The Straits Times, 11 October 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times vol.. XXIV. NEW BERIES SiJNGAroIiE, THURSDAY. 11th OCTOBER, 1883 DAILY ISSUE. No. 15.129
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 449 1 jfrtram *!>ip (Som^antre. \K AM' ORIKK NAVIGATION COMPANY L,»uay. New Hari jpiAIL I IMS. JV um..Tni'ted are thedatoH on winch J' mj'uny'H Mail Steamers may be ciII t.. arrive at Singapore during the bflgg \jITWABI>. 1 6 R l ir IMb y «'i^Bth wb\ BSEIUjES AND LOVDON. v il pi.
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    • 663 1 *tr,i n £>f)fp ComnantfS. THK MBPRAGERIBfI MARITIMFS OOMPANT. The following are the dates on which hi (teamen of the McssagerivH Maritimes may hf exp.-. T.-.i to arrive here during the current Outward. v»rd. M' mlay l.'.th Oct. Thurmlny 11th Oct. 2f>tJi Monday 2flth 12fli Nov. utl. 26th 26th loth
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    • 733 1 strain £Wp Companies. DE NEDERLANDKCfMNDIROHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPII. TTnd.r Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London. E. 0L Rfad Agfncv Batatia. The following ure the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in conn. ction with the mail steamers of the P. A O. S. N.
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    • 779 1 *tf3m *htp Companfr*. N.B.— The steamer d<^es the voyags in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangi". Natal, Sihoga, Baros, Singkel, Goenneng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and bark from Aoheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Bitoelie, Singkel, Baros Ar., for Padanu. On another month via Priaman, Aierbangis. Natal, Sibosra. Baros, Singkel, Goenoersr Sitoolio,
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    • 572 1 fnsmranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INBURANO*> COMPANY Head Office, Batavia. The undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risk* upon by steamer or sailing vessel on the nntomary terms. 334. o/o discount allowed on all risks t coasting voyages, and 1 5 o/o on all rinks t
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    • 609 1 Insurawr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messrs .Turdine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. v *2™ n rtfUm! raiidaX'wiiw Co. A. T.Manw. fM««r«.T>On'Uii,l*praik*r... H Nioala*. (Ronuo Company Ltd.) iv ReBlMl0 ■> 'J- J- Jos Rnudlo* Co.) The undersigned are the
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    • 532 1 fnsuranrr. LANCASHIRE INSURANOM OOMPANT. Oapitai, £3,000,000. OFFIOBBOFTHH OOMPANT. Manchester— Exchange Street. Liverpool— 4, Manchester Building*. Birmingham— Cherry Street. Londoh— U, King William Street, I. 0. Glasgow— 133, West George Street Bristol— Corn Street Leeds— l 2. East Parade. Newcastle— 40, Moaley Btreet Dublin— 9, Lower Seokvill* Street CHAIBMAIf IW MANOHMTSB.
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  • 170 2 LATSBT MAKKET I^UOrATMNS. Sinoapobs, 11th October, 18S3. tf»uibier MT|. Black Pepper 16.75. White Pepper, fair quality. J7. i Sago Flour, Sar -J.T-'i Pearl Sag) :».'•"> Coffee, Bonthyno M.Su. Tapioca, small Flake 3.15. Tin 29.15. to*. Mul.' twist... 94. 1* Ibi. Suirtingi I.VJi. 7 do do 1.42
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  • 53 2 T©-DAT. nr V Bangkok Vony Senj 6 p.m. Eumpo. o**4. P"--1 ..-M.KKOW. Malacca aii'l FVn:in^'. Benmorc, 1 p.m. Sarawak. H. M.S. Fly. fi p.m. Hatavi... ft'rnim*, p.m. bATDBDAI. MuDtok A I'iilembmitf «uiy. 1 1 a.m. MOMDAT. La>»iau, anl S.inUkan. Banca, 1 p.m. Deli. Ganymede. 1 p.m. Manila.
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  • 861 2 ('For SirsiU T,mm.) Tiu Cmaiswiioh. Lvnduit, 10M Oct.— Don Juan. U(.ohi CtWIMM Kk\.m B. (i.iicral C.'am(MjiM>n ha* ImM a |> Ministt r of war. M. Vu.LKßOi.tlie newly appointed Chancellor of the French Consulate here in ■MOMMM to the late M Cazaban. iirrived this ruorniiikT from Shanghai hi
    Reuter  -  861 words
  • 433 2 lr will Iw remembered that the i< Crylon, formerly belonging to tin 1 I. >t 0 Company, under the command o: Luuham, visited Singapore in the Utter part of lsHl or early' part of ISS2 with a party of tourists on a vo\ nrr round the world.
