The Straits Times, 20 October 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV [new series,] SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. 20th OCTOBER, 1883 [daily issue.] No. 15,137
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 519 1 *tram 4*fHp £oim??.nirs. STNBTJLAR AM) ORIENTAL RAM NAVIGATION COMPANT Office— Collyer Quay. Godowns.— New Harbour. MAIL LINES. undernoted are the dates on wnicn 1 his Company's Mail Steamers may be expected to arrive at Singapore during tbe year 1883:— UUTWABD. HWsMisW Prtoer. Monday Mr..! tnd Nov. «h N. v.
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    • 666 1 &>tram *hip Companies. THE MESSAGERIES MARITIMES COMPANT. The following are the date* on which the steamera of the Mesnagerie* Maritime* may be expected to arrive here during the mrrent year:— Outward. HoifcwAßn. Monday 2Pth Oct. Monday SOth Oct. 12th Nov. mh Nor. Sfith Wth 10th P.c. 10th Dec. 24th 24th
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    • 740 1 jfrbtp Companirs. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contract* with the Netherlands, Indian GorernmenU.) Head Office, 13 Austin Fbiabs, London, E. O. Head Agenct Batatia. The following ure the date* on whioh the Company's Steamera rnnning in con--1 nection with the mail steamera of the P. A O. S. N.
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    • 799 1 *tram *t)fp Compantr*. N.B.— The steamer doe* the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie I Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas snd Patti and hack from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baros Ao., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga. Baros, Singkel. Goeh
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    • 564 1 Inguranrr. I JAVA SBA AND FIRE INSURANO? COMPANT Head Officb, Batatia. Thb underaigned, AgenU for the above I Company, are prepared to Uke risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33( 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f I coasting royagea, and 15 0/0 on
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    • 601 1 Instiranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURA *C1 COMPANT LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Psid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 Gknebal Manaobbs. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Conaulting Committee. A Andr., I*,. (Itmsts. Mslabsrs, Co.) E. iMmrn. HoUl<Ut,Wls> o*. «.T Mui|«r. (M«srs.Doa.TU^Y.pr4ltATo. ii! J J- *os Knuiiiom a Co.) The undenigned c the authorised
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    • 540 1 fnsfttranrr. S l ANOABHIRE INSURAJfOM OOMPANT. Oaktal «W,000,000. OFFICES OF THB OOMPANT. Manchb«thb— Exohanir* Btiw*t Litbbpool— 4. Maoohaßtor BaiMing*. Bibminoham— Cherry Street. Londob— l4. King William StrMt,!. O. Glasgow-133, We*t Georg* StrMt. Bbiwol— Corn Street Leeds— l 2, East Parade. Nbwcastlb-40, Mosley Street. Dublin-9, Low,, SaokrilW Btreet. I CHAIRMAN IK
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  • 177 2 THE STRAITS TIMES SATURDAY, 20th OCT., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. .SINQAPOBI, '^OIH UCTOBIK, 1883. liauibier 7|. rtlack Pepper 17.00. White Pepper, fair quality. JTJ. "ago Fluur, S«r 2.T. 1) Pearl Sago 3 t Coffee, Bonthync U.1,. Tapioca, small FlaVe 3 15. Tin 38f 40a. Mule twist •H Ilia. Shirtings LkM,
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  • 53 2 TO-DAT. For y,r at Saigon, /Hum, 4 p.m. Fennuif A;.. .:i. Fittpatru-k. 4 p.m. Chinm, Verona, 6 pm. Khi... Muntok anJ liatavia, > F h>r, 6 p.m. To-morkow Deli. Hyah Pektut. 1 p.m. Penang and Aihwn, Japara, J p.m. Monday. Bangkok. Htnba, i p TIEBDiT. Sarawak, IHM
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  • 37 2 frVf Btvl* Timct.i ttMUAwmnua. London, 19// OH.— A lam has l>eeii hclil l>y the Li'eral Congress 1.. ,1s at wliidi a res.lutioti was passed urging that County Kranchise shall be the first mtasure next session.
