The Straits Times, 27 August 1883

Total Pages: 5
1 5 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times VOL. XXIV. [new series,] (SINGAPORE, MONDAY. 27th AUGUST. 1883 [DAILY ISSUE. J No. 15,090
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 547 1 ♦tram *hip (ffomuantrs. LAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. Office— Collyer Quay. Godownb— New Harbour. MAIL LINEB. TiiE undemoted are the dates on wnicti r^ny's Mail Steamers may be exp«cted to arrive at Singapore during the Uvtwabp. Hotoward. ■Mdty 7th Bept. Thursday Bth Sept. Ll.t Friday 21 .t 6th October.
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    • 685 1 *tram dhip Companirs. THE MKSSAG FRIES MARITIMES COMPANY. The following are the dates on which the steamers of the Messageries Maritimes ai .y b»- expected to arrive here during the MirrtTt— Outward. Homward. Thurm'ay li'th Augt. Thursday lGth Augt. 2nd Sept. 80th l«th 13th Sept. 80th 27th MonduylMh Oct.
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    • 750 1 £>tram &hip Compamrs. DE NFDERLANDSCH-INDIPOHE STOOMVAART MAATBCHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian Governments.) Head Office, 13 Austin Fbiabs, London. E. C. Head Agency Batatia. The following are the dates on which the Company's Steamers running in connection with the mail steamers of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy.,
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    • 789 1 mtam »Mv compamr*. N.B. Tbe steamer does the vojaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangin. Natal, i Sihoga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng-Sitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Regas and Patti and hack from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baros Ac., for Padang. On another month via Priaman, Ajerbangis. Natal, Siboea, Baros, Singkel. Goenoeng
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    • 546 1 fnsmranrr. JAVA BEA AND FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office, Batavia.. The undersigned, Agents for the above Oompany, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary terms. 33i 0/0 discount allowed on all risks f coasting voyages, and 15 0/0 on all risks t
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    • 618 1 Ineuranrr. THE HONGKONG FTRE INSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED Capital $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 564,202 Genebal Managers. Messrs Jardine Matheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. An<lra, Esq. (Mown. Meichm, Co.' J. P. BaniM m Ho!II<J«t.WH« Co. A T M» ni r«r, fM«..r«.lV>nrt»«,L«pr»lk*Co. R. Nlmli^. (Romeo Comi»nT Ltd.) J. J. do*
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    • 550 1 insuranrr. LANCASHIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Capital £3,000,000. OmCBBOFTRJI OOMPANY. Manchester-- Exchang* Street. Livebpool— 4, Manchester Buildings. Bibm inoham— Cherry Street Londoh—l4, King William Street O. Glasgow— l 33, Wut George Street. Bbistol— Corn Street Leeds— l 2, Bast Parade. Newcastle— 4o, Moeley Street. Dublin— 9, Lower SaokvUle Street CHAIRMAN IN MAHOHBSTBB.
