The Straits Times, 27 October 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times vol. xxn NEW Mi; IKS 81i\GAroiiK, SATURDAY. 27th OCTOBER, 1883 [DAILY ISSUE.] No! 15,143
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 483 1 jfrtratn *lnp eomjjanire. MNtSULAR AND dKIKNTAL \M NAVIGATION COMPANY Office— Collycr Quay. Godownb— New Harbour. mail urn, n wnicn this Company's Mail Steamers may be eipec ted to arrive at Singapore during the year 1883:— OITWABD. HoXkWARP. Friday 2nd m ■•>> SOth 3r4 IVc M 28MARSEILLES AND LONDON. Then." ,<utlej.
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    • 690 1 *train *l)tp Companies. THE MEHSAGERIES MARITIMES COMPANY. The following are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageries Maritimes j may be expected to arrive here during the current year:— Outward. Howiward. Uondu.v 2Pth Oct. Monday Zflth 12th Kov. lrth N'"V 2fith Wth 10th Pec. 10th Dec. 24th 24th
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    • 731 1 *tram *Mp Companies. PE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE t-TOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contract* with the Netherlands, Indian Government*.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London. B. O. Head Agency Batatia. The following >>re the date* on which the Company* Steamers running in connection with tbe mail steamer* of the P. A O. S. N. Coy.,
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    • 792 1 *tram 4>f)tp Companies. N.B.— The steamer does the voyags i one month via Priaman, Ajerbangia. Nata Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoeli< Troemon, Tampattoean, Ana'aboe, Rega and Patti and back from Acheen via Ana laboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, B.iro Ac., for Padang. On another month ria Priaman, Ajei bangis. Natal. Siboira, Baros, Singkel,
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    • 586 1 fnsuranrr. n JAVA SEA AND FIRE INBURAN0 F I, COMPANY Head Office, Batatia. im The undersigned. Agents for the abov. H ''on. pany, are prepared to take risks upon i-nrgo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33| o/o discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and
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    • 620 1 fnsuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital 12,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 584,202 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A AMr., T tUmm. Mslphsn, Co.) •J- Z. "J" 1 (MMSis.HolliaaT.Wl.i4Cn. t T-.Man»«, (Msaacs.D<mTUs.L\ipr«i>*>Co. ?'t '"<T»«> CompMT Ltd.) L, A •*■»"<». (J. J. dot Rraudloa Co.)
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    • 528 1 fnsuranrr. LANCASHIRE INSURANOM COMPANY. Oapitai, «8,000,000. OFFICBBOrTHJI COMPANY. Manohbstbb— Rxohange Btreet Litbbpool— 4. Manchester Buildings. BIRMiNOHAM—CherrT Street. London-14. King William Btr^t, I. 0. Glasoow— 133, West George Street. IUiSTOL-Corn Btreet. Leeds— l 2, East Parade. Niwcastlb— 40, Mosley Street. Dublin— 9, Lower Saokville Street CHAIBMAN IN MANOHMTBB. JohnTodd, Esq. (Messrs.
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  • 139 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 27th OCT., 1833. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. rfINJAPOKK, J.TH UOfOMI 7<r2i. (Hack IV^pcr 16«5. White Pepper, fair 'lualitT. Sat Pearl sing..... Cffee, B«uth>- U Tapioca, suali r Tin U)». Mu'etwiit N oliirtiiigs \ML t> d.. T i v.ih l.of|. 7 d. do 0] 550. Exchange. Oa L.nd
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  • 36 2 TO-DAT. for rrr Sniifon I! To-MO«BOW. BamM»o|{.Vl'li>-riti n. .V.r«i i.i»». 2 p.m. SiMie, P™ v and Sola, p.™. MoiCDAT. kfeaMMMg, /'*y". 10 a.m. Ihwiwrr I nfmbam lad M.i. MM 0. 0. Mytr, I p.m.
