The Straits Times, 4 December 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV LffEW SERIES,] SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. 4th DECEMBER, 1883 ISSUE.] No. 15,174
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 538 1 *tram *t)tp (Fomranirs. AR AND OKIKNTAL ■"TEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Office— Collyer Quay. GonowNS— New Harbomr. MAIL, fji^ji^; LINEB. T.iß undernoted »re the date* on wnicii his Company's Mail Steamers may be ci pected to arrive at Singapore during the years 1883 and 1884 Outward. Homeward. Friday 80th Nov. Monday «rd
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    • 663 1 »tram *htp Companies. TMF MKFSAGERIES MAR'TIMES I COMPANY. The followinir are the dates on which j the steamer* of the Measagerie* Maritime* may be expected to arrive here dnring the •nrrent year Octwabd. Homeward. Monday 2Mb Nov. Monday Wth Nov. JOth Dec. 10th Dec. «4tb Mth 7th Jan. „1884 7th
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    • 734 1 #>tram *t)tp Compamrc. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. O. Head agency Batavia. Tbe following ure the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in eon•lection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy.,
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    • 786 1 *tram *b(p Compantr*. N.B.— The steamer does the voyage in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baroa Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 576 1 fnsuranrr. I JAVA SEA AND FIRE INSURANO' I COMPANT Hbad Officb, Batatia. Thb undersigned, Agents for the abov. Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33| o/o discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all
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    • 610 1 lustiranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANT LIMITED Caprax $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A A n J r«, Esq. dinars. Maloksrs. Co. I 5"" > iMsssrs. HoUldsv.Wls* Co. A T. Manor. (Msssn.Do«.Tl>s.Xaßralka«o. H "Ijalas. (BraaoCoapaavLM.) £v B ludl <^
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    • 511 1 fneuranrr. LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £8,000,000. OFFICEBOFTHB OOMPAJTY. Manchester— Kxehang. Btreet. Liverpool— 4, Manchester Buildhsfß, BIBMiNOHAM-Cherry Street. Londoh— l4, King William Street, O. Glasgow-] 33. West George SsrMt. Bristol— Corn Street Leeds— l 2, East Parads. Nbwcastlb— 40, Moaley Btreet. Dublm_o, i JOlnt fl^^n, a,,^, CHAIRMAN IN MANCHESTER. Johh Todd,
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  • 161 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. TUESDAY, 4TH DEC., 1883 L4VH> m ucai yroTA non, dIMOAPuBK, -tTH DICtMBE*. 18-13. Uambier f 7.30. ttlack Pepper 15 37J. White Pepper, fair quality. >f Sago Flour, 4or it«. Pearl &*g> 2ft*. C "(fee, llonthyne U.S Tapioca, small Flake :<!.".. Tin .7.1-J 40a. Muletwist »S •H Iba.
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  • 69 2 To-oat. ror ptr Samarang, i'akalongaa, Cheribon A Bat* via, CtUstial, P ni. Pontianak, Sum*, S P m To-morrow. Hongkong and J«pao, I'tmtnkahin. 9 a.m. j I'enang. Colombo ana Bombay, Ifcitua. 11 a.m. Deli, HVimry, 3 p.m Hongkong A Shanghai, Glenamn. 3 p.m. Bangkok, UeAlMtr. 4 p.m. Sonralmya. Bally,
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  • 35 2 ([■'ui .Vmi/i Time*.) China. London, -W Dec. The German (i.ivirnin.ii! I. a- [irMim-f 1 .-i|M-ration with hghad fcf tli.- pmtwti .n .if their rabjeeta in Chin* in cane of w»r Mag .1. -dared.