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  • 20 2 Thk total return al visitor* to the Ksffle< Library and Museum during the week ending Friday, 19th October, wai t>3!>
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  • 30 2 The reinforcement" for Tompiin by the French transports Acei/ron and Shamrock, which have already passed through, consisted of about 1,600 men. 5«J5 by the Ateyrm and 1,010 by the Shamrock
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  • 62 2 The Singapore Rowing Hub are and have been for some time past practising for their Club Scratch Four races, which are to come off shortly. Of course the crew's will not be known until shortly before the Naam, i that the members are now practising all round rowing, in order
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  • 60 2 Nearly an entire change of officer* and men of H. M I Champion is shortly iv take place. In addition to the officers already noted as appointed to thi' we find the following in the Home Xetct of 21st September:— Midtkipmfn F. C. L>armoath and F. P. Morr-v Ayn«ley Chaplain
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  • 83 2 DrHixr, the past few days, during which an almost general holiday has been observed in eonsi leration of Race week, there has been Jmnst nothing done in th<> Police or other Courts. Only one case of the •lightesr inportanee ha* l»-.>n dis- posed of. and that was before Dr I>enny«,
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  • 82 2 We hear, says the Pinang Timet of the 16th October, that Mr Gottlieb, the 2nd Clerk in the Resident Councillor's office, will shortly be transferred to the Post Office in Singapore, passing over the heads of several with longer terms of service and higher salaries. It is a leap of
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  • 107 2 WI w. uld remind our readers ol the il tie To.ii Hall to-night, M Mi l'aha'i Opera Company, af citifiil an I sentimental I Linda di I'h ■luioum. lor tbe be- j nefit af MgajH h-tti, under the |.i'r..!n_-e and in thu presence of the entire Oar|ai OaaaaJain Oiplumatiq
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  • 118 2 As Coleman Bridge, or as it is often called, Canning Bridge, is shortly to be demolished, to be replaced by a substantial iron one, workmen have been busy for the past two days and nights making a connection with the main water pipe in South Bridge road, to supply water
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  • 102 2 Accordiho to the llome Xnet of 21st Sept., the important command af Her M.ijesty's ship Carytfort, one of the vessels of the Mediterranean Squadron, has fallen vacant on the expiration of the t-rin of ap- pointinent of Capt. H F. Stephenson, (Mi. The command of another vessel of the Me.
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  • 38 2 1 A Java Itelief Fund haa, we observe, been formed in Ceylon. The Ceylon Ob- terser says i A teletrr«as baviog been raoaived from 1 the Relief C.iumitu* iv K.I ana, U) the < iffee that, uotwubsbindiug tbe larfa
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  • 103 2 amounts alren want is still immense and i< rtain, it bus been ingested that a oomn>it»>>e ah) ill be form. < sulv. ■oripiions on oebaJl .f the Buff rers from the late calamity. With Uiia object the following insenU-d to act as a I oasaaittM in Ooluidbn, and pay. ment
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  • 194 2 CaptaJl Arniand Temple I'owlelt, U v who lias baaß appoint. -.1 to the command of the Champion at present stationed lure, arrived from London this morning by the P. AO. mail steamer Verona. 1 1 t.r.d the Xavy as a cadet in 1V>:(, and wits appointed in 1868 midshipman of
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  • 228 2 Thk I. O. Qs/l -teain-~ln|i Verona, Captain Atkinson, from Born Lav, Uako M i Penanir, with the London mail of the 21st -September, arrivi.l alontfsi.le tlie (V- «liarf this morning, and will leave for Hongkong ami Shanghai at daylight to-morrow. P&SSINOIBS F Singapore. Fr. m Lonj.n Mr. R. U F
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  • 1078 2 The Secretary of State announces Her Majesty's confirmation of the Ordinance to provide for the issue of Licenses UJunks and Tongkangs belonging to the Strait* Settlements," (V. ol An order of the Governor in Council :tth October, is published, jht■ittiasj the Protector of Indian Immigrants to
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  • 421 2 (From Ceylon and Indian paper t.) Zanzibar, \4th Sept.— The SulUn of Zanzibar wai invested today with the Qraad Croat of th<- Order of St. Michael and St. (Jeorge by Sir John Kirk, the British diplomatic agent, assisted by KearAdmiral Hewett, Commander- in-Chief on the East India station.
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 938 2 *Heto a&brrtunrunt*. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. ATJTUMN MEETING. THIRD DAT. SATURDAY, 20th OCTOBER, 1883 First R«ce. Thb Club Cup— Value 9150 Hurdle Race. Eight •flights >f hardies. Distance H miles. Entrance 910 Horses entered at this meeting as First class to carry 12.7 Second 117 Third 10.7 Second Rack. Thb Champion
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    • 876 2 fitto a^hertisfmrntß. R CLBARANCE SALE. Dubino this month, we are offering a large stock of T.ndi<"T Dress materials. Costumes. Mil. lim-ry. Silks, Satin*, Ac, Ac, at great reduction in pri' c. A 1 i-gc stock of Zephyr Cloth, in phun Colors and <~beck», l I s cents per yard. Plain
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    • 725 2 ftrtu aabrnlsimrntSi TOWN ii HAWLEY'S ITALIAN OPERA COY. SATURDAY, EVENING. 20th OCTOBER. IMI Gbbat, Extbaobdinabt Pebfobmance Ben. fit of Siohobijta LUISA MAKCHKTTI, Under tbe patronage and presenc I af the entire Corps Consolaire Diplomatique of Singapore. Tbe beautifulfand Sentimental O, era LINDA di CHAMOUNI, I (The Pearl of lhe Savoy.)