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  • 172 2 STRAITS TIMES MONDAY, 27TH AUG., 1883. LATKST MAKKKT yl()TATION8, SINOAPOBC, i7m 4.LOCST. 1833. U-uibier S 7l2 t Black P«|.per 1' Wlnte Pepper, fair qaahtj. 26. Flour, sar 2.T0. P«-*rl Sag>.... 9. 5. Konthyu.' 12.T5. T- P i .v, -ii 3 25. Tin 40«. Muletwist ■>J lbs. sSLirtiugs IML 7 do
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  • 65 2 p.m. Hongkong, Sumatra, 8 a.m. Muntolc l'.tleinhatii(, flwfcy, 9 i.m. Billiton A Pontianak Pontianak. 9 a.m. Sarawak Ranee, 11 a.m. Malacca. Kiang, Perak an.l Penang, Bt/^on, 1 p.m. Malacca, liengkalis. Siak and Pakan. Pabm, z p.m. Penang and Calcutta. Lennoi, 3 p.m. Bangkok, Hamjkoi. S p.m. WcDNXSDAr. Syui.ibayn
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  • 161 2 CFor Strait! Time*.) France. London, lh(k Aug. —The CotuU; de Chambord is dead. Madagascar. Tin- Admiral of tfct French Fleet has reinstated the (\.iimils al Tamatave. [Mr. Aonetley, Britisifa Consul at Parmaribo, Du'ili (iuianu, has been a|.iioii.:,-.i MeeeMor t tbf late Mr. T. Connolly i'uki nliaiii M Consul
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 138 2 I, Thl following telegr.un from Saigon, rnvivi J "ii Saturday evening, baa been eoartwMwly s.-nt us for pubKeatioa Ijy M. Bnmm de Thuy, Acting French Consul Governor of Saigon to French Coutul Singapore. Drac arrived at Saigon, bringing news that the fortu and battelj at the entrance
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  • 393 2 \\l. iiave l>een favoured by Mr. \V. Origor Taylor, General Manager of the Telegraph Company, with the i dlnving items of extraordinary news, telegraphed thi~ noraiag i i Hat tvi.i reports: Dofiag night terrific detonatioM from Krakatau (Volcanic iiland, Htraiti Sim la) audible ai far a* Soerakarta, ashes
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  • 57 2 Old Penang Presbyterians will very much regret to learn of the death, on the ltith July last, ol the Kevd. Charles Ifoir, M A ,olSt. Andrew's Church, Chatham, in the sixty-second year of his age and the thirty second year ol his ministry. Mr. Moir was the first Presbyterian Minuter
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  • 71 2 Tut Celestial Reasoning Association held its usual meeting ou Saturday afternoon last, when the subject of debate was, Which does greater injury to Society, j the miser or the spendthrift r" A some- I what animated debate took place, at the end of which the chairman, Mr. Tso Ping Lung,
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  • 91 2 O!i Thursday eveni»g, the 30th instant, the Ohi Hok Society, under the leadership of Mr. Lee Ah Bosj, will spread their table in Carpenter Street, for tin celebration of their offerings to the spirits of the departed. We undcretand this is to be one of the great sights of this
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  • 220 2 A meeting of the Municipal officers, employes and contractors wa- hel I mi Saturday afternoon to arrange tin- form of the testimonial which it is their intention to present to Mr. Cargill on ns> to hold office as Municipal Engineer. The Chairman informed the meeting
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  • 267 2 Thi rifle match Between a team of seven of tiie Singapore Volunteer Corps and an equal team of the Royal Inniskillmg Fusiliers, at the Tanglin iiitle range, on Saturday afternoon, resulted in a victory for the luniskilliugt by -to points. The Volunteer team laboured under two serious disadvantages, —tirst, that
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  • 50 2 The Sergeants of the Hoyal Inniskillings right royally enacted the role of hosts on the occasion, and exerted thetnmake the visit ofthe Volunteers plsasaat those of the other meu-.bers of the Corps who wvnt up to see the match were very heartily welcomed, and all spent a very agreeable afternoon.
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  • 289 2 Tm Forth China Daily Xrwt ami.unices that the blockade of the Forts of Annam and Tonquin by the French ll been officially notified to the Chin Hll Ift and the representatives of Western powers. Thi* v.rv important action on the part of the French shows that the reports received from
