The Straits Times, 20 November 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. VOI. XXIV. NEW BERIES, SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, 20th NOVEMBER, 1883. ISSUE.] No. 15.1^2
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 473 1 strain *hip (Poniratur^. LAR AND ORIENTAL \VIOATION COMPANT Office— Cllyer Quay. OoDoWNfl— New Hartn.!,' lines. urdemoted are the dates on wuiCß Mail Steamers may be ci peoted to arrive at Singapore during the years I*B3 and WW s iian. Hom«wa«i>. Friday 80th Nov. Monday Srd Poo. I'ec. 17tb
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    • 652 1 *tram *f)in compamrs. THF VKPBAGERIES MARIT>MES COMPANT. The following are the dates on which i lie stenmers of the Mesaageriea Maritimes may be expected to arrive here dnring the 'nrrent year: OrTWARII. HOM«WARI>. Monday l«h Nov. Monday 11th Nov. I«th »f»h 10th Dec. 10th Dec. 14th Mtb 1884 7th Jan.
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    • 717 1 -tram #titp Coiitpanir?. DE NEDERLANDBCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Government*.) Heap Office, 13 Austin Friars, London. E. Q, Hfad Aoknct Batatia. The following ;.re the date* on which the Company's Steamer* running in connection with the mail ateamer* of the P. A O. S. N. Coy.,
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    • 780 1 *tram *f)ip Compamrs. N.B.— The steamer divs the voyag» in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baro*, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Aoheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baroa Ac., for Padang. On snother month via Criaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Siboga, Baroa. Singkel. Ooenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 562 1 insfuranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANT Head Office, Batavia. The underaigned, Agents for the aboTe Company, are prepared to take risk* upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the onstomary terms. 33 T o/o discount allowed ol all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risks
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    • 623 1 fnsuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INBURANOB OOMPANT LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Manaosrs. Meaar* Jardine Matheaon k Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. I A!,... Esq. ilchoi. M*!oh«ra. a Co.) J. P. B»ri«. ttlmmmn. Hollldiy.WlM Co. A. T Maont, rMM*ra.DoiiTlu.L.pnli*Co. H. NlcalM, <Botb«o Company Ltd.) I. J. do. R.mMlo«,
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    • 517 1 fnguranrr* LANCASHIRE INSURANCE OOMPANT. Capital £3,000,000. OFFIOMOFTHI OOMPAJtT. Manohbbtbr— Bbohange Bti jet. Liverpool— 4. Manchester Bnilding*. Bibminoham— Cherry Street. London— l 4, King William Street,* 0. Glassow-133, West George Btreet. Bribtol— Corn Street Leeds— l 2, East Parade. Newcastle— 40, Mosley Street. Dublin— B, Lower Saekville Street. CHAIRMAN IS MANCHESTER.
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  • 175 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 20th NOV., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS, Si»OAPoa«, 20th Novkmbeb, 1883. Gambier 7.H3J. rtlack Pepper 14 87». White Pepper, fair quality. 28. Sa^o Flour, Sar 2.70. Pearl Sago 3 Ooffee, Honthyn.- 14.3<J. Tapioca, small Flake 3)5. Tin 27.7». 40*. Mule twist 94. -i lbs. Shirtinga IM 7 do
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  • 54 2 TO-OAT. r<n par sJ Batavia, Cheribon and Samarang, Wonumty, p. To-Moaaow. Paigon, rxirl. 9 a.r.. Malacca. r«-il C. Bmith, Noon. Malacca and Klang. Kainbtnr. 1 p.m. Penang, Acheen and Padang. Atjth. I P-m. Sourabaya, Bally and Macaaaar, Rom, P- m Tffca»DAT. Sarawak. Ran-. 10 a.m. Malacca, Penanir, Bunnah and
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  • 47 2 fPnr Strait* Time*.) Fiukcb and China. London, 19M Nov.— At an interview with a reporter, the Marqui* Tseng declared explicitly that a French at- J tack on Racninch would be considered a casus belli." A Brigade of Zouaves and Chasseurs d'Afrique have left for Tonquin.
