The Straits Times, 5 October 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 19 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV. NEW ski; IKS. fellNGAl'OllE, FRIDAY, sth OCTOBER, 1883 I DAILY ISSUE. 1 No. 15,124
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 409 1 4B»tram &>t)ip (Com; awr«. I llyer Quay. New Harbour. MAIL 1 [NEB. D wuicn iny*i Mail Steamers may be eiirrive at Singapore during the BB^BBSW IP't U'th 3rd Dec. 28th RSKILI.ES ANDLOVDON. A W Adamson. 1 nday. 22nd passengers direct to MarRETURN TICKETS. APOBF TO VINICI OR MARBEILLIB AND
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    • 658 1 strain #h!u Compantr?. I TIMES COMPANY. The following are the date* on which •he steamer* of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here during the current year:— OfTWARD. HOWKWAKD. ; Oct. Monday 11th Oct. 2!>th 2f»th 12th Nov. 12th Nov. Ntt 2fith 10th Pec. 10th Dec. 2»th 24th
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    • 739 1 £>tram *htp Companies. DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contract* with the Netherlands, Indian Government*.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. < L Head Agency Batatia. The following ure the dates on which the Company* Steamer* running in connection with trie mail steamer, of the P. A O. 8. N.
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    • 780 1 £>tratn #t)tp Companies. N.B.— The steamer doe* the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baros Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangis, Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 572 1 Insurance-. 1 JAVA SEA AND FIRE INBURANOT COMPANT Head Office, Batatia. Thb undersigned, Agents for the above Company, are prepared^ to take risk* upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33i 0/0 discount allowed on all risk, f coasting voyages, and 1 5 0/0 on all
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    • 618 1 insurance. THB HONOKONO FTRE INBURANOB COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 Oevkral Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A Co. Hongkong. <"'• nsulting Committee. A. Andr., iM«Mn. Malohan, Co.) J. P. Barnoi (Mmm. Holllday-Wta. Co. J, l-, M nt i 'M««™.r)oiirla..Lapralk*Co. 1 t 1 <B°n»o Company Ltd.) i.
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    • 503 1 insfuranrr* LANOABHIRE INSTTRANOH COMPANY. Capital «3.000,000. OFFICBB OFTHB COMPANY. Manohbsteb— Rxohang* Street. Liverpool— 4, Manchester Building.. BiBMiNOHAM-Oherry Street. London— U, King William S*J«et,B. 0. Glasgow— 133, West George Btr«et. Bristol— Corn Street Leeds-12, East Parade. Nbwcastls— 40, Mosley Btreet. Dublin— o, Lower SaokviUe Street CHAIRMAN IB MANOHBSTBB. John Todd, B*q.
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  • 174 2 STRAITS TIMES FRIDAY, In OCT., 1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. SINQAPORI, STH OCTOBBft, 1883. Uambier 7.10. rtlack Pepper 16.75. White Pepper, fair quality. 27. Sa K o FL.ur, Sar L\7,V Pearl Bag.> 3.15. i'uffe<», Bonthyn* 1 12.75. Tapioca, (mall Flake 3.15. Tin 2945. 40s. Mole twist 94 -J lb». Shirting! 1.55.
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  • 54 2 TO-BOBROW. for '•< Penang an.] London, OUnoyle. 1 p.m. Mala ca nn 1 Kl-in^. l<nui 1 p.m. Batavia. AWo, 4 p.m. SOWDAT. Penang, Colombo and Bombay, Pandora, 7 a.m. Hongkong, Swat >w and Amoy, Tonnan. 1 p.m. Labuan and Sandak n. Hong Ann. 6 p.m. Mowdat. Bangkok, Hecuba, 11
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  • 29 2 REUTER'S TELEGRAMS (For Straits Times.) TONQUIN. London, \tk Oct. It is reported that the French Government refuses to make any Cooeaaaioa to China beyond the neutralization ot Northern Tooquin.
