The Straits Times, 30 November 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 14 1 The Straits Times. XXIV m;\\ BBRIBB, SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. 30th NOVEMBER. 1883 ISSUE.] No. 15.171
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 530 1 *tram *"hip ftompantrg. INBULAR AND ORIENTAL v NAVIGATION COMPANT Office— Collyer Quay. GODOWN8 New Harbour. V L fwj&kl LINES. undernoted are the daws on wniCß mpany's Mail Steamers may be exto arrive at Singapore during the years 1«« and 1884 UCTWARD. Ho«W»«I). Vriday SOth Nov. Monday Srrf Pec 14th
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    • 652 1 *tram *f)tp Compamrs. THF MBMAGBBIK MARITIMES COMPANT. Thb following are tho dites on which the steamers of the Mpssagerie* Maritime* may be exp«>ctAd to arrive here during the ■•nrrent year Octward. Ho»«wA»n. Monday zftth Nov. Monday Wth Nov. 10th Dec. 10th Dec. Z4th Z4th „!«>♦ 7th Jan. 1884 7th Tan.
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    • 731 1 *tram *t)(p Compamrs. DE NEDERLANDBCH-INDIBCHE STOOMVAART MAATBOHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Hbad Officb, 13 Austin Fbiabs, Lohdoh, c. O. Head aornct Batatia. The following kre the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy,
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    • 790 1 •tram *ftfp Compamrs. N.B.— The steamer does the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. NaUl, Siboga, Baroa. Singkel. Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tamr.ttoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and t set from Acheen via Analaboe. Goeaoeog-Sitoelie, Singkel. Baros Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Siboga. Baros. Singkel. Goenr>erg
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    • 569 1 fnstiranrr. JATA SEA AND FIRB INBURANO* COMPANT Hbad Officb, Batatia. Thb undersigned, AgenU for the above Company, are prepared to Uke risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33* 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and IS 0/0 on all risks Europe
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    • 620 1 Induranrr. 1 THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANT LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,902 General Manaobbs. Messrs Jardine Matheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Comr- 1 A. Anrtr., ■>]. flf«un. Malcban. Co.) I. s™" n»sssw. Hollldav.WtM Co. A. T Mu«sr. (M.Mr».Do < i.T»aa,X«»ralk*Co. Nlimlaa. (Baraw CoMpaaT Ltd.) J- J- 4os
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    • 511 1 fnsuranrr. LANCASHIRE INSURANCE OOMPANT. Oapwai 5W.000,000. OFFICES OF THE 00MPA»T. Ma J.OHBSTER— Exchange Street. Livebpool— 4. Manchester Buildings. BiBMiNOHAii-Oherry Street Londoh-U, King WillUm Btr»et. B. 0. Glasoow-183. West George Street. BBISTOL-Oorn Street. Leeds— l 2. Bast Parade. Nbwcastlb— 40. Moeley Street. Dublih-8, Lower SaokviUe Street CHAIBMA* IB MAHOHBSTBR. Johb Todd,
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  • 158 2 THE STRAITS TIMES. FRIDAY, 30TH NOV., 1883. UATMR MAKKEr QCOTATI.' SIHOAPUHC, 3OTH NuVIiMBEM, 1343. (iambier 7.^7J. rtlack Pepper UJ7J. Whit,. r».-pper, fair quality. >J 2.«*; i. Pearl Bago i.95. .;offe.-, K..ii!hyi.. I J. 3 k Tapioca, small Flake Tin 40s. Mule twist M <H lbs. Shirting* 7 do do U24.
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  • 52 2 TO-DAT. For f*r HftDdjcrraaaaing. Pttre'.. 6 P m To-vouow. Bangkok. P.C.C.KIao. Malacca and Klang, toyua 111. 1 P-m- Labuan Sandakan. Ho%t Ann, 1 p ni. Bangkok. Hecuba, 3 p-m. Khio, Mnntok. Batavia, Sainarantf A Sourabaya, Bromo. 6 p.m. Bangkok, Swy WongM. 6 p.m. ■MsMT. Muntok A Paleinbang. Kuiy,
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  • 42 2 f Por Strait* Time*.) FkaNCB. London, LtMl Nov.— The Committee of the B«MU kkM approval the vote of credit for the ifatMpM avKprfitioO. HUter It War stated that 6,000 m French kvMpi Wtn in resvlinej* to start at any moment.
