The Straits Times, 14 November 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times L XXIV. M.w SERIES, MMUATOKE, WEDNESDAY 14th NOVEMBER, 1883. ISSUE.] No. 15,157
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 569 1 jfrtram *hip <ffoni;iamrs. I.AR AKII ORIENTAL AM NAVIGATION COMPANT Orrirr— Collyer Quay. OODOWNS— New H»-bour. MAIL LINES. T.lB undernoted are the dates on wnuß 'ompany's Mail Steam-ra may be e»peeted to arriTe at Singapore during tbe Tears 1883 and 1884 OtrrwA»i>. TToMr.wARP. Friday W! lay 10th Nov. m sot »rd
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    • 665 1 #tr?m *hip Crirpantrs. THF I KFPAGERIES MARITIMES COMPANT. The following are the date* on which tli. steamers of the Messageries Maritime* may be expected to arrive here during the -urrent year:— OfrwAßn. HoMrwAßn. Monday 12th Nov. Monday 11th Nov. Irith Ifith 10th Dec. 10th Dec. 14th 14th 1884 7th Jan.
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    • 728 1 strain *f)ip Compantrs. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MA ATSCHAPPLT. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars. London. E. A FTrAD Aopwct Batatia. The following tbe dates on which the CompanT's Steamers running in eonnoctiou with tbe mail steamers of the P. A O. 8. N.
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    • 783 1 *tram »b\v Companies. N.B.— The steamer doe* the voyaga in one month vis Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga. Baros, Singkel. Ooenoeng-Bitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Arheen via Analahoe, Goenoeng-Bitoelie, Singkel, Baros Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangia. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel. Goenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 563 1 fnsiiranrr. JAVA BEA AND FIRE INSURANO* COMPANT Head Office, Batatia. Thb underaigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared^ to tak« risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary term*. 33* o/o discount allowed on all risk* f coasting voyage*, and 15 o/o on all riake t
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    • 588 1 Insuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANOB COMPANT LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Manaobbs. Messra Jardine Matheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Amir., fc,. (Mews. M«lcb*ra, Co.) Ihe undemgned are the authorised Agents for the above Company at this port, and they are prepared to issae policies
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    • 525 1 Intfuranrr* I j LANCASHIRE INSUIUHOJi OOMPANT. Oafital £3,000,000. OFFIOBBOFTHB OOMPANT. Manchester— Exohang* Street. Litbbpool— 4. Manchester BulHinfs. BiBMiNOHAM-Oherry Street. London-14, King William Street, B. 0. Glasoow-133, West George Btreet Bbistoi— Corn Street. Lbbds-12, Bast Parade. Nbwcastlb— 40, Mosley Street. Dublin— 9, Lower Saokville Street. CHAIBHAN IN SAISIMTII. John Todd, Esq.
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  • 180 2 'iauiWr 7. rllack Pepper 15 50. White Pepper, fair qualitj. Rago Flour, f»r Paarl Sag.. lOft. l.'..ffe.', H-.ii' MJU. T»pii>ca, tonall Flake :i. I'.. Tin 40s. Mul.-twi.t S* lb». Shirting* LMN 7 d<> do 142*. 6 doT. Cl.ah 1.07*. 7
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  • 19 2 Thi Rand of the Royal Inniskilling Ku-ilicrs will not |ilar in the Garden* on Friday next, thu Kith mat.
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  • 37 2 T n f I', and O. mail iiteamer Kaitari- limit, which brings the London mail of tin |*)th OcloUt, wa* rignallcd in Pwaaf at 6 o'clock this morning and may be expected here early on Friday morning.
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  • 29 2 Am inquest was held on 13th instant at the Se|ioy I. in.-, on A ln:ll.- Chinese, name unknown, lvl'ore l>r. Mugliaton, II M's Coroner. Verdict, death from natural causes."
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  • 51 2 The Lawn Texxis OlumMID. Tick lo|lo*iug are tl.e Ties for Thur*day, tbe l.">tli November: SingU Hamiieaf. B. W Bir.h (ir*a l> (i rnumi kmlf IS* 1 htaqn* 1 Awfenoa Jirna Muir half 15 k I kiaqaa. Profession Pain E. J. Coma i J J. O. Mayoa P. T. Er.ti Capt.