    Reuter  -  35 words
  • 4468 2 A MJHUi we le.irn, has Ut-n received from the OureTßOf to the effect that Hi* Kxeellen.y expec-N to lie in Maluiva on the IUI iI in Singapore on the Uili in-.tant. It may be inferred from this that Hrn Kxe.-llenoy has found it necessary or convenient to •top on his
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 933 2 fith) -ailbfiU.rfir.rnW. G. (On aooonnt of ths Maraging Proprietor's ill-health.) The well known CHABSBRIAF ESTATE, situated in the district of Bnkit Timah. Thin Estate has a i.>tal acreage of 3,108 •i p. leu, ooo>->nserl in one lot f whicb 1.981 snrea, 3 roods, 2 poles, are Leasehold tor 999 years
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    • 816 2 flttu 9.^buti«fiiunit. TATE AT BIDDOH. The undersigned have been instructed to sell by Public A act ion, on Thnrsdiy. December, 1883, at 230 P.M. at their Sale room. That valuable Freehold Sag Estnte ai. tnateat Bnddoh, comprised in Government Grant No. 104 General N... 3.331 estimated to contain an area
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    • 833 2 ARMY c >\Til TheStbaits PaRLBXKta. Sealed Tenuxbs will be r.-c ived at this Office, hum! Boon n Tlmr-dar, the 3rd January, ISB4. from pern >n willing to contra. 't for surh SUP- LIES AND 81 RT] as may be n quired from time to lime for the use of Her
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    • 511 2 INTIMATION Mrs s^h Ku Chiß and f.mily take this opportunity of returning their thsnks to th. s- ladies and gentlemen »bo so kindly honored with their presence the bnrisl of the late Seah Eu Chin. Singapore, 3rd December. I SALKOF VALUABLE R;T.)N^ PALMS A FEKNS IN TUB j 4 P«»T-.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 32 2 WEATUKK KKI'OKT. fiuuimf Karbow HotpiUl, 3rd ]>tremhtr, 1883. l|a l;i>an uv ml, a hh. »wts»*«»»6 iv v .0" Muraiaf p*rJi*'i"i reload. N t.. tali. .1«t oloudv I T.rr. m 4. TW.'
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  • Correspondence.
    • 193 3 To the Editor of the Straitt Time*. Si ii,— The Inspector of Schools has commenced liU unnual tournament lor I passes, lnit one thin* o. mejted with them irbaruus proceedings of keeping ils late hours, till 7p. m. He little thought aVMt of the
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    • 146 3 aWfaeMy*! Ointment and Pill:— Chest Htxl fll islieo i .inplnnU. The source and o. litre of I'mnt every ailment is impurity of th Mood dialodgl this poison, and disease departs. Holloway's Pills t>i. ine-Min ill. p wr .ft'i ..i.ughly r|.tiLiuu' lacb con. p. ii. Nt pxrt of the ill -.I,
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    • 84 3 P Vmml'i Na*». Ajfß S Caj^aj*. I Sailbd ConraaßM. J R'»_ Dec 3 Borneo Brit rtr. M9Edw«<u >»>»*" Not. aOßowte^ *O» s ~,.i Dat. rtr. t74deßUnde lEhio D«;. Bourt««l Co. 5,.« «6Millington Ponti»n»k Dec. 1 Goh B>ow 8»* FrUelli Dog« I iziuo (ardifl July 19 S Pmtie
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    • 92 3 DATS. Vuoi'i Km Pla« Km. CirTAni. DamaATioK. Dec. S Valencia P. C. Chom Klao Dicky Siak ■i.^r.yro^l.Sia»ie Normanby Billiton Deucalion Celeitial Pakan Gltnfruin Meduaa Polyhymnia .1 1 Spa. itr. But* Manila Brit. ttr. Lightwood Bangkok Oer. ttr. Bathmann Bangkok Brit. Ktr d« Blinde Deli Brit. itr. Kuiton Deli lint.
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    • 329 3 SHIP P I N G IN THE HA RBOUR. th tbia o I rttanluc »,,vPTroro-onilaeionsi tiiabova Shipping in th«harU.ur. 1 Fl*» j Vemil-i N*»«- 'imiK. *kd 5 \««rTBD FaoM. Coanaira. Bi«. Jf^« f War V*r«ker 806 Oct. tt B.Uri» Senior N.v»l Ofio«r. I M^ n Breton HiilS. »«> Not.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 37 3 ilottrts. W \NTKD TO t'CROHASE 1 Dm earl and Hirneu, suitable for horse of 15 handa. Apply '.y tt.-r t.. S. O.Q U."" Strait* That birmingly aumted nsidcn known a* Moss tor. >1. Exeallen- tumily or foar
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    • 753 3 iiotirrg. SEASON 1888^4. John Lttti.b A Co. are now showing a very choice SeWtion of articles, suitable I for Xmas and New Tear's presents, in. oludrd in which are some elegant Ostrich Feather Fana. New Maplica Glove, Handkerchief and Scent Cskt.. Morocco Writing Cases, Silver Cigarette und Match boxes. The
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    • 833 3 fioiurs. IMPORTANT NOT Mkshrr. Nethibsole Co., Aerated and V Manufacturers, 26 High i*tii <Jfg to inform thc> numerous .lie of Siagapo''' ani/* Scinity, thst tlu-y have iv«lfroD England, la signment of handaome Electro Plated pint and quirt Syphons, and an- now frc pare! to supply their various waters in them.