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  • 21 2 The follo*ing is the only Tie for to-mor-row StayU Hand%cmp. J. U. Mayne give* Dr. Kerr It.
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  • 57 2 A Public Blue Ribbon Temperance Meeting will be held in the Lower Room of the Town Hall, at 8 o'clock p. m. on Thursday. Mm 22nd in»Unt. The Revd. J. A. B. Cook will Uke the Chair. The meeting will be addressed by the Revd. J. B. Gibson, at. a.
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  • 81 2 Messes A pear 4 Co. steamer Armloon Apear, Captain Mactarish, from Hongkong 14th inst., arrived herr yetterday morning, bavir.g made the run in 4 days and 1 1 hours. She left at 3p. m. today for l'enang and Calcutta with the following Passenger* 1 Fur I <leutta From Hongkong: H
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  • 88 2 IH> British iteamer Miharajoh, Capt. •.ell, arrived thi* morning from Jeddah with 711 returned pilgrims, and reports tbat 15 of her passenger* had died during the voyage. Capt. McConnell alao report* that yesterday, at 8.13 a. m the one-fathom lighthouse being N by E. true, distant 4 miles, he passed
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  • 89 2 Mn.Cheu.saYi the Xortk China Herald, tbe well-known Magistrate of tbe Maloo Mucd Court, retired from public life on the Mtb November, having held the office of Magistrate since 1*64. It is worthy of note that Ctien'i first acquaintance with foreigner* date* back to 9tn November, 1848, when he was appointed
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  • 169 2 A»oci 9 o'clock this morning, the children and grand-children of the late Seah Eu Chin, with a number of other relations and friends, paraded in procession through the Chinese part of the town, preceded by Chinese muaic. The members of the family were dressed in sackcloth, while the niseis were
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  • 217 2 Ox opening their office this morniug, Messrs. Kaltenbach, Fischer 4 Co. found that it had been visited by burglars during tbe night. A careful examination of the prevmise and their stock showed that very little was missing, chiefly a few sarongs from the aample table,' and some coppers from the
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  • 392 2 The London Daily Telegraph of the 19lh October publishes the following account of the terrible esrthquake which occtfrned iv Anatolia, Asia Minor, on the 15th and 16th October tiooaiatitmopie, lsth October Further daUil* rapeoting the terrible calamity of Mond iy aitd Tneaday laat folly confirm the Aral Mtimataa >f the
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  • 188 2 A bcmoi'r ia abroad in Calcutta that the Government of India are in treaty with the French for the purchase of Chandernsgore. There la, the Pioneer believes, just enough fire in the case to acoount for the smoke and no more. For some yean now ever since 1875— a desultory
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  • 298 2 We take tbe following items from the Sarawak Gazette, of the lat November BtUitk Vice Consul— The of Administration haa been pleaaed to re. cogniae piiriai .nally tbe appointment of Mr. J. hn Hardie to b* H. B M.'a VioeConanl at Sarawak anhject to the appr t»i
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  • 624 2 Collision Cask— Sokoto k Britannia. A Marine Court of Enquiry, consisting of R. S. O'Corrnor, Senior Magistrate, President, with Capt. Bradbery, Deputy Master Attendant, and Capt. F.vant, British steamer Conit/on, nautical assessors, was lately held by order of His Excellency the Governor, in pursuance of Ordinance
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  • 586 2 Thr Administration Report on Ma. laoca for ISH2 hag just been published in the Government Gazette of 16th November. It contains all tie usual statistical information regarding the Settlement, but with few remarks or suggestions of any importance. It appear* that the revenue of IHH£ amounted to |191,863, which,
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 914 2 \LNOnOB. Tendcbs are iuvited for the supply of th. undermentioned M^.t rials, Store* eto. to the Municipality during th* year 1884. TIMBBB. For the supply of Damar Laut, Damar Pnteh, and Tambago Wood in baulk and aoanti'ig*. 2. For tb* rapply of Ballow (No. 1 )iu baulk and aoanthng*. 3.