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    • 474 2 frtYo a&oi\:.Jfnunt«. NOM.'E. Singapore Exchanoe. Until further notice, the Weekly Bank ing and Mercantile Half- Holiday will he held on Wednesday, iuatead of on Satur. day, beginning with Wednesday the 24th October. By Order LYALL. B>creta y. Singapore, 16th Oct., 1-83. (to 23rd inst.; NOTICE. MoKSiEL-a Alfkku Villbb >l will
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 61 2 W KA I IIKK KEPOKT. JfwukMf Karbow Hospital, 19(A Octnbtr 1883.> Rutau. Uu. rod. ar Fab, 2» ai sue t* vm^ > M. mla«oT«rW.t Bull. TU.r. 7»(l 7S(i Tt 0 out, d»j parDtrofWu. >>W C»lm. U«llj cloudj, Hi. Naif. inik,J. 87 5 ai«ht oiatr. Mlo. do do sUx.
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  • 1530 3 Trantlattd fi-'-m Manila newtpapert. Sooloo— Till, r date the liltli h a correspondent writes a* follows from this station Nothing worthy of mention has happeneil in nt duitch nf I with com:^!it forward I M van settlers rhat. in the 100, any pioneer c^loniits holt danger, -el res
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  • 560 3 The following has been sent to us for publication Not lone ago at Singapore a steamer 'neath •i... hg (")f (1M Tastile her anchor cast her Captain'« nair- »m Brag At l"-.«t that should hive been his nams, but aa he hurl another. XohodT called him by it till
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  • 47 3 The Cbooked T»p. A At Eililor of the StraUt Timet. Sir. I send you a tip for to-day: Club Cip —XithidaU. Champion Cip. —Ulington. COSaOLATIOX UU.LOWAT.— Shtr{f. i o>B.ilatio.x.—Drummer Hoy Bochobe Plate— £blit. „—JJat Blmu or I Yours Sk. A Cbookxs Om. Singapore, 20th October, 1888.
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  • 280 3 Clbabbd. am. Aug. 9 C. Fellinger Antwerp. 26 Will o' the Wisp... Hull. 30 Stamboul ManiUea. Sept. 12 Telemachus London. 14 Islade Mindanao... Liverpool. 15 Asia do m 16 Breconshire London. 16 Bellempbon Liverpool. 20 Oleueaglea London. SAILING VESSELS EXPECTED. 1883. June. 7 Mercator Liverpool. 21 Jalo Cardiff.
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  • 122 3 H.?/"«rfl»« Ointment and Pill:— Much watcbfulre mint be exercised at the pre. x nt time, aid the arlieit etidencea ..f il heil'l: mii-l Ik- ironxdiately chejked, or a ■lilfhi illnpua may MM in MtioM wttwit, i> rt M 1. qairmy. e.uiflie, cbrjnir gfc, l>r<ncbiti«. and or Bt othe- pnlm >n
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    • 48 3 S Vcsul'i RUB. mm AMD CaFT*™. RioKr.H. SAILID. OKIIOHtM. Oct. 10 Illii'iK 10 Rudolph 20 Verona M.M. Brit str. (90 White lfiS Wendt P. O. *tr. i'.US Atkinson i Vt. IAM. Maritime*. H. ngk.k Oct. 1". JUmfield A. Co. BaL/kok Oct. ISTyeJooL**. Bombay P. 4 O. Companj
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    • 57 3 Date. Yhul's Kami. Fli? A RioCaptain. Dehtimatiom. >ct. 20 20 to SO 10 SO 20 ryuh P.khet Ki«ii«trick ratr»lut Japan Ophir Brit, rtr. Hnt. «tr. Brit. §tr. Brit. itr. I'ut. «tr l>ut. itr. Put. »tr. Wahl Iliiinphric* Brown Moore Hoffmann Si-hermer It. •-«.-Uu t f Deli IVnang i Kanguon
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    • 500 3 Curtain, ud AjnuU of mlllM r»jui-t*.l to .mmuiuoaU with tW« offlo, n(M<UB( Vnan.'* Nam. Caita™. ani> Ab«it»i> Fbom. Cohsionus. Patio* Km. f Champion*** iColUnt H.M. ,tx 4380 Sept. 84 BatarU Senior Naral Offlcer. Sution s.'.iH.ll- Huddle Col. (tr. 600 Oct. 9 London Col. Oo»ernment. la Dock
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 418 3 SAYLE Co. Ex 3. S. "Glisfbcib." We i<re n.w showing a large assortment of new goods, in addition to < t well as.r_e stock, undernoted >re a few specialities. Rlack Drew Silk-, at 90 oenU, lIS.') and |1.71 r y ird. i'o| Silks in Hroci ft, Ficoy and Grosgrains. -ntins,
