The Straits Times, 24 November 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 VOL. XXI V. Ni;\\ SE&IES, SINGAPORE, SATURDAY, 24th NOVEMBER, 1883 '_DAILY ISSUE.] No. 15,16f>
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 534 1 jeVtram *bip <S omi-anue. !N>n,AR AND ORIENTAL °TEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Ofucf— Collyer Quay. Godowhs— New Harbour. MAIL r LINKS. Titß undernoted are the date* on thi* Company's Mail Steamer, may be ci pected to arrive at Singapore during be year* IWi and 1884:— Outwabd. Ho«rw»«n. Friday SOth Nov. M.mda.v
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    • 632 1 *tran *ftip iomr>antrs. THI MWBAQSUXB MARITIMFS '•(>MPANY. Thf f< Howie are the dat.-« on which r he steamen of the MeasagerM* Maritime* may be cip. <Tel ko arrive hen- during the -nrrei.t year OrTWARD. H(l« .AKIi ■foaday 2fith Nov. Monday tfith Nov. 10th Dec. 10th Dec. Mth Mth 1884 7th
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    • 698 1 strain *l)ip Compamrs. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contract* with the Netherlands, Indian Government*.) Head Orricv, 13 Austin Friars, London. E. O. Head /.ofnct Batatia. The following the date* on which rs running in conI nection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. S. N. Coy may
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    • 793 1 JMram *btp €ompanifg. N.B.— The steamer d»e* the voyags in one month ria Priaman, Ajerbangi*. Nat '1, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Aualaboe, Rega* and Patti md back from Acbeen via Ana- laboe, Onenoeng-Sitoclie, Singkel, Baro* Ac for Padang. On anotner month via I'ri 1 man, Ajerbangi*. Natal, Siboga,
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    • 573 1 fnguranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INSFRANO 8 COMPANY Hbad Orricß, Batatia. Thb nndenigned. Agent* for the above [>in» are prepared to take risks upon by steamer or sailing vessel on the tmtomary terms. 33f 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f „oa*ting voyage*, and 15 0/0 on all riak* gurope
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    • 624 1 Itwuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 664,902 General Manaobrs. Msesn Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Cnßalting Committee. A. A -Jr.. X*,. rifMm. Mdofctn, Co.) J. P. Bsnx* cit mmrm Hanidsy.WlM fo. A. T Muf*r. (M«sns.Doa.rlas,L*l>nik*Co. V Ni0.1.. («<*mo Compuv Ltd.) iv 4«s Bs*m4o*
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    • 511 1 fnefuranrr. LANCASHIRE INSURAHOM OOMPANT. Oapitai. £3,000,000. OFFICEB OF THS OOMPANY. Manchester— Exohaag* Street. Liverpool— 4, Manchester Building!. Birmingham— Cherry Street. Londob— l4, King William Street, B.*C. Glasoow— l33. West George Street. Bristol— Corn Street Lbbps— l2. East Parade. Nbwcastlb— 40, Koatey Street. Dublib— Lowe, Backrille Street C "AIBMAH Km MAJTOHBMBB.
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  • 166 2 STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 24th NOV., 1883. I.ATK-ir UAKKKT QUOrATIONS, Singapore. 24th Notikbii, 188:1. 'Jaujlji-r t T.lO. rilack Pepper 1490. Wuite Pepper, fair quality. j -Wgo, Sar :'M Pw-.rl Sag-> 300. Ouffee, H.nthyne 14.30. Tapioca, small Flak* lit, Tin H7.60. 40a. Muletwi.t »4. *h Ib*. Bbirliig* I.VJf 7 do do
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  • 42 2 TO-DAT. For 4 London, Aja* P» > 9 ai?nn, Hongkong and Shanghai, Yangt-. 8 P°»Palembang. Paiotak. 6 p.m. To-MOKBOW. Malacca, Bangkalis. Siak and Pakan, Pain*. 1 P- m Hongkong a Shanghai, OtuUm, P-">-Moitdav. Bangkok. P. C. Ktoo, 1 P»Manila, Carritdo, P ">•
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  • 36 2 f For Slrtiu Time*.) China. London, Mr<l Nor.— Tbe Chines* Government has «ent a vigorous note to the great Powers reasserting suzerainty over Annum, ami statini; responsibility rests upon France should will' be declared.
