The Straits Times, 26 November 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV. m:\v ski; iks. SINGAPORE, MONDAY, 26th NOVEMBER, 1883. ISSUE.] No. 15.107
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 474 1 itvtratn *bip flfomiT Mrs. PENINSULAR AND >H1 '•'VTAL M NAVIGATION COMPANY Office— CVllyer Q»ay. Goiiownb— New Harbour. MAIL Til* rnioVrnotMt in n wuici nipany's Mail Steamers may be ex ported to arrive at Singapore tbr years >Aar>. Hoxrwißn. Friday SOth Nov. Monday »r<l 17th lth Ust Ith Jan. J»»--?«th
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    • 626 1 *trnm 48»fcip £oinpan««. nit MBPRAOBBIBB MARITIMES •ANY. The fillowinj are the dates on which Mxsagerics Maritimes may I ip.c»<»d to arrive here during the 'nrivnt ye-ir i tBP. HoifllWAKn. Monday 2fUh Nov. Monday Mtb lf>»h Pic. 10th Ml*. 24th 1884 7th Jan. 1884 7th lan. IM All the ni" vc
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    • 721 1 strain *Dip Coiitpantrs. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE S'TOOMVAART MAATSOHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office. 13 Austin Friars. London. E. 0. Head /.otnct Batatia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Stenmem running in connection with the mail stoamers of the P. A O. S. N. Cvy.,
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    • 790 1 *tran *t)fp £ompamro. N.B. The steamer does the voraga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Sibogn. Baroa, Singkel, Ooenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon. Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and hack from Acheen via Analaboe, Ooenoeng-8ito« 1 ie, Singkel, Baroa Ac., for Padang. On another month via Pri.-iman, Ajerbangis, NaUl, Siboga, Raroa, Singkel,
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    • 570 1 fnsuranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INSURANO* COMPVNY Head Office, Batatia. The nndersigned, AgenU for the abovt Company, are prepared to Uke risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on th. customary terms. 33, 0/0 disoount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all risks Europe
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    • 620 1 fnsuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRB INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital 12,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. ►*"ssrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Aniir.. g,,. rM«i«TS. Nslohsn. Co.) J. P. R*n»s M 'Mmmts HoUldsr.WiM Co. A T, (Msssrs.D«,T«SS.LVj>r«i»*Co. H.Nlolss. (BmMO Coapasv Ltd.) J. J. dot R*m«dlo«, fj.
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    • 514 1 Insuranct* LANCASHIRB INBURANOII COMPANY. Capital «3,000,000. OFFIOBSOFTHB COMPANY. MANonßP'Bii— Kiohang* Street. Liverpool— 4. Manchester Buildings. Birmingham— Cherry Street. London— l 4, King WilUain Street, B. 0. Glasoow-133. West George Street. Bristol— c orß street. Leeds— l 2, Bast Parade, Newcastle— 40. Mosley Street Dubun— 9, Lower Sackville Street CHAIBMAN IV
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  • 170 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 26th NOV., 1883. LATEST MAKKKT QUOTATIONS. Sihoapobb, 26th Novimbeb, 1843. Gambier t Ml Black Pepper 14.90. I White t'eppe. fair quality. ■•M Floor, Sar 2.70. I Pearl .Sag., 3.00. >nthyne 14.30. Tapioca, small Flake Lift, Tin 40s. lluletwist H 94. Si lbs. Shirting* 1.52 J. 7 do
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  • 45 2 TO- OAT. JW tm Calcutta. Clam La^Qt. 6 p.m. To-mobbow. Europe. Pttko, m Hongkong. Unwm, 1 1 Hongkong. Japan, Malacca, Klang Perak and Penang Bntan, P-m. Bangkok, tajaXßrnU, 8 p.m. Bangkok, Bangkok, P™BaUvia. aTimr««. 8 P- m Tbcbsdat. Deli, Pyh Ptkhat, 1P m.
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  • 51 2 (F,.r S/niU Timts./ Uppki Eotpt. London, Ht* :W —Of Colonel Hicks' army of tlie Soudan which numbered ten .thousand five hundred, only one man has escap<*<l. Eoift. London, MM S'or.— The orders for the evacuation of Ejfypt by the British troop* have been countermanded pending the development of
    Reuter  -  51 words
  • 67 2 Wk are re<|O»str»! to intimate that the Taoglin Club Smoking Concert will Uke place oo Thursday, the 29th inst., at 9 p. m- and that members who have not already subscribed, and who may wish to attend, should commuuicate with the Honorary Secretary as early as convenient. All subscribers and
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  • 19 2 The mail despatched from Singapore to London, via Brindiki, on the 22nd ult arrived on Thursday, the 22nd instant.
