The Straits Times, 21 November 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV. NEW M-Kll.s. SINGAPORE, WEDNESDAY. 21st NOVEMBER, 1883 ISSUK. No. 15,163
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 517 1 *tram jfr'np otonu'anirs. INSULAR AND ORIENTAL STFiAM NAVIGATION COMPANT OlliCß Collyar Quay. Godownh— New Harbour. MAIL IINEB. un<Jernotfd are the dates on 'him mpany's Mail Steamers may be ex pected to arrive at Singapore during -he year* 18<« and I .a». Houkwarp. Friday SOth Nov. Monday Srd TW>c. 14th
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    • 658 1 *tram *t)fp Compantr*. THE MEFSAC, FRIES MARITIMES COMPANY. The folliwing are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageries Maritime* may be expected to arrive here during the 'urrect year:— OrrwAFD. HowrwAKn. Monday 12th Nov. Monday lrth Nov. 2«th tftth 10th Pec. 10th Dec. J4th Mth 1884 7th Jan.
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    • 737 1 strain #hip Companirs. DE NEDERLANDSOH-INDISCHE sTOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPU. Under Contract* with the Netherlands Indian Governments.) Hbad Opficf, 13 Austin Fbiabs, London. E. c. Head Aofnct Batatia. Tbe following .re the date* on which r>ie Company's Steamers rnnning in connection with the mail steamer* of the P. A O. S. N. Coy
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    • 782 1 *tram *nip Companus. N.B.— The steamer doe* the voyaga in one month ria Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Sihoga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Ooenoeng-Bitoelie, Sinekel, Bnros Ac, for Padang. On another month ria Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal. Siboga, Baros, Singkel. Goe> noerg
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    • 568 1 fnsiiranrr. JAVA BEA AND FIRE INSURAN0 F COMPANT Hbad Opficb, Batatia. The indersigned, Agenta for the abore Company, are prepared to take risk* upon MM by ateamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33i 0/0 discount allowed on all risk* f .oasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all risk*
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    • 608 1 fnsiiranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANOB COMPANY LIMITED Capital 12,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reaerre Fund 564,202 Genebal Manaoebs. Meaar* Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A A Mr.. Ks,. m—n. M«loh«n. Co.) J (Ummt. HaUdav,WlM a Co. '^'"tr fßwaso Co«pa»v Ltd.) J. J. 4os BmiadlM, (J. J. do* Bmsdlo* Co.) The
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    • 502 1 fnsrtiranit* LANCASHIRE INBURANOM COMPANY. Capital £8,000,000. OFFIOBBOFTHB COMPANY. Manohbsteb— Exohang* Street. LrvEBPoOL— 4, Manchester buildings. Bibminoham— Cherry Street. London— l 4, King William Street, B. 0. Qlaboo w— 1 83, W**t George Streat. BBiBTOL-Oornßtr**. Leeds— l 2, East Paiade. Newcastle— 40, ModeyStrast. Dobub— 9, Lower Btckrißa Street. CH A IBM
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  • 166 2 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, 21st NOV., 1883. I.ATKSI"*MAHKKT QUOTATIONS, SINOAPoRE, 21»T NovmBER, 1888. •iambier 7.03 J. Black Pepper UB7J. White Pepper, fair quality. .Kh*o Flour, Sar J. 7" Pearl Sago MaY Coffee, Bonth)a<- U.3<i. Tapioca, small Flake MS, Tin 27.75. 10«. Muletwist !«4 'i lbs. Shirtings IJH. 7 do do 1.424.
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  • 19 2 To- mo Rao w. fW fsr Sarawak. 1C m Malaoo*. P.-nang. Huroiah and Cal HaAura, 1 P •>»>•
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  • 41 2 (Y,n Slriitt Trnvi.) FHANI K. London, iOM AW.— M. ChallemclLacoiir has finally IwigMdL M- Ferry takes tbe post ol Mmisl.r for Panifw Affairn; nejfotiati'-nn have been resnmed with the Marquis Tseng. 900 more French troopti have sailed for Tonquin.
    Reuter  -  41 words
  • 24 2 r—ftMssJM fa the Tie for to-morrow, Thursday, tbe •-'"mil November Double Handicap fiMl TV. v w li.rrh (JO Hum ikalflSua'
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  • 23 2 We m»T remind members that the Singapore Debating Society, holds its meeting in Mm MHsk H»il, Hill street, tlii> .\enintf at 0 o'clock.
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  • 30 2 Thk M M Co> »t, tmer Tang 2W, with the London mail of the 26th October, left Colombo at ti p m. last Sunday, and should arrive here next Saturday.
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  • 43 2 We have received a communication respecting the public asMsing heM yesterday signed by three of the Unofficial Members, the IWtsM James Graham, W. G. Gulland, and K. H. Kea.i, but want of space precludes its publication to day. It will be published to-morrow.
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  • 34 2 An Inquest was held on the 20th inst., Lines, on a male Chinese named Chan Bon, before I>r. Mugliston, H. M's Coroner. Verdiot, culpable homicide amounting to murder against some person or persons unknown."
