The Straits Times, 13 October 1883

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9 12 The Straits Times
  • 17 9 The Straits Times VOL. XX I\ NEW BERIEB SINGAPORE, SATURDAY. 13th OCTOBER, 1883 DAILY ISSUE. No. 15,131
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 507 9 *tram *htu (ffompantrs. AX AND ORIENTAL KAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Ornci Ooßyst Quay. Godowns— New MAIL LINES. fT.tE undernoted are the dates on wnicu Ibiu Company's Mail Steamers may be exfected to arrive at Singapore during the lear 1883 V OVTWARP. TIOJUWARPVrioV I >!• mluy 22nd Oct. 1.. 2nd I
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    • 663 9 *>tfam »!)ip compamr*. THE MBBBAGBBXBfI MARITIMES COMPANY. The following are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here during the current yearr— OrTWARD. HoWtWARD. Hoaiajr lttk) Oct. Thursday 11th Oct. *2f>th Monday' 29th 12th Nov. 12th Nov Sfith 2fith 10th Pec. 10th
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    • 733 9 *tram *f)tp Compamrs. DE NEDERLANDBCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. C. Head Agency Batatia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. S. N. Coy.,
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    • 790 9 *tram *hip Compamrs. N.B.— The steamer does the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. NaUl, i Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng -Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and hack from Anheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baros Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Aierbangis, NaUl, Siboga, Baros, Singkel,
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    • 562 9 Insmranrr. JAVA BEA AND FIRE INBURAN0 B COMPANY Head Office, Batatia. The undersigned, AgenU for the above Company, are prepared^ to Uke risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33i o/o discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 o/o on all risks
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    • 617 9 ffntfuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE OOMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,203 General Manaobrs. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andro, E» q (Me».r». M»loher«, Co.) V£• By™** nt—n. HolHd»r,WH« Co. A. T MMMt.r, (M«Mr..Don.TU..L«pr»ik*Co. H. Nicalw, (Bonwo Company Lid.) &v a m(>dl <^ (J-
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    • 536 9 fnsturanrr. LANCASHIRE INBTJRANCH COMPANY. Oafital £5,000,000. OFFICES OF THE OOMPANY. Manchester— Exohang* Street. Liverpool— 4. Manchester Buildings. Bibminoham— Cherry Street. London— l 4, King William Btreet,l. 0. Glasgow— 133, West George Street. Bristol— Corn Btreet Leeds— l 2, East Parade. Newcastle— 40, Mosley Street Dubuw— 9, Lower Saokville Street OJJAIBMAW
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  • 18 10 On the 12th October. Ricbaku G. Jambu, ag. d+2 years Penang and C<tlutta p ipera pleaae copy.
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  • 169 10 I.ATKST MARKET QUOTATIONS, Sinoapoke, 13th October, 1883. 1 Uambier 7.17 J. Black Pepper 17.0. White Pepper, fair quality 27 t Sago Flour, Sar 2 7-4 Pearl Sag.. 3.'V Coffee, Bonthvnr U.L'o. Tapioca, small Flake 3*. Tin 2900. 40a. MuletwiHt 94. -X lbs. Shirtings IML 7 do
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  • 76 10 Tc~t«K Pot p«r o« Bangkok, 9*ry Wongtt, 6 p.m. Penanf »m1 t/»ndttn. Ar\tcn*r, '< p.m. i'o-MOKBOW. ''■■1..mh0. Aden, Suez and Marseilles, Europe, II a.m. Katavin Samaraog, Paknam. i p.m. MonnAT. Muutok A. Palembang. Rufcy. 7 a.m. Billiton 4 Pontianak, B. Whatt Soon, 11 a.m. Labuan, Krdat and Sandakan,
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  • 601 10 fFor S'rii/s Time*.) FItANLE. London, [Hi Or/.— The Spanish Ainl>a.--a<lor has resigned. Both. S.i 11 Kvrlyn Wood favors the withdrawal of iha British troops in H. M. S. Ply left this morning for Sarawak. The total return of visiton to the Raf- a.. T :i. „,A AmwLmm tl.a
    Reuter  -  601 words
  • 503 10 Siam has responded nobly to the call upon her generosity on behalf of the sufferer* in Java. The Siam IVeelrly Advertiter of 6th October publishes tbe lilt of subscription* to that date, amounting to 8U,436.07i, and adds:— Thi* is probably the first time in the hisiory