    Reuter  -  42 words
  • 1559 2 The P. ami steamer Pekin left I'euang at 4 p. m. yesterday, and will j arrive here to-morrow morning. We tr.- saqsjtfM I v th- LsWj Superior of tin- Convent l£.-v.l Mother St Gaetan) to stale that, owing to unforeseen circumstances, (ha is compel!"! to postpone tbe opening day of
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  • 639 2 VesTEUUai afternoon, during a .'iunder sturm, while a performance ing on in the Chinese theatre fronting towards New Hridgo K mi, bsjaOW the Commissariat Stores on Pearl's Hill, the ro<>f suddenly fell in, tbe strong rafters and supports snapping like pipestems and burying a number of
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  • 3721 2 The follovvinif account of the behaviour of French sailors after the Capture of the Hue' forts is going tha round of the English, Indian, and Australian papers. It appeared originally in the Paris Figaro, for which paper it is stated to have been written by
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 918 2 fit y:\ntnli. (On acoonnt of the Managing Proprietor's ill-health.) Tbe well known CHABSERIAU ESTATE, situated in tbe district of Bnkit Timah. This Eaftteia* a total acreage of 3,108 •acre*. 3 rood*, ii poles, comprised in one wbich 1.961 acrea, 3 roods, 2 poles, are Leasehold tor 999 year* free <•!
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    • 776 2 fifto 3>brrt(«tmfiH6. TATE AT BUDDOH. The nnd. rsigned have been instructed to sell hy Public Anetiin, on Thnrsdty, the 20;h Decenber. 1883, at 230 P.M. at tbeir Sale room. That valuahlo Freehold 9sgi Estnto ai. toateat Bnddoh, comprised in Government Grant No. 104 General No. 3,334, estimated to contain an
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    • 943 2 Wcaren wah.wimr cpocial new goods turn*.. F.nlar.l Silk*. Mervillenx. New ■c colourings. Ppiinifih •rid Indutn Dre«s Nets. Black and Colored. Fancy Grenadine*, Gauzes, Lawn*, it pretty i.snoriment. BI cV Silk* «ni Satins, several pieces, specinl w Cilord Latins, every c ilor, eompleto stock Lyona nnd Ducbe*»< Satin*. S'rined and Watered
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    • 540 2 flrto 3TJt;;ti*emtttt9. A yellow oolored Honnd, I answer- I Tank. Any one re. tnrning same I the "tt.iits Time*" will be r. w irdeJ, if desired. Singapore, 26th Nov., 1883. MASONIC HALL BOILDIWa FUND. Th* Annuil G.-neril M.-.-ting of the Shareholders of tbis find will bo held at the Masonic
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 229 3 A!» ItT.AST) WITHOrT PBOTECTto* To the Editor o_' thr Straitt Time*. Sib, Should war be declared between France and China, and should lireat Britain be forced to interfere, and suppose the were to take siilet with China bow will our tight little island fare Did it ever strike you
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    • 100 3 fj Tmii'i Name. so"t 29 OronUt 29 8. D. Carleton 29 LiHo SO Stntor 30 Louis* 111 SO Ruby 90 Ganymede SO Sury Wonjw i Catm*. F»om. Saumd. Cowwim Bio H. M. tr» 89*0 4ndoe FUmooth Oct. SB. Vyi O«a». 4m. bq. 8!4 Freemm New Y^rk Julj 17 B.
