The Straits Times, 11 September 1883

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1 5 The Straits Times
  • 16 1 The Straits Times VOL. XXIV. M.U BEBIEB, SIiXGAI'OUE, TUESDAY. 11th SEPTEMBER, 1883. DAILY [88UB.J No. 15.103
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 383 1 *tram (Conn-aims. INMI.AR AND ORIENTAL U NAVIGATION COMPANT Office Collycr Quay. GoDOWNB— New Har! MAI LINES. T.IE under- n wi" r l this Company's Mail Steamers may be ci pected to arrive at Singapore during thi year 18 M> Monday 22ml Mb 10th 3rd M IM MARSKII.I.ES AND LO> DOW.
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    • 656 1 strain *bip Companies. 1H? MBBRAOKBIaV MARITIMES <<> MPANY. The fi'llowine are the dates on which the steamers of the Messagerios Maritimes may !><■ UpeoUd to arrive here dnring the -nrrent year: Outward. llomfward. Thursday l«th Sept. Thursday IStb Sept. -'fth 27th Monday 11th OoS. 2rt)i 2Tth 12th Nov. 12th 2«th
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    • 753 1 &>btp Companies. DE NFDEBLANDSCH-INDISCHE STOOMVAART MA ATSCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Officf, 13 Austin Friars, London. I Rkad Aofnct Batatia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in conB*eaioa with the mail steamers of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy., may
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    • 792 1 *team »fi(p companies. N.B. The steamer does the voyags ii one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal Sihoga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie I Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regai 1 and Patti and back from Acheen via Ana laboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, B ,roi *<v, for Padanc On another month via Priaman, Aier bar.gis. Natal,
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    • 558 1 fnsuranrf. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INSURANCE I, I COMPANY R Hbad Office, Batatia. The undersigned, Agents for the abov< Company, are prepared to take risks npor cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on thf ustomary terms. 33<> 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on
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    • 613 1 Inauranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANOI COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 General Managers. Messrs Jardine Mstheson 4 Co. fT'njjijouj, Consulting Comm A. Andr.. K q (M«,.r.. M«l-h«r.. Co.) r. P Barne. imihmt. HolllrfjiT.WU. Co. > mi (M«<WT<..non»lA.,ljipr«(k*i'o. 1 r rtf 'B»rw>Coir. t M, B ra »<Uo«.. 'J-
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    • 558 1 Insuranrr. LANCASHIRE INSURANOK COMPANY. Oafital £3,000,000. OFFICES OF THH COMPANY. Manchester— Kiohangs Btr<»et. liiTEßPooi^-4, Manchester Buildings. Birmingham— Cherry Street. London— l 4, King William Stoast, 1. 0. Glasgow— 133, We#t Oeo,-, street. Bristol— C orn Street Lebds-12, East Parade. Newcastle— 40, Mosley Street. Dublin— 9, loww Saokrill* Street. CHAIRMAN IN
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  • 172 2 STRAITS TIMES TUESDAY, 11th SEPT., 1883 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. Sinoapobs, 11th Scptembcb, 1833. Tlsjsj'liif I 7. rtlack iVpper 16.65. White tVpper, fair quality. '26. Saifo FL.ur, Sht 2.7 ci Pearl 5»g.).... J. 124. Ooffee, Bonthyne U Tapioca, small Flake fttt. I'm iJ9.50. 40n. Mule twist 94. ->i lbs. binning* 1.55.
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  • 76 2 TO-DAT. for per at Sourabaya, Lttimbro, 6 p.m. To-»okrow. Cheribon A Saniarang, P«nanf, t> a»m. Rangoon, Chupra. 1 p.m. Mils IMS, Cecil C. Smith, I p.m. Malacca mod Eland, Rainbow. 2 p.m. P«n»ng. Chi Yum. 2 p.nv Bangkok, McMittrr, 3 p.m. Penang and Rangoon, KUero. S p.m. Thubsdat.
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  • 27 2 (Fat Strjift Time*.) China. London, 10M Sept.— The (J.-rman Admiral lias been ordered to collect a Squadron at Hongkong and cruise to the Treaty Ports.
    Reuter  -  27 words
  • 104 2 The following gentlemen have agreed to act on a Committee for the relief of the sufferer* by the disasters in the Straits of Sunda. The matter is so well known that no comments are needed, and there i* no doubt that the well-known charity of the
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  • 27 2 The wreck of the United State* steamer Athuelot, at Lamruock Rocks was sold at Hongkong on the 31st August to Captain Ashton, the highest tenderer, for $300.