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  • 27 2 FaaaosT. —In the Chasabar of Dvputie*, the Radicals ba*a giveji that 'h y 111 move cen-ure on the pol; v ot the (J.verntneiit irith r-
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 18 2 Tn ha aw ward Franeh awil -t.-am.r Amnzn. noon to- lay, ami will probably ariive M IJ h*a>
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  • 5 2 Tm 'i K»fKi'i.lav, 2ttt: TIM
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  • 46 2 Thk Crjfon Observer of I ber says i liv th- ataaw) If be tile Straits we lose a well-known and esteemed Matale planter Mr W K /cn n inj r, who goes to take up an appointment in Selangor, one of Sir Fr- 1.-rick Weld's ri»ii
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  • 57 2 Chiarii.i has had \atj- <t iff cf workmen 1 ia tillitis; up the rapa--wamp which i« the aalf ground \rninent has available for a rircif up all Ultag thej have hitherto vorking '.^ably. and I will be able to give it« fir-- gai J ,-reat attraction of t> live 1.-_
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  • 20 2 The following in a list of passer Gletiriglet. ajnieh :i P»rk»r snd H.rT#jr, K.N.. and Mr, It for Slwfij'
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  • 66 2 iilini. from il intermedia! with Co'i. wharl I and will leavf 9 knghai, al daylight to-morrow. Passing M Una, Ml >' Zach-iri «i.d Madaai Durer. D .is. Fr. m C I mV. Kr.. her* Ideuiteb, I d.Utfhter. Mr and V and :< d u.-ht.r., Mr i M- aara. Kaur. ad
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  • 443 2 The '>'or<>riime*f G.nettt pnhliahn the r. tn n~ ..I tlie nteffiatn ral .Dr. ioweil, P.R.M.O .it the end l.irths and ileaths in th.--(■.•I..HV iluriiiit the iMrti :iik are reijulaily beaMaaafJ lull.r aad fuller, i. win/ t. greater striL-tn.v-s m .nt'.ircintr resist ration and y oarel'ul
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  • 155 2 Tin >ctoi>er ha- tlit- foUowtag itt-ms Hamrhn. itnmandaiit Rooetan, wiiitli MTtred in II i left a.'am tliia Wumimf, brought later intalHganaa from *n the Sailer, the la«t Arrival frum t; of a telegram froa Admiral Courbet, be forces in Tom|uin until tl more definite inntructiiins, assume
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  • 302 2 A Railway in Del i. W r translate tl..- following miiDtcati' m from Deli -th Oetihtr. I^M- >n the Ir instaut, -Bttoa < i pin Oa that day, naui- .-in operation* urn th fau t.. i trim th* H. iwjd hr inch fr 1 1 Tbe K f-um.-
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  • 234 2 I Put H the A I I > I .1 C W. K. 1! I The M Tli- to -r. Commissioner motion. i till is then consider tee. authorised in writing itv) to or other public ofl Mr. ISotid moves that ti or in won! end in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 796 2 fi.ttv 2tbuLiHi-i:nt9. SALE OF VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD FT'RVITURE, 4c. At thb Spawisr Consume, Wednesday. 31 at Oi I The undersigned are instructed by Don A. Baldasant t Topete. Consul for Spain, to sei. by Auction. »t the the Spanish Consjlatc River Valley Road, on Wednesday, 3lat October, commencing at 1.30 p.
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    • 809 2 ?.>>b»rttwmfntc. CASH OLTABAHOB -ALE. rvmNO this n,'.Btb, we are offerings large stock of Drf«s material*. Cmtnmes. Millin. rv. Bflka, S^tin A. Ac at a great ri-.iui-ti.ri in in. c A hrge stock of Btparr Cloth, in t lain Onion Bad luck-, si II r.nts per yard. Plain Sateens in Myrtle.
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    • 609 2 aibiTtfefmrnts. 9$T OPEN TO-NIGHT ■mnui ro sivoapore, or th.: ■na-popuL&a w ikivovambd. OHIARINI'S ROYAL ITALIAN CIBCUB AND MKNAOBSB. The n» steal c. -tly tl.ow ev.r brough- to tliia c mntry. Will Exh hit Bad** Knormoaa Pavi.i >ns FOR A i.W DAT! .'M.V Cobnfu or Tank and Kiter Vallit I ADS
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    • 279 2 flrhi rnunts. Mr. i .ri»ed :u this Ringap re. MANSriBLO. IOGAARDT Jt t-o. ART Th^ next r xbib t o:i v, 1 be held in the Town B dat sfteraooa, kfe> veil. l i Ut. al 4JO P. M M.uiU-rs are requ. I their Exhibits on or t..f re Wednesday,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 986 3 Thf I I met on the Jlrd, and i.ith instant, the the last meeting be\V. E. a tnenta f which was phalaiiz ng Chief Jusfter an adjournraenl of half an hour, up m whicli the (!«>vit wa« the olli. ijl m ijority. So far as .an
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  • 556 3 Frum Ceylon and India papers London, 11/ A Ort The Anglo-Ii lian 1 a inf. i ley to postpone fur- tbellbert Bill until lay for Kuiiia Lon-l Siml't. board. BtrlSm, 12/* Ort.—k German Commission has been -.nt to Bfrypt, to ftndy mneetion with the hit* sbolers optdamio there,
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  • 1489 3 Ma il News. The Chinese negotiations have m.t prospered more in the hands sf M. Ferry than in I |.r.'d,-cessor. Within the past week no lresh step has j been taken towards a settlement. Tlie Chin. Kolke- hil" the Fri'iu-h rVaasjar smsbj in U.) hurry to OOBwoM M tinvy
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  • 94 3 Hllovnyt PUh. Th»-re is nothing in the wh'.l.- N 1 snrp<s< thfse M rt.nn tj .ft' dol .reux. d tJI Ay i ins in the ii.rv.s, um-cl md ►im«i. I 1 of thi> .1 and n ny rein.-di- porary d in the end the sufferer is as L.iil as ever.
