The Straits Times, 22 November 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV. NEW SERIES SINGAPORE, THURSDAY. 22nd NOVEMBER, 1883 ISSUE.] No. 15,164
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 484 1 ♦tram j»hip (Somrantrs. !.AR AND ORIENTAL \M NAVIGATION COMPANT Oppici Collyer Quay. Oon.iWNS— New Hi MAIL ondernoted ur.' the dates on wuiCb impany's Mail Steamers may be ei>ve at Singapore dunng the year* ward. TTojcrwAßn. Friday 30th .v SH Her. Uth I>ec. r tßtl .list llth Jan. ?«th IH I
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    • 623 1 *tran »W Companies. THJ VKSHAGEKIES MARITIMrS COMPANT. The following are the dates on which rhe steamers of the Messageries Mnritimes may be expected to arrive here during the ■•urrent year:— Or-TWABD. TTOKIWAIID. Monday 12th Nov. Monday ljth Vov. 2fith tflth 10th Dec. 10th Dec- »*th t4th 1884 7th Jan. 1884
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    • 704 1 *htp Companirs. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDIPCHE STOOMVAART MAATSOHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Nether!ands i Indian Governments.) Hbad Oppice. 13 Austin Friars, London. E. c. Hfad Aokncv Batavia. T 1 c following the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in conle^ti.L with the mail steamers of the P. O. S. N.
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    • 793 1 #tram *f)tp Companus. N.R— The steamer does the voyaga in I one month yin Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel. Ooenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon. Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti nnd back from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie. Singkel, Baros r Padanr. On another month vis Priaman, Ajerbangia. Natal. Siboga. Raro«. Singkel, Goenoeng Bitoe'ie,
      793 words
    • 569 1 Insuranrr. JAVA BEA AND FIRE INSURANO* COMPANT Hbad Oppicb, Batatia. Thb undersigned, AgenU for the above mpany, are prepared to take risks upon corgo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customsry terms. 33* 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f „'iaiting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all risks gurope
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    • 626 1 fiisuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANOB OOMPANT LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 GINEBAL MANAOBBS. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. An jr., Esq. (M*«srs. Mslohsra, *Co.) J- S.- By™ l««m. Hflllldar.WlM k Co. T. Minor, (M<ssrs.Don.Tlm.,LspnikaCo. i^ H ln 11 (J- J. *Os BMMdlos a
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    • 514 1 Instiranrr. E LANCASHIRE INSURA OFFIOBBOFTHB OOMPANT. Manchester— Fiohang* Btrset. Livbbpool— 4, Manchester Build'.ngs. BifcMiNOHAji— Cherry Street London— l 4, King William Slreet, 1. O. Glasoow-133. West George Street. BBisroi^-Corn Street LIBDB-12. East Parade. Nbwcastlb— 40, Mosley Street. Dubuh— 9, Lower SaokrilU Strs-t. 1 C "*J»»I*N I* MANOHBaTBB. s JohnTodd, Bsq.
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  • 2 2
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  • 158 2 STRAITS TIMES THURSDAY, 22nd NOV., 1883. HTKST MAKKKT QCOTATI" SmOA.poßi, 2*2 nd Notcmbkb, 18*1 'lainWr t 7.034. rtlack Pepp«r *****. Winto P<>pp«r, fair quality. 28. -h({O floor, Sar Pe»rl tiago *«S. Coffer, Bouthynf U3>. Tapioca, small Flak* .i IV 1 Tin it N i 40*. Muletwiat H. Hi lbs. Bbirting*
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  • 58 2 To-DAT. Hongkong. Sumatra. »•">• To-«o>bow. Muntok 4 PeUmbang, m Saiiron and ManlU V. d* t«*o»M. H Malacca and Peaang. Benmort. 1 P Hongkong. Swatow and Am.r. rVewla. 6 p.m. BaUviiAc. V. P. Prim.. 6 p.m. Satcbdat. BUUton 4 Pontianak. B. rTKatt Soon. II a-m. Deli Qa*ym4d: P™SouraUya. Bally
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  • 47 2 f Cor Striif* Turn**.) Naval. London, Hit Nor.— Vice Admiral Sir William Dowell K.c.B, succeed* Vice Admiral Willes C.8., in command of the China Squadron. EOTPT. The Egyptian reinforcement for the S,,u'lan was attacked near Suakirn by the Hill Tribe* snl lo.t 486 men killed.
    Reuter  -  47 words
  • 16 2 The Band of the Royal Inniskilling Fusilient will not play in the Gardens tomorrow 23rd instant.
