The Straits Times, 31 October 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV. NEW SERIES sLNUAI'OKh, WEDXESDAV. 31st OCTOBEK, 1883 DAILY issi 1 No. 15,146
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 468 1 *tram £t)tu <?o.n;anire. INbTJLAR AND ORIENTAL -TF.AM NAVIGATION COMPANY Office (Vllyer Quay. GODOWNS— New Harbour. MAIL UNEB. unlernoted are the dates on wuicn mpany's Mail Steamers may be ex. pected to arrive at Singapore during the arc TTonrwARP. Friday 2ml Nov. Monday 6th 1«< !«>> SH Dec- 18th MARSEILLES
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    • 661 1 tran *btt> Compamr*. V A HI TIM roMPANT. The to 11. .win- are th" dates on which .triers of the Messageries Maritime* may be exfwted to arrive here during the inrrent year:— OtTWARD. HOHFWARD. Monday K>th Oct. Monday 20th Oct. 12th Nov. 12th I Jfith Ifith K>th Pec 10th Dec.
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    • 735 1 strain 4»htp Companirs. DE NEDERLANDBCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Hbad Orricr, 13 Austin Fbiabs, London, E. C. Head Aofnct Batatia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. S. N. Coy.,
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    • 788 1 * A hip Companies. N.B.— The steamer does the voyaga in one month vi-. Priaman, Aj rbiingis. NaUl, Sihoga. Baros, Singkel, Qoenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, O.w>noeng-Bitoelie, Singkel, Baros A"., f, r p»dang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baros,
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    • 569 1 fnsuranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Batatia. Thb undersigned, Agents for the sbove Company, are prepared to take risks upon EMM by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33i 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all risks t
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    • 610 1 fnsuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INBURANCB COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 Genebal Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. Tm 'Messrs. Melebera. Co.) I. P. Baraea M fMeaws. Holll4aT,Wiee r». T ""Wi, fMeesM.Don.Tl»».X«l>ral«*Co. I*!*1 "<"">eo CompMT Ltd.) iv tt#nMMllo J- *oe B«a»dloe Co.) The niiJersigned
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    • 516 1 fnauranrr. LANCASHIRE INSURANCM COMPANY. Capital £3,000,000. OmOBSOPTHE COMPANTr. Manohestbb— Rxohange Btreet. Litbbpool-4, Manchester B«ildinfs. BiBMiNOHAM-Oherry Street. London— U, Kin)r WilHam Street, B. O. GLASoow-ns, We t oeo,^ Btre^. Bbistol— Corn Street Leeds-12, East Parade. Nbwcastle— 40, Mosley Street. DnßLiir-9, Lower SsyjkVill* Street CHA I»MAH n MANCHBSTIB. JoHNToDß,Bsq.(Messrs.Todd*Ooston CHAIRMAN IW LITBBPOOL.
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  • 144 2 STRAITS TIMES WEDNESDAY, 31st OCT.1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. 6INaAPOKC, IIM ■■Ct.lßUi <}»mbier f rllsck Pepper [.per, fair quality. Sago Flour, Sar Pearl Sa k C'..ff«e, Bonthyi. Tapiica, small Flake :< l">. MO M>«. Muletwiat I ■*i Ih.. whirlings IJU. 7 la do I.+2J. 6 doT.tJioih \ifl\. 7 do do 1.::.i.
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  • 34 2 10-MOKKOW. For per <if Malacca. Honi>kali». Sink :m I I'ilun. Palan. ami Kirn*. JKay >-(otrer PwhM, Kbidat. ManiU /'.inay. Malacca ami Prnang. Japan, 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 11 a.m. 1 p.m.
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  • 19 2 fV,,r S/rii/t TimA I >TKI V. L.h.loh, .in Ih Oil— Coti'it Kiluoky disclaims any hostility to Boneia.
    Reuter  -  19 words
  • 29 2 Till P. and uteamer .Vr/wu/, which brings th- LaadoaHMsl of th- oth October, was aigaailad in Peaaag at s o'clock this inorninir, and may th-refor-pecte.l hare on Kn.Uy asoraiag.
