The Straits Times, 13 November 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 15 1 The Straits Times. <>I. XXIV. M SERIES TUESDAY, 13th NOVEMBER, 18^3 DAILY l>sll No. 15,156
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 488 1 jtrtram *htp ffompantre. PENINHULAR AM) ORIENTAL M NAVIGATION (CMPANT Officf Collyer Quay. Godowns— New Harbour. MAIL LIKIS. T.ib undemoted are the dates on wiiict) mpany's Mail Steamers may be exto arrive at Singapore during *he years 1883 and l*-4 «abb. Honrinn. M-nday Wh Nov. aoii »rd Dec. 17th ttt- Slst
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    • 647 1 #tr,in *fip Crrpaims. THF VKPSAGERIES MARTTIMEB COMPANY. The followini* are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here during the 'urrent reur:— OrrwißP. Hokiward. Monday isth Nov. Monday lfth Nov. Ifith Wth 10th Dec. 10th Dec. *4th Ilth !RB4 7th Jan. 1884
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    • 736 1 strain *hip Companies. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Oppice, 13 Austin Fbiabs, London. E. Q Trad Aqf-kct Batatia. The following ;.re the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in con-I'-ction with the mail steamers of the P. O. 8. N. Coy., may
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    • 778 1 ♦tra:n *I)(p Contpamrs. N.B.— The steamer does the voyago in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangia. Natal, Siboga, Baroa, Singkel, Goenoeng-Bitoelic Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas nnd Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baros Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangia, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel. Goe. noeng
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    • 561 1 frtfifttranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INBURAN0 E COMPANY Head Office, Batatia. Thb undersigned. Agents for the above 1 '"mt.anv, are prepared to take risks apon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the nstomary terms. 334. 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all
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    • 598 1 fnguranrr. THE HONGKONG FTRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 Gfnebal Manaobbs. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Conanlting Committee. A. Andr«, E.,. [*<.„.„. M.lrh.m, Co.) I E. t*—n. Holll.lav.WlM »>. L. '**Mar».r>OTi-la».l.«vr»l'* 1 1 t J***tf '"www Comr»» in. R m <^- W- J- <lo«
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    • 542 1 fnsuranrr. t LANCASHIRE INSURANO* OOKPANT. Oapital *3,000,000. OFJTOBBOFTHB OOMTAKT. Manchsstee— Exohange Street. LiTEßPooii— 4. Manchester Buildings. Bibmiwoham— Cherry Street. London— l 4, King William Btreet,M. 0. Glasoow— 133, West George Street. Rbistol— Corn Street Lbbds-12, East Parade. Newcastle— 40. Mosley Btreet. Dublin— 9, Lower Sacrville Strtwt C m AIBItAH Ilf
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  • 154 2 'iaulbier 9 7. Hlack Peyper White Pepper, fair quality. Flunr, S«r ■J.7.1 i'earl Sago j"7J. U3 Tapioca, •m^ll Flake <!.">. Tin -7.7^4 40.. Muletwi.t *i U... ShirtiDg. 7 d.. do \ML 6 doT.CIoth \M\. 7 do do l.:K>. Kenartu
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  • 64 2 Mails close. TO-DAT. For ptr «i Hongkong A Shanghai, Qfattnu. 8 pn-To-Moamow. Manila, Sattndora, 10 a.ns. Hilliton A Pontianak, B. H'Viil Soon 11 *>.m. H 4 Yokohama, JfoMtr, H a.m. Deli Oanymnd*. 1 p.m. Malacca, Cteil C. Smith, 1 p.m. Hongkong. Swatow and Amoy, Toonan, t p.m. Malacca and Klang.
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  • 15 2 UUTIsVI tklk(;r\vis. fV;r Strut* Timmj Sehvia. London, \ttk Nor. The insurgent* have liteii virtually dinpert>ed.
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  • 13 2 The Russian ironclad Duke of Edinburgh left Hongkong for Sing»poreon the Uth instant.