    Reuter  -  36 words
  • 32 2 The hoini-wanl French mail steamer Peiko left Saigon at 9 a. m. to-day, and will probably arrive ht re on Monday forenoon, in which ca«e she may be despatched the same evening.
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  • 20 2 The total return of visitors to tbe Kaffles library and Museum during tb* week ending Friday, 23rd November, was 681.
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  • 28 2 Thk Lawn Tennis TocBSAJfEST. Tbe following is the Tie for Mondayi the 26th November:— Si»«t« Handxeap Final Ra J. O.Mayne or va. E. W. Birch. O. L. Bourchier
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  • 47 2 \V, find tbe following telegram in late Indian papers i Calcutta, 4M JfcaV— Mrs. Frost, wellknown as Miss Minnie Esmond, late of t'le Loftus Theatrical troupe, died yesterday of oyster poisoning, typhoid fever havi.>g supervened. She was only 21 years of a*,'e. The oysters were Bombay importations.
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  • 70 2 The China Mail of the ISth November says— "A letter just received from our special correspondent inTonquin, as we go to press, says that nothing of any interest has occurred there since he last wrote. All the newly arrived troops per cLe Ateyron, Shamrock, Bienhoa, and Xonguin, amounting in all
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  • 122 2 Among those mentioned as 'ikely to be brought forward hy tbe ratepayers at tbe ensuing election of a Municipal Commisi.oner, we understand that Dr. J. H. Robertson and Mr John Baxter are the favourites. Both men are eminently qualified for the office. The people would be well represented by the
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  • 99 2 The China papers publish the following telegram from Manila Hongkong 3.30 p. m 13th Nov a typhoon is ranging to the S S. E. of Luzon. It is as yet impossible to ascertain its direction. It will probsbly incline to the West, as ilid the one announced on the 2nd
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  • 106 2 We take tbe following from the Japan Gazette. "Two men have been committed for trial at th" Westminister Police-court on a charge of having stolen a gold watch from Mr. Alfred Koper, a retired master mariner, of New Bar.iet. The watch, which was stolen at a ra.lwav station, was afterwards
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  • 108 2 Thk China Mail says that a suit has been instituted by the Man On Insurance Co. against Mr. Ackroyd, Registrar of the Supreme Court, as official assignee of Tsui Tsz Hi, bankrupt Chin Utin, merchant, Kwok Tun, bankers, Lo Tsz Chun, compradoro, and Li Tak Cheong, merchant, as trustees of
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  • 217 2 The M. M. Co* steamship Tang 7V, Captain Such, from Marseilles 27th ul- timo, ria Naples, Port Said, Suez, Aden and Colombo, with the London mail of tbe 26th October, arrived alongside the Borneo Co's wharf this forenoon, and will leave for Saigon, Hongkong and Shanghai at daylight to-morrow. i
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  • 212 2 Kbidat, 23bd Xotembeb, 1888. I'BKSEXT His Honour the Acting Chief Justice. Tbe Hon'ble the Acting Colonial Secretary. the Attorney. General. tbe Acting Auditor-General. I. S. Bond. J. Graham W. G. Gulland R. B. Read His Honour the Acting Chief Justice presides The Minutes of tbe previous meeting are
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  • 560 2 Border Question Between Burmah and Siam. Tbi following article from the Rangoon Timet of the 1st November throw* tome light on the state of affair* on the border marshes between Siam and Burmab, and is of interest in connection with Mr. Colqui oan's next expedition. A British Cou t -il
