The Straits Times, 1 December 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. XXIV M.v BBJUEB.] SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. Ist DECEMBER, 1883 ISSUE.] No. 15,172
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 460 1 •>tram A'btp (Sompantr?. ND ORIENTAL AVIGATION CO MPAN7 Office— Collycr Quay. Godownb New Harbour. LINES. the date* on wdicb mpany's Mail Steamers may be eito arrive at Singapore during the rear* 1««3 and 1884 Ktttwabd. HomwAßn. .Wth Nov. Monday SH I'-,-. l'th Mi Friday 11th Jan- 14 '>> Jan> Bth
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    • 641 1 £>tram *ntp Compatms. THF MFFSARERIES MARITIMEB COMPANY. The followine are the dates on which -he steamers of the Meesageries Maritime* may bt --ive Vre dnring the current year OfTWARD. HOWKWARD. Monday SAth Nov. Monday Mth sTof. 10th Pec. 10th Dec. 14th «4th '.884 7th Jan. 1884 7th lan. list All
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    • 711 1 *tram *t)tp Companirs. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDI9CHE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands Indian Governments.) Head Office, IS Austin Friars, London, E. Q Head aoenot Batatia. The following i>re the date* on which the Company'i Steamers running in conMotta with the mail steamers of the P. ft O. S. N. Coy.,
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    • 787 1 *team *hfp Compamrs. N.B.— The steamer dr#« the voTaga in I one month via Priaman, Ajerbangi*. Natal, 1 Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Troemon, Tampattoean, Analahm, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analahoe, QotmotmtSttoMs, c ingkel, Baros Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangi*, Natnl, Ribogn, Baros,
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    • 572 1 Ingttranrr. I JAVA BBA AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY i Head Officb, Batatia. The undersigned, Agent* for the above Company, are prepared to take risk* upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary term*. 33} o/o discount allowed on all risk* f coaiting voyages, and 15 o/o on all
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    • 621 1 fngtiranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INBURANOB COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Psid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messrs Jardine, Matheson ft Co. Hongkong. I'.nsnlting Committee. A. Amir., Bsq. rkm m. M*lohan, k r., .1 J. P. Rtrtw M (Msssrs. Homd«,Wlse Co. A T. Manm. fM«ssr».r»oo.Tl«s,T«pr»lk*Co. -J"l^"!( 'BmuoCompsaT Ltd.) IL m u<^
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    • 509 1 fnsttiranrt. LANCASHIRE INSHRANOK COMPANY. Capital £3,000,000. OFFIOBBOFTHi OOMPANT. Manchester— ttxoaaajr* Street Litebpool— 4, Manchester Building*. Birmingham— Cherry Street. London— l 4, King WillUm Bt#eet,B. C. Olasoow— 133, Wsst George BU«et Bristol— Corn Street Lebds— l2, Bsst Parade. Newcastle— 40, Moslev Street. Dublin— 9, Lower SaokVflle Street CHAIRM AW I> MAjrOHBSTSS.
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  • 164 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. SATURDAY, 1ST DEC., 1883. LA.TMI MAHKET yi'OTATI )Ms\ Sinoapobe, Ist Dbckmbke, 1843. Uarobier 7.30. Black Pepper 15 H74. White Pepper, fair quality. Kj ..r. *.r 2.U5. Pearl rfago 2.95. Coffee, riuntbyu.- 14.3 i. Tapioca, small Flake Tin H7.J74. 40s. Muleiirifct :'3 *t 11,.. Sl.irtiugs I.VJ,. 7 do
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  • 37 2 TO-DAT. Par fr Haadjermaasing, P*tr«(, A p.m. Rhio, Muntok. Batavia, Samarangft Bonrabava, Bromo, A p.m. Bangkok, S«r» Wongu, 6 p.m. China, J>«Ka. pn>. To-MOBKOW. Muntok A Palembang. Rtby, 9 am. Tra»DAi. Deli lan^mtds. 1 p.m
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  • 42 2 ("For Striitt Tim"> Germany and Spain. London, -iOli Nor. The Emperor of Germany has telegraphed to the King of Spain thanking him for the cordial reception of the Imperial Prince at Madrid, :md giving an astmrencc of life -long friendship.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 409 2 Wi have been favoured by the courtesy of the Acting Obsjad Oen.-ral for Holland with a copy of the following telegram received to-day frtm the Ne-th.-rlandii India Government "On Java Coast, San. la Straits, new Post and Telegraph nffv-e opened at New Anjer, opposite island of Mersk." Negotiations U-tween Her
