The Straits Times, 10 September 1883

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1 4 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times. VOL. XXIV. [new series.] SINGAPORE, MONDAY. 10th SEPTEMBER, 1883. [DAILY ISSUE, j No. 15,102
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 502 1 Atram &>t)ip Comuamrs. AR ANH ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANT Office Collyer Quay. Godownb New Harbour. MAIL LINES. T.tE undernoted are the dates on wincf this Company's Mail Steamers may be expected to arrive at Singapore during tbe year 1883:— HomwABP. Friday 21st Sept. Friday 21st 6th Oct. Monday 2?nd 2nd
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    • 674 1 »tram *t)tp Compantr*. THE MESBAOFRIFP MARITIMEB COMPANY. The following are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageries Maritimes may be expected to arrive here during the inrrent year: Outward. Homsward. Thursday l«th Sept. Thursday 13tb Sept. ?Oth 27th Monday IMS Oct. Monday 11th Oct. "21>th 2«h l?1h Nov.
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    • 754 1 &tram #htp Compamrtf. DE NEDERLANDBCH-INDIPCHE BTOOMVAART MAATBOHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, j Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Friars, London. E. O. Read Aofnct Batatia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in con- nection with the mail steamers of the P. ft O. 8.
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    • 783 1 *tram *dip Compantr*. N.B.— The steamer does the voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Sinsrkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Ooenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baros ftc., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Aierbangis, NaUl, Sibofra, Baros, Ringkel, Goenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 563 1 Insuranrr. JAVA SEA AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANT Head Offiob, Batatia. Thb undersigned, AgenU for the above I Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the I 1 customary terms. 33i 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 1 5 0/0
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    • 616 1 Insuranrr. THE HONGKONG FIRE INSURANOB COMPANY LIMITED Capital $8,000,000 Paid-up 400.000 Reserve Fund 564,209 Gbneral Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheaon ft Co. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andr», E«q. (Mann. M*loh«rn, ft Co.) J. P. Bum H r*«nra. Hollld»jr,WlM Co. T. Muirar, (M«.r..r>on»la«.l.»rrmlk»ro M. Nlo»i»o, (Botmo CompuT Ltd.) J. J. do* Ranwttos,
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    • 568 1 Incsuranrr* LANCASHIRE INSURANOM COMPANY. Capital £3,000,000. OFTIOKBOJTHH COMPANY. Manobbster— Exohange Street. Liverpool— 4, Manchester Buildings. Birmingham— Cherry Btreet. London— l 4, King William Btreet, M. O. Glasgow— 133, West George Street. Bristol— Corn Street Leeds— l 2, East Parade. Nbwcastlb— 4o, Mosley Street. Dublin— 9, Lower Saokville Street CHAIRMAN IN
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  • 174 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 10th SEPT., 1883 LATEST MARKET QUOTATIONS. 3mo*.poasj, luth SsPTkMBKB, 1803. Gambier I fjUf. Black Pepper 16.75. White Pepper, fair quality. ML Sago Flour, Sar '2.70. Pearl Sago 3.12*. Coffee, Honthyno 12. 7.V I Tapioca, small Flake 340. Tin 29.60. 40*. Muletwi*t S*s. <i lbs. Shirting* 1.574. 7
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  • 35 2 T i-DAT. For P •< Sourabaya, Balh »u<l Macassar, Homo, 6 p.m. To-MuHKOW Sarawak, KaitM. 1 1 a.m. Labnan A Sandakan, Hong Ann, Noon. Deli, 3T*re»ry, 1 p.m. Cheribon i. Samaraog, Ptnang, A p.m.
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  • 48 2 fFor Strtitt Time*.) France and London, HM Sept. Marquis Tseng has had a friendly interview with M. Challemel Lacour proposing a settlement of the question of Chinese Suzerainty by a delimination of the frontier with a Neutral Zone. M. Challemel Lacour received the proposals favorably.