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  • 36 2 The P. A O. Co.'s steamer Pekin, with the London mail of the 2nd November, left Colombo at 4 p. m. on Saturday, the 24th instant, and may be expected to arrive her* next Saturday morning.
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  • 24 2 The following is the Tie for tomorrow, Tuesday, the 27th Novem>r i C\aw%pwnsk%p. O. L. Bourchier vs. O. P. Owen.
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  • 30 2 The Scotrh community in Bombay have Isairtlrt to celebrate St. 'Andrew's day by a public dinner in the Town Hall. Why uo their compatriots here not go and do likewise
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  • 38 2 The Overland Mail tan It is understood that Lieut -General Lord Cbelmsford will accept the Governorship of Malta, a* it will aave him from compulsory retirement for non-employment, to which he would become liable on July 16, 1884."
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  • 44 2 A (iorrmmrnt Gazette Extraordinary of to-day'a date contains the following notification H. E. the Governor baa been pleased, under Section 30 of Ordinance No 111 of 1878, to fix Thursday, the 29th November, lssij, aa the date for holding a Special Assize at Singapore.
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  • 35 2 LltT of passenger* by the M. M. Co* mail steamer Petko, which arrived this morning For Singapore —from H >ngkong i Mr. Hod.v- and B*s*wsa*ja\ Mr G. E. Noble, Mr. and Mr* A B England.
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  • 64 2 Mes*bs. A pi ab A Co.'* steamer Japan, Capt. T. S. Gardner, from Calcutta 17tb, and I'enang 24th inst., arrived here this morning, and leaves at noon to-morrow for Hongkong. I AS.KkXOEUS For Singapore.— From nh-itti Messrs. A. G Apmr and I. L). Cn-n. Key. Basil, Mr. an 1 M
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  • 140 2 We t'mJ the following shipping report in MitckeU't Maritime Bfgi*ter, which is interesting, as showing the extent of the vast quantities of pumice stone ejected from the Krakatau volcano on the 26th and 27tb Auguat Liverpool, 19th Oct. <i 5 p. m —Master of CUometu at Calcutta, Sept. 15, iv
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  • 98 2 The following paragraph from the aam* paper is of local interest The Leitb Looal Mtrine Board held an inquity, on Oct. 19, into the conduct of G*>rg« S. Gillespie, Ute chief engineer M lo.rd the steamship Normandy, of bfiab. Aocused w« churned with being intoxicated an i unfit for duty
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  • 209 2 A St. Pbtcubcbuh correspondent of one of the home paper* saja that a vuuug man, nineteen year* old, named Solomon Schisgal, ha* invented a watch which goea by electricity, and with scarcely any movement i it is therefore simple in construction and easy to handle it is cheap, and, above
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  • 186 2 The following account of au extraordinary subsidence of the bank of the river Yangtae at Chinkiang i< given by the Shanghai Courier.—" On the left bank of the Yangtze, opposite the foreign settlement of Chinkiang, there stood a long range of white cotUge* of foreign build, but iv a very
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  • 144 2 The following paragraphs are Uken from the Penan/ Time* of the *lst November The British Consul for Acheen arrived here by last Devonhurtt, and will, we be- i here, remain some time to transact official business with His Excellency the Governor. A meeting of the Committee of the
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  • 334 2 The following items are takeu from the Calcutta Englukma* of 6th Noveaiber. White face* are getting almost a* plenii ful about the Exhibition a* dark ones. Every auamer biing* a few interested people, until fumiliai faces are lost amid the new arrival*. Aavit. '»l the I'iteat, are
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  • 436 2 Tribidat, 22>d Xotembkb, 1883. I'aKUKHT Hi* Honour the Acting Chief Justice. The Hon'ble the Acting Colonial Secretary. the Attorney-Oeneral. the Acting Auditor- General. I. S. Bond. J. 'Jr.iham. W. (J (iulla'nd. R. It. Read His Honour the Acting Chief Justice; preaide*. The Minutes of the prevtas* sbmbbbs; The
