The Straits Times, 2 October 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV JEW SERIES.] SINGAPORE, TUESDAY, 2nd OCTOBER, 1883 DAILY ISSUE. No. ,5.121
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 529 1 strain &>l)tp <? om; aims. \R AND ORIENTAL NAVIGATION COMPANT Office Tollyer Quay. Godownb New Harbour. MAIL LINES. T.iß undernoted sre the date* on wmcf Company's Mail Steamer* may be eipected to arrive at Singapore during the »rd. HoireWAitn. *Frid»v Friday Bth Oct. 1 Monday *2nd Nov. Rth Nov. lfith
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    • 667 1 *tfam *nfp Companies. THE MKPSAGERIES MAhITIMES COMPANY. The following are the dates on which ho steamers of the Messagerie* Maritime* Wy be erpenUri to arrive here during the ■Current ye»r:— Outward. Hombwakd. •Thursday 80th Sept. Thursday 27th Bept. Monduy llth Oct. Monday nth Oct. **h 2Pth 12th Nov. 18th Nov.
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    • 711 1 *tram *h«p Coinpan(ft(. i DE NEDERLANDSCH-INDTBCHE BTOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contract* with the Netherlands, Tndian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friam, London. E. O. Head Agency Batatia. The following are the dates on whiob I the Company's Steamers running in con- •icction with the mail steamers of the P. A O.
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    • 785 1 *tram *ntp Companirs. N.B. The steamer does the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baros Ac., for Padang. On another month yin Priaman, Aierbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baroa, Singkel. Goenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 545 1 intfuranrr. JAVA BEA AND FIRB INBURAN0 E COMPANT Head Office, Batatia. The undersigned, AgenU for the above Company, are prepared to Uke risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33i o/o discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 1 5 o/o on all
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    • 605 1 intfurantt. THE HONGKONG FIRB INBURANOI COMPANY LIMITED Capital W. 000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,903 General Manaobbs. Messrs Jardine Mstbeson A Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. Andra, Eaq. (Noam. Malohara, ft Co.) J- P. Barnaa (Maaan. Holll<fcT.Wlae ft Co. Z (Ma*srs.rxm.Tl»a.Lai>ralk*Co. f'S^il fßornao Compaq Ltd.) J. J. Dos Ramadios, v. J.
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    • 499 1 LANC ASH I RB IHBUBANOI. <'OKP^H <> Capital £8.000.000. OFFIOBBOFTHR O MPANT. Manchibtbr— Uxohnnr Liverpool— 4. Manchester 1 ildings. Birmingham— Oherrv Strwt LoNßoir— l4. King WilKms itrMt. O. Glasgow— 133, West Oeorg« Senas. Bristol— Corn Btreet. Leeds— l 2, Bast Parade. Newcastle— 40, Moslev Str*et. Dublin— Loww BaakrilV* Street. CHAIRMAJI
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  • 170 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 2nd OCT .,1883. LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. dMOAFOHE, 2«D OCTOBER, 1883. t 7.10. tflaok Pepper 16.76. White Pepper, fair quality. 27. Sago Flour, Sar 2.75. Pearl Sago 3. 5 Cotter, Bonthjnr 12.75. Tapioca, small Flake 3.15. l'in. 29 50. *oa. Mnletwiat 94. Hi lb». Shifting* 1.55. 7
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  • 37 2 r Sourabaya. Pakmem, P-»> TO-«OBROW Muntok A Palembang, K«6», 7 a-m. Malacca and KUng. Hambow. t p.m. Thurhdat. Deli, Qanymtdr, 1 p.m. Penang, Kuical 4c. ChiUca. 1 p.m. Fbidat. Malacca and Penang, Japan, 1 p.m.
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  • 28 2 Ocb London correspondent is not quite correct, we learn, in regard to the Glenderon steamer coal case. For Tanjong Pagar Wbarf should have been written New Harl*>ur Wharf.