    Reuter  -  29 words
  • 58 2 We are requested to remind owner* of horses that the Entries for the forthcoming Races are to be sent in before noon to-morr<>w. Ia the absence of Mr. Adams the Honorary Secretary, tlwv should be sent to Mr. W. A. Cadell, Clerk of the Course. Galloways and ponies are to
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  • 11 2 Six hundred and thirty-nine men visited the Sailors' Kest last month.
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  • 58 2 We understand that it is the intention of the Siamese Government to form a canal and railway to Korat, about 101 miles to the north-east of Bangkok, for the purpose of drawing the produce from that rich and important district to the Capital. The preliminary survey will be commenced by
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  • 63 2 We understand that the Clubs' Lottery papers connected with the forthcoming Races are now ready for signature. They are to be found in the writing room of the Singapore Club or on application to Mr. John Fraser, who again undertakes the management of tbe Lotteries. The Drawing will take place
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  • 73 2 Wj: would remind our readers of tbe performa'iee in the Town Hall to-night, by lldvii'v'i Italian Opera Company, of Verdi's world renowned chef d'&uvre, JJ Trovatore, under the distinguished patronage and presence of rfis Kicellency the Governor and Lady Weld. Signorina Celdo will make her debut on the Singapore stage
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  • 98 2 We hear that the sons of Krin are again to do battle vs. the Worl.l at Cricket, and we wish them the success they had on the previous occasions they played, but they must look w»ll to it, for "tfca World" is going to be represented by a strong team
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  • 94 2 KafiM i'iri ot Inquiry, consisting of R. S O'Connor, Esq., Senior Magistrate, as President, E. Bradberv, K-j J.P., and Join Blair, Rsq J P., Assessors, assembled this Rtonuag at the Senior Magistrate^ Court, to inquire into certain charges preferred a-. Welner, late master of IsM Hongkong, by Messrs. Bun Ilin
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  • 106 2 Ax official Circular has been despatched from the I'nited States Department of State at Washington, dated MM August, to all IT. S. Embassies and Consulates abroad, announcing the death of Jeremiah S. Black on the 19th August. Mr Buck had been at one time Secretary ot State, and also Chief
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  • 322 2 A mysterious murder was reported to "he Police on Monday night. The victim was a man named Xoor Ahmat, a coachman in the service of the Italian Co— l, I'avaliere Ferdinand de Goyzueta. The deceased had driven his master to and from Government House on Monday evening the sVd
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  • 170 2 His numerous frienls will learn with sorrow of the loss at sea, by drowning, of Captain Kidd, of the Ocean Company's steamer Ajax. The Ajax left Liverpool on the 30th August for the Straits and China, and must have encountered very heavy weather, for we find the following report among
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  • 220 2 The Hongkong Daily Press of the 27th September contains the following account of the wreck of the British ship O. C. Tru/ant:— Tue. British ship O. C. Tru/nnt. left Hongkong on the 2£tb August bound for New Tort wit b a light < 'ant' >n cim ten days out, during
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  • 198 2 The Secretary of State for the ColoaiM i has been pleased to appoint J. W. Bonser, I Esq., Barrister-at-Law, to be Attorney General, Straits Settlements. Mr. Bonser reported his arrival in the Colon v on the 29th ultimo. 11. E. the Governor has been pleased to
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  • 300 2 The following telegrams were accidentally omitted in yesterday's Telegraphic summary Cooktoicn, Uth September The labor ressel Levina has returned, and reports that the Government Agent (Mr Steedman), mate, and two of the crew were attacked by natives for sake of plunder. On landing Mr Stcedman was shot dead, which was
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  • 406 2 Tb-< g N,d folkUM^" very paiuful un.l xt.irtT^^k r«a«y!* moruiug. Jua I wart ii- .ir 1 m tlienMß if ma Hotel, and on the initiates ing turning out t > ccc wh it w tJs^L ter they fou ,d Mr. J. lU i ek J H'ph^^p the musical direc'or of