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  • 24 2 The following is the Tie for to-morrow, i Friday, »he 23rd November: Champxotukxp. J. O. tUyoe vs. O. L. Boorchicr.
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  • 52 2 The Hongkong Daily Preu of the 10th November publishes the following telegram Manila, Isf* Sot 3.80 b. m— A typhoon is raging to the S.S.E. of Luzon. It is as yet impossible to ascertain its direction." It will probably incline to the West, a* did the one announced on the
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  • 57 2 Vice Admiral Sir William Dowell, X.C.8., who, Reuter inform* us to-day, j has been appointed Commander-in-chief of Mm English Squadron on the China station, in succession to Vice Admiral at present in command of the Ch» it el Squadron, and received the order of Kn ghthood from the Queen after
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  • 48 2 Messrs. FaiissnrET A Co.'* steamer I I.iban, Captain Labie. arrived here on Tuesday, anal sailed thi* morning for Colombo and Marseilles, taking the follow, ing passengers Fur Colombo —From Shanghai i Dr. HarttnariD. For Man*ilUs— Fr .m Hongkong: Mr. snl Mrs dcharrer, Mia* Morton. Mr. Ho Ah
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  • 295 2 Dm Wednesday the 21st instant, in St Andrew* Cathedral, was solemnised the marriage of Mr. Robert Wallace Braddell, of the Inner Temple, BarrUter-at-law, and second ton of Thoma* Braddell, r><j.,c,M.O., the late Attorney General, Straits Settlements, and Miss Mary Lawrence Smith, fourth daughter of the Key. Thomas Smith, vicar of
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  • 549 2 Wk unduretand that Mr. Edwin Koek has been obliged, owing to tbe exigencies of his business, to ask H. E. the Governor and bis fellow Commissioners to allow him to resign his position as a Municipal Commissioner at the end of this year, although his term of office
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  • 280 2 We Uke the following items from the Penan g Timei of the 1 7th November H. E. the Governor. H. E the Governor proceeds to Baleh Pulau on Moni day, and will be the guest of Mr. Koh Seang Tat. Piratical A boat full of men, arms, and
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  • 6300 2 The C rown Lands Ordinance in Penang. 4.S a supplement to the report >f the public rreetiug held in the Exchange on Tuesday, we take from the Penan t Timti the following report of the speeches made at the great mass meeting held in Penanj on the Hh November, with
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 903 2 #rto aubntttemtntf. the «n»denne*tioned Material*, Stores etc. MnnieipaJity daring the year 1884. TnciM. 1. Tor tbe supply of Damar Laat, I Damar Patch, and Tambago Wood in baulk and seatitling*. For the supply ot Ballow (No. 1 )in baulk and 1 scantlings. 3. For the supply of Darroo in baulk
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    • 932 2 «fttto 9.>ibfrt<wmtnw. IMPORTANT NOTICE. FOR S VLB. (On account of the Managing Proprietor's ill-health The well known CHASSERIAU E-T^TE, situated in the district of Bukit Timah. This Eittate has a total acreage of 3,108 acre*. 3 roods, 2 poles, comprised in one lot of which 1.961 sores, 3 roods, 2
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    • 785 2 INStTLAR A\T) O .lENTAL BTBAM NA VIO Xl lON COMPANY. NOT ConuiKitcira with the Verona, leaving this on or about the 3rd December, the China- London steamers will proceed via Bombay without transhipment <>f cargo. Tbe connec'-ing steamer at Colombo proceeds t> Aden. f'u'Z, Marseilles, and London, m .king fast
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    • 532 2 #Uto StobftlMtMmtf. i to roRCHAes. 1 Dogcart and H roeaa, anitable for horM of 15 bund". Apply l,y loiter to "S Q R." StraiU Times" Office. Singapore, 21 it Not., 1883. CARRIAOK E3TAHLISHMBNT FOR SALE The underlined are inatrncted to a«ll by Public AoctioD, (unleaa preTioualy diapoaej of priTately l>y
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Correspondence.