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  • 43 2 Wt have to correct a mistake in a paragraph in yesterday's paper. The American man-of-war Enterprise did not salute Fort Canning on Sunday but on Monday morning, and it was then immediately returned by the Fort. The Fort returns no salutes on Sundays.
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  • 53 2 Or account, we imagine, of the performance in the Townhall, only about half a dozen members of tbe Debating Society put in an appearance last night in the Masonic Hall, and it was sensibly agreed to postpone the debate upon the inadequacy of the Unofficial element in the Legislative Council
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  • 56 2 DtTEcrrvE Inspector Richards has in his possession a single case open face gold watch, apparently of French make. No. ?L7830. Tbe watch is supposed to bave been stole.. *V »"d n J 0M having lost a watch answ'eriiP I to tn description can see it on calling at the' tffc:***
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  • 74 2 Or Sunday night last a fight tooi^ ol cc between some Hylam and Hokien Chinese in the upper end of Queen Street, between Middle and Brass Bassa Uoads, whictt resulted in one of tbe former getting bis head badly broken by a stick. There was no Policeman to be seen,
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  • 88 2 We take the following items from the Penang Times of the 28th September Cholera in AcKeen— The British s s. Devonkurst, from Oleh-leh yesterday, brings tbe news that Cholera is raging at Kolta Badja. Several Europeans are said to bave died of it. Je,ca Belief Fund— The Committee of tbe
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  • 118 2 Thb O. 8. S. Cos. steamer Sarpedon, which is dow overdue here by three or four days, left Liverpool on tbe 22ud August last on her usual voyage to tbe Straits and Chii.a, and according to a telegram to hand ye>t«rday evening from Penang, she had arrived off Muka Head
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  • 97 2 Mb. Newman, British Consul General in Siam, stale* that the immigration of Chinese into Siam now amount* to the {toft number of 20,000 annually, mi**-"'.*' n»e return emigration is cotnparati, V V\\. So flourishing, moreover, are tlie*c colonisvf that the whole trade of the country nojw falls into tbe hands
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  • 110 2 The Melbourne papers stated JK Sir Andrew Clarke, inspeotor-General of fortifications, has, lor very many yearj, been drawing a pension of £800 froaa Victoria, which was granted to him in corT sequence «f the official position he onco^ held there. A question has been raised a to 'y'uetber under the
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  • 461 2 Last night this far-famed company gave the Brat of a series of performances in the Town Hall before a large and appreciative audience. The piece was Verdi's Grand Opera La Traviato. This work is so well known that it is needless to describe the plot. The
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  • 282 2 Victobiaics, says the Melbourne leader, are clearly of the opinion that tl >re must be no playing with treason. T(iey made a signal example of the signatories to the Grattan address, which referred to the Queen as a foreig, in Ireland. Mr. Longmore, MQ^j^a^ghan and Mr. to bit* the dust,
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  • 194 2 Niw Source oi Caoutchouc. The attention of the Indian Government has been drawn to a new plant, which it common in southern India, and yield* abundant supplies of pure caoutchouc. It v an apocjnaceoa* plant called Prameria glandulifrra, the native habitat of which appears to be in the forest* of