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  • 432 2 The members of the Volunteer Fin Brigade com plain bitterly, that with fires now of frequent occurrence, no horsea are provided to drag the ponderous Bteam fire engine*, but that on reaching their engine-houses after a laggard alarm, the few who first get there hare to drag
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  • 1007 2 Svch ia the title of a small pamphlet, by the Rev. J. K Woods, a frequent contributor to Australian press on (I, ..logical kindred subjects, and who is at pres. on a vibit to the Straits, with tlu Jtct, as we are informed, of ex^on
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 864 2 #fto abbrrtttfrmrnti. ■TING CLUB. AUTUMN MFFTING. R-T DAY. TTJBBDIY, 16th OCTOBER, First Rack. i) Btand Cup.— Value $150. A selling raoe tyr all horses. All horses to b« entered at a declared value from $200 to $400. If valued at $400 to carry 1 1 st 7 lbs. with a.n
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    • 897 2 flilu ?.^brrt(6rmentB. claim must be made to one of the Stewards within a .[U.-irter of an hour after the race entered for the Roadsters Races are not allowed to enter for nny other •Mr Meeting excepting the Hurdle Boehota I late, and Winners' Handicap. And are not allowed to train
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    • 816 2 ftrto ts* SA V I On Wednesday. 3 18=3, we shall show new warbint; Cambrios at 12 cents per yard. Fancy Printed Cambrics f 15 cent* per yard. We shall aUo nfTer pirt of a Manufacturer's stock compriVng new F»i oy Sateens, also SitineMe, s veral 100 yards, 20
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    • 457 2 flt\x> a&br;;.jrnun«. TOWN HALL. ENTHUSIAST! I KE'KPn HAWL.EYS ITALIAN OPERA COY. FRIDAY, sth OCTOBER, 18*3. Under the distinguished patronage and presence of His Excellency SIR FREDERICK A LADY WELD. Will be represented Verdi's Grand Opera, IL TROVA T O R E. In which Opera Signori .a Lkna Ckldo and Signorina
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 59 2 WEATHER BEPOKT. tfandany Karbov Hospital, 4th October 1883. m jm. v p.m. Enim, By. rod. &t Fkh, «M7SS-SM»MO Tamp 7(j o £4-0 hiO Morulag ovorW«t Bulb Thar. 73 0 7d» 74 ft cut ni> at Wt. ol Wind »U». Tjßp. 1. .t Miv Jo do i J utronf wiad, rl«!
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  • 2224 3 lit ami Planter* Gazette M iiiritiiis publishes the following intwrwtiiig account of the arrest and imprisonment of Mr. Sliavv, the Knt»--h-h Missionary, furnished by the Rever, nil tfciitl.iuan himself. It seems clear that Admiral Piem.-'* object iv tiie highhanded course he took destroy Bogliab pmtifli with the llovas,
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  • Correspondence.
    • 478 3 To the Editor of the Straits Time*. Sib,— Evidently "Early Bird" and your other racy" correspondent* have succeeded iv waking up the members of the Sporting Club a little, for there was very good attendance morniug to watch the trainiug, and every one seemed to be taking a
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    • 145 3 J Vissbx's Nami. Q and captain. Rio- Fbom. Fbom. Sailxd. Coitaiomn*. Sailzd. Cotoiavn*. 1 M.'mam 4 Hong Ann i Bum 4 Toonan 4 Pandora 4 Celestial 5 Hecuba 5 Louisa 111 I I.UT''S 5 GWaogle 5 Empire MM. itr BO9Fabre Brit. atr. 299 Slaki-r Sar. itr. 384 Reynolds Chin.
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    • 62 3 Dat«. Vwl'i Name. Flao Rio. Oaitaib. DiirrmATiow. DirriKATlOw. Oot. 4 Duburg Ger. itr. Schultz 4 Lome Brit. «tr. Hunt#r 6 Empire Brit. (tr. Daries 6 Crocodile Brit. «tr. Oibgon 5 Ban Whatt Soon Brit. gtr. Cook burn 6 Japan Brit. str. Woods 6 Louiaa 111 Brit. itr. Harmer I
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    • 757 3 rains and Agents of vessels ar« requested to communicate with this offiot reoacdi* p n> error or omission in the above Shipping la the hswbour. Klao j I Twb'i Nami. Caitaik. akd Abbivbd Fhom. Consiunws. ICatioh Rio. Men-of-war Aline Kirk Bv.ff.b. 175 Aug. 28 Sarawak A.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 515 3 fioutts. Bottom The O. S. S. Cos. steamer Laertet, Capt. Scale, having left Hongkong on the 29th Sept., may be expected here on the sth October, en route for Penang and London. She has room for First and Third Class Passengers, and also for Oarvr rbich can now be engaged.