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  • 30 2 Th I steamer Qleufinlat. which arrived from London on the 19th instant brought the following passengers: For Singapore— Ur. and Mm. Little. 2 i-hi'd'-.-n and European nur»e. fur Uoafkong.—m— <'arr,
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  • 29 2 The French transport Gorreze, Captain Oiraud, from Toulon, with 571 reinforcements on board for Tonquin, arrived alongside the Borneo Company's Wharf yesterday and left for her destination this afternoon
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  • 28 2 Yertebdat being the anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Margharita of Italy, tlie Italian barque* Lowtzino, and Virqinr Delia Gwirdia, w.-re dr?s«ed with bunting in honor of the event.
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  • 55 2 Thk Annual Fancy Sale at the Convent of the Holy Infant Jesun. for the benefit of the poor children in that institution, is tiled for Friday, the 7th I>ecejnber next. We are informed that the articles which will be offered for sale this year will be of a superior description
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  • 65 2 A atEETlso of the Celestial Reasoning Association was held on Saturday evening last and tbe following question proposed by Mr. Chan Kirn Boon was discussed Whicb is more beneficial to tbe Public a legal adviser or a money lender? The Chairman, Mr. Tso Ping Lung, after having carefully summed up
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  • 75 2 Thk el.veiith drawing of the Loteria Nacvon.ll Kilipina took pbat at Manila on the "tli Noveintx-r, ami »c give below a list of the ticket* that drew the highest prizes o. !7.(i.,1, 7 777 itfiOt MM MJM 20,7(i7 985 a,iK) 5,181 izjooo 5,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 ijooo 1,000 500
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  • 145 2 We learn, says the China Moil of the 14th November, from private information that il. de Chantie, a.d.c. of tbe French Governor, accompanied by tbe same offitUtt Doctor and Secretary, went on board the M. M. steamer Ilt/ttut, Captain Chabaud, at Quinhon at 5 p. m. on the evening o*
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  • 6129 2 The public meeting convened at the Exchange Rooms yesterday afternoon to protest against tbe Crown Land* Kncroachments Ordinance, No. K. of .ii id especially against Sections 7, i>, and 9, was one of the largest attended meeting of representative landholders and mortgagees that baa
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 859 2 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Tenubbj*! 'he supply of !a. Stores etc, .ility during the year 1884. inEB. 1. For tbe supply of Damar Laut, Damar Pnteb. and Tambago Wood in j.ulk and scantflngs. l« supply of Ballow (No. 1 Jin nd Bi-antlinga.. ;'.r the supply of Darroo in baulk and in scantlings,
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    • 881 2 Jltto SWfrttsemrnt*. ■RTANT NOTICE. FORRAT.E. (On account of the Managing Proprietor's ill-health The well known CHASSERIAU E^TiTE, situated in the district of Bukit Timah. This Estate has a total acreage of 3,108 acres. 3 roods, 2 poles, comprised in one lot i f which 1 .961 seres, 3 roods, 2
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    • 832 2 fit\v aubtrttermtntt. l.\.{ AM) (I IRNTAL BTEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. NOT, Commencim) with tbe Verona, leaving this on <>m l the 3rd December, the China- London H'eamera will proceed via Bombay without transhipment of cargo. The connec ing -.teamer at Colombo pr. t kden, aod London, m'kini; fa«t time, and
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    • 535 2 flfto 2R>bra:jtnwnt«. BUERIFI-6 3ALH--Ist tbe ol C'HITNA AHVKNA VEINA CHINA Kußpin Chit-it,— Plaintiff rereue. Lee Boon So, Defendant. Tbe undersigned are instruc'^d to sell byPnMio Anc-i.n. on Mondiy. the irith November. 1883. at 330 P. M on the spot. All those 2 pieces of freehold land situate in the Boc.nd
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 697 3 Fbidat, 16th Notembeb, 1883. I Present. Honor the Acting Chief Justice. Hon'ble the Officer Com'g. the Troop*. > the Acting Colonial Secretary. the Attorney-General, i the Colonial Treasurer. the Acting Auditor-General. .1 Graham. W O. Guliand. i« Honour the Acting Chief Justice le minutes of the previous meeting
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  • 121 3 Hollouxxtj't Pill: Woakneta and Debility.—UoleM the blood be kept in a pure stew, the strongest cunatitatiun will (ail and diseaoe supervene. These truly wonderful Pills possess the power of neuiraliiicg and reinoviug all eutUaminati'int of ths blood. They quietly bat ceruinly oreruame all obstructions tondu.g to produce ill health, and