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  • 36 2 The homeward French mail steamer Ava, having left Saigon at 7 o'clock last night, and passed Cape St. James at midnight should arrive here at daylight on Thursday. She will probably be decpatched the **me night.
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  • 65 2 Wr learn that Captain Cowan ha* resigned his appointment a* Chief Inspector of the Municipality to take command of the S. S. Billiton running between Singapore and Penang via the Native State*. Captkin Cowan has been commanding vessels out of Singapore for nearly 40 year*, and the owner* of the
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  • 82 2 Hi* Excellency Sir George Bowen, Governor of Hongkong, and tbe Hon. F. B. Johnson were among the passengers by the steamer Pntang, which left Hongkong on the 3rd September for Shanghai. His Excellency, it i* understood, proceed* to Shanghai to meet Sir Harry Parket and accompany him to Pekin with
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  • 65 2 The Hongkong Daily Prett of the 4th September publishe* the following telegram received by the Harbour Master from Manila: A typhoon is raging to the E.S.E. of Manila anJ it will likely cross over the island by to-morrow with its centre probably between latitude 16 and 17 W. It is
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  • 101 2 A T£LIQKAM has been received in Bombay .-tating that the Duke and Duchess of C'.nnaught have taken passage for Bombay oy tbe mail steamer which will arrive at the end of November. According to pretent arrangements H. E. the Viceroy will arrive in Calcutta ou the Ist December and open
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  • 252 2 A CORBESFOXDENT of the Shanghai Mercury writes from Tientsin, 20th August H.K. Fuiii;, tbe senior Annamene Envoy here, ii n said, died to-day the Chinese »ay out of grief for His Majesty Tv Due of Annam. H.E. Li Hung-chang would nor. receive him, but that whatever the Envoy had to
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  • 170 2 We are pleased to learn, says the China Mai! of tbe Ist September, that the Chamber of Commerce has decided to grant Mr. Colquhoun £800 towards the expenses of his expedition, for exploring purposes, from Burmah through Siam and the Shan states to Southern China. In the first instance it
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  • 260 2 Penang and province Wellesley Planters' Association. A meeting of the Penang and Province Wellesley Planters' AkVMMti n was held in Penang on the 3rd September. There were present. L. C. Brown Esq. Chairman Hon'ble J. M. Vermont. Messrs. E. L. Robert*, J. J Tai*. Khon 800 Ado. H. de Mornay.
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  • 1327 2 The Penang Tines of the 7th Sep- tember publishes the following Sumatra and Acheen item* Sumatra. The Sumatra Courant give* the following interesting items of the literature and habits on that island. According to the natives there is existing, not alone in Paletnbang but also in
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 947 2 £rto g&brrtttfrmnU*. APORE BPORTING CLUB. AUTUMN MEETING. FIRVT DAY. TUESDAY, 16th OCTOBER, 1883. First Race. Cdp.— Value A wiling raoe for all horse*. All horses to be entered at a declared value from 8200 to 8400. If valued at B*oo to carry 11 st. 7 lbs with an allowance of
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    • 869 2 #ito ?.M)rrtfsftnrntß. ctiiim must be mnde to one of tho Steward* within a quarter of nn hour after tbe race Horses entered for the Roadsters Race* are not allowed to enter for any other rucesat Meeting excepting thy Hurdle Raoe. Rochoro > late, and Winners' Handicap. And are not
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    • 759 2 *)rtr 2Hbfrt(Srrrfrt«. HONGKONG AXP SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. Paid-up Capital $5,000.^00. Instalment reeeiv- > 926 765.6 J. Ed on New Shares j $5,06 ,765.63. Reserved Fund *2,500,r00. Instalments of Pre- fios Mfi mium received on V s lB 336 48 New Share* 13,198,336.43. Coui>t or Directors: Chairman War Rkinkrh, Ecq. Depntv
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    • 438 2 TOWN HALL. THURSDAY NIGHT, 13th SEPT.. 1883. ARCHER'S SURPRISE PARTY. Grand Benefit tendkred to Mis* LILY DE VERE i| ciai programme for this oc asion. Miss LILY De VERE, in English and Dutch character song*. Mis* 1 ILY De VERE, in fancy and step dunces. Mr. J. J ABOfICB, the
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 64 2 WEATHER HEPOET. Kandang Karbow Hotpital, \olh Septembtr 1883 a.m. 3pm. Vp.m. Bimuii. By. i*d. st F»k. yToiiasM »8W T...,,. 75 0 Morning or.r- W»v Bull. Ttaor 74 v cut, n>U at 7 1 Dir. ol Wind ..m d. L Ctla >.m..d>;ud Vu.T«p. tnthada Hit Dl ht orw- c Mtn. do
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    • 85 3 KI.AI bil's Kami. and Captain-. Krom. Sailbd Conumi. Rio. ro Brit. str. 11"2 Woodhous* Rangoon Sept. 4 Bun Hin k Co. lora Aus. Btr. 213fiStnrli Trieste Aug. IP. Brandt 1 Co. rkok Sia. str. 345Hochreuter Bangkok Sept. 3 Poh f.eong Hin. Vuen Chin, str II "3 Wallace H'kong Sept.