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  • 847 2 2ith Aay tut, 188 Be/ore J/>. Justice Ford. I Mahome<l Al Sa^otF, r#. Meyer Belir, Executor of Charles Em me rson deceased. The judgment was as follows In this case in which Mr. Donaldson appeared for the plaintiff and Mr. Joaquim for the defendant the fact* (whioh hare
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 792 2 fittD asor nr> nnd trllinq ■he. Trrrilnry of telling and manufacturing Chandu. that Tenders for the 1 Ht Sindnkan sp to the 90th d*y of September next. Tenders most be written in Ensrlish nnd be forwarded in *enli-d cover* addressed to His Excellency. The Governor, Pandnkan, and marked Tend-T for
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    • 748 2 v; \\n SHANGHAI BANKING rOKPORATION. PAID-UP CAPTTAt M.nno.noo RESERVE FUND '00,000 I PorPTO' TJiufctorr Chairmai Wm Rfivvbs. F^q. O.T"tv rWi-mnn— W. T«r»'r». Efq. 11. 1.. r>:ilmmil.\ Ksq. I A. sfclvsr. K»q. B. 11..1-|.i I F. P. Sn=»oon, KnqHon. F. Tt. Johnson. IM. K. BsSBOWI. Esq. A. P. MeXwan, Bsq. I
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    • 796 2 Thk the St. mi' offered by this Company »t the present time, iPHHiuneh ub they will h ye sn oi poruinitv of lnnding Ht Marseilles j should qq rsntitM b# iin.l. n.-.l or diml nih-li. 1. Of of c >niinnin_' th- v I.ond n without v tbonld tbe realric-
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    • 379 2 sniunw. ling to in i > li. tad M.t■oiilrll ladies' and Uen'.'s. Biding Saddles, of London make, different kiuds. I'.idlr..; W;.: Cloth, Girth, Btirrn p, leUb r» etc. Biofleaad Double Pony Baroete. Hrowo aud iiliok Ltuther, Urge sssortnii Biogla aad Ovubk ltbH«nw Driving Whii.H. Hi'aUtail*. K.iua A Braces,
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 81 2 WKATlIKi: KKI'ORT. Kandanj Karbow Hospital, tMh Aujutt, 1883. Illlim B»r. rad. FWh. 896 7M 29 **B Tlinp Htpo Htrt sn.S M,HDiDKOT*r. Wet Hum Thar. 7«0 7« o 770 i)ir Hiu.l HE. •null dntila, 1 M». in shad* X5 5 <!■; elanr mcht Mia. do do 717 partullj cl»uM.i.
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  • 445 3  -  SAKLT BIBI> MT Fur training is getting livelier, and fresh bones arc beiug introduced but owing to of the <lrai; bounds this morning re but few people at the course. The burses are. bowers* only given very and not allowed to show ill I was surprised to see
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  • 123 3 Hollvoy, Pill*.—Weary of life. De. rangemtm of the liver in one of the most ffirieot causes of dangerous diseases and the most prolific of those melancholy forebodings whicb »re worse than death itself. A few doses of those noted Pills act magically >p Spelling low spirits and repelling IBM Ouveri
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 608 3 froxttn. O. 8. 8. COMPANY. The steamer* of the Company leaving England daring August, will be Patroolus" Capt. Brown, 2nd August. Ne*tor" NUh, 11th Achille*" Anderson. 16th B "Sarpedon" Ward, 22nd "Ajax" Kid<L3l*t w. ttliraniLD 00. Agent* O. a 8. 00. Singapore, 3rd Angt., 1883. IN THK GOODS Of JAMES
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    • 539 3 MOUNT ELIZABETH ESTATE. To be Let, the desirable residence knows as Blanche House, with immediate ea. try in thorough repair and newly decorated. Large garden and tennis lawn, entranoes from the Orchard and Scott s BomiM App 7 b ODT k DAVIDBON. Solicitors. Singapore, 3sd Aigt.. 1883. (*•«■> MOTIOB. Tenders
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  • 60 4 PtnUipe, Act in lih ■i carrying pas- The Bangkok h of traffic, which came into at the con i Iss2. tUt 42,888 Chine»e passengers foui I tl ri belonging to the Holt and bis brsiich of but 1 since I*o of ships engaged in the coi probability be ants in
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  • 155 4 John. „ic/, which, aecordiug which we pul if amic- liah the folio iritimes trie.) to number killed intimated to that wa* arrested for biding the cl 'II a* the that the f^-T ll'it c will submit itle bad were taken to Maun' !<u!, is thus I nt the dea' Pakenl.