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  • 359 2 Friday, 28th Siptimber, 1888 Pbeskit His Excbllbrct The Ggvehrob. The Hon'ble the Commandant. the Acting Coloni».l Secretary. the Colonial Treat jrer. the Acting Auditor-General. the Acting Colonial Engineer. the Commissioner oi* Lands. J. Graham. G. M. Sandilands. W. G. Gulls. .d. R. B. Head T. S. Thomson. The
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  • 802 2 A Government Gazelle Extraordinary was published on Saturday containing the Estimates for HB4 as, we presume, passed by the Finance Committee. They differ somewhat from what th 7S were as originally introduced on the 6th July last, the estimated Revenue being larger by Jl 10,000, and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 905 2 ,JOU SPORTING CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING. FIRVT DAY. #MDAY. 16th OGTOSsV*. 1883. Fibst Racb. Stard Cup.— Value $150. ng raoe for all horses. All horses I to ks> entered at a deolared value from 1200 R-iroed at |400 to carry 11 st. 7 lbs. with .nee of 7 lbs. for every
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    • 898 2 claim mast be msde to one of the Stewards within a quarter of an hour after the raoe Horses entered for the Roadsters Races are not allowed to enter for any other racesat this Meeting excepting the Hurdle Raoe. Rochore Hat*, and Winners' Handicap. And are not allowed to train
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    • 883 2 f\t\o a&bfrttermrnta. BAYLT A Oh Wednesday, 3 d OotoHer. 1888, we shall show new washing Cambrioa at 12 centa per yard. Fancy Printed Cambrics at 15 centa per yard. We shall also offer part of a Manufacturer's stock comprising new Fancy Ss. teens, also SttioeUe-, s veral 100 yarda. 20
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    • 415 2 fit* cnuntKa HAW LEY'S ITALIAN OPERA COY. TOWS HALL WEDNESDAY, 3bd OCTOBER, 18^3. Rojsim'b Favobit* Comic Op<ba, j IL BARBIERE DI SIVIGLIA. ABTIBTIB. II Oonte Almaviva... c igoor Carlo Modini Roaina, (Prole** of Don Bartolo). Bignc- [rina Luisa Marohetti Berta, (Rosiba's Attendant) .SigDOrina [Clotilda Petrini. Figaro, (The Barber). ..Signor G.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 578 3 Mixtteb of proceedings of th Munici--I*l Commiuionert on Friday, the 14th September, 18 Oommittionert Present Hon C»pt. McCalllum.R.s. resident. Edwin Koek, Esq. €yed Mahomed Al<a)roff. Esq fl'i.c Minutes of the last inee< ng were rnkd and confirm til. IRead the fortnightly Progre Report rrfc:i. the Municipal Engint html
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  • 1997 3 i J Singapore, \st September, 1883. To T|he Municipal Secretary, Singapore. s > t. I have the honor to forward the f. !!'»»ing Repoitfor the i if.iruiAtion of the Municipal Cimmiga oners. Tt iro Roads and Street: The making 1 vJ N >ii the Bidrß and sodding
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  • 1618 3 y (From our own Corretpondent.) Bangkok, 24M September, 1883.— Friday the 41st September, the thirtieth Birthday of His Majesty tbe Supreme King, was a cool and beautiful day. At daylight, noon, and sunset heavy i salvoes of artillery proclaimed to the people of Bangkok a day set ap^rt
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  • 66 3 To the Editor of the Strain Time*. Sib,— l find in the Budget the following:— •7,2oo.— Attorney General with no private practice. M.BOO.— P. C. M. O. with private practice. 18,600. One Colonial Surgeon with no private practice. $2,400. Another Colonial Surgeon with private practice. Don't you think the
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    • 142 3 Vwsra/i N iai Futo amd Captain. Bio. f, Fkoh. SAILXD rt. 1 Chilka Brit. itr. 1460 May N'patam Sept. 22 H. Gray Co. 1 T<>onan Chin, itr 1262 Maraden Swatow Sept. 20 Kirn Chin* Co. 1 £ie*n Brit. ttr. 760Thomai S'abaya Bept. 28Goh Giun Loo. 1 Miranur Brit. «tr.