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  • 72 2 The other day a swarm of bee* settled in the pigeon liouse at H.-lvilere, the residence of .!>«-• d'Almcili, E«q., and fluttered the dovecot considerably One if tbe servants threw some pepper among thsvrarm in order to drive there out, but with the effect mtj of irritating the insects and
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  • 266 2 Last mail brought but little news from Madagascar We take the following paragraphs troui the Mauritius Commercial Vazettr ft t'e (jtli K.-tooer The Dryad arrived on the IHk ulin-o fr in 'i.imi.ihv, M .nn r aod Mania, ziry. ."be w-ot |i th- tw lot mntioned placet t.. Uk.- M. W.
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  • 224 2 Thk Hon. A. Lifter, Trea»urer of Hongkong, ha* iniued the following regulations for the iasue of subsidiary coins in that Colosij i 1 On the arrival of a*hipm*nt of .ilver •sJm io iii>- el ny, bvJbm 'o übtsd*] such coins at their par w .1 be i**ued by «»'y
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  • 113 2 Lluislatitb Council. TUEBDAT. tiTH NoVBMBBB, IHB3. Pbebent. Hi* Honour the Act ng (hief Justice. Tne Hon'ble ib* Aatisg I >1 iai il -vcretarj. tb- Attorney G'nenl. tbe Colonial Treasurer. tbe Acting Auditor General. I. S 8.m. 1 J. Graham. W. O. Gulland K B. Re<d. Hi* Honour the Acting Ohief
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  • 5526 2 Honukono i» now happy family as it were. The Governor and tbo governed are in accord. In Sir Georjje Bowen, thi l>usy resident -i of the. Isle of Fragrant Streams appear to have got at last a Governor nfter their own hearts, a Governor who can talk but
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 876 2 &rto 3UbrrttSfmrnt«. MUNICIPAL NOTIO". TaaDBRS are invited for the supply of th* undermentioned Material*, Store* etc, to Ike Municipality daring the year 1884. TlktBEE. 1. For tbe supply of Damar Lant, Damar Pu'«h. and Tambago Wood in baulk and scintling*. 2. For tbe (apply of Ballow (No. 1 )in baclk
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    • 784 2 ftfto a^brrtisrmrntc. THE BANKRUPTCY ORDIN'A 1870. 11l THI SUPBEMS COUBT OP TBB Straits Setti,emiii»ts. Settlement or Sinoapoif.. In the ma'ter of Shaik Abdul I I.AH Blv MAM. MFP BIN OsMAN, residirg at Tanjong Pagar Road, and carrying on bnain<*> an a Tr ider. at No. 20 Raffie* Plnce, Singapore, a
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    • 832 2 j*rtD aibfrtfSfmtntt. woncs. Tender* are hereby invited and will be received ud to Nov mb.-r 30th, 188.1, for the lease for the term of one year, from Ut January, 1S J 4 of the Spirit Farm in the Gaya Papar Dietri.' fr. n the Sulaman River to the Kimanis River
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    • 417 2 ilrto «6bt;:.3fnunt«. ODOD'. John Littlb A Co. have received, and are now hlmwing the following MILRBB'sFIBK PrtWFrfAFEt. 1 ooking Stoves. Perambulators. Bird Cfcged. Hair Sieves. Lawn Mowers, Iron Bedsteads in all sixes. Folding Chairs. Camp Bedstead. A Wire Mattreuo*. hildren'* CoU. Dinner Services. Dexert Tea P0 let Flow, r Pota.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • Correspondence.