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  • 1178 10 We extract the following items from the Home Newt of tin; 14th September. The halcyon era of universal peace, de- spite the prophecies of the Time*, is still I remote. Whether we aurvey the condi- < tion of Europe or look further East, the prospect is clouded with
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  • 1333 10 (Translate/I from Sjniniih neiopapfrt.) Sooloo [From a correspondent lt is my intention, '"■•h in tbia lett- r and in succeeding uopi, to furaish the render* of jour estimable j •urn-.l with partteahv any wveuto h ipp-tiiii/ at this stttion which may prove of interest to those who priJ»
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 951 10 £tto 9Ubfrttunnrnt«. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING. FIRST DAY. |TDIBDAY, 16th OCTOBER, 1883. First Racb. Gbard Stand Cup.— Value $150. A selling rate for all hone*. All bone* te be entered at a declared value from $200 to $400. If valued at $400 to carry Hat. 7 lbs. with an
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    • 852 10 #rto 2>«brrtiWhtnt«. put up to auctioned sold to tbe highest bidder. Any mrplns over the entered price to go to tbe Race Fund. Delivery to ho taken and money paid by eight o'clock p.m on the day of tbe race. Every claim must bo made to one of the Stewards
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    • 749 10 f^rlu !3lJbfrittrni flits. TOWN HA LI,. ENTHUBI ABT7T" RE('EPTION. HA.WLEY'3 ITALIAN OPER4 COY. SATURDAY. 13th OCTOBER, 1883. Last performance of the eight subscription n'ghta. Verdi's Grand Tragic Opera, RIGOLETTO. Aborts. II Duca Di Maßtova ..Signor C. Modini. Rigoletto, Hi* Buffoon Signor H [maschi. Gilda, diught.r of Rigoletr.v.. Signorina r L.
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    • 469 10 #Uto afcbcr:;srnunt«. Ex 6. S. Glbnfruin." We are now (bowing a large assortment of new goods, in addition to our well aasorted large stock, undernoted are a few spouialititv Black Dreas Silks, at 90 cent*, $1.35 and I $1.7"i p r yard. Colored Silka in Brochei, Fancy and Groagraioa. Morie
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 58 10 WEATHER REPOBT. aToftdafty Karbow Hotpital, llth October 1883. By. rod. ii Fah, HS-H0 tt'KM.MMJ Tamp 840 MS 80 0 Munio* uT«rW«t Bulb Tliar. 78-0 79 v 770 out, diy clouSir. ot Wind N.W. N.W. ,C*lm. ly, nifht flu. Max. Tmuj.. in shad* S7 J «Bb. do do 757 Max. in
      58 words

  • 1653 11 (Trantlated from Dutch neii-sp"/ liitna. MA S-pt'nih,r—Vf<- h■ ir with pleasure that aim >.' cartainlj tific invMtesation into the recant v. loania phenomena in Sundi Atraite will b» aodertaken by Mr. R. D W. Verbeelt, a firuining engineer, lately returned from En. ropeand now in noa-aotftitj at
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  • 37 11 Ovum 1883. Aug. 9 C. Felhnger Antwerp. 26 Will o' the Wisp... Hull. 27 Laju London. 80 Ajax Liverpool SO Stamboul Marsillee 31 Cairnsmuir London. Sept. 8 Btentor Liverpool H Ngankin Glasgow. II Telemachus London.
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  • 98 11 1883 Jane. 7 Mercator Liverpool. 21 Jalo Cardiff. Jaly 2 Hiram Emery do 3 AdeleC. Swansea. 10 Lorenrino Shields. 18 Fratelli Doge Cardiff. zi Patagonia Hamburg. 80 Plinio Cardiff. 31 Oio Batta do Aug. 8 £speranc« do S Arvio do K evolving Light do 10 Oiuseppina Bertollo
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  • 133 11 1R83. June 2 John M. '"'lark New York: 7 Nipoti Aeoame do R do 10 Taurida Newport. 15 E. T. O. New York. 11 N'unni Newcastle. 18 Annie M. Small New York. 21 Cap do 21 Mary S. Ame« do 23 J. J. Loti N«w York.
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    • 100 11 h VnaiL's Sam*. and I Captain. Fkom. Sailxo. Cokiicuhm. Oct. 12 Albany Brit. str. 1489 Daily 12 An tenor Brit. str. 1654 Bragg 12 Laju Biit. atr. 1246 Mann 12 Europe Fch. str. 1295 Valadier 12 Ban Whatt Soon Brit. itr. lWCockburn IS Sherard O»born Brit. ttr. lVOMerrall 13
      100 words
    • 83 11 j j I j Dati. Vbml's Nam. IFlao Rio. Caitaik. Dehtikatioic. 1 13 U 13 IS 13 13 IS IS 13 13 Loinaa 111 Rul.y Normanby Sury Wongne Antenor i Europe Paknair. Seine Lamington Brit. »tr. Brit. str. Brit ttr. Qer. atr. Brit. str. Fch. »tr. Brit. »tr. Brit.