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    • 40 3 Vmil'i Nami. Klao Rio. Captaik. DsSTrifATIOII. Pandora Hcnif inn Pioneer Peoang Sort'V»« Letimbro Aub. itr. Sturli Brit. ttr. Slaker Brit. itr. Htbekoat Brit. itr. (.'ourteney Spa. itr. OrbeU It*!, itr. Demarchi Hongkonc Ijibaan Pontianak Cheribon k Samaraßf Manila Sourabaya
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    • 740 3 T»ins wad A(f«nt» of Teasel* are requested to communicate w<th thU o«t« regftrtiag r om iM.ion in ths above Shipping in the harbour. asci. i'aptain. and > Abkitsd From. Comsignkeh. D'atioh ±J* ir Kirk Sar. g. b. 175 Aug. 28 Sarawak A. L. Johnston 4 Co.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 673 3 READY. CBS OF A JOTTRNEY Aero' in ok Kba.. Hade with th« Pbihch Covibnmbnt ky expedition. Januakt— April, 188 S. With explanatory Map and Sections, AND Appendix containing Reprint of Report i nment hy Captain* Franer A Ft rloko, in 186 S. BT Commander A. J. I oktus, r. k
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    • 753 3 iltrry of North tinrnr I manufacturing Ch Tt is hen l.y notified that Tender* for the above Farm will he retired at SaniUkan up to the 30th doy of September next. Tenders must he written in English and be forwarded in aenled covem Addressed to His Excellency, Thb Governor, Sandakan,
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    • 624 3 r TnEAouRYoFTHETHnuAT I GICQUEL'S LOZENGES composed of CHLORATE of POTASH (Bertholet'B salt) ARB THB BBST MBDICAMBNT AGAINST SORE THROAT, EXTINCTION OF THE VOICE, QUINSY, APHT*, ANGINA. CROUP, GANGRENE OF THE MOUTH, SCORBUT, ETC. Th*/ tn Inditpentibi* to til persons who are obliged to speak frequently. MODE OB 1 USE Take
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    • 307 3 ifatuation of yonr weak imagina>w nuch veneration on so slight >n. I finppoee your animation < f f recie.tion, lawn tennisP) Ing from ostentatien to display M<>" by an odd enumeration, or tiplication, of words of the same 7, though of great variation, in Itive signification. Now, with, ktionyour laborious
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    • 369 3 ICE. PRYE RIVER DOCK COMPANY, LIMITED. Applica-iohb for the appointment of Superintending Engineer will be received up to noon on 15th September, 1883. Applications to be addressed to H. L. SMITH, Secretary. Penang, 20th Augt.. 1883. (to 14 /9/83.) SADONG COAL Caw be obtained at $4 per ton on Sad
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  • 5129 4 •c in the interpretation .■s of every .lawful, and in that n reasonable to in <k«> ii of documents contn i < i t« i <l an offence. That clausr, r, was struck out in committee, teriea were placed on the same .at games. Sections 6 and 16 r, were
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  • 219 4 The Wateb Qcestio* is Sixoapbbi. To the Editor of the Straiti Time: Sib, As the residents of Sirangong Road are now made to pay Water rate on account of 3 standards placed on it, it is to be hoped that additional standards be placed somewhere between the Ist and
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  • 110 4 A young (very) bachelor sends us the following for publication The Declaration. Madame, Most worthy of my admiration after long consideration, and much meditation, of the great reputation you possess in the nation, I have a strong inclination to become your relation. On your
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    • 97 4 Vmsbl's Kami. Km rf i utD Caitaix. Kro». Saiud CominM. Bio- I 10 Nisero 10 Pandora 10 Bangkok 10 Chi Yuen 10 Irago 10 Phison 11 Pioneer Rrit. str. 1 1«2 WoodkouM Rangoon Sept. 4 Bun Hin A Co. Aug. str. 213fi Sturli Trieste Aug. ID. Brandt 4 Co.