    Reuter  -  48 words
  • 35 2 The M. M. Co.'s steamer Amazone, with the London mail of the 17th August, left Colombo at midnight on the 7th inst an. l may be expected to arrive here next Thursday, the 13th instant
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  • 25 2 The Russian man-of-war Opriteherick arrived at Colombo on the 27th August from Cromtadt en route to the China station. She is due here any moment.
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  • 39 2 Pbivate report* from Batavia as to the height of the great tidal wave which swept over Anjer »nd Cheringin, and recoiled upon the Sumatra coast, state that it was estimated to have been 80 to 90 feet in height.
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  • 45 2 The Penang Time* of the 7th September, states that news had reached Olehleh that the Dutch Government steamer de Braauw, which was lying at anchor at Telok Betong when the Krakatau eruption took place, was washed ashore two mile* inland by the great tidal wave.
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  • 35 2 A 5 inquest was held on Friday last, before Dr., Mugliston, Coroner, and a Chinese jury, on the body of one Ah Leow. After hearing evidence the jury returned verdict of death from natural cause*.
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  • 40 2 Ax inquest was held at the General Hospital on Saturday afternoon on the body of a Kline, name unknown, before Dr Mugliston Coroner, and a Kling Jury. The Jury after hearing evidence gave a verdict of death from natural cause.
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  • 147 2 A* inquest was held on Saturday afternoon on the body of an European named Hottleman, before Dr. Mueliston, coroner, and a jury consisting of Messrs. George Buchanan, E. Landeeherg, S. Goldenberg, P. Koorn, and M. McDonough. From the evidence, it appeared that deceased was chief engineer of the German *teamei
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  • 152 2 Db. Fcbvell, the Sanitary Commissioner of Madras, has published the following opinion regarding soda water, which we would commend to the attention ol maker* and drinkers in Singapore Mary r>eiple labour under the ided that if they drit.k soda water they drink pure water; that '.y its mmuf ictare into
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  • 160 2 The Pioneer is in a position to stab that the proposed canal from Haifa on the Mediterranean to Akabah on the Red Sea is being curveyed. "English engineers were at Jerusalem in January and February la»c, but were prevented leaving that place 'oy J»rd Dufferin, who saw thai they would
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  • 279 2 Abchee's fi bpkise Parti gave theit first outertainmrnt at the Town Hall on Saturday uight, to a fairly numerous audience, and it was a surprise indeed. Though numerically small, the company is an excellent one, and all the artistes are quite at home in their respective rdles besides which there
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  • 246 2 The Penatlg Oaz'tte of the :<nl September has the following paragraph re- garding the Committees formed in rsaanf and Batavia for the relief of th* wide' spread distress in Java Owing to the terrible news from Java, i committee was formed her-; on Stturdij l<st, through
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  • 181 2 Thi progress making in the i m an> «peed of ocean steamships is evidene 1 b; the following two paragraph* taken fror the home paper*: Messrs. John Elder andCo Glasgow, hay received an order from the Cuuard St-am •hip Company to construct two steamship of 8.000 ton* and 13.000 horse-power
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  • 168 2 Thi number of wild beast* killed i the Madras Presidency during 188 amounted to 2,055, against 1,429 in th previous year. The loss of human life b wild animals and snakes was less by 10 i than in 1881 and out of a total of 20 persons killed by tigers,
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  • 307 2 The Rangoon correspondent of a con temporary say* The growth of the trad in matches in this province is remarkable as also the fact that most English descrir i tiuns have been ousted from the market b tbe cheapness and excellence of the Swedis I varieties. Whilst in 1876 77
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  • 189 2 h has in, now dissipation, and the young Kin^ charged, an- not him. The French grntfemvflfl numerable opporttiniti- 1 interviewing his Kurmeae Mfl^^K he U-lieves that few Kn'.Tn rulers haVe I more maligned. It >*^^^^| that cruelties^have Seen committed at Mandal>ut not by the King 1 JK i rection. On
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  • 369 2 The Bombay Catholic Examiner publish- es the following letter from the Tablet SIR.— I am frequently asked whether the prevailing opinion th it my grandfather, Mr. We'd, of Lolwortb, (rave St.uyburst to the Jean it Father*, in corrort. Doub', f ha* been 'brown "n the fact by person* whose position
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  • 616 2 The French Press, echoed by the c Italian and Spanish Press, have been 11 accusing England with a childiab ignorance which is ridiculous, but with an open-mouthed virulence which is n deserving of tbe severest reprobation, of 2 wilfully introducing Cholera into Egypt i« from Bombay; and the occasion
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 897 2 #fte asbrrtturir.mtf. i RE SPORTING CLUB. MEETING. \Y. si Tr 'HER, 18S3. Fibst Racb. Ccp.— Value A selling race for all hor*e*. All horse* E itered at a declartd value from 1200 jr If valued at 9400 to carry 1 1 st. 7 lbs. with an allowance of 7 lbs.