    • 81 3 THE MIGRATION OF INDIAN. To thr Euifcforthr Strait* Timrt •siii. It is bf\M r and f it be, has the attention of the lieen .lrawn to what coolies tell DM M I fart, thai the paeeage moajj. th ugh n-- r at $10 from Negapatam I apore, can. on the
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    • 118 3 Oit'wal and Pill:— More asaoioaa 'b in Gold— During mom autumn, tbe prevailing di«eai-a »r* Hi arrl.ei. dysentery, fevers a.d H'nglish cholera, particularly dangerous to children and young people. In those oOßtt WBOTC internal medicines rann t be retained, the greatest relief will immediatily result from rubbing Holloway's S'>othing Ointment
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    • 83 3 i Vbsii'i Xa»». AND OAfTAIK. K«OM. Rio. C Saiud Comawns. lor It M.rlin 13 IaU de Fu>T IS Pioncvr U M .v II*M 14 Dicky u Mil H M. itr. 810 Fmouth Spa. »tr 2331 B-.M-vn' H'.vlona Brit. nlr. 71 H»Kkoat Patani Brit. rtr. 22'> Robert* Kl«n|r •r lfifi
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    • 37 3 Date. Vehbl's Nuii Fu»o A Kio. CAITAiH. l)E»TIMiT10» DssTllflTUm. Not. 13 13 13 IS Kajnh Brooke Europa Ilia de Panay Toonan Su. ttr. Ger. itr. Spa. itr. Chin. »ti Joyce Boßmv Mamdta Hangkok Penaof Manila Hongkong
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    • 172 3 Km. p 1/iTIOK M» e^ jf W&r V,rk,r II M rtr. 806 Oct. 12 Bataria Senior N«t»1 Oa«r.W*a ?w mcHord HMItrJISON'oT. 3 Yokohama Senior X.rJ Offlo«. N H.M.«tr Not. 11 Portsmouth Senior N»t»1 O«o«. StathM fS merB V. B-nec l«J.n. I", A. 1.. John.ton *Ca For
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 378 3 flourrs. L Members of '.pinasters' Association, and the m this date I 1 oeaee to be member nf the above named Associstion. AND. PETER-EN. JJUgOfUIO, 30th October, 1883. KOTIOS. Mr Ai.rt.rD E. Turhkr is authorised o d.te. W. MANSFIKI.t) I MANSFIELD. HOOA4RDT ii.." Pennrg. Su |, OwawlO* 1 1/03.1 TO
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    • 433 3 TEMDrRS ur traction a. tinoons Oirdei I River at the idge Road. Plans and and full particulars of the work obtained at the office of the Municipal Ei between the hours ot 1 A. M. and -i p. M.. dai'y (Sunday* exorp I Copies, f the working plan may .I
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 700 4 ifltei'llanfous. KATZ BBOTHERS. APOLLINARIS WATER, Tm Katubax Soda Watbb. Tb. ;neen of tflble waters." British Hkdical Joubnal. APOLLIWARIB WATER. ■Sr Supplied oontinnouslr to the Table of H. R.tSTtHE PmiNOE OF WALES during the last five years. APOLLIKAAIS. THE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. M jdical Times
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    • 710 4 ♦torn* arrti 4»mtanmsr. JOHN LITTLE 4 00. RAFFLBB PLAOB, Sinoapore. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers of Provisions, Orocebibs, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps, Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, > Electro Plnted Ware. Jewellery, Stationery. Perfumery. Fancy Good*, Arm* and Am- munition, Ladiea and Gentlemen's outfit- ters. Watch and Clock
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    • 1018 4 Buifca** TFTF TISTONOPAOiB DOCTK OOM. PANT LIMITED. Thb works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, vir. Wharf— Affording berthngefor twenty vessel* »t one time with sufficient water tl >ng«ide for ve->*al* of the heaviest draught,
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    • 893 4 Bolt. refitting and coaling of steamers, also Shears complete for taking out maata, Boilerj te Further information nay be had at the Office of Messrs. Paterson. Simons A Co., General Agents, who forward Telegrams to *he Dook freo OHARLEB WIBHART. Meager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) #iOtlffB. local delitebt.
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    • 879 4 frotttts. FOR SALE. A Few Wbbk*. with thb Malays. In pamplet form. Price 50 cents per copy. Straits Times" Office, Sirgspore 26th April, 1883. NOW READT. NOTES OF A JOUR NET Across the Isthmus op Kb a. Madb with the Fbrnch Government Survey Ezpeditioh. Januabt— April, 1883 With explanatory Map
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    • 754 4 #otirrs. ROBINSON A CO. 23 Colltbb Quay, Pinoapobr. (opposite the Cinb.l Drapers. Milliners, Pilk Mercers. Haber- dashers. Glovers, and General Outfitters. Giwtlimbn's Outpiti mo Dwpartmbnt. Every description of clothing made on the ahortest notice by an experienced Cut. ter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, serges, broadcloths for
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    • 598 4 flotitt. J. MOTION. Chbonomitbr, Watch and Olook Makes, and Opticiam. Flint Street. Has always on hand a well selected If Jewellery. Watches, docks, Naoti. (instrument*, Ac., comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold watches Brooches, Gents' ditto., Earrings, Silver watches, Lockets, American clocks Ladies' rings, Carriage clocks. Signet rin|rs. Marble clock*. Wedding rings,
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