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  • 39 2 I iik transport Bim Hoa, Captain Dang*, froinTo ilon via Bena (Algeria) Mabo, with 9~>'2 Algerian triKipn on Ixiard for Tompiin, arriv. .1 at tin- Morneo Cos. wharf thia lorenoon, and will resume her voyage immediately after coaling.
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  • 103 2 Tiik hokien triennial retiffioua procession took place to-day. It about lan oVlock from th- Hokien Temple at Teluk Ayer Strret, passing through Oemniil lai l'ekin Teluk Ay.r Street, Mark. Boat Quay, Booth Bridge Road, Upper New Bndas R aid, Herchant Road, South aad N Kiv-r V.llev Koad, Wtst Hill Street
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  • 181 2 ('HiAßiai's Koyal Italian Circus was crowded laat evening, and the large aulirnce which was present >—ir.ed thorough--1 bjf the v-ry attractive programme which had been rovided. There were several features introduced ditTering from previous entertainments, and ilto^eth-r th- aeeaiag wu most heartily enjoyed and the various performances were awarded their
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  • 126 2 Uyi of our Fr-nch contemporaries ha* the follow in.: eipe<iition. innporta Bint Hoa and Tonquin, dettin- of fre«h troops to Tonquin, were to »ail on t Beas*mber from Toulon for AJgien ■f these trim>p<<rt< will einliark a battalion and a hail', formed ot '.H»i n, a, ol nfficen and 12
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  • 201 2 Mia liaM of the Municinimi»»ioner» on Kridav, the 19th Committionert Prefpnt. I igaf Bag .1 1' .I'iaipiim Ksij. The Minute* of tba lant Meeting were read and continued. lettn from the Hon'l.l- t!. nial Secretary, iassd 10th inst r. that His Kxi-ellem-y the ( approves of the .ip|Kiintineiit ■faff A
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  • 486 2 POLICK I T IV XCg. PTuisikr, October Committed. Ah f'.h wih cuiDiiiitt.'J fir trial »t the nert Oiim.n il Marino* on :i »k boinebreitki i* l.y n'yht. The prisoner wan found, eordiwa: t.j th. i t.'iin s b boa c in H H „.,1 on the -7ih »t 1 v
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  • 661 2 The I us the following account "I Mr. Gladstone'! visit to Copenhagen ofl the l»t!i September, aL<l the unique Tiffin I'artv M board the Pembroke Cattle next day After a remarkably fast passage, the Pembroke Cattle steamed iuto the hifl'.iur of Copenhagen at sunset on
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  • 1226 2 Tumdat, >3rd Ocrcß«R. Present. 81l ExCELLENCT THE GOVKtSOB, Hit Honour tl I mice. Tne H n'ble the Offi the Attorney <1 the ni.ilTrea.urer. tli.. ' -iiisi4i.iD>-i of Land*. I. S J. Graham. W. (i Holland. d. Th- minutes uf the In: meeting n»l and fi-med. Oaowi
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 798 2 jHr ".fiiwnM. VALUABLE ;i>LD FURNITURE, Ac. Wedresday, 7th November. Tub nndersignc 1 are instructed by C. PUBCHAR, Esq., to sell by AUCTION, *t his residence, E. Bugalow, Tsnghn, on Wedn^sdny, 7th Novemr r, commencing at 1.30 P. M. ""he whole of the Valuable Household Furniture, Ac., consisting of handsomely curved
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    • 788 2 •H«to 9.fcbrrtt*tfmenlß. LE. Duma thi* month, we are offering a large stock of Dr,« materwle, Cohtume». Mil. limrv. Silks. I K ti a great reduction in pri. c. A 1 irge stock of Zei hvr Chth. in plain Colors and Check*, nt IS cents per yard. Plain Sateens in Myrtle,
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    • 705 2 .'■l3ljfrti6tmirt& CHIARINI'S ROYAI. ITALIAN CIR< \MI INTEHKSTINC MBNAOIUB. HfFOBTi Wt 90 Gband 'h anoeh nr Pbooramme GRAND RRDUCTION OF I'R!' B.X with Six (h«irs »900 Single ehuirs in B t 8 .50 Drei-s ir.-l.- bain $100 Stall-. W..V) Gallery Children A S..l.iiera in theGnllerys".Jo d do t• th.- plncis. Hulf
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    • 518 2 ai)ot. irmrntsf. TilK V 1 II'MW I* TBi SUPBKMX lOCBT CF THf Sbaits S.ttlkm lava, DlVlsliH OP SIMOAPOsB [■the im t -r f dMAIK AB. I'UI.LAH BIV UaU'MED BIN OlsisJi. A eting of the Creditors of SHAW AnnuLLAH Bin Mar hid bin Osmah, of SiDgaD'Te. ftadei, adjndl -aled a bankrnpt
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 961 3 Fbiuai, .'6rn October, LOM PatJ The Hon'bletl i il Secretary. the Att.irnevGeneral. tin Lolonial" Treasurer. 1 I It ...I J. Graham. W. G. Gulland. H H Head. The Acting Colonial Secretary presides. The minutes of the previous meeting are read and confirmed. The Acting Colonial Secretary lay* on
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  • Correspondence.
