The Straits Times, 24 August 1883

Total Pages: 4
1 4 The Straits Times
  • 17 1 The Straits Times VOI. XXIV. NEW BBBIES, SINGAPORE, FRIDAY. 24th AUGUST, 1883 [DAILY ISSUE, j No. 15,088
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 516 1 ♦tram *nip (f omvanirs. LAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANT. Office Oollyer Quay. Godowns New Harbour. MAIL I LIKES. TilE uridernoted sre the dates on wmcn npany'B Mail Steamers may be ci puoted to arrive at Singapore during the Homeward. Friday Thursday Btl Friday 21st Mh October. 6th Oct. ;mh
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    • 692 1 £>tram *btp Companies. THK MKSSAGF.RIES MARITIMES COMPANY. The following are the date* on which the steamer* of the Messageries Maritime* may be expected to arrive here during the -urrent y<*r:— OCTWARP. HOMIWABD. Thursday li'th Augt. Thursday lfith Augt. '2nd Sept. 80th l«th ISth Sept. SOth 27th Monday l«h Oct. Monday
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    • 752 1 £>tram »i)tp Companies. DE NFDERLANDBCH-INDIPCHE STOOMVAART MAATSOHAPPIJ. Under Contracts with the Netherlands, Indian GovernmenU.) Head Officb, 13 Austin Friars, London, E. 0. Head Agency Batavia. The following are the date* on which the Company's Steamers running in con■vvtion with the mail steamer* of the P. A O. 8. N. Coy.,
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    • 781 1 j&tratn »W companies. N.B.— The steamer does tbe voyaga in one month via Priaman, Ajerbangi*. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Bingkel, Goenoeng-Bitoelie Troemon, Tampattoean, Analaboe, Rega* and Patti and back from Acheen via Analaboe, Goenoeng-Sitoelie, Singkel, Baro* Ac., for Padane. On another month via Priaman, Aierbangis. Natal, Siboga, Baros, Singkel, Goenoeng Sitoelie,
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    • 552 1 fnsuranrr. I JAVA BEA AND FIRE INBURANOV COMPANY Head Officb, Batavia. Thi undersigned, AgenU for the above Company, are prepared to take risks upon cargo by steamer or sailing vessel on the customary term*. 331 o/o discount allowed on all risk* f c oasti voyages, and 15 o/o on all
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    • 624 1 fnsuranrr. THE HONGKONG FTRE INBURANOI COMPANY LIMITED Oapitai. $2,000,000 Paid-up 400,000 Reserve Fund 664,202 General Managers. Me««rs Jardine Matheson A 00. Hongkong. Consulting Committee. A. Andre, E»q. Ikaan. M.lnham, Co.) I E. Sf™** •> iyi—m. Hollld«T,Wla« Co. A. T. M»n,r»r, (M«Mn.l>oiirl*«.TApraik*Co. 7 i^ iw il (Bonno CompuT Ltd.) J. J.
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    • 542 1 fnsttiranrr. LANCASHIRE IRSUHANCH OOMPAKY. Oamtai C 8,000,000. OFFICBBOFTHB CX)MPA»Y. WANCHBBTER—Krohang* Btr*et Liverpool— 4, Manoheator Building*. BIRMINOHAM— Ch*TTT B«Pe«*. Londoh— l4, King #nii*ai Btr*»t. 1. 0. Glasgow— 183, We*t George Btr«»it. Bristol— Corn Btreet Leeds— l 2, East Parade. Newcastle— 40, Moaley Street. Dublin— 9, Low 8aokvill« Strwt CHAIRMAN IN MAJTOHISTBE.
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  • Domestic Occurrences.
    • 27 2 At Graxes-nd, on the 16th July, Bo-B-mt Bishop, agai 39 years, late of Sin. K ipure and Jipan. <_ bit la and Japan pa* pers please copy.