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  • 33 2 THE I. A, O. Co's steamer Kauar i. hind, with the London mail of the 19th Octolnr, left ColomU. at G lO p. m. last Friday, and should arrive here next Friday morning.
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  • 37 2 StMioß CV ceo Jorge, Portuguese Consul General tor Siam arid tile Straits Settlements, armed from Macao yesterday by the M. M. Co's mail steamer Anadyr, and will leave for Baugkok next week by the German steamer Surywongte
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  • 49 2 A Gospel Service will be held in the Lower Koorn of the Town Hall, at 8 o'clock p. in. on Thursday, the 15th inst. Dr. Robinson will take the Chair. The will be addressed I y the Revds. I J. 11. Cook and A. Grant, and Mr. C. Phillip*.
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  • 44 2 Laws Temsis VmuMl Tue following are the Ties for to-mor-row, Weumdav, the Uth instant: Ctantyu-nsr p. Dl 6 Preagiave vs. H. P. "«-n K Birch vs. A. U. Ford. DoubU Handicap r»,n iJ. O. Mayne 1 1 W. B. H. per < »:»pt. Bennett bis-jue.
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  • 85 2 Lodge Zetlash in on East, No. 508. At the Regular Meeting of this Lodge, held last night at the Masonic 1U man Street, 11r... John F. Joa<|uiii, was elected Worshipful Master for the i ensuing year, and Wor Bro. J. I>. Yaughan Treasurer. The members present then 'tut a suit
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  • 77 2 H. H the Maharajah of Johore has presented a < up to be run for on the first day of the Hougko sM. The Cup is put down as follows in the Programme, which has been published The Maharajah Ci. 1 presented by H. II Die Maharajah of Johore, for
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  • 65 2 The various elective bodies of Saigon were officially summoned to meet on the 23rd ultimo, to consider the attitude which out,'!.; t" U' taken l.v the Deputy chin-Cliina oa the subject of the establiihme They decided to submit tin- (j'n'stion to a joint M m before I .nnuUting an opinion.
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  • 71 2 Frank Lethe t IlluttmtrJ Xru- IV4 Seictpaper contains a Mtajajft and bio- graphical sketch of the Honourable John A. HaMtTinan, L.L.I) Minister of the United S'at.-s at the Court of Siam. The sketch furnishes the statement th»t General Halilerman, Illustrating the versatility ol our national character, has won marked distinction
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  • 124 2 Thk*B was quite a gathering of friends and well-wishers, says the China Mail of tin' 3rd Not on board the s.s. Thalet this afternoon, to bid good-bye to Sir Walter Mfdliumt, on his way to Borneo and thence home. Amongst them were the Hon. J. Russell, the Hon. V. H.
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  • 521 2 The status of men-of-war accoorded to Mm Mestageries Maritime* steamer* in English port* appear* to have taken our Australian friends by aurprise, doubtless because it is only recently the Messageries steamers have appeared regularly in their waters. Even the Colonial Governments do not appear to be aware of the fact
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  • 237 2 The following mysterious paragraph appears in the Siam Weekly Adcertuer of the 3rd November. It may well be headed a catasthrophe." Just imagine a boat giving a fatal stab," and then rushing forward," and the boat of the catasthrophe crying out for help and Ef. The" members of tli pore
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  • 273 2 Tuebe appears to h.ive been lately a good deal of rough weather in the 'lima Sea between this and Hongkong, as will be seen from the following reports published in the China Mail of the 2nd November The K Brer,,,nliirt. Thomas, which arrived b re this Esvnuag from Loni'
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  • 449 2 The following ie the list ot new Books received at the Ratflee Library ou t!ie 13th Oetuiier, 1888. tc. Alirabi, or the Kinks im I Rankers of tbe Nile, l>y s 1i.,,1ji of H>,l.. Part > aldec. .tt. 'i |8o*» f ssVept Fables, will. Modrn li.-i .nnDoiigU-, M., VnUn Vi
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  • 378 2 The L.-.test News prom Tobh) •.It. the following correspondence from our Hongkong contemporaries. Tbe "Specul" of the China Mail writes Haiphong, 29rA Oct.— After anything but a pleasant run from Hongkong, arrived here safely yesterday afternoon Nothing occurred to make it worth while giving you any account o'.' the short
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 926 2 •ftttp <S&brrt(«rmentf. MDNIOIPAL NOTIOB. TaUDBBS are imi-X'J for the supply of the undermention"<l Material*, Stores etc, to the Municipality during the year 1884. Timbeb. I. For the supply of Damar Laut, Dtmar Puteh, and Tambago Wood in baulk and'scantlinga. >r tbe supply of Ballow (No. 1 )in baulk and scantliDgs.