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    • 21 3 Datb. Vbul'i Nun. Flao A Bio. CIPTAIM. DxmwATJOW. 1 2 VictorU Baby Brit. rtr. Brit rtr. Shield Partridge Saigon Muntok*
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    • 584 3 ■■I Ageata of vsasels »rs rsqueated to B.^amdi t Vhsil'i Hun. I Caita™. astd Ahritid Kaon. Cohsiomus. Rto. Men-of-war Aline Kirk Sar. g. l». 176 Aug. 28 Sarawak A. L. Johnston ft Co. 1 Valk Wensen D. w str. 150 Aug. 30 Acheen Dutch Consul.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 467 3 flotfrrs. FOR SALE! A H jrse, ridden for the past 2} yearf by a Lady. Apply to N POWELL k Co., Auctionee»A Singapore, 18th Sept, IBS 3. > TO LBT. WARINGA HILL. Splendid family residence charmingly situated in tbe Paterson Road, Tanghn. Capital view of the surrounding fashionable district. Remarkably
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    • 401 3 flotirrs. oflS GOVERNMENT NOTIFICATION. Applications with testimonials, will be received in tbe Colonial Secretary's Office op to tbe 6th October, for the ap. po.ntmeot of Inspector of Police ander the Snrgic Uj>ng Government Salary •75 a month with free quarters. A biMtwMt* „f Malay f«nlVn*M>ti tmseutial and preference will be
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    • 367 3 Notioi ia 1. tound straying in ts^^^^H Public thoroughfares, ot closures of tbe hot,* ■uch dogs, in the Settleosmta of na>. p<".\ P. nang. «nrl Mh periods mentioned below, may Se At in accordance with 8««hoI Police Force Ordinam m Octobbb, 1883. Wednesday, Thursday, -^IH Friday, Satarday, Mor day, R.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 655 4 APOLLINARIS WATER, STas da Watbb. n of table waters." British Mkdical Joubhal. APOLLTNARIB WATER. Mr Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THB PRINCB OF WALES daring the last five year*. APOLLINARIS. THE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated waisn. MVDIOAX Ttm»B awd Ga«tti!, London. APOLLINARIS
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    • 673 4 *torrs anft iHrrrhantnsr. JOnN LITTLE A 00. RAFFLES PLACE. SINOAPORE. WINE AND BPIRTT MEROHANTS. Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery. Stationery, Perfumery. Fanoy Goods, Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfittern. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and
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    • 1003 4 Km TRF OH. PANT OIMTTED. Thb work* of the Company are situated at Tanjong P»gar, w.thin one mile of the town of Bingap<<rt.-, and comprise the folI i wing establishments, viz Whabf.— Affording berthagefor twenty veit^ls at one time with sufficient water tl >n if «ide for veis»ls of the
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    • 877 4 9orfc. complete for takinpnutmaats, Boilerj Vc Further information may be had at the Office of Messrs. Paterson, Simon* 4 00., I General Agents, who forward TelegTams I to fhp Dook fr»». OHARLEB WIBHART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v c.) fiottrfs. local delivbby. In Advancb. Daily Edition I Weekly Edition.
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    • 827 4 A nnmber of good Te»V wo> d buiM Pa lanquin Carriages, suitable for horses or galloway*, and are the moat suitable c>nveyances for this climate. Prices moderate. Anplv tn P. P. HOOHSTADT 4 00. Carriage Pnilders. corner of Hill Strret 4 Stamford Road. Singapore, 24th Angt., 18*3. (to 24/9/88. FOR
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    • 992 4 XO»U ;nnr lfr~ ROBINSON A oC*whae6. LTKR QUAT, t3 I»r}AP* t C .I >i IBK site the Club.) f Draper.. Milliners. Pilk MeTCfTtW7 h,^. dashers, Glovem. and Oentral Onfjjtlx'injp^^ GBHTLtMBN'sOr/TPITHNoDBPA* )g *°^TIftI»T Every description of clothing to beLnjp in i the shortest notice by an eiperienit^oughvd r"i,t. ter. fit guaranteed,
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    • 389 4 J. HAB always (,n h.nd awdU If Jewellery, WaU-lu*, (3J B nitn £u Bt ooaprf^^H Brooke.; Signet rin£ 2S?"*£! Wedding Wn« ?S, W I<> cl «*s Keeper/ n m^ Wlg Albert chain.. SSSSST'Ao., Ometi, Chronometer, c.refulk rat«d 1 lability of ffiU^k amount of M «r »Aar<w. 1 CAPiTA7,£250.0(»7r250,000 i h
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