The Straits Times, 19 November 1883

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3 6 The Straits Times
  • 15 3 The Straits Times VOL. XXIV. Ni;\\ BERIES .SIxNiiAPOUL, MONDAY, JDth NOVEMBER. 1883 ISSUE.] No.' 15,161
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 437 3 ♦tram (ffomvantrs. NSVLAH AN') ORIENTAL NAVIGATH'N COMPANT Office— Collyer Quay. Oodowbr— N. w flarbonr T.tE undernoted ar< I wind Mail Steamer* may arrive Ht Singapore during tbe and .IID. TfoKFWARn. Friday l«th Nov. Monday 10th Srd Dec. lTth IM Nth Jan. *»th llta I 2-.. Mar Mar. H 2«th \prl.
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    • 604 3 *tran *t)tp compautrs. thk nMiouni mariti'•mfPANT. The f..llowin are the dates on which 'he ateiimers of tbe Messageries Maritime* may be expected to arrive here during the ■nrret.t On-wABn. ITo*«ward. Monday 12th Nov. Monday lrth R*V. Sfith 2fitb 70th Per. 10th Dec. ?tth 24th IRRiTtb Jan. 1884 7th lan. 21«t
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    • 691 3 strain *hip Comuamrs. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSOHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the NetherUnd*, Indian Governments.) Head Officf, 13 Austin Friars, London. E. c. Head Agknct Batatia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. S. N. Coy.,
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    • 775 3 strain *hip Ccrpanus. N.B.— TVe stesmer does the vov«g» in one month ria Priaman, Ajerbangi*. Natal, Siboga. Baros, Singkel, Qoenneng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Oocnoeng-Sitx'lie, fingkel, Baros Aa.. for Padang. On another month vi>i Priaman, Aterbangia. Natal. Biboga. Baro*, Singkel, dos> n'H-rg
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    • 569 3 fnsiiranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRB INSURANOF COMPANT Head Office, Batatia. The undersigned. Agents for the above Company, are prepare.! to take risks upon '•y steamer or sailing vessel on the -rmtomary terms. H3i o/o discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 1 5 o/o on all risk* t
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    • 615 3 Insuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INBURANOB OOMPANT LIMITED Capital 12,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Meurs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. i "J r X"1K "1- M.10h.r.. Co.) J" S. 'I?"'** 'Xwn. Holll<Uy,Wta. a Co. o L. 'MM»».DonTl...r!«*Co. ""'"K 'RnMO roapui Ltd.) l.y*<»ttm*Al'*. .J. J. do. RmmJlo*
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    • 517 3 fnsuranrr. LANCASHIRE INBURANOJi COMPANY. Oafital £8,000,00n. offiobsoftSb company. Manchester— Uxohang. Street. Liverpool— 4. Manohestor Buildingi. BiBMiNOHAM-CberrrStowt. London— l 4, King WiUUm Stre*t, B. 0. Glasgow— 138, West Qswrg* Btr*s>t Bristol— Corn Street. Leeds— l 2, Bast Parade. NEWCASTLE— 40. Mosley Stre*t. Dcblin-0, Lowot Sackrille StrMt C A «MAN IV MANCHHTBB.
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  • 165 4 The Straits Times. MONDAY, 19th NOV., 1883. MARKET QUOTATIONS. Singapore, 19th November, 1883. Gambler f T.nJJ. Black Pepper 14.87|. Whit* Pepper, fair qualitj. Sago Floor. Sar... 2.70. Pearl Oulfe.-, hintliyn. 14.80. Tapiuca, umAn Flake 3. IS. Tin iOi. Mul.-twi«t 94 -J lb». 8birtiDR« I.52J. 7 do do 1.421. 6 do
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  • 77 4 To-day. For per ai Bangkok. S*ry Wongu, Bp m. Colombo, 81. Pcttrtburg, S p.m. To-mobbow. Hongkong k Yokohama, Arnlariy, 9 a.m. 1 Ban.ijennasaing. fUnJtnt Hrotrs, 10a.m. i Ringoon, Ckmr Pkya, 1 p.m. Malacca, Klang, Perak and Penang, BiUtton, 1 p.m. Penang, Acheen and Padang, .41;'*. P- m Penang
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  • 27 4 UUTKVI TKLKURVMS. CKor StriiU Time*./ France and Germany. Loxil.n, \*th S»r.— The Hilary controversy has been renewed between the two countries, the latter assuming a threatening tone.