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    • 816 2 ?>»bfrtt»jriurntß. THE nWK'RrPTCT ORDTN^NDE, 1870. Im tub Supkbme Cov%t nr the Straits S>TTi,rif«riTB. Diyisiox op Rinoapob*. In the matter of Phaie Ab. t n.nH Bin Maromid bin OSMAN. A meeting of the Creditors of Shaik Abdullah bin Mar. urn Bin Okmak, of Sinjinore Tr»der, ndjndicatH s bank, rupt „n the
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    • 848 2 aubfrtttrmmts. NOT TEND! BS are herel.y iovited and will be received up to Nov mher 30tb, 18 the leuse lot the term of one year, from Ut Jannuy. 18 t nf tba Spirit Farm in tbe Uay.i F'l.par Distriol fr n the Sulaman River to the Kirn mi* Ri'er with
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    • 460 2 fltto $1' :istemrnt». JoBM Little A Oo hay* receive], and are now chow Dg Milneb's Firk Pkoop Safes. Cooking Stoves. Perauibu ators. Bird Cages. Hair Sieves. Lawji Mowkbs, Iron Bedste ids in all siz—. Folding h..irs. Camp Bedsteads 1 Wire Mattressds. i hildren'* CoU. Dinner Services. Dessert Tea r.. lot
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 1538 3 «i!,|cct n>w, vi tm expect fwith regard t. ween Adtniru id the Commissary Genera row, and I hare rt it up much informal' •j has recently reach.- .the French of the imporof Ninhbing, situat- tie rirer Dai to the south of XamTbe place was held by
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  • 2170 3 Tiik ToiKjuin correspond. 'lit of the Timet, (Mr. A. K. ColqoJuon) writing from Marseilles on the 4th October, after having learnt all the lit. -t MM and the deadlock in the negotiations between China aud France with regard to Touquin, gives his views as follows with regard
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  • Correspondence.
    • 745 3 To tne Editor o~ t,,r St.-ait* Timet. Sir, With ■SsWaßee SB the above, an.l '< Kesstoft] instant, 1 XmU like to acquaint you that the warders at Singapore prison are taking a very lively interest in their t.ii.litioti, wherefore I purpose, with your
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    • 77 3 f Vi-- Niu. awd Caitaih. Kbom. Sailed Conwna. a 1 Kio. *1J T M»rie Loui»« Oer. bq. U2 Erik«en H'kong t. 29 R. Schmidt ft Co. It vhn^ Si». ich. MiScoroeke Bangkok Oct. 14 Tje Joo U«. 12 Anni.- (Jer. ich. MS Mollor Bangkok 12 Evident Broer. Dut. .tr
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    • 93 3 Oatx. Not. II IS 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 Vom'i Nakb. lUUOm B«n Whatt Soon Salvadora K»V>y Rainbow Bvntan ■wckoh Man* iJlaucui Ganymede Emime Anadjr IfcM A Kio. Brit. ttr. Brit. »tr. Spa. ttr. Ifrit. §tr. Hi it. «tr. Hnt. ttr. Sia. ttr. Hrit.