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  • 1413 2 Crown Lands Encroachments Ordinance. Attention has bei recte.| to Sections 7 only fair that the so-called should have a hearing:. Th< ■ioner of Lands hac only recently max],. public some vety valuable and eating correspondence upon th.question in the Straits. So far back »<> [B*7, Mr. W. R. Young wasaen'
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 913 2 ♦ftftu a&brrttsrmntt*. ■TICE. FOR SALE. (On arooact of tbe Managing Proprietor's ill-health. The well known CHB.BSERIAU ESTATE, situated in tbe* district of Bukit Timah. This latatt has a total acreage of 3,108 acre*. 3 mods, 2 poles, comprised in one >-hicb 1.961 acre*. 8 roods, 2 poles, are Leasehold lor
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    • 910 2 fltto 2*brrtfonnrtUo. UNITtTRE BALE. Tbe ondersigned bave received instructions from R. jAatlß, Esq. leaving for Europe, to sell by Public Auctioh at The Pbiobt. River Valley Road. ON WEDNESDAY. 28th NOV.. 1883. commencing at 11 A. M Valuable Household Furniture. Ac, Ac. as follow* Drawing Room.— Handsomely carved suite in
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    • 964 2 •^rtD abbfrtfxtnnfnt& VAI.r\RI,E FRE-nOLD RE3IDENTMT, PROPERTIES, Ox Mount Fl'z«bith Estate. Tbe undersigned nnve received 1 instructions to sell hv Pnhlir Anction. at thier Pale Room* No. U R-ffles Place, on Tburs. day. 20tb December, 18«3. »t 2 p. M. (Un- > less previonaly disposed of by private bar. gai"'* the
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    • 554 2 p.tro me: itmtnt9. INFORMATION. The burial of tbe late Siah Eu Chin will take pi ice on Satu diy, the Firat December n«"x', at Noon, and tbe funeral prooeiwion will start from bis Family Residence at North Boat Q lay, to hi* Plantation at Tlmmps ii s (load. Refreshments will
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 28 2 WKA.THEB KKPOBT. KtuUang Karbm Hotpxtal, 23rd Sovember 1881. (a.m. Jp.s>.V|'.iu KlUii.l. Uw. rad. U K»k. iv »v H 79i SJ BS* T.» l; <i Kontonlsar, gjJ.««^M s B.JTifoast.
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  • 533 3 (From Ceylon and Indian papert.) Parit, Ath Nov.— News has been ed liere from Tonquin that Admiral Cour-l«-t haseaptureu the citadels of Nignsbique and Phunoi. London, Cth Nov.— Yesterday 'tObterrer tars that question of the construction of of" a second canal it «riously occupying •■iition ofthe Egyptian Government
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  • 1226 3 Theft from a Woman. A man named Dollah was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment for the theft of a silver bangle from the person of a woman while she was walkiiig down Middle Koad, at 9 o'clock in the morning, a day or two ago. A Dear
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  • 1775 3 Trim fate if from Manila newtpapen. Sooloo. We have received a letter I dated 22nd instant, containing the follow- i ing intelligence: Little news has been recorded in this station since the date of ray last letter, besides the visit to this town j of' Panglima Ansaini, our
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  • Correspondence.
    • 117 3 To the Editor of the Straitt Time: Six,—"V\e would ask to be allowed, through the medium of your columns, to call attention to the gross misconduct of one of the men of the Inniskillings. About 7 o'clock on the evening of Friday, the 28rd, the man referred to
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    • 21 3 I! VM'.Kun.. *«> Cawai-. Vo: Bu«> C«««— 3 Rio. M 8^i«l Brit. .tr. WJMUe. Penang Not. II L. T. WJi Co.