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    • 112 3 Vbuil'i Sam*. Ajtd B C*rr*m. Faon. Saiud. Conntni. Bio ;2 **?>* Vaharaja Brit. rtr. 1048 McCouneU Je<Hah Oct. *BK.U Brothw. iji^n Foh. §tr. !7OiL«bie Saigon Not. 17 0. Wood* Co. 20 MrntT Brit. «tr. 14»7Dunc»n H'kong Not. UW. R. Boott A Co. MUU de Mindanao Brit. §tr. »7 1«
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    • 65 3 Olt*. Vmul'i Nim. Kii A Bis. Caftaiji. DwnnATio>. Dmtimatio>. Not. SI XI SI SI II SI SI SI Rainbow McAliiter Bom Norawnbv Ran«* Atjeh ATmtoon Apcar Correie Brit. itr. Brit. rtr. Brit. ttr. Brit. ttr. Sar. itr. Dnt rtr. Brit. rtr. Fch. tr». BozelU Tulloch Pet«n«n Sottmra Dintdala Swank
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  • 220 3 of t*s»»1« are requested tooontmnnlcaW with thl* otto refaidiag eWrTonSefa. above Bkippint th. harbo«r Vmki/i Nam. C*rr*ii.. Amd Are.tto Feom. j Cowtowu.. D-aWM Rio. c-Men-of-war g llt |«Od. a Bat.T.a Senior NaTal Offloer. Station iwL™?. B>ckforf HM rtr »»*<>». S Yokohama S«nior N»t J Offlcr. SUUo«
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 43 3 fiorirre. NOTICB. Mb. Alfkio E. Tduii is ■athori>ed t<> mgo our firm* per prccarattoa from thia date. W. MANBFISLD A Co., MANSFIELD, BOOAARDXA (Jo. biogapore, 'ilmd O FOR s Ca-t stkbi.. sum in; r amo v' CAMERnK, I poX, 87th Jo, 1883. I
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    • 361 3 flotirrs. MHNiriPAI, NOTICE. Tibdbbs are invited for the supply of i 1,600 24* Cast Iron Pipes, with tnrn -A and bored joinU. and 178 Pipe* of the •ame diameter with lead joint*. Specification and drawing may be seen nnd full particular* obtained at the office I of the Municipal Engineer
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    • 332 3 ftotfrrs =Sm TRITON r \NT. A return Bonus of i/Srd« of the I .to Co/., will l>e made to Oontri. butors i.f ha*ip«es whether Shareholder* or' non-ShareboMera through the under signed agent*. GTJTHR',E k Oa AgenU Triton InsunnceC'o. Singapore. 7th Nov., 188:: NOT Mb. A. Baldasano having left Singapore on
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 698 4 iflisfrrllanrous. KATZ BROTHERS. AFOLLINARTS WATER, Tri Nattral Sopa Tith. Th» i neen of table water*." British Medical Joubnat APi.>LLINARTS WATER. •V flnmlitl continuously to the Table of H. R. H. TTB PRINC S OF WALES dnrin,T Ihe la«t five yean. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL BOD A WATER. Far superior to manufactured
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    • 652 4 Atorr* anfi iflrrrtjanfcwr JOHN LITTLE A 00. RAFFLES PLACE, SINOAPOBE. WINE AKD SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Impobtebs op Provisions, Obocihh, OILMAM STOKCa. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glauware, Lamps, Saddlery and Harness, Orookery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery, Fancy Oood«, Armi and Ammunition. Ladie* and Gentlemen*! outfitten, Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and
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    • 1002 4 Dorfts. TrTB TiVTONO PAGAR DOCK 00MPAKT LIMITED. Thb works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile ot the town oi iu-i .-omprise the following establishment*, vix i— Wrah.— Affording bert huge for twenty ve»!iol» at ua*S tine with sufficient water r vessels of tbe heaviest draught,
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    • 872 4 Botii. refitting and coaling ot steamers, a!so Sheari cTnplete for takimrontmaa-ta. Boilerj tc Fnrthor information may be had at the Office ot Messrs. Pateraon, Simons A Co., genera' Arenta, who forward Telerrama to the Do<ik tr*». CHARLES WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) flottrrs. local delitebt. In
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    • 811 4 FOR SALE. A F»w Wrrn with th« Malays. In pnmplet form. Price 50 cent* per copy. Straita Timea" Office, 8it K »pore 26th April, 188 S. NOW READT. NOTES OF A JOCRNFT Across the Isthmus or Kba, Made with the French Gotebnment Pubvet Expedition, Januabt— Apbil, IPB3. With explanatory Map
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    • 730 4 flottrrrt. CO. 03 Colltrr Quay, Piwoapobe. opposite the Club.) Drapers. Milliner*. Silk Mercer*. Haber dashers, Glovers, and General Outfitters. OR'TLFMBw'S OUTMTI INO DFPARTMENT. Every description of clothing trideon the shortest notice by an experienced Cnt- ter, Ht guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, serges, broadcloth'i for selection. Calf walking
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    • 573 4 &otitt. J. MOTION. Ohbonometbb, Watch t- n 0100, Makbb. ai»d Opticu t Flint Btbebt Has always on hand a well select** If Jewellery, Watche.. Olocks/Na 0 V onstmments, Ac.,,, t] BraoeleU, Ladies' gold wat^k Brooches, Gents' ditto Earrings, Bilver watches. Lockets. Amerioan clock. Ladies' rings, Oarriage clocki Signet rinp.
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