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    • 884 2 fin nit. nim mv- ■wsrds ithin s qunrtcr of an hour after th<» rsoe Home* entered for the Rond*t*rs Rsce* ■c not allowed to rats* for «ny other tceitat rr>ift Meeting excepting the Hurdle j t kite, and Winner*' 'andicap. Ardarenot nllowed to trnin t tli.. conrsp l>. for.' Mondiy,
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    • 770 2 S\TT.E HAVKjutt received. •>« (ilencoe," A sma'l but choice aas rtment of Ladies' Trimmed Hat*. Tbesi- h tvs been carefully •elected. Girls' White >ailor HaU. Boys' Jack Tar Straw Hats. Gossamer, in Light Bfas, Xuvy blue, < Slate, Creum, and Terra OotU. Cieam Spotted Gossamer fur Veils. Frilling* for Skirts
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    • 463 2 fitXo a^ 41 itmtnti. A.LH OF Ar-TK\M\X HORSE?. Jdst Landed Bx Mcnmcib." The und'-rsigned will sell by A DOT l OM, j on Tuexdiy nut. llth S.-pt at 230 p. M 20 AUSTRALIAN HORDES, Just landed ci steamship Menmuir. Tbe j shipment c miprises several w 11 matched I pair-
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 134 2 WEATHER KEPORT. Kandang Karbow Hospital, 8I» September, 1883. 9a. m 3p.m. Bp.m. Rivahm. Bar. rad. J* IWh. »1S 77a Ml Tamp. nan Mil 805 Mominir clouWot Bulb Thar. 785 78 0 7«0 dj, dniilaat Ihr.oCWind 8. E. ESK. S. E. iDUrral. durMk. Tamp, in ihada 88 5 i D g
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  • 1768 3 The Calcutta International Exhibition. The Executive Committee of the Calcutta Exhibition have published the following regulatiot 1. The opening ceremony wi.l take place at 11 tn.. n Tuesday, Ith December. The Exhibition will be ojen from 9 a.m. to holders of season and invitation tickets free. Tickets of aduiißxion for
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  • 1826 3 (Trantlated from Dutch newspaper*.) Batavii. iStk August. Tb- iMinm-mder of tbe Bte.iner Jbaiiuru, h>-l >m;ing to tbe > eder'aud" OompaDy, wbicb arrived here on tbe !stb insun'., rep .rt< tbit. on the day. befoie. when attaining p^st K tbe ashes from tb- criter continually falling far ai.d
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    • 140 3 Vmml's Nami. a 8 Bom 8 Barcelona 9 Penang 9 Rilliton 9 HoLgkong 9 Marlborough 9 Mary Stewart 9 Tynron 9 Polyhymnia 10 Rajpootana 10 Benmore r LAO J Eio- j 2 j B. t. str. *W Petenon Sourab«y» Sept. 4L. T. Wah k Co. Lp-. ■r. 1719Qaliano
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    • 54 3 Datb. I Vmxl'i Nahb. Flag Rio Caitaw. CaPTA!*. DIKTIKATIOU. Dbstimatioh. Sept. 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Ranee Sar. §tr. Rcjnoldi Hooßkong Brit. itr. j Welner Patroclua Brit. itr. Browt Teueer Brit. itr. i Power Polyhymm* O«r- «tr. Boehmer Picciol* Brit- itr. Ni»»en Mercury Brit. itr. Martin Sarawak
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    • 864 3 Captains and Agent* of Tesse>r*aie requested to oommunicaU with thu al«^H|| < any ener or omiMion Ik U»«^»V Shipping ia tk.hartow. Flao I 4 I VMSJL's NaMI. CaPTAIH. AMD I ABBTOD FbOM. CoHStONBBS. D*ATtOB! Rio. f- i Men-of-war Sar.g.b. 175 Aug. 28 Sarawak A.L. Johnston 4
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 908 3 Corrrafionornrr. The Mcjticipal CommissiosEbs." To the Editor of the Strait* Time*. Sib, In your issue of Saturday l»st there appeared an article under the above I title. In the concluding portion of it there is a slight inaccuracy which I hate been requested to correct. I was made aware of