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    • 637 11 atty trror or omiwion Si the abore Shipping in th#k*rWr. "t 1 1 KI.AU j I Vkssel's Name. CiPiiiM. am) 5 Vkritid Fbom. Conbiunhs. [Ration Kxo_ Men-of-war Champion Collini H.M. str 2380 Sept. 24 Bataria Senior Natal OftWr. Station Sea Belle Huddle Col. itr. 600 Oct.
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 637 11 fiotiffe. in ihi: noooa of WTJINt; BOOR WHAT.— Deceased Pursuant t the Ti uelees an.l M geea' P .wera t, 1-.;.; is hereby given thut all creditor* and other persons bnvin «ny claim* or demands sgainst the estite of Wl'lN'O Boon What deceased, formerly of Singa. p re. BBd Letters
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    • 829 11 #tottrcs. HONGKONG WI) SHANGHAI BANKING CORIf) RATION. Paid-up Capital ..$6,000,000. Instalment receiv. 926 7fiVfi! Ed on New Shares Reserved Fund J2,500,r00. Instalments of Pre- ROS mium received on 698>3li 13 N.«- Shares <(.1'..-,.i:i.;.n Co'-ito-- Dirfctork:— Wm. Xi in* I Deputy Chairman— W. S. Youno. Eao, H. L. Dalrymplc, Esq.
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    • 395 11 A FLOWER SHOW Will br held in the BOTWI Al, CARDENS. oa THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. 10th and Uth January O|x>n on the Fir Dn f r ..m p. M. until .Ink :ind ..n the Bfeond Day from fi A. M ti 1 10 A. M-frn-n 3p M till F- M
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    • 324 11 flotuti. TO I WARINGA HILL. Splendid family residence charmingly situated in the Paterson Road, Tunglin. Capital view of tbe snrrounding faabionable district. Remarkably cool; good supply of spring water gaa laid on good stabling. I'<>WELL Co..— Agents. Singapore, 4th September, STEAM LAUNCH Fi Liboth 3<». Beam J I depth i
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 730 12 fßisrrllanrous. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARTS WATER, The Natural Soda Watbb. The qneen of table waters." British Medical Joubnal. APOLLINARIS WATER. sSsT* Supplidl continuously to the Table of H. B. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES during the last five years. APOLLINARTS. THE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Mbdical
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    • 713 12 Jfrtorrd and iHmfcan&fSr. JOHN LTTTLE CO. RAFFLE8 PLACE, SINGAPORE. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers of Provisions. Groceries, Oii.mam Storks. Cigars, Tobaroo, Hardware, Glassware, Lumps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods. Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfittern. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 1017 12 Sortts. TUB TAVTONOPAOAR DOOIC COMPANY LIMITED. Thi work* of the Company afe situated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz Wharf. Affording berthage for twenty vo w.'ls Xt one time with sufficient water tl >ngside for vessels of the heaviest
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    • 875 12 Sorh. refitting and coaling ot ateamers, also Shears complete for takintr out masts. Boilers to Further information may be had at the i Office of Me«»rs. Paterson, Simons A* Co., General Agents, who forward Telegram* to tho Donk fnw OHARLKB WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c) fiotirrs.
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    • 815 12 #ottrts. FOR SALE. A nnrober nf good TesW wood build Palanquin Carringe!), suitable for horse* or galloways, and are the moat suitable con* veysnees for this climate. Prices moderate. Anplv to P. P. HOOHSTADT A Co. Carriage Pnilders, corner of Hill Street 4 Stamford Road. Singapore, 24tb Angt.,lBP3. (to 24/9/83.
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    • 755 12 flOtlffg. ROBINBON CO. •-'3 ('(ii.lter Quay, Sinoapore. (opposite the Club.) Drapers. Milliner*. Silk Mercers. Haberdashers, Glovers, and General Outfitters. Gbhtlfmen's Outfiti ing Department. Every description of clothing made on the shortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, serges, broadcloths for selection. Calf walking
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    • 689 12 flotitt. J. MOTION. Chbonomktbr, Watch akd Clock Maker, and Optician. Flint Street. Has always on hand a well *elected stoic If Jewellery, Watche*, Clocks, Nauti. al onstrnments, Ac, comprising Bracelet*, Ladies' gold watches Brooches, Gents' ditto., Earrings, Silver watches, Lockets, Amerioan docks Ladies' rings, Carriage docks. Signet rings, Marble clocks,
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