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    • 80 3 FYa« Rio. Cattaih. UmiHATioa. Dati. Vimil'i Nun. Not. tt Vice President Priu 23 P»tot*b 84 Hje Leong M Brutua 14 BirmaniA M Jedd»h 14 Ore»tei 24 Ajax 24 PUin 14 Pion««r Dut. rtr. Bakker B»u»U Dut. rtr. »an M««ti I PAlembang Brit. itr. Moppett Sour»b»y» O«r. ttr. Vo»e S»ip>n
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  • 165 3 1 1 Bio. r- I i Men-of-war Bttavia Senior NaTal Offlcer. Magpie SE£l^NoV »\koh»m. Senior NrJOtor I^ATioir Station statioa suuon ForSaU K.p«riii« Renairing Laid up Pon'aaak In Do«k In Dock llatarU i...ndon I -,>har 1 .r;^kok I'akaa I>ii'isg roastiaf Mnnila Dia'iaf I'tnm^ S'^baja iVbanf H'kdM StMtman
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 545 3 Holloway's PilU.— Weakness aad Debility.— Unless the blood be kept in a pure state, the strongest constitution will fail andd'seaseenperv*n<>. Thete tralv w »n |.r--ful Pills pom~ss the p.>wer si neutralizing and removing all contamination* of the blood. They quietly but certainly overcome all obstructions feeding to produce ill health,
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    • 437 3 BTFAM TACHT FOR BALR\ The 8. S. Ltila, 135 tons register. 3 mast. Ed schooner 50 H. P. will be sold by Auction, Ht onr Sale rooms, on FridNy, th.-ntn .Tanuarj, 1884. at 3 o'clock P.M. She is aplrndiriTv fitted up apd has bsasjtt. ful line*, waa formerly a nobleman's
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    • 392 3 MTJN' Teudbbs are invited lor tbe sapply of 1.600 24* Cast Iron Pipes, witb tarnad xnd bored joint*, snd 174 Pipes of the* same dintneter wit> lead joints. SprrinV.ition und drawing may be seen and fall parti«nlars obtained at tbe office of the Municipal Engineer .betVeaa tbe boars of 11
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 705 4 ißterfllanrous. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARIS WATER, Tbi Natural Soda Watib. Tbe qneen of table waters." British Medical Journal APOL*LTNARIS WATER. (jr Rupiilied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES during the last five years. a m^ APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated
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    • 693 4 *torr« anH iHrrrbanlKitr. JOHN LTTTLE 00. RAFFLES PLACE. SIHOAPOM. WINB AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, importebo of pboviBionB, gbocebibB, Oilman Stobes. Cigarn, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware, Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods. Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock maker*. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 947 4 THE T« n PA4AB DOOK OOMTSD. The works of tbe Company are situated at T»njong P ,gai n .ne miie of the iprisethe folWhark V T f.r twenty vei-ieU witb snfflci.'nt water the heaviest driugnt, aad protsctAd by a breakwater 1 from the swe'l from \be roads and fr m
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    • 825 4 Borfe. r. fittiMif and coalingol steamers, s'so Shears oomplete for taking out masts. Boiler* to Further information may M had at the r*mn.e of M e**T«. Pateraon, Simons A Co General Agent*, who forward Telejrram* to »h«« Hook rr«». HHARLEB WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. 'v cl jlotfrt?.
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    • 782 4 #lotit«. FOR A Ffw Wfw« with th» Walath. mplet form. Prioe SO cents per copy. "Strait* Times" Office. Si- pßpore 26th Arril, IWW. NOW PEADT. VOTES f'F A .KirPMFT Across the Tkthmcs of Kba. Made with the French Goteenmbnt fubtet expfdition, ,TANr>BT— Apbil. 1»83. With explanatory Map and Sections, AKD
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    • 758 4 TCOP,' CO. i ltkb Quay, Pinovpobe. ropposite the Clnh fir.p.r. Milliner*, -lilk r*. H»bor dasher*. Glover*, and General Outfitter*. GwvTxyMFN's Outfit' ii»oD»pa«tm«nt. Every de»cription of clothing m»de on the shorte«t notice by an experienced Cut. ter. fit guaranteed, a good assortment ot tweed*, worsted*, sergen, broadcloths for selection. Calf
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    • 501 4 MAKEB. Altr OPTICIAII Flint Ras always on hand a we!' If Jewellery, Watches, 01. onstmments, Ac, comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold w tt ,i Brooobes, Oentu' Barrings, Silver watches Lockets, Amerioan i Ladies' rings, Oarriap Signet ring*, Marbl Wedding rings, Ohron.p. Ke.ycrs Therm Albert chains. Barometers, Guard chains. Sextants, Studs, Sleeve
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