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  • 755 2 Thi Straiti Timet make* a mistake when it asserts that Geok Teat and hit friendi were the first Btraits born Chinese to visit Kuroj* We can testify that Mr. K. S. Tat of this town went through Europe some three years ago. And Peoang born Chinese have sent
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  • 811 2 The shorthand rewrts of the meet- inijs of the Legislative Council on the 28tb September and the 2nd October have been at last published The former U vi v lengthy, the E-timate% beinjj ably criticised by the Hon'bles J. Graham and W. G. Gulland, and explained
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 882 2 abbfrtrttmrntf. HE SPORTING CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING. FIRST DAT. ITJESDAT. 16th OCTOBER, First Raci. (}ra*i) Stand Cup.— Value A selling rfce for all horses. All bora.. to b. entered at a declartd value from I-' 1 to $400 If valued at $4i>" to carry 11 »t. 7 lb«. with an allowance
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    • 798 2 flrto ?.*berttormrnt«. put up t.. tlu; '-''ifhert bidder. Any tnrplw over the entered I price to to the Race Fund Delivery ken and nioney paid by eight oVl.vk |..m .in the day M thr rao». Every claim must be made to OM of the Stewards i within a quarter of
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    • 828 2 itrtb a&bfrttetmrnts. foi; Mkshrs. Apcae ACo -I. ain.r Japan, ':ict. Gardner, in i xra t here on or About !'2nd inst en rout? for tbov* ports. Intending pans. m;''is must apply to the indrrsigned fur passage tickets before >rooeeding on board, otherwise they will lot lie admit ti<l on board.
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    • 399 2 ftrto aibcrtiirmrnts. TOWN HALT. BNTBUSIASTI RECEPTION HAWLEYS ITALIAN OPERA COY. THURSDAY. 11th OTTOBIff, 1883. Verdis Grand Ofkka, ERNANI. ARTIBTIS. Elviih ..Siit" i in -i L Carlo V. Klrif JBigmot Hi r«araaschi. Ruy O. me* Silv* .>i«n>.r B. Ronconi. gaorO. -itfff.nini. 6 ptor x-'i' 1 14 Ein;.in I*"' toalai Dir.Tt'ir of
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 61 2 WEATHER REPORT. Kandang Karbo* Hotpitol, loth October 1883. 11l x 3m. U p.m. limiu. lUr.rad.S2 K«.h, 29 »S4 »88U »WO Tamp I 7»4 Md 76 5 MonugolouWet Bulb Th*r. 76 0 76 0 75 v Jj, <1»7 pv Dir.ofWind B. N. W.Calm.tUliy •loudy, Mai. Tuap. Id .hid. S4 .tit olatr.
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  • 1190 3 THE GOVERNMENT LAND PURCHASE IN PENANG. ipon it over md head:c<>me any Fcnatig thu importivhether editorial prtaaed nr n t. in a;. :n In tb' casi >f adults times f I and nnerasa- Conn- c>uld r and shall even that which I, Mr. Graham truly puts it lath if we
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  • 1896 3 The correspondent of the China Mail writes as follow* C.inr.Ki Monday, Ist Oct— The r.-«ult of login's trial has spread it) the city and miburbs like wild fire, and his greatly ex. ™h|>. rite! thii Chinese. They do not an. d Htund Kniflinli law ;iud SMWOI
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  • 43 3 1883. Auf C. Fellinger Antwerp 14 Libu London. 21 Sarpedon Liverpool 26 Will o p the Wisp... Hall. Ib Isla de Mindanao Barcelona IS Lamiogton Olaago*. !7 Laju L>al.n. SO Ajax Liverpool. SO Stamboul MarsiUes 31 Cairnsmuir L)ndon. 31 Olenfruin do
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  • 86 3 1883 7 \S.-r-«v Liverpool II J»ln Cardiff. J«ly t Hiram Emery do 3 AdeleC. Swansea 10 Lorenzino Shields. 16 Fratelli Dog* Cardiff. II Patagonia Hamburg. 30 Plinio Cirdilf. 31 Oio B\lt» do Aug. 3 Etp»ra-i'-« 'lo 3 Arvio do 8 Revolving Light do 10 Oiuseppina Bertoll- do
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  • 133 3 1883. Apr. 2."> Ouilia Ann» New York Hay. 5 B»rbic» do 8 Harry Douglas do Jans 2 John M. Hark New York. 7 Kipoti Accams do 8 Mabel do 10 Taurida Nswport. IS E. T. O. New York IS Nanna Newrsstls. 18 Annie M. Smull N»w
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    • 101 3 tx's Kami. and Captain. From. Sailid. Coksiokim. Rio- i Jet. 10 CoUba 10 Ulenfruin 10 Kinirne 10 Ruby 10 Oiuj 10 Salradora 11 Hungarian 1 1 Xormanb* •r. 1115 Henderson Rangoon Brit. str. 1335 Vorman London M M Mr "27 Barth*lemy Bataria Brit. str. 149 Port ridi>e Pa'bang M.M.