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    • 758 3 #ottrrg. TO BE LET. With Immediate Ehtbt. Th c Castle, situated on Cavenagli Road nen the vonment Honse, now under. going th r. ugh repair, and lately occupied by T. Rbaodhi,, Esq. Also, Wdodstillk. si used on the Sirangoon ii ..1. ..ri" of the in .Bt charming country residences in
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    • 476 3 •Htftttf. A FLOWER showWill BB HELD IN THE BOTANICAL GARDENS. on THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. II>TH AND IITH JAHUART. 1884. Open en the First Day from 3 P. M. ontil d»rk nnd on the Second Day from 6 A. M till 10 a. M from 3 p. m till 6P.V. and
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    • 435 3 nouns. WA.RINGA HILL. Splendid family residence charmingly situated in the Paterson Road, Tanglia. Capital view of the .nrrounding fashionable district Remarkably oool; wood supply of spring water gas laid on (rood stabfins;. POWELL A Co.a—AgenU. Singapore, 4th September, 1883. STEAM LACNOH FOR SALB. Lbhoth 30, Beam 73", depth 4'6\ of
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 705 4 inigctllantous. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARIS WATER, Thi Natural Soda Wat The qneen of table waters." British Medical Journal. APOLLINARIS WATER. GMT Supplied continaously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES during th. last five years. APOLLINARIS. THE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Mrdioal
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    • 689 4 JOHN LITTLE 00. RAFFLES PLACE, Singapore. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers of Protisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobaoco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fanoy Goods, Arms and Ammunition, Ladies and Gentlemen s outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese curiosities, Ac.
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    • 1042 4 Borts. THE T*VToyoPAO\n PANT MMITBD.j Thb works of the Company arc t ituat< at Tanjong Pugar, within on. >mi j e o f t l town of Singapore, and compi 8(l the f c lowing establishments, viz WHABF.—Affording herthage for twen veitieis at one time with .ufflcient t)jng«ide for vessels
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    • 828 4 Borfc. rrnttiDgandcoalingot*teamer*,a!*oBbean oomplete for taking ontma*U, Boiler* li jj Further information may be had at th< j, e Ofiloe of Mmn. Pateraon, Simon* A 00. ,1. Oener.l Agent., who forward Telegram to ♦h« Dook 'w OHARLES WISH ART. t? Manager 2 Singapore lit July 1875. (n. c. »r flOtlffS. local
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    • 797 4 fioitfc** FOR SALE. d A Ffw Weeks with th« Malays. In pamplet form. Price 50 cenU per copy. Strait* Time*" Office, Sirgapore 26th April, 1883. NOW READY. NOTES OF A JOURNEY Across thb Isthmus of Kba. Made with thb French Goyebnmeni Pueyey Expedition, January— April. IPB3. With explsnatory Map and
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    • 681 4 ftotitvm ROBINSON fc CO. 28 COLLYEE QUAY.JPII'O* 1 0 I fopposice th<#» b I Draper.. Milliner.. WTk Werccr.. Habor daaher., Glover., and/*«" >r 1 Outfitter.. Gb^tltmen's OrTFff" mo Department Every descriptios/ of clothm? m«do oi the shorteat notice (by an experienced ut ter, fit guaranteed.V good assortment ol tweed., worsted.,/
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    • 737 4 J. MOTION. Chronometer, Watch and Olock Maeer. and Optician. Flint Street. I Has always on hand a well selected stoic If Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Nauti. a! onstrumenta, Ac. 1 Bracelet., Ladies' gold wmtobe. j Brooches, Oent.' ditto.. Earrings, Silver watche., L.icket». Amerioan docks > Ladies' ringa, Oarriage docks. Signet
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