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    • 369 3 fiotirts. BSPS GOVFRVMBNT NOTIFICATION. Appmc tions with laatiawaWa, will be received in (%e notarial eretnry'i. Office up to theri-h Oct,,h..r, for the np. nointmenr of Inspector of PntioC tinder the Bangi.. TJj ng Oorerrment Balary $75 a month with free quartern A Vn v l f essential and preference will
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    • 279 3 fuaun* Not,. found "tr.vinif Pur>!ic tlw'outrhfareß. closures „f die w,i«rs of nuch dogs, in t^e Kwl.tti. Nt« of por... Penang. and Malacca, during the periods mentioned hel.,w. maybe dM^^^^H In Accordance with Section 35 of "The Police Force Ordinance, 1 -72 October, ISS3. Wednesday. Thursday, Saturday. tthslM Monday. R.W.MAXU Actg.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 693 4 iHwrtHanfoua. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARTS WATER, The Natural Soda Watxb. The qneen of table waters." British Medical Journal. APOLLINARIS WATER. 19* Supplied continuously to the Table of H. B. H. THE PRINCE OF WALEB during the last five years. APOLLINARIS. THE NATURAL BODA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Mbdical
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    • 672 4 Jbtorr* anU fflrrffianUfst. JOHN LTTTLE CO. RAFFLEB PLACE, SINGAPOBE. WTNTS ANT) SPIRIT MERCHANTS. Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oii.mam Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery snd Harness. Crockery, Electro Plntod Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 1013 4 Docfts. TRF T\ VTr >sn PAOA^ noOTC COM. PANV Thb works ny are situated at Tanjong Pagar, w, thin one mile of the to vn of Singapore, and comprise the folhwing establishments, viz Wharf.— AfforHng berthagefor twenty b -.t one time with snfflcient water of the heaviest d Bght, nd
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    • 920 4 Eorfc. refitting and eoniingof steamers, also Shears complete for taking out mavts. Boiler i to Further information may be had at the OWce ol Mmsrs. Paterson, Simons A 00., ftcnnrnl Agents, who forward Tele?ram« to th« T>ooV tVa« OHA.RLFB WISH ART. Mviager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) flottrrs. Local
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    • 795 4 Jlotirrs. A nnniher of go.«l T»sV wood build Palanquin C«rM*ees>, Hiiit' Me for horses or gallowaya, nnd are the most suitable conveyances for this climate. Prices moderate. Ar>plv to P. P. HOnHSTADT* Co. Carriage F uilder*, corner of Hill Street A Stamford Road. Bing»pore, 24 th Angt., 18f3. (to 24/9/83.
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    • 778 4 ROBTNfi <'O. °3 roiLTFR Quay, Pino*porb. (r>prmgic< > the Olnb 1 V>r>v r«. Milliner.. SilV Mercers. Hnberdashers, Glnverp. ar.d Generul Outfitters. GF-TLVM"N'« <">rTPIT*I!Con»PAWTMRNT. Every dencrii.tinn of clothing m»doon the shorted notice by an experienced (""nt. ter, fit guaranteed, a gnod assortment of tweedo, worsteds, serces, broadcloths for selection. Calf walking
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    • 640 4 i T ii il Mfljfil in MAt^M Has always on hand a well selected stn If Jewtiiery, Watohea, Olooka, sTMti. a onstrumenta, Ac, compn. Bracelets, Ladies' gold watn) es Brooches, Gents' ditt Earrings, Silver watches, Lockets, American olocks Ladies' rings, Carriage olocks, Signet rings, Marble olocks, Wedding rings, Chronomet Keepers
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