    • 1329 3 The Crown Lands Encroachments Ordinance. To the Editor of the Straitt Time: Sir, This Ordinance ha*, it is to be presumed, been »o hurriedly run through the Council and turned out in it* present crude state to enable His Excellency the Governor to go to the Peninsula and the Commissioner
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  • 130 3 Holloway't Oin'mrnl and PilU.— Never at fault In all irritations of the akin, a res, burns, and scrof toM enlargement* of the glands Hullnway's Ointment prel.'Qtsa ready and easy means of cure, wnicb never disappoinU the must fivourable expect.ti 111 It ui.uifeii a potent an 1 peculiar powrr in restraining
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  • 257 3 > Cuittn. 1883. Aug. 9 C. Fellinger Antwerp. U Will o 1 the Wi»p Hull. 3O Stunboo] Marseille*. Sept I.". Asia Liv. SAILING VESSELS EXPECTED. 1883. June 21 Jalo Cardiff July 3 AdeleC. Swansea. lo l..r,nzino Shields. M Kr,.t. Hi Do** Car.liff. •1 -1 Patagonia Hnmburg. »0 Plinio
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    • 65 3 jj VimSL'a Kami. r lao j *KD rirTAIK. Kio. f Krom. Sailiu Coiraioima. Dct. 50 Dnburß mt 51 May Flower SI J»para Ocr. «tr 921 Soh.ilti Bnt. »tr. 7M)Thom»» Brit. »tr. I 2.'> K l.rt. Dut. ttr. 778 Huffmann Hk og Oct. KBnn Hin 4 Co. Saißon Oct. 27
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    • 17 3 Dm. Vmu'i Nami. ("Arrim. DirrmiTio*. V-t. 11 31 Tucouin Brit. bq. Fob. tt». Kcnouf UaneiUa* Tonquin
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    • 157 3 V.mel'B Nami. Caitaik. and' I Vr«itbd Fbom. ContaMßM. O-atioh Rio. Men-Of-W»r R M 805 Oct. 22B«Uvia Senior Naral O«c«r. SUtion H.'.-'iV,. Dauge«OOOct. 81 Toulon French Con.ul. Toaqoin f u lin rs I.VMC IKJU' H V.l..J,.hniton*Co.,ForM« TTT- Out. .tr. »IK* 16B.Uri. Bourte^j 4 Co. |^"M „c_
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 58 3 TO BE LET. With Immediate Kntry The Castle, situated on Cavenag* Road i.c ii' tbe Government H oiite, now under. going thorough repair, and lately oocupied by T. BRADDkLL, Jiaq. Also, WoODSVUXB, situated on the SiraMMß R>ad. one of the m »t oharmiog reiidenoa* in Singapore. Ai H ABRAMS. Horse
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    • 477 3 HONGKONG AND SHANOHAI BAXKIXIi CORPORATION. Paid-up Capital... lS.non.noo. In»- j 9M 7A5.61. Ed on New Shares < $5.f1t6,7«5.«2. Reserved Fund f 1.500.000. Instalments of Pre- g^. mium received on V 8flBSS New b'hare* > $3.198.53 A.45. r"orBT or Di»rcroßB Chairman— Wm Hwismn, Wm. Depntv^hnirmnn— W. S JnwW, Esq. H. L.