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  • 172 2 S TR AITS TIMES FRIDAY, _4th AUG., ISH.i. [_TMI H-.-X-R QUOTATIONS. Singapore, _ith <iooust. 1843. G»u>bier 7.1-4. Black Pepper 16.50. White Pupper, fair quality. 26. Pa_o Fl.,ur, 6_r 2.70 Pearl Sago 3. r5. Coffee. Honthyn<- 12.75. T-pioca, small Flake 3 40. 1 Tin 29.75. 40s. Miile twist •ii lbs. ShirtiDgs
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  • 47 2 TO-MORROW. For per Hongkong. Arr ttoon (p.- ir, 10 a.m Bangkok. il.-.- u h,i, It a.m. 111. 1 p.m. I Ltbumo and Kudat, Bonw, 6 p.m. Sundat. Sounbnya, Bally and Macassar, Hye Ltong. Noon. Monday. Deli, Qanymtdt, 1 p.m. Tuesday. i Sarawak Rmtt, 11 a.m.
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  • 55 2 (For Slrtits Times./ Pakmaui-.nt. London, fird Aug.—T\\e Bill for Scotch Local self Government has been thrown out on _nd reading by the House of Lords. Francs. The North German Gazette" publishe an article alluding to French attacks on Germany, and denouncing France as the sole di-turl> r of
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 38 2 The Russian ironclad turret-ship Mmm, with a scientific expedition on board, is expected here shortly. The Mmm will eventually relieve the ironclad Duke of Edinburgh as flagship of the Russian squadron on the China and Jap in station.
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  • 45 2 We learn that, inasmuch as many members of the Debating Society will be un- able to attend the meeting called for this j evening, it has been decided to hold it to-morrow evening, the 25th instant, at 9p. m., in the Masonic Hall, Hill Street.
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  • 55 2 The French transport Vinhlong, Captain Douzans, from Toulon, arrived alongside the Borneo Co.'s wharf this morning. 'Die Vinhlong is one of the latest additions to the navy of France, and is a vessel of 6,000 tons. She carries a crew of 314 men, aud has on board 522 Government passengers
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  • 114 2 The senior unofficial M. L C. has written to correct the statement in our Summary yesterday that the Pilot Fish >vas bought without tbe consent of the Legislative Council, informing us that the unofficial members advised her purchase at i $5,000, instead of chartering a steamer j for four months
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  • 108 2 Tut I". S. Steam corvette Juanita.Commander Harrington, 1,900 tons, 250 men, 7 guns, arrived in Fenang on Monday afternoon the 20th August, from Rangoon on her way to China. On com. anchor she saluted the shore, which was returned next morning early by a detachment of Police under Mr. Xewland.
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  • 106 2 The deaths from cholera in Egypt reported up to July 25th numbered, at Cairo, 1,800, out of total population of 369,000 at Dauiietta, 1,800, out of 34,000 at Mansourah, 1,000, onl 0f27,000 at Shibin-el-Kum, 402, out of iti.OOO \at Saraannoud, 317, out of 12,000; at Ohizeh, 'JSO, out of ll.iHXi.
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  • 106 2 The Turkestan Gazette states, says the i Englishman, that the Russian Government is about to construct a telegraph line to Bokhara. The extension of this line along the Oxus to Afghanistan and through that country to Feshawur would not present any great difficulties if the Russian and Indian Governments thought
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  • 354 2 A CO9BIDEB-BLE amount of correspondence, says the Englishman, has lately passed between the Government of India, the Secretary of State, the British Consul at j Alexandria, and the British delegate at the International Quarantine Board in Egypt, on the subject of the quarantine to be imposed on pilgrims and pilgrim
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  • 635 2 The Consul at Zanzibar has forwarded to India news regarding the expedition sent by the Geographical Society under J. Thornton into Central Africa. He reports he has received letters from Thomson from which it appears that it lift Taveta on the 19th April, and, skirting tin- voutrltKi base of Kilimaiijar