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  • 787 2 His Excellency the fi vrnoriisli i^mbsent on his visit to Pen&ng md tb Native States, bul i b*tt i shortly. The L«(nsUtive Coancnisl on the 23rd insUnt, I? Acting Chief Jobl wi^ the Petroleum Bill, reduced f-.rm i the Combustible Sui- > i reported by the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 921 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE. FOR S I.E. (On aeomint of the Managing Proprietor's Tbe well known OHASSERIATJ ESTATE, situated in tbe district of Bukit Timah. TbisßsUUna* a total acreage of 3,108 v res. 8 rood*. 2 poles, omprised in one lot of wnich 1.961 sores, 3 roods, 2 poles, act Leasehold tor
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    • 891 2 flrto FTTRNTTrRB SALE. The undersigned have received instruction* from R. Jamie. Esq. leaving for Europe, to sell by Public Auction at The Pbiobt. River Valley Road. ON WEDNESDAY, 28th NOV., 1683. commencing at 11 a, M. Valuable Household Furniture, Ac, Ac. aa follows Drawing Room.— Handsomely carverl unite in walnut,
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    • 960 2 RBSIDENTUr. PROPERTIES, O« MOTTWT ESTATE. The underbred Kave rereiv.-d instroclion* tn fell hv PnMie Anrtion. »t tbier Paleßnoraa No. 2.1 R.ffles Place, onThnrarlsv. 20th December, lfc*H «t 1 r. M. Conleas provi^oalv «?i«r>o«ed of hv privaU bar. gai-^ the following vabiohle Freehold properties situated on Mount Elizabeth E»Ute, namely Lot
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    • 500 2 #rtn X-trrtiSfmrntS. INFORMATION. Tbb bnrial of tbe late Hbah Etj Can will take place on Saturd iv. the First D oember nex\ «t N'.xn. and tbe funeral pr< cession will start from hi* Family Resi I dtnee at North Boat Q lay, to bis Plant... tion «t Thr.nops-.r.s' Itoad. Refreshments
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 103 2 WEATHER REPORT. JfanJaaj Karbow Ho^nlal, lUh Xovemher 1883. Sam. Jp.m. Sp.m luiui. liar. r*d a- Pah. SW S»SM Ml) SI SX-0 Ml Koraili(OT«r. Wat Bulk Ta«r. 78 S 77-0 74 5 cast, tsiatt Dir.ofWfnd E B. K l.») p.m o.t M*i. T.ap. la ihad* 84 0 aloof?, aifhl Mia.
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  • 1534 3 Tmspecial correspondent of the China under date Haiphong, 15th No. r, writes as follows to his paper: Haiphong, 15tf Sovmhtr. The steamniet and Saltte both leave here to- Honekonif. Since of mv last, sent per 8. S. JVami'ian, large number of the new arrivals have «-en despatched
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  • 1175 3 The China Mail (fives the following interesting history of the Black Flag*," translated from the Skunpau, a Shanghai native paper. It has al- ready appeared in three of the Hong- kong nativa papers. The author is said I to be a Cantonese trader, who has a personal
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  • 121 3 11-llotcay't Pill:— All our Faculties.— Almost nil disorders of the human bodj are distinctly to b« traced to lome inipuiity of the blood. The purification of that fluid is the first at<-p toward* health. Hoilowhj'i 1 ilia rrommend tberaselvea to the attention of all anch tnffeiers. They search out and
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    • 223 3 I Vbwsl'i Kami. Flao AKB I CiTTAI*. I K»OM. SaiL»D Bio. Oommsbm. Sot 14 Emirne M.M. Rtf B*7 &<■ rthelemy Bat'Tia Not. 22 M. Maritime*. H TuiTk M.M.«tr»«4i,Such Mmi#Ulm Oct. MM. Maritime*. 24 Clan Lamont Brit. itr. 13MJon«« Jeddah Not. 1 8. Khod»d»<i *Oo 15 Pan«j Spa. »tr. M7Goy«nechtx
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    • 57 3 Oats. Timil'i Kin. Timil'b Sin Fug t Rio. Fuo ft Rio. CirTAIM. CirTAIM. DirrniATi**. D«rn«ATl»». Not. U M M M M Tu«Tii Spaniel Clan Lamont BraUn Chi Tn«n Carriedo Fch. «tr. Brit. «tr. Brit. «tr. Brit. »tr. Chin, str Sp*. itr. Such Mile* Jon** Craic Wtllao* Munoi Shanghai Penang
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  • 527 3 s^ta7id~lg«i.of we l. are wo^*««m«»»a»ewttitfci. s*o, rsgst*.. aa/ Kioroi omissios in Urn abor* Shippmt la iis karbour. Vmui/i NAm.lcirr*™. am? A«*irro| F»o«. Comvmm. l Rio. i- Mipi? f WftP W.ker 806 Oct. Batavia Senior N.t»l OJo«. Merlin Brent m H.M.rfr. Not. 1 1 Port»m->uth Senior