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  • 24 4 Tut Law* Tknms Tovrjamejt. The following is the only Tii- lor tomorrow, Tuesday, 20th November: /'rn/euion Faxn—Pinnl Tl4. Brown i E. It. UtwMlbrr
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  • 21 4 Tbe total return of visitor* to the Raffles Library and Museum during the week ending Friday 16th November 1882 was 710.
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  • 35 4 \n -'.wax held on th.- tttfc rut.. by I»r M i,'liston, Coroner, at the Pauper Hospital on a male Chinese named Tan Chin Honv. Verdict, suicide by hanging while in a state of unsound mind.
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  • 16 4 The Car(/»y<HM*ir* report* having spoken th.- Sea Ripple from Hongkong to Swan River, off Pulo Aor.
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  • 30 4 Tiie«- Celestial, Capt. Grey, arrived yesterday from Cotie, and reports that in sW S', lon. 109° 'iff E.. *he signalled the barque Xicoya, of Guernsey, from Cochin China for Soursbaya.
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  • 35 4 The British barque Tetuan, of London, Hiyne master, arrived yesterday from Hongk mg, having encountered very heavy weather, in which she lost topsail yards, sail &c. She also ran short of provisions during the voyage.
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  • 38 4 The extra P. AO. steamer Bengalore, arrived yesterday evening from Hongkong with a gen ral cargo and the following passengers For Bi»;aport.— Mr. Oxlstaun. Mrs. Rozri.. Mi*. R*c len. Mr. Rawlin*. Mr. H.ff.-r J.-n. and Mr. O. Down.
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  • 51 4 Ay eclipse of the *un was visible in Shanghai on Thursday morning the Ist '»?r The Xorth China Herald iay« it wa* distinctly visible soon after the sun had risen above the horizon it l°st«d till "loam, and was a very beautiful sight. The sky was perfectly clear at the
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  • 99 4 The Auttralotia, China, Japan, and Strait* Steanuhip Compani/. Limited, »ay* the China Hail of 10th November, is the name of a coapany which ha* just been formed for the purpose of carrying on the business of the line of (teamen which Mes«r*. George It Steven* and Company, until cjuite recently,
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  • 142 4 The P. A O. Co* steamer Rotilla, Captain Barratt, from Shanghai Bth and Hongkong 13th instant, arrived alongside the Co* wharf yesterday morning, and left for I'enang, Colombo and London at 4 p. m. to-day. Passengers. tor Singapore.— From Shanghai i Mr. and Mi*. Wiederhold From HongkongCount Strickland and Mr
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  • 353 4 Lor London— Fruw Hiogo: Mrs Keynell, children and rvaut. From Tokobama Mr. and Mr.. Batchelor and child, Mr. J. Leckies, Mr. und Mrs Brent, 3 children and servant. From .-hangbai i Mr. J. damson. From Hongkong i Commander J. G. Jonee, a n., Dep Surgtun Geneial Thomson, Mis. Thomson, Mrs.
