The Straits Times, 9 October 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times VOL. XXIV. xi.w ski: ii:s. SINGAPORE, TUESDAY. 9th OCTOBER, 1883. DAILY ISSUE. No. 15,127
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 467 1 jfrtratn &bip Compantre. \U AND OKIKNTAL -TEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY Office Collyer Quay. Godowns— New Harbour. VIL LINES. T.iE underacted are tbe dates on which .pany's Mail Steamers may be exarrive at Singapore dnnng the Homfwakp. Monday i?r.d <>t. Sth >.ov. lfiti, !«>> 30th s 1 28th MARSEILLES ANDLOM 1 Derean.
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    • 667 1 *tram *bip Compantrs. THK VFPSAGERIES MARITIMES COMPANY. The following are the dates on which •h.- steamers of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here dnring the current year:— Outward. Homkward. Monday lMh Oct. Thursday 11th Oct. 2!>th Monday Wth l?th Nov. lfth Nov. 26th Sfith 10th Dec. 10th
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    • 738 1 #>rram 4»t)tp Companies. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISOHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London. E. C. Hfad Aofnct Batatia. The following ure the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy.,
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    • 783 1 *train #!)fp Compamre. N.B. The steamer does the voyags in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas Rnd Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baros Ac, for Padang. On another month via Priaman, A.ierbangia, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 564 1 Induranrr. JAVA BEA AND FIRE INBURANO* COMPANY Head Office, Batatia. The underaigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared to take risk* upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33i 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all risk* t
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    • 615 1 Insuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANOB COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 664,203 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andr., E*,. (ifnm. M.lohor., ft fo.l J. P. Btn— Ot—T*. HoUId«T,WIM a Co. VT. Munr, rM*Mn.Don.Tlu.T*pr»lk*Co. ?'"i' 'B«™o Cobput Ltd.) i, 11 ■•■•Ilos, (J. J.
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    • 533 1 Insurance. LANCASHIRE INSURANOM COMPANY. Capital £3,000,000. OFFIdBS OF THK COMPANY. Manchester— Kzohanfr* Btr«et. Liverpool— 4, Manchester Buildings. BiRM inoham— Oherrr Street. I,ondon— l4, King William Street,!. O. Glasgow— l 33, West George Btr«wt. Bristol— Corn Street Leeds— l 2, East Parade. Newcastle— 4o, Moaley Street. Dublih— 9, Lower Sack-rill* Street
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  • 170 2 TUESDAY, 9th OCT., 1883. STRAITS TIMES LATEST MAKKET QUOTATIONS, Singapore, 9th October, 1883. (iambier 7.15. rflack Pepper 16.75. White Pepper, fair quality. 27. Sago Flour, Sar 2.7^4 Pearl Sago 3. Coffee, Konthyno 12.76. Tapioca, small Flake 3.1.5. Tin 2930. 40s. Mule twist 94. *i lbs. Shirtings 1.55. 7 do do
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  • 25 2 To-morrow. for per Malacca, C«cti C. Smith, 1 p.m. Malacca and Klaus; Rainbow, 2 p.m. Bangkok. Bangkok, 4 p.m. Bangkok. McAUtter, 6 p.m.
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  • 123 2 REUTERS TELEGRAMS. (For Straits Times.) The Austral Enquiry. London, Bf4 Oct. Tbe Judgment of the Board of Trade Inquiry as to tbe capsizing of the Orient steamer Auttral, in Sydney harbour lias b.-en issued. The accident is attributed to water entering tbe after ports through coaling on one side only.
    Reuter  -  123 words
  • 32 2 The M. M. Co's homeward mail steamer Oxut, having left Saigon at 4 p. m. yesterday, and passed Cape St. James at 9 p. m., may be expected here on Thursday morning.
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  • 26 2 A public Blue Ribbon Temperance Meeting, will be held in the large hall at the Sailors Home, on Thursday tbe 11th Instant, at 7.45 p. m.
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  • 41 2 The new Colonial Government yacht, the Sea Belle, Captain Huddle, anchored in the roads this morniug from London. Tbe Sea Belle it schooner rigged, with double funnels, and in appearance resembles much the Siamese yacht Apollo, lately in the harbour here.