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    • 96 3 X h Tnm'9 Xakb. ahd C*rr*ne. 2 Rio. Kboh. SiiL«D romiamH. Oct. 2* Q .i M.v.r Dut. «tr. 26 HanjfUore P.O.ttr 1300 Hanoll «tr. fifiMillinuton l> it. Kk I R I Kahuicn Dut. »eh 1"1 X.-uodah .i.-l Brit. «tr. 2 4 >2 Mile» MM. str 3562 Paiqualini »7 (ialley
      96 words
    • 79 3 Date. Vuul'b Naki. Fn.i k Rm. Captaih. I "INTIMATION. Vt. 27 27 *7 17 27 27 n 27 17 m by Hart »rj I 'hya. T.-.l.lini:ton I Lome dtein Brit. »tr. !(nt Brit. «tr. Brit. «tr. BMt str. Brit. str. Brit. >tr. Unt. «tr. lirit. str. Oar. Mil'in^ton Habekoat
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    • 116 3 SHIPPING IN THE HARBO UR. utnunioat* with this ofto* rss;sMtia, 1 a^mSSoTfctb. »boT. Bhippirg harbour Voni/a Na«. Cirr*™. *wi>' f Vkritii. K«o«. wiomb. D-atioh Hud<U» Col rtr. 600 Oct. 9 London Col. Gov«rnra«nt Sution y*y HMttr. 805 oa. 82 Hatavia Senior N»T»1 Offlcer. SUtioo n n N UiJan. i; V
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 324 3 ilotirrs. >>AI. Inad -.1 $t per ton on Sad. ng Wh^if, Any tons, to Department, d iwm KiTtr and moir at wbnf. r'.r first trip, "or call at the mouth of Siruwak Itivtr f r Specimen of (.'..1 in be seen on the >:e.«mer A> /.<■. vow in the..- Road.
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    • 405 3 jiotiri9. Ml 1 A»rat*H Manufacturer*. J<i nier..iis md 'he Pnblie ..f Ringap.. :ind vicinity. that thej hive jn t i c, iw.i from Fntflai,d, a I* signr *^>int and qn rf •Jyr.h .n«. a-'d are now atvt pared to »nt pi,- rarioSM wiiters in him... will (iv.i ifr.'Hi safiaarbf
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    • 440 3 flotlrrs. I FLOWER SHOW Will. BEH ELD IK THE BOTANICAL OARDgNB. THURSDAY AND PRIDAT, lOth AnT j 11th Januabt, 1984. Open oi the First Day from 3 P. K. on* I til dark and on the Second* Day from 6A. M till in a. m .from 3 p. x. till
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 705 4 ißferrllanrous. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARIS WATER, Tbb Natural Boda Watbb. The qneen of tab waters." British Mbdical Joubnal. APOLLTNARIS WATER. ts\T Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R, H. THE PRINC* OF WALES during the last five years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 1 Far superior to manufactured aerated waters.
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    • 688 4 Jttorr* and iHrrrfcanUfsr. JOHN LTTTLE 00. RAFFLES PLACE, SINOAPOBB. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Arms and Ammunition, Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 1023 4 Sorts. I THE TAN.TONO PAOAB DOCTK COMPANY LIMTTED. Thb works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and .o-nprise the following establishments, viz Wharf.— Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water tlongside for vessels of the heaviest
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    • 809 4 Sorfe. refitting and coaling of steamers, also Shears oomplete for takinp out masts. Boilers to Further information may b« had at the Offer of Measrs. Paterson, Simons a, Co., General Agents, who forward Teleirram. to the DonV fr«« OHARLEB WISH ART. Manager. Fingapore Ist July 1«75. 'v. c.) fIOttffSLOCAL DELITEBY.
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    • 868 4 iiotirts. FOR RALE. A Ffw Wki< with th« Malays. In p.implet form. Price 50 cents per copy. Straits Times" Office, Sirgspore 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. NOTES OF A .1OI T RNF.Y Across thb Isthmus of Kra. Made with the French Gotbbnment Pubtbt Expedition, Januabt— April, 1"83With explanatory Map and
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    • 724 4 ROBINSON CO. 23 COI.LTER QOAT. PIWOAPOBE. fot>posice tbe Club.) nrsper.. Milliners. Silk *"%"•^•°f fl,.ber.. Clover-, snd Oeneral Outfitters. O^TL^MrN's OrTFITtIVO D.PARTMENT. Every liwlltlnil of clothing made on >, P shortest notice by an Slß«ris»as< Ot; W. fit guaranteed, a H'^ "t" 1 1 tweed., worsteds, serges, br< adcloths for "'ca'^walking
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    • 692 4 JlOtUf. J. MOTION. Chbokometbb, Watch ani> Oloc» Makkb. and Opticiab. Flint Strebt. Has always on hand a well selected [f Jewellery. Watche., OlwVs, R Mt| -instruments, Ac, comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold watct Brooches, Gents' ditto., Earrings, Silver watches. Lockets, Am. rican clocks Ladies' rings. Carriage clocks. Signet rinijs, Marble clocks.
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