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  • 249 2 r A project is before tie Gevernment of India for no less ascheme khan arailwuv all the way from Quetta to Kandahar, Herat and Sarrakhs, thence across Northern Per. sia and Asia Minor to tile shores of the Bosphorus. This gigantic undertaking has been projected by some English gentlemen of
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  • 155 2 The following is the list of passengers per P. O. Co.'s mail steamer Teheran, which arrived from London yesterday and left this morning for Hongkong and Shanghai: For Singapore From I, .nl.n Mr. O, D Brigvs, Mr. David Me re.ath. Miss J. E. j Sweet, Mr. Xtvier. Mr. K. Nelson,
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  • 137 2 The opposition to the Ilbert Bill giving Native judges in India jurisdiction over j Europeans continues unabated, and its strength is thown by the following facts. At a special general meeting held in Cal- cutta on the 6th August of The European and Anglo-Indian Defence Association, which has been formed
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  • 275 2 Or the war in the Soudan some information is given by a correspondent of the Daily Neves: The latest authentic news is that the Mahdi is still at II Obeid, or Lobeid as it is called by wty of abbreviation, and at the head of a large number of the
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  • 518 2 Telegraphic Sum mar y. Thb following telegrams are from the Englishman London, 7th August. Mr. Gladstone, replying to a question in the Hume of Commons last night, said that thetviewi of Her Majesty's Government resMjat. E^yi't remain unchanged. The deUippcasioneil by tin- cholera in the reornt) tion of the administration
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 848 2 OPITM FARM OF NORTH BORNEO YEAR 1884. Tin tzrlutws right of Tmportinq and setting Opium fur eonsutn)-'- nin Ike Territory of North Bomen, and of selling and manu factoring Chandu It is hereby notified that Tenders for the above Farm will be received at Sandakan op to the 80th day
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    • 781 2 9.fcbrrtiBf_unlft» HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. PAID-UP CA PITAI, 15,000.000 RESERVE FIND $2,500,000 CODBTO? DIRFCTORB: Chairman Wm Reinkrs, Esq. Deputy Chairman— W. S. YoUNO. Esq. H. L, Dairy mple, Esq. I A. M elver, Esq. H. Hoppius. Esq. I F. D. Sassoon, Esq. Hon. F. B. Johnson. !M. E. Sassoon,
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    • 880 2 -TOttifsrirrrts. no ncp P. A O. S. N. i OMfANY. Thb attention of intending passengers from the Bt',iitu is ".quested to the sd. vnntagpf offered ny this Comp-ny nt the present time, inasmuch hr they an oi portunity of landing Ht Marseilles should quarantine he at nndoned or dimi
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    • 457 2 9J US. THE In thk Court or the i-tTKAI IK NTS. SKTTLtMK.NT or SINGAPORE In tbe matter of Teo Gwan Tt residing »t No. 13 Market biug-tpore, Merch-mt, carrying on busim us utider the hop< Qj.ii," a b.inkru t Whereas ur.der v brjikruptcy petition pri'Hfiit-d to this Court
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 44 2 WEATHEE EEPOET. KaAdang Jforiow Hospital, 23rd August, 1883. »».m. 3p.m. »p.m. Ktmkli. Hv. ni. Wmk. 8M W 788 840 Tarns. StO 83 4 80 0 Moiulugot.rDir.dfW W. 8. W. aj.uiKht Mai. Temp. U <>mli, (S otou. T«r. r»d. Th.r _fciu _ii in M hour*
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  • 5005 3 SH ORTHAND REPORT OF THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. Fbiday, 17th Acocst, Phksknt. bief Justice, u'ble the Ac i my General, the i .r.r. tbe Acting Audi" il Engineer. J. lirabam. nH. R. H T. S. Thouid >n. In th- ibsi til- Ei -ney tbe ir the Chief Justice presided The minut.s
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    • 155 3 Flaq Vbol'i Nin. amd S CuTim. Fboh. Sailed. Connm. Q B"O- lag. S3 Sh.'rard Osborn Brit, itr., 876 Wor»Uy Cruiae E.E.A. 4C.T. C*. 23 Khalif Brit. atr. 1 49 1 Henry Cardiff July 1« Borneo Coy. Ltd. 24 Itlade Luzon Spa. str. 2&W> Mendezona Manila Auk. 19E. 4 H.
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    • 93 3 Dats. Vmul's Name. luf- 23 Hongkong \U Marie Alfrod 14 Japan 84 Hecuba 24 j McAlitter 24 i Louiu III 24 Japan 24 Atjeh 24 Lome 24 Anerley 14 Teheran 24 Meinani Flau A. Rio. Captain. Brit, ttr- Welner Fch. bq. Bregeon Brit. »tr. Wood* Brit. »tp. WhiU Brit.