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    • 47 4 Dat». VlMIL'i NAME. Flao i. Rio. ''IITAIM. DESTINATION. Sept. 10 ii 11 v Pandora Hong Ann Pioneer Penung Sonoffoa Letimbro Ana. itr. Brit. itr. Brit. itr. Brit. «tr. Spa. itr. lUI. itr. Sturli Slaker Habekoat Courtenej Orb«ta Demarchi Hongkong Ijtboan Pontianak Cheribon k Samaraag Manila Sourabaja
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    • 841 4 Captains and Agent* of Teasels are requested to commuwoaU witithU oßm r« t *x4ii( any sm>r Of omuwion In th* above Shippta, In the harbour. I I FLAW I j Vesml'h Na«. Captaih. awd i Abbittd From. Consiqniis. __J. \liue Kirk Sar. g. b. 175 A
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 394 4 the great infatuation of yoor weak imagination, to show such veneration on so slight a foundation. I suppose yoor animation was the fruit of reciextion, (a< lawn tennis?) or had sprung from ostentatien to display yonr education by an odd enumeration, or rather multiplication, of words of the same termination,
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    • 366 4 not; PRYB RIVER DOC^K COMPANY, LIMITED. Applications for the appointment of Snperintendinir Engineer will be received up to noon on Isth September, 1883. Applications to be addressed to H. L. SMITH, Seoratarr. Penang. 20th Angt., 1883. (to U /9/83.) SADONG COAL f'n be obtained at S4 per ton on Sad
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 682 5 ifltsrfllanrou*. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLTNARTS WATER, Thi Natural Soda Water. The qneen of table waters." British Medical Journal. APOLLTNARTS WATER. ■V Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINZE OF WALEB during the last five years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL BODA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated water*. Medical
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    • 669 5 Atorrsf anil iHfrfhan&tsr. JOHN LTTTLK 00. RAFFLEB PLACE, SINOAPORK. WTNF AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Om.mxm Stores. cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plnted Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. F;mcy Goods. Arms and Ammunition. Lndies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 935 5 Bocftf* THE TAVnv} PAOVH nrvciC 0011 PANY The work* of the Company are situated at Tanjoßg Pagar, «tthin one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the folI iw.nar nstablishments. viz i Wharf.— Affording t>erthage for twenty h sufficient water tl :s>:: Ae f.,r >h of tbe heaviest
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    • 948 5 fflorrt. refitting and coalipgot steamer*, a'so Shears complete for taking out mast*. Boiler.* fee Further information may be had at the Office of Messrs. Patorson, Simons A Co., n,n«r»l Asronts. who forward Telegrams to the DonV free. OHARLES WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) ftottrrs. THE HOBTH-OHINA
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    • 841 5 #lo tires. Form of Application for Stare*. To the TVre>tor>of the Nokth-Ciuna Imsueance Company, Limited. Gentlemen. 1 hereby -equest that you j will allot to ..shares in the I above named Company, and hereby agree to acept the same or any smaller number that may be allotted to I upon
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    • 819 5 #Ottff* ROBINSON CO. 23 OOLLYFR QCAV, SmaAPOBE. (opposite tbe Club Drip< rs. Milliners. SilV Mercers. Hsberdashers, Glovers, nr.d General Outfitters. GR'TL^mkn'r Outfit' ivo Dppahtmunt. Every description of clothing m*de on the shortest notice by an experienced Cut. ter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweeds, worstedp, serges, broadcloths for selection.
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    • 669 5 flotitt. >:b, Watcb AND Clock Maker, and Optician. Flint Street. Has always on hand a well selected ■fcnk If Jewellery, Watches, Olook*. Nauti. al. i n.itruments, Ac., comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold watoi c* Brooches, Gents' ditto., Earring*, Silver watchee, Lockets, American clock* Ladies' rings, Carriage clock*, Signet rings, Marble clocks.
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