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  • 1659 4 The Hongkong Dai/y Preti of the 2Kt following from I at Hai i. I the telegram elsewln re it will be U-arnt that apturetl liy the French troops with I heavy 1 the Am. n rtug'bt to brinjj end. The Black :hout the support of the
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  • 3640 4 Xew CWidoai* Wtmmm, June— A very sei ions in,.[ur- haviag I kani plac between our n w Direjteur de I'la (tbe first cui.iin who has ti 1. d t and ih- < -I liter has sst).m t id d him, appointing auotd.T iv his pltce, and by puh,.sbei
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    • 163 4 ,j l's Kami. axd Caitajii. I Bi» Si». >-i W7iCainph«a 21 <il.. n «u-n Brit. it£ UlOjDoka 21 Khr.-nft-ls r l!.--k Kian Brit. <tr. '.'C. W. 1.1, innia Brit. Htr. I.' Kin.-rs 2fi llillit..n l!nt 3 l"hn Hnt.-tr. lnLonu ."tor Hnt. itr. 1 7 Moon M Umifkok router 27
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    • 56 4 Din. Vmsci/s Nun. Ki.a.) k Rio. Caraix. DsmxATioa. Aug. «7 27 27 27 17 27 Ganymede I 1 ntiauak I.kin Hock Kian B imi Corona Hrit. itr. I lirit. str. Brit. Hrit. >tr. Sar. itr. i Qer. itr. Fox Deli J. n,., Ililliton k Pontiuisk Smith Pakan via port*
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    • 605 4 A 'fflUtr l tllf 0E t *K» r<liß Vmiil'i Najk. Captaiw. and k \b»itid F«on. Cossiokw. Ki.. C^am"p < ion War HJL str *«0; Aug. lUtuvia Senior Nar.1 Offlcrj Steamers v u: l. in 1; r,,t Back j A. I.. Johnston ftOal Kinn-n IMit. str. 701
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 684 5 ffltsrrllnnrous. KATZ BROTHET APOLLTNARTS WATER, Thb Natural Boda Win*. Th« qneen of table water*. Bbittsh Medical Joubnal. APOLLINARIS WATER. ■V Snppliivi continuously to the Table of H. R. H. THB PRINCE OF WALES daring the last five year*. APOLLINARIS, TfTE NATURAL SODA WATER. Far tuparior to manufactured aerated water*. Mbdioal
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    • 669 5 JOHN LTTTLF CO. RAFFLES PLAOE, SIVOAPORB. WINE AND SPTRTT MERCHANTS, Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tohn/vo, Hardware. Glassware, Lsmps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, Electro Plnted Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fnncy Goods, Arms and Ammunition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfitters, Watch and Clock makers. Japanese and Chinese curiosities, Ac. Ac.
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    • 1028 5 TOT TAX 10TC OOM The worki of the Company are situated at Tsnjong P^gM, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the fol- lowing establishments, vis Wharf.— Affording berthage for twenty ■> at one time with sufficient water tl .-nfsi.ia for tasmU of the heaviest d'-inifht, and
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    • 950 5 IBorft. refitting and conlingof steamers, a'so Shear* oonrplote for ♦nVing on t masts. Boilers %c Further information may be had at the OfJtne of Messra. Paternon, Pimnn* A 00., G«n«r«l Agents, who forward Telegrams to the Dock fv«*. OHARLEB WISH ART. Manager. Singapore Ist July 1875. (v. c.) flonfrg. THE
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    • 682 5 iiottrts. Form of Application for Skaret. i To the Dire -toi-« of the North-Chix a Insurance Comtaht, LmrraD. Gentlemen. hereby request that yon will allot to share* in the above named Company, and hereby agree to acept the same or any smaller number that may be allotted to upon tbe
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    • 831 5 potters vson CO. i.tfb Qrx-r, «r»GAFOB«. (oprmsice *h» Cinh Draper*. Milliners. Silk Mercer*. H'berflußhcr*, Olnver*, and General OntfiUMn. Qh'tlfmuj's Outfit" n»o Dwpa^tmkht. Every description of clotbi"g made on the *hortp*tnofiop by an pxperienced <"*n*tor, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweed*, worsted*, sergeft, broadclotbe for mlmMml Calf walking shoe*. Shooting
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    • 665 5 flottit. I-OOK Maker, am Fl,t> Has always on hand a well sele< If Jewellery, Watches, Cl.>ck», Nautx V. onstruments, Ac, comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold watphes Brooche*. Oenti' ditto., Earrings, Silver watch**. Lockets, Amerioan OMB? Ladies' rings. Carriage el Signet rings. Marble olooks. Wedding rings, Chronom. Keeper* Thermometer*, Albert chains. Barometer*,
      665 words