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  • 63 2 The croton mania appears to be still in full swing, not only in Rangoon, but in India, judging by the high prices crotons of rare varieties command. By one of the last Calcutta steamers a quantity of croton slips were brought over to Rangoon from the Botanical gardens. The price
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  • 66 2 The Karl of Carnarvon is a larger purchaser ot land in Australia than was at first stated. The Earl of Carnarvon, Sir Arthur Stepney, and Sir Julius Yogel, according to an announcement in tbe commercial columns of the Melbourne Argut, have purchased the pre-emptive right of purchase of pastoral properties
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  • 90 2 The China Mail of 29th September has the following paragraph, and characterises the statement therein as serious, if true The Wai-ian Tat-po has an article today giving the substance of a communication from a friend in Shanghai to the effect that all along the Yang-tie the country is ripe for
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  • 120 2 Ma. Robert Fbaser Smith of the Hongkong Telegraph is a<ain defendant in a prosecution tor litiel the plaintiff being the Hon. J. M. I'rioo, Surveyor General. Three articles are quoted as the basis of the prosecution, and it is claimed that they reflect on his honesty, and contain wicked and
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  • 132 2 Some people, says the Brisbane Week of the Bth September, credited the Redmonds with bringing their pigs to a bad market when they came to Australia. IV <m the patriotic point of view perhaps t'.ey did, but John will not go home an entirely disappointed man. He has been presented
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  • 137 2 Thb Jv. 0. Daily New* says The Swedish frigate Vanadi* i* expected in these waters next year, with His Royal Hig mess Prince Oscar, second son of the King ot Sweden, on board, as lieutenant-Je-ti iurau. The Vanadi*, which is commanded by Commodore O. Lagerberg, a very listinguished officer, leaves
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  • 448 2 On the Bth September a Coma was fonnel Tor the nh.t sufferers by the terrible disaster in Stind* Strait* caused by tlie almost unprecedented Volcanic Erupt i Krakatoa Island, and we hive to-day received for publication from the Chairman of the Committee, the Hon. Robert
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  • 166 2 We (JV. C. Daily A'<w«) bear from Canton that the Governor-General Chang is acting both energetically and sternly, and that a fair percentage of the rioters will lose tbeir heads. The news otherwise, is by no means reassuring. A bad spirit prevails not only in the capital but all over
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  • 226 2 The Hongkong Daily Preu of Ist October regrets to have to record the loss of another ship on this coast. The Superintendent of the Eastern Extension Telegraph Company received a telegram to the following effect from their agent at Boliano yesterday The American ship Choeorua, Captain Locke, from Hongkong to
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  • 231 2 cast 'Igirt this Company gave a ver? pleasing representation of Bellini's poputar opera La Sonnambula. H. K. the Governor and Lady Weld, with their daughters, were present, attended by Lieut. Cbolmondeley, A.D.C., and Mr. Clifford. The audience was much more numerous than on Saturday night, but
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  • 7920 2 Friday, 27th Septkhbii, tJ|[ Present. His Excbllenct Th< G >v*axoa The Hon'blr the Officer Com. the Troop., the Acting Cc.Unhi! >. cretary the Colonial I'r.-ai the Acting Auditor Genera! tin- Aotm^ C .1 tin! KngSfljlKF the Cummimi.iDiT ..f L lt J. Graham. W. O. Gullmd. H. il. U.-..1
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 947 2 £tto aUbrrtwrmrntf. SINGAPORE SPORTING CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING. FIRST DAY. TUBSDAT, 16th OCTOBER, 1883. First Raob. Grahd Stand Cup.— Value $150. A selling not Jot all horses. All horses H» entered at a declared value from 1200 to 1400. If valued at $400 to carry 11 st. 7 lbs. with an
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    • 892 2 &rto ?.»brrtisrmrntß. put ap to auctionand sold to tbe highest bidder. Any Rurplns over the entered price to go to the Race Fund. Delivery to be taken and morey paid by eight o'clock p.m on the day of the race. Every cliiim mast be made to one of the Stewards
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    • 852 2 tfrti) 9rjbrriisKnur.ts. FOR PENANG AM> C \LOUTTA. Mkhsrs. Apcab A Co b steamer Japan, Capt. Gardner, is «x; ted bern nor about -'2nd inst en route for ports. Intending passengers must apply to tbe undersigned for passage tickets before proceeding on board, otherwise they will not be admitted on
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    • 506 2 #rto atoiif;: rmrnw. TOWIS II ALL ENTHUSIASTIC RECEPTION. HAWLEYS ITALIAN OPERA COY. TO BSD AY, 9th OCTOBER, 18«3. Donizitt i'm Grand Serious Opera, LUCIA DI LAMMERMOOR. Artist&b. Lord Henry Ashton Signor G. Berga[maschi. Lucia, His lister Siguors Luisa Mar[chetti. Sir Edgardo of Riven wiod Signor Carlo [tfodiui. LorJ Arthur Pucklaw..Sigaor