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 632 3 iioturs. MUNICIPAL NOT I K. Tin dicks are invited for the •ur.plv of fie undermentioned Materiils, Store* etc, th* Municipality during tbe year 1884. TIMBCIt. 1. For the nupply of Damir Laut, Dimv Putfh, and Tambago Wood in tmnlk and scantlings. 2. For the aapply of Baliow (No. 1 )i
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    • 835 3 floutts. Ex 8. a GLENFINLAS." Fatxe A On., have received m large assortment of Gold and Silver Jewellery including Locket*. Chain*, Bracelet*, of the very latest designs. Silver Knife, Pork and Bpoon, with Peer handle*, in leather caae, mutable for Presents. Porcelain Vaae* and Orntment* in gr jut variety. Photo
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    • 325 3 ftotirt*. KAIBAR I HIND CIGARETTBa A fresh supply receired per per P. 4 O mail yesterday by JOHN LITTLE A Co. Singapore, 3id Nor., JBh3. WANTED TO RENT. A Bungalow or House in or near Tang, tin. either furnished or unfurnished, suitable, for four bachelors ntrj to T,. 2-> °tr
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    • 315 3 flOtlffS. MTTNICIPAL NOTIOB. Trndbm are inttted for the ranpty of 1.600 24* Oast Tron Pipes, with tamed* and bored joint* and 176 Pipes of the aame diameter with lead joints. Specification and drawing asea and full particulars obtained* at the offlr«. of the Municipal Engineer between Ue hours of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 700 4 iflteffllanfous. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARTB WATER, The Natural Boda Water. The qaeen of table waters." British Medical Joubhal. APOLLINARIS WATER. CoT~ Supplied continuously to the Table of H. B. H. THE PRINCE OF WALEB daring the last five years. .»POLIiINARIS. THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 'Far superior to manufactured aerated Mbdica Times
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    • 695 4 ♦torrt ana iHrrrfianUtt*. JOHN LITTLE A 00. RAFFLES PLACE, SINOAPOBB. WINE AND RPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilman Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glasswsre, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery. Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fanoy Goods, Arms and Ammunition, Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitlor* Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and
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    • 982 4 riorfcs. THB TANJOVOPAOAR DOOK 00M' i PANY LIMITBD. Thi works of the Company are situated at Ttnjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, »nd comprise the following establishment h. viz Whabf.— Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water f r ve»s4!n of the
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    • 844 4 Borfc. refitting andeoalingot steamers, also Shears complete for takinv out masts. Boilers to Further informstion may be had at the Offloe ot Messrs. Paterson, Simons A Co., Gennrsi Aeents, who forward Telegrams i to the Dook free. CHARLES WIBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (a. c.) ftotirr^. NOTICE. Robinson A
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    • 738 4 FOR SALE. A F»w Weeks with th« Malays. In pamplet form. Price 50 cents per copy. Straits Times" OftVe, Sirgapore 2«th April, 1883. j NOW READY. j NOTES OF A .IOI'RNEY Across thb Isthmus op Kra. Madb with the French Government Fcbvey Expedition. January April, 1883. With explanatory Map and
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    • 685 4 flotife*. ROBIXSON A CO. -'3 OoiXTKK Quay, Pihoapobb. (opposice th> Drapers, Milliners. Silk Mercers. Haberdashers, Glovers, and General Outfitters. Gb^tlpmen'sOutfiti isg Department. Every description of clothing made on the shortest notice by an experienced Cnt- ter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of j tweeds, worsteds, serges, broadcloths for J selection.
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    • 560 4 flotftr. Ohbonombtsr, Watob aid Olocf Makbr. and Opti. Flint Strbbt. Ras always on hand a well selected If Jewellery, Watches, Olocks, N onstruments, Ac., oomprisiag Bracelets, Ladies' gold Brooches, Gents' ditto., Earrings, Silver watches, Lockets, American olocks Ladies' rings. Carriage clocks. Signet rings. Marble olocks, Wedding rings, OhronoßMters, Keepers Thermometers,
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