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    • 327 3 BATLE A c We are now showing special 'ta. goods J*J for Evening vVear, Dinner and BUT Iku tumes. F.mlsrd Silk^. Mervilleux. ..ew*\) Silks and Satins, choice colourings. Spanish and Indian Dress Nets, Black J and C ilored. j Fancy Grenadines, Gauzes, Lawns, a/ pretty asanrtment. Black Silks and Satins,
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    • 314 3 Msf If Tint<EßB sre hereby invited and will be ffeoeived up to .the Uth Deoemh** inor*sive. for the lease for a term of one year iof the Pawn and Gambling Farms.' Gaya Pipar District from th* Onlatnan River to tbe Kimania X■•K -r with tb*/z. reption of independent territ riesj*
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 648 4 fWisrrllaiifOHS. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARIS WATER, The Natural Soda Water. Th* qneen of table watera." British Medical Journal A3»OLLtKARIB WATER. IW Sapplied continuously to the Table of H. B, H. THB PRINCE OF WALEB duri&g the last five years. APOLLTNARIS. THE NATUB/ m" SODA WATEP t also 'Far tuperior to manufactured/
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    • 684 4 f»Nje AAFFLBB PLACE. SINOAPORE. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Store*. Cigisrs, Tobaooo, Hardware, Glassware, LampsV jSdleryand Harnoss, Crockery, Electro/ the* Ware, Jewellery, Stationery. Perfanfntase ooy Goods, Arms and AmmunMer portion «nd Gentlemen's outfitted Sago P-'jSB, ck makera. l, u Japai^ c -nil 01. ye cuno*ities. Ac.
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    • 1007 4 Softs. TfTW T'WTONOPAOAR DOOK OOMPANT LIMITBD. The works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, within o&e mile of the j town of Singapore, and comprise the folliwing establishments, viz Whabf.— Affording berthage for twenty vesiel* at one time with *ufficient water tl >ri!->i for vessels of the heaviest
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    • 938 4 Borfe. refittinir and 0011 Id»: *l steamera, al*o PA tars complete for Uking outmaets. Boiler t kc Further information may be had at the Office of Meur*. Paterson, Simon* A 00., Oenerai Ar«nU. who forward Telegrams to »h» DooV free. OHARLES WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. o.)
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    • 804 4 F )R SAT.F.. A Few Wbbkb wtth the Mav.atb. Ia pnmplet form. Price 50 cents per copy. Straits Times" Office. Sirgspore 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. NOTES OF A JOURNFiT Across thb Isthmus of Kra. Madb with thb French Goybbnment Purvey Expedition, January— April, 1883. With explanatory Map and Sections,
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    • 746 4 flottet*. KORINSON CO. 28 Collyer Quay, Pinoapobe. (opposite the Club.) Draper*. Milliners, Silk Mercer*. Haherdashers. Glovers, and General Outfitters. Gentlemen's Outfiti mo Department. Every description of clothing made on the shortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, series, broadcloths for selection. Calf walking
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    • 590 4 J. MOTION. Ohronometbb, Watch and Clock Maknb, and Optician. Flint Street. Has always on hand a well •< If Jewellery, Wal-he-onstniments, Ac., oompnsing Bracelets, Ladies' gn\ Brooches, Gent*' ditto.. Earrings, Silver watches, Locket*. American clocks Ladies' rings, Carriage clocks. Signet rings. Marble clocks, WV iding rings, Chronometers. Keepers Thermometers, Albert
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