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 57 2 WEATHER EEPOET. A'uadans Karbow Hotpital, Hth October 1883. 3».m. 9 r.n. Uiloii. Uu.nlS) hb, ■*> Ml It-Mi 9»'MS T»«>P- w^o 7*o 74 4 MornlMoloaW* bulb That. 78 .1 7»O !fS 8 I dr, uuli Dir. of Wiod J,,i ihiw.r .t 7 T.ioi>. ia.ta».i, m s.m.dajoT.r. Mta. do do Tt: out,
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  • 138 3 Holloway'i Pittt.— Hale Constitution*.— When the human frame has become debilitated from the effect* of exposure, excesses, or neglect, then these Pill* will work wonden. If they be taken according to the lucid direction* wrapped round each box, Holloway's Pill* exert the most exenu plary tonic qualities in all those
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    • 134 3 Flao Vbssbl'i Name. and j Cattaw. From. .uiud t'oKiitxiw. Hio. Oct. 8 Sunibawa Dut. atr. 4"0 Timmerman Hatavia Oct. 6 Bouitead i. Co. 8 Hanirk >k Sia. itr. 315 Hoctareuter Baniftok Oct. 4 Poh Leong Bin. 8 Marlborough Brit. str. 117S Kinath Sounbajk Oct. 6 Goh Ouan Loo. 8
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    • 41 3 Dats. Vmul'i Nake. Flau ft Kio. CAJTAIir. Destihatioh. Oct 8 Pontianak 8 Marlborough 9 Billiton 9 Hong Ann Brit. str. i Brit. itr. Brit. rtr. Brit. itr. Jonea Kunath Co iran Slaker Billiton ft Pontianak. Saigon. Pcnang via port*. Labuan.
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    • 722 3 Capt aiua and Agents ol vessels are rsgosatod to oomsaanicate wit a this olc. rsftrsiiag 1 any sr*«w ot emission t th* abovs Shippiß, la Us hartow. Fla« Vmsbl'i Nam. Caftaik. awd g luim Fbom. Coniiok». 1 Bio- c-_ j I Men-of-war Sar.g.b. 175 Aug. Sarawak
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 75 3 iloturs. WANTED TO PUROHABir A Tacht, not exceeding 10 ton*. Particular* and price to be forwarded to J. P. JOAQUIM. Honorary Secretary, Singapore Tioht Club. Singapore, 12th Sept., 1883. TO LET. BURNSIDE, TANOLIN. With Entrt feom Ist Octobib. Apply to A. B." at the Straits Times" office. Singapore, 26th Sept.,
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 687 4 itttcfrrllanroutf. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARTS WATER, Thb Natural Soda Watbb. Tut qneen of table waters." British Medical Joubral. APOLIiINARIS WATER. CsV Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINC* OF WALES during the last five years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 1 Fbt superior to manufactured aerated waters,
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    • 675 4 Jttorrd anH iWrrrbantnst. JOHN LITTLE CO. RAFFLES PLACE, Singapore. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Impobtebs of Pbovisions, Gbocbbies, Oilmam Stobes. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware. Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plnted Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfnmery. Fancy Good*, Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfittern. Watch and Clock maker*. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 1019 4 iDorfcs. TRI vt: noOK OOMPANT LIMITED. The works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, vithin one mile of the town .>f Sii(j»pore, tnl comprise the folhwing establishments viz Wharf. Affording berthagefor twenty m >t me 'imp with sufficient water •side for ve.iwls of the heaviest dr.insrht, and pr
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    • 924 4 Bork. refitting and coaling ot steamers, alto Shears complete for takin? out masts. Boiler* to Further information may be had at the O*l«w> of Messrs. Paterson, Bimont A 00., Owners. l Agents, who forward Telegrams to the Doo.V fro> OHARLEB WIBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) floutt*. local
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    • 792 4 Hotrn*. FOR RALE. A number of good TeaV woM build Palanquin Carriages, suitable for horses or galloways, and are the most suitable con* veyances for this climate. Prices moderate. Apply to P. P. HOCHBTADT A 00. Carriage Pnilders. corner of Hill Street A Stamford Road. Singapore, 24th Augt, 18P3. (to
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    • 811 4 ftottrru. KOBTXSON CO. 23 Collyfb Quay, Stnoapobe. (opposice the Club.) Draper*. Milliners. Silk Kereer*. Haberdasher*, Glovers, and General Outfitter*. Gb*tlfmf.n'« Outfitting Department. Every description of clothi"g made on the shortest notice by an experienced C"nt- ter, fit enaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worsteds, serges, broadcloths for •election. Calf walking
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    • 673 4 fiOtUt. J. MOTN 1 Chmonometbb, Watch and Makeb. and ('iticiaw. V Fl INT STRBBT. pi as always on hand a well selected ttook If Jewellery, Watches, Clocks, Nat. on Jtruments, Ac, comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold watobrs B r „ipches. Gents' ditt EarrinfcT". Bilver watches, Locket*- American clocks Ladies' rings, Carriage
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