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  • 193 2 At a in— ting of the Council of the iioyal Colonial li»t i'H I,K Grace the Dak* ol MsßBllis>ir,*K.P, in the chair, a msbsM* of gentlemen were elected Fellow, TkMi bwkM Mr K. A. Swettenhain. British RsMiswai .i: S l.n^or, and j the Uvtrtag gentlt-meii connected
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  • 1106 2 CONFIRMATION IN ST. ANDREW'S CATHEDRAL. Service was held in St. Andrew's Cathedral yesterday evening at 5 o'clock. Bishop Hose, Rev. W. Everingham, and Rev. \V. H. Gomes took the service. The address from the Bishop was from Ps. lxii, v.ii., "I will go in the strength of the Lord and
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  • 619 2 PLANTING IN JOHORE I .vtii. lately the only planting industry carried on iv Johore, excepting I a little paddy fi»r native consumption, was tbe cultivation of gambier and p,-j>-per by Chinese. About five year* ago, however, a number of planters from Ceylon, where coffee planting had to v great extent
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  • 734 2 The China Mail of the 2+th November publishes the following letter froD its own correspondent Haiphong, \Hth .Voc— The occirmces which have taken place in the) stigtbourhood of Haiphong, since my Wutcmmunication per Venice, has notTMM h any means satisfactory or reaisuir^, Haiphong itself is now
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 867 2 XMt**)K I a NT A m.\jKFOR SALE. unt of tbe Managing Proprietor's Mlhsalti.) The well known CHASSERIAU ESTATE, situated in tbe district of Bnkit Timah. This Estate hac a total i .-cage of 3,108 acVt*\ 3 roods, 2 poles, comprised in one •:i0> .1.961 acres, 3 roods, 2 poles, are
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    • 871 2 flriu Srjbrrttstmrnts. valuable sago estate at BUDDOH. The undersigned have beep instructed to sell by Public An.tion, on Thursday, the 20th December, 1883, at 2SO P. M. at tbeir Sale room That valuable Freehold Sag > Estate si. toateat Ruddob, comprised in Government Grant No. 104 General No. 3,334, estimated
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    • 894 2 ilrly aabrrttstmtnts. Ex MAIL a \VD ROBINSOW A Co.. are nnw show every departmen* iliir net Christrnss goods, and won d < all attention to their leading lines as mentioned b) Millinery Ladies' and Children's trimmed and an. trimmd Stnw Hats and Bonnets. Flowers, Feathers and Bonnel ornaments. Drfss Materials.
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    • 540 2 #fto <Sobc;:;stmrnt«. LABRADORE VILL*. Pasbir Pavjano, With Entry from the Ist December. Furnished. Splendid view of tbe New Harbour, and good set bathing. Apply to A P. ADiM^. Singapore. 30th Nov.. 1883. (to 3'st Deo.) WAVTKD. A convenient Office in the businefs quarter of tbe town. App'y to H. C.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 4084 3 'From Ceylon and Indian paper:) t'arit, 18M Nov.— M Kraetzel has been ■<1 French Consul-General at CalM. Lemair being transferred to v *Qai London, 14ih Xov Lord Northbrook, g at a Liberal banquet at Bristol .-lit, said that the Viceroy, while ••d to maintain the main principles Ilbert
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    • 95 3 r lao 5 Twn'i Kin. ud Caraix. Fbom. Buud Ooniwu Not 30 Foochow WO Peteraon Bangkok Not. 18 M 0.8. Sanguinatt* itaL bq. 869 Cardiff July II SO Bum Sar. rtr. 184 Dimdale Sinm Not. M Urn Lao 4 Co. 1 Pearl Brit. rtr. 706 Wharton S«igon Not.
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    • 81 3 Dati. Vhsbl'i Nun. Flag Bio. CAJTAIX. DwrnrATioa. Not. SO 10 Dm. 1 i Heniada Loreuiino Kuby NM tauf Mgrnm Snry Wongw Hoiu Ann Bron. ■> Ameriq-t Sa rf ,ff Brit. §tr. lUI. bq. Brit. ilr. Brit. rtr. Brit. itr. brit. itr Oer. itr. Brit. itr. Dot. rtr. Fch. itr.