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    • 218 3 aay *rr« or osaisaioe ia the abor* «*is»*n« the kax'uoor Vrwifi B«M. CtfCftm *kd g V««rrK> Kk>m. Oomionra.. Rio. f! t/»TIOK Mon-of-W»r BC*Oct. BBiUm .vni..r Ofl«'l r 1 Kc*fori,N-,.T. I Yokohama ~n,.>r Saral Ofl<*r.,j HBf H.M.itr Not. v I'.irUmouth Senior Naral OflloerJl S inr
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 692 3 flot(rrs. FTRNITCRE BALE. Tbe nadersigned have received instructions from R. Jamie, Esq. leaving for Europe, to sell by Public Auctioh, at The Pbiobt. River Valley Road. ON WEDNESDAY, 2*th NOV., 1%83. commencing at Noon. Valuable Household Fnrniture, Ac, 4c. aa follows Drawing Room Handsomely carved suite in walnut, spring seated
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    • 306 3 flour's. I hereby gi»e Notice to tb<- Members of the Bhiessajstsis* ft sands ti n, und the Pnl.lie ia General, th*t hoes tLn date I cease to be a member of the above named Association. AND. PETER-EN. ore, 30th October, 1«83. NOT I Mb. jlfrkd E. Turner is authorised
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    • 376 3 Ow tb« 14«h Wovember next at 9J a. m. stooaet .if Sumatra will receive fresh traders at his oS to at Hengkalia for tbe following farms daring the ye a. The import and sale of salt, along -t of Sink proper, of Bosaaei Doe. mci, till PacUng*at Poeloe Ho;
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 713 4 fHftrrllantouß. KATZ APOLLINARTB WATER, Tmi Natttbai Soda Watbb. Th* qneen of table waters." British Mbdioal Joubnal. APOLLrNARIS WATER. CaV* Supplied continuously to the Table of H. B. H. THfc PRINCE OF WALES during the last f ye years. APOLLINARTS, 'THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 'Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Medtoal
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    • 683 4 ♦tore* ana ißmfiarrtnsr. JOHN LITTLE A 00. RAFFLES PLACE, Singapore. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. importebs of provisions, groceries, Oilman Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, I Lamps. Saddlery and Harness. Crockery, Electro Platod Ware, Jewellery, Stationery, Perfnmery. Fanoy Goods, Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitter*. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese
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    • 1032 4 Bucks. THF i DOCK COMPANY T.TWFTRD. Thb works of the Company are situated I at Tanjong Pagai, <ruhin .>ne mile of the town of Sin^no ire, and om prise the folI xfin* establishment". *i* i Wharf.— Affording bertbaire f»r twenty j vejsels .t .ne time with aufflcient water tl mgaide
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    • 903 4 fiorft. refitting »nd coslingot steamers, also Shears complete for taking' outmaata. Boiler* tc Further information may be had at the O«Joe of Mews. Pat-eraon. Simons A Co., General Agent*, who forward Telegrams 1 to 'h» Dook »••«<> OHARLES WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) flOtlffS. Local Delivebt.
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    • 890 4 flofftr*. A Ffw Week* with thb Malays. implet form. Price 50 cent* per copy. "Straits Times" Office, Sirgspore 26th April. I«K3. NOW BEADY. NOTES OF A JOI'RNFT Across the Isthmus of Kra. Made with the French Government Purvey Expedition, January— April, 1883. With explanatory Map and Sections, ABD Appendix containing
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    • 774 4 #Otlft£S. ROBINSON CO. 23 COI.LYF.R Quay, Singapore. fonnoeice the Club.) Drapers. Milliner*. Silk Mercers. Haberdashers, Glovers, *nd General Ontfittem. Gr'tlfmen's Outvoting Department. Every description of clothiig made on the shortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, serge*, broadcloth* for •election. Calf walking shoes.
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    • 619 4 #ot!rr. J. MOTION. Chronometer, Watch and Clock Makrr. Axn Optician. Flixt Street. Has always on hand a well selected st. If Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, I7anti>al onstrnmente, Ac., comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold watches Brooches, Q nts' ditto., Barr-nge, Silver watchea, Lo kets, American clocks Ladie*'ring», Carriage docks, Signet rings, Marble clocks.
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