hold Sag i Estate si. tuateskt Buddoh, comprised in GoTernment Grant *ii
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    • 813 2 ?*ibrrtttrnunt& ARMY C >.\TR The Stbaits PETTi-ms;^ is. BEALID Tende>B will b." rcn i»ed at this Office, until noon on Thursday, the 3rd Jannary, l-MMrjiu personi willing to contract for SUPPLIES AND SERVI as may he required from time to time for the use of Her Majesty's Troops stationed in
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    • 493 2 fitto SRjUc ..stnunW. tt, the P. M Business. I— To receir thu Truueca' Report for tbe past year. 2.— To d olar a dividend. :t —Ti elect officers for tbe ensuing ye.r. and to transact any other business which may be On v f .*irJ. J. D. VAUIi f,,r i
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 2225 3 Tu r lution is published in tba GotetU of ludi i .f p.. tr eutn oil which. nypeared from certibtained by i c nsignors, had be. fore shipment in America satisfied flashing ur porting to ba eqaivalaal bad by tbe Petrolenso were refused inlmittar.-.- at Indian ports
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    • 68 3 Fla« I B VwmtL't Nam. *m> C*rr*m. K»om. Suio Cc a Bj^_ H 4 Pembrokeshire Brit. itr. 1717 D»Tie« Undon Oct. »Boo«( 4 V»Vnci» Swu itr. 1784B««te ]B»roeloii» Not. 1 Bonn 4 Sherard O.born Brit. atr. 876 Merr»U Pen««(f Not. SE.E.i t Brut u. Oct. ttr. 4#* ;S«i(ron Not.
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    • 51 3 DATS. Vim'i Xaxz. JFla3 Rio. Captaix. Dec 4 Chi Yuen 5 Pembrokeshire 5 Marlborough 6 Rainbow Poh Ann 6 Glesron Chin, ttr Wallace Hongkong i Brit. «tr. DariM Hongkong Brit. rtr. Kun»th Saigon Brit. str. Kocellt MtUcca tad EUog Brit. itr. Craig Sourabaya BaUy *c. Brit. itr. j Donaldson
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    • 435 3 i i>r or bmnuoa in th#+bov« L»Jun>m* m to« ft*roo Vhiil'i Na*«. OilW in Bio. Faoif. > SM.ixira. Men-of-war Vereker Merlin Brenton Steamers Wm. Mackinnon Prios Alexander jftlTrt*— M.itt«-r Cheribon tsaMMßg Colonel Phsyr« Burke Kij.r.'U ■< inlii..iiin Tamboia ssl H:irt Guy Hannering Larifio Bernicia Munroe Cleator
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 717 3 Hollovsay's Ointment and Pill*.— Che*t and Stomach Complaint*.— The source and centre of almost, every ailmeut h impurity of th-> blood dislodge this poison, and disease depart*. Hollow it's Pills exercise the inestimable power of th roughly cleansinsr each component psrt of the blood, md rend 'ring this fluid fit
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    • 812 3 •Rourre. IMPORTANT NOTIOTS Meb«r=. N»TH,ri»«--7 <*' ST.* Minernl VGj, /A <V %Z Hiffh 'treet. heg~/ >. rons Customers, P»tr > > üblic of Pin. p i-e snd f'CI. they have jn t received (mm Fnglmrl. I JS'gf consignment of handsome. Elefliajj Plated pint and q*Mrt ''ynhons, and arV m pre^
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    • 379 3 #10 tiff 5. ,AR AND i' STEAM NA VIQATION COMPANY. ■onrja Commincivo with the Vbroba, leaving thin on or about tb"».lrd December, the Clan i London steamers will proceed via Bombay without transhipment of cargo. The -onn ing ->te:imer at Colombo proceeds in Aden. Sort, Marseitle*. and Tjo-d "i I
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    • 395 3 T«»DBi i .1 and will be up to 4^^^^^^^H^^p> iocl'iFive, f, of the l <nd Gambi.n^ Fanrs in t >>• Gaya P yd -HesSulanwn River '> K* mnnis Rivtf with th* c*. ception tX videpeniien- (t tbe office of the Secretary of tbe I The conditions and regulations of th-no
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 675 4 iWisrr llanrous. KATZ BROTHER APOLLINARIS WATER, The Natural 3oda Wateb. The qneeo ofgtable waters." British Medical Journal. APOLLINARIS WATER. CsV Supplied ooDtinnonsly to ..e Table >f H. R. H. THBTRINCE OF WALES daring the last five years. APOLLINARIB, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 'Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Medical Times
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    • 687 4 ♦ton? an* ifirrfftanliigr. JOHN LITTLE CO. RAFFLES PLAOB, SINOAPOBB. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Impobtebs of Pbovibions, Qbocbbies, OILMAM STOBEB. Cigar., Tobaoco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware, Jewellery, Btat. nery, Perfnmery. Fancy Goods. Arms and Ammunition, Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and
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    • 1009 4 Borits. THB T PANT I.IMITBD. Thb works of the Company are situated at Tsnjong Pn<jar, within one mile of the town of 'ipr^.e the following establishment*. Tir WHABF.— Affording herthaee for twenty t vessels at .ne time with »nffici»nt water tlinirsidu for vessels of the heaviest i driught, and protect-d
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    • 888 4 Borfc. renttingand. mlingof steamer*, also Shears oomplete for takingrontmasU, Boiler j Vc Farther information may be had at the Office nl Messrs. Paterson, Simons 00., Oenxrsl Aronta. who forward Telegrams to »h« T)ook fr«»i. CIH4.RLEB WIBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 187 S. (v. c.) flonrr?. Local Dei.ivebt. In Advance. Daily
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    • 777 4 FOR SALE. A Frw WitFKS with THr Malays. In pamplet form. Price 50 cents per copy. "Strait. Time*" Office, Birgspore 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. NOTES OF A JOf'TY Across the Isthmus of Kba. Madb with the Fbfnc h Ootebnment Pdbvet Expedition. Januabt— pbil, IPB3. With explanatory Map and Sections,
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    • 744 4 #lOtlff«f ROBTNSOX A CO. 3 C^ni.LTRR QUAT, PINOAPOBE. (opposice the I Drapers. Milliners. Silk Mercers. Haberdashers. Glovers, and General Ontflttera. Gk«tlfm»n's Outfit 1 1^0 Owpabtmbnt. Every description of clothing made on tbe shortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit frnaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, serges, broadcloths for selection.
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    • 587 4 ftOtKf. ON. OBBONOMBTrB, WaTCH AND OLOCr Makei-.. and Optician. Fu«t Stkket. Has always on hand a well selected st. If Jewellery, Watches, Olock., 1 nstruments, Ac, comprising Bn.-eleto, Ladies' gold Brooches, Gents' ditto., Earrings, Silver watches. Lockets, American clocks Ladies' rings. Carriage clocks. Signet rinfrs, Marble clocks, Wedding rings. Chronometers,
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