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    • 489 3 ilotitts. SAYLR Co. 1 a splendid assortment of Oil Paintin.js, BO* and Oleo* in fine fr.imes, eon. from mountaia *M Ul iii.tri.-t-. Chromo Heads, c ipies of good Arti«t», Rirket Fosters' lenuwned Pictures and Sporting subjects, on .mb- d pun. 1-. MUHICAI. l«aT I MKVTB. Flsceol..!,, p:,..-..! f,.ti-.r Fhi'en, i.i
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    • 481 3 f?Ot(ffS. the hankruptct^rdinanobT Ilf THE SnPB^tMB COUBT OF THB Straits Settlement*.. of 3ihoapoke. In the m .tter of EUAB HebBCB, Uid* r.-idtnjf U No. 20, Sophia Road. Singapore, a Hawker. Walter Raymond H allow eixOabew af Singapore, Official Assignee 'has been appointed trust f the property of the bankrupt. The
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 694 4 ifliscrllancoue. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARIS WiTER, Th« Natural Soda Wate*. "Th« qneen of table waters." British Medical Journal APOLI/NARIB WATER. Ca? Supplied continuously to the Table ol H. B. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES during the laat five years. APOLLINARIS. THE NATURAL BODA W TER. 'Far superior to manufactured aerated water*.
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    • 699 4 *torrs ano iflfrrfjarrtngr. JOHN LITTLE A CO. RAFFLEB PLACE. SINOAPORE. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. k Importers op Protisions, Groceries, Oilman Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware. Glassware, ,f Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery Perfumery, Fancy Goods, Arms and AmI mnnition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitter*. Watch and Clock
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    • 986 4 Qorfts. I tr 1 k ooir. THI -y aresitaated at Tar of the town of the fol- I, l>wing»n:. Wharf.— ArTor^ing herthaireftr twenty :me with snflcn-nt water r, tl tnfwid i .f the heavieat f. dranght, an.i -.r itect^d '.y brenkwater i from the swe 1 -md from th 9
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    • 778 4 fiorft. refitting and coaling ot steamers, also Bheari complete for fakinpontmaats. Boiler* tc Further information may He had at th« OWne n* Me**r«. Pater*on, Bimons A Co., Oeneral Agents, who forward Teleirrfcmi to »h DonV fr«*. DHARLBB WIBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. 'v. c] flOtlffS. Local Dfi.ivery. In Advance.
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    • 881 4 #totirf«j. a roßSiia ■o A Ft w Wrm with thf Malays. In ;..n.plet form. Price 50 cents per Pf' is "Straits Times" Offie. Birg» 2fith Ajril. Ml NOW READY. j NOTES F A JOT'HNFY Across the Isthmus of Kra. Made with the French Government Purvey Expedition, January April. With explanatory
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    • 670 4 fiotitt*. ROB CO. ?3 Coi.lybr Quay, Singapore. fopposice tbe Club. 1 Draper*. Milliner*. Silk Wercer*. Haber dasher*. Glover., ard Oeneral Outfitter*. Oe«tlfm*n's Outfiti ifo Depabtment. Every dencrnition of clothing made on tbe shortest notice by an experienced Cut. ter. fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweed*, worsted*, sereep, broadcloth* for
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    • 683 4 fXotitt J. MOTION. Chronometer, Watch and Cloc. Makkr. and Opt Fiin Ha*, always on hand a well selected If Jewellery, Watehe,, qi.«:ks. Naati'.^ enstruments, 4c, comprising let*. Ladies' gold watc> Brooches, Gents' ditto., Earrings, Silver watches, Lockets, American clocks Ladies' rings, Carriage clocks. Signet rings, Marble clocks. Wedding rings, Chronometers,
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