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    • 565 3 tins and Agonta of vasaols an r»«^n»»*.«d to comrswajnato wit*. Uua tsM* JtfUJlag a ny strw omission ia tka abort Shipping In U»« aanssJtaC Viwil'i Nan. Fl»« t I I CkTTini. akd g ARBrrro) Bio. c- —I Fao«. Cotnianm. HH^H Men-of-war > Ma«pie Vereker H.M.itr. 806
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 698 3 flotirrs SAYLE AC. We are now showing special new goods for Evening Wear, Dinner and Ball Cos. tumes. Foulard Silks, Mervilleux. New Br'c'-e ftilks and Matins, choice colourings. Spanish and Indian Dress Nets, Black snd Colored. Fancy Grenadines, Gauzes, Lawns, a pretty assortment. Blaok Silks and Satins, several pieces, bpeciafvalae.
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    • 388 3 flottitt. mm Bt order of tke Directors, we have today taken over the Agency of the British India Steam Navigation Company. Limited, at this p Tt. BOUBTEAD Co. Singapore, sth Nov., 1883. (to 30th inst.) TRTTON IK-<rR».NCE COMPANY. A return Bonos of 2/3rds of tbe Profit* of th» sWe Coy.,
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    • 360 3 flourrs. MTTNICIPAI TirtDiM are invited for the construe, tion and erection of a wrought Iron con- tinuona Girder Bridge ovsr the Singapor* River at the and of New Bridge Road. Plajs and specifications may Jbe seen and fnll particulars of the w at tbe office of the Municipal E between
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 665 4 £Htettl\&ntova. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARTB WATER, T» Natural Soda Water. "The qneen of table waters." British Medical Joubnal APOLLINARTB V ATER. •af" Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES during the last five years. APOLLrNARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far scpsrior to manufactured aerated waters.
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    • 712 4 JWorrt and i«n-rf)arrt)t«. JOHN LITTLE CO. RAFFLES PLAOB, Singapore. WINE AND SPIRIT MEROHANTB, I- Importers or Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobaoco, Hardware, Glassware, ,f Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery, Fanoy Goods, Arms and Ammun'tion. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters, Watch and Clock makers. Japanese
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    • 1014 4 QOrftS. tav. 'oar DC.TjrooM. PANT LIMITBD. The works of the Company are situated at Tsnjong Pagar, within one mile of the iown of Singapore, and "omprise the folI iwinires'ahlishmenta. vir Wharf.— Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water tl >»igsi<ie for Ye <*«!• of the heaviest
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    • 906 4 Borfe. refitting »nd coalingof steamers, alao Shears c->ml>lere f,,r tr.kinsr "Ut m a«ta. Boiler- %<• I Fnrther information may be had at the nmne, of Me**rs. Paterson, Simons A Co.. 'i.-nir*' Arents. who forward "?elsgram« Doflk *t<m». OHARLBB WIBHART. Manager. > Singapore Ist July 1875. (n. c.) noun*. i Local
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    • 855 4 flottrw. i FOR 1 A F»w Weeks with th» Malays. 1 In pamplet lorm. Price 50 cents per copy. "Straits Times" Office. Sirgapore 26th April. 1883. NOW READT. NOTES OF A .lOrtH'T Across the Isthmus of Kra. Made with the French Government Pr/RrET Expedition. Januabt— April, 1883. With explanatory Map
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    • 713 4 Hotftti. KOHINSON CO. 28 COLLTBB QUAT, SINOAPOBB. foppesice the Club.) Draper*. Milliner*. Silk Mercer*. Habei dashers. Glover*, and General Outfitters. GEf tlembn's Outfitting Department. Every description of clothing made on ths shortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, serge*, broadcloth* for selection. Calf
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    • 526 4 #lotitr. voMRTKB, Watch and Oioc F Makbb, ajid Optician Flint Street Has always on hand a well If Jewellery, rVatebe,, OlooksT N^ instruments, Ac, comprising ntI Bracelets. Ladies' gold w.t, u Rrc«>ches. Gents' ditto., Earrings, m^ T w,,^ Lockets, American clock, tfdie*'^ngs. OarrUgeclookl, n <r"' Mnrhleoloek.,' Wedding rings. Ohronometers AlTKfv
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