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    • 890 2 firto afcbrrttftuutt*. IMPORTANT NOTICE. FORS\LE (On acoount of tbe Managing Proprietor's ill-health Tbe well known CHASSERUU ESTATE, situated in the district of Bnkit Timsh. Thia Estate haa a total acreage of 3,108 acre*. 3 roods, pole*, comprised in one lot of which 1.981 acres, 3 roods, 2 pole*, are Leasehold
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    • 881 2 Attio a&bmtsrmrnt* VALUABLE LEASEriOLD LAND. The undersign, dare instructed to offer for aale by Public An ti,.n. on Tueaday. the 27th November. 18-3, at 2.30 P. M. at their Sale Room* 13 subdivisions of a very vxluuble pieos of land aituate in the district of North Campong Malacc, ar d
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    • 526 2 fixta a&brm*rniento. \R AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. NOTICB. Commihciho with the Veboma, leaving tbia on or about the 3rd December, the Chin*. London learners will proceed via Bombay without transhipment of cargo. The connecting steamer at Colomb) proceed* to Aden, tiuex, Marseilles, and London, miking faat time, and running
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 40 2 WKATHEK RBPOBT. Vaniinj, Karkow Hoqntal. 1»M November 180 S. 9a m. t r m. Riaiaaa. Hac r*4 3* Faa. aY 914 aTssi ff' < tl v Sasl"rtlewM <lo do <uj ud alfat Twr. w*. Tkat. »w«m^ EAta sail* at fcoa*.
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  • 1976 3 Thi G*i«« Mail of tbe 13th N )>er, o(M^|^^^^P>l!'' w <n^ r letter from i' special correspondent tf«ip«<m«. 8»* Nov.— Haiphong h»i been little uv-|..T than usual during the p we«k, to the arrival of two of •>•' :>n Franoe, the Aveyron ml the Sfcomroe*, with
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  • 2919 3 Minute* of Proceeding* of the Municipal Commissioner* on Friday, the 26th Oct., 1 Commiuionert Pretent. Kdwin Koelc Esq. Syed Moliamed Alsagoff, Esq. .1. I*. Joaquim, Esq. In the absence of the President, Mr. K'lwin Koelc took tbe chair. I'll.- Minutes of the last Meeting were read and confirmed.
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    • 167 3 s Vam'i Nam. I 1 lv ajis E.o. Cattaxv. VmoM. Sulid 19 Carriedo IS V. P. Prin» 19 Siak 19 OlenfinlM 19 T*tuan 19 Sow 19 Normanby 19 Pearl 19 Benmon 19 Mc&liitcr 30 Rainbow X> Hrutui to Qanynwd. __j: .Spm. itr. 67BMuno« Dvt. «tr. 311 Bakker Put- Itr.
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    • 87 3 Uats. Im, 19 M 10 M SO *0 10 w so Uati. VaaaiL'l Nm. Benlarig Chow Pbya Glenfinlai Billiton Pearl Moray I«l« ie Mindanao Beaident Broen Hiram Emery Ea*t«rn Chiu VdULI NaJ». Flag A Em. Klao A Em. Caftaim Brit. itr. Clark Brit. »tr. Smith Brit. itr. Jacob* Brit.