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    • 305 3 flotirrs. honi n shanghai' BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CAPITAL $5,000,000 RESERVE FUND $2,600,000 OotTBT OF DIRBCTOBS: Chairman Wk Rbimkbs, Eao. Dopntv Chairman— W. S. ToUNO. Ksq. i H. L. Dalrymple. Esq. I A. Mclver, Esq. H Hoppimi. Rgq. I F. D. Ssssoon. Esq. 808. r. B. Johnson. IM. E. Bassoon, fcq.
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    • 320 3 #ot(rrt. Is hereby given, that the partnership which has for some tim- pant been carried on by Taw Kkwo T«w. Sowo X*« Liar, °owo TCm Ohvan >nd Poho Km Jtw, under the nty'e or oh^p Kirn Tap P«nf," at Nor. 17 and IS Boat Quay. Singapore, in the trade or
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 684 4 ifltsrrllanrous. KATZ BROTHERS. APOLLINARTR WATER, The Natural Soda Water. The grown of table waters." British Medical Journal. APOLLTNARIS WATER. IV Supplied continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES dnring the last five years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATURAL SODA WATER. 'Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Medical
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    • 684 4 *torr* anl> ittmfcan&ttfr. JOHN LTTTLE 00. RAFFLBB PLACE, Singapore. WINE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware, Glassware, Lsmps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fanoy Good*, Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters. Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese
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    • 1024 4 Borkf. THE TANJONG PAOATt noOTC COM PANT LTMTTKD. The works of the Company are situated at Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the following establishments, viz Wharf. Affording berthage for twenty vessels at one time with sufficient water tlongside for vessels of the heaviest
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    • 971 4 BO lit. I refitting And coaling of steamers, also Shears oimolete for taking out masts. Boiler* to Further information may be had at the Offlcf of Messrs. Paterson, Simons A Co., Q«n«ral Agents, who forward Telegrams to the Dook free. CHARLES WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (a. c.)
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    • 665 4 •JKKUtt* Form of Application for Shares. To the Directors of the n-OniKA Insvbanci Company, Limit-id. Gentlemen. hereby request tbatyou 1 will allot to shares in the above named Company, and hereby agree to accept tbe same or any smaller number that may be allotted to upon the terms of the
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    • 811 4 #*ottres. ROBINSON CO. 28 COLLTUR QUAT, SINGAPORE. (opposite the Club Draper*. Milliner*. Silk Mercer*. Hoher dashers, Glover*, and General Outfitter*. Gkwtlfmen's Outfit-" i*o Dfpaktment. Every description of clothing msd* on the shortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweed*, worsteds, serges, broadcloth* for I ■election.
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    • 673 4 111 fiotitt I .T. MOTION. W Chronometer, Watch and Clock Maker, and Opticiaw, Flint Street. HAd always on hand a well selected sfcfic If Jewellery, Watches, docks, Nautu al. I (instruments, Ac, comprising 1 Bracelets, Ladies' gold watobes Brooches, Gents' ditto.. Earrings, Silver watohea, Lockets, American docks Ladies' rings. Carriage
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