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  • 236 4 THe following teletframs are taken from the Rangoon Tiwet: Londou, 29th October —The Duke and of OoteasjgM t'Hik IstM of the Queen at Balmoral yesterday on tin ir approaching departure for India. A telegram from tlie General Swr.-tarv to the Bombay Government, to the Chief Conitnimioner, liritisli Burma, .l*t--.l MM
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  • 211 4 Penan.- News. We take the following items from tbe Penaiig Time* of the 14th November Penang Horticultural Soci'tt/. A general meeting was held in the Chamber of Commerce Koom, Penang, on i November, when it was resolved to lurm a Penang Horticultural losisvj, and a Committee was appointed for the
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  • 430 4 lIoV.KiINi. NHMi The D'ily Pro, of IStfc X .varak-r, thus summarises a fortnight'- news: The fortnight just cnuj-l sets. r>.. en a rii!..r dull peri-«i. an-1 tli^r- it little new* f i t ren I ■•■illy tostea ole. The Coroner's u.qu-tt ..o th- r...,1i „f J,,hn Drewes and Frxncisc i
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  • 790 4 Crown Lan Encroachments Ordiance. The probable effect of this OrdiQia w upon investments on mortgage advances upon crops, by which the planters have hitherto atone been lilfil to carry on cultivation, has **e t, entirely overlooked in all previous dis. missions of this measure, but is pressing itself upon public
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 854 4 MUNICIPAL NOTICB. 'EHDRkS are invited for the supply of lermentioned Materials, Stores etc, to the Municipality during the year 1884. Timber. 1. For the supply of Damar Laut, Damar Pntelf and Tambago Wood in baulk andVscantltng*. t the (upply of Ballow (No. 1 )in baulk and scantlings. 3. for the
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    • 872 4 fltto ?.r»brrtiBfmtnlB. THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE, Iv thi Supreme Court of the Straits Settlemcrts. Settlement of Sinoapoiv. In the matterof Shaik Abdui. i.ah bin Mahomed bin Osman, reaidirg at Tanjong Pagar Road, and carrying on business as a Tr ider, at No. 20 Raffle* Place, Singapore, a bankmpt. Hermann Fredfrich Maace
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    • 839 4 sirUi aDbfrttermmta. NOTI The O. S. S. Cos. Menmer Ajam, Capt. Riley, having left II >n yesterday, may be expected here on the 24th instant, en route for London She has room for First and Tbird Class Passengeis, and also for Cargo, which can now be engaged. Ap,ly to
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    • 482 4 firto gfobc;i.4tmntt«. rw. STEAM NAVIGATION OOMPaNT. NOTiC Commencing with the Vebona, leaving this on or about the 3rd December, the China- London earner* will proceed via Bombay without transhipment of cargo. Tbe connecting steamer at Colombi proce. ds t> Aden, £uez, Marseilles, and London, miking fast tiro.", and running independently
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 51 4 WEATHER REPORT. sTanoafty Karbm* Hospital, 17«* November 1881. l».n.ip.«.[ t Bimui. Bar. na. Fak. ;»915 819 »873 If"t_'.- m. MO 840 7»-0 lUln.ts.rn, M.i in Sun U7 i Tsrr. na. Tasr. Raja BUI la M hour. is Sunday, 18th November. Bar. r*4. w Fak, ...J **iok~ LsBBBBBSsfHI U E stsa*.
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  • 259 5 1 I liaser'g life would pa would be unrootnmeßt would ail awakened mlont and distrust would find it hard to alhy. anon, and bloodshed wo ild untry and 1 ivernraent would have to vlsdge itself beaten and thus lose yen what land it has left, tnry that would be even
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  • 1914 5 THJ CHABOtot TH' iICHLASD BkIOADE at Tll-el-Kebir. Thursday, the l^itli Octotar, the Hon. John 1 r,-. Lord Pr I, in the City Hall, a of honour, subscribed for >ir Archibald Alison, Highland Brigade at Tel-el-Kebir, in recognition .mtrv. Ribald in acknowledging the lion>de whal the Times in a li I
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  • 1302 5 H. E. the Governor still continue*; on his visit to Penang and Lanit, but is expected back daily. His Excellency returned to Penang from his visit to Larut on the 14th, and devoted himself to some Inspection work. The Penaneites have been much pleaded by His
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    • 186 5 Fuo h Vwn'i Km. *»d Caita™. **>■. 8aii*> ComM Jl°_ X 1°7 Irab«lla Brit. rtr. MJeni Pontianak Not. 16 g 17 SaryWongK Oer. rtr. 61SRademak«r Bangkok Not. lJKatiBroUu 18 Meinam M.M. «tt 939F»tt« Saigon Not. ISM. MwiOb< 18 8temthmore Brit. «tr. 1483 Whit« H'kong Not. It P. 8imoaa I
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    • 93 5 DATS. Tmu'i Nun. Klau Eie. CiniiK. DunMTKM. Not. 17 17 18 19 19 19 19 It 19 19 19 19 Karn»k Stein Duke of Edinburgh Pyih Pekhat Pontian&k Str»tho.ore CardigMnh're St. Petwtbnrg Bur; WongM Si.k M.mam EohUU Brit. bq. Uphun Oar. cor. r Buchholti Bus. i'dftd Oien Brit. rtr.