    • 74 3 I V«w*l'« Namb. Flao Rio. 5 CATTAia. y*oa. 84ILBD j tt C. Hock Kirn Brit. rtr. 9MWebb 12 Pnntemp. Fch. bq. SS7G»iUaxd St Ville de Liibonne Fch. rtr. llS6C»rio n Ban Wh»H Soon Brit. «tr. 199Cockburn 11 Hje Leong Brit. «tr. 196 Moppett H'kons Not. lft Ban Hin 4
      74 words
    • 66 3 Dati. VwraL'i Hamb. ft^» C tart am. Dam*ATM«. fo». 21 anton QuntUr G«r. bq. Liban rtr. 2S Madun Bnt. rtr. 21 M«hw.i« Brit. rtr. 12 OlwtiJ Bnt rtr. 21 Baby Brit. itr. 12 M»y Flower Bnt. rtr. M Jtir»m«r Brit. «tt. SWinbrugge Hongkong Übre MuwillM WUion Calcutta fit pavto.
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  • 222 3 .tesltooosßma.ifaUwttkthis wßee recar.iL, Sfclpptalln U»karbo\». any" r r NlMm CM* '*"d I i rr > F Co»mow». Bio. c* I j I ON-M.XEM. <en-of-w*r ff M rtr. 808 Oct. SX Bataria Senior NaTal O«©«r. ••^P 4 B.cHorf HMrtr. H3O Not. I. Yokohama Senior NaTal O«ow., I**?"*
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 331 3 fiottrre. FCKMTURE BALE. The undersigned will sell hv Auction. at tbe residence of W. Hr«v<-MA lea No. 23 Sophia Road, on Friday, 23rd Novetn'er. commencing at 2 p M.. the whole of ir.' household fur, itnre, Ao. POWELL ft Co Auctioneers. THK FUNKRTJPTCY ORDINANCE, 1870. 1 thk supbbmr c!ourt op
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    • 344 3 flotirrs. MTTN Tbddbu are invited for tbe supply of 1,600 24' Oast Iron Pipes, with tamed and bored joints, and 1? Pipes of the same diameter with lead joints. Specification and drawing may be seen and full particulars obtained at tbe office of tbe Municipal Engineer bntween the hours of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 700 4 'rlisrrllanrous. KATZ BHOTHF.RB. APpLLINAP.TS WATEB, Thb Natural Soda Watbb. The qneen of table water*.'' rhuTtEH Medical Joubnal. AFOLLTNARIS WATER. •V Supplied oontinuouily to the Table of H. B. H. THB PRINCE OF WALEB do ringtthe last five years. APOLUNARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 'Far superior to manufactured aerated water*. Medical
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    • 661 4 Jfrtcrr* anU iHrrfhanTjtxSf. JOHN LITTLE RAFFLKB PLACE, SISOAPORF. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Impobtkbs of Provisions. Groceries OILMAM STOREB. rigar*. Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harnce*. Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Arm* and Am--1 munition, Indies and Gentlemen's outfitter*, Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 718 4 TWa T V IONG PAGAB DOCK OOMPAST LIMITED. Thb work* of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, nthm ne mile of the town of girv prise the folWhakf.— Affording l-erthage fur twenty rHei»nt water the heaviest a breakwater f roads and from I tb» itrengih if the tides. The
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    • 727 4 fiork. refitting and coalingo' steamers, a'so Shears Vint* ut ma*ts. Boilerj tc rtnn; i m may be bad at the I Me«*rs. Patorson, Bimons A 00., lenor*' Agents, who forward Telegram* to »r.e 'Oo'iV 'rw. OHABLBB WTBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. in. c.) flortffs. local pelitbbt. In Adtancb. Dailt
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    • 732 4 flotirrs. FOR A F»w Wffk* with ih» Malats. In pamplet form. Price 50 cents per copy. Straits Times" Office. Si' gspore 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. VOTE? of a. .lOT'nitfFY Across the Isthmus of Kba. Made witr thb Frrnch Ootrrnmbnt Pubtet Expedition. Jandart— Apbiu 1883. With explanatory Map and Sections,
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    • 781 4 lI.TKB QUAT, PIV. »POBE. ropposice tbe Drapers. Milliner*. Silk Mercem. Huberdashers. Olover». and General Outfitters. GR«TLrMBN > BOuTnr>II'Or>IPA«TMB«IT. Brery description of clothing made on j the shortest notice by an experienced Cut- t ter. fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsted*, serge*, broadclotha for j selection. Calf walking aboes.
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    • 526 4 Ohronomrtbb, Watch anh Ot.oc Maker, ahd Optk lAil WT Flint Street Has alwaya on hand a well select^* If Jewellery. Watches, Olocki. Ra D (instrument*, Ac, comprising Bracelet*, r^di,,. M Brooohea. Gents' ditto Earrings. 3il-rer watchat Lockets, American clocks Ladie*' nng*. Carriage clock*. Bignet nn^», Marble clocks. Wedding ring*. Chronometer?
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