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    • 67 3 Date. Vessel's Nami. Flao A. Rio. Caftain. Dintinatiow. Mi 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 I.iban Q.G.s" Jacob Oraaf van Brlandt Annetia May Flower Picciola Baghdad Ban Tong Sen« Feb. itr. Dut. itr. Dnt. itr. Ital. bq. Brit. str. Oer. str. Brit. str. Brit. itr. Labie d^ Hart
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    • 652 3 VtsVk VlDhlL'S NiMX. 'illAlN. AND I RHIVBDI KBOM. I 'OKHIOSIIH. D'aTISM KlO. *ia« ud A K -.'nt» of TMteU »r» requested t«> communion r< f«r4 "ny error or omiuira in th» »boT» Shipping in th« har Men-of-war Champion Collins H.M. str M80Sept. »i Batavm Vival Officer.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 25 3 TO LET. BUdNSIDE. TANG LI N. With Entrt vrom Ist Octobm. Appy to" A. B." at the Su .'t» Times" offioe. 8i D gi' W/W/S3.
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    • 865 3 n-OWER SHOWWILL BE HELD IN THE BOTANICAL GARDENS. ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, 10th and 11th January Open on tbe First Day from 3 P. M. until dark and on tbe Second Day from 6 A. M till 10 A. M from 3 P K. till 6 P. M. and from
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    • 310 3 florifw. FOR SALE. A Gambier Press in good order. POWELL A Co.. Auctioneers. Singapore. 'Jlut Sept I--LIEBK; COMPANY'S EXTRACT Of HIAT Finest and Obaapeat Meat Flavouring Stock for, Mi,],- Diabea and Invaluable for Imiia. as an i-fnci.-nt tonic in' 1 .'liumtea und for any length of time. Lnßia Oompavt'i
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    • 392 3 fioutts. FOR A Horse, ridden for the past 2} years by a Lady, Apply to POWELL A Co., Auctioneer*. Bingap re. 18th Sept THE SIMMER SI it. Ladiea. and all exposed to tho scorchinir rays of the sun and heated particles of dust, will find tbat the most axilir"* and
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 698 4 4Ri*ttllanrotio. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARTS WATER, Thi Natural Soda Wate*. "Tbe qneen of table waters." British Medical Journal. APOLLINARIS WATER. CsT Supplied continuously to the Table nf H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES during the last five years. APOLLINARTS, TRE NATURAL BODA WATER. 'Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Midical
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    • 668 4 ♦torrs ann iHrrrfcattowr. JOHN LITTLE CO. RAFFLES PLAGE, SINOAPORK. WINE AND SPTRTT MERCHANTS. Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware. Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness. Crockery, Electro Plnted Ware. Jewellery. Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods. Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock maVera. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 962 4 Sorbs. tCK DOMPAVY The works of the Oompany art- situated a' Tanjong Pugar, «uhin one mile of the town of Singapore, *rj'l comprise the folI >wing establishments, viz Wharf.— AfTor >me berthage for twenty voi-els nt one time with sufficient water tl >fiir«i k s of the heaviest d-tnght, and
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    • 859 4 feorfc. refitting and coalingotsteamers, also Shears complete for taVinf ont masts. Boiler* to Fnrtb«r information may hn bad at the Office of Me*«m. Pateroon, Simons A On., r>»n«ral Agent*, wno forward Telerrams to tri« T)o<»V fro.^ OHARLEB WISH ART. Manager. Singapr,re Ist July 1875. (v. c.) flottrrs. Local Delivery. Tn
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    • 816 4 notices. FnR SALE. A "umber of gfvd TenV wn<-d bnild Palanquin Carrr-ges, suitable for horses or galloways, and am the most suitable conveyances for this climate. Prices moderate. Ar>plv to P. P. HOCHSTADT A On. Carriage Puilders. corner of Hill Street A Stamford Road. Singapore. 24th Angt.,lB?3. (to 24/9/83. FOR
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    • 826 4 #ottrrs. KOBINSON CO. 23 Coi.i.yfr Quay, Pinoapore. (opposite the Club.) Drapers. Milliners. 9ilk Meroers. Hsberdashers, Glovers, and General Outfitters. T Gf.«tlfmbn's Outfitting Department. 0 ■very description of clothing mide on the shortest notice by an experienced Gutter, fit guarantee, a good assortment .if tweed*, worsteds, sergeK, broadcloths for selection. T
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    • 677 4 #Otftf. J. MOTION. Oheonometkr, Watch and Cxook Maker, and Oi>ticia*. Flint Street. Has always on hand a well selected stotk If Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Nauti. a! nstruments, Ac, comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold watches Brooches, Gents' ditto., Barrings, Silver watches, Lockets, American clocks Nadies' rings, Carriage clocks, Signet rings, Marble clocks.
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