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    • 54 3 Date. Vmn'i Nin. Flao Rio. CiPTAIH. Not. SO Japan SO Louisa 111 SO Miramar SO A«go SO Stentor SO Hfcuba SO OrontM Brit. (tr. Brit. «tr. Brit. ftr. Brit. itr. Brit rtr. Brit. rtx.* Woods HirmiT DuKgua Jone* Kdwards White Lndot Malacca 4 P«uu>« Malx 4 Klan«; Hongkong
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    • 349 3 Masted to iiiianntMila ~lt IMB tafaiMins aay error or omission in ths abort Shipping la thahai V*w«i/8 Nim. <«™»- a"d I Vkkitt., F«om. Comioira. Kio. Ma e °p£ f WBr Wr.k., lIV-: W Oct. 88.t.m Senior X.Tal Offloer. EX Brenton H.M. »tr. «4©, Not. 11 Portamoutl
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 498 3 flonrrs. IXFORMATMV The burial of tbe late Seah Eu Chii will take pUoe on Saturd-iy. tbe Firat De. cember n.i, at Noon, and tbe funeral pro. cession will start from his Family Kesi. dene at tfofth B. r Qi.iy, to hia Plantation at Thompson*' Itoad. K. frcahment* will be provided
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    • 835 3 flovtts. ">s.-(Ke. :;.th( 1 Aerated iiform numerous Biers. Pxtrons, and the Public of nd vicinity, that they have jn t r-ceive.l from England, a large con-rgnme-t of aaadaoaa* K1..-tro Plated pint and rp <rt Synh mi, and ar<> now pre. paiel to 'vi ply their various water* in them
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    • 347 3 fiotu-rs. NOTIOB. Bt order of the Directors, we have to- day taken over the Agency of the British Inrlia Steam Navigation Company, Limited, at tbi* p rt. BOUBTEAD*Oo. Singapore, sth Nov., ]8«3. (to ."."h mat.) TRITON INSURING! I OMPANY. A return Bonus of 2/3rdt of tbe Profits of the al,ovi-
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    • 373 3 TUN DIRS sr itruc. tion and drtotion of, wrought Iron contmnoua Girder Rridex ver th<- Smgapor* River at tbr erd of N^w Bridge fco«d. Plaoa sod specifications may be.aeeh sndfnllparticn'aiiof the worVt obtain*.! at the oSce of ibe Municipal Bngttteer j between the hours of 11 a. at. a P-
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 712 4 itlterrllanrous. KATZ BROTrTERR. APOLLINARIS WATER, Thb Nati-hat. Soda Watbb. The qneen of table waters." 'i Medic a l Joubnal. APOLLTNARIS WATER. Bupplied*oontinnously to the Table of H. B. B. THB PRINCB OF WALBS during the last five yean. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 'Far superior to mannf tnred aerated waters.
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    • 685 4 Mart* anD iHtrrfeanfJtsr. JOHN LITTLE CO. RAFTLBB PLACE. Singapore. WINE AND SPIRIT MBRCHANTS, Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilman Stobbs. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps, Saddlery and Harness, Crockery. Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery. Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Arms and Ammunition, Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock maker*. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 1016 4 Borfcs. TUB T'.'TT )WOPAOAR DOObI COMPANY LIMITBD. Thb works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pngar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishment*, viz Whabf.— Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water tlong«ide for vexasls of the heaviest draught,
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    • 928 4 ©or*. refitting and coaling of steamers, also Shears i omsivleie for taking out masts. Boiler* tc rVirther information may be had at the O««,oe of Mosm.PateTSon, Simons AC n»n*nl Agents, who forward Tel *gram« to *ht Dook fro*. CHARLEB WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (n. c.) flotfrt*. Local
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    • 859 4 fioutts. FOR B A Frw Weeks with th« Malays. Iv p..mplet form. Price 50 cents per oopy. "Straits Times" Ofßoe, Birg*pore 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. NOTES OF A JOI'BNET Acboss thb Isthmus of Kba. Madb with the Fbknch Ooybbmmbht Subvet Expedition, Jawuabt— Apbil, IRB3 With explanatory Map and Sections,
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    • 860 4 flottir*. )N A CO. i.lteb Quay. Pihoapobb. f opposite theOiub.) Drapers. Milliner*. Silk Mercers. HaK dashers, Glovers, and General Outfitters. Gbxtiembn's Outfit! mo Depabtmbnt. Every description of clothi'-g made on the shortest notice by an experienced Cut- ter, fit guaranteed a good assortment of j tweeds, worsteds, .erge*, broadcloths for
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    • 573 4 "■*vH ABD ii Makbb, ahd Opti Fli Has always on hand a well If Jewellery, Watches, CU K onstrumenU, Ac, comprising ntl Brarrfets. Ladies' gold w.tcl, n Brooches, Qents' f itto Xt> Barrings, su Ter wat^ Lockets, American clock. Ladies rings, Oarriage clocks, Signet nnp. Marble clocks. Wedding rings, Ohronoaeten
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