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    • 760 3 Captains Mid AMajtajKesseb are requested to commuaicaU with this oOoe Nfardiaa; aa; error or oatiasioa mjfc* abort Sniping in th« harbour. Vissil'h Xmi. Capiaix. and Abkitid Fbom. Rio- f Men-of-war Champion H.M. itr 8380 Aug. 8 BataTia Vinhloag Douiani Feb. tra.6000 Aug. M Toulon Steamers Leila
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 87 3 •Hotutf* FOR SALK. Am elegant Madras built Dog-cart, in capital older. A powerful grey Australian horse, well bred and h mdsome, goea in single harness and saddle. A set of harness. Tbe property of G. Hkodino, Esq. POWELL A Co., Auctioneers. Singapore, 27ih July, 1883. to 27th Aug. "dTrTgriffith Photoobaphbr
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    • 376 3 OMPANT. Thb steamers of the Com oany leaving England during AugnsS will be Patroclus" Capt. Brown, 2nd Augnat. "Nestor" Kish, 11th AchilW Ander-on, 16th "Sarpedon" Ward, 2^nd "Ajax" Kidd, 31st W. MANSFIELD A 00. Agents O. S. a Co. "i^T" 1 W i°fn IN THE GOOD 1 ov JAMES MACDONALD,—
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    • 311 3 as Blanch a Houai. with inmed try; in thorongh repair and newly d U'd. Large garden and tonnia law trances from the Orchard and S Roads. Apply to RODTK A DAVIDSON, Solicit Singapore, 3rd k igt.. 1888. NOTIOB. Thk oldest and well known Carriage KnJ'dina Establishment of thej^^^^H O. II
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 678 4 ifltsrfllanroua. \TZ BROTHERB. APOLLINARTB WATER, Tb« Natural Soda Water. Tke qneen of table waters." British Medical Journal. APOLLINARIS WATER. ■V Supplied continuously to the Table of H. B. H. THE PRINCE OF WALES daring tbe last Ive years. APOLLINARIS, THE NATUBAL SODA WATER. Far superior to manufactured aerated waters. Medical
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    • 695 4 *torr* ani iHrrrbanUtsr. LITTLE 00. BAFFLES PLACE, Singapore. j WINT? AND SPTRIT MERCHANTS. Importers of Provisions, Groceries, Oilmam Stores. Cigars, Tobacco, Hardware. Glassware, Lamps. Saddlery and Harness, Crockery, I Electro Plated Ware. Jewellery, Stationery, Perfumery. Fancy Goods, Arms and Am- I munition. Ladies and Gentlemen's outfit- ters. Watch and Clock
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    • 1018 4 sorts. TfTB TANTONG PAGAB DOOT COM PANY LTMITBD. The work* of the Company are situated kt Tanjong Pagar, within one mile of the town of Singapore, and comprise the folI >wing establishments, viz Wharf.— Affording berthagefor twenty rebels nt one time with sufficient water kl >ng*ide for vessels of tbe
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    • 967 4 fiorfc. refitting and coaling ot steamers, a'so Shear* o->Tinlpre for ♦aking out masts. Boiler* tc Further information may b« had at the OnW of Messrs. Pa*e.v«on, Himons A Co., "cn-ra! Agent*, who forward Telegram* to tbe Dook ♦>««>. OHARLES WIBHART. M«.n*ger. Singapore Ist July 1875. (n. c.) #lotlff9. THE NORTH-CHIN
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    • 763 4 fiottrrs. Form of Application for Bkare*. To the Dire-tor* of the North-China Insurance Company, Limited. Gentlemen. hereby request that you will allot to shares in the above named Company, and hereby I agree to acept the same or any smaller number that may be allotted to upon the terms of
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    • 796 4 fiotitti. O. ?3 Cou.yfr Quay, ArwotPOßß. (or.posice tbe Plnh 1 Drapers. Milliner*. «iIV Mercer*. H«her Ushers, Glover*, «*d General Outfitters. aE'TLrM'N's Outfit' ing Owpaitmunt. Every description of clothing made on the shortest notice by an experienced Cutter, fit guaranteed, a good assortment of tweed*, worsted*, serges, brosdeloths for (election. Calf
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    • 672 4 .7. M Chronometer, Watch anti Olocf Maker, and Optician. Flint Street. Has always on hand a well selected If Jewellery, Watches, Olook*. Nan' onstrnmente, Ac, comprising Bracelets, Ladies' gold watches Brooche*, Oents' dit' Earring*, Silver watckea, Lockets. American oloeks Ladies' rings, Carriage clocks, Signet rings, Marble dock*, Wedding ring*. Chronometer.,
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