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    • 315 5 (Stains aad Aj tsiU ot vassals a» tvivmUi to m»Mi«i «£S£s2kS«t. U. a**. Sa.ffi.7l> VlW.l/8 NA«. C*FTAI». AKD g 1«BIT«D FBO«. OonlOKDi. C*HO. Eio. Ommbi Men-of-war H M rtr 806 Oct. 12 Bal ia Senior NaTal Offlcor. Btetio> lilJ B?cMord HM rtr 1180 Not. S Yokohama
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 398 5 floturs. INTHF. GOOD- OF WUING tvOON WHAT.— an—d. Pursuant t > the Truatee* and Mortgagees' Powers fcstj lskj. V'tiee ia hereby iriven that all creditors ard other pernons bavin; any claima or demands ag.>inst tbe estate of Wumo Booh What diseased, formerly of Singapore, and Letter* of Administration f whose
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    • 790 5 &Ottttf. MUNICIPAL NOTICE. Terdebs are invited for the supply of 1,600 24* Cast Iron Pip-*, with turned and bored joint*, and 176 Pipe* of the same diameter with lead joints Specification and drawing may be >■•• n and full particular* obtained stthe.-fH-e of the Municipal Engineer between the hour* of
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    • 294 5 FFRNITORE SALE. Tbe nnderaigned have received astructions from R. JAMIE, Esq. leaving for Europe, to sell by Public Auction at The Pbiobt. River Valley Ro*d. ON WEDNESDAY. 28th NOV.. ISB3. commencing at 11 A. M. V»'n*ble Household Furniture. Ac. Xc a< r.4k>*>! Drawing Room.— Handaomely carred suite in walnut, spring
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    • 281 5 plotters. Tekdebs are invited for th* construction and erection of a wrought Iron continuous Girder Bridge orer thd Btag*por* River at the end of New Bridge Boad. Plans and specifications n.»y be ***a and full particulars of the work at tbe office of the Municipal Engine between the hour* of
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 704 6 KATZ BROTHERS. 'WaTER, Thb Natural Soda Water. The qnecn of table waters." British Medical Journal. apollAjaris water. CaY" Supplietl oontinnonsly to the Table of H. B. H. TITB PRINCE OF WALES daring the last five yean. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL BODA WATER. Far tuperior to manufactured aerated water*. Medical Times and
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    • 670 6 *U)ng antr ißfrrJjanJittr. JOHN LITTLE 00. RAFFLES PLACE, Singapore. WINE AND SPlBl'f iIHRCHANTS, Importers op Provisions, Groceries, Oilman Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamp*. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Arm* and Ammunition, Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock maker*. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 1023 6 THE T PAGAR DOCK OOMPAKY LIMITBD. Thi work* of the Company are *ituated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the fol- lowing establishments, vi* Wharp.— Affording bertbave for twenty vejael* it one time with sufficient water 1 tl >ni^<i-3e for veiseU 'A the
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    • 870 6 Borfc. refitting and ingot steamer*, a'ao Shears complete f< r takini? out masts. Boiler j tc I Further information may be had at th* i Office of Messrs. Paterson, Simon* A Co., General Agents, who forward Teleerama to ♦!>• T>ook frw*. OHA.RLEB WISH ART. r Meager. t .Singapore Ist July
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    • 845 6 fiotitts. FOR 8i A Ffw Wffkh with thb Malays. In pnmplet form. Price 50 cent* per copy. Strait* Time*" Office. Sirgspore 26th April NOW READY. NOTES OF A JOHRNFY Across thb Isthmus op Kra. Made with the French Government Purvey Expedition. January— April, 1883. With explanatory Map and Section*, AND
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    • 697 6 #iotirr«. nor, co. 23 Coi.lteb Quay, Ptkoapobk. foprxisice the I Drapf ra. Milliners, Silk Mercer«. Haberdashers. Glover*, and General Outfitt»n. Gkvtlfmin's Outpiti iso Dbpartment. Every description of clothing made on the *hortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good a»*ortment of tweed*, wontedr, serges, broadcloth* for •election. Calf
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    • 584 6 Chronometb*. Watch and Oloc Maker, and Optician Flint Street. Has always on hand a well selected at If Jewellery, Watches, Olock*, onitrumenta, Ac., oompnaing Braoelete, Ladie.' goldwat,-!,, Brooche*, Oenti ditto, Earring*. Silver watches, Locketa, American clock* Ladies' ring*, Carriage clock*. Signet rings. Marble clock*, Wedding ringn. Chronometer*, Keepen Thermometers', Albert
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