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  • 500 3 Captain. a»d inati of veatd* ar* r^iuerted to oom«mmioau *V»n tku .fle* ngwdi*. FLiu Vswbl'. NiMi OiPTiiir. ajcd i g Abbitbd Fmou. Lootioicbm. D*ATto« Kio. j- I jf'pf"" Vereker H.M.«tr. 806 Oct. M BiUm Senior NaTal OSoer.jStetKW pjTaV Bickford H.M.rtr. UK) Not. Yokohama Senior NaTal O*oer.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 421 3 'i^ ottr I nrnoiPAL notice. Tkhubbs are invited for tbe supply of l.«.<> 24* Cast Iron Pipes, with turned and bored j >inu, and 176 Pipes of tbe same diameter with lead joint*. Specification and drawing may be seen and full particular* obtained at the office of the Municipal Engineer
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    • 299 3 ftonrro. 'RTANT NOTIOB. Missm. Nithbuoli A Co Aerated and Mineral Water Manufacturers, 26 High Street, beg to inform their numerous Customers, Patrons, and tbe Publi of Singapore and vicinity, that they have ju<t received from England, a large con- I (ignment of handsome Electro Plated pint and quirt Syphon*, and
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    • 300 3 #lot<rrs. St. ANDREW'S DAT. F FRIDAY, 30th NOVEMBER, HB3. ENGINEERS' ASSOOIATION.BALL. To be held in the Town Hall Tickets to be bad from Member* of Committe.', or from the undersigned. JOHN J.TtfACBEAN. HonoraryaSecreUi y Singapore, lit Nov., 1883. (to SOtb inst St. ANDREW'S CAKBS. 75 cents par lb. W. F.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 699 4 iHiSrrHanrous. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARTR WAT Natubal Soda With. ThVs9 0e< T1 table waters." Brribh Medical Joubnai. iPO&L-NARIS WATER. «T 8nppliad.S°ntVinou;!T- T f^ nf H. B. H. THE PRINCE Or" WAl' es daring the lant five yearn. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WAT.. A. Tar superior to manuf actored aerated waters. Mepical
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    • 679 4 ♦torrg anil iflrrrban&tsr. JOHN UTTLE CO. RAFFLES PLACE, SlVOAPORF. WINE AND SPIRIT MBRCHANT8. IMPORTERS OF PrOTISIOWS, GROCERIES, Oii.mam Stobbs. Cigar*. Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamp*. Saddlery and Harness, Oookery. Electro Plnted Ware, Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Arms and Ammnnition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock make™. J»r";<»»" indCbi'*** 6
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    • 975 4 THB TAVTONGPAGAK DOOX OOM. PANT LIMITED. The work* of the Company arealtuated gar. »iihiu one mfle of the lo*a of i the folIn Im trtaJjhsA— af. Til i Wharf.— Aff..r tin twenty r.t water Umpire fot w-^!« of |he hoariest dnuo-ht, and pr t.~ t -d I>T 4 breakwater f
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    • 855 4 Borfe. re fiuiBB ano 1 ooaHajjot steaaters, *!so Shears cmplite for takintr out mutt. Boiler* <r. Further information may He had «t the O«W of Mfni>T». Pu'erunn, Simon* A On., n T»r«l Aeent*. who f orward Telegrams to tV. T>o»V rm *RT,E8 WISH ART. Manager. Singapore 1st July 1875. (u.
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    • 757 4 FOR A Ffw Wbkk« with thf. Mai.ats. mpl«t form. Price SO oenU per copy. Straits Times" Office. Sirenpore 26th April. 1«W* NOW READY. AtfROBS THF. IHTHMUS OF KRA. Madb with the Fitiidi Got****"!" FURYBT EXPFDITION. Jakuabt— April, 1»R3 With explanato-y Map and 8«ction«. ABD Appendix containing Reprint of Report ta
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    • 788 4 flotirrs ROB I I.TIB Qc AT, PlWOAPOBF.. (opposice the Onb.l Drap-m. Milliner*. Silk Mercera. TUber ilnhers, (Hover*, and Oeneral Outfitter*. O -«tefm«i«> Orim ri»o Df-partmbht. Every description of clothing made on the shortest notion by an experienced Cut. ter. fit guaranteed, a Rood assortment of tweed», worsted*, serge*, broadcloth* for
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    • 580 4 #Otfff. IfOTION. noupMim, Watch xxr Oiocr Mujv and Optician. BeV" t Strret. Ha* alway* onhl»,d a well selected »t. H Jewellery, Watch*, Olooki, N onstrument*. Ac., eompri.iin^ BnrtM^ Ladle*' gold w»t. Brooohe*. ■OenU' ditto., Earring*, Silver watches. Lockets, American olocki Ladies' ring*, Carriage elooka. Signet ring*. Marble clock*. Wedding rings,
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